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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploration interactive, incrémentale et multi-niveau de larges collections d'images / Interactive, incremental and multi-level exploration of large collections of images

Rayar, Frédéric 22 November 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés et discutés dans cette thèse s’intéressent aux grandes collections d’images numériques. Plus particulièrement, nous cherchons à donner à un utilisateur la possibilité d’explorer ces collections d’images, soit dans le but d’en extraire de l’information et de la connaissance, soit de permettre une certaine sérendipité dans l’exploration. Ainsi, cette problématique est abordée du point de vue de l’analyse et l’exploration interactive des données. Nous tirons profit du paradigme de navigation par similarité et visons à respecter simultanément les trois contraintes suivantes : (i) traiter de grandes collections d’images, (ii) traiter des collections dont le nombre d’images ne cesse de croître au cours du temps et (iii) donner des moyens d’explorer interactivement des collections d’images. Pour ce faire, nous proposons d’effectuer une étude conjointe de l’indexation et de la visualisation de grandes collections d’images qui s’agrandissent au cours du temps. / The research work that is presented and discussed in this thesis focuses on large and evergrowing image collections. More specifically, we aim at providing one the possibility to explore such image collections, either to extract some kind of information and knowledge, or to wander in the collections. This thesis addresses this issue from the perspective of Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics. We take advantage of the similarity-based image collection browsing paradigm and aim at meeting simultaneously the three following constraints: (i) handling large image collections, up to millions of images, (ii) handling dynamic image collections, to deal with ever-growing image collections, and (iii) providing interactive means to explore image collections. To do so, we jointly study the indexing and the interactive visualisation of large and ever-growing image collections.

Colour Response in Drying of Nordic Hardwoods

Stenudd, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
Colour and appearance of hardwood are of great importance for the interiorand furniture industry. The widespread use of transparent surface treatmentand a fashion that prescribe light colour on many species, means that deviationfrom the ideal have considerable impact on the industrial operations. Kilndrying is generally regarded as the process that has the greatest impact on thecolour of Nordic hardwood species. The lack of satisfactory explanation modelsfor many types of discoloration, however, complicates the control of the dryingprocess.This thesis is an attempt to increase the knowledge of which factors thatcontrol the appearance of some commonly found discolorations associated withdrying of beech, birch and oak. The main focus is on convection drying but alsothe influence of timber storage, pre-steaming and press drying has beeninvestigated for individual species. The studies have been conducted ascomparative studies based on design of experiments in which the colour wasdetermined using a colorimeter.Results show that reddish and dark discoloration of beech and birch duringconvective drying is mainly dependent on the temperature and time of exposurewhen the local moisture content exceeds the fibre saturation point. Theconversion of naturally occurring substances in birch into coloured compoundsis not due to active precursors created at high moisture content levels duringthe subsequent drying at low moisture content levels. Interior grey stain inbeech is caused by slow initial drying at low temperatures. Log storage in coldwinter and spring climate does not cause discoloration in beech. Birch becomeslighter when press-dried at high temperatures, resulting in a colour comparableto that of traditionally kiln dried wood. Steaming of oak before kiln dryingreduce the presence of brown discoloration, a general darkening of the woodoccurs at temperatures above 50°C.

Differences in Performance Between Minimally Brain-Injured and Normal Children as Measured by the "Birch-Belmont Auditory-Visual Integration Test"

Glass, Daniel J. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study was concerned involved the identification of minimally brain-injured children. The performance on the "Birch-Belmont Auditory-Visual Integration Test" by twenty-five minimally brain-injured students was compared to the performance of twenty-five non-brain-injured children. It was found that when ages and I.Q. scores were not significantly different, and when sexes were approximately proportionate, the M.B.I. children scored significantly lower than did the non-brain-injured children. While it was indicated that the minimally brain-injured children perform less adequately on auditory-visual integration, no comparison of intrasensory and intersensory functioning was made. It was suggested that the test not be employed for sole determination of minimal brain injury, but that it may be used as a screening device quite appropriately.

Production et caractérisation de l'allergène recombinant Bet v 1 utilisé à des fins d'immunothérapie allergénique / PRODUCTION & CHARACTERIZATION OF Bet v 1 RECOMBINANT ALLERGEN INTENDED FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY

Nony, Emmanuel 09 January 2015 (has links)
L'allergie respiratoire au pollen de bouleau affecte un nombre important de personnes dans le monde. Il est estimé que 100 millions d'individus sont sensibilisés à l'allergène majeur du pollen de bouleau nommé Bet v 1. L’immunothérapie allergénique, basée sur l'administration répétée de l'allergène incriminé, permet la rééducation du système immunitaire du patient d’un profil TH2 vers un profil TH1/Treg et à terme la diminution des symptômes allergiques. Ces travaux de thèse avaient donc pour finalité de produire et de caractériser l'allergène recombinant Bet v 1, à des fins d’immunothérapie allergénique. Dans ce cadre, différentes méthodes analytiques ont été développées et appliquées afin d'optimiser le procédé de production via l'élimination de différentes impuretés liées au produit ou au procédé de production et de documenter la structure de l’allergène. En particulier, l'utilisation de la spectrométrie de masse a permis la détermination de la masse exacte de l'allergène ainsi que la vérification complète de sa séquence en acides aminés. Les travaux en spectrométrie de masse ont également contribué aux détections et identifications de diverses impuretés et produits de dégradations et ont ainsi conduit à plusieurs optimisations du procédé industriel de production de l'allergène recombinant. Les activités immunologiques de certains produits de dégradations ont également été investiguées. La structure tertiaire (spatiale) de l'allergène a été déterminée par diffraction aux rayons X. Enfin, ces travaux ont permis de documenter la qualité de l'allergène recombinant rBet v 1 afin i) de l'établir comme substance de référence pour la Pharmacopée Européenne et ii) de procéder à une étude clinique d’immunothérapie allergénique de phase II auprès de 483 patients allergiques au pollen de bouleau. / Respiratory allergy to birch pollen affects a large number of people in the world. It is estimated that 100 million people are sensitized to the major allergen from birch pollen, namely Bet v 1. Allergen immunotherapy, based on the repeated administration of the allergen of interest, allows the modification of the patient's immune response from a TH2 to a TH1/Treg pattern and thus the reduction of allergic symptoms. This study was therefore aimed to produce and characterize the recombinant Bet v 1 (rBet v 1) allergen, for immunotherapy purpose.In this context, various analytical methods have been developed and applied in order to optimize the production of rBet v 1 via the reduction of process or product-related impurities as well as to document the quality of the purified allergen. In particular, the use of mass spectrometry has allowed the determination of the exact mass of the intact allergen and the complete verification of its amino acid sequence. Mass spectrometry data have also contributed to the detection and identification of impurities and degradation products and have therefore led to several optimizations of the industrial process for the production of the recombinant allergen. Immunological activities of certain degradation products were also investigated and the allergen tertiary structure was determined by X-ray diffraction. Finally, this study was decisive in order i) to establish rBet v 1 as a chemical reference substance for the European Pharmacopoeia as well as ii) to perform a phase II clinical study conducted in 483 patients with birch pollen-induced rhinoconjunctivitis.

Cellulose degradation in pulp fibers studied as changes in molar mass distributions

Berggren, Rickard January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) of woodpolymers dissolved in lithium chloride/N,N-dimethylacetamide(LiCl/DMAc) has been used to characterize the molar massdistributions (MMD) of wood polymers in pulp fibers afterchemical degradation. Characterization of birch kraft pulps subjected to ozonedegradation and acid hydrolysis, respectively, rendereddifferent changes in the MMD. Ozone degradation resulted inlarge redistributions of the original MMD, observed as thedevelopment of a distinct fraction of cellulose withintermediate molar mass. Acid hydrolysis resulted in minorchanges of the original MMD compared to ozonation. Fiberssubjected to acid hydrolysis were considerably weaker thanozonated fibers. These results indicated that there aredifferences in how the two chemicals degrade the fiber. The solubility of softwood kraft pulp fibers was enhanced byderivatization of the fiber polymers with ethyl-isocyanateduring simultaneous dissolution in LiCl/DMAc. Thederivatization made it possible to achieve reliable estimationsof the MMD, and hence molar masses, of softwood kraft pulps.The derivatization procedure made it possible to dissolve 90 %of softwood kraft pulps with kappa numbers over 50. Severe alkaline degradation of birch and Norway spruce woodchips was studied both by varying the pulping time and byvarying the initial alkali concentration. Differences werefound in the MMD of the two fiber types, and the alkalinedegradation was found to affect polymers in the entire MMD. Multi-angular laser light scattering (MALLS) was used as adetection technique with SEC on cellulosic samples. The MMD andaverage molar masses obtained through directstandardcalibration with commercial standards were compared with MMDand molar masses as obtained by MALLS-detection. Largediscrepancies were found, and two methods of correcting forthese discrepancies were developed. Theoretical simulations of polymer degradation wereperformed. Random, or homogeneous degradation was used as amodel for alkaline cellulose chain scission, and a resemblancewith experimental data was observed. End-wise depolymerizationof cellulose was also simulated and the results are discussedin the light of experimentally observed MMD. <b>Keywords:</b>cellulose, kraft pulp, birch, spruce,ozonation, acid hydrolysis, degradation, MMD, sizeexclusionchromatography, light scattering, molar mass, chainscission

Cellulose degradation in pulp fibers studied as changes in molar mass distributions

Berggren, Rickard January 2003 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) of woodpolymers dissolved in lithium chloride/N,N-dimethylacetamide(LiCl/DMAc) has been used to characterize the molar massdistributions (MMD) of wood polymers in pulp fibers afterchemical degradation.</p><p>Characterization of birch kraft pulps subjected to ozonedegradation and acid hydrolysis, respectively, rendereddifferent changes in the MMD. Ozone degradation resulted inlarge redistributions of the original MMD, observed as thedevelopment of a distinct fraction of cellulose withintermediate molar mass. Acid hydrolysis resulted in minorchanges of the original MMD compared to ozonation. Fiberssubjected to acid hydrolysis were considerably weaker thanozonated fibers. These results indicated that there aredifferences in how the two chemicals degrade the fiber.</p><p>The solubility of softwood kraft pulp fibers was enhanced byderivatization of the fiber polymers with ethyl-isocyanateduring simultaneous dissolution in LiCl/DMAc. Thederivatization made it possible to achieve reliable estimationsof the MMD, and hence molar masses, of softwood kraft pulps.The derivatization procedure made it possible to dissolve 90 %of softwood kraft pulps with kappa numbers over 50.</p><p>Severe alkaline degradation of birch and Norway spruce woodchips was studied both by varying the pulping time and byvarying the initial alkali concentration. Differences werefound in the MMD of the two fiber types, and the alkalinedegradation was found to affect polymers in the entire MMD.</p><p>Multi-angular laser light scattering (MALLS) was used as adetection technique with SEC on cellulosic samples. The MMD andaverage molar masses obtained through directstandardcalibration with commercial standards were compared with MMDand molar masses as obtained by MALLS-detection. Largediscrepancies were found, and two methods of correcting forthese discrepancies were developed.</p><p>Theoretical simulations of polymer degradation wereperformed. Random, or homogeneous degradation was used as amodel for alkaline cellulose chain scission, and a resemblancewith experimental data was observed. End-wise depolymerizationof cellulose was also simulated and the results are discussedin the light of experimentally observed MMD.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>cellulose, kraft pulp, birch, spruce,ozonation, acid hydrolysis, degradation, MMD, sizeexclusionchromatography, light scattering, molar mass, chainscission</p>

Standortsökologische Baumarteneffekte in einem Mischbestand aus Gemeiner Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) und Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth) im Erzgebirge / Site ecological effects of trees in a mixed stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) in the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany)

Schua, Karoline 16 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In einem für das Erzgebirge (Sachsen, Südostdeutschland) typischen Wirtschaftswald aus ca. 60-jähriger Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.), in den Sand-Birken (Betula pendula Roth) eingemischt sind, sollte die Wirkung der Baumartenmischung auf den Oberbodenzustand erfasst und bewertet werden. Die Befunde stammen aus einem Bestand, der sowohl hinsichtlich der Altersstruktur, des Bodentyps als auch der Stoffeinträge und der Kalkung für das Erzgebirge repräsentativ ist. Analysiert wurden photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung, Bodenvegetation, Streumenge und -verteilung, Dynamik der Streuzersetzung, Humuskörpermorphologie sowie chemische und mikrobiologische Oberbodeneigenschaften. Dabei fand ein einzelbaumweiser Ansatz in Kopplung mit Transekten Anwendung. Es wurden eindeutige Effekte durch einzelbaumweise eingemischte Birken nachgewiesen. Mit Hilfe des Einzelbaumansatzes und davon ausgehenden Transekten wurden reine Fichtenbereiche und Mischungsbereiche untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden für die Auswertung drei Straten gebildet. Die Zuordnung dafür war die folgende: Probepunkte unter der Birkenkrone ergaben das Birken-Stratum, Probepunkte unter der Fichte das Fichten-Stratum und Probepunkte im Übergangsbereich zwischen Birke und Fichte das Fichten-Birken-Stratum. Im Bereich der Birkenkronen waren überwiegend höhere Strahlungswerte festzustellen als unter den Fichtenkronen. Gezeigt wurde aber auch, dass die höheren Strahlungswerte, die unter den Birkenkronen auftraten, auch in lichteren bzw. lückigeren Partien des reinen Fichtenbestandes zu finden waren. Die Sippenanzahl der Bodenvegetation erhöhte sich sowohl unter reiner Fichte als auch in Mischung von Fichte und Birke vor allem mit zunehmender Annäherung zum Kronenrand. Insgesamt waren aber bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke ähnlich hohe Sippenanzahlen wie im reinen Fichtenbereich zu finden. Allerdings gab es Sippen, die nur auf einer der beiden Flächen auftraten. Es waren höhere Deckungsgrade bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke im Vergleich zur reinen Fichte sichtbar. Die Befunde der Streusammler ließen erkennen, dass in einer Entfernung von > 16 m vom Birkenstamm kaum noch Birkenstreu auftrat. Nennenswerte Trockenflussdichten wurden nur in einem Radius von 10 m festgestellt. In diesem Bereich ist ein Effekt der Birkenstreu auf die Oberbodeneigenschaften zu erwarten. Die Gesamttrockenmasse einer relativ vitalen Birke mit rund 38 cm Brusthöhendurchmesser betrug im Untersu-chungsjahr rund 8 kg. Die Modellierung unter Hinzunahme weniger vitaler Birken reduzierte die Gesamttrockenmasse auf 6,3 kg. Der Massenverlust der Birkenblätter in den Litter-Bags war in allen drei Straten bei der Mischung der Birkenblätter mit Fichtennadeln im Verhältnis 5:1 am größten. Bei den Fichtennadeln zeigten sich die höchsten Trockenmassenverluste in den reinen Nadel-Litter-Bags. Die Litter-Bags unter der Birkenkrone wiesen für alle Varianten die beste Zersetzung der Birkenblätter und der Fichtennadeln auf. Die C/N-Verhältnisse der Streu ließen keine eindeutigen positiven Effekte der Birkenkrone erkennen. Sie waren aber bei den Birkenblättern in allen Varianten, in allen Straten und zu allen Terminen deutlich enger als die der Fichtennadeln. Desweiteren war der Abfall der C/N-Kurven bei den Birkenblättern steiler als bei den Fichtennadeln. Die Mächtigkeit des Of-Horizontes wies sowohl in der Mischsituation als auch in der reinen Fichtenfläche deutlichere räumliche Muster auf als im Oh-Horizont. Im Of waren dadurch deutliche, vom Einzelbaum abhängige, Muster zu erkennen. Die höchsten Mächtigkeiten traten in Stammnähe auf. Die größten Gesamtmächtigkeiten existierten unter reiner Fichte. Beim Vergleich der Mächtigkeiten in den Straten war in der Of-Lage vor allem das Birken-Stratum signifikant verschieden vom Fichten-Stratum. Für die Oh-Mächtigkeit und somit auch die Gesamtmächtigkeit zeigte zusätzlich das Fichten-Birken-Stratum signifikante Unterschiede im Vergleich zum Birken-Stratum. Als Humusform trat der rohhumusartige Moder auf. Dabei überwog im Fichtenstratum der feinhumusreiche rohhumusartige Moder, im Fichten-Birken-Stratum und im Birken-Stratum dagegen der feinhumusarme rohhumusartige Moder. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Straten konnten in der Of-Lage für den pH-Wert, Cges-Vorrat, Ccarbonat-Gehalt, Nges-Gehalt, Nges-Vorrat, und den metabolischen Quotienten erfasst werden. In der Oh-Lage waren es die nachstehenden Oberbo-deneigenschaften: Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Nmik-Gehalt, Cmik/Nmik-Verhältnis, Basalatmungsaktivität, sowie der metabolische Quotient, die sich zwischen den Straten signifikant unterschieden. Im A-Horizont zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Straten beim Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Ccabonat-Gehalt, Corg-Gehalt sowie dem Nges-Vorrat. Mit Hilfe der multivariaten Ordination (mit verschiedenen Elementgehalten und pH-Werten) ist die Stratenbildung erneut bestätigt worden. Dabei hatten die Elemente C, Mg, Ca und N den größten Einfluss. Die Auswertung der Daten der effektiven Kationenaustauschkapazität ließ vor allem für den A-Horizont Unterschiede zwischen den Straten erkennen. Dabei war die Akeff im Fichtenstratum am kleinsten und der prozentuale Anteil der sauren Kationen an der Akeff am größten. Die höchste Akeff besaß das Birken-Stratum. Eine Reihe der untersuchten Größen ließen eindeutige Baumarteneffekte erkennen. Alles in allem wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Effekte in dem Bereich zu finden sind, der durch die Laubstreu der Birken geprägt ist. Bei den Oberbodeneigenschaften wurden keine Veränderungen an Punkten, die mehr als 10 m vom Birkenstamm entfernt waren, festgestellt. Aus den Ergebnissen war abzuleiten, dass für ähnliche Bedingungen wie im Untersuchungsbestand ein Mischungsanteil der Birke von mindestens 10 % zu empfehlen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind aber durch zukünftige Forschung noch zu verifizieren. Dafür sollten vor allem die Produktionsziele und die waldbaulichen Behandlungskonzepte für Mischbestände aus Fichte und Birke in Deutschland erneut konkretisiert werden. Um dafür eindeutige ökologische und ökonomische Kriterien festlegen zu können, wird eine Zusammenführung wichtiger Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen forstlichen Forschungsbereichen (z. B. Standortskunde, Vegetationskunde, Waldwachstumskunde, Ökonomie, Zoologie, Waldbau) empfohlen. / In a typical managed forest of the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany), consisting of 60 years old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) admixed with silver birches (Betula pendula Roth) the impact of the admixture on topsoil properties was quantified and evaluated. This study was conducted in a stand which is representative for the Ore Mountains regarding the soil type, deposition and liming. Photosynthetic active radiation, the layer of herbs and mosses, the mass and distribution of the litter fall, the dynamics of litter decom-position, and morphology of the humus layer as well as the chemical and microbiological topsoil properties were all analyzed. The study was based on a single-tree-approach where samples were collected along transects from selected sample trees of birch and spruce. Transects were established within areas of pure spruce as well as within areas of spruce and birch mixture. Three different strata were defined based on the situation of the examined points in relation to the crowns of birch and spruce: the birch stratum, the spruce stratum and the spruce-birch stratum with measurements from underneath the crowns of birches, spruces and the transition area between spruce and birch crowns, respectively. Higher photosynthetic active radiation values were detected in the area underneath the crowns of birch crowns in comparison with the area underneath the crowns of spruce. Higher values of photosynthetic active radiation were also registered within areas of light foliage and in gaps in the pure spruce stand. The number of ground vegetation species underneath pure spruce and in the mixture of spruce and birch was negatively correlated with the distance to the crown edge. But altogether the same number of ground vegetation species was found in the mixed stand and in the pure spruce stand. A few species were, however, specific for each stand type. A higher coverage of ground vegetation was found in the mixture of spruce and birch in comparison to the pure spruce. The results of the litter traps show marginal densities of birch leaves at a distance of more than 16 m from the birch stem. The majority of the dry flux density was found within a radius of 10 m around the birch stem. Within this area an effect of the birch litter on top soil properties was expected. The whole dry litter mass was measured in the study time of a relative vital birch with a diameter at breast high of ca. 38 cm and was ca. 8 kg. Modeling the amount of litter for birches with lower vitality indicated a dry litter mass of 6.3 kg. The mass lost of the birch leaves in the litter bags was in each stratum the highest at a ratio of 5 to 1 of birch leaves to spruce needles. The greatest loss of dry mass for spruce needles was registered in litter-bags with pure needles. The litter-bags under the birch crowns exhibited the best decomposition rate of birch leaves and spruce needles for all variants. The C/N-ratios of the litter showed no clear positive effects of the birch crown. But they were clearly smaller for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles in all variants, in each stratum and at all dates. Furthermore the C/N-curves drop away more for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles. The thickness of the Of-horizon in contrast to the Oh-horizon showed clear spatial patterns for the mixed situation and the pure spruce area. Thus in the Of-horizon a clear spatial pattern in connection to the single tree was apparent. The highest thickness was found close to the stem. The highest total thickness of the Of- and Oh-horizon was found underneath the pure spruce stand. When comparing the thickness of the humus layers between the stratums, significant differences where found for the Of-layer between the birch stratum and the spruce stratum. In addition, for the thickness of the Oh-layer as well as for the total thickness of all layers, significant differences were observed between the spruce-birch stratum and the birch stratum. The humus form was a mor-like moder. In the spruce stratum more fine-humus-rich variants of the mor-like moder was found, in the spruce-birch stratum and in the birch stratum it was more fine-humus-poor variants of the mor-like moder. Significant differences between the stratums in the Of-layer were found with respect to acidification, the pool of Ctot and Ntot, the content of Ccarbonat and Ntot and the metabolic quotient. For the Oh-layer significant differences between the stratums were found for the ratio of Corg and N, the content of Ctot and Nmic, the ratio of Cmic and Nmic, the basal respiration activity and the metabolic quotient. In the A-horizon significant differences between the stratums were found for the ration of Corg and N, the content of Ctot, Ccarbonat and Corg and the pool of Ntot. The results of multivariate ordination confirm the formation of stratums again. Thereby the contents of C, Mg, Ca and N had the greatest influence. The data analysis of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) showed differences between the stratums mainly for the A horizon. In the spruce stratum the ECEC was lowest and the percentage of acid cations at the ECEC was greatest. The highest ECEC was in the birch stratum. Different results showed clear tree effects. These were only found in areas, which are influenced by birch leaves. In this study, a minimum tree admixture of 10% was required before an impact on the ground conditions of the whole stand was observed. Therefore, based on the results of this study, an admixture of birch of 10% is recommended. These results however must be verified through future research. These findings can be used to assist in meeting the goals of silvicultural management for mixed spruce and birch forests in Germany. Definition of explicit ecological and economic criteria created from a combination of results from different forest research sectors (e. g. Site ecology, Vegetation science, Forest Growth, Economy, Zoology, Silviculture) is recommended.

Faisabilité du déroulage du bois assisté par infrarouge. / Feasibility of wood peeling assisted by infrared.

Dupleix, Anna 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le déroulage permet de transformer un billon en un ruban continu de bois vert (de 0.6 à plus de 3 mm d'épaisseur) appelé “placage”. La production de placages joue un rôle important dans l'industrie du bois car les placages servent de base d'un grand nombre de produits industriels (ex : Parallel Strand Lumbers (PSL), Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), contreplaqués, emballages légers, etc.) parmi les plus utilisés dans l'industrie du bois. Pour certaines essences, ce procédé exige un prétraitement, appelé « l'étuvage » qui consiste à chauffer au préalable le bois vert (saturé en eau) par immersion dans l'eau ou dans la vapeur d'eau chaude afin de lui conférer une déformabilité remarquable tout en diminuant les efforts de coupe. Cette pratique présente cependant de nombreux inconvénients industriels et environnementaux (fentes à cœur, faible rendement, dépense énergétique importante, pollution des eaux, fentes à cœur, traitement immobilisant des stocks de bois importants pour des longues périodes,…).L'objectif de cette étude est de développer une innovation majeure pour les industries du déroulage et du tranchage, visant à remplacer les pratiques d'étuvage par une technologie de chauffe embarquée sur les machines de production. La technologie de chauffe par rayonnement infrarouge a été retenue pour sa facilité de mise en place sur la machine (panneaux rayonnants peu encombrants) et sa rapidité à atteindre des températures source élevées pouvant ainsi suivre les cadences de déroulage rapides exigées par les industriels (de 1 à 5 m.s-1). Cette nouvelle technologie utilisant les infrarouges pour chauffer le bois vert avant le déroulage serait une innovation majeure pour les industries impliquées dans la fabrication du contreplaqué, LVL, etc.Pour ce faire, l'étude a été conduite en quatre temps:-Elaboration d'un modèle numérique permettant la simulation de la chauffe de bois ronds déroulé avec différents paramètres du bois (humidité, propriétés thermiques),-Caractérisations thermique et optique du bois vert (en termes de profondeur de pénétration et de capacité d'absorption des rayonnements infrarouge) pour alimenter le modèle,-Validation du modèle par des essais de déroulage avec chauffe embarquée.L'apport majeur de cette étude est d'avoir démontré que la pénétration des rayonnements infrarouge dans le bois se limite à quelques dizaines de micromètres. La propagation de la chaleur jusqu'au plan de coupe situé à quelques millimètres sous la surface s'effectue donc par conduction, mode de transfert de chaleur lent dans le cas du bois aux propriétés isolantes remarquables. La chauffe embarquée semble donc inadaptée face aux cadences de déroulage imposées par les industriels. L'utilisation d'une telle technologie dans le cas du tranchage reste à étudier et en particulier l'impact de l'absence d'étuvage par immersion sur la qualité des placages (couleur, état de surface). / In the wood-products industry ‘peeling' is the process of converting a log into a continuous thin ribbon of green wood (from 0.6 to more than 3 mm thickness) termed veneer. Veneers are mainly used for manufacturing light weight packaging and Engineer Wood Products (EWP) such as plywood, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) and Parallel Strand Lumbers (PSL). These three latter EWPs manufactured from veneers glued and pressed together, are amongst the most used wood products. That is the reason why the production of veneer plays an important role in the wood-products industry. For certain species, the peeling process requires the prior heating of round green-wood to temperatures ranging from 30 to 90 °C. This treatment is necessary to increase wood deformability, to reduce the severity of lathe checking in the veneers and to reduce cutting forces. It is usually done by immersion in hot water or by steam treatment. However it has many disadvantages amongst which are the duration of treatment (12 to 72 hours), the washing out of polyphenolic extractives - which causes water pollution and can affect wood's natural durability - low yield and energy losses.The goal of this PhD thesis was to develop a heating system embedded on the peeling lathe to circumvent many of these disadvantages. Infrared technology appears to be the most promising solution because of the ease of integration into the peeling process and of the power it offers, enabling the required heating temperatures to be achieved quickly and follow the highly demanding peeling speeds in use in the industry (from 1 to 5 m.s-1). This new technology, using radiant energy to heat green-wood prior to peeling, would be a major innovation for the industries involved in the production of plywood, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), etc.The plan to achieve this goal consisted of:- Creating a model of infrared heat transfer in green wood while peeling it, with the characteristics of wood (moisture content, thermal properties) being amongst the input variables,-Investigating the thermal and optical characteristics of green wood (in terms of penetration depth and infrared absorption by green wood) to feed the model,-Validating the model with experimental peeling tests assisted by an infrared heating system.One of the main outputs of this study was to demonstrate that the penetration depth of infrared radiation into green wood is limited to several tenths of micrometers. Heat transfer into green wood up to the cutting plane (located several millimeters underneath the surface) is by conduction, which is slow due to the insulating properties of wood. Heating green wood with infrared radiation is therefore unable to match the highly demanding peeling rates in use in the industry today. However, the use of an embedded heating system in the case of slicing and the potential impact on improving veneer quality (colour, surface quality) remain open for further research.

Subcutaneous Immunotherapy with a Depigmented Polymerized Birch Pollen Extract – A New Therapeutic Option for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

Novak, Natalija, Thaci, Diamant, Hoffmann, Matthias, Fölster-Holst, Regina, Biedermann, Thilo, Homey, Bernhard, Schäkel, Knut, Stefan, Josef A., Werfel, Thomas, Bieber, Thomas, Sager, Angelika, Zuberbier, Torsten January 2011 (has links)
Background: Birch pollen is an important outdoor allergen able to aggravate symptoms in atopic dermatitis (AD). Specific immunotherapy (SIT), an established procedure for allergic airway diseases, might also represent an attractive therapeutic option for the causal treatment of allergen-triggered cutaneous symptoms in these patients. Studies with house dust mite SIT have already shown beneficial effects in AD patients, whereas the safety and efficacy of SIT with birch pollen extract in AD patients have not been studied so far. The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time the safety and efficacy of SIT with a depigmented polymerized birch pollen extract in AD patients. Methods: Fifty-five adult patients with moderate-to-severe AD and clinically relevant sensitization to birch pollen received SIT for 12 weeks. SIT was continued during birch pollen season. The assessment of safety, the total SCORAD value, and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) were evaluated. Results: The median total SCORAD value was reduced by 34% (p < 0.001) during the course of treatment and the mean DLQI improved by 49% (p < 0.001) despite strong simultaneous birch pollen exposure. Eight patients (14.5%) developed systemic reactions and 19 patients (34.5%) developed local reactions which were of mild intensity in most cases. No patient discontinued the study prematurely due to adverse drug reactions. Coseasonal treatment was well tolerated. Conclusion: SIT with a depigmented polymerized birch pollen extract leads to significant improvement of the SCORAD value and the DLQI in patients suffering from moderate-to-severe AD sensitized to birch pollen. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Development of Advanced Numerical Tools for Aircraft Crash Analysis

Ding, Menglong 25 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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