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Efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas en la incorporación biológica de una plastia tendinosa en un túnel óseoRuiz Macarrilla, Leonardo 25 February 2011 (has links)
El objetivo nuestro proyecto de investigación es demostrar si la presencia de plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) autólogo, que aporta varios factores de crecimiento en proporciones fisiológicas, en la interfase injerto tendinoso-hueso modifica el proceso de reparación de los tejidos locales en nuestro modelo experimental.
Diseñamos un estudio de tipo experimental, longitudinal y prospectivo.
Diez conejos albinos de Nueva Zelanda son intervenidos en sus 2 extremidades traseras, en una se realiza la técnica Experimental aplicando PRP y la otra sirve de control, sin aplicar PRP . Una vez intervenidos, los animales son divididos en 2 grupos de 5 de forma aleatoria. Un grupo es sacrificado a la 2ª semana y el otro a la 4ª semana postintervención.
El área quirúrgica fue estudiada macroscópica, radiográfica, histológica e inmunohistoquímicamente.
El estudio macroscópico y radiográfico de las piezas muestra la presencia de un área de reacción ósea de mayor tamaño en la zona de entrada del tendón en el interior del túnel óseo en el grupo Experimental sacrificado a la 4ª sem. respecto al resto de grupos.
Microscópicamente, en ningún corte histológico, tanto de los grupos Control como Experimental, se observa la línea de separación basófila, denominada tidemark190 entre el fibrocartílago mineralizado y el no mineralizado. Si se evidenció la aparición de una mayor cantidad de los elementos tisulares fibrosos, cartilaginosos y osteoides, y un mayor grado de ordenación celular en el fibrocartílago y sustancia osteoide en los grupos Experimentales respecto a sus correspondientes grupos Control. Además se observa la aparición de zonas de anclaje hueso-tendón en dos extremidades del grupo Experimental sacrificado a la 4ª sem., no encontradas en ningún caso Control.
En el estudio inmunohistoquímico no apreciamos diferencias en el patrón de distribución del colágeno tipo II entre los distintos grupos, aunque si existe una mayor área de tinción de colágeno tipo II en los grupos Experimentales respecto a sus correspondientes grupos Control, ya que la cantidad de tejido fibrocartilaginoso, en sus variadas formas de presentación, también es mayor en los grupos que recibieron PRP.
El análisis de los resultados concluye que macroscópica, radiográfica y microscópicamente, este estudio demuestra que la administración de PRP como fuente de FC afecta al proceso de reparación del autoinjerto tendinoso dentro de un túnel óseo en nuestro modelo experimental. El PRP aceleró la curación, anticipando en el tiempo la aparición de elementos celulares y tisulares propios de fases posteriores del proceso de cicatrización, y además incrementó la cantidad éstos. / EFFECT OF PLATELET RICH PLASMA IN THE BIOLOGIC INCORPORATION OF A TENDON GRAFT IN A BONE TUNNEL
Objective: To study the effect of the platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the biological process of tendon healing inside a bone tunnel
Material y Methods:
We designed an experimental, longitudinal and prospective research study. Ten animals were operated on their back legs (one as Experimental group and the other as Control group). In the Experimental group the tendon of the internal gastrocnemius muscle was cut, infiltrated with PRP, placed in a tibial bone tunnel filled with PRP, and finally, fixed by a bioabsorbable screw. The same procedure was practiced in the Control group without the use of PRP. Five rabbits were sacrificed on the second week and five on the fourth week after surgery.
The legs were evaluated macroscopic, radiographic, histologic and immunohistochemically.
Results: The macroscopic and radiographic study of the pieces shows the presence of a larger bone reaction area in the entrance of the tendon within the bone tunnel in the Experimental group sacrificed on the fourth week compared to other groups. Microscopically, the "tidemark" isn’t observed between mineralized and unmineralized fibrocartilage in any group . The Experimental group presents a statistically significant greater amount of chondroid tissue, osteoid tissue and trabecular bone, both the second and fourth week. We observe continuity zones between tendinous fibers and bone in some cases of the Experimental group on the fourth week . Immunohistochemically, no appreciable differences in the distribution pattern of type II collagen between the groups could be seen, although there is a greater area of staining in the Experimental group compared to their corresponding Control group
The analysis of results and assessment of the comparison established between the research groups concludes that macroscopic, radiographic and microscopically, this study demonstrates that administration of PRP affects the repair process of tendon autograft in a bone tunnel in our experimental model. The PRP accelerated the healing time anticipating the emergence of cellular and tissue elements characteristic of later stages of the healing process, and also increased the amount of them.
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Efeitos de um extrato aquoso de buzhong yi qi wan (f?rmula magistral chinesa) na marca??o de constituintes sangu?neos com tecn?cio-99m, na morfologia e na fragilidade osm?tica de hem?cias de ratos WistarGiani, T?nia Santos 17 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-17 / Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used to obtain several radiobiocomplexes utilized to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood constituents, as red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, have been labeled with 99mTc. Natural and
synthetic drugs can alter the labeling of these constituents. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of a Buzhong YiQi Wan extract to alter (i) the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, (ii) the RBC morphology, and (iii) osmotic fragility of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The data showed that the BYQW extract (i) could affect labeling of blood constituintes with 99mTc, (ii) could affect the membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and (iii) could not alter the shape of RBC. Probably, these findings would be associated with properties of the substances present in the aqueous extract of BYQW. This study has multiple disciplinary aspects in knowledge areas: Radiobiology, Botanic, Phytotherapy and Haematology / A pesquisa em Ci?ncias da Sa?de, assim como as avalia??es cl?nicas t?m sido favorecidas pelo uso de is?topos radioativos, sendo que o tecn?cio-99m (99mTc) tem sido o mais utilizado para obten??o de radiobiocomplexos com finalidade de
diagn?stico. Diversas drogas naturais ou sint?ticas s?o capazes de interferir na marca??o de estruturas sangu?neas com 99mTc, assim como na biodistribui??o de outros radiobiocomplexos. Os procedimentos relacionados com a medicina tradicional chinesa tamb?m v?m ganhando destaque em todo o mundo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da possibilidade de altera??es pelo extrato de Buzhong Yi Qi Wan (f?rmula magistral chinesa) nos constituintes do sangue marcados com 99mTc, (i) na marca??o de hem?cias e prote?nas plasm?ticas, (ii) na morfologia, e (iii) na fragilidade osm?tica de hem?cias de ratos Wistar. Foi observado, diminui??o significativa (p<0,05) na marca??o dos constituites sangu?neos com 99mTc, n?o altera??o da morfologia das
hem?cias e modifica??o da curva de fragilidade das hem?cias (p<0,05). Esses efeitos poderiam estar associados com determinadas propriedades de compostos qu?micos
presentes no extrato Buzhong Yi Qi Wan. O estudo tem car?ter multidisciplinar com a participa??o das seguintes ?reas do conhecimento: Radiobiologia, Bot?nica, Fitoterapia e Hematologia
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In vitro-Evaluierung der Kompatibilität von Vollblut und Blutplasma als Ausgangsmaterial zur Herstellung Matrix-assoziierter Chondrozytentransplantate unter Verwendung equiner Chondrozyten: In vitro-Evaluierung der Kompatibilität von Vollblut und Blutplasmaals Ausgangsmaterial zur Herstellung Matrix-assoziierter Chondrozytentransplantate unter Verwendung equiner ChondrozytenGraf, Sophie Christine 06 February 2012 (has links)
Gelenkknorpel ist ein gefäßloses, hoch spezialisiertes Gewebe mit nur sehr begrenzter Regenerationsfähigkeit. Entstandene Läsionen werden bei natürlicher Heilung durch min-derwertigen Faserknorpel gefüllt. Ein vielversprechender Therapieansatz kommt aus dem Gebiet des Tissue Engineering. Dabei werden isolierte Chondrozyten in vitro vermehrt und anschließend in den Defekt eingebracht. In den letzten Jahren ist hier die 3 D-Kultivierung in patientenspezifischen Biomaterialien zunehmend in den Fokus der Forschung geraten. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Studie war es, die Tauglichkeit von Vollblut und Blutplasma als Aus-gangsmaterial für MACTs aufgrund makroskopischer Eigenschaften, Zellzahlentwicklung im Konstrukt, Zellvitalität und Syntheseleistung charakteristischer EZM-Marker zu untersuchen.
Es wurde für diese Studie Knorpel aus den Fesselgelenken vier geschlachteter Pferde (2-16 Jahre) entnommen, mechanisch zerkleinert und anschließend mit Kollagenase A verdaut. Von einem 6 jährigen klinikeigenen Wallach wurde Vollblut in Citratröhrchen gewonnen, ein Teil zu Plasma weiterverarbeitet und beides bei -80 °C bis zur weiteren Verwendung Schock gefroren. Zur Herstellung der walzenförmigen Konstrukte mit den Maßen 9,6 cm2 x 4,7 mm, wurden 4,5 ml Vollblut bzw. Plasma mit je 3x106 Chondrozyten suspensiert und durch Zuga-be von CaCl2 zur Koagulation gebracht. Der Kultivierungszeitraum betrug 28 Tage in DMEM, angereichert mit 10% allogenem Serum und 1% Antibiotika. Die Konstrukte wurden an den Tagen 1, 14 und 28 auf Zellzahl, -vitalität und mithilfe qRT-PCR auf hyaline Knorpelmarker wie Kollagen Typ II und Aggrekan untersucht. Zudem wurden histologische und immunhisto-chemische Präparate der Konstrukte angefertigt.
Die Zellvitalität betrug sowohl in den VB-, als auch in den BP-Konstrukten ≥95% bei steigen-der Zellzahl (bis zu 5x106 im Vollblutkonstrukt). Die MACTs beider Ausgangsmaterialien schrumpften auf eine Größe von 2 cm² x 2 mm. Histologisch konnten in beiden Konstruktar-ten mit der Alzianblaufärbung sGAG belegt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde der sGAG Gehalt mit dem DMMB Assay quantitativ ermittelt. Aggrekan, C-4-S, C-6-S und COMP wurden als wichtige Bestandteile der EZM immunhistochemisch angefärbt und waren ebenfalls in beiden Konstruktarten nachweisbar. Mit der qRT PCR konnte die Genexpression von Aggrekan, Kol II und Kol I über den zeitlichen Verlauf ermittelt werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sich sowohl die Genexpression von Aggrekan als auch die von Kol II, den beiden Indikatorprotei-nen EZMs des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels über den Kultivierungszeitraum absenkten. Dies deutet auf eine Dedifferenzierung der Chondrozyten hin. Die Expression von Kol I dagegen stieg um ein Vielfaches an. Auch das kennzeichnet eine Dedifferenzierung. Zieht man ande-re Studien heran, so ist die festgestellte Umstellung der Genexpression aber vergleichsweise niedrig, eine Dedifferenzierung weg vom chondrogenen Phänotyp in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit also weniger stark ausgebildet.
Biokompatibilität mit und Abbaubarkeit im Empfängerorganismus konnten in dieser in vitro Untersuchung nicht evaluiert werden.
Zusammenfassend kann man festhalten, dass VB und BP als Ausgangsbiomaterialien zur Herstellung von MACT geeignet sind. Inwieweit es gelingen wird, den chondrogenen Phäno-typ beispielweise durch mechanische Stimulation der eingesäten Zellen stärker zu erhalten, muss in folgenden Studien geklärt werden. Ebenfalls weiterer Forschungsbedarf ist bei den Eigenschaften Elastizität und Steifheit gegeben. Grundsätzlich gilt, dass MACTs auf VB- und BP-Basis einen einfachen, kostengünstigen und patientenspezifisch herstellbaren Therapie-ansatz für die Behandlung von Knorpeldefekten darstellen. / Articular cartilage is a vessel-free, highly specialized tissue with only very limited regenera-tive capacity. Resulting lesions are filled with inferior fibrocartilage by natural healing. A promising therapeutic approach comes from the field of tissue engineering. Therefore iso-lated chondrocytes are expanded in vitro and then placed into the defect. In the last few years the 3-D culturing in patient-specific biomaterials has come increasingly into the focus of research. Purpose of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of whole blood and blood plasma as a basic material for MACT based on macroscopic properties, development of cell number in the construct, cell viability and synthetic performance of characteristic markers.
For this study cartilage from the four fetlock joints of slaughtered horses (2-16 years) were removed, crushed mechanically and then digested with Collagenase A. Whole blood was obtained in citrate tubes of a 6 year old gelding owned by the clinic, finished part to both plasma and shock frozen at -80°C until further use. To prepare the cylindrical constructs, measuring 9.6 cm2 x 4.7 mm, 4.5 ml of whole blood or plasma, each with 3x106 chondro-cytes were suspended and coagulated by the addition of CaCl2. The cultivation period was 28 days in DMEM supplemented with 10% allogenic serum and 1% antibiotics. The con-structs were evaluated on days 1, 14 and 28 on cell number, viability, and using qRT-PCR examination for hyaline cartilage markers such as collagen type II and aggrecan. In addition, histological and immunohistochemical preparations of the constructs were made.
The cell vitality was in the WB, as well as in the BP constructs ≥ 95% with increasing cell number (up to 5x106 in whole blood construct). The MACTs of both basic materials shrink to a size of 2 cm x 2 mm². Histologically sGAG could be verified in both construct species by Alzianblau staining. In addition, the GAG content was determined with the DMMB assay quantitatively. Aggrecan, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate and COMP as major components of the ECM were stained immunohistochemically and were also detectable in both types of constructs. Aggrecan, collagen II and collagen I were determined on the time course by qRT PCR gene expression. It turned out that the gene expressions of both, aggre-can and of collagen II, the two ECM protein indicators of hyaline cartilage lowered over the cultivation period. This indicates a dedifferentiation of chondrocytes. The expression of colla-gen I on the other hand increased to a multiple, also featuring a dedifferentiation. If one approached other studies, the observed change in gene expression is comparatively low. In the present work the dedifferentiation from the chondrogenic phenotype is less distinctive.
Biocompatibility and biodegradability in the recipient organism could not be evaluated in this in vitro investigation.
In summary, one should notice that VB and BP are suitable basic materials for the production of MACT. It has to be clarified by following studies, to what extent the chondrogenic pheno-type can be strengthened, for example by mechanical stimulation of cells sown. Also further research is needed on the given properties, e.g. elasticity and stiffness. Generally MACT based on WB and BP- is a simple, inexpensive and patient-specific produced therapeutic approach for the treatment of cartilage defects.
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Analytical and computational workflow for in-depth analysis of oxidized complex lipids in blood plasmaCriscuolo, Angela, Nepachalovich, Palina, Garcia-del Rio, Diego Fernando, Lange, Mike, Ni, Zhixu, Baroni, Massimo, Cruciani, Gabriele, Goracci, Laura, Blüher, Matthias, Fedorova, Maria 05 March 2024 (has links)
Lipids are a structurally diverse class of biomolecules which can undergo a variety of chemical modifications. Among them, lipid (per)oxidation attracts most of the attention due to its significance in the regulation of inflammation, cell proliferation and death programs. Despite their apparent regulatory significance, the molecular repertoire of oxidized lipids remains largely elusive as accurate annotation of lipid modifications is complicated by their low abundance and often unknown, biological context-dependent structural diversity. Here, we provide a workflowbased on the combination of bioinformatics and LC-MS/MS technologies to support identification and relative quantification of oxidized complex lipids in a modification type- and position-specific manner. The developed methodology is used to identify epilipidomics signatures of lean and obese individualswith and without type 2 diabetes. The characteristic signature of lipid modifications in lean individuals, dominated by the presence of modified octadecanoid acyl chains in phospho- and neutral lipids, is drastically shifted towards lipid peroxidation-driven accumulation of oxidized eicosanoids, suggesting significant alteration of endocrine signalling by oxidized lipids in metabolic disorders.
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Etude métabolomique par résonance magnétique nucléaire de pathologies associées à la signalisation thyroïdienne chez la souris / The application of metabolomics by high field nuclear magnetic resonance to study thyroid signalisation pathologies in miceBoumaza, Houda 08 March 2019 (has links)
La métabolomique par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) permet d’étudier laréponse métabolique globale d’un système biologique à un stimulus ou un événementphysiopathologique (maladie, manipulation génétique, etc.). Cette discipline connaît un essorimportant dans la recherche clinique et biologique, et constitue ainsi un outil à fort potentielpour la découverte de biomarqueurs de maladies, et l’étude de la fonction des gènes.Cette thèse est dédiée à l’application de la métabolomique par RMN à hauts champspour l’étude des pathologies associées à la signalisation thyroïdienne chez la souris. L’objectifglobal est d’identifier des biomarqueurs spécifiques liés aux différentes maladies hormonales :l’hypothyroïdie et la maladie génétique émergente résistance à l’hormone thyroïdienne due àune mutation au niveau du récepteur TRα1 (RTHα). Cette dernière est particulièrementdifficile à diagnostiquer à cause du manque de marqueurs biochimiques et de symptômesspécifiques à cette maladie. De plus, elle présente des similitudes avec l’hypothyroïdie auniveau symptomatique. Des modèles murins de RTHα et de l’hypothyroïdie ont été analysés,et l’investigation a été menée sur l’urine et le plasma sanguin dans le but de différenciermétaboliquement ces maladies et d’identifier des biomarqueurs spécifiques à RTHα. Dessignatures métaboliques liées à chaque maladie ont été identifiées dans l’urine et le plasmasanguin. Cinq métabolites qui varient de façon significative ont été identifiés dans l’urinecomme étant liés à la maladie RTHα : trimethylamine, dimethylamine, isovalerylglycine, Nacetylglucosamineet la choline. Dans le sang, ce sont les lipides insaturés qui varient de façonsignificative chez les souris mimant la maladie RTHα. / Metabolomics by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) allows studying the metabolicresponse of a global biological system to a stimuli or a physiopathological even (diseases,genetic modifications, etc.). This discipline is growing especially in the clinical and biologicalfields, and represents a strong potential tool to identify biomarkers related to diseases, andstudy the function of genes.This thesis is dedicated to the application of metabolomics by high field NMR to studythyroid signalisation pathologies in mice. The main goal is to identify biomarkers related tothe emerging genetic disease called resistance to thyroid hormone due to a mutation in thyroidhormone receptor TRα1 (RTHα). This disease is particularly difficult to diagnose because ofthe lack of biochemical markers and specific symptoms. In addition, it presents commonfeatures with hypothyroidism in term of symptoms. Mice models of RTHα andhypothyroidism were analysed, and the investigation were driven on urine and blood plasmain order to differentiate metabolically theses diseases and identify biomarkers related toRTHα. Metabolic fingerprints related to each disease were identified in both urine and bloodplasma. Five metabolites vary significantly in the urine of RTHα mice: trimethylamine,dimethylamine, isovalerylglycine, N-acetylglucosamine and choline. Unsaturated lipids varysignificantly in the blood plasma of RTHα mice.The impact of thyroid hormones (TH) and the thyroid hormone receptor TRβ on theliver metabolism were also studied in the present manuscript through NMR-basedmetabolomics. A mouse model, with a specific knock-out of TRβ gene in hepatocytes (LTRβ-KO), were used to study this question. To understand the function of TH mediated by TRβ,the liver metabolic response to TH, obtained from liver aqueous extracts and intact livertissues, TRβKO and wild-type mice were compared. The results suggest the presence ofdirect and indirect effects of thyroid hormones on the liver metabolism.
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Selenium redox cycling; isolation and characterization of a stimulatory component from tissue of loblolly pine for multiplication of somatic embryos; development of an assay to measure l-phenylalanine concentration in blood plasmaDeSilva, Veronica 25 June 2007 (has links)
Exogenously supplied organoselenium compounds, capable of propagating a selenium redox cycle, were shown to supplement natural cellular defenses against oxidants generated during biological activity. Phenylaminoalkyl selenides were developed in our laboratory as novel substrate analogs for the enzyme dopamine beta-monooxygenase. Recently, phenylaminoalkyl selenides were found to protect plasmid DNA and Molecular beacons from oxoperoxynitrate – mediated damage by scavenging this oxidant and forming the corresponding selenoxides as the sole selenium – containing products. Rate constants were determined for the reactions of the phenylaminoalkyl selenoxides with GSH at physiological pH and 25 degrees C. The kinetic data obtained in current and previous research was subsequently used in a MatLab simulation, which showed the feasibility of selenium redox cycling by GSH in the presence of a cellular oxidant, oxoperoxynitrate. Loblolly pine (LP, Pinus taeda) is the primary commercial species in southern forests covering 11.7 million hectares. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is an effective technique to implement production of high value genotypes of LP. SE is a multi-step process, which includes initiation of somatic embryo (SME) growth from tree tissue, maintenance and multiplication of early stage SMEs and the maturation / germination phase. In this work, we isolated a substance from stage 2 or 3 LP female gametophyte (FG) tissue that stimulates early stage SME growth, and characterized this substance as citric acid on the basis of 1H NMR and mass spectrometry. We then demonstrated that topical application of citric acid to SMEs stimulates embryo colony growth at p = 0.05 for 3 of the 5 genotypes tested. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by an impaired conversion of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) to L-tyrosine (L-Tyr). A novel assay based on enzymatic - colorimetric methodology (ECA) was developed in order to detect elevated concentrations of L-Phe in undeproteinized plasma of PKU patients via continuous spectrophotometric detection. We report here that L-Phe concentrations in undeproteinized plasma measured using our ECA were comparable to those determined on an amino acid analyzer based on Pearson correlation coefficients and a Bland and Altman comparison.
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Caractérisation, quantification et isolation de vésicules extracellulaires du plasma sanguin à l’aide de nanoparticules d’or ou magnétiques conjuguées à des protéines / Phenotyping, quantification and isolation of extracellular vesicles from blood plasma using gold or magnetic nanoparticles conjugated to proteinsLinares, Romain 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les vésicules extracellulaires (VEs) sont des vésicules membranaires de taille majoritairement submicrométrique présentes dans les fluides biologiques et émises par les cellules en réponse à divers stimuli. Les VEs sont impliquées dans de nombreux phénomènes physiologiques mais également dans des pathologies telles que cancers ou maladies cardiovasculaires. Elles pourraient donc être utilisées comme biomarqueurs de ces pathologies. Bien que les VEs soient aujourd’hui largement étudiées, nos connaissances sur le sujet demeurent limitées. Ceci est principalement dû aux difficultés de caractérisation des VEs et à l’absence de standardisation de leurs méthodes d’étude et d’isolation. La première partie de mon travail de thèse a porté sur le développement d’une méthode de thiolation de protéines. Des anticorps ont été modifiés pour exposer des thiols et ont été conjugués à des nanoparticules d’or fonctionnalisées par des maléimides. Le couplage des anticorps thiolés aux nanoparticules d’or a été étudié de manière quantitative et des conditions de conjugaison optimales ont été déterminées par des approches biochimiques. La seconde partie de ce travail a concerné la caractérisation des VEs du plasma sanguin de sujets sains par microscopie électronique à transmission (MET). La morphologie, la taille et le phénotype des VEs ont été déterminés par cryo- MET combinée au marquage par des nanoparticules d’or conjuguées à des protéines. La quantification objective des VEs du plasma sanguin a été réalisée à l’aide d’une méthode originale de MET basée sur la sédimentation de VEs sur grille de MET. La troisième partie de cette étude a consisté à mettre au point une méthode d’isolation de VEs à l’aide de particules magnétiques conjuguées à de l’AnxA5. Des conditions permettant d’extraire la totalité des VEs exposant la phosphatidylsérine contenues dans un plasma sanguin ont été déterminées par cytométrie en flux (CF). Ce travail a permis d’apporter une caractérisation détaillée des VEs du plasma sanguin du sujet sain et peut servir de référence pour des études ultérieures concernant les VEs contenues dans des plasmas ou autres liquides biologiques pathologiques. / Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are submicrometric membrane vesicles found in body fluids and produced by cells in response to various stimuli. EVs are involved in numerous physiological processes but also in pathologies as cancers or cardiovascular diseases. Even if EVs are largely studied, our knowledge about them remains limited. This is mainly caused by the difficulties to characterize EVs and by the lack of standardized methods allowing their characterization. The first part of my PhD work focused on the development and optimization of a protein thiolation method. Antibodies modified to expose few thiols were conjugated to gold nanoparticles functionalized with maleimides. The binding of thiolated antibodies to gold nanoparticles was quantitatively studied and optimal conjugation conditions were determined using biochemical methods. The second part of my PhD work concerned the characterization of blood plasma EVs from healthy subjects using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). EVs morphology, size and phenotype were determined by cryo-TEM combined with labelling with protein-conjugated gold nanoparticles. The near-absolute quantification of blood plasma EVs was achieved using an original TEM method based on the direct sedimentation of EVs onto TEM grids. The third part of this study consisted in developing an EV isolation method using AnxA5-conjugated magnetic particles. Conditions allowing total extraction of blood plasma phosphatidylserine-exposing EVs were determined using flow cytometry (FC). This study presents a detailed characterization of blood plasma EVs from healthy subjects and can serve as a reference for future studies on EVs contained in pathological plasmas or other body fluids.
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Stanovení vybraných komponent v lidské moči elektroforézou v krátké kapiláře. / Determination of selected components in human urine with electrophoresis in short capillary.Makrlíková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Capillary zone electrophoresis is frequently used in various analyses. In this diploma thesis a hydrodynamic sample introduction method controlled by pressure pulse has been proposed for short-capillary electrophoresis. The base electrolyte flushes sample from the loop of a six-way sampling valve and is carried to the injection end of the capillary. At the time when the sample zone reached the capillary, a short pressure impulse is generated in the electrolyte stream, which provides injection of the sample into the capillary. Then the electrolyte flow is stopped and the separation voltage is turned on. The amount of sample introduced to the capillary is controlled by the duration of the pressure pulse. This new sample introduction method was tested in the determination of ammonia, histidine, creatinine, uric acid and hippuric acid in human urine and for rapid screening of the contents of the inorganic ions in cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma. The determination was performed in a capillary with an overall length of 10,5 cm and two base electrolytes was tested - 50 mM MES + 5 mM NaOH (pH 5,10) and 1 M acetic acid + 1,5 mM crown ether 18-crown-6 (pH 2,40). Using dual detection techniques contactless conductivity and UV spectrometric detection, anorganic and organic substances in the sample could...
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