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RiPLE-EM: a process to manage evolution in software product linesOliveira, Thiago Henrique Burgos de 31 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Reuso de software é um aspecto chave para organizações interessadas em obter melhorias
de produtividade, qualidade e redução de custos. Linhas de Produto de Software é uma
abordagem de reúso de software que provou seus benefícios em diferentes contextos
industriais (Weiss et al., 2006). Em termos de evolução, uma linha de produtos é um
conjunto em contínua evolução, e por isso, sua evolução precisa ser gerenciada para que
se alcance os benefícios dessa abordagem.
O fato de um core asset ser compartilhado entre produtos, e todas as mudanças neste
core asset poder ter efeito sobre diversos produtos (McGregor, 2003), aliado ao fato que
em linhas de produto de software é preciso lidar com evolução no tempo (versões) e
também evolução no espaço (variabilidade) (Krueger, 2002), faz com que o gerenciamento
da evolução (mudanças) em linhas de produto de software seja mais complexo e mais
desafiador do que o desenvolvimento tradicional de sistemas únicos (Pussinen, 2002).
Portanto, a evolução dos core assets e também dos produtos precisa ser bem gerenciada
para minimizar os problemas causados por ela.
Este desafio envolve diferentes soluções, como questões técnicas, gerenciais e processuais.
Desta forma, o foco desta dissertação está nos problemas ligados ao processo de
gerenciamento evolução em linhas de produto de software.
Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta o RiPLE-EM, que é um processo para gerenciamento
da evolução. Este processo é uma forma sistemática de guiar e gerenciar a
evolução de cada core asset e cada produto, englobando atividades de gerenciamento de
mudanças, builds, e entregas.
Esta dissertação também apresenta a validação inicial do RiPLE-EM, seguindo guias
bem estabelecidos de experimentação de software (Wohlin et al., 2000), e de acordo com
os dados coletados e analisados na experimentação, RiPLE-EM mostra indicações de
que seja um processo viável para o gerenciamento da evolução em linhas de produto de
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Test Process Improvement & Test/Build Tool EvaluationSöderlund, Jesper, Sörensen, Thomas January 2010 (has links)
The products The Company manufactures are used in an area of the industry where errors leading to a stop in production can be quite expensive. Therefore are testing of the products important and the tests can also give indications about the quality of the products. The Company is in a phase where they are developing a new product line to support all existing and future products. In this phase, it was decided that all products will use a common framework for unit testing and a common build system for all products. One part of the thesis was to investigate and evaluate different frameworks for unit testing and tools for a build system. The unit test framework that were evaluated are Cppunit, cfix, NUnit, Boost test library, Unit Testing++ and CxxTest. The result of the evaluation was that CppUnit were recommended. For the build system MSBuild, NAnt, Automated Build Studio and Cruise Control .NET were evaluated. The recommended tools for a build system is MSBuild in combination with Cruise Control .Net if The Company is interested in the functionality Cruise Control .Net has to offer. The Company also has an interest in evaluating the current test processes and identify improvements as a part of The Company’ s objective were all products should follow a common test process. In order to identify these improvements a literature study of four test process improvement frameworks (Test Process Improvement, Test Maturity Model Integrated, Minimal Test Practice Framework and Test Improvement Model) were carried out. Out of these four frameworks Test Process Improvement (TPI) were chosen to assist when identifying improvements. With the help of TPI a limited assessment took place to give indications about the test maturity for three of The Company’s products where two of the products had low maturity. Results of the improvement measures can be summed up with the need to harmonize the documents, standardize and document the various processes. As a last part of the thesis the possibility to automate testing of two of the products graphical user interfaces with the program Test Complete were investigated. For one of the products the result was that it worked satisfactorily and for the other product it did not work at all. This resulted in recommendations for how The Company should proceed with automated testing of the graphical user interface. / De produkter som företaget tillverkar används i huvudsak inom ett område av branschen där fel som leder till stopp i produktionen kan vara ganska dyrt. Detta gör testning av produkterna viktiga och tester kan också ge indikationer om kvaliteten på produkterna. Företaget är i en fas där man utvecklar en ny produktlinje som ska stödja alla befintliga och framtida produkter. I denna fas har man beslutat att alla produkterna ska använda ett gemensant ramverk för enhetstestning och även använda ett gemensamt byggsystem för samtliga produkter. En del av examensarbetet var att undersöka och utvärdera olika ramverk för enhets testning och verktyg för byggsystem. De ramverk som utvärderades var CppUnit, cfix, NUnit, Boost test library, unitTest++ och CxxTest. Utvärderingen ledde fram till att CppUnit rekommenderades till företaget. Verktyg som utvärderades för byggsystem var MSBuild, NAnt, Automated Build Studio och Cruise Control .Net. För byggsystem rekommenderas MSBuild i kombination med Cruise Control .Net ifall företaget är intresserade av den extra funktionalitet som Cruise Control .Net har att erbjuda. Företaget har även ett intresse av att utvärdera den nuvarande testprocessen och identifiera förbättringar som ett led i att befintliga produkter skall följa en gemensam testprocess. För att kunna identifiera dessa förbättringar utfördes en litteraturstudie över fyra stycken test process förbättrings ramverk (Test Process Improvent, Test Maturity Model integrated, Minimal Test Practice Framework och Test Improvement Model). Utav dessa fyra ramverk så valdes Test Process Improvement (TPI) ut som en hjälp för att identifiera förbättringar. Med hjälp av TPI utfördes en begränsad bedömning av företagets mogenhetsgrad på tre produkter, där två av produkterna har en låg mogenhetsgrad. Resultat av förbättringsåtgärderna kan sammanfattas med att man bör harmonisera dokument, standardisera och dokumentera olika processer. Som en sista del i examensarbetet så utvärderades möjligheten att automatisera testning på två av produkternas grafiska användargränssnitt med programmet TestComplete. För en av produkterna blev resultatet att det fungerade tillfredställande och för den andra produkten så fungerade det inte alls. Resultatet blev rekommendationer för hur företaget borde gå vidare med automatisering av testnig på det grafiska användargränssnittet.
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Delivering zero carbon homes and sustainable communities : the potential of group self-build housing in EnglandHeffernan, Emma Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
Concerns about anthropogenic climate change, fossil fuel depletion, energy security, and damage to our ecosystems are acting as a catalyst for action in many sectors of industry and society. One key sector which has been identified as crucial for addressing these issues is the building sector. Therefore, in the UK context, with the aim of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the requirements for new homes in terms of their energy efficiency are becoming ever more stringent, leading to the introduction of the zero carbon homes standard from 2016. Alongside this, broader priorities for sustainable development have been established in the UK, with a focus on the creation of sustainable communities. These are communities which support the diverse needs of residents and provide a good quality of life whilst protecting the natural environment. The literature suggests that the volume housebuilding sector is failing to meet housing demand in terms of either quantity or quality. Furthermore, it is apparent that the sector is failing to respond to voluntary stimuli for the delivery of zero carbon homes. Thus, it is with an overall aim of supporting the delivery of zero carbon homes and sustainable communities that this thesis has been undertaken. The UK Government suggested in 2011 that self-build homes, in which the occupant is involved in either building or commissioning the home, are more likely to be affordable, energy efficient and innovative than open market housing. Self-build housing accounts for only around 10% of new homes built in the UK, and group self-build is a small proportion of this. The UK Government has an aspiration to double the size of the self-build sector, with an expansion in the group self-build sector, over the decade to 2021. Literature on the self-build sector is limited, and that on the group self-build sector even more so. Indeed, gaps in knowledge in terms of the motivations for and benefits of group self-build exist. There are also gaps in knowledge in terms of the barriers to group self-building and ways in which the expansion of the sector could be best supported. Furthermore, existing literature on drivers for and barriers to zero carbon homebuilding is limited and fails to gather opinions from the broad range of professionals involved in the delivery of new homes. With the aim of addressing these gaps in knowledge, three complementary studies were conducted with an element of focus on the region of Cornwall, in South West England. With the aim of exploring opinions of professionals involved in the delivery of new homes regarding zero carbon homebuilding, a series of 34 semi-structured interviews was undertaken within the first study (Perceptions of zero carbon homebuilding). The second study was undertaken with the aim of investigating professional and expert opinions on the suitability of group self-build as a development model for zero carbon homes and sustainable communities (Self-build perceptions). This investigation employed the Policy Delphi method, an iterative, non-contact group research process in which data was gathered from participants through three rounds of online questionnaire surveys. This second study was formed of two concurrent studies; one employed a panel of national participants within England, the other a panel of regional participants within South West England. The third and final study aimed to explore the experience-based opinions of group self-builders through a series of 11 in-depth interviews (Group self-build reflections). The three studies are presented independently. However, each subsequent study is built upon the knowledge gained in the previous study. Within the final chapter of the thesis, the results are brought together and triangulated through a consideration of how the findings coalesce to cast light on the three central concepts of zero carbon homes, sustainable communities, and group self-build housing. The findings from this research identify and elucidate a number of themes of drivers for and barriers to zero carbon homebuilding. Themes of drivers include: legislative, economic, social responsibility, individual, and industry. Themes of barriers include: economic, skills and knowledge, industry, legislative, and cultural. Multiple potential support mechanisms for the delivery of zero carbon homes were also identified. The findings highlight the need for a cultural shift in the housebuilding industry, reducing the over-reliance on volume housebuilders. A broad range of benefits and motivations for group self-building have been identified and explored. However, whilst a strong appetite for environmentally sustainable development amongst group self-builders is established, this research casts some doubt on the central assertion that group self-build homes will be more energy efficient than speculatively built homes. Differences between the individual and group self-build sector were exposed both in terms of the motivations and the barriers faced. This thesis demonstrates how the benefits of group self-build housing serve to help create sustainable communities, and how they also serve to address some of the barriers to zero carbon homebuilding. The findings of this research demonstrate that group self-build housing offers a significant number of potential benefits towards the delivery of zero carbon homes and the creation of sustainable communities.
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Optimalizace procesu zadávání veřejné zakázky z pohledu konkrétního zadavatele / Optimization of Public Procurement Process from the Perspective of Specific Contracting AuthorityBláhová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of Optimization of Public Procurement Process from the Perspective of Specific Contracting Authority. The thesis introduces the main contracting authority problems based on the analysis of concrete public procurement and an interview with Town Hall staff. Next there are described the main differences between the current and previous Public Procurement Law and the method Design - Build is presented.
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Podpora průběžné integrace v rámci systému Copr / Continues Integration Support for Copr Build SystemKlusoň, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of continuous integration for build system Copr. The implementation uses framework Citool and its modules, which are already used for continuous integration of build system Koji. The outcome system can run the tests for the new package from the build system Copr and test it on virtual machine. This thesis shows way how to implement continuous integration for build system Copr.
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Influence Of FDM Build Parameters On Tensile And Compression Behaviors Of 3D Printed Polymer Lattice StructuresYadlapati, Sai Avinash 30 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Träbjälklag med tung fyllning : Bjälklag framtaget med inspiration av byggteknik från sekelskiftet 1800–1900 / Timber floor with heavy filling : Floor developed with inspiration from building technique from the turn of the 19th centuryAf Klintberg, Albin, Åkehag, Jonny January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport utreder möjligheterna att använda restprodukter som ljudisolering i lägenhetsskiljande mellanbjälklag av trä med spännvidd 6 m. Ett steg mot att uppfylla Sveriges byggindustris nollvision för koldioxidutsläpp är att bygga mer i trä och att återanvända/återvinna restprodukter. Det svenska entreprenadföretaget Skanska har vid sina krossanläggningar ett överskott av material i form av bergkross 0 - 0,2 mm och krossad restbetong. I denna rapport har en prototyp av ett träbjälklag tagits fram med influenser från byggtekniken från sekelskiftet 1800–1900 med avseende på nyttjandet av tung fyllningsmassa som ljudisolering i träbjälklag. Den framtagna bjälklagsprototypen uppfyller de krav som ställts i BBR efter dimensionering enligt Eurokoderna med hänsyn till brand, hållfasthet, svikt och nedböjning. Enligt en simulering i SEAWood, ett verktyg för akustiksimulering som är under utveckling vid RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, uppfylls även kraven på ljudisolering, detta stöds av de analyser som gjorts av mätresultat från liknande bjälklag. Fyllningsmaterialets höga vikt medför att prototypen är ett lågfrekvent bjälklag, detta kombinerat med att simuleringen endast är en indikation på ljudisoleringsegenskaper gör att det kommer krävas praktiska tester för att fastställa prototypens ljudisolerande och dynamiska egenskaper. Den framtagna bjälklagsprototypen är lämplig att prefabricera tack vare en konstruktion med få ingående delar. Att prefabricera bjälklaget har utöver de ekonomiska fördelar det medför stora fördelar ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv och är även fördelaktigt ur fuktsynpunkt. För att uppskatta bjälklagets miljöpåverkan gjordes en enklare jämförelse med ett prefabricerat betongbjälklag som visade att utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter fram till bruksfasen var mer än dubbelt så stor för betongbjälklaget än för prototypbjälklaget. / This report investigates the possibilities of using residual products as sound insulation in apartment separating timber floors with a span of 6 m. One step towards meeting the Swedish construction industry's zero vision for carbon dioxide emissions is to build more using timber and to reuse/recycle residual products. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has at its quarries a surplus of material in the form of crushed rock of the 0 - 0.2 mm fraction and crushed residual concrete. In this report, a prototype of a timber floor has been produced with influences of construction technology from the turn of the 19 th century regarding the use of heavy filling as sound insulation in timber floors. The developed floor prototype complies with the requirements set in BBR after dimensioning according the Eurocodes regarding fire safety, strength, sagging and deflection. According to a simulation in SEAWood, a tool for acoustic simulation which is under development at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden the requirements for sound insulation are also met, which is supported by analyzes made by comparing with data on similar timber floors. The high mass of the filling material implies that the prototype is a low frequency floor, this in conjunction with the simulation only being an indication of sound insulation properties, it will require practical tests to determine the prototypes sound insulating and dynamic properties. The developed floor prototype is suitable for prefabrication thanks to a design with few components. Prefabrication of the floor has in addition to the economic benefits it brings great benefits from a working environment perspective and is also beneficial from a moisture point of view. To estimate the environmental impact of the timber flooring, a simple comparison was made with a prefabricated concrete floor which showed that carbon dioxide emissions up to the using phase were more than twice that of the concrete floor than for the prototype floor.
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Bygg och konstruktion i förskolan : En studie där pedagoger beskriver sitt arbete med bygg och konstruktion / Build and construction in preschool : A study where teachers describe their work with build and constructionAlvåg, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger arbetar med bygg och konstruktion i förskolan samt hur de resonerar utifrån materialets betydelse för bygg och konstruktion. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i det sociokulturella perspektivet och som undersökningsmetod används kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att både aktiviteter och eventuell planering inom bygg och konstruktion i förskolan i största utsträckning grundar sig på barnens inflytande och intressen. Vidare pedagogernas tankar om förutsättningarna för att planera och arbeta med bygg och konstruktion i förskolan. Resultatet visar också vilket material som finns tillgängligt hos de intervjuade pedagogerna. Exempelvis så hade samtliga pedagoger tillgång till klossar, lego och någon form av återvinningsmaterial. Resultatet sammanfattar också hur pedagogerna resonerar om de olika materialen och deras betydelse för bygg och konstruktion i förskolan. / The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers are working with build and construction in preschool. Further how they reason on the basis of material importance for build and construction. Theoretical basis of the study is of the socio-cultural perspective and research method used qualitative semi-structured interviews. The result of the study shows that activities and any planning of build and construction in the surveyed preschools, to the greatest extent were based up on the children´s influence and interests. Further it shows the teachers thoughts on the prospects for planning and working with build and construction in preschool. It shows what kind of materials the interviewed teachers had access to. For example, all teachers had access to blocks, Lego and some form of recycling materials. The result also shows how teachers reason on the basis of material and it´s role in working with build and construction in preschool.
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雲林縣農村基層建設之研究徐世榮, XU, SHI-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
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Economic aspects of additive manufacturing : benefits, costs and energy consumptionBaumers, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) refers to the use of a group of technologies capable of combining material layer-by-layer to manufacture geometrically complex products in a single digitally controlled process step, entirely without moulds, dies or other tooling. AM is a parallel manufacturing approach, allowing the contemporaneous production of multiple, potentially unrelated, components or products. This thesis contributes to the understanding of the economic aspects of additive technology usage through an analysis of the effect of AM s parallel nature on economic and environmental performance measurement. Further, this work assesses AM s ability to efficiently create complex components or products. To do so, this thesis applies a methodology for the quantitative analysis of the shape complexity of AM output. Moreover, this thesis develops and applies a methodology for the combined estimation of build time, process energy flows and financial costs. A key challenge met by this estimation technique is that results are derived on the basis of technically efficient AM operation. Results indicate that, at least for the technology variant Electron Beam Melting, shape complexity may be realised at zero marginal energy consumption and cost. Further, the combined estimator of build time, energy consumption and cost suggests t AM process efficiency is independent of production volume. Rather, this thesis argues that the key to efficient AM operation lies in the user s ability to exhaust the available build space.
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