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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prozessmodell zur Unterstützung BIM-basierter Energieberechnungen in einem virtuellen Labor

Baumgärtel, Bernd Ken 08 August 2019 (has links)
Diese Dissertation stellt ein umfassendes neuartiges Konzept für die Durchführung thermischer Energieberechnungen von Gebäuden in einem virtuellen Energielabor vor. Es wird ein Prozessmodell beschrieben, welches die Schritte definiert, um anhand eines bereitgestellten Gebäudemodells die Aufbereitung von Gebäudedaten und die Simulationen semi-automatisch im Energielabor zu steuern sowie energetische Bewertungen vornehmen zu können. Für diesen Anwendungsfall spielen Prüfungen der Modellqualität eine große Rolle. Um das Mindestmaß an Informationen zur Durchführung thermischer Gebäudeenergieberechnungen zu erlangen, werden benötigte Modellprüfungen erläutert und Modellüberführungen charakterisiert, mit denen Gebäudeinformationen angereichert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird außerdem ein ontologiebasierter Ansatz zur Erweiterung des Gebäudemodells mit topologischen und energierelevanten Begriffen vorgestellt. Dadurch können die Modellqualität leichter überprüft und logische Schlussfolgerungen automatisiert gezogen werden. Die Ontologien und Regeln zur Erstellung und Prüfung des Green Building Designs werden in dieser Arbeit beleuchtet. Die hier vorgestellten semantikbasierten Modelle, das Prozessmodell und der Entwurf einer komponentenbasierten Softwarearchitektur sind die Grundlage für die Entwicklung innovativer virtueller Labore zur Verwaltung und Steuerung von Gebäudesimulationen.:1. Einleitung 1.1. Problemstellung und Motivation 1.2. Hypothesen und Zielstellung 1.3. Aufbau der Arbeit 2. Grundlagen und existierende Ansätze für BIM-basierte Energieberechnungen 2.1. BIM Definition 2.2. BIM-Ebenen 2.3. Informationsmodelle im Bauwesen 2.4. Information Delivery Manual 2.5. Green Building Design 2.6. BIM und Energetische Simulationsberechnungen 2.7. Diskussion der Defizite und Probleme existierender Lösungen 3. Das energetisch erweiterte Gebäudemodell (eeBIM) 3.1. Grenzen des IFC Modells 3.2. Anforderungen und Aufbau eines erweiterten Gebäudemodells 3.3. Struktur des energetisch erweiterten Gebäudemodells 3.4. Simulationsmatrix 3.5. Multimodellintegration in dem virtuellen Energielabor 3.6. Zusammenfassung 4. Prozessmodell für energetische Berechnungen 4.1. Typischer Prozessablauf einer stufenweisen thermischen Gebäudeoptimierung 4.2. eeBIM-Prozesse 4.3. Passive Simulation 4.4. Sensitivitätsanalyse 4.5. Automatisierte Variation des Green Building Designs 4.6. Vollständige Gebäudesimulation 4.7. Entscheidungsfindung 4.8. Zusammenfassung 5. Komponentenbasiertes virtuelles Energielabor 5.1. Softwarearchitektur 5.2. Kernmodul 5.3. Navigator 5.4. Einsatz des BIM-basierten virtuellen Ingenieurslabor 5.5. Zusammenfassung und Diskussion 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A. Anhang Literaturverzeichnis
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An architectural perspective on schools in the Philippines : A research into the importance of a classroom’s physical environment and possible improvements for a better learning environment / Skolor i Filippinerna sett ur ett arkitektoniskt perspektiv : En studie om vikten av klassrummets fysiska miljö och möjliga förbättringar för en bättre läromiljö

Björklund, Fanny, Bramfors, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The physical environment in schools is an important factor that benefits the educational quality and has an essential role in the student's learning process. In the Philippines the physical environment is underdeveloped in the schools, since the main focus is on developing a basic foundation and on making sure that every child can go to school. This thesis studied the classrooms' physical environment in three selected schools in the Philippines. It presents improvements of the classroom’s physical environment. This study can be used as indicative guidelines when designing classrooms in the Philippines. This study is supported by the Minor Field Study scholarship, founded by SIDA.

Probabilistic based evaluation of the structural reliability achieved for a typical building designed according to SANS 517:2009 and SANS 10162- 2:2010

Oosthuizen, Frederik du Toit 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to perform a quantitative probabilistic based evaluation of the reliability achieved in the design of Light Steel Frame Buildings (LSFB) when designed according to the loading code, SANS 517:2009 and the new design code for cold formed steel sections, SANS 10162-2:2010. The evaluation was done as follows: A specific structure, chosen and designed according to the specifications given in SANS 517:2009, was modelled in a structural analysis program. From the analyses done it was possible to identify the most critical element for given failure modes. Spread sheets according to SANS 10162-2:2010 were developed to calculate the resistance or design values for the different failure modes. By using a First Order Reliability Method (FORM), the reliability index for each failure mode could be calculated and evaluated in three different ways. Firstly, the reliability margin implied by the design load was evaluated. It was assumed that the resistance of the profile had a deterministic value while the loads applied to the structure were taken as probabilistic, i.e. following their known distribution functions. From this evaluation it was found that the necessary level of reliability was achieved for all failure modes. Secondly, the reliability margin implied by the resistance of the profile was evaluated. The resistance of the profile was taken as probabilistic with a distribution function that could be determined from the known distribution functions of the profile parameters responsible for the capacity of the profile. The loading was assumed to have a single deterministic value. From this evaluation it could be seen that a very low level of reliability was achieved for the failure modes of shear working in on the strong axis of the profile as well as interaction between bending and axial load. This is due to the strong dependence of this failure mode to the thickness of the profile, to which no partial factor is applied in the design process. Thirdly, the reliability margin implied by both the resistance and loads was evaluated. In a real life situation both loads and resistances would have variability. The resistance and loading values were taken as probabilistic with their known distribution functions. From this evaluation it was found that the necessary level of reliability was only achieved for shear working in on the weakaxis and axial load. All other failure modes achieved a level of reliability slightly lower than the target level of reliability for South Africa. The stiffening effect of wall cladding elements were not taken into account in the analysis. The reliability of connections was also not evaluated. It can be concluded that the element reliability achieved through the use of above-mentioned codes seems to be slightly less that desired. There could be an argument for recalibrating the partial factors to achieve the desired level of element reliability. However, the cladding elements provide significant additional stiffness to the structure and there is no immediate cause for stiffness concern. Future studies should aim to quantify the contribution that the cladding elements make to the overall structural reliability. The influence of connections reliability should also be investigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie poog om ‘n kwantitatiewe probabilisties-gebaseerde beoordeling van die betroubaarheidsindeks vir Ligte Staalraam Strukture (LSS) te bepaal wanneer dit ontwerp word volgens die belastingskode, SANS 517:2009 en die nuwe ontwerpskode vir koudgevormde staal profiele, SANS 10162-2:2010. Die beoordeling is as volg gedoen. ‘n Spesifieke strukturele model is gekies, ontwerp volgens die spesifiekasies in SANS 517:2009 en toe gemodelleer in ‘n struktuur analise program. Vanuit die analises was dit moontlik om die mees kritieke element te vind vir gegewe falings modusse. Sigblaaie, volgens SANS 10162-2:2010, is ontwikkel om die weerstand van die profile te bereken vir die falings modusse. Dit was moontlik om die betroubaarheidsindeks op drie verskillende maniere te bereken deur gebruik te maak van ‘n Eerste Orde Betroubaarheids Metode (EOBM). Eerstens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur die belasting geimpliseer was, bepaal. Daar is aanvaar dat die weerstand van die profiel ‘n deterministiese waarde het terwyl die aangewende belasitng as probabilisties geneem is met hul bekende verdelingsfunksies. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat die nodige vlak van betroubaarheid bereik word vir alle falings modusse. Tweedens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur die weerstand geimpliseer was, bepaal. Daar is aanvaar dat die weerstand van die profile ‘n probabilistiese verdeling het wat bepaal is uit bekende verdelingsfunksies van die profiel parameters verantwoordelik vir die kapasiteit van die profiel. Daar is aanvaar dat die belasting ‘n enkele deterministiese waarde het. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat daar ‘n baie lae vlak van betroubaarheid is vir skuif in die rigting van die sterk as, asook interaksie tussen aksiaal-las en momente. Dit is te danke aan die falings modus se sterk afhanklikheid van die dikte van die profiel. Daar word egter geen parsiële faktor aan die dikte toegeken in die ontwerp proses nie. Derdens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur beide die weerstand en belasting geïmpliseer was, bepaal. In die werklikheid sal beide belasting en weerstand ‘n vlak van onsekerheid hê. Die weerstand en belasting is as probabilistiese waardes geneem met hul bekende verdelingsfunksies. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat slegs die falings modus vir skuif in die rigting van die swak as en aksiaal-las die nodige vlak van betroubaarheid bereik. Al die ander modusse het steeds ‘n redelike hoë vlak van betroubaarheid. Dit is egter steeds laer as wat voorgeskryf word vir Suid-Afrika. Die verstywings-effek van die bekleding is nie in hierdie ondersoek in ag geneem nie. Die betroubaarheid van die verbindings is ook nie bepaal nie. ‘n Gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die element-betroubaarheid wat bereik word deur die bo-genoemde kodes effens laer is as die gewensde. ‘n Argument kan ontstaan vir die herkalibrasie van die parsiële faktore om die gewensde vlak van betroubaarheid te bereik, maar die bekleding bied ‘n noemenswaardige addisionele styfheid aan die struktuuur. Daar is dus geen onmiddellike kommer oor die styfheid van hierdie strukture nie. Verdere studies moet poog om die bydra van hierdie bekledingselemente tot die betroubaarheid van die struktuur te kwantifiseer. Die invloed van die konneksies tot die betroubaarheid van die struktuur sal ook ondersoek moet word.
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The relative performance and consequences of protecting crowded places from vehicle borne improvised explosive devices

Harre-Young, Steven N. January 2012 (has links)
Crowded places have been the target of terrorist attacks for many years. Their inherent nature has resulted in a vulnerability to a range of attacks, most notably the threat of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Government agendas have been seeking to reduce the extent of this vulnerability, by encouraging those who are responsible for the design, construction and operation of such places to incorporate counter-terrorism measures (CTMs) into their designs, and where necessary, retro-fit them into existing places. However, little is known about what measures can be used, as well as their performance and consequences. The aim of the research is therefore to identify the aforementioned range of measures through the development of a typology that also examines their relative performance and consequences for a range of scenarios, in order to inform key decision makers who are responsible for the protection of crowded places. Through the use of a qualitative research strategy and respective research methods, interviews, site visits and document analysis were carried out in both the UK and in the USA. A total of 47 participants were recruited for the research, with the collection of data spanning 16 months. A preliminary study was undertaken that determined a range of influences on whether crowded places are protected, as well as influences on the value of CTMs themselves. A theoretical framework was developed to capture and understand those influences. Conventional data analysis methods and internal validation techniques were used to subject the data to methodological rigour, ensuring the validity and reliability of the research. While the negative consequences of incorporating CTMs can be profound, every CTM that can be used has additional benefits; measures can be incorporated at no cost and can even generate revenue; and designing-in CTMs has a number of advantages over retro-fitting them. This research s contribution to knowledge in relation to methodology, empiricism, theory, industry, and policy has resulted in the creation of a significant amount of guidance for key decision makers who are responsible for the design, construction and operation of crowded places, as well as providing data on the benefits that can be gained from incorporating mitigative measures that is of interest to those who have a role to play in the design, construction and operation of the built environment more broadly. Recommendations for further research posit that greater understanding is needed in relation to the specific monetary costs of CTMs themselves, the experience of users of protected places, the implications of invisible CTMs, and the need for research into the assessment and incorporation of proportionality into the built environment. Practical recommendations put forward the need for clarification of legislation in relation to duties of care, the dissemination of the incentives to protect, and benefits of protecting, crowded places, the need for further debate and transparency regarding proportionality and what constitutes proportionate design, and the need to encourage greater engagement between stakeholders and the means through which this can occur. The research posits that legislative requirements encompassing the mitigation of terrorist attacks are apparent, and that therefore, organisations should incorporate CTMs into vulnerable places, yet as previously indicated, such CTMs do not have to cost anything.
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Cooling multi-family residential units using natural ventilation in the Central U.S.

Rai, Roby January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architecture / Michael D. Gibson / The use of Natural Ventilation (NV) to cool buildings in mixed climates can conserve significant cooling energy. In mixed climates it is particularly important during the fall and the spring, where appropriately designed buildings should use very little energy for heating or cooling. Natural ventilation is also important in residential buildings, where internal heat gain can be managed, making cooling by natural ventilation easier. Earlier investigations have clearly shown the economic, social, and health benefits of the use of NV in built environment. Studies have shown that increased airflow or air-speed during ventilation can bring a significant rise in comfort range which further reduces the cooling energy required to maintain comfort. The climatic data of the central United States (U.S.) shows that the availability of frequent high speed wind and favorable seasonal humidity conditions make natural ventilation feasible in late spring and early fall, where NV can offset most of the cooling demand for a home or multifamily residential unit, though it is not possible to maintain thermal comfort during the entire summer with NV alone. In mixed climates, NV for multifamily residential units has not been investigated thoroughly. According to 2009 International Residential Code, multifamily residential buildings are typically designed to use a code minimum amount of operable or ventilating windows, 4% of the floor area being ventilated, while also using lightweight construction methods (such as wood framing) that is prone to fast thermal response during the overheated periods of the year. While climate may favor the use of NV in these building types, the sizing of windows and the building construction type limit the potential to save energy with NV. This study hypothesized that the maximum benefits from NV in the climate of the central U.S. requires further optimization of window openings beyond the energy code minimum, and a construction system incorporating mass that can slow thermal response during overheated periods. During the study, the climatic data of the central US was scrutinized to understand the most suitable time frames where NV could be applied in order to maintain indoor thermal comfort in various construction systems in residential buildings: mainly lightweight using wood framing, and heavier construction using concrete and masonry. The location of the housing unit, first level or second level, was also examined to account for the differences in thermal gains and losses as a result of ground coupling and additional heat gain from the roof. Further, computational fluid dynamics evaluated the comfort achieved with different ventilation areas. Change in comfort hours by using NV tested the practicability of the use of NV to maintain indoor thermal comfort for different scenarios. The study concluded with design recommendations for building orientation, operable window size, and construction type as these factors relate to thermal comfort and the optimization of multifamily residential buildings to utilize NV for energy savings in the U.S.
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Aplicação de recursos computacionais em projetos de edifícios em alvenaria / Application of computational resources in masonry buildings design

Razente, Julio Antonio 25 August 2004 (has links)
A finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar o desenvolvimento, através da utilização da linguagem de programação AutoLISP, de programa computacional relacionado à etapa de projeto de edifícios em alvenaria. O programa, intitulado ALVPLUS, auxilia nas atividades de modulação das alvenarias, geração automática de elevações e inserção de detalhes relacionados à alvenaria estrutural como disposições construtivas, armaduras, quantitativos de materiais e legendas, dispostos em arquivos eletrônicos do seu banco de dados. Além disso, discute-se os parâmetros associados à implementação da racionalização construtiva, considerando a compatibilização entre o projeto estrutural e os demais projetos (arquitetônico, instalações, entre outros). A utilização deste programa propicia o aumento da produtividade e da padronização dos projetos de alvenarias, assim como o aumento da qualidade e entendimento desses projetos. / This work's purpose is to present the development of software related to the stage of masonry's building design, through the use of the programming language AutoLISP. The software, entitled ALVPLUS, aids in the activities of masonries' modulation, automatic generation of elevations and insertion of details related to the structural masonry as constructive dispositions, armors, materials quantification and legends, available in its database. Besides, it's discussed the parameters associated to the implementation of the constructive rationalization, considering the compatibility between the structural designs and the other projects (architectural, installations, among others). The use of this software propitiates the productivity's increase and the standardization of the masonries' projects, as well as the increase of the quality and understanding of those projects.
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Buildings as systems. / Buildings as systems

Catalano, Eduardo F, Hershdorfer, Selma Abigadol, Hook, Charles Burton, Hoover, George Norman January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1964. / MIT Institute Archives copy bound with three title pages at the beginning of text block; MIT Rotch Library copy has title pages bound with appropriate theses. -- Rotch Library copy missing 16 leaves of plates. / Title from half-title page. Three individual thesis titles bound together with a collective title and an introduction. Compiled, with an introduction, by Prof. Eduardo F. Catalano. / Includes bibliographical references. / Preface: "The three individual theses are presented with a common introductory discussion on systems in general, the use of systems in architecture, and the overall goals and requirements for a building system. It is hoped that a better understanding of systems is attained as well as a more extensive background for the individual thesis material." / Hershdorfer, Selma Abigadol. The development of a building unit which is structurally and mechanically integrated and which allows maximum flexibility in internal rearrangement and lateral growth. (1964) -- Hook, Charles Burton. A research and development building for science and technology suitable for both academic and non-academic use. (1964) -- Hoover, George Norman. An academic/research and development building for science and technology. (1964). / M.Arch.
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Indicadores de produtividade aplicados na concepção do produto imobiliário. / Productivity indicators applied in the concept of the real estate product.

Domingues, Sergio Fernando 01 July 2019 (has links)
A construção é uma atividade que exige grande volume de mão de obra e de materiais, fato este que provoca uma constante necessidade de eficiência e de eficácia na incorporação imobiliária. O desenvolvimento de parâmetros técnicos para o aumento da produtividade na produção de edifícios na fase de concepção do produto imobiliário tem papel fundamental para alcançar esse objetivo. Esta dissertação apresenta alguns indicadores de produtividade de arquitetura e de estrutura que atuam como balizadores técnicos, com a função de matematizar o projeto, a fim de subsidiar a tomada de decisão na fase de concepção do produto. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma incorporadora e construtora seguindo a metodologia de Pesquisa-ação. Como resultado, obteve-se uma proposta do processo de aplicação de indicadores de produtividade de arquitetura e estrutura ao longo do desenvolvimento do produto imobiliário. / Construction is na activity that requires a large amount of labor and materials; such an environmentdemandsa Constant need for efficiency and effectiveness in real estate development. The development of technical parameters for increasing productivity in the production of buildings in the real estate product design phase plays a key role in achieving this goal. This dissertation presents some indicators of productivity of architecture and structure that serve as technical guides, with the function of mathematizing the Project discussions, in order to subsidize the decision making in the phase of incorporation. The research was carried out in a incorporation and construction company, following the methodology of Research-action. As a resulto f this work, it provides a proposal of a process allowing the application of architectural and structural productivity indicators alongo f the development of the real estate product.
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Energieffektiv projektering : Projektering för ett träffsäkert och energieffektivt slutresultat

Jonsson, Viktor, Lundberg, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
Byggnadssektorn uppskattas idag stå för närmare 40 % av vår totala energiförbrukning, varav nästan 60 % utgörs av uppvärmning och varmvatten. Från myndigheter såväl som allmänheten börjar högre krav ställas på energihushållning i vårt byggnadsbestånd. I media duggar informationen tätt om nya metoder för energieffektivisering, ändå visar statistiken att mycket finns kvar att göra. Frågan som bör ställas är var problemet ligger. Detta examensarbete behandlar projekteringens roll för slutresultatet med avseende på energianvändningen i flerbostadshus. Syftet är att identifiera förbättringsfaktorer för hur projekteringen kan påverka byggprocessen mot ett mer energieffektivt slutresultat. Arbetet grundar sig på tidigare studier och utnyttjar dels en fallstudie av ett 3 st. flerbostadshus i Västerås från 2000-talets början, dels en intervjustudie med fokus på upplevda svårigheter i arbetet med energifrågor bland byggbranschens aktörer. I den inledande litteraturstudien identifierades tekniska och processberoende faktorer som avgör en byggnads energianvändning. Den knyter också an till liknande studier för att tillvarata tidigare erfarenheter. Fallstudien resulterade i att uppmärksamma hur stora konsekvenserna blir av att inte beakta energianvändningen i tillräcklig omfattning. Intervjustudien resulterade i att identifiera likheter och skillnader i de olika aktörernas syn på projekteringen med avseende på byggnaders energianvändning. Bland de förbättringsfaktorer som identifierats bör framför allt en mer framträdande roll hos byggherren nämnas. En tydlig ambitionsnivå för projektet tillsammans med kravformuleringar är också en nödvändighet. Ett samarbete mellan aktörer där all tillgänglig kompetens utnyttjas redan i tidiga skeden krävs också för att kunna beakta energifrågan på allvar. Tekniska konsulter måste ges tillfälle att påverka projektet innan det låsts i alltför stor utsträckning. Fokus genom hela projekteringen bör ligga på ett betraktningssätt där hela byggnaden ses som ett sammanhängande system. Under arbetets gång har också uppmärksammats ett behov av att underlätta uppföljning av utförda byggprojekt. Uppföljning är nödvändigt för att utveckla branschen och frångå ryktet om en byggbransch oförmögen att lära av tidigare misstag. Slutligen kan nämnas att en ökad efterfrågan från samhället måste ske som incitament för byggherren att bygga mer energieffektivt. Samtidigt handlar det för byggherren om att marknadsföra fördelarna med energieffektiva alternativ till konventionella bostäder för att skapa efterfrågan.
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En yteffektiv och flexibel kontorsbyggnad : A space saving and flexible office building

Nylén, Martin, Andersson, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Det kommunalägda fastighetsbolaget Videum AB som hyr ut och förvaltar lokaler på campus i Växjö ska uppföra en ny byggnad med totalytan 5000m2. För att underlätta i projekterandet åt Videum AB har en förfrågan av vilken form på byggnaden som är den mest vinstgivande för företaget undersökts i den här rapporten. I byggnaden ska det finnas kontorslokaler som Videum AB kan hyra ut till andra företag. Kravet är att planlösningen ska vara flexibel och kreativ. Uthyrningsprocenten ska vara högsta möjliga vilket undersöks med hjälp av utvalda nyckeltal. Resultaten från nyckeltalen för varje uppritad byggnadsform jämförs vilket leder till ett slutgiltigt resultat. / The communal owned real-estate corporation Videum AB which leases and administrate premises at campus in Växjö shall construct a new building with a surface of 5000m2. A request from Videum AB has been given to us to investigate, in this report, what shape of the building will be the most profitable for the company. The building will be office spaces that Videum AB will rent out to other companies. Requirements are that the planning should be flexible and creative. Renting percentage should be the highest possible, which are examined by selected key figures. The results of the ratios plotted for each building form are compared, leading to a final result.
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