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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kaimo mokyklų mokinių vertybinių orientacijų kaita ir jų sąsajos su sveikata bei žalingais įpročiais / Changes in value orientations of the schoolchildren in rural schools and their links with health and bad habits

Pivorienė, Audronė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Šiuo tyrimu buvo siekiama išanalizuoti kaimo mokyklų 7-10 klasių mokinių vertybines orientacijas ir jų sąsajas su sveikata bei žalingais įpročiais. Vertybių įvertinimui buvo naudojamas klausimynas pagal adaptuotas Rokeach (1972), Wolff ir kt. (1968) vertybių skales ( pagal tarptautinius tyrimus, atliktus Medicininės psichologijos ir sociologijos tyrimų laboratorijoje, paruošė Antanas Goštautas, Algirdas Goštautas). Taip pat buvo pateikti klausimai apie sveikatos būklę bei žalingus įpročius. Buvo apklausti keturių rajono mokyklų 7 – 10 klasių mokiniai. Viso buvo apklausta 234 mokiniai – 123 vaikinai ir 111 merginų. Viso - 53 septintokai, 62 aštuntokai, 60 devintokai ir 59 dešimtokai. Tyrimas įrodė, jog yra tiesioginis ryšys tarp prosocialių vertybių mažėjimo ir žalingų įpročių didėjimo kaimo mokyklose. Gauti rezultatai parodė, jog merginų ir vaikinų, besimokančiųjų kaimo mokyklų 7-10 klasėse, vertybinės orientacijos skiriasi. Skiriasi vaikinų ir merginų žalingi įpročiai: vaikinai daugiau ir dažniau rūko. Nerūkantys vaikinai ir merginos linkę rečiau vartoti alkoholinius gėrimus. Nerūkantys ir negeriantys mokiniai nevartoja narkotinių medžiagų. Vaikinai, orientuoti į dvasines vertybes, socialinę aplinką, pažintinę veiklą, vertinantys sveikatą ir naudingumą kitiems mažiau vartoja narkotines medžiagas. Vaikinai, orientuoti į pažintinę veiklą, ir merginos, orientuotos į tradicines vertybes, mažiau vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus. Siekiant ugdyti sveikus – ir fiziškai, ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research was meant to analyze the value orientations of the 7-10th formers in rural schools and their links with health and bad habits. The questionnaire used to evaluate the values was adapted by Rokeach (1972), Wolff et al. (1968) The value scales were prepared by Antanas Goštautas and Algirdas Goštautas, according to the international researches done in the Laboratory of medical psychological and sociological researches. Also the questions about the health condition and additions were asked. The schoolchildren of the 7-10th form from four regional schools were questioned. In total 234 schoolchildren – 123 boys and 111 girls – were questioned. Among them, 53 7th-formers, 62 8th formers, 60 9th formers and 59 10th formers. The research proved that there is a direct relation between the decrease of prosocial values and increase of the bad habits in rural schools. The results showed that the value orientations of boys and girls, who study in the forms 7-10 in rural schools, differ. The bad habits of boys and girls differ: the boys smoke more and more frequently. The boys and girls, who do not smoke, tend to consume alcohol drinks more rarely. The schoolchildren, who do not smoke or drink, do not use drugs either. The girls in the rural schools are more directed to the health and usefulness to others, to the social environment, cognitive activity, traditions and moral values. The boys, who are directed to the moral values, social environment, cognitive activity, who... [to full text]

Homelessness and Violence: Freud, Fanon and Foucault and the shadow of the Afrikan sex worker

Harper, Eric January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / In this thesis, I will argue that one of the ways to think about the concept of homelessness and its relationship to violence is to trace the concept as it emerges in key theoretical texts of critical intellectuals who find themselves both in and outside the Western homeland. In attempting to do so, I limit this thesis to three key theoretical articulations from which the concept of homelessness can be extracted: the works of Sigmund Freud, Franz Fanon and Michael Foucault. In bringing to bear the life and work of these individuals, the hope is to conceive of the relationship between violence and homelessness in new and unforeseen ways. I propose to bring an informed interdisciplinary and gender perspective to bear on the concept of homelessness. Accepting the supposition that the body can be seen as a site of homecoming,I explore the question of who owns the body. This exploration is undertaken through an examination of the advocacy slogan, ‘my body, my business’, and the placement of the Afrikan sex worker alongside Freud, Fanon and Foucault. The Afrikan sex worker in this work is a new feminist potentiality in much the same way that homelessness offers new postcolonial possibilities. While much of postcolonial criticism has centred on the problem of the colonized subject’s relation to the home, there has not yet been a sustained undertaking of the history and meaning of the concept of homelessness and, more importantly, its relationship to the experience of violence in the contemporary world. The history of homeless people tends to be recorded through surveillance and documentation by those institutions responsible for providing discipline, punishment, shelter and cure so as to ‘save’ and ‘rescue’ them. These responses, particularly when done systematically, can become frameworks that hold the homeless person ransom to a particular language game of ‘truth’, thereby restricting the homeless person’s movement and possibility of finding a voice. Deriving a concept of homelessness from the life and work of Freud, Fanon and Foucault allows for new insights. These thinkers offer a view of homelessness that is productive for thinking against the grain of dominant orthodoxies. This contrasts with the implication of pathologization of homelessness which arises in the frameworks of dominant political,therapeutic and social work approaches.The creation of homelessness also recalls the attendant violence of its experience. I argue that the space of homelessness needs to be contextualized. When homelessness is imposed, as with torture or a tsunami, there is a closing down of space; but when chosen, as with the transgendered sex worker who leaves her home and community due to threats, impositions and judgements, homelessness may paradoxically open up space. Drawing on the insights from these theorists, I also suggest that the concept of homelessness may at a symbolic level serve rather as a powerful space of resistance to hegemonic practices of belonging, offering a way of destabilising dominant patriarchal, heteronormative and Western constructions of home.The thesis concludes that homelessness cannot be kept outside the boundaries of the home; and neither can the homeless be fully assimilated into the homeland, as something within the home is irreducible to any ordering of things. The border, boundary and intersections of home and homelessness are blurred, forever incomplete, as the home finds itself ceaselessly stained and crossed with the uncanny, that is, the ‘unhomely’. Home, as noted by Delia Vekony (2010), is a site of hospitality. It is a space to think, play, and dream, eat, make love and raise children. But it is also a stage upon which the state apparatus, global economy, monotheistic religions and patriarchal order assert control over the body. Homelessness has been constructed as a material experience for many: a site of terror, abandonment and lack of direction. It is often experience it as free falling or as the mental foreclosure of space. Yet I underline another dimension of homelessness: as an experience of liberation. This ‘camping on the borders’ allows for a disruption of identification, a state of refuge from the demands of others and a form of nomadic thinking. Within any home setting lurks the uncanny, what cannot be housed, likewise within any homeless setting a becoming-at-home is possible. Both home and homelessness hold the possibility of terror as well as a comforting, exciting retreat and escape.

Vyresniųjų klasių moksleivių požiūris į žalingus įpročius kaip žmogiškojo kapitalo ugdymo grėsmes: Maišiagalos vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių tyrimas / Senior pupils' attitude towards bad habits as the threats to the process of development of the human capital: research on pupils' of Maišiagala secondary school

Kuzelis, Linas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Jaunimo vertybių sistemoje derama vieta tenka pagrindinėms universalioms vertybėms – išsilavinimui, dorai, darbui, grožiui, sveikatai, verslumui, savitarpio pagalbai, kurios atsispindi žmogiškame, socialiniame ir dvasiniame kapitale. Jei moksleivis neišsiugdo šių vertybių, tai jų vietą užima „žemesniojo“ lygio asmeninės vertybės ir žalingi įpročiai– rūkymas, alkoholizmas ir net narkomanija. Žalingų įpročių plėtra – greičiausiai plintanti socialinė problema mokyklose. Jauni žmonės turėtų augti saugioje aplinkoje, auklėjami ir globojami šeimos bei mokyklos. Pedagogams pavyksta sumažinti pamokų nelankymo problemą, palaikyti klasėse draugiškus santykius tarp moksleivių ir pedagogų, sumažinti didėjančio nusikalstamumo statistinius rezultatus. Tačiau narkotinių ir psichotropinių medžiagų vartojimo atvejų kasmet didėja. Jauni žmonės - moksleiviai - eina pertraukų metu parūkyti, daugelis jų jau vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus, nes tokį pavyzdį mato savo aplinkoje. Nemaža dalis moksleivių jau yra ragavę ne tik „lengvais“ vadinamų narkotikų, bet bandę ir „stipresnių“ narkotikų. Kyla vis didesnis narkomanijos paplitimo pavojus tarp jaunų žmonių. Narkotikų platintojai išnaudoja kiekvieną galimybę išplėsti narkotikų tinklą ir tarp moksleivių. Tyrimo problema. Lietuvos mokyklose vis aktualesnė tampa žalingų įpročių – alkoholizmo, rūkymo ir narkotikų – plitimo tarp moksleivių problema. Daugelis moksleivių pirmą kartą gyvenime susiduria su šiomis blogybėmis. Situacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The first hypothesis was confirmed that bad habits of pupils pose a threat to the process of development of the human capital. Findings of the research conducted show how it is important to form the social skills, capacity and readiness to resist the social pressure to use narcotic substances, to smoke and to consume alcoholic beverages. Only after realization of that threat it is possible to timely break bad habits and to choose the adequate decision. The human capital – investment to education and health care, development of knowledge and life skills are becoming a priority trend of prevention. The second hypothesis that children at school and within its territory are safe from the threat of drug addiction has also been confirmed. Even though the school administration and pedagogues seek actively to prevent the spreading of drugs, the number of pupils with bad habits is still more increasing. Of the two thirds of the respondents they recognized of having bad habits (consume alcohol, smoke, and are dependent on drug addiction). Only half of the respondents spend less than 50 Litas per month for bad habits, one fifth of the pupils from 51 to 100 Litas, 15 percent of the pupils from 101 to 200 Litas and 12 percent or every eighth of the responding pupils spend even several times more for bad habits. The market economy contributed to the increase of bad habits and the growth of drug threat. The third hypothesis that drug addiction is further spreading at schools and the efforts... [to full text]

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