Spelling suggestions: "subject:"barriers"" "subject:"carriers""
861 |
Spatial Optimisation for River Restoration Planning in Nova Scotia, CanadaOldford, Greig 23 August 2013 (has links)
River restoration is believed to have the greatest chance of success when action is considered in the broader context of the riverscape. However, methods are lacking to fully integrate systemic connectivity into decision-making. Optimisation, a method of prioritisation, is capable of accounting for longitudinal connectivity, spatial interdependence, and cumulative effects of anthropogenic barriers such as dams and culverts. In addition, optimisation can help ensure that limited restoration funds are efficiently allocated. Despite these advantages, it remains under-employed. I present optimisation models for maximising connectivity within a river network (i.e., undirected connectivity) and connectivity between the network and its outflow (i.e., directed connectivity) and demonstrate their application on three river networks in Nova Scotia, Canada. Non-additive cumulative effects of barriers and key budget thresholds that yielded better returns on investment were observed. The methods and models address current challenges in implementation of the optimisation approach to systematic river restoration planning. / Master's Thesis
862 |
The Potential of Urban Agriculture in GuelphCoDyre, Michael 08 May 2013 (has links)
There is substantial optimism for urban agriculture as a form of alternative agriculture that can enhance the food security of individuals within our food system. However, productivity and efficiency of this form of agriculture are not well understood in the literature. This research is the result of a case study of Guelph where fifty gardeners were selected and asked to complete a garden diary in which they recorded their production and input costs (land, labour and capital). The results indicate that the average vegetable gardener in Guelph is not able to achieve high yields but their inputs of labour and capital are quite high. Further investigation of motivations and barriers found that production was not a major motivation for vegetable gardening, but that there were numerous other benefits involved. This suggests that backyard gardening is not a viable food security strategy.
863 |
Self-Determination Motivation and Perceived Barriers in the Vegetable Eating ContextBogdanovich, Vera 21 August 2013 (has links)
Mean daily vegetable consumption is below the recommended 7-10 servings in the diet of adult Canadians. This thesis aimed to investigate the moderating role of perceived barriers on the relationship between motivation and (greater) vegetable consumption. 606 people from the Ontario Food panel participated in the online study. The results identified a positive moderating effect of perceived barriers on the relationship between autonomous motivation and vegetable consumption (p < .05) and negative approaching significance moderating effect of perceived barriers on controlled motivation and vegetable intake (p = 0.056). Also four motivational profiles of consumers were identified and described in terms of vegetable consumption, food related behaviors, stages of change and socio-demographic characteristics. These results extend the Self-Determination Theory with perceived barriers component and can inform intervention program development for social marketers and policy makers.
864 |
Searching for a "unicorn" : emotional dimensions of environmental educatorsHebert, Gabrielle 30 January 2013 (has links)
As more studies highlight the unconscious dynamics of environmental education it is important to understand how those dynamics impact the educators themselves so that we may better train educators and improve the efficacy of their work. Using a psychosocial and psychoanalytic methodology I explored the unconscious emotional lives of six environmental educators. The educators first participated in a professional development workshop and then in three in-depth interviews using the Dialogic, Relational Interview method. Data was analyzed using holistic analysis. The educators' employed a variety of conscious and unconscious protective measures to manage feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, fear, doubt, and grief over loss. The educators were largely unaware of the extent to which they employed protective measures and expressed an overall discomfort with exploring the painful aspects of their work. This study is a first step in understanding how educators' unconscious emotional experiences impact how they interact with their audiences.
865 |
Kvantinių taškų migracijos organizme tyrimai optiniais metodais / Investigation of quantum dots migration in the organism using optical methodsKulvietis, Vytautas 20 December 2013 (has links)
Nanodalelės jau taikomos komerciniuose produktuose ir diegiamos į naujus diagnostikos bei gydymo metodus. Nepaisant to, jų prasiskverbimas per apsauginius organizmo barjerus, lokalizacija organizme, pasišalinimo savybės ir ilgalaikio susikaupimo rizika nėra pakankamai ištirtos. Šios žinios reikalingos tiek naujų medicinos priemonių kūrimui, tiek ir toksikologiniam produktų įvertinimui. Darbe optiniais metodais buvo tiriama puslaidininkinių nanodalelių – CdSe/ZnS-mPEG kvantinių taškų (KT) – migracija eksperimentinių gyvūnų audiniuose in vivo, įvedant juos skirtingais būdais į organizmą. Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas KT judėjimas audinių tarpląstelinėje terpėje, jų kaupimasis skirtingose ląstelėse, prasiskverbimas per kraujagyslių, odos bei placentos barjerus. Rezultatai rodo, kad KT migruoja organizme kitaip nei daugelis medicinoje taikomų organinių junginių. Į kraujotaką patekę neprasiskverbia per daugumos kraujagyslių sienelę ir nesikaupia atitinkamuose audiniuose. Tai sudaro sąlygas naudoti KT kraujotakos vaizdinimui, angiogenezės bei kraujagyslių pažaidų tyrimuose. Parodyta, kad KT audiniuose sulaikomi tankių skaidulinių pluoštų, pvz., bazinės membranos, ir tai sąlygoja jų nepatekimą į plaukų folikulus, prakaito bei riebalų liaukas, periferinius nervus, raumenines skaidulas. Tikimasi, kad šie rezultatai padės aiškintis KT pernašos per biologinius barjerus mechanizmus, leis tiksliau įvertinti jų taikymo saugumą bei praplės KT panaudojimo biomedicinoje galimybes. / Nanoparticles (NP) are already in the composition of commercial products. New methods for medical diagnostics and therapy based on NP are developed. However the mechanisms of NP penetration through protective human barriers, biodistribution in the body, clearance properties and long-term accumulation risk remain undiscovered. This knowledge is needed to optimize biomedical applications of NP and to estimate nanotoxicological effects. This thesis investigates the migration of semiconductor NP – CdSe/ZnS-mPEG quantum dots (QD) in the tissues of experimental animals in vivo by the means of optical methods. The diffusion of QD in extracellular matrix, accumulation in different cell types, and penetration through the barriers of vessel walls, skin and placenta are analyzed. Main results show, that QD migration pathways in the body are distinct form the conventional organic drugs. QD are not transferred through the wall of most blood vessels and don‘t extravasate into the tissues. It can be used for imaging of blood vessels, angiogenesis and vessel damage research. It is shown, that QD diffusion in the tissues is limited by dense tissue fiber layers, e.g. basement membrane, and it retains QD from passage to epidermis, hair follicles, dermal glands, nerves and muscle cells. These results can be used to explore the mechanisms of biological barriers, contribute to the estimation of QD safety and expand the application areas of QD in biomedicine.
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Investigation of quantum dots migration in the organism using optical methods / Kvantinių taškų migracijos organizme tyrimai optiniais metodaisKulvietis, Vytautas 20 December 2013 (has links)
Nanoparticles (NP) are already in the composition of commercial products. New methods for medical diagnostics and therapy based on NP are developed. However the mechanisms of NP penetration through protective human barriers, biodistribution in the body, clearance properties and long-term accumulation risk remain undiscovered. This knowledge is needed to optimize biomedical applications of NP and to estimate nanotoxicological effects. This thesis investigates the migration of semiconductor NP – CdSe/ZnS-mPEG quantum dots (QD) in the tissues of experimental animals in vivo by the means of optical methods. The diffusion of QD in extracellular matrix, accumulation in different cell types, and penetration through the barriers of vessel walls, skin and placenta are analyzed. Main results show, that QD migration pathways in the body are distinct form the conventional organic drugs. QD are not transferred through the wall of most blood vessels and don‘t extravasate into the tissues. It can be used for imaging of blood vessels, angiogenesis and vessel damage research. It is shown, that QD diffusion in the tissues is limited by dense tissue fiber layers, e.g. basement membrane, and it retains QD from passage to epidermis, hair follicles, dermal glands, nerves and muscle cells. These results can be used to explore the mechanisms of biological barriers, contribute to the estimation of QD safety and expand the application areas of QD in biomedicine. / Nanodalelės jau taikomos komerciniuose produktuose ir diegiamos į naujus diagnostikos bei gydymo metodus. Nepaisant to, jų prasiskverbimas per apsauginius organizmo barjerus, lokalizacija organizme, pasišalinimo savybės ir ilgalaikio susikaupimo rizika nėra pakankamai ištirtos. Šios žinios reikalingos tiek naujų medicinos priemonių kūrimui, tiek ir toksikologiniam produktų įvertinimui. Darbe optiniais metodais buvo tiriama puslaidininkinių nanodalelių – CdSe/ZnS-mPEG kvantinių taškų (KT) – migracija eksperimentinių gyvūnų audiniuose in vivo, įvedant juos skirtingais būdais į organizmą. Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas KT judėjimas audinių tarpląstelinėje terpėje, jų kaupimasis skirtingose ląstelėse, prasiskverbimas per kraujagyslių, odos bei placentos barjerus. Rezultatai rodo, kad KT migruoja organizme kitaip nei daugelis medicinoje taikomų organinių junginių. Į kraujotaką patekę neprasiskverbia per daugumos kraujagyslių sienelę ir nesikaupia atitinkamuose audiniuose. Tai sudaro sąlygas naudoti KT kraujotakos vaizdinimui, angiogenezės bei kraujagyslių pažaidų tyrimuose. Parodyta, kad KT audiniuose sulaikomi tankių skaidulinių pluoštų, pvz., bazinės membranos, ir tai sąlygoja jų nepatekimą į plaukų folikulus, prakaito bei riebalų liaukas, periferinius nervus, raumenines skaidulas. Tikimasi, kad šie rezultatai padės aiškintis KT pernašos per biologinius barjerus mechanizmus, leis tiksliau įvertinti jų taikymo saugumą bei praplės KT panaudojimo biomedicinoje galimybes.
867 |
Movement behaviour and distribution of forest songbirds in an expanding urban landscape.Tremblay, Marie Anne Unknown Date
No description available.
868 |
Female students' experience of power dynamics as reflected in the negotiation of condom use.Goodwin, Joanna Louise. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">
<p align="left">In this study, the two most dominant sexual discourses were the male sexual drive discourse and the have/hold discourse. These discourses, together with traditional gender constructions, made condom negotiation difficult for women. Nevertheless, the discourses and constructions were also resisted and challenged. This study was limited by its focus on heterosexual women and the negotiation of condom use. Future studies which explore alternate forms of safe sex, sexual orientation and allow men&rsquo / s experiences to emerge would provide greater insight.</p>
869 |
Using internet-enabled remote instrumentation for research and training in physics: evaluation ofdifferent diffusion barriers for silver metallization.Majiet, Siradz. January 2007 (has links)
<p><font face="Times-Roman">
<p align="left">The growth of the Internet has led to many interesting developments for both educational and commercial purposes. In this project an attempt was made to use the Internet for a research purpose to facilitate the determination of the thermal stability of diffusion barriers. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate the teaching and training use of the Internet through the development of online interactive tools and activities as well as materials. The training aspects are mentioned as it is hoped that this thesis can serve as a form of documentation of the use of the Internet, while the central part was the determination of thermal stability of TiN, TaN and TiW diffusion <font face="Times-Roman">barriers on Ag.</font></p>
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Investigating the Compliance with Universal Precautions among Health Care Providers in Tikur Anbessa Central Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Gebreselassie, Fasil Taye. January 2009 (has links)
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<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12pt / line-height: 115% / font-family: " / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / ">This study has reveled the levels of knowledge and compliance towards Universal Precautions and examined the factors that are influential in having a positive and negative effect on their adoption by healthcare practitioners in practice. Despite acceptable knowledge regarding the potential for infection and mechanisms to prevent these infections, this study has found out that health care workers are not as compliant with universal precautions as they need to be. The findings that compliance correlated directly with knowledge, with in-service training and with availability of protective equipment, provide important indications for future interventions. Therefore a regular on job refreshing training program on Universal Precautions, a written guideline and reminder poster on Universal Precautions and personal protective equipment need to be made available for all health care providers in every department of the hospital for better compliance. <span style="">  / </span><span style="">  / </span><span style="">  / </span><o:p></o:p></span></p>
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