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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comprehensive analysis of sustainable flood retention basins

Yang, Qinli January 2011 (has links)
To adapt to climate change which results in increasing flood frequency and intensity, the European Community has proposed Flood Directive 2007/60/EC. It requires member states to conduct risk assessments of all river basins and coastal areas and to establish Flood Risk Management Plans focused on prevention, protection and preparedness by 2015. Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) that impound water are a new concept that arose in 2006. They can have a pre-defined or potential role in flood defense and were supposed to facilitate the implementation of the Flood Directive. Early and preliminary studies of SFRB were derived from case studies in Southern Baden, Germany. In Scotland, there are a relatively high number of SFRB which could contribute to flood management control. This research aimed to produce a guidance manual for the rapid survey of SFRB and to propose a series of frameworks for comprehensive analysis and assessment of SFRB. Precisely 372 SFRB in central Scotland and 202 SFRB in Southern Baden were investigated and characterized by 43 holistic variables. Based on this practical experience, a detailed guidance manual was created, guiding users to conduct a SFRB survey in a standardized and straightforward way. To explore the hidden data structure of data arising from the SFRB survey, various widely used machine learning algorithms and geo-statistical techniques were applied. For instance, cluster analysis showed intrinsic groupings of SFRB data, assisting with SFRB categorization. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce the dimensions of SFRB data from the original 43 to 23, simplifying the SFRB system. Self-organizing Maps (SOM) visualized the relationships among variables and predicted certain variables as well as the types of SFRB by using the highly related variables. Three feature-selection techniques (Information Gain, Mutual Information and Relief) and four benchmark classifiers (Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbours, C4.5 Decision Tree and Naive Bayes) were used to select and verify the optimal subset of variables, respectively. Findings indicated that only nine important variables were required to accurately classify SFRB. Three popular multi-label classifiers (Multi-Label Support Vector Machine (MLSVM), Multi-Label K-Nearest Neighbour (MLKNN) and Back- Propagation for Multi-Label Learning (BP-MLL)) were applied to classify SFRB with multiple types. Experiments demonstrated that the classification framework achieved promising results and outperformed traditional single-label classifiers. Ordinary Kriging was used to estimate the spatial properties of the flood-related variables across the research area, while Disjunctive kriging was used to assess the probability of these individual variables exceeding specific management thresholds. The results provided decision makers with an effective tool for spatial planning of flood risk management. To assess dam failure hazards and risks of SFRB, a rapid screening tool was proposed based on expert judgement. It demonstrated that the levels of Dam Failure Hazard and Dam Failure Risk varied for different SFRB types and in different regions of central Scotland. In all, this thesis provided a guidance manual for rapid survey of SFRB and presented various effective, efficient and comprehensive frameworks for SFRB analysis and assessment, helping to promote the understanding and management of SFRB and thus to contribute to Flood Risk Management Plans in the context of the Flood Directive.

A comparison between diamictites at the Witteberg-Dwyka contact in southern South Africa

Grobbelaar, Mareli 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Diamictites are sedimentary deposits that originate from a number of different environments, the most common being associated with a glacial environment. Although this association is not, in all cases correct, it is still being used due to the lack of knowledge to confidently identify, classify and interpret a depositional environment for diamictite deposits. During the late Carboniferous to early Permian, two diamictite deposits formed during the development of the Cape Basin and Main Karoo Basin in the southern margins of South Africa. These deposits are known as the Miller diamictite and Dwyka diamictite. The latter is well known and was deposited during the Karoo-deglaciation. The Dwyka diamictite is often referred to as Dwyka Tillite. This is an inappropriate reference owing to that not all of the Dwyka deposits are directly formed as a result of glacial contact. The origin of the Miller diamictite is uncertain, but there are suggestions that its origin can be traced to either a glacial or debris flow deposit formed in a deltaic environment, thus referred to by some as a tillite and others as a diamictite. To establish the sedimentary environments of the above mentioned diamictite deposits in the study area, two facies models were presented with a notable bias for the second model. The first model represents a continuous sedimentation cycle between the closing of the Cape Basin and opening of the Main Karoo Basin, whereas the second model demonstrates an erosional break (hiatus) between the depositions of the above mentioned basins. Derived from the use of the second model, it can be concluded that the Miller diamictite can indeed be classified as a diamictite from a textural interpretation. Both diamictites (Miller and Dwyka) cannot be referred to as tillite deposits since none show evidence of direct glacial contact. The Miller and the Dwyka are both diamictites, but were formed in different sedimentary environments. The Miller diamictite is a product of debris flow deposits from the slope of a braided delta, whereas the Dwyka diamictite represents distal glacio-marine “rain-out” deposits. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Diamiktiete is sedimentêre neerslae afkomstig vanaf verskillende omgewings en dit word meestal met n glasiale omgewing geassosieer. Alhoewel hierdie assosiasie nie in alle gevalle korrek is nie, word dit nog steeds gemaak as gevolg van die gebrek aan kennis om diamiktiete met selfvertroue te identifiseer, te klassifiseer en 'n afsettingsomgewing vir die sedimente te interpreteer. Gedurende die laat Karboon tot vroeë Permiese tydperk het twee diamiktiet afsettings gevorm gedurende die vorming van die Kaap Supergroep Kom en Karoo Kom in die suidelike grense van Suid-Afrika. Die afsetting staan bekend as die Miller diamiktiet en Dwyka diamiktiet. Laasgenoemde is redelik bekend en is gedurende die Karoo gletser ontvormings tydperk gesedimenteer. Die Dwyka diamiktiet word dikwels Dwyka Tilliet genoem, wat onvanpas is aangesien nie al die Dwyka neerslae direk gevorm het as gevolg van direkte glasiale kontak nie. Die oorsprong van die Miller diamiktiet is egter onseker. Dit word veronderstel dat die Miller diamiktiet óf deur 'n gletser, of puin vloei neerslag gevorm het in 'n deltaiese omgewing, dus word daarna verwys as 'n tilliet of ʼn diamiktiet. Om die sedimentêre omgewings van die twee bogenoemde diamiktiet afsettings in die studie area te bevestig, is twee fasies modelle aangebied met 'n voorkeur aan die tweede model. Die eerste fasies model verteenwoordig n siklus van ongebroke sedimentasie tydens die sluiting van die Kaapse Kom en die opening van die Karoo Kom. Die tweede fasies model verteenwoordig n hiatus tussen die afsetting van die bogenoemde komme. Gegrond op sy teksturele samestelling kan die Miller diamiktiet inderdaad as 'n diamiktiet geklassifiseer word. Beide diamiktiete (Miller en Dwyka) kan nie as tilliet neerslae beskou word nie, aangesien geen bewyse gelewer kan word van afsetting as gevolg van direkte glasiale kontak nie. Die Miller en Dwyka is n diamiktiet, maar is gevorm in verskillende afsettingsomgewings. Die Miller diamiktiet is 'n produk van die puin vloei neerslag vanaf die helling van ‘n delta, terwyl die Dwyka diamiktiet verteenwoordig ‘n afgeleë glasio-mariene “uit-reen” neerslae.

A new approach for water planning, management and conflict resolution in Lebanese transboundary basins : hydrologic modeling for climate variation and water policy development

Comair, Georges Fadi 25 October 2013 (has links)
The Hasbani and Orontes Rivers are two main transboundary rivers of Lebanon. These waters are a critical resource for the future water security of the co-riparians. This dissertation analyses results of a water resources planning and hydrologic model under a new participatory framework by studying hydro-political aspects and the vulnerability of water resources in the Hasbani basin of Lebanon and the city of Amman under a changing climate pattern and growing water demands. Water policies suggested by the stakeholders were analyzed and the most sustainable solution was presented to the water resources authorities in the basins. Moreover, because of the political situation in the region, field data such as rainfall and evapotranspiration are very difficult to obtain making the use of remote sensing and Geographic Information System very useful to present a complete description of the hydrology of the watersheds and study water availability in the Orontes and Jordan River Basins. The approach used in this research integrates recently compiled data derived from satellite imagery (evapotranspiration, rainfall, and digital elevation model) into a transboundary geospatial database and hydrologic model to measure the contribution of each riparian country to the total available water in the basin. Finally, a mathematical method called the Orontes water allocation optimization method is used based on the nine factors of the UN Convention on the Law of Non-navigational Use of International Water Courses to allocate water equitably between the co-riparians. The optimization results show that Turkey and Lebanon could benefit from additional water if new negotiations are initiated. Once a multilateral agreement occurs, the findings of this research would provide a useful guide to the co-riparians for policy formulation, decision making and dispute resolution. Cooperation between the riparian countries may be improved by building a GIS database that provides access to accurate data for hydrological analysis, facilitate and standardize data sharing to evaluate future policy alternatives.

Valutazione dell'impatto di ritardanti di fiamma in fiumi Europei / IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF FLAME RETARDANTS IN EUROPEAN RIVER BASIN

GIULIVO, MONICA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Il rilascio nell'ambiente di inquinanti organici, classici ed emergenti, è aumentato con la crescita della popolazione, urbanizzazione e modernizzazione. Considerando che un gran numero di contaminanti, derivati dal trattamento delle acque reflue e scarichi industriali, sono persistenti, bioaccumulabili e tossici; l'ambiente acquatico rappresenta un ecosistema estremamente vulnerabile. In questo contesto, il verificarsi dei ritardanti di fiamma (FRs) è stato oggetto di preoccupazione negli ultimi dieci anni. Fin dalla loro introduzione sul mercato, che risale agli anni Settanta, il loro uso è diventato massiccio e incontrollato grazie alle loro proprietà. I FRs sono infatti incorporati in una varietà di prodotti di consumo al fine di renderli più resistenti all’ accensione, ridurre o interrompere il ciclo di combustione e aumentare la sicurezza delle persone. Attualmente queste sostanze sono considerate contaminanti ambientali a causa della loro riscontrata presenza in diverse comparti quali suolo, sedimenti, acqua, aria, biota etc. Alla luce di quanto sopra, il presente progetto mira a focalizzare l'attenzione sull'impatto ambientale dei FRs (HFRs e OPFRs) in tre diversi bacini fluviali europei (Adige, Evrotas e Sava) e di valutare l'esposizione dell'organismo umano e acquatico a queste sostanze nel Fiume Adige attraverso l'uso di un modello matematico. / The release of classic and emerging organic pollutants into the environment has increased with the growing population, urbanization and modernization. Considering that a great number of contaminants derive from wastewater treatment plant and industrial discharges, and are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; the aquatic environment is the most vulnerable ecosystem. In this context, the environmental occurrence of flame retardants (FRs) has been a subject of concern for the past decade. Since their introduction on the market, which dates back to the seventies, their use has become massive and uncontrolled thanks their properties. HFRs are extremely used and incorporated in different consumer products in order to render them more resistant to ignition, reduce or stop the combustion cycle and increase the safety of lives. Nowadays, these substances are considered as environmental contaminants due to their presence in different compartments such as soil, sediment, water, air, biota etc. In the light of the above, the present project aim to focus the attention on the environmental impact of FRs (HFRs and OPFRs) in three different European river basins (Adige, Evrotas and Sava) and to assess the exposure of human and aquatic organism to these substances in Adige River through the use of mathematical modelling.

Integrated geophysical investigation of the Karoo Basin, South Africa

Scheiber-Enslin, Stephanie E 10 May 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Johannesburg, August 2015 School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand / The possibility of extensive shale gas resources in the main Karoo Basin has resulted in a renewed focus on the basin, and particularly the Whitehill Formation. The main Karoo Basin has been the subject of geological studies since before the 1920s, but geophysical data provides an opportunity to shed new light on the basin architecture and formation. In this thesis, I use regional gravity, magnetic and borehole data over the basin, as well as vintage seismic data in the southern part of the basin. Modern computational capacity allows for more information to be extracted from these seismic data, and for these data to be better integrated with potential field data. The integration of datasets in a three-dimensional model (3D) has allowed for a better understanding of the shape of the basin and its internal structure, in turn shedding light on basin formation. A new depth map of the basin constructed using this extensive database confirms that the basin deepens from on- to off-craton. The basin is deepest along the northern boundary of the Cape Fold Belt (CFB), with a depth of ~4000 m in the southwestern Karoo and ~5000 m in the southeastern part of the basin. Sediment thickness ranges from ~5500 to 6000 m. The Whitehill Formation along this boundary reaches a depth of ~ 3000 m in the southwest and ~4000 m in the southeast. Despite limited boreholes in this region, the basin appears to broadly deepen to the southeast. These seismic and borehole data also allow for mapping of the Cape Supergroup pinch-out below the Karoo basin (32.6°S for the Bokkeveld and 32.4°S for the Table Mountain Group), with the basin reaching a thickness of around 4 km just north of the CFB. The gravity effect of these sediments in the south is not sufficient to account for the low of the Cape Isostatic Anomaly near Willowmore and Steytlerville. This ~45 mGal Bouguer gravity low dominates the central region of the southern Karoo at the northern border of the CFB. The seismic data for the first time show uplift of lower-density shales of the Ecca Group (1800 – 2650 kg/m3) in this region, and structural and seismic data suggest that these lower density sediments continue to depth of 11 to 12 km along normal and thrust faults in this region. Two-dimensional density models show that these shallow crustal features, as well as deeper lower crust compared to surrounding regions, account for the anomaly. These seismic and borehole data also allow for constraints to be placed on the distribution and geometry of the dolerite intrusions that intruded the basin after its formation, and in some cases impacted on the shale layer, to be constrained. The highest concentrations of dolerites are found in the northwest and east of the basin, pointing towards two magma sources. The region of lowest concentration is in the south-central part of the basin. Here the intrusions are confined to the Beaufort Group, ~1000 m shallower than the shale reservoir, suggesting it should be the focus of exploration efforts. These dolerite sills are shown to be between 5 and 30 km wide and are saucer-shaped with ~ 800 m vertical extent, and dips of between 2° and 8° on the edges. The sheets in the south of the basin extend for over 150 km, dipping at between 3° and 13°, and are imaged down to ~ 5 km. This change in dip of the sheets is linked to deformation within the Cape Fold Belt, with greater dips closer to the belt, although these sheets do not appear to intrude strata dipping at more than 15 to 20°. In order to understand the shape of the Karoo basin and construct a 3D model of the basin, an understanding is needed of the underlying basement rocks. The Beattie Magnetic Anomaly (BMA) that stretches across the entire southern part of the basin forms part of the basement Namaqua-Natal Belt. Filtered magnetic data confirm that the Namaqua and Natal Belts are two separate regions with different magnetic characteristics, which is taken into account during modelling. The BMA is shown to be part of a group of linear magnetic anomalies making up the Natal Belt. The anomaly itself will therefore not have an individual effect on basin formation, and the effect of the Natal Belt as a whole will have to be investigated. An in-depth study of outcrops associated with one of these linear magnetic anomalies on the east coast of South Africa suggest the BMA can be attributed to regions of highly magnetic (10 to 100 x 10-3 SI) supracrustal rocks in Proterozoic shear zones. Along two-dimensional magnetic models in the southwestern Karoo constrained by seismic data, these magnetic zones are modelled as dipping slabs with horizontal extents of ~20-60 km and vertical extents of ~10-15 km. Body densities range from 2800- 2940 kg/m3 and magnetic susceptibilities from 10 to 100 x 10-3 SI. These, as well as other geophysical and geological constraints, are used to construct a 3D model of the basin down to 300 km. Relatively well-constrained crustal structure allows for inversion modelling of lithospheric mantle densities using GOCE satellite gravity data, with results in-line with xenolith data. These results confirm the existence of lower density mantle below the craton (~3270 kg/m3) that could contribute to the buoyancy of the craton, and an almost 50 kg/m3 density increase in the lithospheric mantle below the surrounding Proterozoic belts. It is this change in lithospheric density along with changes in Moho depths that isostatically compensate a large portion of South Africa’s high topography (<1200 m). The topography higher than 1200 m along the edge of the plateau, along the Great Escarpment, are shown to be accommodated by an asthenospheric buoyancy anomaly with a density contrast of around 40 kg/m3, while still mimicking the Bouguer gravity field. These findings are in line with recent tomographic studies below Africa suggesting an “African Superplume” or “Large Low Velocity Seismic Province” in the deep mantle. The basin sediment thickness maps were further used to investigate the formation of the main Karoo Basin. This was accomplished by studying the past flexure of the Whitehill Formation using north-south two-dimensional (2D) profiles. Deepening of the formation from ~3000 m in the southwest to ~4000 m in the southeast is explained using the concept of isostasy, i.e., an infinite elastic beam that is subjected to an increasing load size across the Cape Fold Belt. Load height values increase from 4 km in the southwest to 8 km in the southeast. This larger load is attributed here to “locking” along a subduction zone further to the south. The effective elastic thickness (Te) of the beam also increases from around 50 km over the Namaqua and Natal Belts in the southwest to 80 km over the Kaapvaal Craton and Natal Belt in the southeast. The changes in Te values do not correlate with changes in terrane, i.e., a north to south change, as previously though. The large extent and shape of the Karoo basin can therefore, in general, be explained as a flexural basin, with the strength of the basement increasing towards the southeast. Therefore, while factors such as mantle flow could have contributed towards basin formation, reducing the load size needed, it is no longer necessary in order to account for the large extent of the basin. This flexure model breaks down further to the southeast, most likely due to a very high Te value. This could be the reason for later plate break in this region during Gondwana breakup. It is inferred that this increase in Te is linked to the buoyancy anomaly in the asthenospheric mantle.

Tectonic influence on the evolution of the Early Proterozoic Transvaal sea, southern Africa

Clendinin, C W 14 January 2015 (has links)
The epeiric Transvaal Sea covered the Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa during the Early Proterozoic and its remnant strata represent one of the oldest known carbonate depositories. A genetic stratigraphic approach has been used in this research on the evolution and syndepositional tectonics of the Transvaal Sea; research also emphasized the development of basement precursors, which influenced the Transvaal Sea. Eight subfacies were initially recognized and their interrelationships through Transvaal Sea time and space were used to identify ten depositional systems. Paleogeographic reconstructions indicate that the depositional systems developed on morphological variations of a distally-steepened carbonate rarp and that the depositional character of each was simply a function of water Backstripping of the depositional systems indicates that the Transvaal Sea was compartmentalized; three compartments are preserved on the Kaapvaal Craton. Backstripping also indicates that the depositional center of the Transvaal Sea lay over the western margin of an underlying rift. Rifting had developed a major, north-south-trending structure, and its geographical interrelationships with the east-west-trending Selati Trough created the compartment architecture of the basement. Interpretation of syndepositional tectonics suggests that six stages of subsidence influenced the Transvaal Sea. Early subsidence consisted of mechanical (rift) subsidence followed by

Detention storage for the control of urban storm water runoff, with specific reference to the Sunninghill monitored catchment

Brooker, Christopher John January 1997 (has links)
A project report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, 1997 / Detention storage IS a well tested, and generally accepted, method of attenuating flood hydrographs, but relatively littlo data is available from the monitoring of full scale instc'lations An onstrearn pond was constructed at Sunninqhill Park and details of 15 inflow and outflow hydro [Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version] / MT2016

Avaliação de modelos de simulação de cargas difusas em bacias urbanas / Evaluation of diffuse loads simulation models in an urban watershed

Aprígio, Patrik de Oliveira 19 June 2012 (has links)
Diante do agravo da condição das águas, tanto em qualidade e quantidade, há urgência de se controlar não somente a poluição hídrica pontual, mas também a de origem difusa, que é aquela distribuída ao longo da superfície do solo por inúmeros agentes poluidores, e que afluem aos corpos dágua, preferencialmente, por ocasião dos eventos de precipitação. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo proceder à simulação da poluição difusa hídrica gerada na bacia do Córrego do Mineirinho, São Carlos SP, por meio de dois modelos hidrológicos: SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) e L-THIA (Long Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment), que foram comparados quanto ao volume de escoamento e produção de cargas anuais de poluição difusa. Foram exploradas as vantagens e desvantagens encontradas na aplicação de cada modelo, em três cenários de uso e ocupação do solo de base, atual e futuro. O mapa de uso e ocupação foi construído por meio de identificação visual de imagem digital de satélite e vetorização manual das feições. Pode-se dizer que, em relação às estimativas de escoamento superficial e das cargas difusas, ambos os modelos perceberam alteração drástica de volume entre o cenário de base e o atual, enquanto que, entre este cenário e o futuro, também houve aumento, mas não da monta do que ocorreu entre os cenários anteriores. De maneira geral, o SWMM sobrestimou os resultados do L-THIA, exceto para o cenário de base. Os modelos produziram variações distintas nas respostas, sendo que, pelo SWMM, os impactos no volume de escoamento e na produção cargas devidos à mudança do uso do solo foram mais elevados. Fica evidente a necessidade de dados observados se para efetuar uma calibração dos modelos visando a uma maior correspondência entre os resultados modelados e a realidade da bacia. Conforme os resultados obtidos, para modelagem em as bacias desprovidas de dados observados e para fins de planejamento e estimativas preliminares, recomenda-se optar pelo modelo L-THIA, por ser mais simples e por requerer menos dados de entrada, já que a maior quantidade de parâmetros exigidos por modelos mais complexos, que devem ser objeto de calibração, pode levar a maiores incertezas. / The aggravation of the water condition concerning both quality and quantity has led to an urgent need of monitoring, not only point sources, but also diffuse sources of pollution. The latter is distributed over the soil surface by numerous polluting agents and flows to the water bodies during precipitation events. In this context, this dissertation deals with the simulation of diffuse water pollution generated in Mineirinhos stream basin, São Carlos SP, by using two hydrological models: SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) and LTHIA (Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment), which were compared in terms of volume flow and annual loads of diffuse pollution. The advantages and disadvantages encountered in the application of each model were explored in three land use scenarios: baseline, current and future. The land use maps were elaborated through the visual identification of a satellite image and manual vectorization of the features. Both models drastically changed the runoff and diffuse loads between the baseline and current scenarios, whereas, between current and future scenarios, the increase was not so high. In general, SWMM overestimated the results of L-THIA, except for the baseline scenario. The models produced different variations in their responses, and the SWMM highly impacted on the volume flow and loads. The need for monitored data to calibrate models was evident, so that a greater correspondence between the modeled results and the reality of the basin could be achieved. The results allowed to concluding that L-THIA is recommended for an ungauged basin, as it is simpler, and more complex models, with a greater number of parameters, may lead to greater uncertainties.

Tectônica deformadora em sinéclises intracratônicas: a origem do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga, Bacia do Paraná, SP / Intracratonic basins tectonics: the origin of the Pitanga Structural High, Paraná basin, Brazil

Siqueira, Leonardo Ferreira da Silva de 06 April 2011 (has links)
Sinéclises intracrâtonicas são pouco deformadas em comparação a outros tipos de bacias sedimentares, sua arquitetura é caracterizada por unidades litoestratigráficas subhorizontais que podem ser acompanhadas por grandes distâncias sem alterações estruturais significativas. O tectonismo concentra-se em alguns locais, tais como zonas de falha e altos estruturais, onde ocorre toda sorte de estruturas geológicas predominatemente rúpteis. Altos estruturais são locais interessantes para o estudo das sinéclises intracratônicas já que o basculamento de camadas propicia o afloramento de diversas unidades estratigráficas em áreas restritas, mas, sobretudo, são regiões propícias para o entendimento de sua evolução tectônica devido à abundância de estruturas aflorantes. Além disso, essas feições possuem grande importância econômica pois tradicionalmente são investigadas como potenciais armazenadores de hidrocarbonetos. Mais recentemente tem sido utilizadas na estocagem de gás combustível e tem-se avaliado seu potencial para armazenamento de gases do efeito estufa. Na Bacia do Paraná existem diversos altos estruturais, dentre os quais destaca-se, por suas dimensões, o Alto Estrutural de Pitanga. Localizado na região centro-leste do Estado de São Paulo, é uma braquianticlinal alongada na direção NNE-SSW. Em mapa possui formato grosseiramente elíptico, atingindo cerca de 30 km de comprimento em seu eixo maior, de direção NNE-SSW, e até 15 km no eixo menor, de direção WNWESE. O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar em detalhe a geometria dessa braquianticlinal mediante a construção de um mapa de contorno estrutural, e analisar os principais estilos estruturais encontrados nessa região. Com isso, tentar elucidar qual regime tectônico e posição do campo de esforços foram responsáveis pela geração do alto estrutural. Na área do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga foram encontrados evidências de regimes tectônicos compressivo, distensivo e transcorrente registrados em seis fases de deformação. Comparando-se a geomertria e orientação espacial da braquianticlinal bem caracterizada pelo mapa de contorno estrutural, e a orientação das estruturas e campo de esforços associados às diferentes fases de deformação, foi possível identificar o provável tectonismo que deu origem a esse alto estrutural, além de estimar a sua idade. Também foi possível avaliar o seu potencial como armadilha para o sistema petrolífero Irati-Pirambóia. / Intracratonic basins are slightly deformed compared to other types of sedimentary basins. The architecture of intracratonic basins are characterized by subhorizontal stratigraphic units which may be followed by large distances without significant structural changes. Deformation is concentraded in specifc sites such as fault zones and structural highs. Structural highs are interesting sites to study intracratonic basins since the tilting of layers provides the outcrop of different stratigraphic units in restricted areas, but most of all, they are conducive regions for the understanding of their tectonic evolution. Moreover, these features are traditionally investigated as potential traps of hydrocarbons. They have been used in the storage of fuel gas and, more recently, has evaluated its potential for storage of greenhouse gases. In Paraná Basin there are several structural highs among which stands out for its dimensions the so called Pitanga Structural High . Located in the central-eastern part of São Paulo State, south east of Brazil, is a gentle NNE-SSW-oriented anticlinal fold. On the map, it has a roughly elliptical geometry, reaching approximately 30 and 15 km in length on its major NNE-SSW and minor WNW-ESE axis, respectively. This study aimed to characterize, in detail, the Pitanga Structural High geometry by constructing a structural contour map, and to analyze the main structural styles found in this region to clarify what tectonic style and orientation of the stress field were responsible for the generation of this anticlinal. There are varied structural styles found in the area of Pitanga Structural High, related to compressive, transcurrent, and extensional tectonic regimes of six distinct deformation phases. By comparing the spatial orientation and geometry of the anticlinal characterized by structural contour map, and orientation of structures and stress field associated to different stages of deformation, it was possible to identify the likely tectonism which led to this structural high and so estimate its age. It was also possible to evaluate its potential as a trap for the petroleum system Irati-Pirambóia.

Proposta de metodologia de cálculo para reservatórios de detenção em bacias hidrográficas urbanizadas / Proposed methodology for calculation of tanks detention in watershed urbanized

Assunção, Vitor Rafael de Andrade 29 May 2012 (has links)
Diversos são os transtornos causados pelas inundações dentre os quais se destacam problemas ambientais, sanitários, de perdas materiais e humanas. Os maiores agentes destas inundações são o crescimento urbano não planejado, que ocasiona a impermeabilização indiscriminada das áreas urbanas gerando maior volume escoado, e a ocupação de várzeas. As bacias de detenção são caracterizadas por sua destinação ao amortecimento dos picos de cheias por meio da contenção de parte do volume escoado superficialmente. No presente trabalho fez-se uma proposta de pré-dimensionamento de bacias de detenção, fundamentada no método racional e associada a relações IDF, que permite o cálculo dos volumes de detenção. A viabilidade e segurança do modelo foram verificadas comparando a proposta desenvolvida com metodologias consagradas entre projetistas, sendo utilizado como referência o procedimento desenvolvido por Porto (2002). De modo a permitir uma melhor avaliação dos métodos estudados foram analisadas interferências relativas às mudanças no tempo de concentração da bacia e na duração dos eventos chuvosos. O processo proposto apresentou resultados satisfatórios quando aplicado à bacia do córrego do Andrezinho na cidade de Pirassununga, São Paulo, assegurando em seus melhores ajustes diferenças máximas da ordem de 5% do volume estimado como ideal. / Several disorders are occurred by the floods of which are highlighted environmental issues, sanitary, of human and material losses. The main agent of these floods is the unplanned urban growth which causes sealing of urban areas generating higher volumes disposed. The detention ponds are characterized by their allocation to the dampening of flood peaks through retention of part of surface runoff. The present work proposes the pre-sizing of detention basins, based on rational method and associated with IDF relations which allows the calculation of the volumes of detention. The feasibility and safety of the model were verified by comparing the proposal with methods traditionally developed between designers, being used as reference the procedure developed by Porto (2002). In order to allow a better evaluation of the methods studied were analyzed interferences related to changes in the watershed concentration time and duration of rainfall events. The proposed method showed good results when applied to the basin of the Andrezinho stream in the city of Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, ensuring in their optimum settings with maximum differences about 5% of the volume estimated as ideal.

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