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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleocurrent Analysis of the Upper Miocene Formation, Los Angeles Basin, California

Bennett, John Newton, Jr. January 1967 (has links)
Almost all sandstone beds occurring in the Upper Miocene formations at the Los Angeles basin were deposited by turbidity currents. Primary textures and structures indicative of turbidites occur in fair abundance throughout all three Upper Miocene formations. All accessible outcrops of the Puente, Modelo, and Upper Miocene portion of the Monterey and Capistrano Formations were scrutinized for sandstone beds containing primary sedimentary structures. Through study of these structures, the direction of current movement was determined. The pattern of current movement displayed reveals that sediment was being transported into the Los Angeles basin from all sides. Current directions and mineralogic studies indicate that essentially three source areas were supplying sediment into the basin. These source areas are 1) the San Gabriel Mountains, 2) an area to the east of the Santa Ana Mountains, and 3) a ridge of metamorphic rock paralleling the present coast line. The majority of sediment was derived from an area in the San Gabriel Mountains located northeast or the basin. This is evidenced by the fact that the thickness, grain size, and total sand content of the Upper Miocene units decrease southwestward across the basin.

Avaliação e modelização da dinâmica de carbono e nitrogênio em solo com o uso de dejetos de suínos / Evaluation and simulation of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics with the use of pig manure

Giacomini, Sandro José 28 February 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The managedment of the pig manure, in the slurry or solid form (deep bedding), and how it is applied to the soil, in the surface or incorporated, must affect the dynamics of the C and the N in the soil. The objectives of this work were: 1) to evaluate the dynamics of the C and the N in soil and to evaluate the N supply to maize which were applied pig manure in the slurry and solid form, in no-tillage and minimum tillage system; and 2) to use the STICS model (BRISSON et al., 1998) to simulate the dynamics of N and water in the soil-plant system with the use of pig slurry in maize under no-tillage system. To reach the first objective, three experiments were realized. Two of them in the field conditions, during the period of 2002/03 in the Experimental Area of the UFSM/RS Soil Department in a typic Hapludult and one of them in laboratory conditions. The treatments consisted in the application or no application of pig manure in the slurry and solid form (deep bedding) on the crop oats residues with and without incorporation to the soil in the maize. Aiming to reach the second objective, a data set generated in the Experimental Area of the UFSM Soil Department during the period of 1998 to 2002, involving the N dynamics in the soil-plant system, with the use of pig slurry in notillage system was used. The gotten results had indicated that the N losses by NH3 volatilization were higher with the application of pig slurry than with the application of solid manure and that these losses decrease with the incorporation of the manure to the soil. The amounts of mineral N in the soil layer of 0-90 cm did not differ between the treatments with and without incorporation of the manure in spite of the lost N amount by volatilization has been higher in the treatment without incorporation. The incorporation of the manure to the soil did not increase the straw C decomposition and nor the N immobilization. The presence of the oats straw stimulated the immobilization of the ammoniacal N applied with the pig slurry. The solid manure presented low nitrogenous fertilizing otential to the maize when compared to the pig slurry in terms of the low mineralization rate of the organic N, present in the deep bedding. The N-N2O emission increased with the application of the pig slurry on the oats straw in relation to the system with straw and without pig slurry. The pig slurry ammoniacal 15N recovery by the maize in physiological maturation stage was only 14.9%. In the same period, only 49.2% of the ammoniacal 15N applied with the slurry pig slurry were recuperated in the soil and the plant (aerial part + roots), indicating that more than a half of the ammoniacal N applied with the pig slurry was lost through the volatilization, lixiviation and denitrification processes. The STICS model underestimates the amount of N lost by ammonia volatilization after the pig slurry application. The use of a factor in STICS to express the N losses by ammonia volatilization provided an improvement in the simulations of the N dynamics in the soil. The water dynamics in the soil layer of 0 - 60 cm was simulated by STICS with an error lower than 13.5%. These work results showed that the STICS reparametred model presents potential to be used in subtropical weather conditions in the simulation of the N and water dynamics in no-tillage system with the use of pig manure. / A forma como os dejetos de suínos são manejados, se na forma líquida ou sólida (cama sobreposta), e o modo de aplicação dos mesmos no solo, se na superfície ou incorporados, devem afetar a dinâmica do C e do N no solo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) avaliar a dinâmica do C e do N no solo e o fornecimento de N ao milho com uso de dejetos de suínos na forma líquida e sólida, em sistema plantio direto e preparo reduzido do solo; e 2) utilizar o modelo STICS (BRISSON et al., 1998) para simular a dinâmica do N e da água no sistema solo-planta com o uso de dejetos líquidos de suínos em sistema plantio direto de milho. Para atingir o primeiro objetivo, foram realizados três experimentos, sendo dois em condições de campo, no período de 2002/03 na área Experimental do Departamento de Solos da UFSM/RS, em solo Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, e um em condições de laboratório. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação ou não de dejetos de suínos na forma líquida e sólida (cama sobreposta), sobre os resíduos culturais de aveia com e sem incorporação ao solo, na cultura do milho. Com vistas ao alcance do segundo objetivo, foi utilizado um conjunto de dados gerados na área Experimental do Departamento de Solos da UFSM no período de 1998 a 2002 envolvendo a dinâmica do N no sistema solo-planta com o uso de dejetos líquidos de suínos em sistema plantio direto. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as perdas de N por volatilização de NH3 foram maiores com a aplicação de dejetos líquidos de suínos do que com a aplicação de dejetos sólidos e que essas perdas diminuíram com a incorporação dos dejetos ao solo. As quantidades de N mineral na camada de 0-90 cm do solo não diferiram entre os tratamentos com e sem incorporação dos dejetos apesar da quantidade de N perdida por volatilização ter sido maior no tratamento sem incorporação. A incorporação dos dejetos ao solo não aumentou a decomposição do C da palha e nem a imobilização de N. A presença da palha de aveia estimulou a imobilização do N amoniacal aplicado com os dejetos de suínos. Os dejetos sólidos apresentaram baixo potencial fertilizante nitrogenado ao milho, comparado aos dejetos líquidos, em função da baixa taxa de mineralização do N orgânico presente na cama sobreposta. A emissão de N-N2O aumentou com a aplicação dos dejetos líquidos sobre a palha de aveia em relação ao sistema com palha e sem dejetos. A recuperação do 15N amonical dos dejetos líquidos pelo milho no estádio de maturação fisiológica foi de apenas 14,9%. Nesse mesmo período, apenas 49,2% do 15N amoniacal aplicado com os dejetos líquidos de suínos foram recuperados no solo e na planta (parte aérea + raízes), indicando que mais da metade do N amoniacal aplicado com os dejetos foi perdido através dos processos de volatilização, lixiviação e desnitrificação. O modelo STICS subestimou a quantidade de N perdida por volatilização de amônia, após a aplicação dos dejetos de suínos. O uso de um fator em STICS para expressar a perdas de N por volatilização de amônia proporcionou uma melhora nas simulações da dinâmica do N no solo. A dinâmica da água na camada 0 60 cm do solo foi simulada por STICS com um erro inferior a 13,5%. Os resultados desse estudo evidenciaram que o modelo STICS reparametrado apresenta potencial para ser utilizado em condições de clima subtropical na simulação da dinâmica do N e da água em sistema plantio direto com o uso de dejetos de suínos.

Emissão de óxido nitroso e dióxido de carbono após aplicação de dejetos de suínos e bovinos em um argissolo / Emission of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide after application of pig slurry and cattle dejections in an hapludalf

Denega, Genuir Luis 02 March 2009 (has links)
Emission of greenhouse effect gases due to the agricultural use of the dejections of animals as fertilizers, as well as the mineralization of the carbon of those materials in the soil healthy aspects are still relatively a little studied in Brazil. This work was accomplished to evaluate: 1) the annual emission of nitrous oxide with the use, in the corn, of mineral and organic manuring (pig and cattle slurry and pig deep-bedding); 2) the mineralization of the carbon of pig slurry and of the corn straw, with and without incorporation to the soil. For that two experiments were driven in field conditions, in the period of October of 2007 to September of 2008, in the experimental area of the Departamento de Solos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) in typic Hapludalf soil. In the first, it was evaluated the emission of N2O periodically for 342 days in the following treatments: T1: without dejections (control); T2: pig slurry in single application; T3: pig deep-bedding; T4: pig deep-bedding + urea; T5: cattle slurry; T6: pig slurry in parceled out application; T7: without slurry and with mineral fertilizer (NPK) recommended to the corn. Approximately 2/3 of the annual emission of N2O happened during the first 15 days after the application of the organic materials, and all of them provoked increase in the emission of N2O in relation to the control treatment, without use of fertilizers and also in relation to the treatment with the use of N-urea. With the parceled out application of the pig slurry the emission of N2O was inferior to the single application. At the end of approximately one year the factor of emission of N2O in the treatments with application of organic residues varied of 2.1% of applied N with the cattle slurry to 3.4% of applied N with the pig slurry. In the second experiment the effect of the addition of pig slurry was evaluated on the decomposition of corn straw, with and without incorporation to the soil. For such, the continuous C-CO2 emission was quantified for a period of 158 days in the following treatments: T1: soil without mobilization, T2: mobilized soil, T3: pig slurry in soil surface, T4: pig slurry incorporated, T5: corn straw in surface, T6: incorporate straw, T7: straw + pig slurry in surface and T8: straw + incorporate pig slurry. The incorporation of the corn straw to the soil favored the C mineralization of the straw while in the pig slurry his maintenance in the soil surface favored the C mineralization. The application of pig slurry increased the mineralization straw C in surface in 12% (320 kg ha-1 of added C) and of the incorporate straw in 1.3% (34 kg ha-1 of added C). / A emissão de gases de efeito estufa decorrente do uso agrícola dos dejetos de animais como fertilizantes, bem como a mineralização do carbono desses materiais no solo são aspectos ainda relativamente pouco estudados no Brasil. Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar: 1) a emissão anual de óxido nitroso com o uso, no milho, de adubação mineral e orgânica (dejetos líquidos de suínos e de bovinos e cama sobreposta de suínos); 2) a mineralização do carbono dos dejetos líquidos de suínos e da palha de milho, com e sem incorporação ao solo. Para isso foram conduzidos dois experimentos em condições de campo, no período de outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008, na área experimental do Departamento de Solos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico. No primeiro, avaliou-se periodicamente a emissão de N2O durante 342 dias nos seguintes tratamentos: T1: sem dejetos (testemunha); T2: dejetos líquidos de suínos em aplicação única; T3: cama sobreposta de suínos; T4: cama sobreposta + uréia; T5: dejetos líquidos de bovinos; T6: dejetos líquidos de suínos em aplicação parcelada; T7: sem dejetos e com adubação mineral (NPK) recomendada ao milho. Aproximadamente 2/3 da emissão anual de N2O ocorreu durante os primeiros 15 dias após a aplicação dos materiais orgânicos, sendo que todos eles provocaram aumento na emissão de N2O em relação ao tratamento testemunha, sem uso de fertilizantes e também em relação ao tratamento com o uso de N-uréia. Com a aplicação parcelada dos dejetos de suínos a emissão de N2O foi inferior à aplicação dos dejetos em dose única. Ao final de aproximadamente um ano o fator de emissão de N2O nos tratamentos com aplicação de resíduos orgânicos variou de 2,1 % do N aplicado com os dejetos líquidos de bovinos a 3,4 % do N aplicado com os dejetos líquidos de suínos. No segundo experimento foi avaliado o efeito da adição de dejetos sobre a decomposição de palha de milho, com e sem incorporação ao solo. Para tal, foi quantificada a emissão contínua de C-CO2 por um período de 158 dias nos seguintes tratamentos: T1: solo sem mobilização, T2: solo mobilizado, T3: dejetos líquidos de suínos em superfície, T4: dejetos incorporados, T5: palha de milho em superfície, T6: palha incorporada, T7: palha + dejetos em superfície e T8: palha + dejetos incorporados. A incorporação da palha de milho ao solo favoreceu a mineralização do C da palha enquanto nos dejetos de suínos a sua manutenção na superfície do solo favoreceu a mineralização do C. A aplicação de dejetos líquidos de suínos aumentou a mineralização do C da palha em superfície em 12% (320 kg ha-1 do C adicionado) e da palha incorporada em 1,3% (34 kg ha-1 do C adicionado).

Improving abiotic and biotic stress tolerance in floriculture crops

South, Kaylee 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Paleocurrents and Depositional Environments of the Dakota Group (Cretaceous), San Miguel County, New Mexico

Bejnar, Craig Russel January 1975 (has links)
The Dakota Group surrounding Las Vegas, New Mexico, consists of three units: 1) a basal, predominately trough cross-stratified, conglomeratic sandstone, 2) middle intercalated, thin-bedded sandstone and carbonaceous shale, and 3) upper, predominately tabular-planar cross-stratified, sandstone containing trace fossils. These units represent, respectively, 1) a fluvial piedmont plain, 2) fluvial coastal plain, and 3) a beach, littoral, and shallow marine complex. The cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit indicates an easterly paleoslope. The cross-stratification in the upper sandstone unit has a bimodal distribution almost at right angles to the paleoslope, suggesting deposition by longshore currents. The standard deviation of the cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit of 78° is typical of fluvial deposits. The standard deviation in the upper sandstone unit of 97° indicates a marine origin.

Dlouhodobé posuzování vozovek opravených recyklací podkladů / Pavement Long-term Evaluation with Recycled Base Course

Kadlubiec, Janusz January 2012 (has links)
My work deals with monitoring communications sections, which were renovated zrecyklováním existing surface. I documented these communications and to assess their condition after the time of use. Subscribed sections I put into the database PMS.

Impacts de l’utilisation de litière de fumier recyclé sur la santé des vaches laitières et la qualité du lait

Fréchette, Annie 12 1900 (has links)
La litière de fumier recyclé (LFR) est utilisée dans les fermes laitières québécoises depuis quelques années, et ce, malgré le manque de connaissances scientifiques quant aux risques reliés à l’utilisation de ce produit pour la santé des animaux. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de décrire les méthodes de production de LFR dans un contexte québécois et les pratiques de régie associées. Le deuxième objectif du projet consistait à déterminer le potentiel de recroissance de certaines espèces bactériennes dans la LFR lorsqu’elle est contaminée. Par la suite, le niveau de propreté et la prévalence de lésions aux jarrets chez les vaches laitières exposées ou non à ce produit ont été estimés. Finalement, l’association entre l’utilisation de LFR et l’incidence de mammite sous-clinique et clinique a été évaluée. Des études observationnelles cohorte ou transversale (selon l’objectif de recherche) ont été réalisées en 2018-2019 sur 27 fermes utilisant de la LFR et 61 fermes utilisant de la litière de paille, à titre comparatif. Les visites de fermes ont permis de constater que les méthodes utilisées pour produire de la LFR n’étaient pas standardisées et qu’elles ne permettaient pas un réel compostage de la fraction solide du fumier. Les essais de recroissance ont permis de démontrer que les différentes LFR (traitée en tas, contenant fermé ou cuve rotative) ne réagissaient pas de la même façon à une inoculation par des coliformes. La LFR de cuve rotative contenait une plus faible concentration initiale de Klebsiella spp. et a montré une croissance bactérienne significative dans les premières 24 h post-inoculation. Les LFR conditionnées dans des tas ou contenants avaient quant à elles une concentration initiale importante de Klebsiella spp. et n’ont pas démontré de croissance bactérienne significative suivant leur inoculation, ce qui suggère un effet de saturation de croissance bactérienne. Au cours de l’étude transversale, 30 vaches par troupeau, en moyenne, ont été notées à l’aide d’un score de propreté sur trois zones du corps ainsi que d’un score sur l’état des jarrets, afin d’estimer leur propreté et la présence de lésions aux jarrets. Le score de propreté attribué à chaque zone du corps des vaches allait de 1 à 4, 1 étant très propre et 4 très sale. Nous avons observé que les vaches logées sur LFR avaient, en général, une meilleure propreté du pis et du bas des pattes que celles logées sur paille. La LFR avait un effet protecteur pour le risque d’avoir un score de propreté du pis ≥ 3 (rapport de cotes (RC) : 0,43) ou d’avoir un score de 4 (RC : 0,29). Les vaches logées sur LFR avaient aussi le bas des membres plus propres que celles logées sur paille avec de plus faibles cotes d’avoir un score ≥ 2 (RC : 0,45), un score ≥ 3 (RC : 0,16) ou un score de 4 (RC : 0,07). Cependant, nous n’avons pas trouvé de différence entre les deux groupes d’animaux au niveau de la propreté du flanc et du haut des pattes. Lors de leur évaluation pour la propreté, les vaches ont aussi été notées à l’aide d’un score de lésions aux jarrets allant de 0 à 3. Un score de 0 représentait un jarret parfaitement sain alors qu’un score de 3 était attribué à un jarret présentant une enflure de plus de 2,5 cm. Les deux jarrets étaient évalués et le jarret ayant reçu le score le plus élevé était inclus dans les analyses. Nous n’avons pas identifié de différence quant aux scores de jarret entre les deux groupes d’animaux. Afin d’évaluer la santé de la glande mammaire, une étude cohorte d’une durée d’un an a été mise en place à partir de la visite de la ferme. Les dynamiques de comptages de cellules somatiques ont été suivies sur 11 031 vaches durant cette période afin d’analyser l’incidence de mammite sous-clinique. Nous n’avons pas été en mesure de détecter une différence d’incidence entre les deux groupes d’animaux. Au cours de l’étude cohorte, les producteurs laitiers ont identifié et fait parvenir au laboratoire 1 144 échantillons de lait provenant de vaches atteintes de mammites cliniques. L’incidence totale de mammite clinique n’était pas plus élevée dans les fermes LFR qu’au sein des fermes paille. Cependant, lorsque nous avons analysé l’incidence de mammite clinique par agent pathogène spécifique, nous avons pu constater que les vaches logées sur LFR étaient 7,0 fois plus à risque d’expérimenter une mammite clinique causée par Klebsiella pneumoniae que celles du groupe comparatif. / Recycled manure solids (RMS) bedding has been used on Quebec dairy farms for a number of years, despite the lack of scientific knowledge about the health risks associated with the use of this product for animals. The first objective of this thesis was to describe the RMS production methods in a Quebec context and the associated management practices. The second objective of the project was to determine the potential for regrowth of certain bacterial species in the RMS when it is contaminated. Subsequently, the level of cleanliness and prevalence of hock lesions in dairy cows exposed or not to this product were estimated. Finally, the association between RMS use and the incidence of subclinical and clinical mastitis was evaluated. Observational cohort or cross-sectional studies (depending on the research objective) were conducted in 2018-2019 on 27 farms using RMS and 61 farms using straw bedding for comparison. The farm visits highlighted that the methods used to produce RMS were not standardized and did not allow for true composting of the manure solid fraction. The regrowth trials showed that different RMS (treated in heap, closed container or rotating drum) did not react in the same way to coliform inoculation. The rotating drum RMS contained a lower initial concentration of Klebsiella spp. and experienced significant bacterial growth in the first 24 hours post-inoculation. The heap or closed container RMS had a high initial concentration of Klebsiella spp. and did not show significant bacterial growth following inoculation, suggesting a saturation effect on bacterial growth. In the cross-sectional study, an average of 30 cows were measured using a cleanliness score on three body areas as well as a hock lesion score to estimate their cleanliness and the presence of hock lesions. The cleanliness score assigned to each area of the cows' body ranged from 1 to 4, with 1 being very clean and 4 being very dirty. We found that cows housed on RMS generally had better udder and lower leg cleanliness than those housed on straw. Recycled manure solids bedding had a protective effect for the risk of having an udder cleanliness score ≥ 3 (odds ratio (OR): 0,43) or having a score of 4 (OR: 0,29). Cows housed on RMS also had cleaner lower legs than those housed on straw with lower odds of having a score ≥ 2 (OR: 0,45), a score ≥ 3 (OR: 0,16) or a score of 4 (OR: 0,07). However, we found no difference between the two groups of animals in flank and upper leg cleanliness. When they were evaluated for cleanliness, cows were also measured using a hock lesion score ranging from 0 to 3. A score of 0 represented a perfectly healthy hock, while a score of 3 was assigned to a hock with swelling greater than 2.5 cm. Both hocks were scored and the hock with the higher score was included in the analyses. We did not identify any difference regarding hock lesions between the two groups of animals. To assess mammary gland health, a one-year cohort study was set up from the farm visit. Somatic cell count dynamics were followed on 11 031 cows during this period to analyze the incidence of subclinical mastitis. We were not able to detect a difference in incidence between the two groups of animals. During the cohort study, dairy farmers identified and sent to the laboratory 1 144 milk samples from cows with clinical mastitis. The total incidence of clinical mastitis was not higher on RMS farms than on straw farms. However, when we analyzed the incidence of clinical mastitis by specific pathogen, we found that cows housed on RMS were 7.0 times more likely to experience clinical mastitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae than those in the comparison group.

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