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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oplemenjivanje šećerne repe u cilju povećanja tolerantnosti prema abiotičkom stresu - nedostatku vode / Sugar beet breeding for improved tolerance to abiotic stress – water deficit

Danojević Dario 26 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Najznačajniji ograničavajući činilac proizvodnje svih biljnih vrsta je nedostatak dovoljnih količina vode. Dobijanje novih genotipova sa povećanom tolerantno&scaron;ću prema nedostatku vode bi doveo do stabilnijih prinosa i u nepovoljnim uslovima, ali oplemenjivanje prema ovom abiotičkom faktoru je jo&scaron; uvek dugotrajno i iziskuje značajna finansijska sredstva. Do sada je bilo veoma malo istraživanja o uticaju nedostatka vode na &scaron;ećernu repi koristeći morfolo&scaron;ke i fiziolo&scaron;ke pokazatelje i kod roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija. Zbog toga, potraga za jednostavnim i brzim metodama za opis oplemenjivačkog materijala u odnosu na nedostatak vode igra važnu ulogu u programima oplemenjivanja.<br />Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u uslovima vodnog deficita ispitaju: razlike između roditeljskih linija i njihovih hibrida za 10 odabranih svojstava (masa svežeg korena, masa suvog korena, broj listova, masa liske po biljci, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke po biljci, gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, sadržaj prolina, relativni sadržaj vode u listovima i specifična masa lista), kombinacione sposobnosti linija, međusobna povezanost između svojstava, kao i koja od ispitivanih svojstava bi se mogla koristiti kao pouzdan pokazatelj prema nedostatku vode.<br />Za materijal su odabrane: 4 jednoklične fertilne inbred linije &scaron;ećerne repe različite tolerantnosti prema venjenju u poljskim uslovima (linije 3, 4, 5 i 6), 2 monogermna citoplazmatski mu&scaron;ko sterilna testera ( linija 1 i 2 ) i njihovih 8 hibrida (3x1, 3x2, 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 i 6x2). Biljke su gajene u stakleniku, a primenjena su tri tretmana zalivanja i to: 30% od izmerene dnevne potro&scaron;nje vode (DPV), 60% od DPV i kontrola (100% od DPV).<br />Najmanja masa svežeg korena (jedna godina istraživanja) je zabeležena kod linija 3 i 4 (u polju ocenjene kao osetljive na nedostatak vode). Masa korena linija i hibrida kao jedno od najvažnijih svojstava u oplemenjivanju je bila u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa masom liske i masom lisne dr&scaron;ke u kontroli kao i u tretmanima. Masa liske osetljivih linija 3 i 4 je u jednoj godini bila najmanja u kontroli (100% DPV) i 60% DPV, a u uslovima najvećeg nedostatka vode skoro da nije bilo razlika između linija, kao ni&nbsp;između hibrida. Veći sadržaj prolina i veća specifična lisna masa se ne mogu koristiti kao pogodna svojstva za veću tolerantnost &scaron;ećerne repe prema nedostatku vode. Primenom PCA analize jasno su se izdvojile linije 3 i 4, koje su u poljskim uslovima ocenjene da su osetljive na nedostatak vode. Prema klaster analizi može se reći da su sa svojstvima korena najvi&scaron;e povezana: masa liske, masa lisne dr&scaron;ke, broj listova i RWC. Tako da su ova svojstva od većeg značaja za oplemenjivanje &scaron;ećerne repe u uslovima dobro obezbeđenih vodom kao i u uslovima sa smanjenim količinama vode. Svojstva koja su bila u najslabijoj vezi sa korenom &scaron;ećerne repe su: gustina stoma, difuzni otpor stoma, specifična masa listova i sadržaj prolina.</p> / <p>The most limiting factor for production of all plant species is the lack of appropriate amount of water. Breeding of new genotypes with increased tolerance to the water stress would lead to more stable yields under dry conditions. Breeding for this abiotic factor is time-consuming and requires significant financial resources. There have been very few researches of the impact of water stress in the sugar beet using morphological and physiological parameters in the parent lines and their hybrid combinations. Therefore, the search for simple and rapid methods for the description of breeding materials in relation to water stress, play an important role in breeding programs.<br />The aim of this research was to examine the differences between parental lines and their hybrids under water deficit for 10 selected traits: (fresh root weight, dry rootweight, number of leaves, lamina weight per plant, petiole weight per plant, stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, proline content, relative water content in leaves and specific leaf weight). The aim of this research was also to test combining ability of lines, correlation between the traits and which trait could be used as a reliable parameter in water stress conditions.<br />As plant material were used: 4 monogerm fertile sugar beet inbred lines with different tolerance to leaf wilting in field conditions (lines 3, 4, 5 and 6), 2 monogerm cytoplasmic male sterile testers (lines 1 and 2) and their hybrids 8 (3x1, 3x2 , 4x1, 4x2, 5x1, 5x2, 6x1 and 6x2). Plants were grown in a greenhouse, and there were applied two treatments of irrigations: 30% of the daily water need (DWN), 60% of the DWN and control (100% of DWN).<br />Line 3 and 4 (in the field marked as sensitive to water stress) had a lowest fresh root weight. Root weight as one of the most important trait in breeding was positively correlated with the lamina weight and petiole weigh in the control and in the treatments. Lines 3 and 4 had lowest lamina weight in the control (100% DWN) and 60% of DWN. The higher content of proline and higher specific leaf weight cannot be&nbsp;used as a suitable trait for higher tolerance to water stress. Lines 3 and 4 were separeted by PCA analysis from other genotypes. These lines were marked as sensitive to water stress in field conditions. According to cluster analysis, the root traits were the most correlated with lamina weight, petiole weight, number of leaves and RWC. These traits are significant for sugar beet breeding in well water and dry water conditions. Stomatal density, stomatal diffusive resistance, specific leaf weight and proline content were in the lowest correlation with root traits.</p>

Fusarium in Zuckerrüben - Artspektrum, Pathogenität und Mykotoxinbildung sowie Kreuzpathogenität in Weizen / Fusarium in sugar beet - Species composition, pathogenicity and mycotoxin production as well as cross-pathogenicity in wheat

Christ, Daniela 09 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Cukrinių runkelių papildomo tręšimo per lapus įtaka derliaus formavimuisi ir kokybei / The impact of additional sugar beet fertilization through leaves on the formation and quality of yield

Krasauskas, Mamertas 13 June 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamojo darbo tyrimų tikslas buvo nustatyti optimalią karbamido tirpalo koncentraciją papildomam cukrinių runkelių tręšimui per lapus, derinyje su laisvųjų amino rūgščių preparatu Terra Sorb foliar, turinčią tiek maitinamąjį, tiek stimuliacinį poveikį augalams, užtikrinantį gausesnį šakniavaisių derlingumą bei geresnę produkcijos kokybę. Tyrimai vykdyti 2011 m. Marijampolės r. „Kuktų“ ž.ū.b. Dirvožemis sekliai karbonatingas giliau glėjiškas rudžemis (Epicalcari–Endohypogleyic Cambisols). Darbo objektas – cukriniai runkeliai (Beta vulgaris L., var. saccharifera), veislė –Marathon. Darbo metodai: Sausųjų medžiagų kiekis lapuose ir šaknyse buvo nustatomas džiovinant augalų bandinius termostate prie 105 0C iki jų pastovaus svorio. Runkelių šakniavaisių derlingumas ir vidutinis šakniavaisio svoris nustatytas svėrimo būdu pagal priimtas metodikas. Šakniavaisių cukringumas nustatytas Marijampolės cukraus fabrike. Tyrimų duomenys statistiškai įvertinti vieno veiksnio kiekybinių požymių dispersinės analizės ir koreliacinės regresijos metodais, taikant kompiuterines programas ANOVA, STAT ENG (Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003). Darbo rezultatai. Papildomas cukrinių runkelių tręšimas karbamido tirpalais, derinyje su laisvųjų amino rūgščių preparatu Terra Sorb foliar, didino jų šakniavaisių bei lapų derlius. 15% karbamido tirpalas labai apdegino lapus, ko pasekoje sumažėjo ir lapų, ir šakniavaisių derliai. Apipurškus augalus 15% karbamido tirpalu šakniavaisių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main objective of Master thesis research was to determine the optimal concentration of urea solution in additional sugar beet fertilization through leaves, in combination with the free amino acids Terra Sorb foliar, which has both nutrient and stimulating effect on plants, ensuring richer root yields and better quality products. Research was carried out in 2011 in Marijampolė r. Agricultural company "Kuktai" ž.ū.b. Soil - shallow Endohypogleyic brown (Epicalcari-Endohypogleyic Cambisols). The objective – sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Saccharifera), sort ‘Marathon’. Working methods: dry matter content in leaves and roots was determined by drying the plant samples in a thermostat at 105 0C up to the constant weight. Sugar Beet root yield and average root weight was determined by weighing according to accepted procedures. Root sugar was determined in Marijampolė sugar factory. Research results. Additional sugar beet fertilization with urea solutions, in combination with the free amino acids in Terra Sorb foliar treatment, increased the root and leaf yield. The concentrations of 15% of the urea solution burned leaves, resulting in decreased leaf and root yields. When concentration of 1 and 5% urea solution was sprayed yield enhanced by a 3.8% and 9.4%. The biggest amount of Dry matter in the roots of sugar beet was obtained after spraying 10 and 15% urea solution. The highest amount of sugar in roots (18.4%), was obtained after spraying with 5% urea solution. Urea... [to full text]

Entwicklung eines FISH-Referenzkaryotyps der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) für die Integration genetischer Kopplungskarten und die Analyse der chromosomalen Verteilung von repetitiven Sequenzen

Päsold, Susanne 13 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Verbindung von genetischen, physikalischen und zytologischen Daten ist entscheidend für die Genom- und Chromosomenanalyse. Obwohl Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) als wichtige Kulturpflanze und Untersuchungsobjekt der Grundlagenforschung eine intensiv analysierte Art darstellt, existiert bisher keine Verknüpfung zwischen Kopplungsgruppen (LG) und Chromosomen. B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen können zudem aufgrund fehlender morphologischer Unterscheidungsmerkmale bisher nicht einzeln identifiziert und klassifiziert werden. Somit sind zytogenetisch gewonnene Ergebnisse nicht ohne weiteres auf genetische Kopplungsgruppen und physikalische Karten übertragbar. Zytogenetische Methoden können zur Analyse struktureller Chromosomenveränderungen, zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von repetitiver DNA sowie zur Kartierung schwierig zu positionierender Marker verwendet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, ein FISH (Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung)-Verfahren zu etablieren, das die Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen der Zuckerrübe korreliert und die mikroskopische Identifizierung aller Chromosomenarme ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein FISH-Referenzkaryotyp der Zuckerrübe entwickelt. Durch ein Sondenset aus 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) sind alle Chromosomenarme der Zuckerrübe identifizierbar und werden mit den nördlichen und südlichen Enden der genetischen Kopplungsgruppen verknüpft. Somit ist eine einheitliche Nummerierung von Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen möglich. Durch die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung von chromosomenspezifischen BACs und den Satelliten-DNA-Sonden pAv34 und pBV VI beziehungsweise pEV und pBV wurden die Verteilungsmuster der Sequenzfamilien auf den Chromosomen ermittelt. Die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung aller vier repetitiven Sonden ergab ein chromosomenspezifisches Muster aus subtelomerischen, interkalaren und zentromerischen Signalen. Damit ist die Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen in einem einzelnen FISH-Experiment möglich. Zudem wurden dadurch die Chromosomen mit hohem Anteil an tandemartig angeordneten repetitiven Sequenzen identifiziert und die Chromosomenregionen lokalisiert, welche die Sequenzassemblierung behindern können. Sowohl das entwickelte BAC-Set als auch der Sondenpool aus repetitiver DNA unterscheiden die somatischen Metaphasechromosomen erstmals unabhängig von trisomen Linien. Da mit Hilfe der Satelliten-DNA-Sonden alle Chromosomen gleichzeitig markiert werden können, waren die spezifischen physikalischen Längen ermittelbar. Sie wurden mit den genetischen Längen der Kopplungsgruppen in Verbindung gebracht und deckten eine kopplungs-gruppenspezifische Rekombinationshäufigkeit zwischen 0,73 und 1,14 Mb/cM auf. Durch Hybridisierung der BACs und subtelomerischer beziehungsweise telomerischer Sonden auf Pachytänchromosomen wurde der Abstand der BACs sowie der in ihnen enthaltenen genetischen Marker zum physikalischen Chromosomenende abgeschätzt. An fünf Chromo-somenenden wurde ein deutlicher Abstand zwischen den Signalen des BACs und der terminalen Sonden festgestellt. Die zugehörigen Kopplungsgruppen sind demnach erweiterbar. Zudem wurden drei BACs mit nicht detektierbarem Abstand zum Chromosomenende durch FISH an gestreckten Chromatinfasern näher untersucht. Einer der drei BACs wurde eindeutig in unmittelbarer Nähe des Telomers nachgewiesen. Für dieses Ende (Chr 2N) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit gering, dass die Kopplungsgruppe durch zusätzliche Marker erweitert werden kann; sie wird darum als abgeschlossen angesehen. Für die Enden Chr 4S und Chr 9S war der Abstand zwischen BAC und terminaler Sonde zu groß, um ihn durch Fiber-FISH zu ermitteln. Für sie sind weitere distal zu positionierende Marker wahrscheinlich. Weiterhin wurden bioinformatische Analysen an der verfügbaren B.-vulgaris-Genomsequenz RefBeet 1.0 durchgeführt. Scaffolds, welche die genetischen terminalen Marker enthalten, wurden bioinformatisch identifiziert und auf ihren Gehalt subtelomerischer und telomerischer Sequenzen untersucht. Vorhandene terminale Sequenzen sind ein Nachweis für eine terminale Lokalisierung der in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitte. Für drei Scaffolds mit zuvor ungeklärter Lage wurde dadurch das in-silico-Chromosom ermittelt beziehungsweise die nördliche oder südliche Position auf dem Chromosom dargestellt. Durch die Lokalisierung dieser Bereiche innerhalb der Sequenz in Bezug zum genetischen Marker und unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der Pachytän-FISH wurde die Strangorientierung von 16 Scaffolds ermittelt. Auf 14 Scaffolds wurden die Abstände der Marker zu den terminalen Sequenzen bestimmt. Der Median betrug etwa 196 kb. Für alle Kopplungsgruppenenden außer dem Norden von LG 2 und LG 4 ist das Vorhandensein weiterer distaler genetischer Marker wahrscheinlich. Satelliten-DNA ist innerhalb einer Art meist homogen, kann jedoch chromosomenspezifische Varianten ausbilden. Auf dem BAC-Marker für Chr 2N wurde durch Southern-Hybridisierung die subtelomerische Sequenzfamilie pAv34 detektiert. Von dem betreffenden BAC wurde eine Subklonbank erstellt. Durch Southern-Hybridisierung wurde der pAv34-Gehalt der Subklone analysiert. Positive Klone wurden sequenziert. Dabei wurden vier verschiedene vollständige pAv34-2N-Monomere detektiert. Im Vergleich mit pAv34-Volllängenmotiven aus der RefBeet 1.0 und dem Datensatz der nicht assemblierten Sequenzen der RefBeet 0.2 bilden die pAv34-2N-Einheiten mit pAv34-Kopien, die verschiedenen in-silico-Chromosomen und Contigs zugeordnet sind, eine Subfamilie. Aus den Sequenzen der Subklone wurden zwei Subklon-Contigs gebildet, die im in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitt von Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001) positioniert wurden. Dadurch wurden Regionen bisher unbekannter Sequenz entschlüsselt. Abweichungen zwischen den assemblierten Daten und den Subklonsequenzen deuten auf Assemblierungsfehler der Genomsequenz in repetitiven Bereichen hin. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse ermöglichen erstmalig die eindeutige Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen unabhängig vom Zellzyklusstadium und im Einklang mit genetischen Informationen. Zytogenetische sind jetzt mit molekularen Daten integrierbar und können verwendet werden, um den chromosomenspezifischen Satelliten-DNA-Gehalt aufzudecken und mögliche chromosomenspezifische Subfamilien zu identifizieren. Sie erlauben, physikalische Abstände zwischen Markern zu ermitteln und die Abdeckung von Kopplungsgruppen im terminalen Bereich zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, Marker und nicht zugeordnete Contigs und Scaffolds zu kartieren, Ursachen für Lücken aufzudecken und damit die Sequenzdaten des Zuckerrübengenoms zu einer fortlaufenden, hochqualitativen Sequenz zu assemblieren. Die zytogenetischen Daten bilden zudem die Basis für zukünftige Untersuchungen struktureller Umbauten von Chromosomen, die während der Genomevolution stattfanden. / The correlation of genetic, physical and cytological data is crucial for interdisciplinary genome and chromosome analyses. Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) is an important crop and an object of basic research. Although it is an intensely analysed species, its genetic linkage groups (LG) have not been assigned to chromosomes. Additionally, sugar beet chromosomes lack distinct morphological features and could therefore not be identified and classified individually. Consequently, results generated by cytogenetic methods can not be readily applied to genetic and physical maps. Cytogenetic approaches enable analysing structural chromosomal changes, identifying and localizing repetitive DNA, and mapping of markers which are difficult to place within linkage maps. Therefore, the main objective of this work has been the development of a FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) procedure that correlates LGs with chromosomes of sugar beet and that allows the microscopic identification of individual chromosome arms. In this work a FISH reference karyotype for sugar beet has been established. A set of 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) allows the unequivocal identification of each sugar beet chromosome and assigns them to the southern and northern ends of LGs. Hence, the chromosomes are numbered in accordance with the genetic map. The arm-specific BACs and the satellite DNA families pBV and pBV VI or pEV and pAv34 have been hybridized simultaneously to assign the distribution patterns of the highly abundant sequence families to chromosomes. Simultaneous hybridization of the four repetitive probes revealed a chromosome-specific pattern of subtelomeric, intercalary and centromeric signals. Thus, each of the sugar beet chromosomes can be identified in a single FISH experiment. Furthermore, chromosomes with a high content of repetitive DNA have been identified and chromosomal regions that may hinder the correct sequence assembly have been localized. The BAC set as well as the pooled satellite DNA probes discriminate the somatic chromosomes for the first time independently from trisomic lines. Since the chromosomes are differentially labelled with the satellite DNA probes their physical distances could be determined and correlated with genetic distances of the corresponding LGs. A LG-specific recombination frequency from 0.73 to 1.14 Mb/cM has been disclosed. BACs and subtelomeric or telomeric sequences have been hybridized simultaneously on pachytene chromosomes to estimate distances between BACs plus the markers they contain and the physical chromosome ends. Five BACs showed substantial distances to the physical chromosome ends; the corresponding LGs could thus be extended by additional markers. Furthermore, three BACs showing only minor distances to chromosome ends have been investigated in detail by fiber-FISH. One of these BACs was localized closely adjacent to the telomere. For this chromosome end (Chr 2N) it is unlikely that the LG could be extended distally by additional markers and is therefore considered to be closed. The BACs for the chromosome ends Chr 4S and Chr 9S have been too distant from the terminal probe to be bridged by fiber-FISH. For them it is likely that further markers can be placed distally. Furthermore, the B. vulgaris genomic sequence RefBeet 1.0 has been investigated. Scaffolds containing terminal genetic markers have been identified bioinformatically and analysed for the content of subtelomeric and telomeric sequences. The occurrence of terminal sequences confirms the terminal localization of in silico chromosome segments. Three scaffolds with an initially unknown position could thus be allocated to in silico chromosomes and to the northern or southern position on the chromosome. The strand orientation of 16 scaffolds has been determined based on the localization of terminal sequences in relation to the genetic marker considering the results of FISH on pachytene chromosomes. The distance between markers and terminal sequences has been determined for 14 scaffolds. The median is 196 kb. It is likely that further markers can be placed distally from all LG ends except for the north of LG 2 and LG 4. Satellite DNA is usually homogenous within one species; however, it can form chromosome-specific variants. Southern hybridization revealed that the BAC marker for Chr 2N contains the subtelomeric sequence family pAv34. The BAC has been subcloned and the pAv34 content of the subclones has been analysed by Southern hybridization. Positive clones have been sequenced. Thereby, four pAv34-2N monomeres have been detected. Compared to full-length pAv34 motives derived from the RefBeet 1.0 and from unassembled sequence data of the RefBeet 0.2 the pAv34-2N units form a subfamily together with pAv34 copies assigned to different in silico chromosomes and contigs. The subclone sequences have been assembled to two subclone contigs, which have been positioned within the in silico chromosome segment of Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001). Thereby, regions of unknown sequence have been decoded and probable misassemblies in repetitive regions within the RefBeet 1.0 have been disclosed. The results obtained in this work enable the identification of all sugar beet chromosomes independently from their stage of cell division and in accordance with genetic information. Cytogenetic data are integrated with molecular data and can be used for identifying the chromosome-specific distribution of repeats and chromosome-specific repeat variants. They enable determining physical distances between markers and investigating the terminal coverage of LGs. The results support the correct mapping of markers and unassigned contigs, uncover reasons for gaps within maps and sequence assemblies, and thus contribute to assembling data into a continuous high quality genome sequence of sugar beet. Moreover, the cytogenetic data represent the basis for future investigations of structural chromosomal changes that took place during evolution.

Estudo de metabolismo da Saccharomyces cerevisiae para produção de glutationa utilizando melaço de beterraba / Study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism grown to produce glutathione using beet molasses

Paixão, Julliana Nazareth Vieira da 27 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-10-05T12:19:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Julliana Nazareth Vieira da Paixão - 2018.pdf: 2604867 bytes, checksum: 481898097e5087fcd08aed45af874a4c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-10-05T14:14:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Julliana Nazareth Vieira da Paixão - 2018.pdf: 2604867 bytes, checksum: 481898097e5087fcd08aed45af874a4c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T14:14:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Julliana Nazareth Vieira da Paixão - 2018.pdf: 2604867 bytes, checksum: 481898097e5087fcd08aed45af874a4c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Glutathione is classified as a linear, water-soluble tripeptide, consisting of glutamic acid, L-cysteine and glycine being obtained through the synthesis of consecutive enzymatic reactions, which has innumerable intracellular metabolic functions, its main function is to avoid the cellular oxidation. Recent studies, indicate that GSH’s (glutathione) function disorder, is involved by the etiology of some diseases such as: liver cirrhosis, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, inflammation in the pancreas, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, among others. In addition, GSH stands out in the environmental area as an important biological parameter, had been being one of the most important indicators of oxidative stress. Considering these factors, the aim of the present research is to evaluate the glutathione production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae using agroindustry’s residues. Supplying better conditions to determinate glutathione production. By means of a CCD (Central composite design) 22 with four central points and four-star points, begetting twelve experiments, the fermentation tests were carried out. In the twelve batch experiments, the concentration of sucrose present in beet molasses (61 – 139 g. L- 1) and ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 (1 – 12 g. L- 1) had been varied as a source of nitrogen. In order to settled the cellular concentration, sucrose, ethanol, glycerol, acetic acid (g. L-1) and glutathione (g. L- 1), aliquots of each experiment were withdrawn every 12 hours until the end of the fermentation process with 48 hours, carried out the proper of analyzed each metabolites. From the results obtained, a mathematical model had been established, in which, was predicted the behavior of cell growth and the fermentation products yield, with reference the relation by the best conditions for the glutathione formation presented. In addition, the qPCR(Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique was applied, to evaluate the efficiency of GSH1 and GSH2 genes. The best result had been observed with 24 hours of fermentation 7,61 g.L-1of glutathione formation which, in the experimental concentration condition of 61 g. L-1 of sucrose present in molasses and 6.5 g.L-1 of ammonium sulfate. / A glutationa é um tripeptídeo linear, hidrossolúvel, formado por ácido glutâmico, L-cisteína e glicina sendo obtido através da síntese de consecutivas reações enzimáticas. Possui inúmeras funções metabólicas intracelulares, tendo como principal função evitar a oxidação celular. Estudos recentes indicam que o transtorno da função GSH (glutationa) está comprometido na etiologia de algumas doenças, tais como, cirrose hepática, pulmonares, gastrintestinais, inflamações no pâncreas, diabetes, doenças neurodegenerativas, entre outras. Além disso, a GSH destaca-se na área ambiental como um importante parâmetro biológico, sendo um dos mais importantes indicadores do estresse oxidativo. Tendo em vista estes fatores, o objetivo do presente trabalho é realizar a avaliação da produção de glutationa por Saccharomyces cerevisiae utilizando resíduo agroindustrial. Para melhor determinação da condição de produção de glutationa. Através de um DCCR (Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional) 22 com pontos axiais e quatro pontos centrais, totalizando doze experimentos, foram realizados ensaios fermentativos. Nos doze experimentos realizados em batelada, variaram-se a concentração de sacarose presente no melaço de beterraba (61 – 139 g.L-1) e do sulfato de amônio (NH4)2SO4 (1 – 12 g.L-1) como fonte de nitrogênio. Para a determinação da concentração celular, sacarose, etanol, glicerol, ácido acético (g.L-1) e glutationa (g.L-1) alíquotas de cada experimento foram retirados a cada 12 horas até o fim do processo fermentativo com 48 horas, com o intuito de realizar as devidas análises dos metabólitos. A partir dos resultados gerados, um modelo matemático foi estabelecido, no qual prediz o comportamento do crescimento celular e da formação de produto desta fermentação em relação às melhores condições apresentadas para formação de glutationa. Ademais, foi utilizada a técnica de qPCR (Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em tempo real) para avaliar a eficiência dos genes GSH1 e GSH2. O melhor resultado foi obtido em 24 horas de fermentação foi a formação de 7,61g.L-1 de glutationa na condição experimental de concentração de 61 g. L-1 de sacarose presente no melaço e 6,5g.L-1 de sulfato de amônio.

Aspectos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e microbiológicos em beterrabas minimamente processadas. / Physiological, biochemichal and microbiological aspects of fresh-cut beet roots.

Maria Carolina Dário Vitti 29 May 2003 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar respostas fisiológicas, bioquímicas e microbiológicas associadas ao processamento mínimo de beterraba e desenvolver um fluxograma de preparo específico para está hortaliça, visando menor perda de qualidade e máxima capacidade de conservação. No primeiro experimento foram estudados alguns aspectos fisiológicos de beterraba intactas, descascadas e raladas e aspectos microbiológicos de beterrabas raladas. Neste experimento foram realizadas análises da taxa respiratória, da produção de etileno e microbiológicas. No segundo experimento foi testado o efeito do ácido cítrico sobre a respiração e pigmentos de betalaínas, determinando-se a taxa respiratória e os teores de betalaínas. No terceiro experimento avaliou-se o tempo de sanitização para beterrabas minimamente processadas, sendo realizadas análises sensoriais, microbiológicas e físico-químicas. No quarto experimento foi estudado o momento de sanitização ideal para beterrabas minimamente processadas, sendo também efetuadas análises sensorias, microbiológicas e físico-químicas. E no quinto experimento foi testado o novo fluxograma de preparo, específico para beterrabas minimamente processadas através de métodos combinados, obtidos a partir de resultados dos testes anteriores. Análises sensoriais, microbiológicas e físico-químicas foram realizadas para avaliar o novo fluxograma. A taxa respiratória foi maior para beterrabas raladas. A produção de etileno somente foi detectada em beterrabas raladas. Os resultados das análises microbiológicas estão de acordo com o padrão vigente atualmente. O ácido cítrico reduziu a atividade respiratória e o extravazamento e a degradação dos pigmentos de betalaínas em beterrabas minimamente processadas. O tempo de sanitização de 3 minutos é mais apropridado para manutenção da qualidade. A sanitização apenas após a pelagem é a mais apropriada para manutenção da qualidade, pois reduz a perda de pigmentos e garante um produto com padrões microbiológicos abaixo dos limites permitidos pela Legislação Brasileira, além de evitar o desperdício de cloro. Verificou-se pelo novo fluxograma de preparo que as beterrabas minimamente processadas tem um período de comercialização viável por 10 dias. O novo fluxograma desenvolvido é mais indicado para manutenção da qualidade por reduzir perda de pigmentos, reduzir a taxa respiratória e garantir a segurança alimentar do produto. / The purposes of this work were to determine the physiological, biochemical and microbiological responses to minimal processing of beet roots and to develop a preparation flowchart for this vegetable, aiming at lowering quality losses and maximizing preservation. Some physiological aspects of whole, peeled and grated beet roots, as well as microbiological aspects of grated beet roots were studied in the first experiment. Analyses of respiratory rate, ethylene production and microbiology were carried out in this experiment. In the second experiment, respiratory rates and betalain amounts were determined to evaluate the effects of citric acid on respiration and betalain pigments. In a third experiment, the sanitization time for minimally processed beet roots was evaluated and sensory, microbiological and physicochemical analyses were carried out. In a fourth experiment, the ideal sanitization time for minimally processed beet roots was determined and sensory, microbiological and physicochemical analyses were carried out. In a fifth experiment, a specific new procedures flowchart was tested for the minimal processing of beet roots using a combination of methods based on previous experiments. Sensory, microbiological and physicochemical analyses were conducted to evaluate the new procedures flowchart. The respiratory rate was higher in grated beet root. Ethylene production was detected only in grated beet roots. The microbiological results were in accordance with the current standard. Citric acid reduced the respiratory activity, betalain exudation and degradation in minimally processed beet roots. A three-minute sanitization showed to be the most suitable for quality maintenance. Sanitization alone after pealing is appropriate for quality maintenance, as it decreases pigment losses, prevents wasteful use of chlorine and ensures microbiological standards to be in accordance with the Brazilian Legislation. Minimally processed beet root produced by the new procedures flowchart are suitable for commercialization for 10 days. The new procedures flowchart is especially recommended for quality maintenance, once it decreases pigment loss and the respiratory rate, and ensures good food-safety standards for the product.

Respostas fisiológicas, bioquímicas e microbiológicas de beterrabas minimamente processadas e inteiras submetidas a tratamentos pós-colheita / Physiological, biochemical and microbiological responses of minimally processed and whole beet roots submitted to postharvest treatments

Andressa Araujo Picoli 10 October 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e microbiológicos de beterrabas Early Wonder minimamente processadas e inteiras submetidas a tratamentos pós-colheita. Para os tratamentos, os seguintes produtos foram aplicados: etileno (1000µL L-1), 1-MCP (300nL L-1) e ácido salicílico (500mg L-1), além do controle sem tratamento. Após os tratamentos, o produto foi armazenado a 5oC durante 10 dias. Observou-se que o ácido salicílico, promoveu a diminuição nos teores de sólidos solúveis, pH e na taxa respiratória de beterrabas minimamente processadas. Além disso, verificou-se que a fisiologia de beterraba minimamente processada é diferente de beterraba inteira, que foi comprovada ao analisar a taxa respiratória e a produção de etileno, as quais foram significativamente maiores no produto minimamente processado. As contagens de bactérias psicrotróficas e coliformes totais, para beterraba minimamente processada mantiveram-se dentro dos limites aceitáveis durante 10 dias de armazenamento. Não foi detectada presença de coliformes a 45ºC e Salmonella. Ficou evidenciada a eficiência do armazenamento a 5ºC no controle da atividade metabólica e segurança de beterrabas minimamente processadas. As injúrias causadas durante o processamento mínimo induziram o aumento na atividade da fenilalanina amônia-liase. Entretanto, a aplicação de ácido salicílico diminuiu a atividade desta enzima. Os tratamentos aplicados nas beterrabas minimamente processadas e inteiras pouco influenciaram na concentração de betalaínas e de fenóis totais. Verificou-se que, em tecidos de beterrabas Early wonder, não houve qualquer indício de adstringência provocada por tanino. / The purpose of the present work was to evaluate physiological, biochemical and, microbiological aspects of Early Wonder whole and minimally processed beet roots submitted to different treatments. The following treatments were applied: ethylene (1000µL L-1), 1-MCP (300nL L-1) and, salicylic acid (500mg L-1). After treatments, beet roots were stored at 5oC during 10 days. It was observed that salicylic acid promoted decrease of soluble solids, pH and, respiratory rates of minimally processed beet roots. It was also noted differences between whole and minimally processed beet roots physiology. This difference was observed by the high values of respiratory and ethylene production rates in the minimally processed beet roots. Psychrotrophic bacteria and total coliforms count for minimally processed beet roots were within acceptable limits for 10 days of storage. The presence of coliforms at 45ºC and Salmonella was not detected. Storage at 5ºC was effective to control the metabolic activity and to keep food safety of minimally processed beet roots. The injuries occurred during the minimal processing induced the increase of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity. However, the use of salicylic acid decreased the activity of this enzyme. The treatments applied on whole and minimally processed beet roots have little influence on betalains and total phenol concentration. It was not detected astringency on beet roots Early wonder tissues.

Intensification de la brique « fermentation alcoolique » de substrats betteraviers (et autres substrats) pour la production d’éthanol / Optimization of ethanol production in high gravity fermentation of sugar beet substrate

Riess, Julien 09 November 2012 (has links)
L'éthanol est un composé à usages très variés allant de la chimie à l'agroalimentaire. Cependant, la croissance actuelle du marché se fait essentiellement autour de l'utilisation de l'éthanol en tant que carburant. L'objectif de ce projet est d'intensifier la production d'éthanol à partir du sirop basse pureté, produit de la seconde cristallisation des jus d'extraction de betterave, afin de diminuer les consommations en énergie et en eau pour la production d'éthanol. Pour ce faire, en partenariat avec l'UNGDA et l'ADEME, nous avons mené des travaux de recherche sur les fermentations à haute densité afin d'obtenir des vins à teneur plus élevée en éthanol. A l'issu d'un état de l'art et de quatre visites dans des ateliers de production, une stratégie de recherche en trois points a été établie. Le premier point a consisté en la recherche d'une composition de milieu de fermentation permettant d'augmenter la concentration finale en éthanol. Le second point a eu pour but de déterminer si les besoins en nutriments se limitaient uniquement à la phase de croissance ou au contraire si l'apport de ces nutriments était bénéfique tout au long de la fermentation. Le dernier point a quant à lui utilisé l'ensemble des résultats obtenus pour définir une conduite de procédé, permettant d'obtenir la concentration finale en éthanol la plus élevée possible. Ces résultats montrent qu'il est possible de réaliser des fermentations haute densité à partir de sirop basse pureté et d'obtenir 15,2 % (v/v) d'éthanol en fin de fermentation. L'application de ces travaux dans les ateliers de production permettrait d'économiser par litre d'éthanol pur, entre 20 et 30 % d'énergie pour la distillation, entre 35 et 49 % d'eau pour la réalisation des milieux de fermentation à partir de SBP et de diminuer de 23 à 38 % le volume de déchet produit après distillation. / Ethanol is a compound with a wide usage range from chemistry to food. However, the current market growth mainly concerns the use of ethanol as fuel. The objective of this project was to intensify ethanol production from low purity syrup 2, which is a substrate from sugar beet, in order to reduce the consumptions of energy and water for its production. To do this, in partnership with UNGDA and ADEME, we have conducted research on high-gravity fermentations in order to increase the ethanol concentration at the end of the fermentation. With the coming of a state of the art and four visits in production facilities, a three points research strategy has been established. The first point consisted of fermentation medium composition finding in order to increase the final ethanol concentration at the end of the fermentation. The second point was to determine if the nutrients requirements were limited only during the growth phase or, on the contrary, if nutriments were beneficial throughout the fermentation. The latter point was to use the overall results to define a fermentation process, to obtain a final ethanol concentration as high as possible. These results show that it is possible to achieve high gravity fermentation from low purity syrup and reach a final ethanol concentration of 15.2 % (v/v). The application of this work in production facilities could save per liter of pure ethanol between 20 and 30% energy for distillation, between 35 and 49 % water for the production of fermentation media from SBP and decrease from 23 to 38 % of the volume of waste produced after distillation.

Bistrenje soka šećerne repe primenom alternativnih koagulanata i flokulanata / Sugar beet juice clarification by means of alternative coagulants and flocculants

Kuljanin Tatjana 04 February 2008 (has links)
<p>Pri proizvodnji kvalitetnog belog konzumnog &scaron;ećera iz &scaron;ećerne repe, srećemo se sa problemom prisustva makromolekularnih jedinjenja u soku &scaron;ećerne repe koja su &scaron;tetna pa ih je neophodno odstraniti. Uklanjanje ovih jedinjenja, koja čine oko 60 % od ukupno sadržanih nesaharoznih materija u soku &scaron;ećerne repe, zasniva se&nbsp; na principu taloženja uz primenu različitih koagulanata (najče&scaron;će jedinjenja koja sadrže pozitivne jone kalcijuma). Međutim, afinitet vezivanja kalcijuma sa nepoželjnim makromolekulima iz soka &scaron;ećerne repe je mali, pa su potrebne velike količine ovog jedinjenja u svakodnevnoj proizvodnji &scaron;ećera.</p><p>Cilj istraživanja obuhvaćenih ovom doktorskom disertacijom usmeren je ka primeni alternativnih koagulanata sa dvo- i trovalentnim katjonima, pre svega soli aluminijuma i bakra koja izlazivaju proces razelektrisavanja makromolekula soka &scaron;ećerne repe.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Merenjem elektrokinetičkih potencijala utvrđene su optimalne količine koagulanata potrebne za uspe&scaron;nu koagulaciju makromolekularnih jedinjenja iz soka &scaron;ećerne repe. Ispitivan je i uticaj drugih procesnih veličina kao &scaron;to su pH, koncentracija makromolekula i uticaj brzine me&scaron;anja na efikasnost taloženja makromolekula.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Predložen je mehanizam razelektrisavanja makromolekularnih jedinjenja kao i model dvojnogelektričnog sloja koji okružuje&nbsp; koloidne čestice u soku &scaron;ećerne repe.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Ispitivana su dva model-rastvora komercijalno raspoloživih pektina u koncentracijama koje odgovaraju koncentracijama u soku &scaron;ećerne repe kao i jedan model-rastvor proteinskog preparata. Ispitivani sistemi su tretirani rastvorima CuSO<sub>4</sub>&nbsp;i Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> i rastvorima njihovih sme&scaron;a u različitim odnosima.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Dokazano je, za sva tri ispitivana preparata, da su manje količine Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona u odnosu na Al<sup>+3</sup><sup>&nbsp;</sup>jone potrebne za sniženje vrednosti Zeta potencijala na nulu. Međutim, zbog mogućih nepoželjnih efekata CuSO<sub>4</sub>&nbsp;u obradi hrane, Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> bi se mogao upotrebiti umesto tradicionalnog koagulanta CaO, kako zbog manje potro&scaron;nje koagulanta, tako i zbog očuvanja životne sredine.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Cilj eksperimenata sa sme&scaron;ama je ispitivanje mogućnosti pobolj&scaron;anja koagulacionih karakteristika često kori&scaron;ćene soli&nbsp;Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, dodavanjem malih količina Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona. Međutim, čiste soli su pokazale bolja koagulaciona svojstva.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Istraživanja sa flokulantima, odnose se na odabiranje najpogodnijeg tipa i optimalne količine flokulanata, uz primenu predloženih koagulanata. Najveća efikasnost či&scaron;ćenja soka &scaron;ećerne repe, uočena je nakon primene anjonskog flokulanta koncentracije 3 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>. Dokazano je da ovaj tip flokulanata dodatno smanjuje vrednost Zeta potencijala prisutnih makromolekula čime se smanjuje potrebna količina ispitivanih koagulanata&nbsp;&nbsp;CuSO<sub>4 </sub>i&nbsp;Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br /><br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>During production of full quality consumed white sugar from sugar beet, there is a problem of the presence<br />of macrom olecular compounds in sugar beet juice, which are harmful and we have to be removed.<br />Separation ofthese compounds, which make around 60% oflotal non-sucrose compounds in sugar beetjuice,<br />is done by the principle of sedimentation with different types of coagulants (mostly compounds with calcium<br />ion). However, affinity of calcium binding with undesirable macromolecules fiom sugar beet juice is not<br />significant and in that way it is necessary a lot of quantities of this compound throughout daily production of<br />sugar.<br />The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consider the application of alternative coagulants with divalent and<br />trivalent cations, especially the salt of aluminum and cooper, which cause the process of dischargeable<br />macromolecules in sugar beet juice.<br />Optimal quantities of coagulants needing for the efficient coagulation of macromolecules compounds from<br />sugar beet juice were determined by means of measuring of electrokinetic potentials. It was investigated the<br />influence of other process variables such as pH, concentration of macromolecules and the impact of speed<br />mixing on the efficiency of sedimentation of macromolecules.<br />Mechanism of discharge of macromolecules compounds as well as the model of double electric layer<br />surrounding colloidal particles in sugar beetjuice are suggested for sugar beetjuice clarification.<br />Two model solutions of pectin are investigated together with one model solution of protein. Their<br />concentration correspond to concentration of these macromolecules in sugar beet juice. All investigated<br />systems were treated by using both solutions of CuSO4 as well as Al2(SO4)3 and slutions of their mixtures in<br />different proportion.<br />It was proven for all three investigated samples that fewer quantities of Cu+2 ions compared to the values of<br />Al+3 ions are needed to reach zero Zeta potential. However, due to possible undesirable effects of CuSO4 on<br />food processing, Al2(SO4)3 is proposed instead of traditional coagulant CaO, not only because of lower<br />consumptions of coagulants but owing to protection of the environment.<br />The objective in the experiments with mixtures was to investigate enhancement of coagulated characteristics<br />with commonly used salt Al2(SO4)3 by adding small quantities of Cu+2 ions. It was proven that pure salts<br />showed better-coagulated properties.<br />Further investigation was focused to selection of the most appropriate type and optimal quantity of chosen<br />flocculants. The highest efficiency of clarification of sugar beet juice was noticed by applying anion<br />flocculants of concentration 3 mg/dm3. It was shown that this type of flocculants additionally decreased the<br />value of Zeta potential of present macromolecules which further reduce required quantity of investigated<br />coagulants CuSO4 and Al2(SO4)3.</p>

Study of novel carbohydrate sources on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets

Pinedo Gil, Julia 10 September 2018 (has links)
En la presente Tesis Doctoral se utilizaron cebada y remolacha como fuentes alternativas de carbohidratos en dietas para trucha arcoíris con el objetivo de evaluar su efecto sobre parámetros productivos, histología hepática e intestinal, estrés y calidad de la carne. Los marcadores estudiados fueron los mismo tanto para los experimentos de cebada como de remolacha. En las pruebas de la cebada se utilizaron concentraciones crecientes de este ingrediente (0-32%) en la dieta, se inició con un peso medio de 127.72 ± 5.65 g y se finalizó cuando alcanzaron el peso comercial al cabo de 84 días. En las pruebas de remolacha se utilizaron dos niveles de remolacha (14% y 28%) y dos de betaína (0.9% y 1.63%), se inició con un peso medio de 69 ± 2.2 g y se finalizó cuando los peces alcanzaron el peso comercial al cabo de 105 días. La inclusión de cebada en dietas de trucha arcoíris no mostró diferencias significativas en los parámetros de crecimiento ni biométricos. La inclusión de 14% remolacha y 0.9% betaína no afectó al crecimiento, parámetros nutritivos, biométricos y retenciones de nutrientes en comparación con el control, concentraciones mayores de remolacha y betaína tuvieron un efecto negativo. Cuando se estudiaron los parámetros histológicos y morfométricos en hígado e intestino, los resultados mostraron que los peces alimentados con concentraciones crecientes de cebada mostraron hepatocitos más pequeños, mientras que los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína presentaban hepatocitos más grandes, en ambos casos el hígado mostró un menor nivel de vacuolización. La concentración de cebada de un 8% produjo un efecto negativo a nivel morfológico del intestino, sin embargo, la inclusión de remolacha no produjo ningún efecto. Los peces fueron sometidos a estrés por ausencia de oxígeno y aumento de densidad durante 10 minutos. Cuando el estrés fue analizado a nivel bioquímico los resultados mostraron que a niveles basales, la inclusión de cebada y remolacha no causó ningún cambio en los niveles de cortisol, glucosa y MDA, aunque los valores basales de lactato fueron significativamente más bajos en los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína. Treinta minutos después del estrés la concentración de cortisol, glucosa y lactato aumentó significativamente en los peces de todos los grupos y la concentración de MDA disminuyó. La inclusión de cebada mostró valores más bajos de cortisol, glucosa y lactato que la dieta control. Cuando los peces alcanzaron el peso comercial se analizó la calidad de los filetes y las propiedades antioxidantes. En ambas pruebas los peces alimentados con los ingredientes objeto de estudio mostraron valores de actividad de agua más bajos y una mejora en la textura y el color de los filetes comparado con los peces alimentados con la dieta control. La inclusión de remolacha y betaína no tuvo ningún efecto sobre los parámetros oxidativos del filete, mientras que la inclusión de cebada inhibió su oxidación lipídica. Concentraciones de cebada por encima del 8% mejoraron la actividad antioxidante de los filetes y aumentaron el contenido en alpha-tocoferol, sin embargo, los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína mostraron un mayor contenido en flavonoides y fenólico pero no se observó ningún efecto sobre las propiedades antioxidantes del filete. Por último, cuando se llevó a cabo el análisis sensorial se observó que los peces alimentados con dietas con más de un 8% de cebada mostraron unas agallas más rojas y mejor textura, además de un color rojo del filete más intenso, parámetros que se correlacionan con una mejora de la frescura del pescado. Sin embargo, la inclusión de cebada o remolacha en dietas de trucha arco iris no tuvo ningún efecto sobre la aceptabilidad de los filetes. / The current Doctoral Thesis used barley and red beet as alternative carbohydrate sources in rainbow trout diets. The aim was to evaluate their effect on productive, histological and morphometric parameters, their effect on biochemical indexes after an acute stress and their effect on the quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The different markers studied were the same in the barley and red beet experiments. In the barley experiment, increasing concentrations of barley (0-32%) were used in the diet, starting with an average weight of 127.72 ± 5.65 g and ending when they reached commercial weight after 84 days. In the red beet experiment, two red beet levels (14% and 28%) and two betaine levels (0.9% and 1.63%) were used, starting with an average weight of 69 ± 2.2 g and finishing when they reached commercial weight at the end of 105 days. The inclusion of barley in rainbow trout diets did not show significant differences in growth and biometric parameters. While the inclusion of 14% of red beet and 0.9% betaine did not affect growth, nutritive or biometric parameters and nutrient retentions compared to control, higher red beet and betaine concentrations showed a negative effect. When the histological and morphometric parameters were studied in liver and intestine, the results showed that fish fed at high barley concentrations showed smaller hepatocytes than control, while hepatocytes were larger in fish fed with red beet and betaine than control, however, in both cases, the liver had a lower level of vacuolization. Barley inclusion at 8% produced a negative effect at intestine morphological level; however, no effects were observed with the inclusion of red beet. Fish were submitted to stress, a lack of oxygen and increased of fish density, during 10 minutes. The results showed that at basal levels, the inclusion of barley and red beet did not cause any change in cortisol, glucose and MDA levels, although basal lactate values were significantly lower in the fish fed with red beet and betaine. Thirty minutes after stress the concentration of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased significantly in the fish of all groups and the concentration of MDA decreased. The inclusion of barley showed lower cortisol, glucose and lactate values than control. When fish reached commercial weight, the quality of the fillets and antioxidant properties were analysed. In both trials, fish fed with the experimental ingredients showed lower water activity values and textural and colour properties were enhanced. Red beet and betaine inclusion did not show any effect on the oxidative parameters of the fillets, while the inclusion of barley showed an inhibitory effect on fillets lipid oxidation. Concentrations of barley above 8% improved the antioxidant activity of the fillets and increased the content of alpha-tocopherol, however, fish fed with red beet and betaine showed a higher content of flavonoids and phenolics but no effect on the antioxidant properties of the fillet. Finally, when the sensory analysis was carried out, it was observed that fish fed diets with more than 8% barley showed redder gills and better texture than control, in addition to a more intense red colour of the fillet, these characteristics are correlated with an improvement of fish freshness. However, the inclusion of barley or red beet in rainbow trout diets had no effect on the acceptability of fillets. / En la present tesi doctoral es van utilitzar ordi i remolatxa com a fonts alternatives de carbohidrats en dietes per a truita amb l'objectiu d'avaluar el seu efecte sobre paràmetres productius, histologia hepàtica i intestinal, estrès i qualitat de la carn. Els marcadors estudiants fòren els mateixos en els experiments d`ordi I remolatxa. En les proves de l'ordi es van utilitzar concentracions creixents d'aquest ingredient (0-32%), es va iniciar amb un pes mitjà de 127.72 ± 5.65 g i es va finalitzar quan van arribar al pes comercial al cap de 84 dies. En les proves de remolatxa es van utilitzar dos nivells de remolatxa (14% i 28%) i dos de betaïna (0.9% i 1.63%), es va iniciar amb un pes mitjà de 69 ± 2.2 g i es va finalitzar quan els peixos van aconseguir el pes comercial al cap de 105 dies. La inclusió d'ordi en dietes de truita no va mostrar diferències significatives en els paràmetres de creixement i biomètrics. La inclusió de 14% remolatxa i 0,9% betaïna no va afectar el creixement, paràmetres nutritius, biomètrics i retencions de nutrients en comparació amb el control, concentracions majors de remolatxa i betaïna van tenir un efecte negatiu. Quan es van estudiar els paràmetres histològics i morfomètrics en fetge i intestí, els resultats van mostrar que els peixos alimentats amb concentracions creixents d'ordi tenien hepatòcits més petits, mentres que els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna presentaven hepatòcits més grans, i en ambdós casos el fetge va mostrar un menor nivell de vacuolització. La concentracion d'ordi d'un 8% va produir un efecte negatiu a nivell morfològic de l'intestí, mentres que la inclusió de remolatxa no va produir cap efecte a nivell d'intestí. Els peixos van ser sotmesos a estrès per absència d'oxigen i augment de densitat durant 10 minuts. Quan l'estrès va ser analitzat a nivell bioquímic els resultats van mostrar que a nivells basals, la inclusió d'ordi i remolatxa no va causar cap canvi en els nivells de cortisol, glucosa i MDA, encara que els valors basals de lactat van ser significativament més baixos en els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna. 30 minuts després de l'estrès la concentració de cortisol, glucosa i lactat va augmentar significativament en els peixos de tots els grups i la concentració de MDA va disminuir. La inclusió d`ordi va mostrar valors més baixos de cortisol, glucosa i lactat que la dieta control. Quan els peixos van aconseguir el pes comercial es va analitzar la qualitat dels filets i propietats antioxidants. En ambdues proves els peixos alimentats amb els ingredients objecte d'estudi van mostrar valors d'activitat d'aigua més baixos i una millora en la textura i el color dels filets comparat amb els peixos alimentats amb la dieta control. La inclusió de remolatxa i betaïna no va tenir cap efecte sobre els paràmetres oxidatius del filet, mentre que la inclusió d'ordi va inhibir l'oxidació lipídica dels filets. Concentracions d'ordi per sobre del 8% van millorar l'activitat antioxidant dels filets i van augmentar el contingut en alpha-tocoferol, però, els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna van mostrar un major contingut en flavonoides i fenòlic però no es va observar cap efecte sobre les propietats antioxidants del filet. Finalment, quan es va dur a terme l'anàlisi sensorial es va observar que els peixos alimentats amb dietes amb més d'un 8% d'ordi van mostrar unes ganyes més vermelles i millor textura, a més d'un color vermell del filet més intens, paràmetres que es correlacionen amb una millora de la frescor del peix. No obstant això, la inclusió d'ordi o remolatxa en dietes de truita no va tenir cap efecte sobre l'acceptabilitat dels filets. / Pinedo Gil, J. (2018). Study of novel carbohydrate sources on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107364 / TESIS

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