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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

併購關鍵成功因素之研究─以明基西門子為例 / Research on Key Success Factors for Mergers and Acquisitions - A Case Study of BenQ-Siemens

鄭凱元 Unknown Date (has links)
在國際化的趨勢與全球化的競爭下,併購已經成為企業成長的重要手段之一。全球併購活動正蓬勃發展,台灣企業也投入併購的風潮當中,併購的目標公司不僅局限於台灣,更包括世界各地。明基收購西門子手機部門是眾所矚目的國際併購案,卻在全球的驚嘆聲中落幕。根據研究資料,企業併購案具有高失敗率,顯示企業併購不僅帶給企業新的機會,也帶來許多新的挑戰。 面對全球併購風潮之興起與併購之高失敗率,本研究專注併購關鍵成功因素,採用歸納法,綜合文獻探討、個案研究、業界訪談等方法,探討併購應注意的事項,歸納併購關鍵成功因素,促使企業在併購時創造最高價值。 本研究提出下列命題,做為企業在併購時之參考。 命題一:併購前,企業應謹慎評估本身的管理能力。 命題二:併購前,企業必須掌握本身經營狀況,尤其是財務能力。 命題三:併購過程中,實地查核是企業選擇併購標的和整合計畫的基礎。 命題四:併購過程中,留住人才是核心議題。 命題五:國際併購時,語言、文化、與法規面是容易忽視的問題。 命題六:併購後,在價值鍊上需要整合的價值活動越多,整合的難度越高。 命題七:併購程序的每一步驟皆是高度相互關聯,任何一個環節的錯誤,皆可導致企業併購的失敗。 命題八:併購時,企業應建立併購指南與關鍵成功指標,或由外部專家協助。

手機產業併購活動中之智財整併-以明基整併西門子手機事業為例 / Strategic IP Structuring in M&A of Mobile Phone Businesses-Utilizing the BenQ-Siemens Merger for Case Study

張淑貞, Chang,Aileen S.J Unknown Date (has links)
西元2005、2006年間,臺灣數家知名手機代工業者,或是從手機代工兼跨經營自有品牌的手機業者,透過與國內、外企業所進行之整併活動,上演多幕併方與被併方商業資源之切割、位移與重新整合的戲碼,而除決意退出賽局的企業不論,其他繼續競逐的業者,似正利用整併活動,快速囊闊並整合企業繼續成長壯大所需的商業資源。 其中,在明基整併西門子手機事業案例中,併方明基集團明確指出,透過整併,希望能取得被併方手機相關之智慧財產資源,包括核心專利、有限期的商標使用權及人員、技術等。且併方亦表示,取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,是該整併案中重要標的,更是決意整併與否的關鍵因素,故在本件整併,併方對於取得被併方手機相關核心專利與品牌使用,顯然有高度之期許與重視。 讀到上開資訊,腦海中所伴隨著的問題意識,包括:究竟台灣手機業者透過整併活動,取得知名手機大廠所擁有之核心專利,其商業目的為何?倘若取得此等核心專利,有其商業價值,依據併方擬達到之商業目的,併方應於整併前,進行何等相應評估與規劃作業?此外,在取得國外知名手機廠商授權商標使用權能部分,此等商標使用權能之取得,究竟併方商業目的何在?倘併方看中的是,被併方商標具有品牌價值,那麼奠基手機品牌價值之價值活動為何?且併方應透過何等途徑,才能順利位移被併方之品牌價值到併方身上,並讓併方據此更佳蓬勃? 本論文以上開問題意識出發,於論文各章節中,進行相應之探討。而明基整併西門子手機事業之案例,恰好提供豐富的商業基礎事實,故本論文援引此一案例,作為研究與論述基礎,並藉由實際案例所提供資訊,讓學術討論更具意義。 經本論文研究結果認為:倘若併方將被併方核心專利與商標使用權能之取得,列為整併重要標的,在進行此等整併作業時,併方應依據所設定之商業目的,事先應有一套完整的評估作業(本論文嘗試提出評估作業架構圖),亦需規劃後續相應配套執行作業,如此,始能提高商業目的既遂的機率,並且避免讓『大機會』變成『大風險』,而且,在併方取得被併方商標使用權能部分,併方應先明辨商標與品牌之不同,併方於使用被併方之商標,也應事先確定其具品牌價值且無嚴重的負面印象存在。 基於以上研究結論,筆者進一步提出幾項建議如下,作為本論文研究成果: 一、併方整併被併方智財資源之具體標的,倘在於核心專利取得。建議併方應於整併前,對所取得之專利是否為核心專利先予驗明正身,而且必須設定取得核心專利之明確商業目的,後續也應依據商業目的,具體規劃相關評估與執行作業。 二、若欲讓整併目的既遂並降低相關商業風險,整併前之評估作業,至為關鍵,建議未來進行類似整併案件之併方,務需於雙方拍板定案簽約前,即投入相當人力物力資源進行評估與資訊情報蒐集作業,而不是於拍板定案後,才臨機應變並見招拆招。 三、併方取得被併方之核心專利,本質上存有有哪些風險,建議併方亦需清楚臚列評估,並應於雙方併購合約中透過合約約款之設計,讓併方之商業風險有效控制與降低。 四、在取得被併方商標使用權能部分,建議併方事先應評估被併方商標是否具有品牌價值,並找出奠基被併方品牌價值之因素,且併方應明確區分品牌價值與品牌知名度之不同,進而仔細評估被併方品牌究竟是有真實價值,還是徒具知名度而已。 五、確認被併方商標具品牌價值後,若欲將被併方品牌價值真實位移到併方體內,建議併方應將被併方企業價值活動盤點,並進行去蕪存菁作業,進一步將有價值之企業活動加值,亦需將雙方企業活動整合與融合,如此被併方之品牌價值始能真實位移,而不是曇花一現。 六、又,不論併方品牌策略之操作,是採單一品牌或雙品牌操作模式,如果被併方授權商標使用是有期限的,併方應考慮到使用期限屆至後,儲蓄在被併方商標上的品牌價值應如何順利位移承接到併方商標上,以及在採行雙品牌策略後,當併方之品牌脫離了被併方之品牌,要如何自立不受影響。 / In 2005 and 2006, several renowned mobile phone OEM or branding companies in Taiwan were merging, sinning off and/or restructuring through their local or foreign affiliates. Except some were intended to exit the market, most were utilizing the merger and acquisition to combine various resources to grow in their sizes. In one of the cases, the merger of mobile phone business units of BenQ – Siemens, BenQ clearly indicated that through the merger, BenQ intended to acquire the intellectual property resources from Siemens including the essential patents, license of trademarks, technical supports and know-how, etc. BenQ also indicated that the acquisition of licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name usage regarding mobile phone business would be the major target in the merger deal, as well as the turning point as to whether the merger should proceed along. In that case, therefore, BenQ highly expected to obtain licenses of Siemens’ essential patents and brand name regarding mobile phone business. The foregoing paragraph raises certain issues: what is the business purpose of a Taiwan mobile phone company to obtain the essential patents from other renowned and sized mobile phone branding companies? Assuming such business purpose is found, what kinds of evaluations and feasibility studies the merging company should conduct before the merger closing, in order to warrant the business purpose? Besides, what is the business purpose for the merging company to acquire from the renowned company a license to use the trademarks? If the merging company views such trademarks not as merely trademarks, but largely focuses the branding value added by the merged company with such trademarks, one would ask a question: where are the activities that have created and supported the mobile phone branding value? Through what ways, the merging company is able to successfully transfer the branding value from the merged company to the merging company and develop its business prosperously with the transferred branding value? This thesis starts with the above issues and discusses the relevant topics in various theories, using the ample business materials and facts in BenQ – Siemens merger as a base for case study so as to make the theory discussions in this thesis in a more practical sense. The research conclusion in this thesis indicates: If the major target in the whole merger deal is to acquire essential patents and trademarks from the merged business, the merging business must establish a complete feasibility assessment program in accordance with the intended business purpose (the thesis intends to provide a illustration charts for such assessment program) before the closing, and a well coordinated implementing procedures for post-closing operation, in order to higher the probability of meeting the intended business purpose while lower the possibility of spoiling a “great opportunity” into a “huge risk”. In addition and beforehand, the merging business should be able to tell the specific differences in nature between the brand names and trade marks. The merging business should also clearly identify the merged branding value, and further, ensure there is no negative impact in applying the merged branding in its business. Based on the conclusion stated in the preceding paragraph, the author thereby submits the following recommendations as a result of the research in the thesis: 1.If the specific target for a merging business seeking to combine intellectual property resources of the merged business is to obtain the essential patents from the merged business, it is advisable for the merging business to, before the merger, identify whether the patents proposed to be acquired are indeed essential patents in relevant industries, establish a clear business purpose feasibly achievable by acquisition of such patents, and establish an assessment program and a well coordinated implementing procedures operation in accordance with the established business purpose. 2.It is extremely imperative to conduct a solid and full-scaled pre-closing feasibility studies so as to reduce the business risks in merger deal. It is advisable for a merging business to devote considerable resources to conduct evaluation and information gathering before merger closing, and not to remedy and mitigate the case in post closing days. 3.It is advisable for the merging business to identify and list in detail the risks in acquiring the core patents from the merged business, and further structure through merger related contracts to effectively control and minimize such risks. 4.It is advisable for the merging business to clarify whether the proposed trademarks are having true branding value, find the factors within the merged business creating and supporting such branding value, clearly tell differences between branding value and brand popularity, and then carefully assess if the proposed brand name is powered with the true branding value or merely covered with a wide popularity. 5.After identifying the branding value of the proposed trademark, if the branding value is intended to be transferred into the merging business, it is advisable for the merging business to conduct a full examination on the previous branding value activities of the merged business, and adjust/develop the value-added items of new activities by continuing joint efforts of corporate businesses, not a flash show in the market. 6.No matter the marketing strategy is by single brand name or combined dual brand name, if the proposed trademark usage is limited by time expiration, the merging business must consider after the expiration, how to successfully transfer the branding value of the proposed trademark to existing trademark originally held by the merging business, and how to maximize or maintain the independent branding value of the existing trademark after the expiration.

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