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臺北市國民小學學校整併指標建構之研究 / The study of constructing school-consolidation indicators for elementary schools in Taipei諶亦聰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用之研究方法包含文件分析、訪談、案例分析及問卷調查,透過訪談資料整理、敘述統計及分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process )等建構出臺北市國民小學學校整併指標之權重體系。
一、 對教育行政機關之建議
(一) 應完備推動學校整併之法令或準則。
(二) 應全面由教育經濟成本、政策決定及社會環境等面項評估學校是否需進行整併。
(三) 於評估學校整併時,應同時考量學校存在之需求性。
(四) 推動學校整併應有完整配套措施。
(五) 推動學校整併應採長期、階段及漸進方式及策略進行。
(六) 應追蹤學校整併厚達成預期效益情形。
二、 對後續研究之建議
(五)探究臺北市學校整併其他問題。 / The main purpose of this study is to explore the issues on school
consolidation of elementary school in Taipei and to attempt constructing the evaluation indicators and weighting systems while processing school consolidation for elementary schools in Taipei. The proven results could be directions for education authorities and elementary schools when they have choices in decision-making.
The research methods include documents analysis, interview, case study,
descriptive statistics and analytic hierarchy process to build up the weighting
systems of school consolidation indicators for elementary schools in Taipei.
The result of this study finds that school consolidation indicators for
elementary schools in Taipei could be separarted from consolidation-featured indicators(a school could be considered to be consolidated if it fits the indicators) and existence-featured indicators(a school could be supposed to remain existent if it fits the indicators). Consolidation-featured indicators are consist of four second-hierarchy indicators and ten third-hierarchy indicators. Existence-featured indicators are consist of three second-hierarchy indicators and seven third-hierarchy indicators.
Among the second-hierarchy indicators of consolidation-featured indicators, indicators of policy-making, social-environment and educational economic-cost have equal importance. Among the third-hierarchy indicators, indicators of function-overlapping between schools, aggregate numbers of students, growth rate of numbers of students and growth rate of new-born babies within school district have higher importance than other indicators.
Among the second-hierarchy indicators of existence-featured indicators,
indicators of the right for studens’s learning is more important than other indicators. Among the third-hierarchy indicators, the convenience of commuting after consolidation and the ratio of disadvantaged students within a
school are more important than other indicators.
This study provides advises for issues on school consolidation, including:
(A) Advises for education administration
1.Giving complete impetus to orders or guidelines for school consolidation.
2.Evaluating school if it should be consolidated with another one by indicators of educational economic-cost, educational policy and social environment.
3.Considering the demand for schools’ existence when evaluating consolidation.
4.Forming complete sets when driving school consolidation.
5.Adopting long-term, multi-stage and gradual strategies to advance school
6.Tracing the beneficial result after consolidation.
(B) Advises for future researches:
1.Measuring the weights of consolidation-featured indicators and
existence-featured indicators to judge whether one school should be
consolidated with another one.
2.Through different research methods to correct the school consolidation
3.Designing different school consolidation indicators by areas and social
4.Processing case study of the consolidated school in order to test and verify
the fitness of indicators.
5.Exploring other issues on school consolidation of elementary schools in
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在交易所整併趨勢下探討與研究我國新一代期貨交易系統之發展策略 / Under exchange consolidation trend to explore and examine the development strategy of new generation of Taiwan's futures trading system.陳淑敏, Chen, Shu Min Unknown Date (has links)
歐美知名交易所的整併工程,在過去十年間持續進行,其整併目的皆基於降低成本以及提升合併後之綜效為目標。然近幾年來交易所之合併案例,往往強調交易所整併後,新一代交易系統之發展、該新系統對於交易所之貢獻及可能發揮之綜效。例如:Nasdaq 與OMX AB整併後,將共同推出新一代GENIUM交易系統,或是Euronext 與NYSE整併後,將共同規劃推出Universal Trading Platform交易系統,或是DBAG(德國交易所集團)內部各子公司之整併後,將推動新一代交易系統。由前述交易所整併案例,我們發現交易系統之發展策略非常重要,未來的金融交易市場,應整合既有資源,持續不斷開發功能健全的交易平台,並以提供更好之交易效率及交易環境為目標。基於國外交易所之發展經驗及我國證券期貨周邊單位持續進行四合一之規劃研究,本論文特別從各交易所資訊組織結構、我國期貨市場規模、新一代期貨交易功能之需求等角度,探討與研究我國新一代期貨交易系統之發展策略。
回顧2008年,全球金融海嘯對於各國金融市場皆有程度不一之衝擊,在景氣及市場尚未完全復甦之際,探討證券期貨四合一後,新一代期貨市場所需之交易系統更具實務上之需求及意義。2008年我國期貨市場交易量136,719,777口,較前一年成長18.73%。2008年全球期貨市場交易量17,666,155,848口,較前一年成長13.24%。2009年1~4月,我國期貨市場交易量50,207,070口,較前一年同期成長24.99%(資料來源:FOW TRADEData)。從這樣的統計數據中,我們可以發現期貨市場在全球金融海嘯的過程中,積極發揮期貨市場避險的功能。
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臺灣高等體育教育機構整併因素之探討-以國立臺灣體育大學(桃園)為例 / An analysis on factors influential to the merge of higher educational institutes in Taiwan:the case of study on National Taiwan Sport University (Taoyuan)曾清璋 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:高等教育、整併、體育大學 / For a more efficient use and reasonable distribution of advanced educational resources, advance of teaching performances, excellent developments of universities, the maximum economic benefits with least investment, and augment of national competitiveness, Taiwan government had made efforts since 1995 which tried to carry out the merger among small-scale or homogeneous national colleges/ universities. The Ministry of Education led a policy which integrated National College of Physical Education and Sports in Taoyuan and National Taiwan College of Physical Education in Taichung into National Taiwan Sport University to integrate the resources. Consequently, it could achieve the best performances, to promote the competitiveness in physical education fields, and establish a subject-integrated scholastic palace.
This research used National Taiwan Sport University in Taoyuan as a sample to analysis the internal and external environment of merging the two schools by applying organization merger theories and experiences of merger from local and oversea universities. Furthermore, this research made some in-depth interviews with the faculty staffs in Taoyuan campus who played a part in merger project with the the indexes for evaluation of scaled economies, popularization, marketization and mutual-growth principals. The findings were as bellowing:
1 The factors that influence the results of the merger are more than one attribution.
2 Looking into the merger cases abroad, the governmental authorities usually played active roles contributing to the implementation of the merger of the universities. One of the better modes is that government plans the environment of merger adequately, and allowed the two parties of merger schools autonomy in the process of negotiation and selecting their coping parties.
3 When the process of merger, the most serious problem for which National Taiwan Sport University had faced was the long distances, high homogeneity, and overlapping of the profession in terms of academic departments after merger so that the present departments and sport teams represented high overlap, which makes faculty staffs faced variation of position, worried for their vested interests to be affected, and felt uncertain for the changes.
4 The main reasons why the merger of the two physical colleges failed in the end were discussed on two dimensions as following. On the one hand government forced the colleges to choose parts then motivate the merger with negotiation, which couldn’t implement the policy, and on the other government wouldn’t interfered in concluding treaties of organizational frameworks and regulations when the government promoted the merger.
Based on the findings mentioned above, this study suggested that Ministry of Education should take thorough consideration and refer to some empirical merger experiences from overseas universities before the Ministry initiated implementation of domestic merger strategies first. Second, lacking legislation for executed authorities to promote the merger among universities contributed to an inefficient implementation of the strategies; on this regard, there should be plenty of rooms left for improvement for the governmental side. Third, the whole merger strategies should be brought out much earlier in advance by the government and besides the issue of “merger” that could create benefits, the possibilities of the collaboration and cooperation between universities should also be taken into account. Last but not least, the developments of sports and athletics which indicate a nation’s competiveness would always rely on the full support by the governments to provide sufficient resources. As for National Taiwan Sport University, the merger was considered a critical timing for the school to initiate their developments; one should take the opportunity to improve academic research of physical education, and to foster athletic events and sports. If the continuity of the merger is carried out, the school is suggested to adhere some of the principals indicating to select the coping parties physically nearby; however with heterogeneity in the professional fields for the complementation. Furthermore, the faculty staff of the school is expected to cultivate their second specialty in order to meet the demands derived from the change caused by the merger.
Keywords:higher education; merger; Sport university
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改良式個案推薦機制: 階層式擷取條件與階段式的個案推理演算法 / Enhanced Case-Based Recommender Mechanism:Hierarchical Case-Retrieved Criteria and Multiple-Stage CBR Algorithm王貞淑, Wang, Chen Shu Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究也預期所提出的推薦機制能夠應用於各種不同的領域,而為了驗證所提出的推薦機制執行效率與可行性,本研究也列舉了數個實驗進行的規範方案。本研究所提出的改良式個案推薦機制核心演算法為一概化模型,能夠求解不同型態的決策問題。 / Recommender system can be regarded as fundamental technology of electronic commence web site. Some researchers also claimed that recommender system push the electronic web site to another development peak. Recommender system would need some mechanisms. These recommender mechanisms should be reviewed, redefined and expanded to include particularly case-based mechanism that focus on reality problem solving.
Recently, CBR applications had been extended to provide recommendation mechanism based on previous cases. The abstract recommendation problems are usually hard to be formulated in strict mathematic models, and often solved via word-mouse experience. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a paradigm, concept and instinctive mechanism for ill-defined and unstructured problem solving. Similarly to human problem solving process, CBR retrieves past experiences to reuse for target problem. Of course, the solutions of past cases may need to be revised for applying. The successful problem-solving experiences are then retained for further reusing. These are well-known 4R processes (retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain) of traditional CBR.
Nevertheless, the case-based recommender mechanism is particularly suitable for reality problem reference because case-style can be used to describe unstructured problem. The next generation recommender mechanism should focus on the real life problem solving and applications. Thus, case-based recommender mechanism can be regarded as a new problem solving paradigm.
To enhance traditional CBR algorithm to case-based recommender mechanism, the original CBR should be redesigned. In the traditional CBR algorithm, based on multiple objectives, the retrieved cases could provide to decision maker for references. However, as the decision problem is getting complex, pure multiple objective problem representation is too unsophisticated to reflect reality. Thus, a revised CBR algorithm equipped with capability to deal with more complexity is needed. Additionally, decision makers would wish to achieve the actionable information. The existing recommender mechanism can not provide the actionable direction to decision maker. Based on previous cases provided by CBR, decision maker would further hope that recommender mechanism could tell them how to do. These capabilities should be included into traditional CBR algorithm.
Furthermore, traditional CBR has to evaluate all cases in case base to return the most similar case(s). The efficiency of CBR is obviously negatively related to the size of case base. Thus, a number of approaches have devoted to decrease the effort for case evaluation. This research proposes a revised CBR mechanism, named GCBR, which can be regarded as next generation CBR algorithm. GCBR can be applied to reality applications, particularly case-based recommender mechanism. Thus, it can be treated as a new problem solving paradigm. It also intends to improve traditional CBR efficiency stability no matter what kinds of case representation and indexing approaches.
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我國國家層級檔案館與圖書館典藏與應用服務整併之可行性研究 / The Feasibility Study on Integration of Collection and Services between National Level Archives and Libraries in Taiwan吳宇凡, Wu, Yu–Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目包括四項:(1) 瞭解國際檔案館與圖書館館際合作與整合的趨勢與發展;(2)比較檔案館與圖書館功能、任務、館藏、典藏環境等,重新檢視兩館之異同;(3)分析我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位對於典藏與應用服務合作或整合的看法,並擷取國外經驗,探討在我國實行之可行性;(4)參酌上述資料,提出我國未來檔案館與圖書館在典藏與應用服務合作與整合上的建議,以供未來規劃、發展方向之參考。
因此在研究結論中,呼應我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位面對整併與合作時所遭遇的困境,提出具體解決方案,包括政策、館舍、人力資源、應用服務等幾個面向,以確立我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位整併或合作之可行性。 / Archives and libraries share similar characteristics, function, and workflows. The content and formats of their collections have become undistinguishable. Take Presidential library system in USA for example. Its collection encompasses books, archives, and objects related to presidents. To divide these collections to libraries, archives, and museums respectively would ruin the integrity and original order. Moreover, it would add cost and make inconvenience.
The purposes of this paper are as follows. (1) Understand the international trend of the cooperation and integration between archives and libraries. (2) Compare and contrast the function, missions, collection, and environment between archives and libraries. (3) Analyze the perspectives of national level archives and libraries on the collaboration or integration of conservation and application services, and complement foreign experiences to explore the feasibility of combining these two services. (4) Suggest the future scheme and development of the collaboration and integrating of conservation and application services offered by archives and libraries in Taiwan.
The results revealed that the function, missions, collection, and conservation environment of archives and that of libraries were getting identical. Furthermore, there were some successful cases of the integrating of conservation units, and related research and organizations founded in succession. It demonstrates that the future cultural conservation will turn to information integration between institutions.
The study concludes by proposing specific plans, such as policies, buildings, human resources, and services to solve the difficulties faced by archives and libraries when they tried to integrate or cooperate with each other, and thus make their integration or collaboration feasible.
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臺灣金融業併購綜效之研究-以元大金控併購大眾銀行為例 / A Study of Merger and Acquisition Synergies in the Financial Industry in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Merger of Yuanta Financial Holding and Ta Chong Bank陳嘉盈 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果得出,元大金控藉由合併大眾銀行將產生以下併購綜效:(一)規模經濟效益、(二)均衡業務結構、(三)提升銀行獲利貢獻、(四)維持穩健資產品質,元大金控藉此拉升銀行業務的恆常獲利貢獻,進而轉型成證券及銀行雙主軸的金控,同時取得大眾銀行的香港分行,以香港為前進大陸的發展據點,經營兩岸三地金融服務市場,有助其朝向「亞太區最佳金融服務提供者」之願景邁進。 / After going through two financial reforms, the number of the banks in Taiwan had decreased from 53 banks in 2000 to around 39 banks in 2014. Still, the problem of an excess of the banking operators had persisted. Due to the saturated Taiwanese domestic market for commercial banking services, the interest spread had thinned remarkably and this oppressive situation had drawn the local commercial banks into a price war on interest rates on deposits and loans. In 2013, following the growing concern over the price competition and in the hope of enhancing international competiveness of Taiwan’s banking industry, Financial Supervisory Commission unveiled its plan—Asia Cup policy—to promote consolidation of domestic financial institutions and encourage them to invest overseas market to further scale up the business.
Yuanta Financial Holdings, one of the holding companies that actively seek overseas business opportunities, was the biggest securities broker in Taiwan. After completing the acquisitions and mergers of Ta Chong bank in August 2015, the company not only remains the leading position in securities market but also further strengthens its banking business. The thesis is based on the M&A case, and the purpose of the study is to determine the reasons and motivations behind the M&A between two financial institutions as well as the company’s current development in order to analyze and understand what are synergistic gains that two banks benefit from the merger.
In short, the study suggests that the merger between Yaunta financial holdings and Ta Chong Bank has created following M&A synergies—realizing economies of scale, balancing business structure, enhancing banking profitability, and maintaining steady asset quality. After merging with Ta Chong bank, Yaunta financial holdings transitioned from a securities brokerage-focused company to a holding company focused on Twins Pillar of securities and banking operations. Also, company’s Hong Kong branch, which was acquired from the M&A, will serve as a firm foothold in Chinese market in order for this banking giant Yaunta to achieve the goal of becoming best financial service provider in the Asia Pacific region.
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金融業合併之資訊整併策略討論 -以某金融機構合併案為例顧學仁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討金融機構合併的資訊架構整併策略.藉由國內大型金融機構的合併個案來了解主併公司所採用的合併策略,過程與影響。 經過文獻討論與個案分析,有八點發現:
1. 以資訊整併策略角度來看,個案中的資訊整併模式是整體接收(Take Over)。
2. 以歷史角度來看,此次金融合併案的成功因素之一來自於併購集團累積多次的成功的合併經驗與總部的大力支持。
3. 從組織架構來看,被併購集團擁有功能完整的資訊組織架構與嚴謹的專案執行規劃,是本此合併成功的第二要素。
4. 在專案時間掌握上來看,遇到重大問題與障礙時,專案經理需要能克服困難完成任務,減少專案時間耽誤造成企業損失。
5. 從人力資源的角度來看,專案經理需要能在有效地預算掌控下,當地尋找支援人力,減少專案開銷。
6. 專案過程的溝通協調方面,資訊部門需要能與程式使用者之間良好的溝通協調,資訊單位可即刻反映使用者需求,達到快速反饋的目的。
7. 由綜效結果的分析來觀察,由併購銀行公布99年年報中所揭露之財務報表、信用評等與社會評價皆呈現正向成長。內部人員對併購銀行資訊技術處服務滿意度有高達八成滿意度維持併購前資訊服務水準。
8. 法律、政治因素影響與合併後併購銀行IT策略方面來看,新的個人資料保護法的通過,造成整體合併綜效、與合併後資訊策略的改變。
資訊技術,資訊整併策略,企業併購 / The objective of this study is to understand the strategy, process and impacts of information technology (IT) infrastructure integration in a mergers and acquisitions project in a financial institution.
Based on literature review and an in-depth case study there are eight findings:
1. In view of the information integration strategy, the applied model of IT integration was a “Take Over” strategy.
2. From a historical perspective, one of the success factors of the merger was enterprise’s accumulated experience of mergers and strong support from headquarters.
3. From an organizational point of view, the acquiring group has both a full-featured information organizational structure and rigorous plan of project execution, which was one of the important elements of the success of this merger.
4. Regarding the project management, the major challenge of the project manager is to overcome problems and obstacles to complete the tasks on time and on budget.
5. From the perspective of human resources, the effective utilization of local support are the key to budget control.
6. From the communication and coordination aspects of the project, rapid feedback and good communication between staffs in the information sector and business users could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the project execution.
7. By analyzing the results of the merger, the credit ratings and social evaluation in the acquiring bank revealed a positive growth. Internal user survey of the post-merger has shown a satisfaction rate of 80% which remained the same comparing to the figure of pre-merger.
8. From a legal and political point of view, the new Personal Data Protection Law has become a major concern for overall information strategy making after the merger.
Key Word:
Information Technology Infrastructure, IT Integration Strategies, Mergers and Acquisitions
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台灣地區大學院校整併策略之研究 / The Study of Strategies for Universities and Colleges Merger梁金盛, Liang, Chin-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究針對大學院校的整併策略,分別向教育行政機關與學校提出具體的建議,同時也建議未來進一步研究的方向。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate current positions and merge strategies among universities and colleges in Taiwan. In addition, the study intended to provide useful implications to education administration for governing the proceeding of college merger.
The current researcher reviewed literature and documents to analyze the development and current positions of Taiwan's colleges. The questionnaires were mailed to 507 administrators who were college presidents, chairs of Academic Affairs, chairs of Students Affairs, and chairs of General Affairs in Taiwan. A total of 303 questionnaires were completed and returned. The returned rate was 59%.
Distribution of frequency, chi-square, and the Kendall coefficient of concordance were used for data analyses. The current researcher also interviewed the administrators whose college had completed merger or were in the merging process during the investigation period.
The findings from this study were the following:
1. Modern colleges need to emphasize the efficiency of school management and pursue “the optimal scale” for school development.
2. The merger among colleges is a way for promoting the school to achieve “the optimal scale”.
3. Based on the premise of “no violated academic professional liberty”, the government should have authority and obligations to provide a plan for comprehensive educational development.
4. The numbers of colleges and students are increasing dramatically in the past 10 years. However, the size of schools is considered small. A total of 80% of colleges with student number less than 10,000, and 37% of these colleges with student number less than 5,000.
5. The current challenges for Taiwan's higher education include a decreasing population of new born in the past 40 years; declining economic growing rate within recent 10 years; and the advent of Word Trade Organization. It is a practical strategy to merge small colleges in order to face these challenges.
6. The college administrators recognize the reality of current higher education. They suggest an increase of the student number would promote the efficiency of the use of education resource.
7. The critical requirements for college merger include that schools have to emphasize the quality of students and to have a stable financial support for at least 3 years.
8. A vision of future, consolidation of graduate and under-graduate programs, and coalition of human resources are considered as the most important principles of college merger.
9. The benefits of a merger among colleges are an increase the compatibility and the use of human resources.
10. The challenges of a merger among colleges include the negotiation of the increase of new units after merger, and the consolidation of different cultural backgrounds among colleges.
11. The priorities of college merger strategies are affiliation of universities' system, merger, strategic alliance, and purchase.
12. If government wants to promote merger among colleges, the government should provide incentives and be clear with the policies.
13. The best "incentive" from government for college merger are financial and personnel supports.
14. The Committee of School Affairs has the authority to decide whether a college needs to be merged with others.
15. If there have mutual goals among colleges, a merger is more likely to success.
16. During a merger proceeding, government's support and mediation are the keys for a successful merger.
The current study not only provides implications for college merger to the government and college administrators, but also suggests directions for further research.
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論垂直相關市場中之整併策略:以互補要素模型分析 / Merger Decisions in Vertically Related Market with Complementary Inputs謝宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用互補要素模型分析垂直相關市場中之整併策略,並討論在不同談判力下之各種均衡市場結構。當下游廠商所需生產要素之一為獨賣要素,另一由寡占廠商生產時,下游廠商與上游非獨賣要素廠商將視整併後談判力保存程度大小與獨占要素廠商進行補貼與否而決定是否進行垂直整併,上游獨賣要素廠商則會經由比較整併一家下游廠商和任由其他廠商垂直整併所能獲得之利潤,決定在下游廠商談判力較大的情況下併購下游廠商。而當上游非獨賣要素廠商談判力極小或極大時,上游獨賣要素廠商與下游廠商整併亦較為有利。 / This research investigates merger decisions in a vertically-related market with two complementary intermediate inputs by using the Nash bargaining model. The production of final good involves two complementary inputs, exclusive inputs and commonly available inputs. The downstream firms and the oligopolistic upstream firms would merge if the preservation of bargaining power after merger is large enough or the monopolistic input supplier subsidizes them to do so. The monopolistic input supplier compares the gains of merging a downstream firm and the profit of letting other firms integrate. The monopolistic supplier would merge a downstream firm when the bargaining power of the downstream firms is large. Also, merging with a downstream firm becomes more profitable for the monopolistic supplier if the bargaining power of oligopolistic upstream firms is extremely small or extremely large.
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組織變革與組織成員態度之研究─以軍事院校整併案為例曹志宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究問卷設計內容包括「原組織認同度」、「社會支配傾向」、「變革接受度」與「變革理解度」、以及「變革擬案偏好選擇」等變項,以Likert 6尺度來衡量,並以變異數分析(ANOVA)、多元迴歸分析以及卡方檢定等統計方法進行檢定。總計回收有效問卷202份,回收率達67.3%。
經分析有效樣本結果如下: (一)組織成員背景中,性別與校別對原組織認同程度關係不會產生差異;(二) 組織成員背景中,年資對組織變革理解程度的關係不會產生差異;(三) 組織成員中,不會因性別因素而產生變革接受程度的差異;(四)個人的原組織認同程度的高低,對個人在選擇生活教育方案時,不會造成影響,但對選擇學年教育方案時,原組織認同高者,會使個人傾向選擇多元化學年教育方案;(五)個人的組織變革理解程度的高低,對個人選擇生活教育與學年教育方案時,並不會造成影響。本研究建議:(一)加強溝通以化解變革阻力、(二)積極建構「新組織意象」的認同度、(三)重視領導軍官與專業軍官的學年教育差異性、(四)整合各校優點發展軍官大學的特色等。
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