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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization of the control process in residential buildings using technological tools

Prat, Joaquin, Romero, Alvaro, Rodriguez, Sandra, Farje, Julio 30 September 2020 (has links)
Many construction companies worldwide continue to implement different methodologies to optimize time and improve management in the execution of works; however, a lack of control in projects continues to be observed. For this reason, one of the most common problems currently is the incompletion of scheduled work. Due to this, it is necessary to keep better control of the projects at the execution stage so that the contractor can optimally, quickly, and easily manage the progress of all the specialties involved. In this sense, this research develops the use of the Plan Grid Application for data collection in the field and the Power Bi software for the automatic processing and information visualization through a management dashboard where indicators are shown to reflect the progress and actual performance of the activities as well as the main non-compliance causes, which leads to optimize the control process and the time spent by its administrators to carry out this management.

Generation of Well-Defined Pairs of Silylamine on Highly Dehydroxylated SBA-15: Application to the Surface Organometallic Chemistry of Zirconium

Azzi, Joachim 11 1900 (has links)
Design of a new well-defined surface organometallic species [O-(=Si–NH)2Zr(IV)Np2] has been obtained by reaction of tetraneopentyl zirconium (ZrNp4) on SBA-15 surface displaying mainly silylamine pairs [O-(=Si–NH2)2]. These surface species have been achieved by an ammonia treatment of a highly dehydroxylated SBA-15 at 1000°C (SBA-151000). This support is known to contain mainly strained reactive siloxane bridges (≡Si-O-Si≡)[1] along with a small amount of isolated plus germinal silanols =Si(OH)2. Chemisorption of ammonia occurs primarily by opening these siloxane bridges[2] to generate silanol/silylamine pairs [O-(=Si–NH2)(=SiOH)] followed by substitution of the remaining silanol. Further treatment using hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) results in the protection of the isolated remaining silanol groups by formation of ≡Si-O-SiMe3 and =Si(OSiMe3)2 but leaves ≡SiNH2 untouched. After reaction of this functionalized surface with ZrNp4, this latter displays mainly a bi-podal zirconium neopentyl organometallic complex [O-(=Si–NH)2Zr(IV)Np2] which has been fully characterized by diverse methods such as infrared transmission spectroscopy, magic angle spinning solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, surface elemental analysis, small angle X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption and energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). These different characterization tools unambiguously prove that the zirconium organometallic complex reacts mostly with silylamine pairs to give a bi-podal zirconium bis-neopentyl complex, uniformly distributed into the channels of SBA-151000. Therefore this new material opens a new promising research area in Surface Organometallic Chemistry which, so far, was dealing mainly with O containing surface. It is expected that vicinal amine functions may play a very different role as compared with classical inorganic supports. Given the importance in the last decades of N containing ligands in catalysis, one may expect important prospects…

A Mathematical Model of Stratified Bi-Directional Flow Through the Railroad Causeway Embankment of Great Salt Lake

Cameron, James T. 01 May 1978 (has links)
A two-dimensional, finite-element, porous-media flow model is developed to simulate stratified bi-directional flow of brine through the earth embankment carrying the Southern Pacific Railroad across Great Salt Lake. The model is part of a two-year research program whose objective is to develop a computer model of circulation in Great Salt Lake. This overall model is to be used as a predictive device for salinity distributions and circulation patterns in the lake. The porous media flow model is designed to establish flow rates through the Southern Pacific Railroad causeway embankment which traverses the north central part of he lake and divides it into two bodies of water. The study first develops the mathematical equations which describe two-dimensional stratified bi-directional flow of a fluid through porous media. Next , the problem is numerically posed as a boundary value problem in terms of pressure. This formulation is then solved by an iterative finite element scheme which employs quadratic, isoparametric, quadrilateral elements. The study also investigates two possible means of performing an analysis of stratified bi-directional flow with a pressure formulation by either posing the problem as a single boundary value problem with two densities of fluid within, or as two single-density boundary value problems coupled at the density interface. The single boundary formulation did not converge with the techniques attempted due to numerical instability at the density interface. The numerical model developed enables one to calculate fluid flow rates as well as the locations of the free surface and density-interface. The model simulation investigates many lake variables which affect brine flows through the embankment. Realistic model parameters are used which cover the range of actual values observed on the lake for the years 1968 through 1972. The numerical results presented in the study are given in terms of generalized dimensionless variables. The numerical results appeared to be in agreement with previously performed stratified bi-directional Hele-Shaw model studies. The major lake parameters affecting flow rates through the causeway were the free surface head difference, the southside lake surface elevation and the difference in fluid densities between the upper and lower layers of the embankment . The southward density flow was found to be completely cut off for certain combinations of lake parameters. Lack of adequate field data collected on the embankment has left both the geometry and the coefficient of permeability of the fill in question, preventing a rigorous verification of the model' s ability to predict actual flows. More field data are also necessary to establish whether there is stratification on the north side of the embankment which can greatly affect flow calculations. A high Reynold's number was found for flow through the embankment, raising a question as to the validity of the Darcian flow assumption used in the analysis. However, the establishment of the true Reynold's number can only be verified through the collection of more empirical data.

A Model to Optimize Major Trauma Network considering Patient Safety

Vaishnav, Monit D. 20 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Dashboard for data-driven decision support in small and medium enterprises: a web-based approach

Bobylev, Timur January 2023 (has links)
This thesis addresses the design of a productivity dashboard for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and highlight the requirements for SME’s undergoing the initial implementation of business intelligence (BI). The objective is to develop an easy-to-use web application prototype that incorporates a dashboard with data source selection, while considering research framework requirements and limitations. Further, the prototype aims to fulfil the conceptual requirements of the tool used for decision support systems, including remote access, scalability, customization, and intuitive data presentation.   The thesis successfully developed a prototype web application that allows remote access through a browser. The interface of the application received positive feedback from respondents and demonstrates high usability. As a result, the prototype's scalability is confirmed through the gradual integration of new functionality, depicted in a hierarchical diagram to guide future enhancements. However, limitations arise from the technology choices, making the integration of new data sources more challenging due to specific data structure and attribute requirements. The study provides clear guidelines and inspiration for SMEs and web developers in integrating BI tools during the initial phase of adopting decision support systems. The research offers a well-documented development and evaluation process, empowering SMEs to make informed decisions when implementing BI solutions. / Det här examensarbetet behandlar utformningen av en produktivitetsdashboard för små och medelstora företag (SMEs) för att spåra nyckeltal för prestanda och lyfta fram kraven för SMEs som genomgår den initiala implementeringen av business intelligence (BI). Målet är att utveckla en lättanvänd webbapplikations prototyp som tillhandahåller en dashboard med möjlighet att välja datakälla samtidigt som forskningens krav och begränsningar beaktas. Vidare syftar prototypen till att uppfylla de konceptuella kraven för verktyg som används i system för beslutstöd, vilket inkluderar fjärråtkomst, skalbarhet, anpassning och intuitiv presentation av data.    Studien utvecklade framgångsrikt en prototyp för en webbapplikation som möjliggör fjärråtkomst via en webbläsare. Gränssnittet för applikationen fick positiv återkoppling från respondenter och visade hög användbarhet. Prototypens skalbarhet bekräftas genom gradvis integration av ny funktionalitet. Begränsningar uppstår dock på grund av valda teknologier, vilket gör integrationen av nya datakällor mer utmanande på grund av specifika krav på datastruktur och attribut. Studien ger tydliga riktlinjer och inspiration för små- och medelstora företag samt webbutvecklare för att integrera BI-verktyg under den inledande implementering av system för beslutstöd. Forskningen erbjuder en väldokumenterad process för utveckling och utvärdering, vilket ger små- och medelstora företag möjlighet att fatta välinformerade beslut vid implementering av BI-lösningar.

Unlocking the Potential of Business Intelligence in HR: Assessment of how maturity is to be developed : A case study / Frigöra potentialen hos Business Intelligence inom HR: Bedömning av hur mognaden ska utvecklas : En fallstudie

Celik, Berken, Gaete, O'bryan January 2023 (has links)
The rise of technology and digitalization has greatly impacted organizations, particularly in the field ofHuman Resources (HR). To stay competitive in this evolving landscape, HR departments are increasingly adopting Business Intelligence (BI) as a useful umbrella concept to collect, store, access, and analyze data for data-driven decision-making. However, as research states, many HR organizations struggle to fully leverage the benefits of BI and therefore only adapt mere basic BI capabilities. This study aims to address this gap by examining how HR organizations can develop their BI maturity and identify the key categories and factors that influence it, as well as highlight the main hurdles in the journey towards higher BI maturity. To fulfill this purpose, a case study was conducted which centered around semi-structured interviews with respondents from the case company. The results from the interviews show that there are several factors deemed important when assessing BI maturity and we classify these factors into Organization & Structure, Data Governance and System, Tools & Technology. This study’s results are for the most part consistent with previous research on assessing BI maturity. However, the focus on HR departments reveals some interesting findings. Within these categories, the following factors, among others, have emerged as important to consider. Namely organizational culture and a collaborative mindset to promote the adoption of higher levels of analytics through the entire organization. Moreover, making HR more impactful in the sense of actionability and by demonstrating a cause-effect relationship emerges as a central and multi-faceted aspect when assessing BI maturity. Organizational management of data centralization is also considered a significant factor for HR. In addition, another central aspect to regard is GDPR, as it directly affects the collection, storing and analysis of personal data, consequently becoming crucial for HR to assess. The study also identified hurdles hindering HR departments from reaching higher levels of maturity, such as cross-functional collaboration and data transparency between departments. Furthermore, GDPR legislation hinders the possibility of distributing certain data and combining sensitive data with other sources. Additionally, a barrier to the successful utilization of existing tools and systems is considered to be related to the competence of employees. / Teknikens och digitaliseringens framväxt har haft stor inverkan på organisationer, särskilt inom området för Human Resources (HR). För att förbli konkurrenskraftiga i denna föränderliga miljö använder HR-avdelningar i allt större utsträckning Business Intelligence (BI) som ett användbart paraplykoncept för att samla in, lagra, få tillgång till och analysera data för datadrivet beslutsfattande. Forskningen visar dock attmånga HR-organisationer kämpar med att utnyttja fördelarna med BI fullt ut och därför bara anpassar sig till de mer grundläggande BI-funktionerna. Den här studien syftar till att åtgärda denna brist genom att undersöka hur HR-organisationer kan utveckla sin BI-mognad och identifiera de viktigaste kategorierna och faktorerna som påverkar detta, samt belysa de viktigaste hindren på vägen mot högre BI-mognad. För att uppfylla detta syfte genomfördes en fallstudie som var centrerad kring semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från fallföretaget. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att det finns flera faktorer som anses vara viktiga vid bedömningen av BI-mognad och klassificerar dessa faktorer i Organisation & Struktur, Datastyrning och System, Verktyg & Teknologi. Resultaten från denna studie stämmer till största delen överens med tidigare forskning om bedömningen av BI-mognad. Fokuseringen på HR-avdelningar ger dock några intressanta resultat. Inom dessa kategorier har bland annat följande faktorer framkommit som viktiga att beakta. Specifikt framhävs organisationskultur och ett samarbetsinriktat tänkande för att främja antagandet av högre nivåer av analys genom hela organisationen. Dessutom framstår det som en central och mångfacetterad aspekt vid bedömningen av BI-mognad att göra HR mer betydelsefull, i form av handlingsförmåga och genom att visa på orsak-verkan samband. Den organisatoriska hanteringen av datacentralisering anses också vara en viktig faktor för HR. En annan central aspekt att beakta är dessutom GDPR, eftersom den direkt påverkar insamlingen, lagringen samt analysen av persondata och blir därav avgörande för HR att bedöma. I studien identifierades även särskilda hinder som håller tillbaka HR-avdelningar från att nå högre mognadsnivåer, till exempel tvärfunktionellt samarbete och datatransparens mellan avdelningar. Dessutom hindrar GDPR-lagstiftningen möjligheten att distribuera vissa uppgifter samt att kombinera känsliga uppgifter med andra källor och avdelningar. Dessutom anses ett hinder för ett framgångsrikt utnyttjande av befintliga verktyg och system vara relaterat till de anställdas kompetens.

An Analysis of Past, Present and Temporal Changes in Bi-Way's Market Areas for Metropolitan Toronto

Dawkins, Andrea 04 1900 (has links)
<p> This research paper looks at the past, present and temporal changes in Bi-Way's market areas for Metropolitan Toronto. Each of the stores trade or market areas was defined by using Thiessen polygons which gave boundaries in which specific census data was collected and analyzed. The analysis essentially three questions; the first being to see if there are any differences between the trade areas of those stores built in the 1970's and those built in the 1980's, the second was to see if there were any changes between the two groups of stores but in terms of 1981 data, and the third was to see if there were any changes between the groups of stores and their changes between 1971 and 1981. The results showed that for thesis number one it was only the 1980's potential trade areas which revealed any specific market characteristics which could be used to define its target markets. The results from the second hypothesis that both sets of stores showed similar and different trade area characteristics and target markets. The results from the third hypothesis revealed that overall the stores built in the 1970's underwent the most significant changes in its market characteristics. Overall however, it was shown that although some similarities and differences came through for these two sets of stores a more indepth analysis is needed.</p> / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy

Characterizing human receptor-mediated cytotoxicity by staphylococcal bi-component leucocidins in S. aureus pathogenesis

Rutter, Jaime 07 August 2020 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus employs an array of virulence factors to aid in its pathogenesis. A subset of cytotoxins termed bi-component leucocidins have been characterized as important determinants in the host-pathogen interaction in S. aureus infections. While they have been studied over a century, bi-component leucocidins’ complex mechanisms in pathogenesis have not been fully elucidated. Secreted as monomers, with the exception of LukAB/GH, many combinations of the S- (HlgA, HlgC, LukE, LukS, LukA/H) and F- (HlgB, LukD, LukF, LukB/G) components have demonstrated cell lysis via pore formation and a magnified proinflammatory response at sublytic concentrations. While studies have described various host cellular receptors and therapeutic strategies to evade leucocidin binding, a common receptor for all the leucocidins has yet to be classified. Challenges in data extrapolation have occurred due to non-native protein expression methods and species specificity of the leucocidin components. In turn, developing successful therapeutic strategies has proven problematic with a need for multimodal therapy. Thus, our studies aimed to clarify the bi-component leucocidins’ cytotoxic effects on multiple subsets of leukocytes using a native protein expression system and to identify a novel human leukocyte receptor common to all leucocidins. Overall, combinations with HlgA and LukE demonstrated the highest degrees of cytotoxicity against PMNs and PBMCs. Coronin 1A was discovered as a common receptor for all cognate pairs of bi-component leucocidins, except LukAB/GH. In conclusion, our results have expanded the knowledge of the cellular targets for leucocidin cytotoxicity and have described a common leucocidin receptor as a potential therapeutic target against the bi-component leucocidins.

Heuristic for Multi-type Component Assignment Problems through the Birnbaum Importance

Wu, Xinying 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Solving Eight Treasures Of Game Theory Problems Using Bi-criteria Method

Ye, Zhineng 31 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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