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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conhecimento de embarque: natureza e regime jurídico / Bill de lading: legal nature and applicable law.

José Mauro Ramos Neto 21 May 2013 (has links)
Tudo começou em 2006, quando estagiário de um escritório de advocacia de São Paulo. Já havia passado algumas horas debruçado sobre centenas de Conhecimentos de Embarque e recebendo ligações de bancos estrangeiros que solicitavam o endosso daqueles documentos. Eu me questionava: que documento era aquele que exigia tanto cuidado quanto uma nota promissória original? Por que era tão importante para um banco que o endossássemos rapidamente? Eis que me surge um convite de viagem para conhecer um escritório de advocacia por algumas semanas em Londres. A experiência, por ora um tanto empolgante e aventureira para um jovem de 21 anos, possibilitou um contato frutífero com uma matéria muito específica do Direito Comercial: a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque, nos países de língua inglesa chamado de Bill of Lading. Em muitos países, como no Brasil, é um tema pouco explorado, porém na Inglaterra, com seu rico passado de potência marítima durante séculos, é tema de bastante relevo e discussão nas altas cortes. Esta experiência e o contato com a matéria me trouxeram a vontade de poder aplicar em nosso país o aprendizado lá adquirido. Assim, uma dúvidasurgia: por que o Brasil, com o imenso território que tem banhado pelo mar, não é desenvolvido o bastante nesse tema? Por que não chegam aos nossos Tribunais as relevantes discussões sobre o Conhecimento de Embarque? Os próximos anos demandarão do Brasil uma grande mudança. A Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro exigirão do Brasil quantias vultosas de investimento em infraestrutura e transportes. O comércio marítimo entre o Brasil e os demais países aumentará significativamente com estes eventos de ordem global. Até lá, teremos que estar preparados para esta demanda. E como toda exigência econômica demanda uma exigência jurídica, precisamos reformular os nossos conceitos de Direito Comercial e entender melhor a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque, documento que ampara juridicamente as transações comerciais marítimas desde os tempos mais remotos. A conjunção do novo contexto econômico brasileiro com o interesse pela matéria relativa ao Conhecimento de Embarque, despertado desde a época de estudante de Direito, impulsionou o propósito deste trabalho, que tem por objetivo estudar a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque sob a ótica da legislação pátria. A legislação brasileira é muito incipiente acerca do tema. Em comparação a diversas legislações estrangeiras, ainda engatinhamos sobre o assunto. Dentre as questões que se pretende ver elucidadas, enfatiza-se: (i) a característica contratual do Conhecimento de Embarque; (ii) a natureza de título de crédito do Conhecimento de Embarque e sua evolução para a versão eletrônica; (iii) o caráter de instrumento internacional que deve satisfazer às partes de diferente nacionalidades; (iv) a utilização em operações de financiamento como garantia real durante o percurso em que a mercadoria transita pelo mar; e, até mesmo (v) o caráter tributário que o Conhecimento de Embarque adquiriu em nosso país. Em suma, pretende-se com este trabalho tentar consolidar o conceito jurídico do Conhecimento de Embarque no Brasil, para que esse instrumento deixe de ser pouco discutido em nosso país e adquira a importância que lhe é devida e que há séculos em outros países já lhe é atribuída / It all began in 2006, when I was a trainee at a Law office in São Paulo. I have already spent hours and hours in front of hundreds of Bills of Lading and receiving calls from foreigner Banks which demanded the endorsement of that document. I used to question myself: What kind of document was that which needed me to be careful as if I was dealing with an original Promissory Note? Why it was so important to a Bank to endorse that document as fast as possible? An invitation to me was made to get to know a law office for some weeks in London. That experience, such exciting and adventurous for a young man of 21 years, made possible a fruitful contact with a very specific theme of Commercial Law: the legal nature of the Conhecimento de Embarque, in the countries of English law known as Bill of Lading. In many countries, such as in Brazil, it is not a theme so much explored, otherwise in England, with its rich history as a maritime power for centuries, it is a very important theme that is also discussed commonly in the High Courts. This experience and contact with this theme made me wonder how could I apply in Brazil the knowledge there acquired. Therefore, a doubt was in my mind: Why Brazil, with its big territory bathed by the sea, is not so developed enough in this subject? Why relevant discussions regarding the Bill of Lading do not arrive in our Courts? The next years will demand from Brazil a big change. The world cup in 2014 and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will require from Brazil huge amounts of investments in infra-structure and transportation. The maritime commerce between Brazil and other countries will raise significantly with this two events of global order. Until there, we must get prepared to this challenge. And as all economic requirement demands a law requirement, we need to reshape our concepts of Commercial Law and get to know better the legal nature of the Bill of Lading, the document that legally supports the maritime commercial transactions since the most ancient times. The combination of this new Brazilian economic context and the interest for the theme of the Bill of Lading awakened since when I was a law student boosted the purpose of this work, which aims to study the legal nature of the Bill of Lading in a perspective of Brazilian legislation. Brazil legislation is very weak in this subject. In comparison to other foreigner law, we still crawl about this theme. Among the questions that are intended to be elucidated, it must be highlighted: (i) the contractual characteristic of the Bill of Lading; (ii) the nature of negotiable instrument and its evolution to the electronic version; (iii) the characteristic of international instrument that need to satisfy the parties of different nationality; (iv) the use in financing transaction as a collateral for the route where the goods are being transported by the sea and, also; (v) the tax characteristic that the Bill of Lading acquired in our country. As a conclusion, the purpose of this work is to try to consolidate the legal concept of the Bill of Lading in Brazil, so that this instrument ceases to be little discussed in our country and get the importance that it already has for centuries in other countries.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Ernesto Tzirulnik 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

The Truth to Sentencing: Analyzing the Construction of Truth in Bill C-25

Sewell, Rowan A. January 2013 (has links)
Bill C-25, The Truth in Sentencing (TIS) Act legislates the reduction of credit awarded for time served in pre-sentencing custody. The Act is but one initiative that reflects a shift toward punitiveness by the West. In reading the literature, a gap was identified concerning TIS activities in relation to the current Canadian predicament of crime control, and a socio-legal perspective provided a creative means of looking at this gap. The primary data was coded and analyzed using sensitizing categories derived from a leading theoretical framework. This framework posited the existence of conflicting criminologies and resulting strategies together forming the present regime of truth. This thesis concludes that 'truth' in sentencing is premised upon contradictory understandings as defined by the framework, that conflicting rationalities are reproduced within TIS and that although the Act is touted as an administrative reform, it also reasserts sovereign power over issues of crime and its control.

La portabilité des données personnelles des consommateurs, ses aspects juridiques dans l'Union européenne, au Canada et au Québec : applications, possibilités et risques

da Silva Amorim Boueres, João Flávio 04 1900 (has links)
La portabilité des données personnelles des consommateurs est encore une question récente dans le domaine de la protection de la vie privée. Parmi les normes étudiées dans ce travail, le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données a été le premier à aborder la portabilité et le concept qu'il a établi guide d'autres législations, telles que celles du Québec et du Canada. L'objet de ce mémoire est de discuter de la mise en œuvre de ce nouveau droit lié aux technologies de l'information et à la circulation des données personnelles, en se concentrant sur les consommateurs et les entreprises qui feront partie de la portabilité des données personnelles. Cette étude est divisée en trois chapitres. Le premier explore les concepts de base liés au droit à la portabilité, tels que les données personnelles, les données liées à la relation avec le consommateur, la conceptualisation de la portabilité, son application et des exemples d'opérabilité. Le deuxième chapitre décrit comment le droit à la portabilité a été adopté dans la législation de l'Union européenne, dans le projet de loi fédérale actuellement examiné par le Parlement canadien et dans la nouvelle loi québécoise. La troisième traite de la mise en œuvre de la portabilité. Elle aborde le point de vue des entreprises, le maintien de la portabilité en tant que droit, le besoin de régulation, l'interopérabilité et les risques. / The portability of consumers' personal data is still a recent subject in the field of privacy protection. Among the standards studied in this work, the General Data Protection Regulation was the first to address portability and the concept it established guides other legislation, such as that of Quebec and Canada. The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the implementation of this new right linked to information technologies and the circulation of personal data, focusing on the consumers and businesses that will be affected by the portability of personal data. This study is divided into three chapters. The first explores the basic concepts related to the right to portability, such as personal data, data related to the relationship with the consumer, the conceptualisation of portability, its application and examples of operability. The second chapter describes how the right to portability has been adopted in European Union legislation, in the federal bill currently before the Canadian Parliament and in the new Quebec law. The third deals with the implementation of portability. It addresses the point of view of businesses, the maintenance of portability as a right, the need for regulation, interoperability, and risks.

Evaluating the influence of alcohol advertising on alcohol consumption among the youth in the Vaal Region / Leshata Peter Ledwaba

Ledwaba, Leshata Peter January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among the youth in the Vaal triangle, south of Gauteng. The study was conducted in four high schools under Sedibeng West District of the Gauteng Department of Education. A quantitative approach in the form of a questionnaire was used to conduct the research. Results obtained indicated that there is no significant correlation between alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among the respondents. Drawing on the findings and literature review, recommendations were made to government, the liquor industry and schools that participated in the study. Limitations of the study were identified and recommendations were made for the benefit of future research. The primary and secondary objectives of the study were successfully realised in this study. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Evaluating the influence of alcohol advertising on alcohol consumption among the youth in the Vaal Region / Leshata Peter Ledwaba

Ledwaba, Leshata Peter January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among the youth in the Vaal triangle, south of Gauteng. The study was conducted in four high schools under Sedibeng West District of the Gauteng Department of Education. A quantitative approach in the form of a questionnaire was used to conduct the research. Results obtained indicated that there is no significant correlation between alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among the respondents. Drawing on the findings and literature review, recommendations were made to government, the liquor industry and schools that participated in the study. Limitations of the study were identified and recommendations were made for the benefit of future research. The primary and secondary objectives of the study were successfully realised in this study. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

14 states, 22 senators, 59 representatives & the writing of the establishment clause: an analysis of the original intent / Fourteen states, twenty two senators, fifty nine representatives and the writing of the establishment clause: an analysis of the original intent

Foust, Joseph R. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Dance / Charles J. Griffin / This rhetorical history study attempts to refocus the narrow debate on the concept of the “Separation of Church and State.” Most scholars and popular organizations primarily focus their determination of the original intent of the Establishment Clause on the views of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Virginia. However, according to the United States Constitution it takes three-fourths of the states and two-thirds of Congress to ratify an amendment. As a result, most arguments on this topic center on an extremely small minority of evidence: one of fourteen states, and only one of eighty-one members of Congress to determine the Founders’ original intent. This study reverses this trend and consults evidence from all the states involved as well as the records of Congress. Since comparable documents are vital to understanding history, all the state constitutions, state bills of rights, and state proposed amendments to the Federal Constitution are consulted as evidence at the beginning of this study. Additionally, every reference of religion in the above documents are individually presented in order to alleviate concerns of potential evidence manipulation. Further, the debates in Congress and the multiple drafts of the Establishment Clause are evaluated in the process of determining the Founders’ original intent. Throughout the study, several useful tables have been constructed in order to facilitate the processing and evaluation of such a large base of evidence. The results of this study indicate a lack of evidence for the contemporary view that the Founders’ intent was to create a total separation between church and state. From the specific religious concerns voiced in the state ratification debates of the Constitution, what religious limits were written into state constitutions/bills of rights, and the amendments that states proposed concerning religion; it becomes evident that the Founders’ intention was only to prevent a particular Christian denomination from becoming the established "National American Church.”

Forecasting the short end of the term structure of interest rates

Graham, Austin January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Economics / Lance J. Bachmeier / This thesis examines the properties of two short-term interest rates: the federal funds rate and the rate of return on 90-day Treasury securities (T-Bills). Findings indicate strong evidence of cointegration among the two series. This result leads us to consider whether future movements in T-bill returns are predictable using the same methods used to predict the target federal funds rate. The “Taylor Rule,” introduced by Taylor (1993), assumes the Federal Reserve considers inflation and the output gap in their deliberation of how to adjust the federal funds target rate. We do an in-sample analysis followed by an out-of-sample forecasting comparison. Findings show that, in addition to inflation and the output gap, the unemployment rate and stock market contain valuable information for forecasting future T-bill rates.

An exploratory study of the perceptions of people affecting and affected by day labourers at hiring sites in Tshwane

Nel, Dehlia 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the perceptions of different groups of people (subsystems) who affect and are affected by the phenomenon of day labourers in Tshwane. Three "day labourer sites" were identified. Businesses, residents, police, metro-police and the municipality directly connected to these sites were interviewed. Their perceptions were analysed using the systemic frame of reference. The data was processed to describe perceptual relational patterns between the day labourers and the different subsystems. The following themes amongst these relational patterns were identified and described: employment, law and order, contact between subsystems, sharing the environment / community and resources / facilities. These themes were described in relation to the Bill of Rights (Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996). This research aims to highlight some of the voices of the groups affecting and affected by the phenomenon of day labourers. / Social Work / M.A. (Mental Health)

Entrepreneurial evangelical ecclesiology : towards a critical evaluation of the Willow Creek seeker-sensitive model

Cameron, Alan Duncan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Willow Creek's celebrated seeker-sensitivemodel ostensibly offers an alluring alternative ecclesiology for many congregations seeking a differentway to 'do chuch' viz an attractive communication ambience and an effective process of persuasion. It reflects both the strengths of evangelical entrepreneurial ecclesiolgy as well as the weaknesses of first generation independent ecclesiology. It espouses a pragmatic, populist approach, reliant on managerial, therapeutic and marketing techniques. Whilst there is much to commend in the Willow Creek model, uncritical imitation of the attempt to reach a secularized post-modern North American society results in unwitting theological reductionism and cultural accomodation of the gospel not least in the following respects: The temptation of image places a premium on performance and appearance. The allure of psychology distorts the ethical framework of Willow Creek. The stress on marketing and measurasble results unduly shapes the gospel. A 'user-friendly' canon within a canon results in a minimalist dualism. A marginalization of theology leads to baptised pragmatism and a deprecation of truth. The resultant re-imaged ministry model owes more to contemporary business methodolgy than it does to the historic theological magisterium of the church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Willow Creek se beroemde soekersensitiewe model bied klaarblyklik 'n aanloklike alternatiewe eklesiologie vir baie gemeentes wat 'n anderrnanier van 'kerk-doen' soek, aan, te wete, 'n aantreklike kommunikasie ambience en 'n doeltreffende oortuigings proses. Oit weerspieel beide die sterkte van evangeliesgesinde ondernemingsekklesiologie so wei as die swakheid van eerste geslag onafhanklike ekklesiologie. Oit omhels 'n pragmatiese populis benadering vertrouend op bestuurs-, teraputiese- en bernarkinqsteqnieke. Alhoewel daar baie in die Willow Creek model is wat aanbevelings- I waard~g is, kan onkritiese navolging van die poging om 'n sekulariseerde post-moderne Noord Amerikaanse samelewingte bereik, eindig in 'n onbewuste teologiese reduksie en kult~rele aanpassing van die evangelie, ten minste in die volgende opsigte, te wete: die versoeking van beeld plaas 'n premie op vertoon en voorkoms; die aantreklikheid van sielkunde verdraai die etiese raamwerk van Willow Creek; die klem op bemarking en meetbare resultate vorm uiteindelik die evangelie; 'n verbruikervriendelike kanon binne In kanon lei tot 'n minimalistiese dualisme; die vermindering van teologie lei tot 'gedoopte' pragmatisme en afkeuring van die waarheid. Gevolglik het die nuwe beeld , r: van die bedieningspraktyk smId- meer te danke aan eietydse besigheidsmetodes as die historiese magisterium van die kerk.

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