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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioremediation of ethanol in air using a gas-fluidized bioreactor

Clarke, Kyla 16 September 2008 (has links)
A gas-fluidized bed bioreactor was developed in this research as a new method for treating polluted air. The fluidization characteristics of selected packing materials were investigated. Then, bioremediation was tested using two types of packing in a fluidized bioreactor, as well as in a comparable packed bed. Microorganisms on the particles biodegrade contaminants in the polluted air, which flows up through the bed. At high flowrates, the polluted air fluidizes the particles, while at low velocities the operation is in packed bed mode.<p>Initially, sawdust was selected for use as a packing material. Due to the poor fluidization properties of sawdust, glass spheres were added. A mixture of sawdust and glass spheres remained well mixed during fluidization. In the mixture, interparticle forces increased with increasing moisture in the sawdust, eventually causing defluidization of the bed. In the absence of bioremediation, mass transfer was studied between ethanol-contaminated air and sawdust/glass sphere packing, and found to be higher in the fluidized versus packed mode. In bioremediation experiments, ethanol removal efficiencies were as high as 95% in both operating modes. The maximum elimination capacities (EC) of ethanol were 75 and 225 g m^-3 sawdust h^-1 in the fluidized and packed beds respectively.<p>The packing of the fluidized bed bioreactor was optimized in order to boost bioremediation rates. Experiments showed that peat granules fluidized well in a bubbling regime, likely due to their relatively high density and sphericity. In peat bioremediation trials, the fluidized mode outperformed the packed bed; the maximum ECs were 1520 and 530 g m^-3 peat h^-1, respectively. Removal efficiency in the fluidized mode decreased with velocity, because the size and amount of large bubbles increased.<p>A steady-state model of the fluidized bioreactor was developed. By taking account of bubble properties during fluidization, the model helps to explain how bubble size, microbial properties and bioreactor residence time affect removal efficiency and elimination capacity of the bioreactor.<p>A peat gas-fluidized bioreactor shows promise as an efficient, low-cost technology for air treatment. Particle mixing in the fluidized bed may prevent operating problems associated with the packed bed bioreactor. Fluidized bioreactors are ideal for the treatment of high volume, low concentration air emissions.

Characteristics of Gas-born Ammonia Removal and Oxidation by a Biotrickling Filter and a Fern-chip Packed Biofilter

Wang, Chia-hsi 20 July 2007 (has links)
Ammonia, a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor, is produced by various industrial and agricultural activities. Emissions of ammonia into the atmosphere not only cause a nuisance in the vicinity of the sources, but also have various environmental effects, such as eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and visibility problems resulting from the formation of aerosols. The traditional treatment of ammonia emissions is based on physical and/or chemical processes, both of which are expensive and produce secondary pollutants. Biological methods are effective and economical for biodegradable odorants and VOC contaminants. This study used fixed-film bioreactors, a biofilter and a biotrickling filter, to remove and oxidize gas-born ammonia. Firstly, a pilot-scale biofilter consisted of two columns (40 cmW ¡Ñ 40 cmL ¡Ñ 70 cmH acrylic column) arranged in series. A medium consisting solely of fern chips, on which biofilms were cultivated, was used as a packing material. The biofilter was tested continuously for 110 days, measuring the removal efficiency, empty bed residence time (EBRT), removal capacity, pressure drop, moisture content and pH. Most of ammonia was eliminated in the first biofiltration column and the removal efficiency increased with the increase in EBRT. Complete removal of the influent ammonia (20-120 ppm) was obtained with an ammonia loading as high as 5.4 g N kg-1 dry media d-1 during the experiment. The Michaelis-Menten equation was tested to be adequate for modeling the ammonia elimination kinetics in the biofilter and the maximum removal rate (Vm) and the half-saturation constant (Ks) were estimated to be 28.2 g N kg-1 dry media d-1 and 129 ppm, respectively. Secondly, a pilot-scale reactor, consisting of a set of two-stage-in-series biotrickling filters, an influent gas supply system and a liquid recirculation system, was utilized to treat ammonia in an air stream. Each stage of the biotrickling filter was constructed from a 20 cm ¡Ñ 200 cm (inner diameter ¡Ñ height) acrylic column packed with cokes (average diameter = 3.0 cm, specific area = 150 m2/m3) of 125 cm height. Experimental results indicate that a time of 30 days is required for development of biofilms for nitrification of the absorbed ammonia from the gas. Long-term (187 days) experimental results show that, in the conditions of EBRT (empty bed gas retention time) = 7.25 s, ¡§circulation liquid/gas¡¨ flow rate ratio = 7.7 L m-3, and liquid pH = 6.65, the level of ammonia in the influent gas was reduced from 230 to 4.0 ppm. With the volumetric ammonia loading of less than 7.37 g NH3-N m-3 hr-1, the system could achieve ammonia removal and nitrification efficiencies of 98 and 94%, respectively, without supplementary glucose as a carbon source. However, with a loading of 13.1 g NH3-N m3 h-1, both decreased gradually due to a lake of carbon source and an accumulation of ammonium and nitrite ions in the recirculation liquid.

A research on the treatment and recycling of the wastewater from Chlorella production using biofiltration

Hsiao, Cheng-chi 03 September 2009 (has links)
The crisis of the water resources become a serious problem in recent years. Besides the global warming the problem mostly comes from quick population growth, intense industrial developments and low efficiency agricultural implementations. Biofilters are widely been used to either reduce pollution loads or also as a water conservation tool. And the vertical-flow biofilters act as a kind of bio-filter has gain the advantages of low maintenance, small footprint, greater capacities on both the hydraulic and organic loadings. It often used in to treat aquaculture wastewater for recycling during the filter stage. This study is, therefore, focusing on the bio-treatment processes to recycle the wastewater discharged from Chlorella production. Preserving water resources is one big issue of this study, Reuse the nutrients is another tough objective. For reusing the water with as much nutrients as possible and get the organic content off the water is the major target of the study. This study has been separated in two stages. A preliminary study has first been carried out in order to understand the Chlorella behaviors in more detail. Second phase includes the treatment tests with conventional activated sludge (AS) method and the bio-filters. The results have shown that ammonia is preferred by Chlorella as the nitrogen source. Light plays an important role on the treatment for removing algae activities. Aerobic digestion has shown better efficiency. AS can accept as high as 20% of daily input to the system volume, the system is not capable to bear more. While the biofilters, using either zeolite and LECA as the media, have shown satisfied results. When the hydraulic loading stay between 0.30 ~ 2.09 m3 m-2 day-1 to the system, the SS, COD, Chl-a removal rates can reach 90%, and more than 96% of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and 76% phosphorus can be preserved in the recycled water, respectively.

The Impact Of Water Content And Other Environmental Parameters On Toluene Removal From Air In A Differential Biofiltration Reactor

Beuger, Abraham Laurens January 2008 (has links)
In this work, a differential reactor was used to expose all the biofilter packing material (compost) to a uniform toluene concentration in air. The reactor was combined with water content control using the suction cell principle and traditional inlet concentration, temperature and humidity control. The matric potential was controlled using the suction cell principle between -5 to -300 cm H₂O which controlled the water content between 0.99 and 2.30 g g⁻¹ (dry weight). Two types of compost were used, with different water retention curves with no observed difference in elimination capacity. The elimination capacity varied between 2.7 g m⁻³r hr⁻¹ and 21 g m⁻³r hr⁻¹ with low potential causing low removal rates. The reduction in EC at low matric potentials was attributed to several factors: loss of water availability to the organisms, water redistribution in the medium, non-adaptable micro-organisms, and reduced mass transfer. Cultures isolated from compost were used to inoculate the reactor to create a biofilm. A maximal observed surface EC of is 0.17 g m⁻²r hr⁻¹ and a specific removal rate of 1250 g m⁻³b hr⁻¹ is measured. These values were used in modelling the biofilter performance. The EC was dependent on the residual toluene concentration. The EC increased with increasing toluene concentration until reaching a critical concentration. Above this concentration, 100 – 300 ppm (0.37- 1.11 g m⁻³) depending on biofilm thickness and area of coverage, the EC was constant. Three toluene dependency curves were fitted using a zero order and a composite model using a weighted average of a zero and first order component. From the data the critical concentration (Ccrit) and the ECcrit was found and used to determine the biofilm thickness. It was estimated to be between 68 and 134 µm. Using a qmax of 1250 g m⁻³b hr⁻¹ and optimising the model a Ks of 1.3•10⁻¹ g m⁻³g was found. This was comparable to values found in the literature. There was no significant difference in the fit between both models. The Ks was low compared to the majority of the data, which means that the zero order part of the composite model dominated. Nitrogen and other nutrients were added to investigate their influence on the elimination capacity (EC) of toluene. Also the effect of temperature on the EC was investigated between 14 and 60 °C. Maximal removal rates were found between 25 and 55 °C. The EC decreased by 90% going from 55 to 60 °C and took many weeks to recover. Without any extra nitrogen added to the media, the EC averaged around 6 ± 0.3 g m⁻³r h⁻¹. Although the average EC was lower than most reports for toluene removal, it was still in the general range reported. When NH4Cl (1 g l⁻¹) was added to the reactor, the EC increased to 41 ± 1.7 g m⁻³r hr⁻¹. Similar effects were observed with nitrate addition; the steady state EC doubled from 30.1 ± 0.9 g m⁻³r hr⁻¹ to 76.3 ± 2.5 g m⁻³r hr⁻¹. Other macronutrients tested like phosphate, sulphate, magnesium, calcium and iron did not increase the EC.

Die Optimierung des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Limonen in Biofiltern

Mitzkat, Lillian 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war die Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten zur Intensivierung des mikrobiellen Abbaus des Geruchsstoffes Limonen unter Anwendung des Biofilter-verfahrens. Limonen stellt eine wesentliche Geruchskomponente bei der Intensivrotte der Bioabfallkompostierung dar und wird bisher in biologischen Abluftreinigungsanlagen oft nur unzureichend eliminiert. Dies führt zu einer Geruchsbelästigung des Personals und an-grenzender Wohngebiete. Die Verbesserung des hygienischen Status der Bioabfallkom-postierung und eine damit verbundene Steigerung ihrer gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz erfordert daher ein Biofilterverfahren, das hinsichtlich des Limonenabbaus optimiert wird. Die Zuverlässigkeit von Biofiltern ist neben der Einstellung und Optimierung technischer Parameter auch von der biologischen Aktivität der im Strukturmaterial vorhandenen Mikro-organismenbiozönose abhängig. Viele zum mikrobiellen Abbau von Limonen befähigte Mikroorganismen sind zwar bekannt, doch handelt es sich bei den beschriebenen Abbau-mechanismen hauptsächlich um eine unvollständige Mineralisierung dieses Geruchsstoffes, die zu einer Anreicherung wiederum geruchsbelasteter Verbindungen führt. In dieser Arbeit wurden aus Umweltproben (Fichtenzapfen, -nadeln, -rinde; Waldboden; Schalen von Zitrusfrüchten; Bioabfall) vier bakterielle Mischpopulationen, die zur Ver-wertung von Limonen als einzige Energie- und Kohlenstoffquelle in der Lage sind und durch Wachstum auf diesem Substrat Biomasse bilden, in Schüttelkultur durch Metabolisierung von Limonen erfolgreich angereichert. Hinsichtlich ihrer Abbaukinetik für Limonen wiesen alle Batch-Kulturen eine starke Ähnlichkeit auf. Limonen wurde bei Anfangskonzentrationen von 536,5-889,5 mg/l nach 41-59 Stunden und mittleren Abbauraten von 48,1-51,0 mgl-1h-1 durch die Batch-Kulturen bis unter die Nachweisgrenze abgebaut. Nach erfolgter Degradation hinterließen die Proben einen neutralen Geruchseindruck. Eine Akkumulation von Metabo-liten oder Endprodukten konnte gaschromatographisch nicht nachgewiesen werden, was auf einen vollständigen Limonenabbau hindeutet. Substratkonzentrationen von > 4042 mg/l führten dagegen zu einer Inhibierung des Limonenabbaus und zu einer Stagnation des Wachstums bzw. zum Absterben der Bakterien in den Schüttelkulturen. Die mikrobiologische Grobcharakterisierung führte zur Isolierung von insgesamt 44 Reinkulturen, die einzeln auf Limonenabbau getestet wurden. Es gelang, sechs Bakterien-stämme zu isolieren, die in der Lage waren, Limonen ohne Akkumulation geruchsintensiver Intermediärverbindungen abzubauen. Mittels physiologisch-biochemischer sowie chemotaxo-nomischer Untersuchungen wurden die Bakterienisolate vorbehaltlich der Nachfolgeunter-suchungen der Gattung Pseudomonas zugeordnet. Die molekularbiologische Untersuchung mittels Proteingel-Elektrophorese ergab durch Vergleich einzelner Proteinbanden im Gesamt-zellproteinmuster der Isolate untereinander sowie mit Referenzstämmen die Identität der Isolate L1,2, L2,4 und L4,10. Isolat L2,6 wies deutliche Unterschiede im Proteinbandenprofil gegenüber den übrigen Isolaten und Referenzstämmen auf und wurde zum Vergleich der Isolate L3,6 und L3,8 zu einer 16S rRNA Teilsequenzanalyse herangezogen. Die vollständige Sequenzanalyse des Isolates L3,6 führte zu einer Identität von 97 % mit P. alcaligenes. Hier muß davon ausgegangen werden, daß es sich um eine neue bisher nicht beschriebene Spezies der Gattung Pseudomonas handelt. Isolat L2,6 zeigte in der Teilsequenzanalyse eine Über-einstimmung von 96 % mit P. mendocina, was für die Zugehörigkeit zu einem neuen Genus spricht. Der Vergleich der Teilsequenzen von Isolat L3,8 mit denen bekannter Spezies ergab eine Identität von 98 % mit Pseudomonas sp. B13. Die endgültige taxonomische Einordnung ist allerdings erst nach einem Sequenzvergleich durch DNA-DNA-Hybridisierungen mit bisher sequenzierten Spezies möglich. Die Limonen-abbauenden Bakterienstämme L2,6, L3,6 und L3,8 repräsentieren daher eindeutig verschiedene Spezies, die vorläufig dem Genus Pseudomonas zugeordnet wurden. Die Wirksamkeit der Strategie, den Limonenabbau im Biofilter durch den Einsatz einer leistungsfähigen Anreicherungskultur (Mix der vier Anreicherungskulturen) zu verbessern, wurde im Überführungsversuch in zwei parallel laufenden Modellbiofiltern gaschromato-graphisch untersucht. Aus dem inokulierten Biofilter wurden Wirkungsgrade bis zu 100 % nach 67 Tagen Laufzeit bei kaum geänderter Gesamtkeimzahl ermittelt. Auch nach Einstellung der Beimpfung betrug die Konzentrationsminderung für Limonen bis zu 89 %. Die Einlaufphase des inokulierten Biofilters konnte gegenüber einem konventionellen Biofilter um 46 Tage auf 35 Tage wirksam verkürzt werden. Eine mikrobiologische Charakterisierung der aus zwei Biofiltern isolierten Bakterienkulturen ergab nicht die erwar-teten Unterschiede hinsichtlich der mikrobiologischen Besiedelung des Filtermaterials beider Biofilter. Die Wirksamkeit der Inokulationskulturen im Biofilter ließ sich gaschroma-tographisch und olfaktometrisch anhand der eliminierten Limonen- oder Geruchsstoffkon-zentrationen eindeutig nachweisen. Die Unterschiede in den Abbauleistungen beider Biofilter widerspiegeln sich folglich nicht deutlich in den taxonomischen Merkmalen der Bakterien-biozönosen. Vielmehr ist die mit der Ausbildung spezieller Enzymsysteme verbundene physiologische Adaptation verschiedenster Bakterienspezies entscheidend, um eine Opti-mierung des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Limonen in Biofiltern zu erreichen. / This study aimed to investigate the opportunities for the intensification of the microbial biodegradation of the odourous compound limonene by biofiltration as a biological waste gas treatment technology. Limonen represents a considerable odourous component during the intensive composting process of organic waste materials and its elemination capacity by using the biological waste gas treatment facilities is so far insufficient. This results to a molestation of the staff of composting facilities and adjacent residential areas by odours. The improvement of the hygienic status of the composting process connected with the increase of their social acceptance requires a biofilter system which is to be optimized regarding the biodegradation of limonene. The reliability of such biological deodorizing methods depends on the adjustment and optimisation of technological parameter as well as on the biological activity of limonene metabolizing microorganism microbiota in the carrier material. Though a wide range of limonene utilizing microorganisms are known, but the described bioconversion processes deal with mainly incomplete mineralization of these odourous compound resulting again in an accumulation of further volatile odourous substances. In this study four mixed bacterial population were successfully obtained from organic material samples (fir cone, fir needles, fir bark; coniferous forest soil; parings from citrus fruits; bio waste) by a simple enrichment technique (semicontinuous fed-batch principle) using limonene as the sole carbon and energy source, accompanied by microbial growth and mineralization. In consideration of the degradation kinetics of limonene all of the batch-cultures have shown high similarity. By initial concentrations of 536,5-889,5 mg/l after 41-59 hours and middle degradation rates of 48,1-51,0 mgl-1h-1limonene was degraded by bacterial cultures under the detection limit and samples have had a more neutral odourous impression. An accumulation of metabolites and other final products couldn't be detected by gaschromatography and this indicates a complete limonene bioconversion. Substrate concentrations greater than 4042 mg/l inhibited outright the biodegradation of this odourous compound as well as the growth of these bacteria and entailed finally to a toxic effect of the cells. Through microbial characterization 44 aerobic pure strains were isolated which were individually tested on limonene degradation. The isolation of six bacteria strains that were capable of limonene degradation without accumulation of other intermediate odourous compounds were achieved. Physiological, biochemical as well as chemotaxonomic characterization tests assigned the bacterial isolates subject to additional tests to the genus Pseudomonas. Phylogenetic investigation by using polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis revealed through comparison of the several protein bands in the whole protein pattern of the isolates with each other as well as with reference strains the identity of the isolates L1,2, L2,4 and L4,10. The isolate L2,6 showed clear differences in the protein pattern to the other isolates and reference strains and was taken with regard to a comparison of the isolates L3,6 and L3,8 to a partial 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The complete 16S rRNA analysis of the isolate L3,6 led to an identity of 97 % with P. alcaligenes. It has to be assumed here that the isolate is different from species previously described and represents a new species of the genus Pseudomonas. Partial 16S rRNA analysis of the isolate L2,6 showed a similarity of 96 % between the isolate and P. mendocina and indicate that this isolate is a member of a new genus. Partial 16S rRNA sequence comparison of the isolate L3,8 with corresponding fragments from reference strains listed in the data bank of nucleotides resulted in a similarity of 97 % with Pseudomonas sp. B13. For the definitive taxonomic arrangement of these isolates DNA-DNA hybridization with related species are required. The limonene degrading isolates represent clearly different species provisionaly allocated to the genus Pseudomonas. The effectiveness of the strategy to enhance the removal capacity for limonene with an efficient enrichment culture (mix of the four batch cultures) was tested in two parallel running biofilters (one inoculated and one biofilter without inoculation) and the degradation of limonene was followed. Chemical analysis was carried out by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. From the inoculated biofilter an efficiency up to 100 % was determined after 67 days running time and the total cell count altered scarcely. Also after a discontinue of the inoculation the elimination capacity for limonene amounted up to 89 %. The adaption time of the inoculated biofilter was successfully reduced from 81 to 35 days compared to a conventional biofilter. A microbial characterization of the isolated bacterial cultures from biofilters did'nt show the expected differences concerning the microbial composition of the carrier material of both biofilters. The activity of the enrichment cultures could be clearly proved by gaschromatography and olfactometry by means of the eliminated limonene concentrations. Therefore the differences of the elimination capacity of both biofilters didn't clearly appear in the taxonomic characteristics of the bacterial microbiota. Decisive is rather the physiological adaption of various bacterial species by formation of special enzyme systems to achieve an optimisation of the microbial degradation of limonene in biofilters.

Remoção de 'H IND. 2' 'S' de ar por Thiobacillus denitrificans utilizando biofiltro percolador /

Solcia, Renata de Bello. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Denise Bevilaqua / Orientador: Oswaldo Garcia Júnior (in memorian) / Banca: Luis Gonzaga Santos Sobral / Banca: Domingo Cantero Moreno / Resumo: Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios para o estudo da viabilidade da conversão de lavadores químicos (tecnologia química muito utilizada para a remoção de H2S) em biofiltros percoladores para a remoção de H2S. Foi investigado o efeito inibitório da concentração de sulfato no meio de recirculação de nutrientes, o efeito do pH, da vazão de recirculação de nutrientes, da concentração de alimentação de H2S na corrente gasosa e do tempo de residência na eficiência de remoção de H2S em dois biofiltros percoladores, um recheado com espuma de poro aberto de poliuretano e o outro com anéis de Pall de polipropileno. Durante a etapa de imobilização dos micro-organismos foi observado, experimentalmente, que o anel de Pall de polipropileno não é um bom suporte para a imobilização de Thiobacillus denitrificans e, portanto, no caso da conversão de um lavador químico constituído por um leito de recheio de anéis de Pall em um biofiltro percolador, seria apropriada a substituição deste suporte por espuma de poro aberto de poliuretano, por exemplo, que demonstrou ser um bom suporte para a formação do biofilme. Durante o estudo do efeito do pH observou-se que o aumento de pH aumenta a porcentagem de remoção de H2S, sendo que nas condições utilizadas, o intervalo de pH ótimo ficou entre 7,6 - 8,5. O efeito inibitório da concentração de sulfato foi observado a partir de 16,5 g L-1 no biofiltro de espuma de poro aberto de poliuretano e de 13,0 g L-1 no biofiltro de anéis de Pall de polipropileno. Os efeitos da vazão de recirculação de nutrientes e do tempo de residência do gás foram mais evidentes no biofitro de anéis de Pall comparado a espuma de poro aberto, devido, provavelmente, às características do suporte. No biofiltro de espuma de poro aberto, a diminuição do tempo de residência afetou a... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico baixo) / Abstract: In this work experiments were carried out in order to study the viability of conversion of chemical scrubbers (current technology) to biotrickling filter for removing H2S. Many parameters were investigated, such as, the inhibitory effect of sulfate concentration in the nutrient recirculation, the effect of the pH, the flow rate of recirculating nutrient, the inlet H2S concentration and the gas stream residence time in the H2S removal capacity in two biotrickling filter. One of them was packaged with open pore polyurethane foam and other with polypropylene Pall rings. During and after the immobilization stage it was observed, experimentally, that polypropylene Pall rings is not a good support for immobilizing Thiobacillus denitrificans. Thus, in the case of a chemical packaged scrubber conversion using such support in a biotrickling filter, it would be appropriate to replace it by open pore polyurethane foam, for instance, which demonstrated to be a better support to the biofilm to establish. It was shown that increasing the pH an increase in the H2S removal was detected. In this experimental work conditions, the optimum pH range was from 7.6 to 8.5. The inhibitory effect of the sulfate concentration was observed from 16.5 g L-1 in the open pore polyurethane foam biofilter and 13.0 g L-1 in the polypropylene Pall rings biofilter. The effects of the flow rate of the recirculating nutrient and the gas residence time were more evident in the Pall ring biofilter when compared with the open pore foam, probably due to the support characteristics. In the open pore foam biofilter, decreasing the residence time the H2S removal percentage was affected only for less than 9 s, whereas in the Pall rings biofilter, before 33 s. In both biofilters as lower the residence time, lower the H2S removal percentage. In the open pore polyurethane foam... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Nova configuração de biofiltro aerado submerso utilizado no pós-tratamento do efluente de reator UASB / New configuration of submerged aerated biofilter used in the effluent UASB reactor post-treatment

Orlando de Carvalho Junior 15 December 2008 (has links)
O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver uma nova configuração de biofiltro aerado submerso utilizado no pós-tratamento do efluente de reator UASB, capaz de realizar nitrificação e desnitrificação em um único sistema. Em busca de bases operacionais dessa nova configuração, a pesquisa foi inicialmente conduzida com três reatores seqüenciais. Esses reatores foram dispostos nas seqüências I e II, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos com esses sistemas seqüenciais levaram a concepção do projeto da nova configuração do biofiltro proposto (BF definitivo). Os resultados da seqüência I mostraram alto potencial para conversão de nitrogênio amoniacal e total, e também alta eficiência na remoção da matéria orgânica carbonácea. Esse sistema, porém, não apresentou potencial para desnitrificação. Na seqüência II foi realizada recirculação entre dois reatores do sistema (anóxico e aeróbio) para aumento de tal potencial. O maior potencial de desnitrificação, nessa seqüência, foi observado para razão de recirculação, Rc, igual a 2,65 e com o uso de 40%, em volume, de esgoto sanitário bruto como fonte de carbono. Sob essas condições operacionais, para concentração média afluente ao sistema igual a 33,74 mg de \'N-\'NH IND.3\'/L as concentrações efluentes médias de \'N-NH IND.3\', \'N-NO IND.2\'POT.-\' e \'N-NO IND.3\'POT.-\' foram, respectivamente, iguais a 0,16, 0,0026 e 9,72 mg/L. Os resultados do BF definitivo mostraram que a nova configuração proposta é viável como unidade de pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB, promovendo nitrificação e desnitrificação em um único sistema, além de alta eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Em todas as fases dessa pesquisa, praticamente, todos os resultados obtidos atenderam ao padrão de lançamento de nitrogênio amoniacal estabelecido pela legislação ambiental. / The main objective of this work was developing a new configuration of submerged aerated biofilter used in UASB reactor post-treatment, with nitrification and denitrification in a single system. Searching operational bases of this new configuration, this research was initially driven by three sequential reactors. These reactors were arranged in the sequences I and II, respectively. The results obtained with these sequential systems took the conception of the project of the new configuration of the proposed biofilter (definitive BF). The results of the sequence I showed high ammoniacal and total nitrogen conversion potential, and also high carbonaceous organic matter removal efficiency. This system, however, not presented potential for denitrification. In the sequence II recirculation between two reactors (anoxic and aerated) of the system was made for such potential increasing. The higher denitrification potential, in this sequence, was observed with recirculation reason, Rc, equal to 2,65 and using 40%, in volume, of raw sanitary sewage as carbon source. Under these operational conditions, for average affluent concentration of 33,74 mg of \'N-NH IND.3\'/L the average effluent concentrations of \'N-NH IND.3\', \'N-NO IND.2\'POT.-\' e \'N-NO IND.3\'POT.-\' were, respectively, equal to 0,16, 0,0026 and 9,72 mg/L. The results of the definitive BF showed that the new proposed configuration is feasible as effluent UASB post-treatment unity, with nitrification and denitrification in a single system, besides high organic matter removal efficiency. Practically in all the phases of this research, all the results obtained attended to the launch standard of ammoniacal nitrogen established by the environmental legislation.

Modelling of stormwater treatment in biofilters using MIKE+ : Possibilities and limitations / Modellering av biofilters dagvattenrening i MIKE+ : Möjligheter och begränsningar

Bouju, Cecile January 2021 (has links)
As research has expanded on the environmental impact of stormwater on receiving ecosystems more focus is now being put on the quality issues of stormwater. Biofilters are one of many nature-based solutions that have been developed for that purpose and are also the subject of this study. In order to plan and implement biofilters, predictive models can be useful tools to forecast their performance on a given site. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities and limitations of modelling the treatment of stormwater in a biofilter using MIKE+. This was done by first trying to model the hydrological conditions of a biofilter from a study site in Sundsvall and thereafter coupling a water treatment model created in ECO Lab.  The results showed that there were some notable differences between the parameters affecting the hydrological flow in reality and what is currently possible to model in MIKE+. It was seen that the Soakaway node used to model biofilters needs to be complexified in order to properly model the hydrological conditions of biofilters. The main improvements required are that the flow attenuation should occur within the Soakaway node rather than before or after and that it should be based on soil properties. The retention volume also needs to be integrated in the node and a varying exfiltration rate is believed to be required to fit the varying nature of evapotranspiration.  The hydrological model was seen to have a great impact on the water treatment model and some limitations with the program and the used model were identified. Regarding ECO Lab, the program is currently unable to consider interevent processes when the biofilter is empty. These processes can however be of great importance for some contaminants. The program also assumes a time dependency whereas it has been seen that a short retention time may be sufficient to achieve good reduction efficiency. The model used is a highly lumped conceptual model with few parameters so further research aiming at the creation of correction factors for the main affecting parameters is believed to be required in order to avoid design specific calibration. Calibration should also occur over a longer time period in order to consider the variability of stormwater. / I takt med att forskningen kring dagvattens miljöpåverkan på mottagande ekosystem avancerats har hanteringen av dagvatten gått från att enbart fokusera på dess kvantitet till att även fokusera på dess kvalitet. Biofilter är en av flera naturbaserade lösningar som utvecklats för detta ändamål. För att kunna planera och implementera biofilter kan prediktiva modeller vara användbara verktyg för att förutse deras prestanda i ett tilltänkt område. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjligheterna att modellera dagvattenreningen i ett biofilter med hjälp av MIKE+. Detta gjordes genom att först försöka modellera de hydrologiska förhållandena i ett biofilter från ett studieområde i Sundsvall och därefter koppla en vattenreningsmodell skapad i ECO Lab.  Resultatet visade att det finns några märkbara skillnader mellan de parametrar som påverkar det hydrologiska flödet i biofilter i verkligheten och vad som för närvarande är möjligt att modellera i MIKE+. Det visades att Soakaway-noden som används för att modellera biofilter behöver utvecklas för att kunna modellera de hydrologiska förhållandena på ett korrekt sätt. De främsta förbättringar som krävs är att flödesdämpningen bör ske inom Soakaway-noden snarare än innan eller efter och att denna flödesdämpning bör baseras på filtrets markegenskaper. Retentionsvolymen behöver dessutom integreras i noden och en varierande exfiltrationshastighet tros krävas för att kunna ta hänsyn till hur evapotranspiration varierar över tid.  Den hydrologiska modellen sågs ha stor inverkan på vattenreningsmodellen och vissa begränsningar kunde visas hos programmet och den använda modellen. När det gäller ECO Lab kan programmet för närvarande inte ta hänsyn till processer mellan event när biofiltret är tomt. Dessa processer kan dock ha stor betydelse för vissa föroreningar. Programmet förutsätter också ett tidsberoende trots att forskning visat att en kort uppehållstid kan vara tillräcklig för att uppnå god reningseffekt. Modellen som används är en mycket enkel konceptuell modell med få parametrar så vidare forskning rekommenderas med syfte att skapa korrektionsfaktorer för att bättre ta hänsyn till de viktigaste reningsfaktorer och undvika platsspecifik kalibrering. Kalibreringen bör även ske under en längre tidsperiod för att ta hänsyn till variationerna i dagvatten.

Ekologisk dagvattenhantering i städer : Med utgångspunkt i förtätningsprojektet vid Flygaregatan i Halmstad

Andersson, Harald January 2017 (has links)
Städer förtätas och de hårdgjorda ytorna, där vatten inte kan infiltreras i marken, ökar. I kombination med klimatförändringar och en framtida ökad nederbörd leder det till översvämningsrisker när dagvattnet, som rinner på marken, ska hanteras av underjordiska rörledningar med begränsad kapacitet. Dagvattnet drar även med sig föroreningar och bidrar till försämrad vattenkvalitet i stadsnära vattendrag. En lösning på problematiken kan vara att införa en ekologisk hantering av dagvattnet, som med naturliknande system av grönytor, dammar och öppna avledningskanaler både renar och fördröjer avrinningen. Utifrån förutsättningarna i ett pågående förtätningsprojektet vid Flygaregatan i Halmstad, som fungerat som exempelområde, har ekologiska dagvattenlösningar i städer studerats. Syftet med studien är att se över vilka möjligheter som finns för att införa ekologiska dagvattensystem och hur ett sådant skulle kunna tillämpas inom planområdet. Arbetet bygger på litteraturstudier, intervjuer, platsbesök och beräkningar, men på grund av dagvattenhanteringens många dimensioner har antaganden och förenklingar varit nödvändiga. Resultatet visar att ekologiska dagvattenlösningar kan reducera föroreningshalterna i dagvattnet till acceptabla nivåer och dessutom fördröja avrinningen, vilket minskar översvämningsriskerna och dagvattnets negativa påverkan på stadsnära vattendrag. Utifrån förutsättningarna vid Flygaregatan bör det vara möjligt att tillämpa inslag av ekologisk dagvattenhantering inom planområdet. De många fördelarna med ekologiska system gör att det dessutom bör vara möjligt och eftersträvansvärt att införa sådana inslag vid liknandeprojekt i framtiden. / As cities grow and become denser the hard surfaces, where water cannot be infiltrated through the ground, increases. Rain fall is also expected to increase, due to climate change, and the combination of both scenarios will most likely lead to greater risks of flooding, as large volumes of stormwater runoff must be handled by limited underground pipes. Urban stormwater is, added to that, often polluted and affects the quality of streams and lakes close to cities. A solution to the problems might be to integrate sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that handle stormwater by the same principles as in nature, where green areas, ponds and open ditches both purifies and slows down the urban runoff. By mapping the specific conditions within the ongoing development project at Flygaregatan in Halmstad, which has been used as an example site, the possibilities of SUDS have been investigated. The purpose of the study is to see what parts of SUDS that are possible to use in cities and to come up with a suggestion of how such a system could be integrated within Flygaregatan. The study is based upon a review of literature, interviews, calculations and study visits. Due to the complex nature of urban stormwater some assumptions and simplifications have although been necessary. The results show that SUDS can reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to acceptable levels and, added to that, delay the runoff which decreases the risks of flooding. From the perspectives at Flygaregatan it should be possible to integrate SUDS within the site and considering the many positive effects of SUDS it is then suggested that such systems should also be used in similar construction projects in the future.

Pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio em sistema seqüencial constituído de ozonização em processo biológico aeróbio / Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent of post-treatment using oxidation with ozone and submerged aerated biofilter

Lima, Ana Beatriz Barbosa Vinci 22 September 2006 (has links)
O pós-tratamento apresenta-se como uma forma de adequar o efluente de reatores anaeróbios aos requisitos da legislação ambiental e propiciar a proteção dos corpos receptores. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de avaliar a viabilidade técnica da utilização do processo de ozonização quando aplicado a um sistema combinado composto por reator UASB seguido por biofiltro aerado submerso. No sistema foi avaliada a operação de quatro biofiltros, dois com carvão ativado e dois com anéis de polietileno. Para verificar a influência da oxidação com ozônio na biodegrabilidade somente um dos biofiltros preenchidos por cada material suporte recebeu efluente ozonizado. Os menores valores de concentração de DQO foram encontrados nos filtros preenchidos com carvão ativado granular, com valores de até 14,00 mg/L, para os dois tipos de afluentes, ozonizado e não-ozonizado. Contudo, considerando eficiência de remoção de DQO para todo período de operação os biofiltros preenchidos com anéis de polietileno se mostraram mais eficazes, com eficiência de até 80%. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de nitrificação em todos os sistemas, uma vez que houve consumo de NTK e de alcalinidade, com queda de pH; produção de nitrato. / The post-treatment is presented as an alternative to adjust the effluent of anaerobic reactors to the requirements of the brazilian environmental legislation. The work was developed with the purpose to evaluate the viability of the use of the ozonization process when applied to a system composed by a reactor UASB followed by submerged aerated biofilter. In the system the operation of four biofilters was evaluated, two fillet with granular activated carbon (GAC) and two with polyethylene rings. To check the influence of the oxidation with ozone in biodegradability, only one of the biofilter with each support material received ozonized effluent. The lowest values of DQO concentration had been found in the filters with GAC, with values of up to 14,00 mg/L, for the two types, ozonized and not-ozonized. However, considering the DQO removal efficiency for all operation periods the biofilters with polyethylene rings were more efficient, with efficiency of up to 80%. The results had evidenced the occurrence of nitrification in all the systems, a time that had NTK and alkalinity consumption, with fall of pH and nitrate production.

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