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Murade badrum : En jämförelse av murade och konventionellt gipsade badrum / Bricked Bathrooms : A comparison of bricked bathrooms versus conventional gypsumJonsson, Björn January 2014 (has links)
I ett parterningprojekt mellan Midroc Project Manangement (MPM) och Väsbyhem om att bygga 190 hyreslägenheter togs beslutet att mura badrummen med Webers Leca-sten istället för att bygga dem på konventionellt sätt med gips. Denna jämförelse redovisar framförallt fördelar men även nackdelar med detta val. En förkortad entreprenadtid kan väga upp de ökade kostnader som valet att mura medför. Flertalet incitament för beställaren att välja murade badrum presenteras och backas upp av beräkningar och beskrivningar. En lösning med murade badrum medför att det finns pengar att tjäna både för beställare och MPM. Det kräver dock en extra insats i och med ett ökat behov av planering och produktionsledning. De positiva effekterna överväger dock detta tydligt. / In a construction project to build 190 apartments ordered by Väsbyhem and built by Midroc Project Management (MPM) the decision to use Webers Leca bricks for the bathroom instead of gypsum wallboard was taken. This comparison shows on the benefits from this decision but also presents some of the disadvantages. A shorted building time could outweigh the increased costs of bricking the walls. Several incitemen is presented and backed up with calculations and descriptions to make this decision. The choice to brick the walls opens a possibility to make money for the orderer as for Midroc. Extra work in the planning process and production management is minor to the positive effects.
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A research on the treatment and recycling of the wastewater from Chlorella production using biofiltrationHsiao, Cheng-chi 03 September 2009 (has links)
The crisis of the water resources become a serious problem in recent years. Besides the global warming the problem mostly comes from quick population growth, intense industrial developments and low efficiency agricultural implementations. Biofilters are widely been used to either reduce pollution loads or also as a water conservation tool. And the vertical-flow biofilters act as a kind of bio-filter has gain the advantages of low maintenance, small footprint, greater capacities on both the hydraulic and organic loadings. It often used in to treat aquaculture wastewater for recycling during the filter stage.
This study is, therefore, focusing on the bio-treatment processes to recycle the wastewater discharged from Chlorella production. Preserving water resources is one big issue of this study, Reuse the nutrients is another tough objective. For reusing the water with as much nutrients as possible and get the organic content off the water is the major target of the study.
This study has been separated in two stages. A preliminary study has first been carried out in order to understand the Chlorella behaviors in more detail. Second phase includes the treatment tests with conventional activated sludge (AS) method and the bio-filters.
The results have shown that ammonia is preferred by Chlorella as the nitrogen source. Light plays an important role on the treatment for removing algae activities. Aerobic digestion has shown better efficiency. AS can accept as high as 20% of daily input to the system volume, the system is not capable to bear more. While the biofilters, using either zeolite and LECA as the media, have shown satisfied results. When the hydraulic loading stay between 0.30 ~ 2.09 m3 m-2 day-1 to the system, the SS, COD, Chl-a removal rates can reach 90%, and more than 96% of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and 76% phosphorus can be preserved in the recycled water, respectively.
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Phylogénomique des structures multiprotéiques eucaryotes impliquées dans le cycle cellulaire et contribution à la phylogénie des eucaryotes. / Phylogenomics of eukaryotic multiprotein structures involved in cell cycle and contribution to the eukaryotic phylogenyEme, Laura 01 June 2011 (has links)
Retracer l'histoire évolutive des eucaryotes est une question majeure en évolution et fait l'objet de nombreux débats. Le développement de techniques à haut débit, en particulier en protéomique et en génomique, a permis d'obtenir de nombreuses données pouvant être exploitées lors d'analyses évolutives. Dans ce contexte, les structures multiprotéiques eucaryotes (SME) constituent des objets d'intérêt. En effet, ces gros complexes protéiques sont impliqués dans de nombreux processus fondamentaux de la cellule eucaryote, et n'ont pas d'homologues chez les procaryotes (même si les fonctions dans lesquelles ils sont impliqués peuvent exister). Ils ont donc certainement joué un rôle prépondérant dans l'eucaryogénèse. L'analyse phylogénomique de deux SME impliquées dans la division cellulaire (le midbody et l'APC/C) montre que ces systèmes ont une origine évolutive ancienne et étaient déjà présents chez le dernier ancêtre commun des eucaryotes (LECA), tout en étant issus d'innovations eucaryotes. Ceci implique que l'émergence de ces deux SME s'est faite après la divergence de la lignée eucaryote et avant la diversification ayant donné naissance aux lignées actuelles. Au-delà de ces considérations évolutives, l'analyse de ces SME ouvre des pistes sur certains aspects de la biologie de ces systèmes. En effet, si ces systèmes ont été globalement bien conservés au cours de la diversification des eucaryotes, leur analyse révèle une grande plasticité de composition dans certaines lignées de protistes. Ceci suggère des changements récents concernant certaines étapes du cycle cellulaire de ces organismes qu'il serait intéressant d'explorerexpérimentalement.En parallèle, ce travail a montré que, bien qu'étant des protéines opérationnelles, lescomposants de ces SME portent un signal phylogénétique exploitable pour inférer les relations de parentés entre lignées eucaryotes. La construction de supermatrices à partir de ces protéines a permis l'inférence de phylogénies de qualité, même si non totalement résolues, dans lesquelles, par exemple, la monophylie des Excavata ou encore le placement des microsporidies au sein des Fungi est bien supporté. La combinaison de ces données avec celles issues d'analyses basées sur des protéines informationnelles montrent des avancées significatives concernant la résolution des arbres inférés. Ces résultats ouvrent le champ des possibles quant à la recherche d'autres marqueurs encore inexploités parmi les protéines opérationnelles. L'intégration de ces nouveaux marqueurs associée à l'augmentation de l'échantillonnage taxonomique représente une piste prometteuse pour l'avenir.Ce travail illustre l'intérêt de généraliser les approches évolutives intégrées des systèmes biologiques pour l'étude de l'évolution et de la phylogénie des eucaryotes. / Tracing back the evolutionary history of eukaryotes is one of the major issues in the field of evolution and is hotly debated. The development of high throughput techniques, especially in proteomics and genomics has yielded extensive data that can be used in evolutionary analyses. In this context, eukaryotic multiprotein structures (EMS) are objects of interest. Indeed, these large protein complexes are involved in many fundamental processes of eukaryotic cells, and have no homologues in prokaryotes (even if the functions in which they are involved may exist) and therefore have certainly played a major role in the eukaryogenesis. The phylogenomic analysis of two EMS involved in cell division (the midbody and the APC/C) shows that these systems have an ancient evolutionary origin and were already present in the last common ancestor of eukaryotes (LECA), while resulting from eukaryotic innovations. This implies that the emergence of these two EMS occurred after the divergence of the eukaryotic lineage and before the diversification that gave rise to the current lineages. Beyond these evolutionary questions, analyses of these EMS uncover some biological aspects of these systems. Indeed, if these systems were generally well conserved during the diversification of eukaryotes, their analysis shows a high plasticity of composition in some protist lineages. This suggests that recent changes regarding certain phases of these organisms cell cycle which would be interesting to explore experimentally. Concomitantly, this work showed that, although being operational protein, components of these EMS carry a phylogenetic signal usable for inferring phylogenetic relationships among eukaryotic lineages. Construction of supermatrixes from these proteins led to the inference of phylogenies of high quality, even if not fully resolved, in which, for example, the monophyly of Excavata or the placement of Microsporidia within Fungi is well supported. Combining these data with those from analyses based on informational proteins show significant progress on the resolution of inferred trees. These results open the field of possibilities to find other markers among the untapped proteins operational. The integration of these new markers associated with increased taxonomic sampling represents a promising approach.This work illustrates the interest of generalizing integrated evolutionary approaches ofbiological systems for studying the evolution and phylogeny of eukaryotes.
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EN TOTALKOSTNADSJÄMFÖRELSE MELLAN CELL-, SKUM- OCH LECA-BETONGHansson, Mattias, Åslew Andersson, Christian January 2010 (has links)
This report provides a comparison between the products cellular concrete, foam concrete and LECA concrete. The questions to be answered during the work is how the cellular concrete stands up in cost terms to the existing competitors on the market, how the concrete products differ in design work, and in which situations the concrete varieties are preferred to use. Cellular concrete is a variant of ordinary concrete, with the difference that the ballast is exchanged from stone materials to expanded polystyrene beads (EPS). This substitution gives a product with higher insulation values but lower weight than ordinary concrete. The work was carried out by designing a survey which was sent to two hundred randomly chosen companies across Sweden, to see the building industry’s opinion of the product cellular concrete. The survey showed that cellular concrete was equals its competitors in terms of price, while the product was said to be more flexible, quicker and easier to cast. Then some of the companies, who participated in the survey, were interviewed to see more carefully, how the price, the workmanship and the time for casting and dehydration differed between the products. Meanwhile, technical data were presented for the products which formed the basis for the U-value calculation and the weight analysis. The result of this work was that LECA concrete is the cheapest option, when the Uvalue is 0,40 W/(mK) and when the total thickness, including the following works, is 200 mm. Cellular concrete was found to be cheaper than foam concrete in small quantities, in the both cases, since the foam concrete must be cast in multiple layers. In addition, foam concrete requires more equipment, which results in a higher fixed cost. Foam concrete becomes, however, more profitable the larger volumes that are cast, because the fixed charges of the product are earned by the low volume cost. Cellular concrete is suitable for smaller works, especially in tight spaces where some insulation is required. Larger volumes are not beneficial because of the high volume cost. Often, the weight may be decisive in the method and material selection. On these occasions, the cellular concrete advantages through both low weight per unit volume and good thermal insulation. To screed the cellular concrete has been shown to cause large additional costs. At times, when no need to screed the concrete surface has occurred, the total cost of the product almost halved. Cellular concrete should not be cast in layers thinner than 50 mm. LECA concrete must be cast in a layer of at least 100 – 120 mm that sufficient adhesion can be obtained. This makes the product unsuitable for small castings, including castings of the existing joists below 100 mm, but works well as foundations. Of those described options, foam concrete is most suitable in larger castings. However, it appears that the main use of foam concrete has been shown to be as a filling material in road embankments.
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EN TOTALKOSTNADSJÄMFÖRELSE MELLAN CELL-, SKUM- OCH LECA-BETONGHansson, Mattias, Åslew Andersson, Christian January 2010 (has links)
<p>This report provides a comparison between the products cellular concrete, foam</p><p>concrete and LECA concrete. The questions to be answered during the work is how</p><p>the cellular concrete stands up in cost terms to the existing competitors on the market,</p><p>how the concrete products differ in design work, and in which situations the concrete</p><p>varieties are preferred to use.</p><p>Cellular concrete is a variant of ordinary concrete, with the difference that the ballast</p><p>is exchanged from stone materials to expanded polystyrene beads (EPS). This</p><p>substitution gives a product with higher insulation values but lower weight than</p><p>ordinary concrete.</p><p>The work was carried out by designing a survey which was sent to two hundred</p><p>randomly chosen companies across Sweden, to see the building industry’s opinion of</p><p>the product cellular concrete. The survey showed that cellular concrete was equals its</p><p>competitors in terms of price, while the product was said to be more flexible, quicker</p><p>and easier to cast.</p><p>Then some of the companies, who participated in the survey, were interviewed to see</p><p>more carefully, how the price, the workmanship and the time for casting and</p><p>dehydration differed between the products. Meanwhile, technical data were presented</p><p>for the products which formed the basis for the U-value calculation and the weight</p><p>analysis.</p><p>The result of this work was that LECA concrete is the cheapest option, when the Uvalue</p><p>is 0,40 W/(mK) and when the total thickness, including the following works, is</p><p>200 mm. Cellular concrete was found to be cheaper than foam concrete in small</p><p>quantities, in the both cases, since the foam concrete must be cast in multiple layers.</p><p>In addition, foam concrete requires more equipment, which results in a higher fixed</p><p>cost. Foam concrete becomes, however, more profitable the larger volumes that are</p><p>cast, because the fixed charges of the product are earned by the low volume cost.</p><p>Cellular concrete is suitable for smaller works, especially in tight spaces where some</p><p>insulation is required. Larger volumes are not beneficial because of the high volume</p><p>cost. Often, the weight may be decisive in the method and material selection. On these</p><p>occasions, the cellular concrete advantages through both low weight per unit volume</p><p>and good thermal insulation. To screed the cellular concrete has been shown to cause</p><p>large additional costs. At times, when no need to screed the concrete surface has</p><p>occurred, the total cost of the product almost halved. Cellular concrete should not be</p><p>cast in layers thinner than 50 mm.</p><p>LECA concrete must be cast in a layer of at least 100 – 120 mm that sufficient</p><p>adhesion can be obtained. This makes the product unsuitable for small castings,</p><p>including castings of the existing joists below 100 mm, but works well as foundations.</p><p>Of those described options, foam concrete is most suitable in larger castings.</p><p>However, it appears that the main use of foam concrete has been shown to be as a</p><p>filling material in road embankments.</p>
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Effet inhibiteur des glycoclusters dans l'adhésion bactérienne des Pseudomonas aeruginosa caractérisé par microscopie à force atomique : de la molécule à la cellule / Glycocluster inhibition effect on bacterial adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa characterized by atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy : from molecule to cellZuttion, Francesca 24 October 2016 (has links)
La bactérie Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) est un pathogène responsable de 20%-30% des infections nosocomiales en milieu hospitalier. Pour les individus sains, elle ne présente pas de réel danger, mais pour les personnes atteintes par la mucoviscidose et les patients immunodéprimés, elle est la cause principale de mortalité et des infections pulmonaires. PA a développé des souches multi-résistantes aux antibiotiques et des nouvelles approches thérapeutiques plus efficaces sont donc nécessaires. Elle se fixe à la surface des cellules-hôtes par une interaction entre des protéines (lectines) présentes sur sa membrane et des sucres présents sur la membrane cellulaire. L’interaction lectine-sucre joue un rôle important dans l’adhésion de la bactérie puis dans la fabrication d’un biofilm pathogène.Une nouvelle approche thérapeutique consiste à créer des molécules synthétiques (glycomimes) de plus grande affinité que les sucres présents sur les cellules. Pour cela, plus de 150 glycomimes ont été synthétisés et examinés afin de trouver le meilleur candidat pour empêche le processus d'infection de bactéries. Certains d'entre eux ont été choisis et étudiés par la Microscopie à Force Atomique (AFM). Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des interactions lectine-glycomime et aussi cellule-bactérie par AFM. L’imagerie combinée avec la modélisation permet de comprendre le rôle du glycomime sur la géométrie des complexes créés et la spectroscopie permet de mesurer les forces d’interaction présentes lors de l’adhésion, au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire. Une réduction de l’adhésion bactérienne a été observée après l’introduction du glycomime, confirmant son rôle d’inhibiteur et la validité de toute la démarche. L’objectif ultime est l’identification des meilleurs glycomimes à introduire afin de développer de nouveaux médicaments. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a human opportunistic pathogen responsible for 20% -30% of nosocomial infections in French hospitals. For healthy people, it presents no real danger, but for people with cystic fibrosis disease and immune-compromised patients, it is the leading cause of mortality and lung infections. PA has developed antibiotic multi-resistant strains and new and more effective therapeutic approaches are needed. It binds to the surface of the host cells by an interaction between proteins (lectins) present on the membrane and sugars of the host-cell membrane. The lectin-sugar interaction plays an important role in adherence of the bacteria and in the manufacture of a pathogenic biofilm.A new therapeutic approach is to create synthetic molecules (glycoclusters) of greater affinity than the natural sugars present on the cells. To this aim, more than 150 glycoclusters have been synthetized and screened to find the best candidate to inhibit the bacteria infection process. Some of them have been selected and studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). In particular, this thesis is devoted to study the lectin-glycocluster and cell-bacteria interactions by AFM. The combination of AFM imaging with molecular dynamic simulations let understanding the role of the geometry of the glycoclusters on the complex formation, while AFM spectroscopy accesses the lectin-glycocluster interaction forces at the molecular and cellular levels. The reduction of bacterial adhesion has been observed upon the addition of the glycocluster. This confirms the anti-adhesive properties of the glycocluster and validates the procedure. The ultimate goal is the identification of the best glycoclusters in order to develop new drugs.
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