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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ontwerp van'n kurrikulum vir die onderwys van swaksiende kinders in Suid-Afrika

Schoeman, Gerhardus Henoch 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel met hierdie studie is om 'n kurrikulum vir die onderwys van swaksiende kinders vanui t 'n makroperspektief te ontwerp. Van die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word, dui daarop dat die kurrikula, leerplanne en -opleidingsprogramme wat in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vir kinders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes (wat die onderwys van swaksiende kinders insluit) voorsien word * dikwels nie toereikend is om leerlinge vir suksesvolle indiensplasing voor te berei nie; * oorwegend akademies georienteerd is; * en nie altyd tred hou met die veranderende behoeftes, eise en tendense in die arbeidsmark nie. Swaksiende kinders is as groep hoogs heterogeen en het besondere en uiteenlopende onderwys- en opleidingsbehoeftes. Ten einde 'n relevante kurrikulum vir swaksiende kinders te on twerp wat genoemde leemtes ondervang, moes hulle uni eke behoef tes sowel as die eise van die moderne arbeidsmark in aanmerking geneem word. Die voorgestelde kurrikulum is op die onderwys van swaksiende kinders in af sonderlike skole vir gesiggestremde kinders en in skole in die hoof stroom van die onderwys van toepassing en maak * enersyds voorsiening vir die effektiewe implementering van die kurrikulum wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysowerheid op nasionale (en moontlik ook op provinsiale) vlak vir die onderwys van normaalsiende kinders voorgeskryf word, en * andersyds vir die ontsluiting en bemeestering van die noodsaaklike kompensatoriese persoonlikheids- en karaktereienskappe en algemene vaardighede, waaroor swaksiende kinders behoort te beskik ten einde hulleself na skoolverlating in die volwasse sosiale en beroepslewe te kan handhaaf. Die kurrikulummodel wat die basis vorm vir die ontwerp van hierdie kurrikulum, is sodanig aangepas dat dit uitdrukking gee aan die essensies van 'n Christelik-wysgerige perspektief op opvoeding en onderrig. / The aim of this study is to design a curriculum for the education of partially sighted children from a macro perspective. some of the most important conclusions arrived at in this study indicate that the present curricula, syllabi and training programmes which are being offered to children with special education needs (including the education of partially sighted children) in the Republic of South Africa * are often not adequate to prepare learners for successful placement; * are predominantly academically orientated; * and do not always keep track with changing needs, demands and tendencies in the labour market. Partially sighted children as a group are highly heterogeneous and have particular and diverse education and training needs. In order to design a relevant curriculum for partially sighted children which intends to eradicate the mentioned deficiencies in the present provision of education to them, their unique needs as well as the demands of the modern labour market have to be considered. The proposed curriculum is directed at the education of partially sighted children who are accommodated in separate schools for the visually impaired as well as in schools in the mainstream of education and provides * on the one hand for the effective implementation of the curriculum which is prescribed normally sighted children by for the education of the South African education authorities on national (and perhaps also on provincial) level and * on the other hand for the unlocking and mastering of the essential compensatory personality and character qualities and general skills which partially sighted children should possess in order to maintain themselves in the adult social and vocational life after leaving school. The curriculum model which formed the basis for the design of this curriculum was adadapted in such a way that it expresses the essence of a Christian philosophic perspective on education and teaching. / Teacher Education / D.Ed.

An Examination of School Readiness: How Is the Construct Defined for Children Who Are Blind?

McConachie, Lisa Joann 01 June 2016 (has links)
An increased focus on school readiness exists as students enter public school for the first time. Given unique challenges for students who are blind and use braille, school readiness in the transition to and preparation for kindergarten is even more critical to their future academic success. If children who are blind and use braille as their primary learning medium have the necessary school readiness skills entering kindergarten, they will be better prepared to participate in the academic classroom. There is a need for additional research to illuminate the skills needed for school readiness for children who are blind and use braille so programs can tailor their resources to provide appropriate instruction and intervention. The purpose of this research is to describe and explain how Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) and primary caregivers construct the idea of school readiness for children who are blind and use braille as their primary learning medium. This research will examine current practice in relation to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Expanded Core Curriculum. Grounded in the Ecological and Dynamic Model of Transition the research will situate the whole child within natural contexts to identify supports for successful transition to public school. Qualitative research design will use permanent product review, including Individual Family Service Plans and Individual Education Plans to identify themes of current practice. Identified themes will be verified through semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders to better understand school readiness for children who are blind.

Att undervisa synskadade elever i klassisk gitarr : En intervjustudie av gitarrlärares syn på hur musikundervisning kan bedrivas med synskadade elever / To teach visually impaired pupils in classic guitar : An interview study about guitar teacher’s perceptions of music education with visually impaired pupils

Manisalis, Achilleas January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien att undersöka hur gitarrlärare arbetar med synskadade elever i klassisk gitarrundervisning, målet är att underlätta lärares arbete när det gäller att undervisa just synskadade elever i klassisk gitarr. Studiens forskningsfrågor är: Vad arbetar gitarrlärare med i sin undervisning med synskadade gitarrelever? På vilka sätt arbetar gitarrlärare med synskadade elever? Varför väljer lärare att arbeta som de gör? Studiens metod utgörs av intervjuer med lärare och elever samt och observationer av övningar och andra hjälpmedel lärare använder i sitt arbete med synskadade elever och hur de arbetar med dessa hjälpmedel. I bakgrundskapitlet beskrivs hur blinda och synsvaga elever i allmänhet, har en stor potential för att utbilda sig i musik och att lära sig spela gitarr. I resultatet presenteras en rad arbetssätt såsom: att tejpa baksidan av greppbrädan, att visa genom att låta eleven känna på lärarens händer, vänsterhandens orientering på greppbrädan, att stå vid ljus, att öva på att ta fram olika spännande ljud från gitarren, att begränsa stor vänsterhandsrörelse, att utgå från inspelade lektioner och Braille-partitur, att det skall vara tyst och lugn i rummet när man övar och saker att betänka när man övar. En slutsats som dras är att klassisk gitarr kan bidra till blinda barns fascination av ljud. Diskussionen utgörs av en vidare reflektion över studien, där uppsatsens resultat kopplas samman med bakgrundslitteraturen. / The purpose of the study is to investigate how guitar teacher works with visually impaired students in classical guitar teaching, the goal is to facilitate the work of teachers when it comes to teaching visually impaired students in classical guitar. The study's research questions are: What kind of work do guitar teachers do teaching classic guitar with visually impaired students? How do they work with visually impaired students? Why do they work as they do? The study's methodology consists of interviews with teachers and students and observations of guitar lessons with visually impaired students. The background chapter describes how blind and visually impaired students in general, have a great potential to educate themselves in music and learning playing the guitar. The result presents a series of techniques such as: taping the back of the fingerboard, showing how to play by letting students feel the teacher's hands, left hand orientation, positioning in light, practice on the development of exciting sounds of the guitar, limiting left hand motions, using recorded lessons and Braille scores, serenity in the room and overall things to consider when practicing. One conclusion is that the classical guitar can stimulate blind children's fascination of sound. The discussion consists of a reflection of the study, with the results linked to background literature.

From Darkness to dawn? A Forum for Kāpō Māori

Te Momo, Ivan Prentus January 2007 (has links)
This thesis researches Kāpō Māori (Māori who are blind or sight impaired) and their pursuit of Te Reo Māori. Te Reo Māori is a very significant cultural marker for Kāpō Māori to identify themselves as Māori. Kāpō Māori face many challenges, challenges that are unknown to the mainstream. The thesis surveys the fortunes of Te Reo Māori as it struggles to survive and find acceptance in Aotearoa/New Zealand, outlines attitudes towards disabled persons, who suffer discrimination and marginalisation, and summarises the story of the Blind in Aotearoa/New Zealand, especially through the history of The Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, to provide context for the challenges faced by Kāpō Māori. For Kāpō Māori, discrimination and marginalisation is increased because all Māori suffer the disabilities that are a result of colonisation. The thesis sets out a methodology for field research, and draws from interviews with research participants to present the experiences of Kāpō Māori. This thesis provides an insight into the issues Kāpō Māori encounter when trying to engage Kāpō Māori , and draws those issues forward from darkness, where they are unknown, into the world of light by providing Kāpō Māori with a forum for discussion of these issues.

Dräktens dimensioner och relationer : En diskussion kring klädernas betydelse i Margaret Atwoods <em>The Blind Assassin</em>

Lövestam, Julia January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact that clothing has in Margaret Atwood’s novel <em>The Blind Assassin</em> from 2000. The essay begins with a brief overview of how clothing has been acknowledged in different areas of research. The overview leads up to the conclusion that fashion, as well as clothing in large, has been overly ignored as a potentially fruitful subject of academic status. This is much due to the fact that fashion is traditionally regarded as being a classically feminine subject, as well as it can be said to be a result of fashion’s very elusive character. In the analysis of the novel the text first discusses the role that clothing has in a societal perspective as a means of power, partly in relation to Girard’s erotic triangle, as well as in relation to gender and Atwood’s dystopian parallel story. The essay then focuses on the naked body, which is found to be non-existing in Atwood’s novel, and goes on to discuss the suggestive qualities that clothing is given in the novel. In the concluding part, the results of the research is summed up and I am able to draw the conclusion that clothing has a great significance in <em>The Blind Assassin</em>, together with the notion that literary criticism is in need of a discourse that acknowledges clothing and fashion theory as academic subjects.</p>

Dräktens dimensioner och relationer : En diskussion kring klädernas betydelse i Margaret Atwoods The Blind Assassin

Lövestam, Julia January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact that clothing has in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Blind Assassin from 2000. The essay begins with a brief overview of how clothing has been acknowledged in different areas of research. The overview leads up to the conclusion that fashion, as well as clothing in large, has been overly ignored as a potentially fruitful subject of academic status. This is much due to the fact that fashion is traditionally regarded as being a classically feminine subject, as well as it can be said to be a result of fashion’s very elusive character. In the analysis of the novel the text first discusses the role that clothing has in a societal perspective as a means of power, partly in relation to Girard’s erotic triangle, as well as in relation to gender and Atwood’s dystopian parallel story. The essay then focuses on the naked body, which is found to be non-existing in Atwood’s novel, and goes on to discuss the suggestive qualities that clothing is given in the novel. In the concluding part, the results of the research is summed up and I am able to draw the conclusion that clothing has a great significance in The Blind Assassin, together with the notion that literary criticism is in need of a discourse that acknowledges clothing and fashion theory as academic subjects.

Real-time pro-active safety in construction

Allread, Benjamin Scott 18 May 2009 (has links)
Collisions between personnel on foot and heavy equipment or materials on a construction site can be characterized as a contact collision. These types of incidents are a common occurrence on a work site. Technology is needed to improve work zone safety by alerting workers that are in danger of collisions pro-actively and in real-time. Developing this technology may assist in collecting previously un-recorded data on "near-misses" (close-calls). An approach is presented in this paper that is based on wireless radio frequency technology to alert workers in real-time when they are in danger. Various experiments are described that have been conducted in order to gain better understanding of the technology's potential, including measuring equipment blind spots and alert (or safety) zones. Blind spots areas are measured for six common construction vehicles to help determine the required (or minimum) alert distance (safety zone) for the equipment. A computer program was developed in-house to automatically calculate the percentage of blind spots on 2-dimensional planes and in the overall 3-dimensional volume. The blind spots results directly indicate the necessary safety zones for the equipment. The proximity device results show that technology demonstrated the capability of collecting important safety data while pro-actively detecting hazardous situations and warning workers and equipment operators during imminent potential hazardous events. Furthermore, the presented research can lead to improve the overall safety performance in construction and elsewhere through improved learning and education by providing relevant information to decision makers at all levels.

Essential daily living skills of visually impaired adults in Arizona

Kellner, Michele Deon January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Ontwerp van'n kurrikulum vir die onderwys van swaksiende kinders in Suid-Afrika

Schoeman, Gerhardus Henoch 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel met hierdie studie is om 'n kurrikulum vir die onderwys van swaksiende kinders vanui t 'n makroperspektief te ontwerp. Van die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word, dui daarop dat die kurrikula, leerplanne en -opleidingsprogramme wat in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vir kinders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes (wat die onderwys van swaksiende kinders insluit) voorsien word * dikwels nie toereikend is om leerlinge vir suksesvolle indiensplasing voor te berei nie; * oorwegend akademies georienteerd is; * en nie altyd tred hou met die veranderende behoeftes, eise en tendense in die arbeidsmark nie. Swaksiende kinders is as groep hoogs heterogeen en het besondere en uiteenlopende onderwys- en opleidingsbehoeftes. Ten einde 'n relevante kurrikulum vir swaksiende kinders te on twerp wat genoemde leemtes ondervang, moes hulle uni eke behoef tes sowel as die eise van die moderne arbeidsmark in aanmerking geneem word. Die voorgestelde kurrikulum is op die onderwys van swaksiende kinders in af sonderlike skole vir gesiggestremde kinders en in skole in die hoof stroom van die onderwys van toepassing en maak * enersyds voorsiening vir die effektiewe implementering van die kurrikulum wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysowerheid op nasionale (en moontlik ook op provinsiale) vlak vir die onderwys van normaalsiende kinders voorgeskryf word, en * andersyds vir die ontsluiting en bemeestering van die noodsaaklike kompensatoriese persoonlikheids- en karaktereienskappe en algemene vaardighede, waaroor swaksiende kinders behoort te beskik ten einde hulleself na skoolverlating in die volwasse sosiale en beroepslewe te kan handhaaf. Die kurrikulummodel wat die basis vorm vir die ontwerp van hierdie kurrikulum, is sodanig aangepas dat dit uitdrukking gee aan die essensies van 'n Christelik-wysgerige perspektief op opvoeding en onderrig. / The aim of this study is to design a curriculum for the education of partially sighted children from a macro perspective. some of the most important conclusions arrived at in this study indicate that the present curricula, syllabi and training programmes which are being offered to children with special education needs (including the education of partially sighted children) in the Republic of South Africa * are often not adequate to prepare learners for successful placement; * are predominantly academically orientated; * and do not always keep track with changing needs, demands and tendencies in the labour market. Partially sighted children as a group are highly heterogeneous and have particular and diverse education and training needs. In order to design a relevant curriculum for partially sighted children which intends to eradicate the mentioned deficiencies in the present provision of education to them, their unique needs as well as the demands of the modern labour market have to be considered. The proposed curriculum is directed at the education of partially sighted children who are accommodated in separate schools for the visually impaired as well as in schools in the mainstream of education and provides * on the one hand for the effective implementation of the curriculum which is prescribed normally sighted children by for the education of the South African education authorities on national (and perhaps also on provincial) level and * on the other hand for the unlocking and mastering of the essential compensatory personality and character qualities and general skills which partially sighted children should possess in order to maintain themselves in the adult social and vocational life after leaving school. The curriculum model which formed the basis for the design of this curriculum was adadapted in such a way that it expresses the essence of a Christian philosophic perspective on education and teaching. / Teacher Education / D.Ed.

Tecnologia assistiva para o ensino da matemática aos alunos cegos : o caso do centro de apoio pedagógico para atendimento às pessoas com deficiência visual

Prado, Renata Beatriz de Souza 29 July 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender os limites e as possibilidades das Tecnologias Assistivas no processo de ensino da Matemática para alunos com cegueira tendo como campo empírico o Centro de Apoio Pedagógico para Atendimento às Pessoas com Deficiência Visual (CAP) do Estado de Sergipe. Buscou-se identificar as Tecnologias Assistivas disponíveis para o Ensino da Matemática, conhecendo as atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores. Através do estudo foi possível identificar as principais dificuldades dos professores e alunos relacionados ao ensino da Matemática e desenvolver uma análise sobre o processo de escolarização dos alunos com cegueira no CAP. Utilizou-se o estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa, e como instrumento de coleta de dados, questionários, as observações espontânea e sistemática, revisão bibliográfica, análises documentais e artefatos físicos. Como aporte teórico, utilizamos os estudos de Galvão Filho (2009), Bersch (2008), Fiorentini (2006), Lorenzato (2009), Vygotski (1989), Danyluk (2002), Sá; Campos; Silva (2007), Morais (2008), dentre outros. Os resultados demonstram até que ponto as Tecnologias Assistivas auxiliam no ensino da Matemática em alunos cegos do CAP, evidenciando que as TA s adotadas na Estimulação Precoce e Alfabetização Braille colaboram no desenvolvimento e na formação dos conhecimentos matemáticos dos alunos. No entanto, as Tecnologias Assistivas adotadas no Soroban e Informática ficam a desejar, principalmente para os conteúdos a partir do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental e até o Ensino Médio.

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