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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Policejní spolupráce na česko-bavorské hranici v letech 1989-2012 / Cross-Border Police Cooperation on the Czech-Bavarian Border in 1989-2012

Majerová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Anglický abstrakt diplomové práce - Kateřina Majerová Policejní spolupráce na česko-bavorské hranici v letech 1989-2012 This diploma thesis deals with police cooperation on the Czech-Bavarian border. The police forces of a particular state are supposed to promote and enforce abiding by the law in a territory surrounded by the state borders. Borders are more and more penetrable even for criminal issues; therefore, the cooperation with colleagues on the other side of the borderline is essential for fulfilment of the above-mentioned task. In terms of time the topic of this thesis is delimited by the period between 1989 and 2012. The aim of the thesis is to verify the fulfilment of Karl Deutsch's concept of transactionalism on the example of this particular cooperation. For this purpose the author examines three areas on which she demonstrates the fulfilment of this concept - compatibility of states in the view of police cooperation, existence of a common interest and forms of interaction and their development. The diploma thesis consists of four chapters. Firstly, the author studies the concept of border as a place of clash and contact which analytically helps to fulfil Deutsch's concept. Furthermore, she draws attention to the institutional base of police cooperation. She presents not only the way of...

HR-chefers upplevelser av distansarbete : En fråga om balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Saglik, Elif, Amnéus Rüetschi, Minna January 2022 (has links)
Fler och fler personer arbetar på distans, i synnerhet efter covid-19 pandemin. Denna kvalitativa studie belyser HR-chefers upplevelser av distansarbetets konsekvenser för work/life balance, eftersom det inte finns tillräckligt med forskning inom detta område. Frågeställningen lyder: Hur upplever HR-chefer att distansarbete påverkar balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv? För att få svar på frågeställningen har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med tio HR-chefer. Resultatet presenteras i form av teman och underteman med tillhörande analys. I analysen har respondenternas utsagor jämförts med tidigare forskning och Sue Campbell Clarks work/family border theory, som utgör studiens ramverk. De huvudteman som identifierades genom tematisk analys är gränssättning, struktur, flexibilitet och arbetstid. Upplevelsen av distansarbetets effekter på balansen mellan arbete och privatliv är delad. För vissa är distansarbete något som underlättar vardagen och som leder till ökade möjligheter att kombinera arbete och privatliv, medan andra har svårigheter att sätta gränser mellan de båda domänerna, vilket påverkar deras välbefinnande negativt. Personliga förutsättningar såsom boende, familjesituation och personlighet verkar ha betydelse för hur väl man trivs och kan anpassa sitt liv efter distansarbete. / People are working remotely to a greater extent, especially after the covid-19 pandemic. This qualitative study sheds light on HR managers' experiences of the consequences of telework for work/life balance, as there is not enough research on this. The research question is: How do HR managers experience that telework affects the balance between work and private life? To answer this question, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten HR managers. The results are presented in the form of themes and sub-themes with an associated analysis. In the analysis, the respondents' statements have been compared with previous research and Sue Campbell Clark's work/family border theory, which constitutes the framework of the study. The main themes identified through thematic analysis are boundaries, structure, flexibility and working hours. The experience of the effects of telework on the balance between work and private life is divided. For some, teleworking is something that facilitates everyday life and leads to increased opportunities to combine work and private life, while others have difficulty setting boundaries between the two domains, which negatively affects their well-being. Personal conditions such as housing, family situation and personality seem to be important for how well you feel comfortable and can adapt your life to teleworking.

The China-India land border conflict : A qualitative case study of the China-India border dispute from a realistic perspective

Roach, Markus January 2023 (has links)
Why has the China-India border conflict developed into what it is today? What could it become in the future? These questions will be discussed and analyzed from the perspective of offensive and defensive realism, which is based on John Mearsheimer’s theory of realism. This thesis is structured as a case study with a theory testing element with a main focus of analyzing and explaining the border conflict from offensive and defensive realism. This thesis concludes that the reason the border conflict has developed into what it is today is because China leans more towards offensive realism whilst India leans more towards defensive realism. In the future the conflict could develop into a continuation of the status quo, diplomatic resolution or escalation.

Raum- und Grenzkonzeptionen in der Erforschung europäischer Regionen

Schröder, Lina, Wegewitz, Markus, Gundermann, Christine 28 April 2023 (has links)
Von historischen und kulturellen Konzeptionen strukturiert, durch politische Grenzen zerstückelt und geprägt von Kooperation und Konflikten sind Grenzräume ein komplexer Untersuchungsgegenstand. Der vorliegende Band versammelt geschichtswissenschaftliche, soziologische, ethnologische und informationswissenschaftliche Zugänge in zwölf Einzelbeiträgen und einer Schreibdiskussion. Neben theoretisch-methodischen Überlegungen stehen epochen- und auch disziplinübergreifend europäische Grenzräume im Fokus. Die Beiträge des Bandes analysieren diese Raum- und Grenzkonzeptionen empirisch fundiert mit Blick auf die soziale Konstruktion des Raums, die rechtlichen Verknüpfungen, die Alltagspraxis der Grenze, die Ausprägungen von Geschichtsbewusstsein und Geschichtskultur und die Inklusions- und Exklusionsdynamiken in verschiedenen Epochen. / Borderlands are a complex subject to study. They are structured by various historical and cultural conceptions, fragmented by political borders, and shaped by cooperation and conflict. This volume brings together different approaches from history, sociology, ethnology, and information science. It includes twelve individual contributions and a writing discussion. In addition to theoretical-methodological considerations, the volume focuses specifically on European borderlands across epochs and disciplines. The empirical contributions in this volume analyse conceptions of space and borders with special regard to the social construction of space, legal linkages, praxeology of the border, formation of historical consciousness and historical culture as well as the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in different epochs.

Performance analysis of the FRRouting Route Server

Ståhl, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The delivery of IP traffic on the Internet depends on the complex interactions between a set of autonomous systems that exchange routing information about IP prefix destinations utilizing the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Autonomous systems are often connected to a route server located at an Internet eXchange Point, which facilitates the administration of BGP peering arrangements for all parties connected to it. One of the most popular open-source implementations of BGP is the FRRouting software suite, making it an important part of the Internet infrastructure. This thesis investigates the performance of FRRouting, configured as a route server, in terms of its capabilities of announcing routing information on the network to a set of peers emulating autonomous systems. The routing information consists of a set of distinct IP prefixes that FRRouting receives from its peers. With various benchmarks of different configurations, we relate the number of received prefixes to the number of prefixes that FRRouting has announced on the network to its peers in a given time span. The output of the thesis is a wide overview of how the performance of FRRouting is impacted by different configurations such as filtering of specific prefixes that are not announced to the peering networks. The obtained results show that there exists a divergence between the number of prefixes that have been received and announced by FRRouting. Specifically, the discrepancy shows that FRRouting, in our benchmarks, is incapable of announcing prefixes at the same rate as it receives these prefixes from its peers. In general, the number of announced prefixes is dependent on how the prefix filter is configured. However, one can question what real-world limitations this may result in. Suggestions for future work include developing a more realistic benchmarking environment that does not rely on emulated peers as well as improving how the routing information is recorded. There also exists a wide variety of other metrics and configurations of FRRouting that may reveal further limitations. / Leveransen av IP-trafik på Internet beror av komplexa interaktioner mellan en uppsättning autonoma system som utbyter dirigeringsinformation med hjälp av Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Autonoma system är ofta anslutna till en dirigeringsserver belägen vid en Internetknutpunkt vilket underlättar administrationen av BGP-förbindelser mellan de parter som är anslutna till dirigeringsservern. En av de mest populära implementationerna av BGP med öppen källkod är FRRouting vilket gör denna mjukvara till en betydelsefull komponent för Internets infrastruktur. Detta arbete undersöker prestandan av FRRouting konfigurerad som en dirigeringsserver vad gäller dess kapacitet att behandla och via nätverket vidarebefordra dirigeringsinformation till en uppsättning autonoma system. Dirigeringsinformationen består av en samling IP-prefix som FRRouting erhåller från de autonoma systemen. Genom att variera konfigurationen av FRRouting undersöker vi hur antalet mottagna IP-prefix relaterar till den mängd IP-prefix som FRRouting har vidarebefordrat till de autonoma systemen under en given tidsperiod. Arbetet resulterar i en bred genomgång av hur prestandan för FRRouting påverkas av olika konfigurationer såsom filtrering av specifika prefix. De erhållna resultaten visar att antalet vidarebefordrade IP-prefix skiljer sig markant från antalet prefix som dirigeringsservern erhållit från de autonoma systemen. Denna avvikelse visar att FRRouting inte är kapabel att vidarebefordra IP-prefix i samma takt som dessa mottages från de autonoma systemen. I allmänhet beror antalet vidarebefordrade IP-prefix av hur prefixfiltreringen konfigurerats. Det kan dock ifrågasättas vilka verkliga begränsningar detta kan resultera i. Förslag på framtida arbeten inkluderar att utveckla en förbättrad testmiljö som inte förlitar sig på emulerade autonoma system samt att förbättra tekniken för insamling av vidarebefordrade IP-prefix. Det existerar även ett stort antal andra mätvärden och konfigurationer av FRRouting som möjligtvis kan resultera i att ytterligare begränsningar uppdagas.

Borders and Bandaids

Polk, David Glen 16 September 2015 (has links)
thresh-old noun `thresh-`hold, `thre-`shold _the sill of a doorway _the entrance to a house or building _any place or point of entering or beginning A threshold can be understood as the visible or invisible division and demarcation of space. It is an age-old concept tracing back even to the first notions of urban space. The largest scaled gestures of thresholds are those lines and walls that divide nations and territories. All complexities of past and current geopolitical tensions simply derive from the interpretations and implementation of the walls and geopolitical lines—or lineaments. It is therefore crucial to comprehend the concept of lineaments on every scale, as it is the base idea that permeates all design. It is design in its purest form. The following architectural argument will explore Leon Battista Albert's theory of lineaments, particularly the wall as an architectural element, as he spells out in his architectural treatise On the Art of Building in Ten Books. A closer look at Alberti's treatise and the idea of lineaments will help to better refine the definition and implementation of international borders and treatises. Reconsideration of a lineament in the slightest form has the potential to drastically change the execution and enforcement of a lineament in tangible materials and their assembly during construction. The chosen design proposes a new U.S.-Mexico Joint Land Port of Entry along the border of Columbus, New Mexico, United State of America, and Puerto Palomas, Chihuahua, Mexico / Master of Architecture

Border Fences. Migration Control, Selectivity and Power Relations at Fortified Borders

Korte, Kristina 22 June 2022 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht die Kontrolle von Mobilität an fortifizierten Grenzen. Auch in Zeiten der Globalisierung steigt die Zahl von Grenzzäunen weltweit rapide an. Während Grenzbefestigungen in der Vergangenheit oft mit militärischen Konflikten in Verbindung standen, dienen sie heute in erster Linie der Kontrolle von Mobilität. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen analysiert die Arbeit vier Fallstudien: die ungarisch-serbische, die US-amerikanisch-mexikanische, die pakistanisch-indische und die algerisch-marokkanische Grenze. Ausgehend von der Frage, wie an befestigten Grenzen Mobilität kontrolliert wird, werden die Funktionsweisen von Grenzen herausgearbeitet. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei Artikeln. Der erste untersucht anhand der ungarisch-serbischen Grenze die Wirkung der Fortifizierung auf Migrationskontrolle und Innenpolitik und betont darüber hinaus die Bedeutung der internationalen Verflechtungen dieser Grenze. Der zweite Beitrag vergleicht zwei Zäune, den US-amerikanischen und den ungarischen. Er untersucht Migrationskontrolle mit einem Fokus auf Asyl und zeigt, dass die Grenzzäune hier eine materielle, eine symbolische und eine Filterfunktion erfüllen. Sie dienen dazu, MigrantInnen am Überschreiten der Grenze zu hindern und damit den Zugang zu Asyl zu beschränken. Der dritte Artikel vergleicht alle vier Fälle. Der Artikel kommt zu dem Schluss, dass befestigte Grenzen Ungleichheiten sowohl auf globaler als auch auf lokaler Ebene verstärken und dabei sowohl MigrantInnen als auch die Grenzbevölkerung marginalisieren. Zusammenfassend untersucht die Dissertation Grenz- und Migrationskontrolle und analysiert dabei die Gründe für die Grenzbefestigungen ebenso wie deren Kontext und Auswirkungen. Befestigte Grenzen verstärken durch Kontrolle und Filtern von Mobilität verschiedene Formen von Ungleichheit und Marginalisierung. Da Grenzen weltweit immer stärker fortifiziert werden, sind diese Themen von größter Aktualität. / This dissertation investigates mobility control at fortified borders. Border fortifications are on the rise today and will most probably shape the future of nation states and global mobility. Whereas in the past border fences were often associated with military conflict, the new walls are mostly designed to control and filter mobility. In light of these developments, the thesis analyzes four case studies, namely the Hungarian-Serbian, the U.S. American-Mexican, the Pakistani-Indian and the Algerian-Moroccan borders. Starting with the question of how fortified borders control mobility, it provides an extensive analysis of the control function of borders. The thesis is comprised of three papers. The first examines the Hungarian-Serbian border, highlighting the topics of migration control and domestic politics as well as the international entanglements of this border. The second paper compares two fences, namely the U.S. American and the Hungarian. It examines migration control with a focus on the issue of asylum and shows that fortifications fulfil a material, a symbolical and a filtering function in order to prevent refugees from crossing the border, thereby restricting access to asylum. The third article compares all four cases. It concludes that fortified borders increase inequalities on both the global and the local level, triggering severe social and human effects on both migrants and border populations. In sum, the dissertation explores the topics of border control, selectivity, power relations and inequality by analyzing four fortified borders. It sheds light on different aspects of border control, including the reasons for fortifications as well as their context and impact. It argues that by controlling and filtering mobility, fortified borders sustain and reinforce different forms of inequality and marginalization. As the world’s borders are becoming more and more fortified, these topics are highly relevant and require further research.

Financial Flexibility, Bidder’s M&A Performance, and the Cross-Border Effect

Lameijer, Marloes January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of the value of financial flexibility on bidder’s merger and acquisition (M&A) performance, including the differences between domestic and cross-border M&As and the effect of the financial crisis. Using data gathered between 2005-2012 of 3,882 M&As with the bidder from developed Europe or the U.S., OLS regressions are used to predict the effect of value of financial flexibility on the bidder’s cumulative abnormal returns (CARs). Findings reveal partial evidence to support a positive effect of the value of financial flexibility and the cross-border effect on bidder’s M&A performance. Collectively, these findings increase understanding of the interdependence of financial flexibility and investments.

The Main Influencing Factors of Customer Trust in China’s Import Cross-Border E- commerce Business Model

Zhou, Lu, Liu, Jiaqi, Lu, Yanzhu January 2016 (has links)
China’s import cross-border e-commerce (CICBEC) business model differs from other online shopping business models in both the participators and transaction processes. Government as an important participator has greatly promoted the healthy and rapid development of this business model. As a vital topic in all kinds of businesses, customer trust is also a core research topic in online shopping. Many scholars have studied customer trust in traditional online shopping while few of them focused on cross-border online shopping, let alone the CICBEC business model. The government is a new participator, whose contribution on customer trust is not clear. Also, other known variables’ influences on customer trust are still worthy of discussion. This research aims to address existing research gap by contributing to Lee and Turban (2001)’s Customer Trust in Internet Shopping (CTIS) Model and constructing a new customer trust model. A number of influencing factors of customer trust were defined and tested in this research. It shows that influencing factors from four participators, the e-retailers, e- commerce platforms, government and third-parties, have a significant correlation with customer trust. The final results show that order fulfillment, government actions, e-retailer reputation, information quality, e-commerce platform security and e-commerce platform reputation have significant influences on customer trust.

The Pig and the Postwar Dream: The San Juan Island Dispute, 1853-1872, in History and Memory

Lyall, Gordon Robert 30 April 2013 (has links)
Historical events are framed by the actors of the time and then re-framed by subsequent historians and the public. This thesis examines the historiography of the San Juan Island Dispute, 1853-1871, known colloquially in the twentieth century as the “Pig War.” In 1859, after an American settler on San Juan shot a pig owned by the Hudson’s Bay Company, the American military and the British Royal Navy met in a tense stand-off resulting in a twelve year joint-military occupation of the island. This conflict was the last border dispute between the two nations. Following World War II, a message of peace became the dominant trope of histories written about the “Pig War.” The term itself has come to represent this overarching theme. With documents from the dispute, such as colonial despatches, official correspondence and newspaper editorials, this thesis considers how the event was framed at the time; and employing semiotics as a technique for discourse analysis, it examines how the “war” was re-framed in the twentieth century. The thesis follows Alfred Young’s research on antebellum America’s commemoration of the “Boston Tea Party,” with its message appropriated by politicians, merging history and myth. The “Pig War” occupies similar terrain as the reconceptualization of the event embodies its own message of a unique identity for the Pacific Northwest, associated with the 49th parallel as the world’s longest, most peaceful, “undefended” border. / Graduate / 0578 / 0334 / 0337 / lyallg@uvic.ca

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