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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Top Gas Blowing Technique to Prevent Slopping in Ladle and Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Process

Harazeen, Abdullah January 2022 (has links)
In the steel industry, slag foaming plays a crucial role in many steel processes, given its positive impact on the thermal efficiency of the furnace and its life span. However, excessive foaming causes an overflow in the converter known as “slopping”. Slopping hinders the effectiveness of the processes, especially with the complex and unpredictable foaming rate. This problem occurs mainly in the BOS-processes and after melt tapping to the ladle furnace. The goal of this study is to test and relate a new foaming control system, by blowing a gas (nitrogen or argon) on the surface of the melt to suppress the foam. Firstly, the foaming index of the provided industrial heats for a general LD converter (21 heats) and Outokumpu’s ladle furnace (31 heats) were calculated to find which heat is most likely to slop. Then, a series of experiments were performed to investigate the new foam controlling system’s reliability using a cold model. The results demonstrated that blowing argon instead of nitrogen from the top nozzle suppresses the foam more effectively, which can be attributed to its higher density. Additionally, the optimal argon flow rate required to suppress the foam in worst-case slopping scenarios in the LD converter and the ladle furnace were 874 and 221 m3/min respectively. The provided data further supports the efficacy of this slopping prevention technique, in theoretical and practical aspects. / I stålindustrin spelar slaggskumning en avgörande roll i många stålprocesser, med tanke på dess positiva inverkan på ugnens termiska effektivitet och dess livslängd. Överdriven skumning orsakar emellertid ett överflöde i konvertern som kallas "utkok". Utkok hindrar processernas effektivitet, särskilt med den komplexa och oförutsägbara skumningshastigheten. Detta problem uppstår främst i BOS-processerna och efter tappning till skänkugnen. Målet med denna studie är att testa ett nytt kontrollsystem genom att blåsa en gas (kväve eller argon) på smältytan för att slå sönder skummet. Först beräknades skumindexet för de tillhandahållna industriella chargerna för en allmän LD (21 charger) och Avestas skänk (31 charger) för att hitta vilken charge som har störst risk för utkok. Därefter utfördes en serie experiment för att undersöka det nya skumstyrsystemets tillförlitlighet med hjälp av en kall modell. Resultaten visade att blåsning av argon istället för kväve från det övre munstycket undertrycker skummet mer effektivt, vilket kan hänföras till dess högre densitet. Dessutom var den optimala argonflödeshastigheten som krävdes för att undertrycka skummet i värsta fallet i LD och skänkanläggningen 871 respektive 221 m3/min. De tillhandahållna uppgifterna stöder ytterligare effekten av denna förebyggande teknik, i teoretiska och praktiska aspekter.

Untersuchung zum Risikoprofil hinsichtlich einer Sensibilisierung mit Rinderallergen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der verschiedenen Rinderrassen / Risk profile research regarding the sensitization with cow allergen in consideration of different cow breed

Junghans, Carsten 01 July 2010 (has links)
Grund der Studie: Landwirte tragen eines der höchsten Risiken an berufsbedingtem Asthma zu erkranken, wobei die Allergene vom Rind eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Das Wissen bezüglich Risikoprofile und Prävention ist sehr gering. Es herrscht aber eine Diskrepanz zwischen klinischer und Labordiagnostik, d.h. eindeutige klinische Reaktionen finden keine Bestätigung durch Allergietestung mit kommerziellen Extrakten. Patienten berichten auch, unterschiedliche Reaktionen auf unterschiedliche Rassen zu zeigen. Noch gibt es aber keine Studien zu rassespezifischen Unterschieden.Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit: Vergleich verschiedener Extrakte (kommerzielle und eigene) mittels SDS-Page und dem Vergleich der erhaltenen Proteinmuster. Die eigenen Extrakte berücksichtigen die verschiedenen Rinderrassen der betroffenen Landwirte in Süd- und Norddeutschland. Und Nachweis eines möglichen individuellen Sensibilisierungsmusters der betroffenen Landwirte unter Berücksichtigung dieser beschwerdeauslösenden Rinderrassen.Klinische Aspekte: Untersuchung mit den Seren von 42 symptomatischen Landwirten (16 weibliche und 26 männliche Landwirte im Alter zwischen 25 und 74 Jahren), aus dem norddeutschen (Niedersachsen) sowie dem süddeutschen (Bayern und Baden-Württemberg) Raum kommend. Alle hatten eindeutigen klinischen Symptomen der Rinderhaarallergie.Material und Methoden: Die verwendeten Rinderhaare für diese Untersuchungen stammen von eigenen Tieren der erkrankten Landwirte oder, wenn die Rinderhaltung bereits aufgegeben war, von Haaren reinrassiger Rinder aus Zuchthöfen verwendet. Insgesamt wurden Haare von 8 Rinderrassen verwendet.Durchführung: In durchgeführten Voruntersuchungen wurde die Spezifität dieser Immunblotexperimente durch Negativkontrollen nachgewiesen (Probanden mit RAST-Klasse 0, ohne keine klinische Allergiesymptomatik, immer in der Stadt gelebt, keine Tierhaltung) Die Proteine wurden von Rinderhaaren extrahiert, der Proteingehalt der Lösung bestimmt und anschließend erfolgte die Durchführung von SDS-Page und Immunblot. Die Reaktivität zwischen kommerziellen Extrakten und den selbst hergestellten Extrakten konnte so verglichen und mit auch dem Proteinangebot verglichen werden. Dieses Procedere für jeden Landwirt durchgeführt.Ergebnisse: Die Auswertung der SDS-Polyacrylamid-Gele ergab keine relevanten Unterschiede innerhalb der kommerziellen Extrakte und nur geringe Differenzen zwischen den einzelnen Extrakten I bis IV. Die Färbungen fanden sich eher im Nierdermolekularbereich und bei 20 kDa (Bos d2). Es konnten auch keine relevanten Unterschiede innerhalb der selbst hergestellten Extrakte dargestellt werden, aber zum Teil deutliche Differenzen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Rassen. Die am intensivsten gefärbten Banden für alle Extrakte waren auch bei 20 kDa (Bos d 2). Ebenfalls intensive Färbungen für alle Extrakte lagen im Molekulargewichtsbereich von 20 bis 28 kDa. Deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Rassen konnte im Molekulargewichtsbereich von << 14 und < 14 kDa und zwischen 30 und 67 kDa (also im niedrigen und mittleren MW) dargestellt werden. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis dieser Studie ist der Nachweis, dass 32 % der Landwirte mit eindeutigen Symptomen einer Rinderhaarallergie, aber negativer klinischer Diagnostik mittels kommerzieller Extrakte im Immunblot Reaktionen ihres Serums mit den selbst hergestellten Extrakten zeigen. Des Weiteren bestätigen die erlangten Ergebnisse auch die hohe allergologische Relevanz der in der Literatur beschriebenen Proteine bei 20 und 22 kDa, zeigen aber auch für die selbst hergestellten Extrakte eine immunologische Reaktion in anderen Molekulargewichtsbereichen. Die eingangs aufgestellte Hypothese eines möglicherweise rassespezifischen Sensibilisierungsmusters lässt sich dagegen nicht aufrechterhalten. Rassespezifische Unterschiede konnten sich keiner bestimmten Systematik zuordnen lassen, eher individuelle Sensibilisiereungsmuster ohne Bezug zur Rasse. Hypothese: In den kommerziellen Extrakten sind nicht mehr alle für eine Sensibilisierung relevanten Proteine repräsentiert oder haben durch eine mögliche Procezierung bei der Herstellung ihre immunologische Reagibilität eingebüßt.

IDADE, PESO, MORFOMETRIA CORPORAL E PRENHEZ EM NOVILHAS NELORE DOS 16 AOS 32 MESES / Age, weight, body morphology and pregnancy in heifers from 16 to 32 months of age

Abud, Lucas Jacomini 22 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lucas Jacomini.pdf: 1839805 bytes, checksum: 1969be815165b4eb0a4afeeae7f84141 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-22 / The objective of this study was to characterize the age, weight and body morphometric measurements of Nellore heifers reared in Cerrado biome. Fifty-six heifers were experimentally exposed with bulls for determining the onset of their reproductive life. Body weight, condition and measurements of the heifers were evaluated every 60 days between 16 and 32 months of age. The following body measurements were registered: withers height, rump height, body length, head length, rump length, ear length, distance between ribs, distance from dorsal spine to belly, distance from ground to belly, head width, rump width, width between ischiums, ear width, cannon bone perimeter, tail implantation perimeter and thoracic perimeter. The average age at the onset of their reproductive life and the mean body weight were 28,74±2,81 months and 333,83±39,13 kg, respectively. Significant difference were observed for the following measurements: withers height, rump height, body length, rump length, head width, rump width, width between ischiums, tail implantation perimeter, thoracic perimeter and body condition score. Higher morphometric measurement values were observed in pregnant animals. The age in which the animals achieved the onset of their reproductive life in this study was similar to the ones described for Zebu females in the literature. In this case, more studies on genetic improvement and management alternatives are needed to anticipate the onset of the heifers´ reproductive life. The body morphometric mensuraments were higher in the pregnant heifers, indicating that the morphometric records can be an important tool to identify precocious Nellore females. The objective of this study was to characterize the age, weight and body morphometric measurements of Nellore heifers reared in Cerrado biome. Fifty-six heifers were experimentally exposed with bulls for determining the onset of their reproductive life. Body weight, condition and measurements of the heifers were evaluated every 60 days between 16 and 32 months of age. The following body measurements were registered: withers height, rump height, body length, head length, rump length, ear length, distance between ribs, distance from dorsal spine to belly, distance from ground to belly, head width, rump width, width between ischiums, ear width, cannon bone perimeter, tail implantation perimeter and thoracic perimeter. The average age at the onset of their reproductive life and the mean body weight were 28,74±2,81 months and 333,83±39,13 kg, respectively. Significant difference were observed for the following measurements: withers height, rump height, body length, rump length, head width, rump width, width between ischiums, tail implantation perimeter, thoracic perimeter and body condition score. Higher morphometric measurement values were observed in pregnant animals. The age in which the animals achieved the onset of their reproductive life in this study was similar to the ones described for Zebu females in the literature. In this case, more studies on genetic improvement and management alternatives are needed to anticipate the onset of the heifers´ reproductive life. The body morphometric mensuraments were higher in the pregnant heifers, indicating that the morphometric records can be an important tool to identify precocious Nellore females. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o peso, as medidas morfométricas do corpo e prenhez em novilhas Nelore dos 16 aos 32 meses criadas no bioma Cerrado. Foram utilizadas 56 novilhas da raça Nelore, expostas com touros para a determinação da idade a primeira prenhez. As novilhas foram avaliadas quanto ao peso, condição corporal e morfometria corporal a cada dois meses dos 16 aos 32 meses de idade. Tomaram-se as seguintes medidas corporais: altura da cernelha, altura do posterior, comprimento do corpo, comprimento da cabeça, comprimento da garupa, comprimento da orelha, distância entre costelas, distância dorso ventre, distância ventre solo, largura da cabeça, largura da garupa, largura entre ísquios, largura da orelha, perímetro da canela, perímetro da rabada, perímetro torácico. Os resultados evidenciaram idade aproximada a primeira prenhez de 28,74±2,81 meses com peso médio de 333,83±39,13 kg. Com relação às medidas morfométricas observaram-se diferenças significativas na altura da cernelha, altura do posterior, comprimento do corpo, comprimento da garupa, largura da cabeça, largura da garupa, largura entre ísquios, perímetro da rabada e perímetro torácico, sendo estas maiores nos animais gestantes. Concluiu-se que a idade a primeira gestação das novilhas Nelore observada neste experimento encontra-se próxima ao descrito na literatura para fêmeas zebuínas. Este fato indica haver a necessidade de maiores estudos, relacionados ao melhoramento genético e/ou alternativas de manejo, a fim de antecipar o início da vida reprodutiva. As medidas morfométricas foram maiores nas novilhas gestantes, sugerindo que esta abordagem de mensuração corporal pode ser uma ferramenta auxiliar na identificação de animais precoces.

Processos de tratamento não convencionais para degradação do antibiótico sulfadiazina em meio aquoso. / Non-conventional treatment processes for the degradation of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in aqueous medium.

Acosta, Arlen Mabel Lastre 25 April 2016 (has links)
A presença de antibióticos no meio ambiente aquático tem causado crescente preocupação mundial. Além dos relatos de resistência de bactérias a antibióticos, essa classe de fármacos também pode causar efeitos tóxicos e atuar como perturbadores endócrinos em diversos organismos vivos e, possivelmente, em humanos. Dentre os antibióticos comumente usados destacam-se as sulfonamidas, detectadas em águas subterrâneas e superficiais. Os processos avançados de oxidação (POA) têm sido apontados como tecnologias eficientes para tratamento de poluentes recalcitrantes em diferentes matrizes aquosas. Dentre os POA, o processo foto-Fenton é uma alternativa para a degradação de compostos não biodegradáveis, incluindo fármacos. Uma vez que a principal limitação do processo é o intervalo de pH (2,5- 4,0), a reação pode ser vantajosamente conduzida empregando-se substâncias bio-orgânicas solúveis (BOS) como agentes complexantes de Fe3+ em condições ligeiramente ácidas (pH 5). Por sua vez, o emprego da energia ultrassônica tem sido menos estudado. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a degradação do antibiótico sulfadiazina (SDZ) por meio do processo foto-Fenton na presença de substâncias bio-orgânicas solúveis (UVvis/ Fe3+/H2O2/BOS) e do processo de cavitação por meio de ultrassom (US). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a sulfadiazina é eficientemente degradada por ultrassom de alta frequência. As maiores porcentagens e taxas de remoção são obtidas usando menor frequência de operação (580 kHz), maior potência dissipada e em pH ligeiramente ácido (melhor condição: pH 5,5). Além disso, a reação de Fenton, combinada com o tratamento US, melhorou notavelmente a degradação da SDZ, particularmente quando quantidades extras de H2O2 foram adicionadas ao sistema. Por sua vez, o uso de BOS como aditivos no processo foto-Fenton apresenta influência marcante na fotodegradação da SDZ em condições ligeiramente ácidas (pH 5). Os BOS podem estabilizar espécies de ferro em solução aquosa em pH próximos ao neutro, o que constitui uma propriedade de grande interesse. Sob as condições estudadas, o BOS CVT230 foi mais eficiente do que FORSUD, provavelmente devido às diferenças nos grupos funcionais presentes na composição destas substâncias. Finalmente, foram calculados os indicadores de consumo de energia elétrica por ordem de grandeza (EEO) para o processo de ultrassom (1572 kW h m-3 ordem-1) e área do coletor por ordem de grandeza (ACO) para o processo foto-Fenton (8,07 m2 m-3 ordem-1). / The potential impacts of antibiotic residues in the environment have become an emerging concern during recent years due to their relation with the development of resistant bacteria, and in some cases to their ability to cause toxic and endocrine disrupting effects in humans and other living organisms. Highlighted among the commonly used antibiotics are the sulfonamides, detected in groundwater and surface water. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) might constitute an important alternative to deal with pharmaceuticals degradation. Among them, the photo-Fenton process has been widely used. One of its major drawbacks is the highly acidic pH needed (2,5-4,0) to avoid the formation of photochemically inactive iron oxides and hydroxides. The ability of soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) to complex metal cations such as iron is useful for the development of photo-Fenton at mild acidic conditions (pH 5). In turn, the use of ultrasonic energy has been less studied. In this context, the aim of this work is to study the degradation of the antibiotic sulfadiazine (SDZ) by the photo-Fenton process in the presence of soluble bio-organic substances (UV-vis/Fe3+/H2O2/SBO) and by ultrasonic cavitation (US). The results confirm that SDZ is effectively degraded by highfrequency ultrasound. Higher SDZ percent removals and removal rates were observed for the lowest operating frequency (580 kHz), higher dissipated power, and in slightly acidic solution (pH 5.5). On the other hand, SDZ degradation is highly improved in the case of the US/ Fe(II)/H2O2 system. The use of the SBO as Fenton additives in turn has a remarkable influence in SDZ photodegradation at slightly acid conditions (pH 5). This could be ascertained to the complexation of iron by the SBO, hence maintained in the reaction medium as a photoactive species. Under the studied conditions, the BOS CVT230 was more efficient than FORSUD, probably due to differences in the functional groups present in the composition of these substances. Finally, the figures-of merit electrical energy per order (EEO) and collector area per order (ACO) were calculated for the ultrasound (1572 kW h m-3 ordem-1) and photo-Fenton (8,07 m2 m-3 ordem-1) processes respectively.

Mesure d'un champ de masse volumique par Background Oriented Schlieren 3d. Etude d'un dispositif expérimental et des méthodes de traitement pour la résolution du problème inverse.

Todoroff, V. 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse consiste à mettre en place un dispositif scientifique expérimental BOS3D (Background Oriented Schlieren 3D) à l'ONERA permettant la reconstruction du champ de masse volumique instantané d'un écoulement ainsi qu'à développer un algorithme robuste de reconstruction permettant une mise à disposition rapide des résultats considérant un nombre faible de points de vue. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé un algorithme de reconstruction BOS3D applicable à toutes les configurations expérimentales. Pour cela, le problème direct, c'est-à-dire l'équation de la déviation des rayons lumineux à travers un milieu d'indice optique non homogène, a été reformulé sous forme algébrique. Un critère régularisé permettant la prise en compte explicite du bruit associé à l'expérimentation a ensuite été défini. Cette formulation ainsi que les équations issues des méthodes d'optimisation nécessaires à la minimisation du critère ont été parallélisées pour permettre une implantation sur GPU. Cet algorithme a ensuite été testé sur des cas de références issus de calcul numérique afin de vérifier si le champ reconstruit par l'algorithme était en accord avec celui fourni. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé un outil permettant de simuler une BOS3D virtuelle afin d'obtenir les champs de déviation associés aux écoulements numériques. Ces champs de déviation ont ensuite été fournis comme entrée au code de reconstruction et nous ont permis d'étudier la sensibilité de notre algorithme à de nombreux paramètres tels que le bruit sur les données, la discrétisation du maillage, le type de régularisation et le positionnement des caméras. En parallèle de l'étude de la méthode de reconstruction par simulation, nous avons acquis de l'expérience sur la mise en œuvre effective de la mesure BOS dans des installations expérimentales, en participant à plusieurs campagnes d'essais. Cela nous a permis de contribuer à la conception et à la réalisation de bancs de mesures dédiés à la technique BOS. Le principal résultat de ce travail est la réalisation du banc de mesure BOS3D du DMAE, qui permet d'accéder à la reconstruction de champs de masse volumique instantanés. Ces développements expérimentaux nous autorisent finalement à obtenir des reconstructions 3D de champs de masse volumiques moyens et instantanés sur données réelles. De plus, l'analyse du comportement de la méthode numérique BOS3D est proposée en fonction de la nature des écoulements observés et de la configuration d'acquisition.

Componentes sanguíneos de bovinos (Bos taurus) da raça Pantaneira em diferentes faixas etárias, criados extensivamente / Blood constituents bof healthy pantaneiro bovines (Bostaurus) of different age groups in extensive breending

BORGES, Alinne Cardoso 11 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissetacao_Alinne_Cardoso.pdf: 859535 bytes, checksum: a45dbde90862dccc30a5f324f2f39357 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-11 / The Pantaneiro cattle reveal docility, resistance to illnesses and parasites, and an incredible ability to adapt to Pantanal's edophoclimatic conditions. The cattle may be used without considerable investment to explore low-quality natural pastures in which other breeds might endure low productivity or even survival difficulties. Thus the determination of the normal blood constituents of Pantaneiro bovines was set in order to reveal further information regarding the physiological aspects of these animals. Therefore 293 blood samples were collected from two rural properties, one from Mato Grosso and the other from Mato Grosso do Sul. These individuals were classified in five groups according to their age group, as follows: G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5. The parameters under investigation were the erythrogram and the leukogram. Initially the data was submitted to descriptive statistics which included the determination of averages, standard deviation, and coefficients of variation. Subsequently data was submitted to the Kruskall Wallis test in order to establish the age relationship and to the Mann-Whitney test in order to establish the sex relationship. Age advancement revealed an increase in MCV, MCH, and in the number of eosinophils. Age advancement showed a reduction in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, MCHC, segmented neutrophils, and band neutrophils. The values of globular volume and monocytes revealed a rising behavior up to 35 months of age and subsequently suffered a reduction as age advanced. The values of lymphocytes and total leukocytes presented a rising behavior up to 11 months of age and a subsequent decline as age increased. The results of this research failed to show any relations between hematological parameters and the sex factor / Os primeiros rebanhos bovinos foram trazidos pelos portugueses, para suprirem as necessidades de trabalho e comida da colônia, se dispersaram por diversas regiões no nosso país, desenvolvendo características únicas em cada uma delas. No Pantanal desenvolveu-se o bovino Pantaneiro, que é extremamente prolífero e muito adaptado a esta região. Com a introdução dos zebuínos estes animais foram sendo substituídos, chegando hoje a uma condição de quase total desaparecimento. Com o intuito ajudar no processo de conservação da raça, este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos para estes animais, bem como a relação deles com a idade e sexo. Foram coletadas amostras de 293 animais de duas propriedades, uma no Mato Grosso e outra no Mato Grosso do Sul. Estudaram-se os componentes do hemograma, determinando-se os valores do eritrograma e do leucograma. A idade mostrou relação com todos os parâmetros hematológicos, sendo eles número total de hemácias, a concentração de hemoglobina, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio, hemoglobina corpuscular média, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, linfócitos, bastonetes, eosinófilos e monócitos. Nenhum dos constituintes morfológicos sanguíneos mostrou relação com o sexo. Estudou-se também os constituintes bioquímicos e as enzimas séricas, determinando-se os valores de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT) e creatino quinase (CK), bilirrubinas, proteína total, albumina, globulinas, uréia e creatinina, glicose, colesterol e fibrinogênio plasmático. A idade mostrou relação com todas as bioquímicas e enzimas estudadas, com exceção da bilirrubina indireta. O sexo mostrou relação com uréia, colesterol, glicose e fibrinogênio.

Processos de tratamento não convencionais para degradação do antibiótico sulfadiazina em meio aquoso. / Non-conventional treatment processes for the degradation of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in aqueous medium.

Arlen Mabel Lastre Acosta 25 April 2016 (has links)
A presença de antibióticos no meio ambiente aquático tem causado crescente preocupação mundial. Além dos relatos de resistência de bactérias a antibióticos, essa classe de fármacos também pode causar efeitos tóxicos e atuar como perturbadores endócrinos em diversos organismos vivos e, possivelmente, em humanos. Dentre os antibióticos comumente usados destacam-se as sulfonamidas, detectadas em águas subterrâneas e superficiais. Os processos avançados de oxidação (POA) têm sido apontados como tecnologias eficientes para tratamento de poluentes recalcitrantes em diferentes matrizes aquosas. Dentre os POA, o processo foto-Fenton é uma alternativa para a degradação de compostos não biodegradáveis, incluindo fármacos. Uma vez que a principal limitação do processo é o intervalo de pH (2,5- 4,0), a reação pode ser vantajosamente conduzida empregando-se substâncias bio-orgânicas solúveis (BOS) como agentes complexantes de Fe3+ em condições ligeiramente ácidas (pH 5). Por sua vez, o emprego da energia ultrassônica tem sido menos estudado. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a degradação do antibiótico sulfadiazina (SDZ) por meio do processo foto-Fenton na presença de substâncias bio-orgânicas solúveis (UVvis/ Fe3+/H2O2/BOS) e do processo de cavitação por meio de ultrassom (US). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a sulfadiazina é eficientemente degradada por ultrassom de alta frequência. As maiores porcentagens e taxas de remoção são obtidas usando menor frequência de operação (580 kHz), maior potência dissipada e em pH ligeiramente ácido (melhor condição: pH 5,5). Além disso, a reação de Fenton, combinada com o tratamento US, melhorou notavelmente a degradação da SDZ, particularmente quando quantidades extras de H2O2 foram adicionadas ao sistema. Por sua vez, o uso de BOS como aditivos no processo foto-Fenton apresenta influência marcante na fotodegradação da SDZ em condições ligeiramente ácidas (pH 5). Os BOS podem estabilizar espécies de ferro em solução aquosa em pH próximos ao neutro, o que constitui uma propriedade de grande interesse. Sob as condições estudadas, o BOS CVT230 foi mais eficiente do que FORSUD, provavelmente devido às diferenças nos grupos funcionais presentes na composição destas substâncias. Finalmente, foram calculados os indicadores de consumo de energia elétrica por ordem de grandeza (EEO) para o processo de ultrassom (1572 kW h m-3 ordem-1) e área do coletor por ordem de grandeza (ACO) para o processo foto-Fenton (8,07 m2 m-3 ordem-1). / The potential impacts of antibiotic residues in the environment have become an emerging concern during recent years due to their relation with the development of resistant bacteria, and in some cases to their ability to cause toxic and endocrine disrupting effects in humans and other living organisms. Highlighted among the commonly used antibiotics are the sulfonamides, detected in groundwater and surface water. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) might constitute an important alternative to deal with pharmaceuticals degradation. Among them, the photo-Fenton process has been widely used. One of its major drawbacks is the highly acidic pH needed (2,5-4,0) to avoid the formation of photochemically inactive iron oxides and hydroxides. The ability of soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) to complex metal cations such as iron is useful for the development of photo-Fenton at mild acidic conditions (pH 5). In turn, the use of ultrasonic energy has been less studied. In this context, the aim of this work is to study the degradation of the antibiotic sulfadiazine (SDZ) by the photo-Fenton process in the presence of soluble bio-organic substances (UV-vis/Fe3+/H2O2/SBO) and by ultrasonic cavitation (US). The results confirm that SDZ is effectively degraded by highfrequency ultrasound. Higher SDZ percent removals and removal rates were observed for the lowest operating frequency (580 kHz), higher dissipated power, and in slightly acidic solution (pH 5.5). On the other hand, SDZ degradation is highly improved in the case of the US/ Fe(II)/H2O2 system. The use of the SBO as Fenton additives in turn has a remarkable influence in SDZ photodegradation at slightly acid conditions (pH 5). This could be ascertained to the complexation of iron by the SBO, hence maintained in the reaction medium as a photoactive species. Under the studied conditions, the BOS CVT230 was more efficient than FORSUD, probably due to differences in the functional groups present in the composition of these substances. Finally, the figures-of merit electrical energy per order (EEO) and collector area per order (ACO) were calculated for the ultrasound (1572 kW h m-3 ordem-1) and photo-Fenton (8,07 m2 m-3 ordem-1) processes respectively.

Potentiel de Bagassa guianensis et Cordia alliodora pour la plantation en zone tropicale : Description d'une stratégie de croissance optimale alliant vitesse de croissance et qualité du bois / Potential of Bagassa guianensis and Cordia alliodora for planting under the tropics : Description of an optimal growth strategy mixing high growth rate and good wood quality

Bossu, Julie 16 December 2015 (has links)
La ressource forestière en Guyane occupe une place maîtresse au sein de la région et est encore majoritairement préservée, mais la filière bois parvient difficilement à valoriser la biodiversité locale en raison de l’hétérogénéité de la ressource. Identifier les essences à planter demain représente aujourd’hui un enjeu à la fois environnemental, économique et social pour la Guyane. Bagassa guianensis Aubl. et Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken. vont à l’encontre des modèles usuels en associant vitesse de croissance et qualité du bois et sont identifiées comme prometteuses pour la plantation. Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la dynamique de croissance des deux espèces révèle un modèle écologique singulier, à la fois pionnières et longévives. La variabilité de l’infradensité dans l’arbre est l’élément clé qui permet un tel développement, favorisant une croissance rapide dans les premières années tout en assurant la longévité de l’individu. Dans une seconde partie, l’analyse d’un large panel de propriétés du bois (retrait, module, durabilité) en lien avec le développement de l’arbre confirme les qualités technologiques des deux espèces et permet l’émergence de résultats novateurs tels que le rôle des extractibles sur le retrait, le contrôle de la croissance grâce aux variations d’infradensité, l’évolution des traits foliaires au cours de l’ontogénie ou encore la mise en place de contrefil dans l’arbre pour assurer son maintien. La connaissance acquise vis-à-vis du mode de développement de ces deux espèces et des facteurs influençant la qualité de leur bois permet aujourd’hui de définir avec plus de précision le cadre d’un projet de plantation et les conditions de son succès. Les résultats de cette étude permettent finalement d’orienter la recherche de nouvelles espèces d’avenir pour la plantation en Guyane. / The forests of French Guiana occupy a central part of the region’s potential resource base, but as yet remain almost completely unexploited. This stems from the forestry industry struggling to valorize wood stocks of a high diversity with an extremely heterogeneous distribution. Indeed, identifying essences for future propagation is an issue of both environmental and socio-economic importance for the region. Bagassa guianensis Aubl. and Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken. go against conventional models, in that they display the life history characteristics of rapid growth and wood of high quality, and thus are species of high potential for future plantations. Firstly, our study of growth characteristics reveals a defined strategy half way between long-lived species and pioneer species. It is the variability of basic density of wood which is a key trait allowing for such a development, favoring rapid growth in initial years whilst allowing for tree longevity. Secondly, the analysis of a range of wood properties (shrinkage, modulus of elasticity, durability) in relation to tree growth confirms the technologic quality of the two species. It also enables the emergence of new results like the effect of extractives on wood stability, the control of growth as a result of basic density variation, the evolution of leaf traits throughout tree development or the improvement of trunk maintenance thanks to interlocked grain. The knowledge gained in relation to the developmental traits of these two species, and to the quality of their wood allows for the elaboration of plantation projects and what will be required for their success. The results of this study can orientate future studies on novel species for commercialization in French Guiana.

Transplantation pulmonaire : impact du statut pondéral à la greffe et de l’évolution du poids en post-greffe sur le développement de divers phénotypes du rejet chronique

Beauchamp-Parent, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : La survie à long terme après la transplantation pulmonaire est compromise par le rejet chronique (chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD)), une complication qui touche 50% des patients à 5 ans post-greffe. Le CLAD regroupe quatre phénotypes distincts caractérisés par une atteinte pulmonaire obstructive (Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS)) ou restrictive (Restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS)), ou une combinaison des deux (phénotypes mixte et non défini). L’obésité est associée à une diminution de la fonction pulmonaire en raison de facteurs mécaniques, métaboliques et inflammatoires qui lui sont associés. Le gain de poids suite à la greffe pulmonaire est fréquent et parfois considérable, ce qui peut compromettre la fonction pulmonaire. Or, le lien entre le gain de poids post-greffe et la survenue des phénotypes du CLAD demeure inconnu. Objectifs : 1) Décrire les trajectoires pondérales post-greffe pulmonaire des patients ayant développé ou non l’un des quatre phénotypes du CLAD; 2) Déterminer si le statut pondéral à la greffe et la variation de poids et d’IMC après la greffe sont associés à la survenue des phénotypes du CLAD; 3) Examiner si les phénotypes du CLAD influencent la survie post-greffe. Méthodologie : Étude rétrospective des dossiers médicaux de patients ayant reçu une transplantation pulmonaire bilatérale au CHUM entre 2000 et 2020. En utilisant la classification de l’International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, les patients ont été classés parmi les cinq catégories suivantes : Absence ou présence de l’un des quatre phénotypes du CLAD. Résultats : Parmi les 579 patients inclus; 412 (71.1%) n’ont pas développé de CLAD, et 81 (14.0%), 20 (3.5%), 59 (10.2%) and 7 (1.2%) ont respectivement développé les phénotypes BOS, RAS, mixte et non-défini. Les trajectoires post-greffe de poids des patients qui développent une restriction pulmonaire (RAS, mixte et non-défini) se distinguent par des gains de poids plus importants. Une augmentation du poids (kg) (Hazard ratio [HR] : 1,04, IC 95% [1,01-1,08]; P = 0,008) et de l’IMC (kg/m2) (HR : 1,13, IC 95% [1,03-1,23]; P = 0,008) en post-greffe sont associés à une augmentation du risque de RAS. La survie post-greffe (années) est plus faible chez les patients ayant développé les phénotypes RAS (9,07 [IC 95% 7,43-10,70]), mixte (8,41 [IC 95% 6,56-10,25]) et non défini (9,99 [IC 95% 4,67-15,31]; p<0,001). Conclusion : Les liens entre le gain de poids post-greffe et la survenue des phénotypes restrictifs du CLAD doivent être clarifiées pour déterminer si une gestion optimale du poids préviendrait leur développement. / Background: Chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) is a common complication after lung transplant (LTx), affecting 50% of patients by five years post-LTx. It is associated with poor survival, limited to 1 to 5 years after CLAD diagnosis. Four CLAD clinical phenotypes have been defined: Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS), Restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS), mixed and undefined phenotypes. Weight gain is commonly observed after LTx and may negatively impact lung function and post-LTx survival. Yet, the association between post-LTx weight gain and the development of CLAD and its phenotypes remains to be explored. Objectives: 1) To describe post-LTx weight trajectories of CLAD-free patients and patients who developed the various CLAD phenotypes; 2) To determine the associations between BMI at transplant, post-LTx variation of weight and BMI, and the risk of developing the various CLAD phenotypes and; 3) To examine whether the development of the CLAD phenotypes impacted post-LTx survival. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of patients who received a first bilateral LTx at the CHUM between 2000 and 2020. We extracted demographic, anthropometric, and clinical data from medical charts. Using the 2019 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation classification, patients were categorized among these five categories: CLAD-free or presence of one of the four CLAD phenotypes. Results: Our sample consisted of 579 patients; 412 (71.1%) remained CLAD-free, and 81 (14.0%), 20 (3.5%), 59 (10.2%), and 7 (1.2%) developed BOS, RAS, the mixed and the undefined phenotype, respectively. Weight trajectories showed that patients who developed restrictive CLAD (RAS, mixed and undefined) experienced weight gains of greater amplitude within the first five years post-LTx than CLAD-free patients and patients with BOS. An increase in weight (kg) (Hazard ratio [HR]: 1.04, 95% CI [1.01- 1.08]; P = 0.008) and BMI (kg/m2 ) (HR: 1.13, 95% CI [1.03-1.23]; P = 0.008) during post-LTx follow-up was associated with a greater risk of RAS. Worse survival (years) was seen in patients who developed the RAS (9.07 [95% CI 7.43-10.70]), mixed (8.41 [95% CI 6.56-10.25]), and undefined (9.99 [95% CI 4.67-15.31]; p<0.001) phenotypes. Conclusion: Future studies must clarify the associations between post-LTx weight gain and the onset of restrictive CLAD and whether it could be prevented with appropriate weight management strategies.

Studio della storia evoluzionistica e conservazione delle specie zootecniche attraverso analisi di genomica del paesaggio e modelli di nicchia ecologica / EXPLORING LIVESTOCK EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, DIVERSITY, ADAPTATION AND CONSERVATION THROUGH LANDSCAPE GENOMICS AND ECOLOGICAL MODELLING

VAJANA, ELIA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Attività antropiche e pressioni di mercato stanno rapidamente riducendo la biodiversità. Per questa ragione, conservare il patrimonio ecosistemico, tassonomico e genetico risulta fondamentale al fine di garantire potenziale adattativo alle specie, e, in ultima analisi, un futuro sostenibile per il pianeta. Al fine di minimizzare la perdita di biodiversità, numerosi metodi sono stati proposti per priorizzare ecosistemi, specie e popolazioni. Il presente lavoro di tesi fornisce in primo luogo una revisione di tali approcci, proponendo un albero decisionale volto a favorirne un corretto utilizzo. Secondariamente, la variabilità genomica neutrale del bufalo d’acqua (Bubalus bubalis L.) è investigata per mezzo di un pannello di marcatori SNP a media densità, rivelando due centri di domesticazione (India Nord-occidentale, Cina-Indocina) e possibili rotte di migrazione per gli ecotipi ‘river’ e ‘swamp’. L’adattamento locale ad East Coast Fever, patologia endemica delle popolazioni bovine in Africa Sub-sahariana, è stato inoltre studiato in bovini autoctoni Ugandesi (Bos taurus L.) combinando tecniche di modellizzazione delle nicchie ecologiche e di genomica del paesaggio. L’approccio ha portato ad indentificare PRKG1 e SLA2 come possibili geni di adattamento. I risultati sono discussi alla luce delle possibili implicazioni nella conservazione del bufalo e nella gestione delle risorse genetiche animali Ugandesi. / Biodiversity is quickly disappearing due to human impact on the biosphere, and to market pressure. Consequently, the protection of both wild and domestic species needs to become a priority in order to preserve their evolutionary potential and, ultimately, guarantee a sustainable future for coming human generations. To date, tens of methods have been proposed to prioritize biodiversity for conservation purposes. Here, an ontology for priority setting in conservation biology is provided with the aim of supporting the selection of the most opportune methodologies given specific conservation goals. Further, two case studies are presented characterizing neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) and indigenous Ugandan cattle (Bos taurus L.), respectively. In particular, two independent domestication centres (North-western India and Indochina) and separate migration routes are suggested for the ‘river’ and ‘swamp’ water buffalo types. In the case of indigenous Ugandan cattle, the integration of species distribution modelling and landscape genomics techniques allowed the identification of PRKG1 and SLA2 as candidate genes for local adaptation to East Coast Fever, a vector-borne disease affecting bovine populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Results are discussed for their implications in water buffalo conservation and Ugandan cattle adaptive management.

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