Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bowel"" "subject:"vowel""
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Patienters upplevelse av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / Patients´ experience from living with inflammatory bowel diseases : a literature reviewAndersson, Ida Maria, Kakwandi, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / Living with inflammatory bowel disease : A literature reviewAl-faris, Ayat, Lindberg, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) är ett samlingsnamn för de kroniska tarmsjukdomarna Crohns sjukdom (CD) och Ulcerös kolit (UK). Det gemensamma för de två sjukdomarna är att de löper i skov med försämringsperioder och långa besvärsfria perioder samt att de drabbar relativt unga personer. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan kan stödja dessa individer genom evidensbaserad och personcentrerad vård för att kunna ge en så god omvårdnad som möjligt. Syfte: Beskriva individers upplevelse av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom Metod: En litteraturöversikt valdes som metod. Artikelsökningen genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. De begränsningar som gjordes i databassökningarna var vetenskapliga originalartiklar, skrivna på engelska, genomgått peer-review och publicerade mellan 2009-2019. Totalt inkluderades elva artiklar i resultatet, av dessa var tio artiklar kvalitativa och en var kvantitativ. Resultat: Resultatet visade att individerna upplevde att sjukdomen påverkade deras arbetsliv, sociala liv, känslor och identitet. Deras möte med hälso- och sjukvården påverkade personernas förtroende för vården samt deras vilja att söka vård framöver. Det visades även att personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom genomgick en transitionsperiod efter deras diagnos. Hur personerna upplevde att leva med IBD påverkades av om de för tillfället befann sig i ett skov eller nyligen fått diagnosen. De personer som befann sig i ett skov eller nyligen fått diagnosen hade en övervägande negativ syn. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Katie Erikssons teori om lidande och hälsa. Författarna resonerade om individernas negativa påverkan kunde kopplas till stigman av sjukdomen. De diskuterade även angående den långsiktiga påverkan av frånvaron från arbetet och sociala sammanhang. Författarna fann i resultatet att individer med IBD upplevde sjukdomen olika i sin vardag beroende på hur länge de haft sjukdomen och vilken inställning de har gentemot sin IBD. Därmed bör vården anpassas efter de individuella behoven för att säkerställa att insatserna främjar hälsan. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic illness that includes Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UK). Both diseases have in common that they have relapse and periods with improvement. The diseases effects relatively young people. It is important that the nurse can support these individuals through evidence based and person-centred care in order to provide the best possible care. Aim: Describe individuals experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease Method: A literature review was chosen as the method. The article search was carried out in the databases CINAHL complete and PubMed. The limitations made in the database searches were scientific original articles, written in English, peer-reviewed and published over the last ten years. A total of eleven articles was included in the result, of which ten were of qualitative design and one was quantitative design. Results: The results showed that the individuals experienced that the disease affected their working life, social life, feelings and identity. Their meeting with healthcare services affected their trust in the care and their willingness to seek care in the future. It was also shown that people with inflammatory bowel disease underwent a transition period after the diagnosis. How the individuals experienced living with IBD was affected by whether they were relapsing or in remission. People currently in a relapse had a more negative view of the disease. Discussion: The result was discussed based on Katie Eriksson´s theory of suffering and health. The authors reasoned if the negative impact of the individuals could be linked to the stigma and shame of the disease. They also discussed the long-term impact of the absence from work and social activities. The authors found in the results that individuals with IBD experienced the disease differently in their daily lives depending on how long they had the disease and what attitude they had towards their IBD. The care should be adapted to the individual needs to ensure that the efforts promotes health.
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Predicting Disease Course in Inflammatory Bowel Disease using Health Administrative DataSalama, Dina 08 April 2021 (has links)
Background: Investigators are often interested in using population-level health administrative data in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients to study disease outcomes, risk factors and treatment effects to enhance knowledge, shape clinical practice and influence health care policy. A major limitation of using health administrative data for these purposes is the lack of detailed clinical data to adjust for the confounding effects of differential disease severity on observed associations. Methods to account for disease severity using administrative variables would offer a major advance to population-level studies in IBD patients. Thus, in this study we aimed to use a cohort of IBD patients from The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) to validate a model that was originally developed in Manitoba for estimating clinical disease course in IBD patients through healthcare utilization measures. Objectives: The objectives of this thesis are: 1) To identify and characterize a reference cohort of IBD patients in the ambulatory clinics of four gastroenterologists from TOH on clinical disease course in the preceding year (reference cohort), based on a Manitoba definition of clinical disease course; 2) To fit a partial proportional odds (PPO) model for predicting IBD course, derived using Manitoba health administrative data, to the reference cohort of IBD patients using Ontario health administrative data; 3) To derive new PPO models of IBD disease course for the reference cohort using Ontario administrative variables and compare model performance; and 4) To apply the models to the Ontario Crohn’s and Colitis cohort (OCCC) to estimate IBD course in Ontario, and compare the distribution to that of the Manitoba IBD population.Methods: We first identified a reference cohort of IBD patients in Ontario from the outpatient clinics at TOH during fiscal year 2015. Through chart review, we classified these patients into one of four clinical disease categories (remission, mild, moderate, or severe) using the Manitoba definition. We linked these patients to Ontario health administrative datasets. Given slight differences in data structure and coding between Manitoba and Ontario, we were unable to directly test the Manitoba model and instead fit a PPO model to the Ontario cohort using analogous administrative variables to those used in the final Manitoba model (“adapted model”). We subsequently derived new PPO models using unique Ontario administrative variables under three strategies: 1) Stepwise variable selection (“stepwise model”); 2) Forced fitting of all variables (“all-variables model”); and 3) Using a two-step modelling algorithm that considered IBD-related hospitalizations separate from other administrative variables (“two-step model”). We then compared model performance from the four strategies. Finally, we applied the models to the Ontario IBD population from 2004 to 2016 and compared model estimates to those from Manitoba. Results: We identified 963 patients with IBD from TOH outpatient clinics, of which 52.3% (n=504) were males, 64.6% (n=622) had Crohn's Disease, and 89.2% (n=859) resided in an urban setting. Based on the Manitoba definition, 64.9% of patients within our reference cohort were classified as remission, while 11.4%, 14.1%, and 9.6% were classified as mild, moderate, and severe disease course, respectively. The adapted model (c-statistic 0.77, goodness-fit p-value 0.28) performed comparably to the other models: the stepwise model (c-statistic 0.77, goodness-fit p-value 0.50), the all-variables model (c-statistic 0.77, goodness-fit p-value 0.53), and the two-step model (c-statistic 0.78, goodness-fit p-value 0.75). The adapted model also resulted in overall similar estimates with regards to the disease course distribution among the Ontario IBD population. However, on closer inspection, our two-step model, in which individuals who had been hospitalized for an IBD-related indication within the past year were assumed to have severe disease, performed better with respect to accurately classifying individuals with moderate or severe disease, without sacrificing discriminative ability. Based on the two-step model, from 2004 to 2016, 89.2-91.2% of the Ontario IBD population was in remission, 0% had mild disease, 2.4-3.2% had moderate disease, and 5.9-8.4% had severe disease. Distribution of disease course among IBD patients in Ontario differed considerably than that in Manitoba. Conclusion: In the absence of clinical information within health administrative data, we present and compare four different models that can be used to partially account for the confounding effect of disease course among IBD patients in future population-based studies using Ontario health administrative data. Given that our models did not perform as originally expected, especially with regards to accurately identifying individuals with more active disease states, we advise researchers to use these models at their own discretion.
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Effekt och säkerhet av probiotika vid behandling av IBS-DLanelöv, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) karakteriseras av obehag i magtarmkanalen och förändrade avföringsvanor. Sjukdomen delas in i subtyperna IBS-C (förstoppning), IBS-D (diarré), IBS-M (blandad) och IBS-U (odiagnostiserad). Patofysiologin och etiologin är inte klarlagd, men bland annat störd tarmflora och inflammation har föreslagits. Prevalensen är 10-20 %. Denna litteraturstudie fokuserar på probiotika som behandling vid IBS-D, ett område med ökat intresse inom forskningen. Syfte och Metod: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka effekten och säkerheten av probiotika Clostridium butyricum, Saccharomyces boulardii, Bio-Kult® samt BIO-25 på IBS-D patienter. Sökning i den medicinska databasen PubMed januari 2021 genererade 5 dubbelblindade, randomiserade, placebokontrollerade studier. Resultat: Bio-Kult® och Clostridium butyricum resulterade i signifikant skillnad på symtom jämfört med placebo. Den förstnämnda hade inga biverkningar, medan den senare medförde åtta biverkningsfall. Saccharomyces boulardii förbättrade interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis-α (TNF-α), IL-10 och IL-10/IL-12 kvoten, men inte symtomen jämfört med placebo. Nära hälften av deltagarna fick lättare biverkningar. BIO-25 medförde en förbättrad tarmflora vad gäller Lactococcus och Lactobacillus, men det gav inga symtomförbättringar jämfört med placebo. Inga biverkningar upptäcktes. Quality of Life (QOL) förbättrades i alla studier där variabeln mättes. Slutsats: Liksom tidigare studier av andra forskare genererade artiklarna i detta arbete ett tvetydigt utfall. En anledning till det varierande resultatet kan härledas till placeboeffekten. En del av resultaten är hoppingivande, speciellt när det gäller QOL. Samtidigt antyder undersökningarna att probiotikans effekt är beroende av tarmflorans sammansättning. Saccharomyces boulardii förbättrade IL-8, TNF-α, IL-10 och IL-10/IL-12 kvoten, medan BIO-25 förbättrade Lactococcus och Lactobacillus. Fyra av fem studier hade en bra biverkningsprofil. Slutsatsen blir att probiotika har viss effekt på IBS-D patienter och få biverkningar. Fler och större studier behövs för att få en klarare bild av probiotikans effekt och biverkningar på IBS-D patienter. / Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by discomfort in gastrointestinal tract and change in the bowel motility. The subtypes of the disease are diveded into IBS-C (constipation), IBS-D (diarrhea), IBS-M (mixed) and IBS-U (undefined). The pathophysiology and etiology are incompletely understood but changed gut microbiota and inflammation has been proposed among other things as the underlying causes. The prevalence is 10-20 %. This study focused on probiotics as a treatment for IBS-D, which has been used during the last decade in the treatment of the disease. Purpose and method: This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of Clostridium butyricum, Saccharomyces boulardii, Bio-Kult® and BIO-25 on IBS-D patients. Searches in the medical database PubMed in January 2021 resulted in 5 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Results: Bio-Kult® and Clostridium butyricum resulted in significant differences compared with placebo. The prior had no adverse events, while the latter had eight adverse events. Saccharomyces boulardii improved interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis-α (TNF-α), IL-10 och IL-10/IL-12 ratio, but not the symptoms compared with placebo. Nearly fifty percent of the patients had mild adverse events. BIO-25 resulted in improved Lactococcus and Lactobacillus but showed no improvements in symptoms compared with placebo. No adverse events were discovered. Quality of Life (QOL) improved in all studies the variable was measured. Conclusion: The outcome of this study was inconclusive and thus similar to previous studies. One of the reasons for the various outcomes can be derived from the placebo effect. In some of the results the use of probiotic treatment were positive, especially when it comes to the improvement of QOL. The studies suggested that the effect of probiotics is dependent on the composition of the gut microbiota. Saccharomyces boulardii improved IL-8, TNF-α, IL-10 och IL-10/IL-12 kvoten, while BIO-25 improved Lactococcus och Lactobacillus. Four out of five studies had a good outcome when it comes to adverse events. The conclusion of this thesis is that probiotics have some effect on IBS-D patients and few adverse events. Larger studies need to be done to evaluate the effect of probiotics and its adverse events.
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Plesimonas Shigelloides Induced Crohn’s Disease Flare-A Rare EntityBhattad, Pradnya Brijmohan, Ibrahim, MohD, Sheikh, Omer, Das, Debalina 18 March 2021 (has links)
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that may involve any part of the gastrointestinal tract with a variety of extraintestinal features. A flare of Crohn’s disease may present as partial small bowel obstruction or peritonitis. Dehydration, infectious agents, and cigarette smoking are some of the factors linked to a relapse of Crohn’s disease. Plesimonas Shigelloides, a bacterium that belongs to the enterobacteriaceae group may rarely lead to a flare of Crohn’s disease. We describe the case of a 31-year-old male with Crohn’s disease who developed a flare triggered by Plesimonas Shigelloides infection presenting as partial small bowel obstruction with ileal narrowing, and regional lymphadenopathy that responded to immunosuppressants.
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Haemorrhagic bowel syndrome in grower pigsLabuschagne, Annemarie 13 August 2010 (has links)
In the past five years generally well managed farms reported an increase in acute deaths in their grower herds to their consulting veterinarian. At the same time reports from across the world indicated that this is not a problem seen only in South Africa. The syndrome is generally referred to as haemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS), red gut or balloon pig. Veterinarians generally believed that the cause of these acute deaths were due to the acute form of Lawsonia intracellularis, also known as porcine haemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE). Because neither the clinical symptoms present prior to death, nor the post mortem changes were typical for a L. intracellularis case it was decided to investigate this syndrome in more depth. Five commercial farms were purposefully selected where growers that died peracutely were necropsied and intestinal samples collected for histological as well as bacteriological examination. A total of 28 pigs were sampled with the histological sections from all samples indicating a Clostridium species as the cause and from 11 of samples Clostridium perfringens were cultured as the predominant bacterium. Although pigs on the farms were seropositive for Lawsonia intracellularis there was no evidence that this bacterium was the cause of death in the pigs. Rather the aetiology points to C. perfringens being the cause, possibly together with other predisposing factors such as rapid growth, high ambient temperatures and interruption in fedding patterns. Based on these results further studies to determine the toxin type as well as predisposing factors should be done. Copyright / Gedurende die afgelope vyf jaar het plase met ’n algemene goeie bestuur ’n verhoging in akute vrektes in hulle groeikuddes opgemerk en hulle het hulle kommer oor die vrektes aan hulle konsulterende veeartse oorgedra. Diè verhoging in groeivrektes is nie uniek aan Suid Afrika nie. Dieselfde tendens is regoor die wêreld opgemerk, maar niemand is seker wat presies die oorsaak van die akute vrektes is nie. In die literatuur word daar na “haemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS)” oftewel hemoragiese derm sindroom verwys. Boere verwys na die sindroom as rooiderm of “balloon pig”. Tot nou toe het veeartse aanvaar dat die oorsaak moontlik Lawsonia intracellularis is. Die organisme is verantwoordelik vir ’n groep sindrome waarvan “porcine haemorrhagic enteropathy” die akute form is. Omrede die kliniese simptome en die nadoodse ondersoek nie tipies vir ’n L. Intracellularis geval is nie, is daar besluit om die akute vrektes verder te ondersoek. Vyf plase, waar die sindroom baie voorkom, is geidentifiseer en dermonsters is geneem vir histopatalogiese sowel as mikrobiologiese ondersoeke. In totaal is monsters van 28 varke geneem. Die histologies seksies van al die monsters het gedui op ’n Clostridium spesie as die hoofoorsaak van vrekte en Clostridium perfringens is uit 11 van die monsters geisoleer. Alhoewel al 5 plase serologies positief getoets is vir Lawsonia intracellularis, was daar geen bewyse gewees dat die bakterium verantwoordelik vir die vrektes was nie. Die etiologie dui eerder op C. perfringens as die oorsaak. Daarby saam speel ander faktore soos vinnige groei, hoë omgewingstemperature asook onderbrekings in beskikbaarheid van voer heelwaarskynlkik ’n belangrike rol in die sindroom. Verdere navorsing om die toksien tipe te identifiseer asook die identifikasie van moontlike faktore wat die sindroom aanhelp moet gedoen word. / Dissertation (MMEdVet)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted
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Differences in Outcomes Between Cholecalciferol and Ergocalciferol Supplementation in Veterans With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseYoussef, Dima, Bailey, Beth, Atia, Antwan, El-Abbassi, Adel, Manning, Todd, Peiris, Alan N. 01 July 2012 (has links)
Aim: VitaminD deficiency is a global health issue associated with increased health-care costs, and could play a role in the pathogenesis and management of inflammatory bowel disease. Prior studies show a high prevalence of vitaminD deficiency in veterans with inflammatory bowel disease. We aimed to examine the outcome differences in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, comparing treatment with ergocalciferol to cholecalciferol. Methods: A retrospective review of electronic medical records of patients with inflammatory bowel disease at a Veterans Affairs Medical Facility in the Southeastern United States was carried out. Those with at least one serum 25(OH) vitaminD level were included. Initial and follow-up vitamin D values were recorded. The type of vitaminD supplementation, whether cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol, was documented. Costs in the year after measurement of vitaminD were divided into separate inpatient and outpatient categories. Results: Veterans (n=108) with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease and an available 25(OH) vitaminD level were studied. There were differences in follow-up vitaminD levels; those who received weekly ergocalciferol had higher subsequent levels than those who received cholecalciferol, especially at a second follow up, although differences did not achieve statistical significance. However, those who received vitaminD3 were less likely to use laboratory, pharmacy, radiology and fee-based services, and had lower laboratory and pharmacy costs. Conclusions: Our data suggest that cholecalciferol replacement might improve outcomes to a greater extent than ergocalciferol, and might be better in limiting health-care costs and expenses in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
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Methylnaltrexone: Treatment for Opioid-Induced ConstipationLicup, Nerissa, Baumrucker, Steven J. 01 February 2011 (has links)
Opioids have become the gold standard for treatment of severe pain in advanced disease, but adverse effects can affect the quality of life. Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction can lead to refractory constipation. Methylnaltrexone bromide is a peripherally acting mu antagonist and is indicated for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness, when response to standard laxative therapy has been inefficacious. This pharmacology update will review the etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of opioid-induced constipation, focused on methylnaltrexone as a novel treatment for refractory cases.
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Recurrent Deep Vein Thrombosis Despite Warfarin Therapy in a Patient With Crohn's DiseaseLopez, Pablo R., Stewart, David W., Smalligan, Roger D. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are known to have an increased propensity for thromboembolic events. Like any patient with a high risk of event recurrence, most of these patients can be managed successfully with long-term warfarin therapy. We present the case of a 66-year-old woman with Crohn's disease who, despite careful attention to the management of her international normalized ratio, developed a new deep vein thrombosis and required inferior vena cava filter placement in addition to ongoing warfarin therapy to prevent recurrent pulmonary emboli. This report serves as a reminder to physicians to have a low threshold for diagnosing thromboembolic events in patients with IBD, even if they are presumed to be adequately anticoagulated. Known and theoretical contributing factors to this increased clotting tendency are also reviewed.
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Fatigue vid inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar : En litteraturstudie / Fatigue vid inflammatory bowel disease : A litteraturereviewJohansson, Mimmi, Karlén, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomarna Morbus Crohn och Ulcerös kolit ärett växande problem i världen, ett vanligt symtom vid sjukdomarna är fatigue. Fatigueupplevs som en intensiv trötthet och är annorlunda än den trötthet som uppkommer avvardagliga aktiviteter. Syfte: Att undersöka patienters upplevelse av fatigue vidinflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar. Metod: En litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats.Åtta artiklar har analyserats via en innehållsanalys där teman har identifierats.Resultat: Tre huvudteman skapades: fatigues påverkan på det dagliga livet, psykiskaoch fysiska påföljder av fatigue, betydelsen av stöd från omgivningen. Även femunderteman skapades: livskvalitet, upplevelsen av psykiska påföljder, upplevelsen avfysiska påföljder, oförståelse från omgivning och förståelse från omgivning. Patienterupplevde att fatiguen hade påverkat det dagliga livet negativt. Många drabbade led avångest och depression som hade tillkommit efter diagnosen. Konklusion: Hur mycketfatiguen påverkade det dagliga livet varierade från person till person. Det var vanligtatt patienterna upplevde oförståelse från allmänheten och hälso- och sjukvården. Merforskning kring varför fatigue uppkommer samt mer utbildning om sjukdomen tillallmänhet och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal behövs. / Background: The inflammatory bowel diseases Morbus Crohn's and Ulcerativecolitis are a growing problem in the world, a common symptom of the diseases isfatigue. Fatigue is experienced as an intense tiredness and is different from the fatiguethat arises from everyday activities. Aim: To investigate patients' experience offatigue in inflammatory bowel diseases. Method: A literature study with an inductiveapproach. Eight articles have been analyzed according to content analysis wherethemes have been identified. Results: Three main themes were created: the impact offatigue on daily life, the mental and physical consequences of fatigue, the importanceof support from the environment. Five sub-themes were also created: quality of life,the experience of psychological sanctions, the experience of physical sanctions,misunderstanding from the environment and understanding from the environment.Patients felt that fatigue had affected their daily life negatively. Many patientssuffered from anxiety and depression that had developed after the diagnosis.Conclusion: How much the fatigue affected the patients daily life varied from personto person. It was common for patients to experience misunderstandings from thegeneral public and the healthcare. More research on why fatigue occurs as well asmore education about the disease to the general public and health care professionals isneeded.
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