Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brand attitude"" "subject:"grand attitude""
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女性心理年齡影響因素之研究:以化妝保養品之品牌態度為例溫曉盼, Wen,Hsiao-Pan Unknown Date (has links)
心理年齡 (Cognitive Age),指的是個人心理內在所認知的自我年齡,研究指出,真實年齡與心理年齡兩者間存在差異,一個人的心理年齡也許會比真實年齡年長或年輕。據此,本文之研究目的有二,一方面探討影響造成心理年齡與實際年齡產生差異的變數,另一方面則探討心理年齡與品牌態度間的關係。
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Male sex role portrayals in advertising : A quantitative study on brand attitudes among married and unmarried femalesBäcklund, Jakob, Lorentzon, Fredrik, Kurtovic, Kristian January 2014 (has links)
Advertising plays an important role in society, since it reflect the norms and also helps create and educate social roles and values. However, advertising might not always be a true reflection of the reality, and instead might create and uphold negative cultural stereotypes. Sex-role portrayals refers to the study of how genders are portrayed within advertising and how these are characterized in relation to other characters and knowledge of how to portray the male gender is paramount for marketing practitioners. The decisions on how to do so must be based on the targeted segments and a consumer segmentation that in such a context must be given attention are married and unmarried women. In a two-step study, the purpose is to "explain the brand attitudes of married and unmarried women in advertisement with a traditional and non-traditional male portrayal" The initial first step utilized a qualitative approach consisting of a focus group with the aim to confirm or challenge previous theories of what is considered to be a traditional and non-traditional way of portraying the male gender within advertising. Emerging from this are two written advertisements, one with a traditional male and one with a non-traditional male, that are included in the subsequent step. Taking on a quantitative approach, the second step took on measures of brand attitude among married and unmarried women in a total of 205 self-completion questionnaires. The results indicated a more favorable evaluation elicited from the non-traditional male portrayal, with limited variance between the segments.
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La vengeance du consommateur insatisfait sur Internet et l'effet sur les attitudes des autres consommateurs / Dissatisfied consumer revenge on the internet and its effects on other consumers attitudesPassos, Gisele 27 May 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral s'intéresse au phénomène de vengeance du consommateur insatisfait sur Internet et l'effet de cette action sur les attitudes des autres consommateurs. Deux études qualitatives et trois expérimentations ont été réalisées. Les résultats démontrent que la vengeance d'un consommateur insatisfait sur Internet est largement approuvée et elle influence défavorablement l'attitude à l'égard de la marque. Les individus exposés à la vengeance sur le Web, manifestent des sentiments d'empathie et d'admiration pour le vengeur et son action. La bonne nouvelle pour les marques, est qu'il existe des moyens de neutraliser cet effet. / This doctoral research focuses on the phenomenon of dissatisfied consumers revenge on the Internet and the effect of this action on other consumers attitudes. Two qualitative studies and three experiments were performed. The results show that the dissatisfied consumer revenge on the Internet is widely approved and it adversely affects brand attitude. Individuals exposed to a revenge on the Web, show feelings of empathy and admiration for the avenger and his action. The good news for brands is that there are ways to counteract this effect.
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Final call för SAS : En studie om SAS-krisens påverkan på konsumenters varumärkesuppfattning / SAS checkar in på nytt : En studie om SAS-krisens påverkan på konsumenters varumärkesuppfattningWahlgren, Isabel, Evers, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att fastställa konsumenters uppfattning om SAS varumärkesattribut och utröna vilka av dessa som har påverkats av den ekonomiska kris som företaget genomgick under hösten 2012. Metoden utgjordes av en tvåstegsmodell med fokusgrupp som inledande stadie i studien i syfte att ta reda på vilka attribut konsumenter associerar med SAS, samt en enkätundersökning för att ta reda på huruvida det har skett en förändring i uppfattningen om dessa attribut tillhörande SAS. Teoretisk anknytning har tagit utgångspunkt i Aakers (2002) modell för varumärkeskapital samt teorier om attribut och konsumenters uppfattning. Resultatet visar att ingen stor förändring i uppfattningen har skett kring den övergripande uppfattningen om SAS, dock kunde tendenser till förändring i uppfattning anas om ett antal av SAS varumärkesattribut. I undersökningen framkom att lojala kunder hade en mer positiv uppfattning om SAS efter krisen i jämförelse mot icke-lojala kunder, att SAS EuroBonusklubbmedlemmar hade en mer positiv uppfattning om SAS efter krisen i jämförelse mot icke-medlemmar, samt att yngre respondenter i högre utsträckning upplevde att deras uppfattning om SAS var mer negativ efter SAS senaste kris jämfört mot äldre.
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Branding : - A research measuring brand involvement and brand attitude and their effects on buying intention.Mitsell, Maria, Johansson, Annie, Lindberg, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if there is a relationship between brandinvolvement, brand attitude and buying intention. From the purpose, two hypotheses weredeveloped. Brand involvement has a positive impact on brand attitude and a positive Brandattitude has a positive impact on buying intention. They were tested on the eventMöbelriksdagen. A quantitative method was used, an e‐mail questionnaire was sent out to400 previous participants to Möbelriksdagen and 80 of them responded. The result showsthat the hypothesis is supported. There is a clear connection between both brandinvolvement and brand attitude, and between brand attitude and buying intention. Thesefindings give organizations an understanding of the importance of having involved customersto affect the brand attitude, buying intention and event participation. Recommendations arepresented and could help organizations to know what is important to focus on when theywant to affect buying intention and event participation.
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Guerrilla marketing : and its effects on consumer behaviorBelić, Sandra, Jönsson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
As consumers are getting better at avoiding the traditional marketing campaigns companies are using, it has become crucial for companies to differentiate their marketing. One way of doing this is to use guerrilla marketing, a marketing type more extreme, innovative and attention capturing than traditional marketing. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the use of guerrilla marketing affects consumer behavior in terms of brand attitude, brand image and purchase intention. Moreover, the effect on Word-of-Mouth will be explored, as this is a crucial implication if the guerrilla campaign is to be perceived as successful. Based on marketing theories and consumer behavior theories, an experiment is conducted through a focus group seminar, to determine if guerrilla marketing campaigns are perceived as being more creative and credible than traditional marketing campaigns. Furthermore, these determinants are used as instruments to study the effect on brand attitude, brand image and purchase intention. The study is exploratory and the chosen method is a qualitative data collection. The findings indicate that guerrilla marketing campaigns affect all consumer behavior elements, studied in our thesis, more than their equivalent traditional marketing campaigns. Suggestions for further research include studying if there is a cultural difference in how guerrilla marketing is perceived. This thesis may be useful in increasing companies’ understanding of the concept of guerrilla marketing and how this can be used in a successful way.
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The Impact of Cause-Related Promotion on Consumer`s Purchase Intention and Brand AttitudesLai, Pei-Ying 13 August 2012 (has links)
These days, consumers are living in a flood of frequent sales promotion practices. They encounter every day low price, seasonal price off, special price discount, free gift, buy one get one free, and other promotions in their daily lives(Promo Magazine,2010).Sales promotions have become more usual, more repetitive, and longer practices than before. Exploration of sales promotion effect has become one of the most popular issue to discuss in the study of marketing.
This study wants to examine what kind of promotion is the most effective. There were four kind of normal promotion: free gift for customer¡Bdiscount¡Bdonation with cash and donation with gift. We found that no matter who get the benefit from the promotion, monetary promotion will be more effective than non-monetary promotion in purchase intention and brand attitude of consumers. And this conclusion is different to the past study which said that monetary promotion will determine the brand attitude.
The results indicate that monetary promotion can not only increase the purchase intention but also can improve the brand attitude. This study also compares two kind of promotion type one by one, so that company can choose the promotion type depend on which promotion activity the competitor use. And we found that it¡¦s may probably harder to induce student to donation because of the limitation of disposable income. So we can¡¦t use the cause-related promotion when our main customers are students.
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The Brand Extension from Clicks to Bricks with Satisfaction, Trust and LoyaltyCheng, Yi-wen 20 August 2012 (has links)
Although rapid expansion and development of e-commerce makes many physical stores integrate website as their business strategy, we find new commercial trend is more and more e-retailers now activity operate traditional stores. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship of satisfaction, trust and loyalty in both online and offline channels, testing the effects of convenience of Clicks and Bricks, and we also compare different brand experiences affect on satisfaction, trust and loyalty.
This research provides an overview of findings from previous studies in both online and offline environments, presents framework and build the hypothesis. Due to there is no thesis concentrates on satisfaction, trust and loyalty from online to offline, we would like to fill this gap.
We do the examinations and comparisons by questionnaire study. Our target group is female who has one of 17 apparel brands experience. Our results have significant findings and offer researchers and practicing managers alike valuable information on how online shopping experiences relate to offline shopping experiences. Moreover, we prove operating physical stores enhances customer attitude in both online and offline channel.
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Brand Attitudes Affected by YouTube Advertisements : A comparative analysis of Canada Vs SwedenSutcliffe, Kenton Drew January 2014 (has links)
This paper focuses on the brand attitudes of generations Y in the areas of Canada and Sweden on YouTube advertisements. The goal of the paper was to see if there is a difference between the attitudes of the two different locations and how these attitudes affect brand recognition and purchase intentions of the products or services being advertised.
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The Impact of Language Barriers on Product Placement : A Qualitative Study Investigating Swedish Consumers’ Brand Recall and Brand Attitude Using Netflix Original SeriesHertzberg, Jennifer, Rask, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Product placement has long been a popular advertising tool that is still heavily used in today’s market. Therefore, this thesis adds a new construct to the field of product placement, namely language barriers, to see if that can have an impact on consumers’ ability to perceive product placement, in terms of brand recall. Moreover, this study also explores alternative constructs, such as brand attitude, to examine if they have an influence on consumers’ ability to recall brands when viewing SVoD entertainment content containing product placement. Furthermore, the Tripartite Typology of Product Placement conducted by Russell (1998) was applied as the main theory throughout this thesis as a foundation of the product placement-concepts. Additionally, the aforementioned research topics were explored via 14 semi-structured interviews with Swedish consumers, where all participants were within the age group that are the largest consumers of SVoD content. After the data was collected and analyzed, the results yielded that language barriers have a negative impact on brand recall, in terms of verbal placement, and no impact in terms of visual placements. Moreover, some other factorsthat also impacted the participants’ ability to recall the placed products included brand attitude, personal interests and perception of brands.
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