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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pokročilý robot na procházení webu / Advanced Web Crawler

Činčera, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
This Master's thesis describes design and implementation of advanced web crawler. This crawler can be configured by user and is designed for web browsing according to specified parameters. Can acquire and evaluate content of web pages. Its configuration is performed by creating projects which are consisting of different types of steps. User can create simple action like downloading page, form submission, etc. or can create more complex and larger projects.

Nutzung und Probleme von Samba in heterogenen Netzen am Beispiel des CSN

Schade, Markus 05 April 2001 (has links)
Probleme bei der Bereitstellung eines Browsing Dienstes via Samba in (fremdadministrierten) heterogenen Netzen. Lösungen und Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten werden behandelt.

Betesskador i vargrevir, norra Örebro län : En jämförande studie i ÄSO Linde östra - ÄSO Fellingsbro-Näsby / Browsing damage in wolf territory, northern part of Örebro county : A comparative study in ÄSO Linde Östra-ÄSO Felingsbro Näsby

Hellström, Per January 2023 (has links)
Betesskador kostar Sveriges skogsbruk stora summor varje år orsakade av älgbland annat. Vargens återkomst och mänsklig jakt har stor påverkan på älgpopulationen och trots en minskad älgstam så visade studier på att betesskadorna var oförändrade och till och med ökade. Studiens syfte var att utreda om man med hjälp av befintlig statistik från älgbetesinventeringar, avskjutningsstatistik för älg samt varginventering bekräfta att betesskadorna borde minskat i områden med vargrevir. Någon statistisk signifikans kunde inte bekräfta att betesskadorna minskade inom vargrevir och en trolig förklaring var stora mellanårsvariationer i älgbetesinventeringen samt för få variabler.Största anledningen till betesskador verkade mera bero på skogsbruket och skogens sammansättning och inte på hur mycket älg det fanns, trots stor predation och jakt så minskade inte betesskadorna.

Fire Severity and Size Alter Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Regeneration and Defense Against Ungulate Herbivory

Wan, Ho Yi 01 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Human activities and rapid global climate change are altering fire regimes with potential threat to the stability of aspen ecosystems in North America. Aspen is an early successional species that plays an important role in post-fire forest reestablishment, but chronic browsing on juvenile aspen by large ungulate herbivores after fire can be detrimental and lead to regeneration failure. Although larger and more severe fires are expected to become more prominent, whether and how this may influence aspen and ungulate communities remains unclear. The objective of this research was to examine how the relationship between aspen and ungulate communities might be influenced by variation in fire severity and size. In 2012, we examined browse patterns, growth responses and defense chemistry (phenolic glycoside and condensed tannins) concentrations of regenerating aspen that experienced variable burn severity in the 2010 Twitchell Canyon Fire, Utah, USA. We found that greater light availability in higher severity burn environments enhanced aspen tolerance and resistance against herbivory by increasing growth potential and defense chemistry concentrations of aspen. These results suggest that burn severity influences plant-herbivore interactions through bottom-up and top-down forces, and that higher fire severity increases post-disturbance vegetation recruitment potential by increasing resilience to herbivory. In 2013, we characterized aspen and ungulate patterns of 25 fires that spread across five National Forests (Uinta-Wasatch-Cache NF, Ashley NF, Fishlake NF, Dixie NF, and Manti-La Sal NF) in the state of Utah. We identified interaction effects between fire size and severity that strongly influenced aspen and ungulate densities. Fire size and severity are important ecological filters that can interact to affect forest reestablishment and community response. This information is useful in developing decision-making tools for wildfire and ungulate management that can more effectively increase the long-term resilience of forests systems.

Community-level effects of a widescale reduction in white-tailed deer (<i>Odocoileus virginianus</i>) density

Slaughter, Mariah 02 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Graphical and Non-speech Sound Metaphors in Email Browsing: An Empirical Approach. A Usability Based Study Investigating the Role of Incorporating Visual and Non-Speech Sound Metaphors to Communicate Email Data and Threads.

Alharbi, Saad T. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates the effect of incorporating various information visualisation techniques and non-speech sounds (i.e. auditory icons and earcons) in email browsing. This empirical work consisted of three experimental phases. The first experimental phase aimed at finding out the most usable visualisation techniques for presenting email information. This experiment involved the development of two experimental email visualisation approaches which were called LinearVis and MatrixVis. These approaches visualised email messages based on a dateline together with various types of email information such as the time and the senders. The findings of this experiment were used as a basis for the development of a further email visualisation approach which was called LinearVis II. This novel approach presented email data based on multi-coordinated views. The usability of messages retrieval in this approach was investigated and compared to a typical email client in the second experimental phase. Users were required to retrieve email messages in the two experiments with the provided relevant information such as the subject, status and priority. The third experimental phase aimed at exploring the usability of retrieving email messages by using other type of email data, particularly email threads. This experiment investigated the synergic use of graphical representations with non-speech sounds (Multimodal Metaphors), graphical representations and textual display to present email threads and to communicate contextual information about email threads. The findings of this empirical study demonstrated that there is a high potential for using information visualisation techniques and non-speech sounds (i.e. auditory icons and earcons) to improve the usability of email message retrieval. Furthermore, the thesis concludes with a set of empirically derived guidelines for the use of information visualisation techniques and non-speech sound to improve email browsing. / Taibah University in Medina and the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia.

Facebook Anonymous Information Seeking (FAIS) Behaviors = Emerging Definitions and Conceptual Relationships

Cajigas, Julie Ann 08 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Integrated Faceted Browser and Direct Search to Enhance Information Retrieval in Text-Based Digital Libraries

Yeh, Shea-Tinn 30 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Digital Konsumtionsdynamik : Hedoniskt scrollande och Influencers roll i impulsiva köpbeteenden / Dynamics of Digital Consumption : The Role of Hedonic Browsing and Influencers in Impulsive Buying Behavior

Hoff, VIncent, Hallenrud, Noah, Zackrisson, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
Digital utveckling de senaste två decennierna har påverkat samhället och lett till en växande digital livsstil som kräver aktivitet på sociala medier och uppmärksamhet på trender. Ett marknadsföringsfenomen som blivit allt mer populärt de senaste åren är influencer-marknadsföring. Genom att företag, marknadsförare och andra aktörer ingår betalda samarbeten med influencers, kan de få sin produkt eller tjänst exponerad till en bred publik av konsumenter i form av följare till influencers. Genom trovärdigheten som influencers har bland sina följare kan de påverka konsumtionsbeteendet bland följarna vilket kan leda till impulsköp. Samtidigt som konsumenters scrollningsbeteende, och hur hedoniskt det kan beskrivas som, även identifierats som en påverkande faktor till impulsköp. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som riktade sig till respondenter som följer en influencer på Instagram, som resulterade i 555 giltiga svar som senare utgjorde grund för resultatet i studien. I resultatdelen har data från den kvantitativa undersökningen presenterats i form av en deskriptiv analys och användandet av korrelations- och regressionsanalyser. Diskussionen har därefter förts där resultatet har analyserats i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Studien bekräftar ej tidigare forskning då korrelationskoefficienterna samt förklaringsgraden (justerade R2) var låg i samtliga tester vad gäller sambandet mellan hedoniskt scrollningsbeteende, influencers upplevda trovärdighet och konsumenters impulsköpbeteende. / The digital evolution over the past two decades has profoundly impacted society, leading to an emerging digital lifestyle that demands engagement on social media platforms and attention to trends. One marketing phenomenon that has gained substantial popularity in recent years is influencer marketing. By establishing paid collaborations with influencers, companies, marketers, and other stakeholders can expose their products or services to a wide audience of consumers through the followers of these influencers. Through the credibility that influencers have among their followers, they can influence consumption behavior among their followers, which can lead to impulse purchases. At the same time, consumers' scrolling behavior, and how hedonic it can be described as, has also been identified as an influencing factor for impulse purchases. A survey was conducted targeting respondents who follow an influencer on Instagram, which resulted in 555 valid responses that later formed the basis for the results of the study. In the results section, data from the quantitative survey has been presented in the form of a descriptive analysis and the use of correlation and regression analyses. The discussion has then been conducted where the results have been analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework. The study does not confirm previous research as the correlation coefficients and the explanatory power (adjusted R-squared) were low in all tests regarding the relationship between hedonic scrolling behavior, influencers' perceived credibility and consumers' impulse buying behavior.

WS://IM: A Software Framework for Multimodal Web Interaction Management

Williams, Christopher Stephen 10 June 2004 (has links)
The rise of ubiquitous computing devices has provided the catalyst for the next generation World Wide Web, one that shifts the focus from the desktop computer to mobile devices such as cell phones and PDAs, in an ever increasing range of modalities. Web interaction management in this setting must contend with a plethora of interaction interfaces and a diverse range of content types in addition to helping realize the full potential of multimodality (i.e., supporting flexible and personalized interactions between humans and sites). This thesis presents WS://IM, a new software framework for web interaction management that is capable of supporting multimodal interactions. In addition to presenting a loosely bundled, factorized architecture that supports hyperlink interaction, WS://IM has the unique facilitation for out-of-turn interaction. Out-of-turn interaction is a novel technique that helps realize mixed-initiative interactions between humans and Web sites. Design methodology, implementation details, and exposition through three implemented case studies are provided. / Master of Science

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