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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito financeiro aplicado ao setor do petróleo / Public finance law applied to petroleum sector

Fernandes, Andressa Guimarães Torquato 14 June 2013 (has links)
Busca-se, por meio da presente tese, rever a natureza jurídica atribuída aos royalties do petróleo pela doutrina majoritária no Brasil, que os caracteriza como um preço público devido pelas companhias petrolíferas à União, em contraprestação a um direito de exploração de bem público, do qual este ente político detém a propriedade. Intenta-se demonstrar que se trata, na verdade, de um pagamento realizado em contraprestação à alienação de um bem público (o petróleo) ao particular, o que traz consequências profundas à forma como tais receitas serão classificadas na Lei Orçamentária Anual dos três entes federativos, bem como ao grau de restrição a sua aplicação. Aceita essa posição, os royalties passarão a ser classificados nas Leis Orçamentárias como receitas de capital, fruto da alienação de um bem público, e não mais como uma receita corrente patrimonial, decorrente da exploração de um bem público. Assim, uma vez classificados como receitas de capital, somente poderão ser aplicados em despesas de capital, ou seja, basicamente em investimentos e inversões financeiras, de acordo com o artigo 44 da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, ficando vedada a possibilidade, tal qual tem sido feito, de serem utilizados no custeio da máquina pública, aplicação contrária a uma lógica de uso sustentável dessas receitas / The objective of this thesis is to review the nature of royalties given by the majority doctrine in Brazil, which characterize it as a public price payable by oil companies to the Union, in consideration of a right to explore a public good. We aim to demonstrate that it is actually a payment made in consideration for the sale of a public good (oil), which has profound consequences on how such revenues shall be classified in the Annual Budget Law of the three political entities in Brazil (Union, states and municipalities), as well as the degree of restriction to their application. Accepted our position, the royalties will be classified in Budgetary Laws as capital revenue, resulting from the sale of a public asset and not as a current revenue, due to an use of a public good. So, once classified as a capital revenue, royalties may only be used in capital expenditures, like investments, in accordance with Article 44 of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, not in current expenditures that represents an application contrary to the logic of sustainable use of these revenues

Steuerverteilung und Finanzausgleich

Gamsachurdia, Giwi January 2007 (has links)
This paper analyzes fundamental shortcomings in the Georgian legal bases in both the constitution and the tax code with regard to a sustainable fiscal policy. It shows that the lack of experience with sharing political powers and competences among the administrative levels create centralizing tendencies, which are in sharp contrast to more recent laws on local selfgovernment. Having set the legal background of today’s administrative structure in Georgia, the paper continues to describe the country’s budget composition in terms of tax revenues and expenses since the year 2000. Following a brief discussion of the Georgian systems of transfers to subordinate administrative entities the paper concludes by naming essential reform steps that need to be taken towards the development of a functioning fiscal policy on all levels.

Direito financeiro aplicado ao setor do petróleo / Public finance law applied to petroleum sector

Andressa Guimarães Torquato Fernandes 14 June 2013 (has links)
Busca-se, por meio da presente tese, rever a natureza jurídica atribuída aos royalties do petróleo pela doutrina majoritária no Brasil, que os caracteriza como um preço público devido pelas companhias petrolíferas à União, em contraprestação a um direito de exploração de bem público, do qual este ente político detém a propriedade. Intenta-se demonstrar que se trata, na verdade, de um pagamento realizado em contraprestação à alienação de um bem público (o petróleo) ao particular, o que traz consequências profundas à forma como tais receitas serão classificadas na Lei Orçamentária Anual dos três entes federativos, bem como ao grau de restrição a sua aplicação. Aceita essa posição, os royalties passarão a ser classificados nas Leis Orçamentárias como receitas de capital, fruto da alienação de um bem público, e não mais como uma receita corrente patrimonial, decorrente da exploração de um bem público. Assim, uma vez classificados como receitas de capital, somente poderão ser aplicados em despesas de capital, ou seja, basicamente em investimentos e inversões financeiras, de acordo com o artigo 44 da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, ficando vedada a possibilidade, tal qual tem sido feito, de serem utilizados no custeio da máquina pública, aplicação contrária a uma lógica de uso sustentável dessas receitas / The objective of this thesis is to review the nature of royalties given by the majority doctrine in Brazil, which characterize it as a public price payable by oil companies to the Union, in consideration of a right to explore a public good. We aim to demonstrate that it is actually a payment made in consideration for the sale of a public good (oil), which has profound consequences on how such revenues shall be classified in the Annual Budget Law of the three political entities in Brazil (Union, states and municipalities), as well as the degree of restriction to their application. Accepted our position, the royalties will be classified in Budgetary Laws as capital revenue, resulting from the sale of a public asset and not as a current revenue, due to an use of a public good. So, once classified as a capital revenue, royalties may only be used in capital expenditures, like investments, in accordance with Article 44 of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, not in current expenditures that represents an application contrary to the logic of sustainable use of these revenues

Rozpočtové určení daní a jeho dopad do hospodaření obcí / Budgetary allocation of taxes and its influence on municipal management

Poupě, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to provide reader with insight on historical development, current status and possible future development of budgetary allocation of taxes, which are allocated to budgets of municipalities, what consequences can changes in budgetary allocation of taxes have on whole country, or in another cases on single municipality. To fulfil this goal, there is at the beginning situated necessary introduction to budget and tax law. There are principles of budget law and construction of taxes described primarily. Thereinafter, there is defined municipality, rules of municipality management and described budget procedure, on which have taxes, which are income of municipal budgets according of law number 243/2000 Sb., o rozpočtovém určení daní, major impact. In next chapters are analysed taxes individually, mainly is analysed development of theirs allocation to municipal budgets from year 1993. One of those taxes is land value tax, which is because of its exclusive allocation to municipalities analysed from different angle, it is descripted, how municipalities can influence the income from this tax, which is difference from the others, because income from other taxes can not be modified by municipalities. Other taxes are income taxes and added value tax. In case of these taxes the development of...

Rozpočtové zásady a jejich promítnutí v platné právní úpravě / Budgetary principles and their reflection in valid legislation

Hejná, Alena January 2014 (has links)
Legal principles are fundamental elements for every branch and sub-branch of the law. The same it is in the case of budget principles which are leading principles of the budgetary law. Due to their importance it is necessary to establish these principles to the law effectively. This work, entitled Budgetary principles and their reflection in valid legislation discusses to what extent is this requirement fulfilled in the Czech Republic. This diploma thesis is divided into an introduction and six chapters, the conclusions and list of sources. The aim of the work is the analysis of budgetary principles in terms of their reflection in the laws of the Czech Republic and the European Union. General characteristics of legal principles, as defined legal theory is outlined in the first chapter which follows after brief introduction. The second chapter of this thesis is devoted to mainly budgetary principles. The budget law and budgetary principles are defined in the introduction to this chapter. The attention in this chapter is focused on the analysis of the individual budgetary principles and their reflection in the current legislation. Of the all budgetary principles most attention is paid to the principle of equilibrium of public budgets which is a key theme of this work. Due to the lingering economic...

Natureza jurídica do orçamento e flexibilidade orçamentária / The juridical nature of the budget and budget flexibility

Faria, Rodrigo Oliveira de 12 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto central deste trabalho é a investigação da natureza jurídica da Lei de Orçamento em consonância com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Tradicionalmente, tem sido defendido o entendimento de que nossa lei orçamentária possuiria a natureza de mera lei formal, visto que o Poder Executivo não se encontraria obrigado a executar o Orçamento tal como aprovado pelo Poder Legislativo. Nesta dissertação, defende-se ponto de vista oposto à corrente majoritária existente no meio jurídico brasileiro. Por meio do confronto entre as premissas e postulados firmados pela teoria clássica do Orçamento, que tem em Paul Laband seu maior expoente, e o tratamento conferido pela sistemática orçamentária brasileira, procura-se indicar a insuficiência da tese da lei formal. A dignidade constitucional do Orçamento, que possui seus contornos extraídos direta e centralmente da Constituição da República dá a medida da importância da lei orçamentária em nosso meio. Defende-se que a citada Lei possui uma multiplicidade de comandos, revelando em seu corpo não somente autorizações, como também proibições e determinações ou obrigações. São os fins que emprestam à Lei de Orçamento o condão de obrigatoriedade. Destarte, os objetivos e metas fixados na peça orçamentária possuem nítido caráter obrigatório, ao vincular toda a administração pública à sua consecução e alcance. As dotações orçamentárias, por sua vez, enfeixam o caráter de limites financeiros autorizados em face da incidência dos princípios constitucionais da eficiência, eficácia, economicidade e efetividade. Os recursos financeiros são os meios que permitem o alcance dos fins, contudo, são os fins que são obrigatórios. Assim, a denominação lei de meios põe ênfase naquilo que não indica a real natureza da Lei de Orçamento. As leis orçamentárias são leis de fins e, dessa forma, a medida do seu cumprimento somente se revela em face do alcance dos objetivos que se lhe encontram associados. / The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the juridical nature of the Budget Law in accordance with the Brazilian juridical ordainment. Traditionally, the understanding that our budget law has a mere formal law nature has been advocated as the Executive branch is not obliged to comply with the Budget as passed by the Legislative branch. In this dissertation a contrary point of view to the existing major tendency in the juridical environment is defended. Through confronting the premises and postulates backed up by the Budget classical theory, whose main exponent is Paul Laband, and the treaty conferred by the Brazilian budget systematics, the insufficiency of the formal law thesis is indicated. The constitutional dignity of the budget, whose outlines were directly and centrally extracted from the Constitution of the Republic, sets the importance of the budget law in our environment. It is defended that the Budget Law has a multiplicity of commandments, not only revealing authorizations in its scope, but also prohibitions, and determinations, or obligations. It is the ends that lend the Budget Law the prerogative of obligatoriness. Thus, the objectives and aims established in the budget piece have a clear obligatory character, linking all the public administration to its execution and attainment. Budget dotations, however, bundle up the character of authorized financial limits, in the light of the constitutional principles of efficiency, efficacy, economicity and effectiveness. The financial resources are the means that allow reaching the ends; however, it is the ends that are obligatory. Thus, the term law of means places emphasis on what does not indicate the real nature of Budget Law. Budget Laws are laws of ends, and thus, the measure of its accomplishment can only be gauged after reaching the goals with which they are associated.

L'autorisation budgétaire dans le droit financier ouest-africain francophone / The budgetary authorization in the financial law of French-speaking West Africa

Toni, Mesnil 11 December 2015 (has links)
L’approbation par le parlement du budget présenté par le gouvernement est un moment essentiel de la vie financière des États. Au regard de son importance, il peut être utile d’apprécier la portée réelle de la fonction exercée par le parlement à cette occasion. Dans les États de l’Afrique occidentale francophone, cette appréciation conduit au constat d’une compétence parlementaire limitée. Elle est limitée aussi bien par l’encadrement de son exercice que par la latitude dont dispose l’exécutif de s’écarter de cette autorisation en cours de gestion. Au-delà de ce caractère limité, il est possible d’observer que cette compétence parlementaire est également en mutation. Cette mutation tend à en changer profondément la nature et, par voie de conséquence, à modifier sensiblement le rôle du parlement dans le processus budgétaire. D’une part, ce rôle passe de la décision à la délibération lors du vote du projet de loi de finances. D’autre part, il se traduit par un contrôle plus rigoureux de l’exécution budgétaire. / The approval by the parliament of the budget submitted by the government is a key moment in the financial life of a state. Given its importance, it may be useful to assess the true scope of the function performed by the parliament on this occasion. In the states of French-speaking West Africa, this assessment leads to the conclusion of a limited parliamentary competence. It is limited both by the management of its exercise and by the government’s flexibility to deviate from this authorization during its implementation. Beyond its limited nature, it is possible to notice that parliamentary competence is also undergoing changes. The changes tend to modify its nature deeply and, consequently, to modify the role of the parliament in the budgetary process significantly. On the one hand, this role moves from the decision to deliberation during the vote of the finance bill. On the other hand, it results in a more rigorous monitoring of budget execution.

Natureza jurídica do orçamento e flexibilidade orçamentária / The juridical nature of the budget and budget flexibility

Rodrigo Oliveira de Faria 12 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto central deste trabalho é a investigação da natureza jurídica da Lei de Orçamento em consonância com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Tradicionalmente, tem sido defendido o entendimento de que nossa lei orçamentária possuiria a natureza de mera lei formal, visto que o Poder Executivo não se encontraria obrigado a executar o Orçamento tal como aprovado pelo Poder Legislativo. Nesta dissertação, defende-se ponto de vista oposto à corrente majoritária existente no meio jurídico brasileiro. Por meio do confronto entre as premissas e postulados firmados pela teoria clássica do Orçamento, que tem em Paul Laband seu maior expoente, e o tratamento conferido pela sistemática orçamentária brasileira, procura-se indicar a insuficiência da tese da lei formal. A dignidade constitucional do Orçamento, que possui seus contornos extraídos direta e centralmente da Constituição da República dá a medida da importância da lei orçamentária em nosso meio. Defende-se que a citada Lei possui uma multiplicidade de comandos, revelando em seu corpo não somente autorizações, como também proibições e determinações ou obrigações. São os fins que emprestam à Lei de Orçamento o condão de obrigatoriedade. Destarte, os objetivos e metas fixados na peça orçamentária possuem nítido caráter obrigatório, ao vincular toda a administração pública à sua consecução e alcance. As dotações orçamentárias, por sua vez, enfeixam o caráter de limites financeiros autorizados em face da incidência dos princípios constitucionais da eficiência, eficácia, economicidade e efetividade. Os recursos financeiros são os meios que permitem o alcance dos fins, contudo, são os fins que são obrigatórios. Assim, a denominação lei de meios põe ênfase naquilo que não indica a real natureza da Lei de Orçamento. As leis orçamentárias são leis de fins e, dessa forma, a medida do seu cumprimento somente se revela em face do alcance dos objetivos que se lhe encontram associados. / The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the juridical nature of the Budget Law in accordance with the Brazilian juridical ordainment. Traditionally, the understanding that our budget law has a mere formal law nature has been advocated as the Executive branch is not obliged to comply with the Budget as passed by the Legislative branch. In this dissertation a contrary point of view to the existing major tendency in the juridical environment is defended. Through confronting the premises and postulates backed up by the Budget classical theory, whose main exponent is Paul Laband, and the treaty conferred by the Brazilian budget systematics, the insufficiency of the formal law thesis is indicated. The constitutional dignity of the budget, whose outlines were directly and centrally extracted from the Constitution of the Republic, sets the importance of the budget law in our environment. It is defended that the Budget Law has a multiplicity of commandments, not only revealing authorizations in its scope, but also prohibitions, and determinations, or obligations. It is the ends that lend the Budget Law the prerogative of obligatoriness. Thus, the objectives and aims established in the budget piece have a clear obligatory character, linking all the public administration to its execution and attainment. Budget dotations, however, bundle up the character of authorized financial limits, in the light of the constitutional principles of efficiency, efficacy, economicity and effectiveness. The financial resources are the means that allow reaching the ends; however, it is the ends that are obligatory. Thus, the term law of means places emphasis on what does not indicate the real nature of Budget Law. Budget Laws are laws of ends, and thus, the measure of its accomplishment can only be gauged after reaching the goals with which they are associated.

Perspectivas do novo poder orcamental em Macau

Amaral, Rui Pedro P. do January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

The Crystallization of Collective Bargaining with Wage Content in the Public Sector: the Transit from Prohibition to Reasonable Restriction in the Light of Budget Rules / La Cristalización de la Negociación Colectiva con Contenido Salarial en el Sector Público: el Tránsito de la Prohibición a la Restricción Razonable a la Luz de las Normas Presupuestales

Blume Moore, Iván 10 April 2018 (has links)
The right to collectively negotiate salaries afforded to Public Employees has been a longstanding controversy in our country. Especially, in the light of the prohibitions established by Budget Laws. However, this conflict has been recently resolved by the Constitutional Court. This decision marks a fundamental landmark for Labor Law because it crystallizes the right of public employee to collectively bargain salaries with the State. In this article, the author recount the path travelled by the Constitutional Court in this field, that is, from the absolute prohibitions to a reasonable restriction in the pursue to achieve balance between this right and the public interest at stake. / El derecho de los trabajadores públicos de negociar colectivamente sus salarios ha sido una controversia de larga data en nuestro país. En especial, a la luz de las prohibiciones establecidas por las normas presupuestales. Sin embargo, este conflicto ha sido resuelto recientemente por el Tribunal Constitucional. Esta sentencia marca un hito fundamental en el derecho laboral colectivo, pues ha cristalizado el derecho de los trabajadores de la Administración Pública a negociar colectivamente sus salarios con el Estado. En el presente artículo, el autor realiza un recuento del camino transitado por el Tribunal Constitucional en este campo, esto es, desde la absoluta prohibición hasta la restricción razonable de este derecho en su afán por conciliarlo con el interés público en juego.

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