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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flore et végétation du Parc National de la Ruvubu au Burundi: diversité, structure et implications pour la conservation / Flora and vegetation of the Ruvubu National Park, Burundi: diversity, structure and implications for conservation

Masharabu, Tatien 04 October 2011 (has links)
La pression anthropique, la variabilité climatique croissante et les changements climatiques entraînent une forte dégradation des écosystèmes. Par conséquent, pour pouvoir orienter leur conservation, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un maximum d’informations sur l’état de leur biodiversité. L’objectif global de cette thèse est de contribuer à la caractérisation de la biodiversité du Parc National de la Ruvubu (PNR), la plus grande aire protégée du Burundi, cela à travers l’analyse de sa composition floristique, de la structure de ses communautés végétales et des paramètres écologiques. Le travail a combiné des approches diversifiées, comprenant des échantillonnages de la végétation et du sol et des analyses de laboratoire. L’étude a ainsi fourni la première liste complète de la flore vasculaire du PNR comprenant 515 espèces réparties en 98 familles et 309 genres. Nonante-six espèces non encore relevées dans l’aire protégée ont été découvertes. Les familles les plus abondantes sont les Fabaceae, les Asteraceae et les Poaceae. Les savanes, les galeries forestières et les marais sont dominés respectivement par des hémicryptophytes, des phanérophytes et des géophytes. Dix groupements végétaux, dont cinq sont nouveaux, présents au sein de trois classes, quatre ordres et sept alliances phytosociologiques ont été individualisés. Les groupements présentent globalement une diversité taxonomique relativement faible tandis que l’équitabilité laisse entrevoir des communautés perturbées, particulièrement en savanes. L’altitude et quatre paramètres physico-chimiques du sol (azote total, carbone total, charge caillouteuse et pH) expliquent 48% de la variabilité floristique; cette dernière étant significativement influencée par l’altitude. Cependant, la variabilité floristique inexpliquée par les facteurs de l’environnement suggère l’implication d’autres facteurs. En matière de conservation, trente espèces sont des plantes ligneuses autochtones, prioritaires pour la revalorisation et la multiplication au Burundi. Dix espèces végétales figurent également sur la liste des espèces menacées prioritaires pour la conservation au Burundi. En définitive, le fait que le PNR abrite plusieurs éléments de la biodiversité protégés par la communauté internationale lui confère une fonction importante de réservoir de la biodiversité. Tous ces atouts militent en faveur du renforcement des stratégies de conservation et de réhabilitation de sa biodiversité dans toutes ses composantes./ Due to human pressure, increasing climate variability and climate change, ecosystems are subject to degradation. Therefore, in order to develop conservation guidelines for these ecosystems, it is necessary to have enough information on their biodiversity. The overall objective of this thesis is to contribute to the characterization of the biodiversity of the Ruvubu National Park (RNP), the biggest protected area of Burundi, through floristic composition analysis, vegetation structure and ecological parameters. The study combined a variety of approaches, including vegetation and soil sampling as well as laboratory tests. The study provided so the first complete list of vascular flora of the RNP, including 515 species distributed into 98 families and 309 genera. Ninety-six species not previously recorded from the protected area were found. The most common families were Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae. Savannahs, forest galleries and swamps were dominated respectively by hemicryptophytes, phanerophytes and geophytes. Ten plant community types, five of which were new, distributed into three classes, four orders and seven phytosociological alliances were individualized. Plant communities globally present a relative low taxonomic diversity while trends of evenness index suggest disrupted communities, especially in savannas. Altitude and four physico-chemical parameters (total nitrogen, total carbon, stoniness and pH) explained 48% of the variance of the species-environment relationship. The floristic variability was significantly influenced by altitude. However, the unexplained floristic variability by environmental factors suggests implication of other factors. As for conservation, 30 species are listed in important indigenous woody plants for revalorization and multiplication in Burundi. Ten plants are also among threatened species which require priority for conservation in Burundi. Finally, the fact that the RNP shelters several components of biodiversity protected by the international community confers an important function of biodiversity reservoir to the park. All these assets militate in favour of the reinforcement of conservation strategies and rehabilitation of RNP biodiversity in all its components. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Le potentiel en ressources minérales du Burundi, nord-est de la ceinture orogénique Kibarienne, Afrique centre-orientale

Ntiharirizwa, Seconde 19 April 2018 (has links)
La position du Burundi, dans le nord-est de la ceinture orogénique Kibarienne, lui confère un fort potentiel en ressources minérales. En effet, une variété de roches intrusives recoupe les roches métasédimentaires du Supergroupe Burundien, l’équivalent local de la chaîne Kibarienne. Ces roches intrusives sont composées de granites accompagnés de pegmatites minéralisées en Sn, Nb-Ta, W, Li, Be, de roches mafiques minéralisées en Fe-Ti-V, de carbonatites et syénites minéralisées en terres rares et en zircon. Outre les gîtes magmatiques, des gîtes hydrothermaux composés de filons de quartz et de brèches aurifères apparaissent dans des zones de cisaillement, à proximité des failles inverses. Des veines métasomatiques minéralisées en terres rares se retrouvent dans une zone de failles normales, situées dans le horst du rift est-africain. Suite aux conditions climatiques tropicales, des latérites nickélifères se sont développées sur des roches ultramafiques et constituent un gisement important de nickel latéritique (± Cr, Cu, EGP).

Resource scarcity and social identity in the political conflicts in Burundi

Jengo, Elisabeth Naito 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since Burundi gained independence in 1962, this country has experienced periods of mass communal violence. Extensive scholarly research has focused on exploring the factors behind, and the nature of, the conflicts in Burundi from a socio-ethnic perspective. There has, however, been a persistent lack of attention paid to the inextricable relationship between environmental factors; particularly the scarcity of resources, coupled with rapid population growth; and Burundi‘s recent history of internal conflict. Noteworthy explanatory factors, which are often ignored in literature on the environment and conflict, have thus motivated this study. Burundi is an example of this reality because of a highly dependent agricultural economy and a constant growing population. This study used a descriptive analysis, as methodological tool; in order to gain an understanding of Burundi‘s land question - that is, how limited access to land and the constantly increasing population have led to environmental degradation, that served as motivational trigger factors for the violent political conflicts that occurred at various periods between 1965 and 1993 in this country. This study addresses this epistemological gap. In order to explore the nexus between environmental factors, land access, population growth and the political conflicts in Burundi, this study draws and builds upon Jared Diamond‘s (2005) five point framework of potential trigger factors to environmental collapse. Moreover, Diamond‘s (2005) ecocide theory argues that there are eight specific indicators to demonstrate how societies undermine themselves by damaging their own environment; thus resulting in an ecocide. This theory was applied to the two main environmental variables examined in this study. More specifically, this theoretical perspective provided a base for exploring how land issues, population growth, environmental degradation and political change can be understood as important precursors to the violent conflicts in Burundi. What may be surmised by this study; is that there is indeed a positive correlation between these forces, where the values of the independent variables (land access and population growth) are associated with the values of the dependent variable (violent conflict). This correlation, therefore, calls for an acknowledgement of the complexity of the Burundian conflicts and that ethnicity which has dominated contemporary conflict analysis is but one of several social rifts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert Burundi in 1962 onafhanklikheid verkry het, het hierdie land periodes van massa gewelddadige politieke konflik ervaar. Uitgebreide wetenskaplike navorsing het daarop gefokus om die faktore agter die gebeure, sowel as die aard van die konflik in Burundi vanuit ‘n sosio-etniese perspektief, te ondersoek. Tog word daar steeds gebrekkige aandag geskenk aan die onlosmaaklike verhouding tussen omgewingsfaktore, veral gebrek aan hulpbronne, gepaardgaande met die voortgesette bevolkingsaanwas; asook Burundi se onlangse geskiedenis van interne konflik. Noemenswaardige gapings, wat dikwels in die verklarende literatuur geïgnoreer word, het dus hierdie studie gemotiveer. Burundi is ‘n voorbeeld van hierdie werklikheid omdat die land baie afhanklik van landbou is; as gevolg van die kontstante bevolkingsaanwas in die land. Hierdie navorsing het beskrywende analise as ‘n metodologiese instrument gebruik om insig te kry oor Burundi se grondkwessie – met ander woorde hoe die beperkte toegang tot grond en ‘n toenemende bevolkingsaanwas gelei het tot die agteruitgang van die omgewing. Bostaande faktore het as motiverende sneller faktore gedien, wat aanleiding gegee het tot die gewelddadige politieke konflik, wat gedurende verskillende periodes tussen 1965 en 1993 in hierdie land ontstaan het. Hierdie studie poog dus om hierdie epistomologiese gaping aan te spreek. Ten einde die verband (nexus) tussen omgewingsfaktore, grondbesit, bevolkingsaanwas en die politieke konflikte in Burundi te ondersoek, steun en bou hierdie studie voort op Jared Diamond (2005) se vyfpunt raamwerk van potensiële sneller faktore, wat lei tot omgewings ineenstorting. Verder beweer Diamond (2005) se omgewings uitwissing (ecocide) teorie dat daar agt spesifieke aanduidings is om te demonstreer hoe gemeenskappe hulself ondermyn deur hul eie omgewing te beskadig/vernietig: wat uitloop op omgewings uitwissing (ecocide). Hierdie teorie is aangewend in die twee hoof omgewings veranderlikes, wat in die studie/ navorsing ondersoek is. Hierdie teoretiese perspektief het ook spesifiek ‘n basis voorsien om te ondersoek hoe grondkwessies, bevolkingsaanwas, omgewings agteruitgang en politieke verandering verstaan kan word as belangrike aanwysers van die geweldadige konflik in Burundi. Deur middel van hierdie studie kan ‘n duidelike opsomming gemaak word dat daar inderdaad ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen hierdie magte voorkom, waar die waardes van die onafhanklike veranderlike (toegang tot grond en bevolkingsgroei) geassosieer word met die waardes van die afhanklike veranderlike (geweldadige konflik). Hierdie korrelasie verg dus ‘n beroep om erkenning te gee aan die kompleksiteit van konflik in Burundi. Hierdie etniese debat, wat tans die oorheersende konflik aanvuur, is maar net een van die verskeie interpretasies van sosiale breekpunte in Burundi is.

Perceptions des inspecteurs, des directeurs, des préfets des études et des enseignants sur le système d'inspection en vigueur dans les écoles secondaires du Burundi

Ndizigiye, Audace 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2016

Pour un renouvellement de l'apprentissage du FLE au Burundi: l'apport interculturel de la didactisation des contes burundais

Ndikumagenge, Rémy 23 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est une réflexion sur les stratégies à mettre en œuvre afin de résoudre le problème posé par le programme d’enseignement du français au Burundi, un programme qui poursuit des objectifs limités, présente des démarches méthodologiques fondées sur des théories d’enseignement dépassées et qui est illustré par des méthodes inappropriées. En vue de pallier ces lacunes dans le secteur éducatif, nous avons proposé de tenir compte des avancées de la recherche didactique en matière d’interculturalité et d’investir le champ de la culture burundaise pour permettre de donner aux élèves de ce pays accès à la langue française, via la traduction, dans cette langue, de contes qui font partie de leur culture et qu’ils maîtrisent. La méthodologie suivie combine réflexion théorique et descentes sur le terrain. C’est ainsi que les théories et les pratiques attestées à la fois en didactique contemporaine du FLE, en recherche qualitative et en traduction ont permis de rassembler les données nécessaires pour passer en revue l’évolution de la DFLE au Burundi, pour traduire en français les contes nationaux et expérimenter leur didactisation dans les classes. Aussi, une fois les contes burundais traduits, les objectifs et les orientations méthodologiques appropriés ont été élaborés et expérimentés avec succès en milieux scolaires burundais. Ces outils pédagogiques ont permis le réajustement dudit programme: 1° en le dotant des objectifs et des orientations méthodologiques inspirés des théories constructiviste et cognitiviste et illustrées par des supports d’activités culturellement inclusifs et 2° en introduisant l’approche interculturelle./ <p>This thesis is a reflection on strategies that contribute to solve problems related to the French Program in Burundi. This program is based on limited objectives and no-updated methodologies and contents. In this regards, the present thesis aims at contributing on how to deal with these constraints in the Burundian education sector. To achieve this objective, the present study applied specific tools and methods :the intercultural approach in Foreign language study and didactics ;the didactization of Burundian tales (part of the Burundian integrated culture of the pupils) translated in French, in order to give access to French language via the translation of Burundian tales. Indeed, a literature review, a desk studies enabled us to collect relevant information including secondary data. For primary data collection, an investigation has been organized in selected schools of Burundi. This information was collected upon support of specific tools such as a questionnaire, direct observations and stories about the evolution of the didactic of French in Burundian secondary schools. It enabled us to didactize the translation of the Burundian tales. These tools and methods enabled to provide suggestions that contribute to adjust the program of French Learning as Foreign Language in Burundi. The thesis concludes that new and relevant objectives of the program should be developed. New contents, objectives and methodological approaches that integrate constructive and cognitive theories have been elaborated. Lastly, this new program includes intercultural aspects; the most missing one in the current program. All these highlighted aspects should, in fact, be taken into account for both quality and innovative reasons.<p><p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Conflict in the great lakes region of Africa : the Burundi experience, 1993-2000

Check, Nicasius Achu 31 January 2005 (has links)
Burundi became a German protectorate in August 1884. Prior to the establishment of a protectorate, the territory was ruled by Mwamis (kings) who exercised a kind of quasi-divine system of administration. Conflictual relations were quickly dealt with within this complex structure. During the German and later Belgian colonial administrations, these political structures were redefined and a social class structure based on wealth was created. Forced class division became entrenched in the social fabric of Burundian society and the hierarchical system became even more prominent at independence in July 1962. Successive post-colonial regimes have failed to bridge the social gap. The International Community, through initiatives by the United Nations, the Africa Union, Jimmy Carter, Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela have attempted to resolve the political impasse. The dissertation is an attempt to reconstruct the causes of the various crises since 1962 and to reassess whether the various facilitators has succeeded in their tasks. / History / M.A.

The Evangelical Church of Central Africa facing socio-ethnic problems: missiological perspectives from the Republic of Burundi

Harimenshi, Privat-Biber 06 1900 (has links)
Since independence, Burundi has lost over a million of its inhabitants to ethnic conflict. Political collaboration is divided along ethnic lines and this has destroyed the ethnic solidarity and good social relationships that characterized the pre-colonial period. Ideally, the mission of the Evangelical Church of Central Africa (ECCA) when faced with Burundi’s tragic and successive socio-ethnic wars should have been to promote peace, social justice, ethnic cohabitation, national reconciliation, respect for human rights, national reconstruction and to denounce all harm and discrimination against the human being. The ECCA has a sacred mission to announce the gospel to all humanity and to assist the people towards the positive socio-economic and political transformation of Burundi. This study will be of help to missiological scholars and to the church so that it may better carry out its prophetic mission according to God’s vision and with the purpose of positively transforming Burundian society. / Christian Spritituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Conflict in the great lakes region of Africa : the Burundi experience, 1993-2000

Check, Nicasius Achu 31 January 2005 (has links)
Burundi became a German protectorate in August 1884. Prior to the establishment of a protectorate, the territory was ruled by Mwamis (kings) who exercised a kind of quasi-divine system of administration. Conflictual relations were quickly dealt with within this complex structure. During the German and later Belgian colonial administrations, these political structures were redefined and a social class structure based on wealth was created. Forced class division became entrenched in the social fabric of Burundian society and the hierarchical system became even more prominent at independence in July 1962. Successive post-colonial regimes have failed to bridge the social gap. The International Community, through initiatives by the United Nations, the Africa Union, Jimmy Carter, Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela have attempted to resolve the political impasse. The dissertation is an attempt to reconstruct the causes of the various crises since 1962 and to reassess whether the various facilitators has succeeded in their tasks. / History / M.A.

The Evangelical Church of Central Africa facing socio-ethnic problems: missiological perspectives from the Republic of Burundi

Harimenshi, Privat-Biber 06 1900 (has links)
Since independence, Burundi has lost over a million of its inhabitants to ethnic conflict. Political collaboration is divided along ethnic lines and this has destroyed the ethnic solidarity and good social relationships that characterized the pre-colonial period. Ideally, the mission of the Evangelical Church of Central Africa (ECCA) when faced with Burundi’s tragic and successive socio-ethnic wars should have been to promote peace, social justice, ethnic cohabitation, national reconciliation, respect for human rights, national reconstruction and to denounce all harm and discrimination against the human being. The ECCA has a sacred mission to announce the gospel to all humanity and to assist the people towards the positive socio-economic and political transformation of Burundi. This study will be of help to missiological scholars and to the church so that it may better carry out its prophetic mission according to God’s vision and with the purpose of positively transforming Burundian society. / Christian Spritituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Urban plant diversity patterns, processes and conservation value in Sub-Saharan Africa: case of Bujumbura in Burundi

Bigirimana, Joseph 14 September 2012 (has links)
This study focuses on the vegetation of the African city of Bujumbura, Burundi. Urban flora is detailed according to the origin of the species (native or introduced), their life form, the use of these species by the local population and their behaviour (invasive or not). <p>The correlation between different natural and anthropogenic environmental factors and the composition of plant communities has been demonstrated through the analysis of vegetation plots. Three types of green areas were studied: spontaneous vegetation on terra firma, wetlands <p>and domestic gardens.<p><p>The main ecological factor correlated to the composition of the spontaneous vegetation of terra firma is the degree of urbanization. From the suburb to the city centre, savannah species typical for the region are replaced by alien invasive species, mostly ruderals. The latter generally have a large distribution, often on several continents. The physiognomy of the vegetation also changes, with hemicryptophytes and phanerophytes in the outskirts and the dominance of therophytes and chamaephytes in the city centre.<p><p>In most of wetlands, a large proportion of the plant species are natives, but some wetlands are almost totally invaded by alien species. Soil type is the main environmental factor correlated with <p>the variability of the vegetation.<p><p>The flora of domestic gardens is mainly composed of introduced species used as ornamental, food or medicinal plants. The socio-economical status of the neighbourhood is the main factor correlated with the variability of the garden flora. In high standing neighbourhoods, most species are onamental, with many trees and shrubs. In popular neighbourhoods, the flora is mainly utilitarian (vegetables and fruits), with a significant proportion of native species, and composed mainly of annual species. <p>A small proportion of the alien species cultivated in gardens has become invasive in the semi-natural vegetation of the city and its surroundings. Many other species cultivated in the gardens could become invasive, based on their ecology and their invasive behaviour in other regions with a climate similar to that of Bujumbura.<p><p>Overall, the city of Bujumbura has a diverse flora, with many useful species (vegetables and fruits, traditional medicine, construction of fences and roofs, material for mats and art objects.). The vegetation also hosts wildlife: birds, fishes, hippos, crocodiles etc… <p><p>In conclusion, the vegetation of Bujumbura contributes to biodiversity conservation and provides services to the urban population, but the expansion of alien invasive species and the consequent homogenization of the vegetation is a challenge for the future.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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