Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business canprocess"" "subject:"business 3.3vprocess""
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How do Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Blockchains Affect the Human Factor in Business Process Management?Mendling, Jan, Decker, Gero, Hull, Richard, Reijers, Hajo A., Weber, Ingo January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This paper summarizes a panel discussion at the 15th International Conference on Business Process Management.
The panel discussed to what extent the emergence of recent technologies including machine learning, robotic process
automation, and blockchain will reduce the human factor in business process management. The panel discussion took
place on 14 September, 2017, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Jan Mendling served as
a chair; Gero Decker, Richard Hull, Hajo Reijers, and Ingo Weber participated as panelists. The discussions emphasized
the impact of emerging technologies at the task level and the coordination level. The major challenges that the panel
identified relate to employment, technology acceptance, ethics, customer experience, job design, social integration, and regulation.
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Impactos da adoção da gestão por processos em empresas seguradoras brasileiras. / Impacts based on the adoption of the business process management in Brazilian insurance companies.Mello, Paulo Ivan de 27 April 2010 (has links)
Inúmeras organizações, em todo o mundo, estão adotando a gestão por processos como forma de aumentar sua produtividade e conseguir resultados mais eficazes com um tempo de resposta menor como forma a responder às ofertas da concorrência. Entre as empresas prestadoras de serviços, foi identificado que em função de suas complexas regras de contratos, o mercado segurador se destaca no mercado em que se encontra o maior crescimento de participação no PIB brasileiro. Com o propósito de observar o impacto que a implementação de software de gestão por processos pode efetuar em organizações que adotaram gestão por processos e seus benefícios, foram delimitadas pesquisas com as sete maiores seguradoras do mercado brasileiro. Utilizando-se de pesquisa com estudo de caso múltiplo, foram avaliados os impactos, benefícios e maturidade destas seguradoras e comparados entre elas de forma a ter a consolidação do entendimento se estas práticas estão condizentes com o que são propostos pelos diversos autores. Temos como conclusão que os resultados foram positivos nas organizações avaliadas, de forma a demonstrar a efetividade das ações, porém com limitações conforme o nível de maturidade encontrada. / The adoption of Business Process Management (BPM) tools has increased significantly in organizations around the world with promises to reduce cost, improve productivity and quality and it is not different in Brazil. As insurance market is one of the fastest-growing segments in the country, their operations are based on complex business rules and improvement of their process and operations is mandatory to remain competitive in a globalized market. Based in multiple case study research with the biggest insurance companies in Brazil, compare maturity before and after BPM tools implementations and assesses if the main benefits provided by the use of Business Process Management tools implementation were identified in these organizations. The results were positive and consistent in all insurance companies that participate of this research.
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Strategies for Small Business Leaders to Enter the Business Process Outsourcing MarketLabat, Edwina A 01 January 2018 (has links)
Many small businesses in the United States declare bankruptcy within the first 5 years of starting operations. Small business leaders may avoid bankruptcy if they would take advantage of the financial benefits associated with entering the business process outsourcing (BPO) market as service providers. BPO service providers in the United States have experienced significant revenue increases since entering this growing market. This multicase study was an exploration of the strategies small business leaders use to enter the BPO market as service providers to increase revenue and reduce the likelihood of bankruptcy in the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, area. The multicase population consisted of 4 small business leaders from 3 companies who successfully entered the BPO market as service providers and increased revenue. The conceptual framework for this study was the resource-based view theory. The data collection process included semistructured interviews, interview notes, and company records. Data were compiled and organized, disassembled into fragments, reassembled into sequence of groups, and interpreted for meaning. Methodological triangulation and member checking validated the trustworthiness of those interpretations. Three themes emerged from the data collected: using professional resources and personal skills to enter the BPO market; entering into trade contracts with BPO clients; and establishing and building on relationships with BPO clients. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase the success rate of small businesses, improve and revitalize the economic and social conditions of the local community by providing jobs.
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Expresividad de BPMN 2.0 desde la perspectiva del problema de secuenciamientoGonzález Navarro, Daniela 12 1900 (has links)
MEMORIA PARA OPTAR AL TÍTULO DE MAGÍSTER EN CONTROL DE GESTIÓN / Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) se ha convertido en un estándar para describir flujos
de tareas. BPMN propone un conjunto de símbolos que representan el comportamiento de los procesos
de negocios desde el punto de vista del usuario de un sistema de información y aporta descripción de
elementos para la automatización computacional. Por otra parte, el comportamiento de procesos ha sido
estudiado por decenas de años en Investigación Operativa bajo el nombre de Problema de Scheduling.
A pesar de la estrecha relación, no se encuentra en la literatura ninguna referencia a ambos problemas
en conjunto, ni ningún aporte desde el problema de Scheduling a la representación del comportamiento
en BPMN. ¿Es posible enriquecer la capacidad descriptiva de BPMN con elementos del comportamiento
estudiados en el problema de Scheduling? ¿Es posible que existan elementos del comportamiento de
procesos de negocio relevantes que no estén representados en BPMN? ¿Cuáles son esos elementos?.
Para responder a estas preguntas, investigamos en detalle el formalismo BPMN y el problema de
Scheduling, identificamos diferencias y proponemos un conjunto de símbolos que añaden más descripción
al comportamiento de los procesos de negocios desde el punto de vista del usuario. Adicionalmente, se
hizo una revisión de dos trabajos previos que proponen mejoras a BPMN, pero que van en una dirección
diferente a lo buscado en este trabajo.
En este trabajo presentamos detalladamente el último estándar BPMN 2.0 y revisamos un voluminoso
resumen del problema de Scheduling (Pinedo, 2016). Durante esta revisión, encontramos varios
elementos prácticos relevantes del problema de Scheduling que no están representados en BPMN. Entre
estos elementos destacan la velocidad de procesamiento, tiempo de procesamiento, la capacidad de
procesamiento, la regla de prioridad y la función objetivo.
Estudiando las diferencias, encontramos que hay elementos que describen el problema de Scheduling
que deberían incorporarse al estándar BPMN, porque contribuyen a una mejor y más completa
caracterización de los procesos. De hecho, con los atributos de velocidad, el tiempo de preparación y de
procesamiento, se puede describir gráficamente la presencia de cuellos de botella y restricción de recursos.
Adicionalmente, la regla de prioridad permite describir colas de espera impuestas por condiciones
propias del negocio. Finalmente, la función objetivo permite comunicar de manera gráfica a los participantes
del negocio cuáles son los objetivos que la organización requiere de los procesos. Hay algunos
elementos propios de Scheduling que proponemos agregar sólo opcionalmente. Entre estas opciones están
las restricciones que consideran la fecha de llegada de la tarea al sistema, los tiempos de espera entre
máquinas, y familia de tareas. Con nuestra propuesta se robustece la capacidad descriptiva del estándar
BPMN y lo hace apropiado a un mejor análisis consistente con la teoría de Scheduling.
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Formal Composition and Recovery Policies in Service-Based Business ProcessesHamadi, Rachid, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Process-based composition of Web services is emerging as a promising technology for the effective automation of integrated and collaborative applications. As Web services are often autonomous and heterogeneous entities, coordinating their interactions to build complex processes is a difficult, error prone, and time-consuming task. In addition, since Web services usually operate in dynamic and highly evolving environments, there is a need for supporting flexible and correct execution of integrated processes. In this thesis, we propose a Petri net-based framework for formal composition and recovery policies in service-based business processes. We first propose an algebra for composing Web services. The formal semantics of this algebra is expressed in terms of Petri nets. The use of a formal model allows the effective verification and analysis of properties, both within a service, such as termination and absence of deadlock, and between services, such as behavioral equivalences. We also develop a top down approach for the correct (e.g., absence of deadlock and termination) composition of complex business processes. The approach defines a set of refinement operators that guarantee correctness of the resulting business process nets at design time. We then introduce Self-Adaptive Recovery Net (SARN), an extended Petri net model for specifying exceptional behavior in business processes. SARN adapts the structure of the underlying Petri net at run time to handle exceptions while keeping the Petri net design simple and easy. The proposed framework caters for the specification of high-level recovery policies that are incorporated either with a single task or a set of tasks, called a recovery region. Finally, we propose a pattern-based approach to dynamically restructure SARN. These patterns capture the ways past exceptions have been dealt with. The objective is to continuously restructure recovery regions within the SARN model to minimize the impact of exception handling. To illustrate the viability of the proposed composition and exception handling techniques, we have developed HiWorD (HIerarchical WORkflow Designer), a hierarchical Petri net-based business process modeling and simulation tool.
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Outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen utomlands : en fallstudie på företaget DellFritzell, Gerda, Zanton, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för, varför företag väljer att outsourca sin ekonomifunktion utomlands, samt identifiera eventuella oförutsedda kostnader. För att illustrera detta genomförs en fallstudie på företaget Dell. Våra data har vi inhämtat genom en kvalitativ undersökning i form av en fallstudie på företaget Dell. Vi har valt att genomföra en längre intervju med två nyckelpersoner på det svenska kontoret i Solna. I teoriavsnittet presenteras litteratur och artiklar om vad outsourcing är och innebär samt forskningsartiklar gjorda om varför företag outsourcar sin ekonomifunktion och vad de önskar uppnå. Vidare presenteras även artiklar om den skepticism som stundtals finns kring outsourcing och dess fördelar. Vår undersökning baseras på den intervju vi har gjort med Dells nordiska redovisnings chef samt den person som är Nordic Credit Manager och därmed har nära kontakt med outsourcingparten i Riga. Vi kommer genom vår studie fram till att företag främst outsourcar ekonomifunktionen i syfte att nå kostnadsbesparingar via ökad effektivitet och standardisering av processer samt lägre personalkostnader, men att även strävan efter expertis gör outsourcing till något eftersträvansvärt. Vi finner att outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen innebär kostnader i form av risken för att företaget väljer fel utomstående part, högre personalomsättning, kulturella och språkliga barriärer, minskad flexibilitet och initiativtagande. Vissa av kostnaderna är specifikt kopplade till outsourcing utomlands. Sammantaget kommer dessa kostnader att minska det förväntade positiva utfallet av outsourcingen av ekonomifunktionen i olika påtaglig omfattning.</p>
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Från system till process : kriterier för processbestämning vid verksamhetsanalysLind, Mikael January 2001 (has links)
I samband med systemutveckling och annat förändringarbete finns det behov av att göra en verksamhetsanalys för att utveckla kunskap om nuvarande och framtida verksamhet. Verksamheter är komplexa och ofta svåröverblickbara företeelser. För att hantera problemet med att skapa överblick bygger flera ansatser för verksamhetsanalys på Langefors teori om oöverblickbara system, vilken syftar till att reducera komplexitet genom att dela in verksamheter i olika nivåer av delsystem. Tillämpningen av denna teori resulterar ofta i ett fokus på verksamhetens organisatioriska funktioner och därmed ett alltför otillräckligt fokus på dem som verksamheten finns till för. Under 90-talet har ett antal processorienterade ansatser för verksamhetsutveckling lanserats som istället sätter kunden i fokus. Dessa ansatser bygger på en horisontell och flödesorienterad syn, där verksamheter betraktas som bestående av sekventiella delprocesser som transformerar input till output. Exempel på sådana ansatser finns inom Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management och Process Management. Problemet med att dela in verksamheter i delar återkommer även inom processorienterade ansatser. Det saknas kriterier för processbestämning, dvs grunder för att avgränsa och indela verksamhetsprocesser. En annan syn på process, vilket är en reaktion mot denna transormationsorientering, är den kommunikationsorienterade i vilken etablering, fullföljande och avslutning av åtaganden genom relatering av kommunikationshandlingar istället fokuseras. Enligt den kommunikationsorienterade synen på process betraktas aktörers kommunikationshandlingar inom och mellan organisationer som det essentiella, vilket leder till att transformationsaspekter undertrycks. I avhandlingen har grunder och arbetsstätt för processbestämning utvecklats. Detta har gjorts genom att tillämpa en teoridriven, induktiv och modelleringsbaserad forskningsansats. Kunskapsutvecklingen baseras empiriskt på processbestämningar genomförda i 13 verksamheter. Avhandlingens kunskapsbidrag är bland annat ett vidareutvecklat processbegrepp, vilket utvecklas genom en dialektisk ansats där motsättningarna mellan den transformationsorienterade och den kommunkationsorienterade synen på process övergryggas. Med utgångspunkt i det vidareutvecklade processbegreppet har sedan kriterier för processbestämning genererats, där produkter och aktörsrelationer identifierats som viktiga klasser för kriterier. Dessutom har avhandlingen resulterat i angreppssätt och arbetssätt för processbestämning, den sk teorin om oöverblickbara verksamhetssystem. Denna teori bygger på en annan dialektik och utgör en kunskapssyntes. Motsättningar överbryggas mellan systemtänkandet för indelning av verksamheter i delsystem och det rådande processtänkandet för att betrakta verksamheten som bestående av olika processer (huvudprocesser, delprocesser och aktiviteter). Att genomföra en verksamhetsanalys genom här föreslagen processbestämning innebär att kunskap om olika helheter med dess delar kan utvecklas. Dessa helheter och delar benämns processtyp, variantprocess, delprocess och social handling. Denna avhandling bidrar med kunskap om hur verksamheter kan uppfattas, avgränsas och indelas, i samband med processorienterad verksamhetsanalys.
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The Interface Between Enterprise Content Management and Records Management in Changing OrganizationsSvärd, Proscovia January 2011 (has links)
The increased demand from citizens for efficient service delivery from public sector organizations has implications for the information that underpins those services. Robust and effective information management is required. Information is looked upon as a resource that can give organizations a competitive edge if it is well leveraged. To address the need for more services and for more efficient service delivery, the Swedish government has promoted e-government initiatives and the two municipalities that are the subjects of this research have responded by engaging in e-service development and provision. e-Government has at its core the use of information and communication technology (ICT). The municipalities have embarked on the analysis and automation of their business processes and hence the use of information systems. Web-based technologies have created a two-way communication flow which has generated complex information for the municipalities to address. This development calls for stronger information and records management regimes. Enterprise Content Management is a new information management construct proposed to help organizations to deal with all their information resources. It promotes enterprise-wide information management. There is, however, little knowledge and understanding of ECM in the Swedish public sector. Further, how e-government developments have affected the management of information is an issue that has not been explored. Traditionally Swedish public authorities have employed records management to address the challenges of managing information. Records management has been used for the effective and systematic capture of records and the maintenance of their reliability and authenticity. While information helps with the daily running of business activities, records carry the evidentiary value of the interactions between the citizens and the municipalities. This research critically examines the interface between Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and records management as information/records management approaches. This has meant examining what the similarities and the differences between the two approaches are. The research instrumentally used the lens of the Records Continuum Model (RCM), which promotes the management of the entire records’ continuum, a proactive approach, combines the management of archives and records and supports the pluralisation of the captured records. The research further highlights the information management challenges that the municipalities are facing as they engage in e-government developments. Keywords: Enterprise Content Management, Records Management, E-government, Long-term Preservation, Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture. / Centre for Digital Information Management
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Recruitment process outsourcing and organisational culture, connecting the dotsMasinovic, Dinka January 2010 (has links)
Outsourcing has been around for over twenty years and is still growing, while outsourcing of recruitment is a relatively new phenomenon. Organisations outsource primarily because of the cost benefit and time saving, since there are also several reasons to outsource, there are also several types of outsourcing. Business process outsourcing is when an organisation outsources a whole business process such as Human Resources, which Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a part of. Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a process used to increase organisation‟s efficiency through managerial time saving, moving the recruitment process to external recruiting agencies providing trust and the proper competitive expertise needed. The purpose of this study is to see how organisational culture is affected by Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This study examined how RPO affects organisational culture, more precisely three factors were examined, motivation, performance orientation and effective orientation. Five international banks in Sweden were investigated and the results showed that motivation was not affected at all by RPO, effective orientation was affected by the most of the companies studied and the performance orientation was affected by circum one third of the companies by RPO. Human Resource study field has a lack of research in RPO and this study is a contribution to that field, regarding the outsourcing of recruitment in the Swedish bank industry.
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The study of business model on STN LCD industry¡XCase study on E companyHUANG, Mao-hsiung 07 August 2007 (has links)
Due to the impact of active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), twisted nematic (TN)/super-twisted nematic display (STN) industry confronts the market recession worldwide. Therefore, STN-LCD companies try to seek another development opportunity positively. However, developing new market can not be achieved in the short term. Some corporations actively strengthen their competitive advantage by technical innovation in order to possess more important position in the industry.
This research apply case study method and chose E-Company as sample company who ranked the third in Taiwan STN-LCD industry in terms of production capacity to find out the business model of E-Company through literature generalization, strategies analysis of rivals and enterprise interview.
This study found that the business model of E-Company is that strengthening the ability of horizontal integration and expanding the application field of display. By way of business process reengineering (BPR) and implementing product life-cycle management (PLM) system, E-Company integrates the products of downstream customers and offers technical support and services during concept planning phase of product development. Customers and suppliers can early involve the product development and reduce the cost of design change via collaborative design. Besides, collaborative design offers E-Company the capability to integrate the design chain information about product development and reduce time to market.
Key word: Business Model, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Product Life-cycle Management (PLM), Collaborative Product Design (CPD)
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