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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformace živnostenského podniku a jeho další rozvoj / Transformation of Crafts Company and Its Next Development

Dacíková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of transfer of trade to a limited liability company and its further development. The work deals with tax, accounting and administrative formalities, that are connected with this transformation. The change is applied to the company, which operates on the basis of a trade license. A theoretical part of the analysis shows the internal and external environment, the most important concepts of tax accounting and the transition to management accounting. Practical section first introduces and analyzes the business, makes an inventory of assets and liabilities, quantifies tax implications of the transfer. At the end, recommendations for further development of the company are designed.

A comparative study of tax incentives for small businesses in South Africa, Australia, India and the United Kingdom

Ssennyonjo, Peter 07 1900 (has links)
This study discusses South Africa’s tax incentives for small businesses and identifies shortcomings and areas of concern within the tax incentive regimes. A comparison of small business tax incentives provided by Australia, India, and the United Kingdom is made with South Africa’s small business tax incentives to identify similarities and differences, and new lessons are learned from the approaches of other countries. As a result of the comparison with the tax dispensations available to small businesses in other countries, the study recommends additional tax incentives that could be implemented by South Africa. Only those tax incentives that are available in other countries but not in South Africa that were deemed worthwhile were recommended to be introduced in the Republic. Recommendations were also made based on the gaps identified in South Africa’s small business tax incentives. / Taxation / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

A comparative study of tax incentives for small businesses in South Africa, Australia, India and the United Kingdom

Ssennyonjo, Peter 07 1900 (has links)
This study discusses South Africa’s tax incentives for small businesses and identifies shortcomings and areas of concern within the tax incentive regimes. A comparison of small business tax incentives provided by Australia, India, and the United Kingdom is made with South Africa’s small business tax incentives to identify similarities and differences, and new lessons are learned from the approaches of other countries. As a result of the comparison with the tax dispensations available to small businesses in other countries, the study recommends additional tax incentives that could be implemented by South Africa. Only those tax incentives that are available in other countries but not in South Africa that were deemed worthwhile were recommended to be introduced in the Republic. Recommendations were also made based on the gaps identified in South Africa’s small business tax incentives. / College of Accounting Sciences / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)


張鈺婉 Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言,租稅課徵的標的有所得、消費和財富三種,而在複式稅制下,三者同等重要。台灣地區光復初期的消費稅由於著重於財政收入和所得重分配等功能,因此較偏重於貨物稅之課徵;然自民國七十五年營業稅改制後,並採行加值型之課徵方式,整個銷售稅體系出現了重大的變化。由於消費稅係對消費行為課徵,與經濟及社會發展情況息息相關。再者,隨著時代的變遷,傳統以個人對社會貢獻之「所得」為納稅能力的衡量指標,已引起不少爭議,而對個人消耗社會資源的「消費」為課徵標的之加值稅,則相對受到重視。本文針對民國四十年以後台灣地區營業稅制度做整體性的探討,從觀察制度歷年之演變情形、發展趨勢,以及參考國際間實施概況,進而對現行制度做相關的問題檢討,並提出改進的建議。 茲將本研究重要結論,歸納為下列幾點: 一、觀察歷年營業稅和貨物稅占賦稅收入之比重可發現,在民國七十五年之前,貨物稅所占比重約為營業稅所占比重的兩倍左右;而在七十五年之後,營業稅所占比重已超過貨物稅,且呈現上升趨勢。顯示七十五年營業稅改制後,我國租稅結構已由原先以特種銷售稅為主,轉變成以一般銷售稅為主,並與OECD國家消費稅之發展趨勢相符。此外,由於舊制營業稅稅收占賦稅收入之比重一直維持在10%以下,而七十五年改制後所占比重躍升為13.5%,至八十八年時並已上升到18.6%,足見新制營業稅在整體財政上地位之提升。 二、鑒於OECD國家加值稅發展之趨勢為普遍提高稅率,且近年來大多維持在15~25%左右。而我國現行5%的稅率水準,乃營業稅改制時,基於總稅收不變的考量下所訂定,迄今雖已實施逾十五年,然對該稅率水準則未曾予以調整。再者,我國營業稅自改制後,雖歷年營業稅稅收占賦稅收入之比重與OECD國家歷年加值稅占總稅收比重之平均水準相當,約為17%左右,然而在占GDP和占消費支出之比重方面,卻遠較OECD國家平均水準偏低,我國各約占2~3.2%和2.5~4.5%之間,而OECD國家各約占5~6%和7%左右。顯示我國營業稅稅收仍有成長的空間。此外,根據實證研究顯示,溫和的調高營業稅稅率,對物價衝擊應是一次性的,且上漲程度有限。另由歷年之統計資料估算得知,40~75年營業稅稅收之所得彈性係數值約為0.9708,而76~88年約為1.2745,顯示營業稅改制後更具稅收彈性,並能隨經濟發展而穩定成長。 三、觀察歷年營業稅稅收和營業稅稅源中營業額之變化情形可發現,大體上,兩者變動的方向一致,惟各年之增長情形並受制度或經濟面影響,而變化幅度相當大。另由歷年營業稅稅源中各業營業額所占比重來看,以商業和製造業所占比重居高,大約在30~45%左右,而其他各業則大多維持在10%以下,足見商業和製造業在營業稅稅源中,扮演相當重要的角色。另自七十八年起,由於金融業的蓬勃發展,使近年來金融業大約占營業稅稅源的15%左右,故其重要性亦不容忽視。 四、理論上,加值稅體系下之免稅範圍愈小,則經濟中立性的功能將愈顯著。而我國現行營業稅法之免稅項目共計三十二款,分析其免稅性質可發現,主要以配合農業政策、配合社會福利政策、提升教育文化水準和避免重複課稅等居多。而其中在配合農業政策方面,由於對農漁業用之機器設備及其所用油、電等免稅,在認定上有所困難,易引起營業人假農業之名移作他用,不但造成稅務行政上的困擾,並易引發租稅逃漏。而在有關非營利組織之免稅項目方面,除了有關醫療、慈善活動及教育文化勞務等方面與國際規範較相符外,其餘大多為改制之初,為避免牽連過廣、衝擊太大,乃沿襲舊制保留下來,多缺乏堅強的免稅理由。此外,對於經主管機關核准設立之學術、科技研究機構所提供之研究勞務予以免稅,將產生不公平之競爭,不但違背租稅中性原則,並可能引發租稅逃漏之誘因。 五、金融保險業是整個經濟體系中密不可分的一環,基於租稅中性原則,理論上應將其納入加值稅體系課徵,以維持租稅公平。然而,由於對金融保險業課加值稅在實務上之困難,及資本、金融勞務等在國際間極具移動性,故一般多予以免稅處理。綜觀大多數採行加值稅之OECD國家,皆將金融保險勞務納入加值稅體系,而對主要業務予以免稅處理,對次要業務課以標準稅率。反觀我國於營業稅改制之初,鑒於課徵技術之困難,而將金融保險業排除於加值稅體系外,按銷售總額課徵,且進項稅額不得扣抵。此種作法不但違反租稅中性原則,且與一般國際慣例不相符。惟日前已修法通過,規定自民國九十五年起,金融機構經營專屬本業之銷售額將免徵營業稅。由於此規定較合乎理論基礎及一般國際慣例,相信對未來整個金融體系的發展,當有正面的助益。 六、本文的建議 (1)適切的提高營業稅稅率:在提高營業稅稅率之際,並應考慮將小規模營業人之稅率按同比例提高,使彼此納稅地位維持不變。同時配合取消或合併部分貨物稅項目,使整體稅制更完善。 (2)刪除不合時宜的免稅項目:建議取消營業稅法第八條第一項第八、十、十一、十二及十三等五款有關非營利組織之免稅規定,第二十七、二十八款有關農漁業用之機器設備及其所用油、電等之免稅規定,以及第三十一款有關學術科技研究勞務之免稅規定。若政府想要幫助某特定對象或是鼓勵某特定行為,最好採用移轉支付的方式。

Die effektiwiteit van belasting amnestieprogramme in Suid–Afrika / L.L. Basson

Basson, Louwrens Lewis January 2010 (has links)
South Africa has already implemented three tax–amnesty programmes: the Second Small Business Tax Amnesty 10 of 2006, the Exchange Control Amnesty Act 12 of 2003 and the Tax Amnesty Act 19 of 1995. In the 2010 budget announcement the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pravin Gordan, announced that there will be another chance for taxpayers to get their tax affairs in order with the Voluntary Disclosure Programme. The main goal of this study is to determine whether the Voluntary Disclosure Programme will prove to be effective or not. The research method utilised is based on an advanced literature study. The secondary goals are as follows: * to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding the three previous tax–amnesties that was implemented in South Africa. A prediction as to the success of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme can be made when using the total number of applications received and the amount of revenue that was received by the previous amnesties, as a measure of success; * to obtain a thorough knowledge of other countries' amnesty–programs, including the following: Australia, Ireland, Canada and the United Kingdom. Their experience and successes regarding their amnesty–programs will be used to predict the success of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme; an * to determine whether the Voluntary Disclosure Programme can be declared as fair. This study indicated that the Voluntary Disclosure Programme may not be effective and that it may have a negative impact on the tax compliance of taxpayers. A recommendation from this study is that the government should win the trust of taxpayers, which will lead to an automatic improvement in tax compliance. This study indicated that the tax amnesty programs should not be used as a mechanism to enhance tax compliance. An issue that needs further exploration is the impact that the Voluntary Disclosure Programme will have in the long–term on tax compliance in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die effektiwiteit van belasting amnestieprogramme in Suid–Afrika / L.L. Basson

Basson, Louwrens Lewis January 2010 (has links)
South Africa has already implemented three tax–amnesty programmes: the Second Small Business Tax Amnesty 10 of 2006, the Exchange Control Amnesty Act 12 of 2003 and the Tax Amnesty Act 19 of 1995. In the 2010 budget announcement the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pravin Gordan, announced that there will be another chance for taxpayers to get their tax affairs in order with the Voluntary Disclosure Programme. The main goal of this study is to determine whether the Voluntary Disclosure Programme will prove to be effective or not. The research method utilised is based on an advanced literature study. The secondary goals are as follows: * to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding the three previous tax–amnesties that was implemented in South Africa. A prediction as to the success of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme can be made when using the total number of applications received and the amount of revenue that was received by the previous amnesties, as a measure of success; * to obtain a thorough knowledge of other countries' amnesty–programs, including the following: Australia, Ireland, Canada and the United Kingdom. Their experience and successes regarding their amnesty–programs will be used to predict the success of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme; an * to determine whether the Voluntary Disclosure Programme can be declared as fair. This study indicated that the Voluntary Disclosure Programme may not be effective and that it may have a negative impact on the tax compliance of taxpayers. A recommendation from this study is that the government should win the trust of taxpayers, which will lead to an automatic improvement in tax compliance. This study indicated that the tax amnesty programs should not be used as a mechanism to enhance tax compliance. An issue that needs further exploration is the impact that the Voluntary Disclosure Programme will have in the long–term on tax compliance in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The determinants and deterrents of profit shifting : evidence from a sample of South African multinational enterprises

Isaac, Nereen 10 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to assess the determinants and deterrents of profit shifting, which can occur as a result of corporate income tax competition, with a view to aid in collecting sufficient tax revenue to meet public spending requirements. The study theoretically and empirically analysed the effectiveness of the introduction of the South African transfer pricing regulations on deterring the occurrence of profit shifting in South Africa using annual financial information of South African parented multinational enterprises for the period 2010 – 2017. The study established that the implementation of transfer pricing regulations resulted in a reduction in profit shifting that became increasingly more prominent as the rules became stricter. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that the South Africa government should allocate sufficient resources to ensure that the transfer pricing regulations are being adhered with an aim to reduce profit shifting from South Africa. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)

Is the turnover tax system functioning as intended? An exploratory study

Hellberg, Astrid Edelgard Suzanne 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana / This study explores whether the turnover tax system (TTS) fulfils its intended function of being a simplified tax system, using primary and secondary data. Structural-functionalism and the tax canons form the theoretical foundations for this study and are used to guide the questionnaire design, data collection process, identification of the overarching themes and the data analysis. Semi-structured interviews are utilised to solicit information from the selected participants, using convenience and snowball selection techniques. The participants believe that the TTS is not functioning as a fully simplified tax system, as not all the tax canons and structural functionalism principles of an effective tax system are being met. The concept of the TTS is perceived as good, although the administration thereof and the South African Revenue Service officials’ knowledge on the TTS are seen to be inadequate. Various recommendations are provided to improve the TTS. / Hierdie studie het ten doel om te bepaal of die omsetbelastingstelsel (“TTS”) sy beoogde funksie vervul – naamlik dié van ʼn vereenvoudigde belastingstelsel, deur die gebruik van primêre en sekondêre data. Strukturele funksionalisme en die belastingbeginsels vorm die teoretiese grondbeginsels vir hierdie studie en word gebruik om die vraelysontwerp, data-insamelingsproses, identifisering van die oorkoepelende temas en die data-ontleding te lei. Halfgestruktureerde onderhoude word gebruik om die uitgesoekte deelnemers om inligting te vra met behulp van gerieflikheid- en sneeubalselekteringstegnieke. Die deelnemers glo dat die omsetbelastingstelsel nie as ʼn ten volle vereenvoudigde belastingstelsel funksioneer nie, aangesien nie al die belastingbeginsels en strukturelefunksionalismebeginsels van ʼn doeltreffende belastingstelsel gevolg word nie. Die konsep van die omsetbelastingstelsel word as goed beskou, hoewel die administrering daarvan, sowel as die kennis wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens se amptenare ten opsigte van die omsetbelastingstelsel het, as ontoereikend beskou word. Verskeie aanbevelings word gedoen om die omsetbelastingstelsel te verbeter. / Thuto ye e lebeledišiša ge e le gore poelo ya tshepedišo ya lekgetho (TTS) e kgotsofatša mohola wo e nepetšwego wona e lego wa go ba tshepedišo ya lekgetho yeo e nolofaditšwego ka go šomiša tshedimošo ya motheo le ya tlaleletšo. Tšhomišego ya sebopego le melao ya motšhelo go hlama metheo ya dikgopolo ya thuto ye le go e šomiša go hlahla tlhamo ya letlakalapotšišo, tshepedišo ya go kgoboketša tshedimošo, tlhaolo ya merero ya go tlaleletša le tekolo ya tshedimošo. Dipoledišano tša go hlamega gannyane di šomišwa go hwetša tshedimošo go batšeakarolo bao ba kgethilwego, go šomišwa kgonagalo le mekgwatiro ya go kgetha ka go ya godimo. Batšeakarolo ba dumela go re TTS ga e šome bjalo ka tshepedišo ya go tlala ya lekgetho, ka ge e se metheo ka moka ya melao ya lekgetho yeo e fihlelelwago. Lereo la TTS le lemogwa bjalo ka le kaone, le ge tshepedišo ya lona le tsebo ya bašomi ba Ditirelo tša Lekgetho tša Afrika Borwa ya TTS e bonala e sa lekana. Ditigelo tše mmalwa di tšweleditšwe go kaonafatša TTS. / College of Accounting Sciences / M, Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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