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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Villano, Michael C. 17 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

營利事業所得稅納稅成本之研究-以台灣地區建築業為例 / The Compliance Costs of Business Income Tax: For Examples of Taiwan Area's Builder

古秀如, Gu, Syou Ru Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究緣起:   一般研究租稅超額負擔時,多探討租稅課徵造成資源配置扭曲的問題,而忽略租稅徵收成本(Administrative Costs)和納稅成本(Compliance Costs)亦會擴大租稅的超額負擔;事實上,租稅的徵納成本在整個財政制度的運作上是不容忽視的;再者,就公平面而言,租稅制度之設計除了必須考慮稅額負擔的垂直公平與水平公平外,對於納稅義務人間負擔租稅徵納成本是否平均的問題亦不可忽視。   二、研究過程:   (一)介紹納稅成本意義與文獻回顧。   (二)台灣地區建築業營利事業所得稅納稅成本問卷調查分析。   由於時間和經費的限制,本研究僅以台灣地區建築業作為調查對象,以探討營利事業為依從稅法規定申報與繳納營利事業所得稅所發生的各種費用(即納稅成本)。   本調查以參加各縣市建築投資同業公會之建設公司為抽樣對象,採分層比例隨機抽樣法抽取樣本數1000家;問卷自民國八十三年四月三十日陸續郵寄發出,至同年五月十五日截止,獲得104份回卷,有效回卷96份;使用SAS電腦軟體進行迴歸和變異數分析,以了解影響營利事業所得稅納稅成本的原因和各事業納稅成本負擔的分配狀態;再利用卡方檢定和交叉分析調查納稅義務人對處理營利事業所得稅可能遭遇困擾的程度。   三、結論:   (一)各項納稅成本中,以會計人員成本佔總納稅成本比例最大。   (二)總納稅成本與營業額、資本額、員工人數之間具正相關係。   (三)總納稅成本率與營業額、資本額之間具負相關係;因此,納稅成本負擔在各事業間之分配呈累退狀態。   (四)事業外部人員成本和內部人員成本與營業額、資本額之間具正相關係。   (五)在精神成本方面,受訪事業在處理營所稅事務時,認為困擾程度最多之排名為:     1.稅務法令規定繁瑣、不明確(77.89%)。     2.稅務機關核定太嚴苛(71.16%)。     3.稅務人員行政裁量權太大(61.54%)。   四、建議:   (一)提供免費稅務諮詢服務。   (二)簡化帳證處理。   (三)加強稅務法令宣導。   (四)簡化憑證查核。   (五)制定稅法必須明確。   (六)加強租稅核定前之溝通與協談。   (七)加強稅務人員租稅教育。   (八)協助提供事業單位納稅之服務。


李懷彬, Lee, Huai Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要目的係探究「民營企業所得稅稅收」之預測方法,由於以往關於我國營利事業所得稅稅收預測之文獻,其估測方法大致相同,亦即以行政院主計處所公佈之國民生產毛額(GNP)預測資料來估計企業利潤,並進而以企業利潤預測出未來之營利事業所得稅稅額。針對以上之估計方法,本文乃提出不同之觀點及作法,換言之,本文之研究步驟及特色分述如下:   (一)研究步驟   1.建立各業別營所稅稅額與企業利潤之迴歸式,亦即稅收函數。   2.考慮因產業別之不同,而其利潤之解釋變數亦有所差異,故進而建立各業別之利潤函數。   3.利用簡單之ARIMA模型,自行預測用以解釋企業利潤之各項外生變數。   綜言之,亦即欲藉由模型本身所預測之各項外生變數未來值,進而求得企業利潤及營所稅稅額之預測值。   (二)研究特色   1.按產業別各自進行估測,以求得更為精確之稅收預測值。   2.本文乃藉由ARIMA模型,主動對那些影響企業利潤之外生變數(例如:國民所得、出口總額、貨幣供給量以及失業率)加以預測及估計,而異於以往學者對於「國民生產毛額」變數乃採取行政院主計處所公佈之預測資料的做法。   實證結果顯示,本模型所估測出的營所稅稅額與實際徵起之稅額,其近五年之平均誤差率有減少情況,也就是估計值與實際值二者相互接近,故估測結果實具參考價值。


張翠珊, Tsui-Shan Chang Unknown Date (has links)
XBRL是一種以XML為基礎所發展出來的一種語言,用來規範網路財務資訊揭露而產生的資料交換標準,同時也是提升財務資訊透明化的推手。XBRL使資訊可以更快速地流通,改善資訊處理的速度。 本論文的研究目的,在於透過XBRL之應用,來建立公司營利事業所得稅申報書之各個項目的分類標準,並設計一套以XBRL為基礎之營利事業所得稅申報系統。就營利事業而言,XBRL可以協助企業稅務部門取得資料,讓營利事業所得稅申報上所需的部份資料,可以直接從總帳資料庫轉入產生,讓企業在稅務資料處理上可以減少作業成本,降低人為錯誤的可能性,減少重覆手動輸入資料,讓報稅工作更為快速、有效率,透過網路傳輸報稅檔案,節省了報稅人在報稅期間必須親自稅捐稽徵機關排隊等待報稅的時間。就稅捐稽徵機關而言,所有的企業按同一套XBRL標準來報稅,可簡化稅務處理工作,更者,可將取得之資料進行分析,找出異常並加以審查,且若未來XBRL能順利推廣,營利事業之總帳系統與申報營業稅之資料均以XBRL編製而成,則因為所有檔案型態一致,稅捐稽徵機關在進行調帳查閱時,可以大大減少查核的人力及成本,可以增加查核的效率。 本論文將建立起一套符合中華民國稅法與相關法令規定之營利事業所得稅之XBRL 分類標準,並利用該分類標準之架構,設計出一套能符合現行法令規定且以XBRL為基礎之營利事業所得稅申報之程式軟體。本論文會將虛擬資料輸入已建好之程式,來進行實際展示如何產生以XBRL為格式之營利事業所得稅申報電子檔,以作為未來企業運用時之參考。另外,針對國稅局方面,本論文亦設計一驗證程式,讓國稅局能夠對所收到之營利事業所得稅申報檔進行資料正確性之檢查及驗證。 / XBRL is an XML-based, royalty-free, and open standard, used to stipulate the data exchange standard in the Internet. XBRL can substantially help improve the transparency of financial information, and communicate the information chain more fluently, and expedite the data processing. The objective of this thesis is to establish the XBRL taxonomy for the returns of Business Income Tax in Taiwan, and to design the XBRL-based application software for filing the Business Income Tax returns. By establishing the XBRL taxonomy, it can help the tax department to retrieve tax return data from corporations more efficiently. Since the data for filing tax returns can also be retrieved directly from the general ledger database, the benefits of promoting the XBRL-based tax return filing system would include saving operation costs, reducing the possibility of errors, avoiding re-keying data, and filing tax returns faster and more efficiently. For the National Tax Administration, the XBRL-based filing system can simplify the paper work on processing tax returns. Further, National Tax Administration can utilize the program to directly analyze the electronic tax data, diagnosing the abcdrmal financial relationships, and devise more efficient audit program. In the future, if the data of corporations’ general ledger and business tax are all prepared in XBRL, National Tax Administration can directly trace from tax return data to firms’ financial statements and thus increase the efficiency and effectiveness of tax audit. To facilitate building the XBRL-based tax return filing system, this thesis establishes a set of XBRL taxonomy for Business Income Tax return in Taiwan, and use the taxonomy to design a XBRL-based application software for Business Income Tax returns. This thesis also demonstrates the application of this software using virtual financial data to generate the XBRL-format Business Income Tax return data. Further, this study also designs a software that can be used by National Tax Administration to verify the tax return data received from corporate taxpayers.


楊朝旭, Yang, Chaur Shiuh Unknown Date (has links)
美國的租稅正義公民會社(Citizens for Tax Jusitce)在一九八五年發表一篇震撼美國政府、企業界與學術界的研究報告,文章中指出美國最大約兩百五十家大企業中,有半數以上,在一九八一年到一九八五年當中 ,至少有一年未納一毛錢的聯邦所得稅,或者甚至收到聯邦的退稅款。這篇報告引起美國財經學者與會計學者對公司租稅負擔的熱烈探討,亦對美國國會通過一九八六年租稅改革法案(the Tax Reform Act of 1986)取消投資扣抵、擴大稅基並加強最低稅負(alternative minimum tax)之稽徵有重要的影響。   本文之主要研究目的在於探討我國上市公司之營利事業所得稅負擔,是否受到企業規模、產業別以及稅制變化之影響。本研究使用我國教育部電子計算機中心提供之「台灣股票上市公司財務報表資料庫」,取出自民國七十三年到民國八十一年連續九年間,相同八十家上市公司所構成之縱查資料(longitudinal data或panel data),利用二元固定影響模型(two-way fixed effects model)等方法進行分析,發現上市公司之規模越大有效稅率越低(租稅負擔越低),顯示較大的上市公司可能運用較大的政治力量來減輕其租稅負擔,此結果代表用租稅來反映政治成本的政治成本假說(political cost hypothesis)不適用於我國的上市公司。在財務會計的研究上,經常以政治成本假說為基礎來解釋經理人員為何採用可降低當期盈餘的會計方法,亦即假設政治成本假說為正確,則企業規模愈大,愈容易受到政治上的監督(例如稅捐單位的嚴格審查),其政治成本愈大,為了避免這種政治成本,規模愈大約企業愈可能採用降低當期盈餘的會計方法。但是由本文的研究結果顯示,同租稅來表示政治成本的政治成本假說在我國並不成立,因此,未來有關之研究,在解釋我國公司規模對會計方法之選擇的影響時,不能直接從政治成本假說的觀點來解釋。   本文亦參考國外有關文獻,將我國與美國上市公司同期間(1986~1989)的租稅負擔加以比較,發現我國上市公司的有效稅率低於美國,但其主要原因為我國上市公司有虧損所引起。   本文另外亦使用產業的虛擬變數來分析不同產業是否有不同的租稅負擔,檢定結果顯示產業別對租稅負擔有顯著的影響。最後,本文比較民國七十五年營所稅自30%降為25%與實施加值稅前後,公司租稅負擔的變化情形,發現七十五年稅制變動後,規模愈大之上市公司須繳愈多的營利事業所得稅。 / A 1985 study by Citizens for Tax Justice examined the corpor-ate income tax burden of 250 largest U.S. corporations. They found that almost half of the largest corporations paid absolutely nothing in federal income taxes, or received tax rebates, in at least one of the four years from 1981 to 1984.This thesis intends to examine the income tax burden of public companies in Taiwan. In particular, the thesis investigates whether firm size, specific industry and tax system change will affect the income tax burden of public (listed) corporations. Financial statement data of the public corporations were obtained from the Econometric Programm- ing System (EPS) data base provided by the Ministry of Education. The main sample consists of eighty corporations that appear in all nine years over the 1984-1992 period.   To control for individual company and time heterogeneity and reduce omitted variable bias, fixed effects models are employed in this study. Using a two-way fixed effects model, the result shows that the larger the corporation's size the lower the effective tax rate (the lower the corporation's tax burden). It indicates that larger corporations may have more political power to reduce their tax burden. The finding suggests that political cost hypothesis is not justified in Taiwan's public corporations from the standpoint of effective tax rates.   This thesis also analyzes whether tax burden varies across industries. The analysis shows that a corporation's tax burden is related to the industry in which the corporation operates. Finally, this study examines the changes of corporation's tax burden pre and post 1986 when the highest statutory business income tax rate was reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent and the value-added tax was adopted in the same year. The analysis indicates that after the tax system change in 1986, large corporations paid more business income taxes.

Los ingresos por publicidad y su impacto en el impuesto a la renta empresarial de los influencers en Lima Metropolitana, año 2020 / Advertising Income and its Impact on Influencers' Business Income Tax in Metropolitan Lima, 2020

Collantes Ayala, Diana Araceli, García Gómez, María de los Ángeles Jhustine 11 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto de los ingresos por publicidad de los influencers en el impuesto a la renta empresarial en Lima Metropolita en el año 2020. Debido a que, en los últimos años, los influencers han tenido un papel importante en la publicidad que realizan las empresas, obteniendo una retribución ya sea monetaria o en especie a cambio de sus servicios. El estudio de investigación se halla distribuido en 5 capítulos, que son: Capítulo I: Marco Teórico, en el cual se exponen las definiciones básicas vinculadas al tema principal. Capítulo II Plan de Investigación, se explica el problema, así como la precisión de los objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas. Capítulo III Metodología de Investigación, sobre el que se detalla el tipo de investigación a aplicar, así como la fijación del tamaño de la muestra para posteriormente proceder con el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Capítulo IV Desarrollo de la Investigación, en el cual se ejecuta la aplicación de los instrumentos mencionados precedentemente, a su vez, se efectúa un caso práctico para estimar el impacto de los ingresos por publicidad de los Influencers en el impuesto a la renta. Capítulo V Análisis de los Resultados, se desarrolla el análisis de los instrumentos y el caso práctico. Se concluye con la validación de la hipótesis general y especificas tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en las tablas cruzadas y el CHI cuadrado, ofreciendo como últimos fundamentos, las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales. / The purpose of this research work is to determine the impact of influencers' advertising income on business income tax in Metropolitan Lima in 2020. Because, in recent years, influencers have played an important role in the advertising carried out by the companies, obtaining a remuneration either monetary or in kind in exchange for their services. The research work is divided into 5 chapters, which are: Chapter I: Theoretical Framework, where the basic definitions related to the main topic are presented. Chapter II Research Plan describes the problem, as well as the determination of the objectives and general and specific hypotheses. Chapter III Research Methodology, where the type of research to be used is defined, as well as the determination of the sample size to then carry out the quantitative and qualitative analysis. Chapter IV Research Development, where the application of the instruments described above is carried out, in turn, a practical case is executed to evaluate the impact of the advertising income of the Influencers on the income tax. Chapter V Analysis of the results, the analysis of the instruments and the practical case are carried out. It concludes with the validation of the general and specific hypotheses, taking into account the results obtained in the crossed tables and the CHI squared, providing as last elements, the final conclusions and recommendations. / Tesis

Two essays on nonprofit finance

Qu, Heng 06 May 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This dissertation consists of two essays on nonprofit finance. Nonprofit finance concerns obtaining and managing financial resources to support the social purposes of nonprofit organizations. A unique feature of nonprofit finance is that nonprofits derive revenue from a variety of sources. Nonprofit finance thus involves answering two fundamental questions: What is the optimal combination of revenue sources that supports a nonprofit to achieve its mission? Where and how to obtain the revenue sources? The two dissertation essays address these two questions respectively. The first essay, titled “Modern Portfolio Theory and the Optimization of Nonprofit Revenue Mix,” is among the first to properly apply modern portfolio theory (MPT) from corporate finance to nonprofit finance. By analyzing nonprofit tax return data, I estimate the expected return and risk characteristics for five nonprofit revenue sources as well as the correlations among these returns. I use the estimates to identify the efficient frontiers for nonprofits in different industries, based on which nonprofit managers can select an optimal portfolio that can minimize the risk given a preferred level of service provision or maximize the return given a level of risk. The findings also pose a challenge to the predominant approach used in previous nonprofit finance studies (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) and suggest that MPT is theoretically and practically more helpful in guiding nonprofit revenue management. The second essay, titled “Charitable Giving in Nonprofit Service Associations: Identities, Incentives, and Gender Differences,” concerns nonprofit resource attainment, specifically, how do decisionmaking contexts and framing affect donations. Membership in a service club is characterized by two essential elements: members’ shared interest in the club’s charitable mission; and private benefits that often come as a result of social interactions with other members, such as networking, fellowship, and fun. A laboratory experiment was designed to examine 1) whether membership in a service club makes a person more generous and 2) the effect of service club membership—stressing either the service or socializing aspects—on individual support for collective goods. The study finds that female individuals are the least generous when they are reminded of the socializing aspect of service-club membership.

L'imposition des revenus d'opérations des entreprises françaises dans les six pays du CCG (Arabie Saoudite, Bahreïn, Emirats arabes unis, Koweït, Oman et Qatar) / Taxation of french companies income from their operations in the six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar)

Majed, Leila 18 December 2012 (has links)
Les six pays qui forment le Conseil de Coopération du Golfe (CCG) disposent encore collectivement de vastes réserves de pétrole et de gaz. Mais pour combien de temps ? Arabie Saoudite, Bahreïn, Émirats Arabes Unis, Koweït, Oman et Qatar n’ont pendant longtemps imposé que les sociétés pétrolières étrangères. Conscients de la limite de la manne pétrolière, ils cherchent depuis plusieurs années à diversifier leur assise économique en attirant toujours plus d'investissements directs étrangers, autres que pétroliers. Un droit fiscal commun, applicable aux activités commerciales et industrielles des entreprises étrangères, a ainsi vu le jour en Arabie Saoudite, au Koweït, en Oman et au Qatar. Ce régime fiscal se distingue à la fois par de faibles taux d’imposition et par le renforcement permanent des moyens de recouvrement et de contrôle des opérations internationales des entreprises étrangères. Les entreprises françaises qui opèrent dans cette région bénéficient toujours, en application des conventions contre la double imposition, d’une suppression des retenues à la source sur leurs revenus issus des pays du CCG. C’est un avantage fiscal considérable par rapport à leurs homologues domiciliées dans d'autres pays occidentaux. Mais aujourd’hui, les sociétés françaises doivent faire face à une politique fiscale plus « agressive ». Elles sont confrontées à des systèmes fiscaux attractifs mais évolutifs, très diversifiés et de plus en plus coercitifs. / The six Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) still hold collectively vast reserves of oil and gas. But for how much longer? Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar have for a long time taxed only foreign oil companies. Aware of the limits of the oil godsend, these countries are currently seeking to diversify their economic basis by drawing in ever more foreign direct investment outside of the fossil fuel sector. New taxation laws applicable to foreign commercial and industrial activities have therefore been enacted in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. These laws share two main characteristics: low tax rates and strengthened measures to collect taxes and control the international operations of foreign companies. Under double taxation treaties, French companies operating in that region still enjoy exemption from withholding tax on their GCC revenue. That is a considerable advantage compared to their counterparts based in other Western countries. Yet French companies must now encounter an "aggressive" fiscal policy. They are confronted with attractive fiscal systems but constantly changing, diverse and coercive.

台灣企業從事國際多角貿易面臨之租稅議題研究-以加值型營業稅及營利事業所得稅為主 / The study on taxation issues on multi-lateral international trade of Taiwanese enterprises--on value-added tax and business income tax

謝惠娟, Hsieh, HuiChuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟主要以外銷為導向,近年來因為中國大陸經濟崛起,隨著兩岸經濟的逐漸開放,供應商產業外移,無論傳統產業或高科技產業製造相關企業,西進中國大陸已成台灣產業發展主流,貿易商採用多角貿易進行各種不同商業活動方式早已發展為台灣企業從事國際多角貿易的交易模式,而現行稅務主管機關對傳統外銷之各項租稅規定、法令規範、稽徵程序、實務審核作業規範等,對於台灣產業國際多角貿易類型,產生許多租稅疑義。因此,本論文以問卷調查方法,探討台灣企業從事國際多角貿易面臨之租稅相關議題,以提出改進我國企業從事國際多角貿易之相關租稅規範建議,供政府主管機關參考。   本文的問卷結果顯示,國際多角貿易之營業比重在台灣產業已占有舉足輕重之地位,且超過50%受訪企業認為,公司從事國際多角貿易交易與傳統直接外銷,不論在經濟實質、權利義務或風險瑕疵責任歸屬,兩者均相同。有70%以上之受訪企業表示對現行加值型營業稅及營利事業所得稅,在適用上產生困擾。雖然,現行法令對於公司從事國際多角貿易交易收入有銷貨及勞務之區分,但本文的問卷結果顯示有超過80%以上受訪企業認為企業從事國際多角貿易交易的性質係屬銷貨行為,並希望財政部簡化現行對國際多角貿易交易之課稅規範。   本論文建議,要健全國際多角貿易課稅規範,消弭國際多角貿易之租稅疑議,首先,必須打破現行課稅法令對國際多角貿易區分由國內出貨或第三地出貨,依出貨地是否在中華民國境內而有不同認定之迷失。其次,對國際多角貿易之會計處理應回歸交易實質,不應藉由課稅之考量來左右會計基礎之入帳原則。最後,財政部應簡化現行對國際多角貿易之課稅規範,減少企業因複雜之課稅規定而將第三地出貨之多角貿易收入規避不列入台灣之營業收入。 / Taiwan's economy is primarily export-oriented. In recent years, because of the rise of economy in mainland China, with cross-strait economy liberalization and relocation of suppliers, both traditional and high technology industry businesses have been moving to mainland China as mainstream of Taiwan's industrial development. Multi-lateral transactions have been adopted by Taiwanese companies in engaging in various international business activities. However, tax laws and regulations, as well as assessment procedures adopted by Taiwan tax authorities, on multi-lateral business have triggered many tax disputes. Therefore, with surveys by questionnaires, this study aims to investigate into the relevant tax issues in the multi-lateral international trade of Taiwanese enterprises and propose suggestions for the tax authorities to improve Taiwan tax treatment on multi-lateral international trade.   The questionnaire results show that multi-lateral international trade has become a dominant business model in Taiwan industry, more than 50% of the respondents consider both multi-lateral international trade transactions and the traditional direct export are the same, with respect to economic substance, rights and obligations or liability risks of the transactions. More than 70% of the respondents indicate that they have encountered problems when applying to the existing value-added tax law and business income tax law. Although the existing reguations for companies engaging in multi-lateral international trade transactions classify such transactions into sales and services in their respective tax treatments, the questionnaire results show that more than 80% of the respondents consider such transactions should be all regarded as sales of goods, and urge the Ministry of Finance to simplify the existing taxation on such transactions.   This paper proposes the following suggestions to make taxation on multi-lateral international transactions more reasonable and enforceable. First of all, the existing taxation on multi-lateral international trade should not classify such transactions as domestic shipment or third place shipment solely by whether the shipping point is in the territory of Republic of China or not. Second, the accounting for international multi-lateral trade should reflect the substance of such transactions instead of following the tax law treatment. Third, the Ministry of Finance should simplify the existing tax treatment for multi-lateral international trade to prevent Taiwanese enterprises from under-reporting multi-lateral international trade revenues derived from third place shipment in filing Taiwan business income tax because of the complexity of the exitng tax regulations.

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