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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An overview of the strategic issues faced by business to business E-commerce models in South Africa

Skei, Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of new business models in the emerging Business-to-Business electronic transacting arena is demanding answers to a new set of questions being asked of businesses. Amongst the issues identified are the viability and sustainability of these new business models and their applicability in addressing identified business problems, especially those related to procurement. In assessing the benefits, obstacles and opportunities for procurement a clearer picture emerge about the value of these marketplaces. The value of marketplaces is analysed using Porter's value chain discussion and other research that highlights value creation in the digital age. Obstacles to value creation are also discussed using Zwass's hierarchy to understand the marketplace architecture. Discussing the marketplace innovation at three distinct levels assist with the definition of key challenges, such as telecommunication infrastructure, SME development, legal, security, taxation, and technology standards. Also discussed are the issues that revolve around the various business models, their uniqueness and their ability to unlock value. The comparative matrix developed in the study report confirms that competition in narrowly defined areas is intensifying and will result in a shakeout with a few marketplaces remaining in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van nuwe besigheidsmodelle in die opkommende Besigheid-tot- Besigheid elektroniese transaksie arena vereis antwoorde op 'n nuwe stel vrae wat aan besigheid gestel word. Van die geïdentifiseerde kwessies is die lewensvatbaarheid en volhouding van die nuwe besigheidsmodelle en hul toepassing in die oplossing van geïdentifiseerde besigheidsprobleme, veral met betrekking tot aankopebestuur. Deur die voordele, struikelblokke en geleenthede van elektroniese aankopebestuur te ondersoek, word 'n duideliker beeld van markruimtes verkry. Die waarde van markruimtes word geanaliseer deur Porter se waardeketting bespreking en ander navorsing wat die waardeskepping uitlig in die digitale era. Struikelblokke in die pad van waardeskepping word ook bespreek deur Zwass se hierargiese model word gebruik om die waardeskepping van markruimte se argitektuur te verstaan. Om die Markruimte innovering op drie belangrike vlakke te bespreek help met die definiering van die sleutel uitdagings, soos telekommunikasie infrastruktuur, klein en medium besigheids, regs-, sekuriteit-, belasting-, en tegnologiestandaarde. Die vergelykende matriks wat in die studieverslag ontwikkel is, bevestig dat kompetisie in goed geidentifiseerde areas meer intensief word en 'n uitskudding to gevolg sal hê met slegs 'n paar oorblywende markruimtes in Suid Afrika.

Öppen Innovation : En kvalitativ studie om idétransformation inom företag

Bjuhr, Katarina, Dahl, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
The concept of open innovation is about outsourcing part of the innovation process to external actors and to make use of other resources and knowledge than your own. This is one possible way to meet the challenges that today’s competitive and fast market places on companies. Open innovation has created conditions for open events such as hackathons and through these kind of events, ideas can be generated that companies can use in their business. Outside-in is a perspective of open innovation as a means to integrate external knowledge and ideas into its own operations, and this study takes place in the context of open innovation with an outside-in perspective. The study aims to find how the methods, techniques and tools affects the transition from an idea to an internal project, which results in new products and services. The study is qualitative and data has been collected through interviews with companies which have extensive knowledge of working with innovation. The result of the study shows there is a gap in the transformation of ideas and internal projects, and that there are no systematic approach to the methods, techniques and tools used to facilitate the transformation.

The development of guidelines for the evaluation of franchising as a business option

Jordaan, Adrian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: New economic activity is essential to create jobs that can absorb the surplus~ abour being created by, amongst other things, the increase in population rate, particular1y in developing countries like South Africa, and rationalisation and increased productivity characterising larger organisations nowadays. Entrepreneurship has been identified as one of the key sources and driving forces behind job creation and long-term economic growth, yet South Africa performs well below average in terms of entrepreneurial activity, particularly when compared to other developing countries. The weaknesses in the training and education system, lack of financial support, lack of research and development transfer and poor access to physical infrastructure were consistently identified in the various Global Entrepreneurship Monitor studies as accounting for the low entrepreneurial activity in South Africa. v-- The franchising business model has be/ldescribed in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis and shows that the franchisor prescribes to the franchisee a business model by providing procedures, guidelines, sharing, training and support for the execution of the primary and secondary activities within the franchisee's value chain. This is achieved through the tangible interrelationships that exist between franchisor and franchisee, which are characterised by the sharing and support of activities that are related within the two value chains and the intangible interrelationships involving the transfer of management know-how through training and mentoring. Considering the nature and the advantages of the franchise business model as described in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis, franchising can go a long way towards overcoming the lack of training and education and access to finance many entrepreneurs in South Africa are faced with. There is therefore evidence to suggest that franchising as a business model can reduce many of the risks associated with starting up a new business and contribute towards the improvement of the entrepreneurial status of South Africa. One of the main rationales behind purchasing a particular franchise is the confidence that the franchise will contribute to making the individual's business success more predictable. For this to become a reality requires that the franchisor provides an individual with a tried and test concept linked to a respectable and well-known brand within a structure that provides extensive initial and continuous support. However, although there are clear guidelines for the structure and conduct within the franchise business model, there are no all-encompassing rules regarding the extent to which all the aspects of a franchise business model have to be present for a particular franchise system to be considered good or bad. One franchise system may allow franchisees more leeway in some aspects of the business and have less formalised interrelationships within its value chain compared to another franchise system yet they may be equally successful systems depending on the extent to which their structure and the personal profile of the prospective franchisee complement each other. Therefore there are different management styles applied within different franchise systems and whether a particular franchise system will be successful for a particular franchisee depends upon the fit between the individual's personal profile, which encompasses the individual's skills, personality, entrepreneurial profile, risk profile, control profile, independence profile, work habits, ambitions, dreams, strengths and weaknesses and the franchise culture, functionality, structure, dynamic inter-relationships and regulation that prevails in the franchise network being considered. These factors, combined with others such as the current franchisor recruitment practices; abuse of the franchise concept and the balance of power considerations between franchisor and franchisee, emphasise the necessity for a prospective franchisee to take responsibility by performing his/her own thorough evaluation. The aim of this study was therefore the development of an analytical framework, which can be used by a prospective franchisee as a guideline for evaluating and deciding whether he/she is suited for franchising, whether a particular franchise opportunity is a sound and legitimate option and whether there is a fit between the personal profile of the individual and the profile of a particular franchise investment option being considered. By following the proposed analytical framework a prospective franchisee is able to develop a personal profile according to recommended guidelines and evaluate each potential franchise being considered / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nuwe ekonomiese aktiwiteit is noodsaaklik om werk te skep wat die ooraanbod van arbeid kan absorbeer wat onder andere veroorsaak word deur die bevolkingsaanwas, veral in ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika, en rasionalisering en groter produktiwiteit wat deesdae groter organisasies kenmerk. Entrepreneurskap is ge'identifiseer as een van die sleutelbronne en dryfvere agter werkskepping en langtermyn ekonomiese groei. Tog presteer Suid-Afrika ver onder die gemiddelde in terme van entrepreneurskapsaktiwiteit, veral as dit vergelyk word met ander ontwikkelende lande. Die tekortkominge in die onderwys- en opleidingstelsel, gebrek aan finansiele ondersteuning, gebrek aan oordrag van navorsing- en ontwikkelingskundigheid en swak toegang tot fisiese infrastruktuur is konsekwent deur die Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ge'identifiseer as redes vir die lae vlak van entrepreneursaktiwiteit in Suid-Afrika. Die konsessie-sakemodel is in terme van Porter se waardekettinganalise beskryf en toon dat die konsessiegewer aan die konsessiehouer 'n sake model voorskryf deur prosedures, riglyne, deelname, opleiding en ondersteuning te voorsien vir die uitvoering van die primere en sekondere aktiwiteite binne die konsessiehouer se waardeketting. Dit word bereik deur die tasbare interverhoudings wat tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer bestaan, wat gekenmerk word deur die deelname aan en ondersteuning van aktiwiteite wat verwant is binne die twee waardekettings en die ontasbare interverhoudings wat betref die oordrag van bestuurskennis deur opleiding en mentorskap. As die aard en die voordele van die konsessie-sakemodel oorweeg word, soos beskryf in terme van Porter se waardeketting, kan die konsessiebedryf baie doen om die gebrek aan onderwys en opleiding en toegang tot finansiering wat baie entrepreneurs in Suid-Afrika ondervind, teen te werk. Daar is dus aanduiding dat konsessies as sakemodel baie van die risiko's kan verlaag wat verband hou met die totstandbring van 'n nuwe onderneming en kan bydra tot die verbetering van die entrepreneurstatus van Suid-Afrika. Een van die hoofbeweegredes agter die aankoop van 'n spesifieke konsessie is die vertroue dat die konsessie daartoe sal bydra om die individu se besigheid meer voorspelbaar te maak. Ten einde dit moontlik te maak, moet die konsessiegewer 'n individu voorsien van 'n beproefde konsep gekoppel aan 'n gerespekteerde en bekende handelsmerk binne 'n struktuur wat omvattende aanvanklike en deurlopende ondersteuning bied. Alhoewel daar duidelike riglyne is vir die struktuur en bedryf binne die konsessie-sakemodel, is daar geen allesomvattende re~ls betreffende die omvang waartoe al die aspekte van 'n konsessie-sakemodel teenwoordig moet wees ten einde te bepaal of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel goed of sleg is nie. Een konsessiestelsel mag konsessiehouers meer vryheid bied in terme van sekere aspekte van die besigheid en minder formele interverhoudings he binne sy waardeketting vergeleke met 'n ander konsessiestelsel, maar hulle mag ewe suksesvolle stelsels wees afhangend van die mate waarin hulle struktuur en die persoonlike profiel van die voomemende konsessiehouer mekaar komplementeer. Daar word dus verskillende bestuurstyle toegepas binne verskillende konsessiestelsels en of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel suksesvol sal wees vir 'n spesifieke konsessiehouer hang grootliks af van die passing tussen die individu se persoonlike profiel, wat insluit die individu se vaardighede, persoonlikheid, entrepreneursprofiel, risiko-profiel, kontrole-profiel, onafhanklikheidsprofiel, werkstyl, ambisies, drome, sterkpunte en swakpunte en die konsessie se kultuur, funksionaliteit, struktuur, dinamiese interverhoudings en regulering wat bestaan in die konsessienetwerk wat oorweeg word. Hierdie faktore, tesame met ander soos die huidige konsessiegewer se aanstellingspraktyke, misbruik van die konsessiekonsep en die magsbalans-oorwegings tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer, beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid vir 'n voornemende konsessiehouer om verantwoordelikheid te neem deur sylhaar eie deeglike evaluering te doen. Die doel van hierdie studie is daarom die ontwikkeling van 'n analitiese raamwerk wat deur 'n voornemende konsessiehouer gebruik kan word as 'n riglyn vir die evaluering en besluitneming ten opsigte van sy/haar eie gepastheid vir die konsessiebedryf, of 'n spesifieke konsessiegeleentheid 'n grondige en wettige opsie is en of daar 'n passing is tussen die persoonlike profiel van die individu en die profiel van 'n spesifieke konsessiebelegging wat oorweeg word. Deur die voorgestelde analitiese raamwerk te volg, sal die voornemende konsessiehouer in staat wees om 'n persoonlike profiel te ontwikkel volgens aanbevole riglyn en elke potensiele konsessie wat oorweeg word, te evalueer.

Developing a business model framework for support services to small- and medium enterprises in the services industry in South Africa

Du Plessis, Lourens 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / There is no doubt as to the important role of small businesses in the creation of employment and development of the South African economy. Unfortunately support services for the small business are generally hard to come by and expensive if not sponsored by government, an NGO or corporate entity. For the small business owner who has been operating for a number of years and knows what is required to operate successfully, it is difficult and time consuming to find an affordable solution. This paper aimed to find a business model framework that would bring support services closer to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the services industry in South Africa. It must have the capability to relieve an SME of resource-intensive support burdens (administrative and otherwise) and thereby allow an increased focus on its core service-delivery value proposition. Based on systems theory it is safe to say that all entities in the economy are somehow interrelated and exert some influence on each other. It is therefore well within reason to conclude that the output of this research could be beneficial to SMEs on the supply- and demand- side of the service industry. For the purpose of this report, an SME was defined as a company that had the following characteristics: active owner involvement on all levels, a relatively small market share, had a staff complement of between 3 and 50 employees and provided a service (i.e. solving a problem). In creating an appropriate solution, it was important to understand the target audience, the business owner, much better. The data source for this research was the data gathered during the Finscope South Africa Small Business Survey 2010. Underlying the research was a hybrid approach that utilised both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The data was gathered throughout South Africa by means of a structured questionnaire created by a team of experts. It focused on measuring specific perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of SMEs and SME owners. A multi-sided platform or catalyst showed the most potential for satisfying the need to reduce the barriers between SMEs and service providers. A catalyst has three primary activities – building, stimulating and governing. These activities create and sustain a successful catalytic reaction and partnership. The research provided a wide range of South African SME and owner characteristics that were most beneficial in developing a business model framework.

Beyond Going Global : Essays on business development of International New Ventures past early internationalization

Abrahamsson, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The notion of International New Ventures, or INVs, emerged in academia in the early-to-mid 1990s and generally refers to entrepreneurial firms that tend to internationalize very early in their life-cycle, and whose expansion into foreign markets occurs much more quickly than predicted by earlier theories of the incremental internationalization process. Previous literature proposes effective networking with market partners and, more recently, internationally viable business model among key distinguishing features of INVs that allow for such early and rapid entry into international markets. Nevertheless, little is yet known regarding how these younger firms develop over time and how they could sustain international growth. With the purpose of filling this gap, this doctoral dissertation scrutinizes business models and business model innovation of INVs beyond their early internationalization, with a particular emphasis on INVs’ external relationships configurations.   The dissertation consists of four self-contained essays that represent a methodological mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches and incorporate longitudinal case studies, surveys and register-based data encompassing nine years of Swedish INVs’ development. The findings highlight the importance of the business model as an initial market entry tool, and of business model innovation as a potential growth vehicle over time. Findings also display that INVs work with a broader range of external partners compared to other firms for innovative purposes, and that INVs have different business model innovation patterns compared to other types of internationalized firms. Moreover, INVs focus more heavily on value capture innovations in their business models as they mature and seek to obtain a more centralized position in their industry ecosystem by re-configuring the parameters of existing external relationships or developing new ones.   Overall, this dissertation contributes to the international entrepreneurship and business model literature by explicating how maturing INVs need to operate under different business model configurations as compared to emerging INVs, as the original business model might lack scalability after a certain point in time. Furthermore, the dissertation suggests how INVs can pursue a dynamic business model approach and utilize dynamic capabilities to design business models that put the focal firm more in control of the surrounding ecosystem, and reduce constraints that can limit the value capturing potential and thus the growth and development of INVs.

Creating shared value through business models based on sustainability and CSR : An empirical study of Swedish companies

Haskell, Lucas, Pålhed, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Businesses and humans in general have led to a variety of different social and environmental problems. In this thesis we call on businesses to be the solution to these problems. Therefore, we have developed two research questions:   How do Swedish companies incorporate CSR and sustainability into their business models? and How do Swedish companies create shared value through business models based on sustainability and CSR?   The purpose of these research questions is to discover how Swedish companies incorporate CSR and sustainability into their business models. Also, we aim to see how a business model based on CSR and sustainability can create shared value. We have focused our view of a business model on Bocken et al.’s (2014) three pillars: value proposition, value creation and delivery, and value capture. Furthermore, we have made a distinction between the concepts of sustainability and CSR to see how they impact these different business model pillars. We divided sustainability into two types: weak and strong and broke CSR into internal and external CSR. Porter and Kramer (2011) gave seven examples of how the concept of shared value could be created. Shared value is created when society benefits at the same time a company is making economic gains. To combine the concepts of business model innovation, business models, sustainability, CSR, and shared value we have created a model. The model’s purpose is to see how companies can practically integrate CSR and sustainability into the three business model pillars. Business model innovation was the purpose arena in which a company could change in order to create shared value   After conducting interviews with seven different respondents from six different companies located in northern Sweden we were able to see that both strong and weak sustainability are visible in the value proposition pillar and somewhat visible in the value creation and delivery pillar. On the other hand, both internal and external CSR were only visible in the value creation and delivery pillar. Moreover, we could conclude that shared value was created by all of the respondent’s companies and in addition to Porter and Kramer’s (2011) examples added a new way shared value can be created through spreading ‘green’ knowledge. By using our research as a starting point we were able to identify directions for future research in the fields of business model innovation, business models, sustainability, CSR, and shared value.

Subscription Services in the Fashion Industry : a Quantitative Approach on Consumers' Perspective

Svensson, Kajsa, Hölder, Sabrina January 2016 (has links)
Individualisation and digitalisation are increasing in importance which leads to a change in the society, affecting consumers’ behaviour and needs. This change results in consumers desiring an individualised consumption experience with additional services that fashion companies should consider in order to stay relevant. This development opens up for new opportunities regarding business models such as the business model of subscription services. The identified gap in the academic literature of subscription services lies in the application of this business model to the fashion industry. Non-academic articles about fashion subscription services were found but often from the industries’ point of view rather than from the consumers’ point of view. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers’ perspective on fashion subscription services and what underlying reasons there might be for these perspectives. The study is of quantitative nature with theories regarding subscription services, consumer behaviour and fashion forming the research questions and thus the research. Data was collected by an online questionnaire to gain insight on respondents’ perspectives on fashion subscription services which was used as descriptive empiricism, tested for correlations and discussed in line with the theories. The study shows that there are correlations between the theories and the respondents’ interest in fashion subscription services, but the interest cannot be explained by each of the theories separately. However, by looking into different affecting factors, suggestions of underlying reasons are offered by this study.

Modelos de negócio alinhados aos princípios da economia circular e sustentabilidade: estudo de múltiplos casos. / Business models aligned with the principles of circular economy and sustainability multiple case study.

Abadia, Lorena Gamboa 02 May 2019 (has links)
Conforme vem adaptando suas atividades a hábitos mais sustentáveis, a sociedade tem absorvido lições aprendidas com o ecossistema natural. A economia circular, um modelo econômico que segue o modelo de circulação energética da ecologia, é um conceito que emerge e se destaca dentre tantos outros conceitos no espectro das ciências ambientais, da sustentabilidade e do desenvolvimento sustentável. Em oposição ao modelo linear tradicional praticado hoje, a economia circular vem sendo utilizada com o objetivo de enfrentar o desafio da escassez de recursos e eliminação de resíduos em uma abordagem vantajosa para todos, com perspectiva econômica e de valor. Como forma de auxiliar a promover essa mudança de paradigma, o surgimento de novos modelos de negócio representa um dos pilares necessários para essa transição. Ambos os termos economia circular e modelos de negócio são considerados atualmente temas de interesse crescente, tanto para a academia quanto a prática. Nesse contexto, a dissertação tem como objetivo investigar modelos de negócio alinhados aos conceitos de economia circular e sustentabilidade, de forma a entender quais são os principais blocos construtores que compõem esses modelos, os principais desafios enfrentados e benefícios obtidos. A abordagem metodológica utilizada baseia-se no estudo de múltiplos casos, desenvolvido em seis organizações de diferentes setores e tamanhos. Esta dissertação contribui para a literatura na intersecção dos temas economia circular, sustentabilidade e modelos de negócio. Os principais resultados ligados ao modelo de negócio apontam para proximidade no relacionamento com o cliente e estabelecimento de parcerias estratégicas alinhadas. Nota-se um espaço crescente para proposição de valores ligados a aspectos de sustentabilidade e economia circular, principalmente acompanhada de comunicação alinhada. Investimentos nesse sentido são vistos como um investimento a longo prazo, e empresas acreditam que o consumidor e o mercado passarão a perceber mais fortemente esses valores. As principais motivações abrangem redução dos impactos ambientais gerados em comparação a negócios convencionais e criação de impacto social positivo, principalmente através da conscientização de consumidores e usuários. Destaque também para a representatividade do uso de matéria prima reutilizada ou reciclada, e preocupação com fases do ciclo de vida. Diversas formas de contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável foram identificadas; e forças externas como questões regulatórias e políticas públicas foram destacadas por parte das empresas. / As adapting its activities to more sustainable habits, society has absorbed lessons learned from the natural ecosystem. Circular Economy (EC), an economic model that follows the energy circulation model from ecology, is a concept that emerges and stands out among many other concepts in the spectrum of environmental sciences, sustainability and sustainable development. In opposition to the traditional linear model in practice, circular economy is being used with the objective of facing the challenge of resource scarcity and waste elimination in a win-win approach, with a economic and value perspective. To promote this paradigm change, the emergence of new business models is one of the necessary pillars for this transition. Both terms, circular economy and business models are topics considered of growing interest, both for academy and practice. In this context, the dissertation has as objective to research business models aligned to the circular economy and sustainability concepts, on a way of understanding which are the main building block that compose these models, the main faced challenges and benefits obtained. The used methodological approach is based on the study of multiple cases, developed on six organizations of different sectors and sizes. This dissertation contributes with literature at the intersection of the topic\'s circular economy, sustainability and business models. The main results related to the business model point out proximity of the relationship with the customer and establishment of aligned strategic partnerships. It is noticed an increasing area for proposing values related to sustainability and circular economy aspects, mainly combined with aligned communication. On this direction, investments are considered as long-term investments and companies believe that consumers and market will have greater awareness of this values. The main motivations include reducing generated environmental impacts in comparison with conventional business and the creation of a positive social impact, mainly through the awareness of consumers and users. Also outstanding to the representativeness of the use of reused or recycled raw material, and concern with the life cycle phases. There were identified several contribution forms to sustainable development, and external forces were highlighted by the companies, such as regulatory issues and public policies.

Modelo de negócio e internacionalização de empresas: estudo do caso Itaú Unibanco / Business model and internationalization: a case study of Itaú Unibanco.

Oliveira, Viviane Renata Franco de 19 September 2014 (has links)
A utilização de modelos de negócios tem crescido substancialmente nos últimos anos, o que promoveu um aumento significativo de pesquisas voltadas para compreender a lógica de como uma organização cria, entrega e captura valor do ponto de vista econômico, social, cultural ou outros. Presume-se que os componentes previstos pelo modelo de negócio estejam presentes na configuração de negócios já estabelecidos ou novos negócios, inclusive em empresas que buscam a atuação no mercado internacional. No entanto, dentre as abordagens teóricas a respeito da internacionalização das empresas, observa-se que as mesmas não caracterizaram os modelos de negócios empregados pelas empresas em seus processos de internacionalização, já que usualmente focam nos principais aspectos que motivam a internacionalização, os modos de entrada, a compreensão do ambiente global e a busca da excelência funcional. A partir deste contexto, a pesquisa procurou investigar os componentes do modelo de negócio que operacionalizaram as atividades internacionais de uma multinacional brasileira do setor bancário, o Itaú Unibanco. Visando alcançar este objetivo, realizou-se uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, por meio de estudo de caso único. Nesse sentido, para o exame dos fundamentos teóricos, foram abordados os conceitos de estrutura, estratégia, escala, escopo, as teorias de internacionalização e a definição conceitual do modelo de negócio. Dentre os principais resultados da pesquisa, foi observado que a internacionalização do Itaú Unibanco ocorreu a partir de vantagens adquiridas no mercado doméstico e que foram posteriormente exploradas no mercado internacional. Em relação ao modelo de negócio, verificou-se que não existe um modelo pré-definido para as operações internacionais e embora praticamente todos os componentes se mostrassem presentes no mercado de destino, alguns sofreram forte adaptação às operações locais, resultante basicamente da estratégia de aquisição. / The use of business models has grown substantially in recent years, which has caused a significant increase in research aiming to understand the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. Business models are employed by both established and new businesses, including companies seeking to expand into international markets. Among the literature studying firm internationalization, there are few studies that describe the business models used by companies in their internationalization processes. Instead, studies have directed attention at the key aspects that motivate internationalization, the modes of entry, understanding the global environment and the pursuit of functional excellence. This study investigates the business model that was used during the internationalization of a Brazilian multinational bank, the Itaú Unibanco. A qualitative research study of a single case was completed to examine the structure, strategy, scale, scope, of the bank\'s strategy in light of internationalization theories and conceptual definitions of business models. The study finds that the internationalization of Itaú Unibanco was sparked by advantages gained in the domestic market that were subsequently exploited in the international market. Regarding the business model, it was found that there is no pre-defined model for international operations and virtually all factors showed consistency to the particularities of the target market, being highly adapted to local operations, mainly due to the acquisition strategy.

Inovação e modelo de negócios como ferramentas competitivas em grandes empresas / Innovation and business model as competitive tools in large corporations

Campos, Juliana Harumi Fujisawa 04 December 2017 (has links)
O propósito desta dissertação é entender como grandes empresas multinacionais desenvolvem modelo de negócios suportados por suas inovações, visando a manter a competitividade e a atender às necessidades de seus consumidores em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico e exigente.Para tal fim, definiu-se como objetivo principal compreender a maneira como especialistas que trabalham em grandes empresas inovam e desenvolvem modelos de negócios para atender às demandas de mercado, visando à competitividade e à sobrevivência do negócio. A escolha deste tema se justifica pelo fato de que empresas grandes possuem maior dificuldade de inovar, pois continuam a fazer melhor o que as tornaram grande, priorizando a eficiência e execução à inovação. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa, baseado em fontes primárias por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com doze especialistas que atuam com inovação em grandes empresas multinacionais. Para a composição amostral, os especialistas foram buscados em organizações multinacionais com base em três rankings de inovação existentes no país que distinguem as melhores empresas nesse quesito. A análise identificou que há um alinhamento entre teoria e prática no que tange aos conceitos de inovação e a modelo de negócios. Além disso, constatou-se que os especialistas abordam a inovação de forma estratégica e estruturada, desenvolvendo assim diferentes tipos de inovação: tecnológica, incremental, radical e disruptiva. No entanto, apenas as inovações ditas como radicais ou disruptivas criaram modelos de negócios nas empresas dos especialistas entrevistados, por diferentes motivos, a saber: pela característica da indústria; pelo direcional estratégico da organização; ou pelo papel da liderança, sendo este fundamental para fomentar a prática de inovação e eliminar barreiras estruturais ou comportamentais presentes. Desta forma, o estudo exploratório trouxe à luz a importância da inovação em relação à sua prática e à implantação no ambiente de negócios, bem como seu valor para a competitividade empresarial quanto ao desenvolvimento de modelo de negócios. / The purpose of this thesis is to understand how large multinational companies develop a business model supported by their innovations in order to maintain their competitiveness and to meet consumers\' needs in an increasingly dynamic and demanding market. Therefore, the main objective was to understand how specialists who work in large companies innovate and develop business models to meet market demands, aiming competitiveness and business survival. The choice of this theme is justified by the fact that large companies have more difficulty to innovate, as they continue to do better what has made them big, by prioritizing efficiency and execution over innovation. It is an exploratory and qualitative study based on primary data sources and in-depth interviews with twelve specialists who work with innovation in large multinational companies. For the sample composition, experts were selected in multinational companies based on three local innovation rankings that distinguishes the best companies in this area. The analysis identified that there is an alignment between theory and practice in terms of innovation concepts and business models. In addition, all the companies surveyed approach innovation in a strategic and structured way, developing different types of innovation - technological, incremental, radical, and disruptive. However, only radical or disruptive innovations have created business models in the surveyed companies, for different reasons: either because of the characteristics of the industry; by the strategic direction of the organization; or by the role of leadership, the latter being fundamental to foster innovation practices and to eliminate structural or behavioral barriers presented. Thus, the exploratory study has brought to light the importance of innovation in relation to its practice and to its implementation in business environment, as well as its value for business competitiveness concerning the development of business models.

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