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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude historique et architecturale du macellum de Djemila (Cuicul) / Architectural and historical study macellum of Djemila (Cuicul)

Yezli, Nourreddine 14 February 2015 (has links)
L’étude monographique du macellum de Djemila (Cuicul) vient compléter la courte série de macella fouillés et publiés dans le monde romain. De fait, pour le moment, seuls les macella de Belo, Saint-Bertrand de Comminges, Cordoue, Wroxeter et Pouzzoles ont fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée. Construit sous le règne de l’empereur Antonin le Pieux, le marché alimentaire de Djemila présente un excellent état de conservation et une grande richesse épigraphique. Mon étude comprend l’édifice, en tant qu’entité architecturale, mais je l’ai élargi à l'ensemble du complexe monumental, pour mieux comprendre son implantation dans l’urbanisme de la cité, les raisons de sa proximité avec le forum et sa fonction précise. Nos recherches ont permis de faire une description détaillée et des relevés des vestiges du macellum et de traiter, par une étude architecturale et stylistique, l'ensemble des structures en place mais aussi les membra disjecta. Elles m’ont également permis de proposer des restitutions architecturales, illustrées par des représentations de l'édifice en plan et en élévation, ainsi qu’une modélisation informatique. Nous avons également étudié les techniques de construction mises en œuvre. Enfin, nous nous sommes penchés sur la question de la personnalité de son bienfaiteur et le rôle de l’évergétisme dans le financement de la construction du marché. / The monographic study of the macellum of Djemila (Cuicul) comes to complete the short series of macella excavated and published in the roman world. For the moment, only macella Belo, Saint-Bertrand de Comminges, Cordoue, Wroxeter and Pouzzoles were the object of a detailed study. Built during the reign of emperor Antoninus Pius, the food market of Djemila presents an excellent state of preservation and a big epigraphic wealth. My study includes the building as architectural entity, but i widened it to the all monumental complex, to understand better its implantation in the town planning of the city, the reasons for its closeness with the forum and its precise function. Our researches allowed to make a detailed description and surveys of the remains of the macellum and to treat, by an architectural and stylistic study, all the structures in position but also membra disjecta. They also allowed me to propose architectural restitution, illustrated by representations of the building in plan and elevation, as well as computer modeling. We also studied the implemented techniques of construction. Finally, we dealt the question of the personality of his benefactor and the role of generosity in the financing the construction of the market.

Les métiers de la viande et des fleurs. Ethnographier le genre au travail / Butcher and Florist Occupations. An Ethnography of Gender at Work

Zinn, Isabelle 27 March 2017 (has links)
Située au croisement de la sociologie du genre et de la sociologie des groupes professionnels, cette thèse vise à explorer quand et comment le genre devient un élément constitutif de l’organisation du travail dans les métiers de la viande et des fleurs. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique qui prête une attention particulière à l’agencement phénoménal des activités, elle s’attache à rendre compte de la manière dont les appartenances sexuées sont actualisées dans le cours des interactions professionnelles. Elle montre que les membres d’un groupe professionnel statistiquement sexué ne mobilisent pas toujours le genre de la même manière et ne l’investissent pas forcément d’une même signification opératoire. Il ne s’agit donc pas de supposer d’emblée une pertinence constante de l’appartenance sexuée, même dans des contextes professionnels marqués par des asymétries profondes de ce point de vue. Il convient plutôt de reconnaitre que la mise en pratique du genre est susceptible de se décliner de façons différentes selon les contextes d’interaction. En insistant sur les effets de situation dans la manière dont les individus « font du genre » (do gender), cette thèse apporte une contribution originale à l’analyse des processus de (dé-)sexuation des activités professionnelles. Enfin, en s’intéressant à leur organisation et aux épreuves que les professionnel·le·s traversent, cette thèse propose une lecture sociologique de deux métiers qui demeurent encore peu ou pas étudiés / Located at the intersection of the gender studies and the sociology of occupational groups, this thesis aims to explore when and how gender becomes a constituent part of workplace activities for two contrasting occupational groups: butchers and florists. Based on ethnographic fieldwork that focuses on the phenomenal organization of activities, it seeks to account for the ways in which gender becomes relevant to these professionals and their clients in the course of occupational interactions. It shows that the members of a statistically gender segregated occupation don’t always mobilize gender in the same way and don’t necessarily invest it with the same operative meaning. Therefore, even in contexts marked by profound gender asymmetries, it is important not to assume a constant relevance of gender and sex categories. Rather, it should be recognized that the gendered practices are likely to be quite specific to the occupational context under study. By focusing on the effects of the situation on the ways in which individuals “do gender”, this thesis makes an original contribution to the analysis of the processes of (de-)gendering professional activities. Finally, by studying the organization and professional experiences of butchers and florists, this thesis enhances our sociological reading of two occupations that have been little studied to date.

Bräkanden från förr : att skilja får från getter utifrån kv. Apoteket 4-5 i Visby / Bleats From the Past : Separating Sheeps From Goats in kv. Apoteket 4-5 in Visby

Theorell, Hannes January 2012 (has links)
To differentiate between bones from sheep (Ovis aries) and bones from of goats (Capra hircus) is a long lasting challenge for zoologists, archaeozoologists and osteologists. Especially considering archaeological remains which are often found fractured and poorly preserved due to taphonomic processes. Zeder & Pilaar’s (2010) and Zeder & Lapham’s (2010) methods of species differentiation has shown promising results when used on bones from modern sheeps and goats. This paper aims to evaluate these methods by exerting them on excavated bones from kv. Apoteket 4-5, a late Viking Age and early Medieval quarter in central Visby. The results have shown that Zeder & Pilaar’s (2010) methods of identifying sheeps and goats with the mandibular teeths and mandibles are unreliable due to disturbances from wear, fragmentation and weak criterias. Results from Zeder & Laphams (2010) methods for post cranial bones shows mixed results considering a pilot study with the implementation of ancient DNA, which was executed att Gotland University during summer and fall 2011. More extensive studies in the future with the implementation of archaeogenetics are planned which can be used to further develop these methods and thus increase the reliabiltiy of the results.In this study 5,3kg of bones were osteologically species identified and analyzed. The results were used to recreate the use of sheep and goats including butchery techniques, animal husbandry and livestock health status with focus on the sheeps and goats in an early Medieval town quarter in Visby. / Att skilja mellan ben från får och ben från get har länge varit en utmaning för zoologer, arkeozoologer och osteologer. Särskilt när ett arkeologiskt benmaterial undersöks eftersom materialet ofta är fragmenterat och sämre bevarat. Zeder & Pilaar (2010) och Zeder & Laphams (2010) metoder för att skilja mellan får och get har uppvisat lovande resultat när ben från moderna får och getter har undersökts. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att utvärdera dessa metoder genom att tillämpa dem på ett arkeologiskt material från kv. Apoteket 4-5 i Visby.Resultatet från analysen visar att Zeder och Pilaars metod för underkäkar och underkäkständer är otillförlitlig på grund av förekomst av slitage, fragmentering och svaga kriterier. Resultatet från Zeder och Laphams metod för postkraniala benslag visar en mer blandad tillförlitlighet om man ser till de jämförelser som har gjorts mot en studie av förhistoriskt DNA som genomfördes på Högskolan på Gotland under 2011 på material från kv. Apoteket 4-5. En mer omfattande studie vilket inkluderar en arkeogenetisk undersökning är planerad i framtiden. Resultatet från studierna ska användas för att utveckla metoderna och på så sätt öka metodernas tillförlitlighet.I undersökningen som ligger till grund för denna kandidatuppsats har 5,3 kg benmaterial från kv. Apoteket 4-5 identifierats och analyserats osteologiskt. Resultatet användes för att återskapa användningen av får och getter och på så sätt erhålla information om slaktteknik, djurhållning och djurens hälsa i ett stadskvarter i Visby under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid.

MACELLAZIONE RITUALE E CERTIFICAZIONE DELLE CARNI KASHER E HALAL: I MODELLI FRANCESE E STATUNITENSE / Ritual slaughter and kosher/halal meat certification in the French and US legal systems

TIRABASSI, MARIAGRAZIA 28 May 2015 (has links)
La produzione di carne è disciplinata dai diritti ebraico ed islamico attraverso normative che, a prescindere dalle loro rispettive specificità, sono accomunate dallo scopo fondamentale di rammentare ai fedeli la gravità dell’atto di privare un animale della vita. La produzione di carni kashèr (idonee ad essere consumate, in base al diritto ebraico) e halal (lecite, ai sensi di quello islamico) trova generalmente spazio nelle democrazie pluraliste in virtù del diritto alla libertà religiosa. Questo, ad ogni modo, non esime lo Stato dalla responsabilità di disciplinare la macellazione e l’uso commerciale delle indicazioni di qualità kashèr e halal, in ragione ed entro i limiti dei propri compiti di tutela della salute umana ed animale, della concorrenza e dei consumatori. Assolvere questa responsabilità nel rispetto della reciproca autonomia tra Stato e confessioni religiose implica la ricerca di un equilibrio complesso, soprattutto quando si tratta di individuare e delimitare le competenze dei poteri pubblici, degli enti confessionali e del settore privato in materia di macellazione rituale e di certificazione religiosa delle carni. La tesi analizza e mette a confronto le soluzioni normative adottate in due ordinamenti (quello francese e quello statunitense) ispirati al principio di separazione dello Stato dalle religioni, seppur con declinazioni molto differenti. / Meat production is regulated by both Jewish and Islamic Laws through sets of rules that, aside from their respective specificities, share the aim of teaching reverence for life to the believers. Generally speaking, in pluralist democracies the production of kosher (“fit/proper”, according to Jewish Law) and halal (“permissible”, under Islamic Law) meat is protected under the right to freedom of religion. However, the State retains the authority to regulate the use of religious slaughter and that of kosher and halal claims in the meat market, on the basis and within the limits of its mandate to protect and promote public health, humane treatment of animals, fair market competition and consumer rights. Fulfilling such responsibility without overstepping the bounds of State-religion mutual autonomy is a complex task, especially when it comes to determining the roles of public authorities, religious bodies and the private sector in the fields of ritual slaughter and religious certification; it requires, indeed, to strike a fair balance between several - sometimes competing - rights and interests. The dissertation analyses and compares the legal approaches through which these matters are addressed in France and in the US, where the general principle of separation between Church and State is construed and implemented in profoundly different ways.

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