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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geração automática de partes operativas de circuitos VLSI / Automatic generation of datapaths for VLSI circuits

Ziesemer Junior, Adriel Mota January 2007 (has links)
Tanto nos circuitos integrados para processamento de sinais digitais quanto em microprocessadores, a parte operativa é o núcleo onde a computação dos dados é realizada. A geração deste bloco costuma ser crítica para o desempenho global dos dispositivos. Ferramentas específicas para a geração de parte operativa costumam tirar proveito da regularidade estrutural do circuito para produzir leiautes mais densos e com melhor desempenho. Este trabalho apresenta um novo fluxo de projeto para geração de parte operativa onde foi desenvolvido um gerador automático de leiaute de células CMOS com suporte à lógica não-complementar e um compilador de parte operativa. O uso destas duas ferramentas permite a rápida prototipação de uma biblioteca inteira de células lógicas otimizadas, para atender diferentes requisitos de desempenho, que em seguida são utilizadas para montagem de cada um dos blocos funcionais da parte operativa pelo compilador. Comparações feitas com a ferramenta de síntese de células lógicas mostraram que a metodologia desenvolvida é capaz de produzir resultados similares em área e tempo de geração que métodos exatos e ainda possui a vantagem de suportar o uso de múltiplas métricas de qualidade durante o posicionamento dos transistores. As células geradas automaticamente apresentaram acréscimo de área médio de apenas 14% quando comparado às standard-cells e com resultado de atraso e consumo de potência muito próximos ou melhores. Circuitos de parte operativa foram gerados automaticamente pelo compilador e apresentaram na média, menor área, consumo de potência e atraso que circuitos gerados com um fluxo de síntese automático para standard-cells. / Datapath is the core where all the computations are performed in circuits for digital signal processing and also in microprocessors. The performance of the whole system is frequently determined by the implementation of the datapath. Tools dedicated for synthesis of this unit are called datapath compilers and use to take advantage on the structural regularity of the circuit to produce dense layouts and with good performance. This work presents a new flow for datapath generation. An automatic cell synthesis tool with support to non-complementary logic is used in conjunction with a datapath compiler to achieve timing optimization and technology independence. The cell library produced as result of the synthesis process is used by the compiler to place the cells and generate each one of the datapath operators. Comparisons with other cell sythesis tools shown that our approach was able to produce results comparable in area and generation time. Automatically generated cells were compared to standard-cell layouts and presented an average area overhead of just 14% while our circuits presented better or very close delay and power consumption. The datapaths produced by the compiler were compared to a traditional standard-cell based synthesis design flow and presented smaller area, delay and power consumption in average than this approach.

Roteamento global de circuitos VLSI / Global routing for VLSI circuits

Reimann, Tiago Jose January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a implementação de um roteador global de circuitos integrados capaz de tratar os problemas de roteamento atuais, utilizando como referência para avaliação os circuitos de benchmark publicados durante as competições de roteamento global realizadas no ACM International Symposium on Physical Design 2007 e 2008. O roteador global desenvolvido utiliza como ferramenta principal a técnica de ripup and reroute associada às técnicas de roteamento monotônico e maze routing, ambas com grande histórico de uso nas ferramentas acadêmicas descritas também neste trabalho. O desenvolvimento da ferramenta também possui características diferenciadas e únicas, com um novo método de ordenamento das redes durante a fase de rip-up and reroute. Para a geração dos resultados foram definidas duas versões diferentes da ferramenta, sendo estas duas versões analisadas com duas diferentes técnicas de construção das árvores de roteamento, gerando no total quatro configurações da ferramenta. Como decisão de projeto, a versão principal utilizada no desenvolvimento e discussão dos resultados é a versão que prioriza a qualidade do roteamento, utilizando MSTs para construção das árvores de roteamento. Os resultados mostram que o roteador global desenvolvido é capaz de gerar resultados com boa qualidade mesmo sem fazer uso de técnicas de identificação de áreas de congestionamento, sem otimizações pós-roteamento e sem nenhuma forma de ajuste (tuning) para os diferentes circuitos de benchmark, apesar de ainda ter tempo de execução acima dos apresentados por outras ferramentas acadêmicas. O foco durante o processo de desenvolvimento e implementação da ferramenta foram os circuitos mais recentes, entretanto a ferramenta obteve ótimos resultados também para os circuitos publicados no ISPD 1998, gerando soluções com qualidade similar ou melhor que as reportadas na literatura. A diferença dos resultados deste trabalho em relação aos melhores resultados dos roteadores globais com código disponível, para circuitos 3D lançados no ISPD 2008 é de, em média, 1,78%1 na métrica de comprimento de fio sem considerar o custo das vias e de 15,56% considerando o custo da via como uma unidade de comprimento de fio (ISPD 2008), para a versão voltada a qualidade de roteamento. Já para a versão da ferramenta que busca a convergência o mais rápido possível a diferença foi de 3,39% e 16,32%, respectivamente. As maiores diferenças são encontradas nos circuitos mais difíceis de gerar uma solução sem violações. Isso mostra como as técnicas de identificação de região podem contribuir tanto para uma convergência mais rápida quanto para evitar que fios passem por rotas desnecessárias durante a fase de negociação. Na métrica que avalia as vias como custo de uma unidade de comprimento, os resultados obtidos apresentam em média 18,67% maior comprimento de fio que os melhores resultados da literatura, sendo que dois circuitos com solução sem violações2 apresentam resultado com violações utilizando a ferramenta desenvolvida neste trabalho. / This work describes the implementation of an integrated circuit global router capable of handling the current routing problems, using as a reference the evaluation of benchmark circuits from the two global routing contests held in ISPD 2007 and 2008. The developed global router uses rip-up and reroute as the main technique associated with monotonic and maze routing techniques, both with large history of use in academic tools, also described in this work. The tool also has distinctive and unique characteristics, with a new method of net ordering during the rip-up and reroute stage. In order to generate the results were defined two different versions of the tool analyzed with two different techniques of routing tree construction, generating a total of four configurations. As a design decision, the major version used in the development and discussion of results is the version that prioritizes the routing quality, using MSTs for tree construction. The results show that the global router developed is able to generate good results even without making use of techniques to identify congestion areas, without post-routing optimizations and without any form of tuning for the different benchmark circuits, despite having run time above other academic tools. The focus during the development and implementation of the tool were the newer circuits, however the tool also obtained excellent results for the circuits released in ISPD 1998, generating solutions with similar quality or better than those reported in the literature. The difference in the results of this work over the best results generated with the available code global routers for 3D circuits released in ISPD 2008 is, on average, 2.53% in wirelength metric without considering the cost of vias and 18.34% considering the cost of the vias as one wirelength unit (ISPD 2008), for the best routing quality version. As for the version of the tool that seeks convergence as soon as possible the difference was 3.82% and 17.03%, respectively. The largest differences were found in the most difficult circuits to generate a solution without violations. This shows how the techniques of congested region identification can contribute to both a faster convergence and to avoid unnecessary wire detours during the negotiation phase. In the metric that evaluates the cost of vias as one wirelength unit, the results show an average of 22.5% greater wirelength than the best results found in literature. Also, the developed global router was unable to find a violation free solution for two circuits that are known to have a violation free solution3.

Improving barley for biofuel production : efficient transformation for lignin manipulation

Maluk, Marta January 2014 (has links)
Cost effective production of biofuel from plant biomass (second generation biofuels) is currently a key challenge. To achieve this, accessibility of plant cell wall polysaccharides to chemical, enzymatic and microbial digestion could be improved by altering lignin structure and composition or by reducing lignin content, as lignin is one cell wall component that has already been shown to contribute to biomass recalcitrance. Therefore, this thesis reports the genetic manipulation of lignin biosynthesis through down-regulation of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Barley has been chosen as the target plant for lignin manipulation for a few reasons: it is a major cereal crop that produces large amounts of lignocellulosic plant biomass that can potentially be used as animal feed or to produce second generation biofuels and also because it is a model grass for other bioenergy crops. CAD, as the final enzyme in the lignin pathway, is a perfect target for lignin manipulation. Characterised CAD mutants and transgenics have shown that down-regulation of CAD improves digestibility and does not influence plant growth and fertility. Due to the difficulty and complexity of transformation of monocot species, there are only a few reports describing down-regulation of CAD in monocots, and none in barley. Here, in this thesis, lignin was altered by down-regulating CAD genes using an RNAi construct with part of the HvCAD2 gene, the gene which has the highest expression level of all CAD genes. Transgenic barley plants showed reduced enzyme activity in the T0 generation (31% compared to EV plants) and enzyme activity was reduced even more in the T1 (to 3%) and T2 (to 2%) generations. The HvCAD2 RNAi barley lines had similar or slightly reduced Klason total lignin contents relative to control plants, but lignin structure and composition were altered. The RNAi plants had lower thioacidolysis yields, S/G ratio was reduced (1.59 in the empty vector controls versus 0.96–1.21 in the transgenic barley plants), the relative frequency of S units was reduced by 11–20%, the proportion of G units was increased by 17–32%, there was increased sinapaldehyde accumulation in lignin and ferulic acid abundance was reduced relative to control plants. Analysed transgenic barley plants had an orange stem phenotype. Growth season and conditions hugely affected the intensity of the phenotype. Because lignin plays a major role in culm strength and pathogen resistance, the influence of down-regulation of CAD on these features was characterised. The changed physicochemical nature of cell walls in HvCAD2 RNAi lines does not decrease the strength of the straw and does not decrease the resistance to the biotrophic Blumeria graminis and to the hemibiotrophic Rhynchosporium commune pathogens. The modified cell walls in the HvCAD2 RNAi lines had moderately improved sugar release for biofuel production. This study proves that it is possible to down-regulate CAD in cereal crops in order to change lignin structure and composition in plants without a negative impact on plant growth, fertility or pathogen resistance.

Understanding and Addressing Collaboration Challenges for the Effective Use of Multi-User CAD

French, David James 01 March 2016 (has links)
Multi-user computer-aided design (CAD) is an emerging technology that promises to facilitate collaboration, enhance product quality, and reduce product development lead times by allowing multiple engineers to work on the same design at the same time. The BYU site of the NSF Center for e-Design has developed advanced multi-user CAD prototypes that have demonstrated the feasibility and value of this technology. Despite the possibilities that this software opens up for enhanced collaboration, there are now a new variety of challenges and opportunities to understand and address. For multi-user CAD to be used effectively in a modern engineering environment, it is necessary to understand and address both human and technical collaboration challenges. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand and address these challenges. Two studies were performed to better understand the human side of engineering collaboration: (1) engineers from multiple companies were interviewed to assess the collaboration challenges they experience, and (2) players of the multi-player game Minecraft were surveyed and studied to understand how a multi-user environment affects design collaboration. Methods were also developed to address two important technical challenges in multi-user CAD: (1) a method for detecting undo conflicts, and (2) additional methods for administering data access. This research addresses some of the important human and technical collaboration challenges in multi-user CAD. It enhances our understanding of collaboration challenges in engineering industry and how multi-user CAD will help address some of those challenges. It also enhances our understanding of how a multi-user design environment will affect design collaboration. The method developed for detecting conflicts that occur during local undo in multi-user CAD can be used to block conflicts from occurring and provide the user with some information about the cause of the conflict so they can collaborate to resolve it. The methods developed for administering data access in multi-user CAD will help protect against unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Célula robótica industrial : aplicação de ferramentas CAD/CAM na programação de robôs

Rodrigues, Nuno Ferreira January 2011 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2011

Avaliação automática de quantidades em projectos de enegenharia de edifícios

Pimenta, Paulo António Basto da Silva January 1989 (has links)
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Construção de Edifícios, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Engenheiro Costa Manso

Optimização do projecto de processos para produção de protótipos

Fernandes, Carlos Miguel da Costa Gomes January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2010

Human Activity Recognition and Prediction using RGBD Data

Coen, Paul Dixon 01 August 2019 (has links)
Being able to predict and recognize human activities is an essential element for us to effectively communicate with other humans during our day to day activities. A system that is able to do this has a number of appealing applications, from assistive robotics to health care and preventative medicine. Previous work in supervised video-based human activity prediction and detection fails to capture the richness of spatiotemporal data that these activities generate. Convolutional Long short-term memory (Convolutional LSTM) networks are a useful tool in analyzing this type of data, showing good results in many other areas. This thesis’ focus is on utilizing RGB-D Data to improve human activity prediction and recognition. A modified Convolutional LSTM network is introduced to do so. Experiments are performed on the network and are compared to other models in-use as well as the current state-of-the-art system. We show that our proposed model for human activity prediction and recognition outperforms the current state-of-the-art models in the CAD-120 dataset without giving bounding frames or ground-truths about objects.

Pilotage de projets en conception collaborative de produits : définition d'un indicateur quantitatif / Prject management of collaborative product design : definition of a quantitative indicator

Fleche, Damien 11 December 2015 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, le processus de conception de produits fait face à une mondialisation des marchés, conduit par des équipes géographiquement distribuées. Ces équipes sont ainsi amenées à travailler ensemble afin de concevoir ces produits nouveaux. Les activités de conception ont donc évolué au fil du temps pour pouvoir constamment répondre aux nouvelles contraintes industrielles, de la même manière que les processus de fabrication se sont adaptés aux marchés. Ainsi, afin de faciliter les phases de travail en commun, de nouvelles stratégies de gestion de la collaboration, notamment à travers de nouveaux systèmes d’information, sont mises en place. Ces systèmes d’information sont nombreux et prennent différentes formes, ce qui rend souvent difficiles la sélection et le pilotage de ces derniers. Or, pour les équipes projet, la gestion de ces nouveaux outils informatiques fait partie intégrante des éléments clés du processus de conception de produits. Ainsi, dans le cadre de nos travaux, nous nous focalisons sur l’aide au pilotage de l’ingénierie collaborative en mode projet pour la conception et le développement de produits matériels techniques. Notre objectif est d’aider le chef projet à mieux gérer son projet en utilisant au moment adéquat l’outil d’aide à la collaboration le plus adapté. Dans nos travaux, nous avons souligné la nécessité d’utiliser un indicateur quantitatif de pilotage de la conception collaborative. Cet indicateur apporte ainsi une approche complémentaire de l’évaluation de la pertinence de la collaboration en cours, en prenant en compte son impact sur l’évolution du projet. Le calcul de cet indicateur s’appuie sur une métrique spécifique et concerne l’évolution de la complétude de la donnée CAO. De plus, nous avons montré que ce nouvel indicateur peut être intégré à une approche organisationnelle de type PLM afin de faciliter le stockage des données et le calcul de la complétude, cette dernière étant liée aux outils utilisés et aux jalons projet. / Today, product design process is facing a market globalization led by distributed teams. Moreover, the international market context in which the companies evolves, leads them to work in large multi-disciplinary collaborative teams using in collaborative practices. In this context, product design process is led by the integration and optimization of stakeholders’ collaboration. Thus, to facilitate collaboration steps, new management strategies are defined and new information systems can be used. These information systems are numerous and take various forms, leading to difficulties for companies to select one of them and manage them. However, to the design teams, the management and the choice of those are key elements of the product design process.Toward this ends, in the present thesis, we focalize our research on the topic of collaborative design project management. Our objective is to assist the project leader to better manage her or his product design project using optimal collaborative tool all along the design project. We have underlined the necessity to use quantitative and non-intrusive indicator during the management of collaborative design phases in order to subjective evaluation. The tracking of this indicator is performed in parallel to the existing approaches of the evaluation of the suitability of the collaboration. It defines the impact of the collaboration steps on the design project evolution. The computation of this indicator is based on a precise metric which details the completeness of the CAD model based on the used collaborative tools and the project milestones. Moreover, we have showed that this new indicator can be integrated to an organizational approach, as a PLM, to facilitate data storage and completeness computation.

Der Einfluss von Knochenrekonstruktionstechniken auf die implantologische Rehabilitation bei Kontinuitätsdefekten des Unterkiefers / Continuity defects of the mandible: Comparison of three techniques for osseous reconstruction and their impact on implant loading

Okcu, Yunus Dr. 19 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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