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1D engine simulation of a turbocharged SI-engine with CFD on componentsRenberg, Ulrica January 2008 (has links)
<p>1D engine simulations of turbocharged engines are difficult to <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --></p><p>Techniques that can increase the SI- engine efficiency while keeping the emissions very low is to reduce the engine displacement volume combined with a charging system. Advanced systems are needed for an effective boosting of the engine and today 1D engine simulation tools are often used for their optimization.</p><p>This thesis concerns 1D engine simulation of a turbocharged SI engine and the introduction of CFD computations on components as a way to assess inaccuracies in the 1D model.</p><p>1D engine simulations have been performed on a turbocharged SI engine and the results have been validated by on-engine measurements in test cell. The operating points considered have been in the engine’s low speed and load region, with the turbocharger’s waste-gate closed.</p><p>The instantaneous on-engine turbine efficiency was calculated for two different turbochargers based on high frequency measurements in test cell. Unfortunately the instantaneous mass flow rates and temperatures directly upstream and downstream of the turbine could not be measured and simulated values from the calibrated engine model were used. The on-engine turbine efficiency was compared with the efficiency computed by the 1D code using steady flow data to describe the turbine performance.</p><p>The results show that the on-engine turbine efficiency shows a hysteretic effect over the exhaust pulse so that the discrepancy between measured and quasi-steady values increases for decreasing mass flow rate after a pulse peak.</p><p>Flow modeling in pipe geometries that can be representative to those of an exhaust manifold, single bent pipes and double bent pipes and also the outer runners of an exhaust manifold, have been computed in both 1D and 3D under steady and pulsating flow conditions. The results have been compared in terms of pressure losses.</p><p>The results show that calculated pressure gradient for a straight pipe under steady flow is similar using either 1D or 3D computations. The calculated pressure drop over a bend is clearly higher1D engine simulations of turbocharged engines are difficult to <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->using 1D computations compared to 3D computations, both for steady and pulsating flow. Also, the slow decay of the secondary flow structure that develops over a bend, gives a higher pressure gradient in the 3D calculations compared to the 1D calculation in the straight pipe parts downstream of a bend.</p><p> </p>
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Effizientes Lösen ingenieurtechnischer AufgabenMeißner, Christian 26 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Effiziente Prozesse sind Voraussetzung für die
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen. In den
Ingenieurwissenschaften stellt dies eine strukturierte,
zügige und gut dokumentierte Arbeit dar. Der folgende
Artikel zeigt Möglichkeiten zur Effizienzsteigerung bei
der Nutzung von Mathcad® durch den Einsatz von DLLs.
Diese können mit MACCONEX automatisch aus dem Mathcad®-
Arbeitsblatt erzeugt werden.
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Lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan : minimering av lagerförings- och ordersärkostnader / Inventory control at varied demand : minimizing inventory carrying costs and order costsHedvall, Lisa, Mattson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte - Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur lager kan styras när varierad efterfrågan förekommer. För att uppnå syftet är målet med studien att sammanställa processer som underlättar för lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan. Detta möjliggörs genom att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1. Vilka metoder för säkerhetslagerberäkning och lagerstyrning är lämpliga när hänsyn bör tas till varierad efterfrågan? 2. Hur påverkas lagerförings- och ordersärkostnader av olika sätt att styra lager vid varierad efterfrågan? Metod - Teorier angående lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan samlades in via litteraturstudier. En fallstudie genomfördes för att applicera det teoretiska ramverket på empiri från fallföretaget. Empiri samlades in via intervjuer och dokumentationsstudier och utgjorde en grund för beräkningar och vidare analys. Resultat - Lämplig säkerhetslagerberäkning vid varierad efterfrågan anses vara SERV2 som tar hänsyn till antalet bristtillfällen och ger ett bra mått på lagertillgängligheten över tid. De dynamiska lagerstyrningsmetoderna Silver & Meal samt Wagner-Whitin kan i större utsträckning hantera stora variationer i efterfrågan gentemot beställningspunktssystem. Beräkningar resulterade i att Wagner-Whitin var den lagerstyrningsmetod som i majoriteten av fallen genererar lägst totalkostnad när hänsyn tas till lagerförings- och ordersärkostnader. En process för lagerstyrning vid varierad efterfrågan har kartlagts där indata i form av metod- och resursobjekt redogörs. Detta för att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur lager kan styras vid varierad efterfrågan. Implikationer - Inom denna studie framgår det att kostnaderna för lagerstyrningen vid varierad efterfrågan kan sänkas med hjälp av dynamiska lagerstyrningsmetoder. Det är dock viktigt med trovärdig indata för att generera tillförlitliga resultat. Begränsningar - Inom de dynamiska lagerstyrningsmetoderna vägs ordersärkostnad mot lagerföringskostnad och genererar det mest ekonomiska alternativet ur lagerstyrningens perspektiv. Det måste inte vara det bästa ur ett helhetsperspektiv då förändrade orderkvantiteter kan påverka andra delar av materialflödet. De processkartor som är upprättade utgår från den valda lösningen, detta begränsar tillämpningen till verksamheter som har liknande förutsättningar som fallföretaget. Nyckelord - Varierad efterfrågan, lagerstyrning, säkerhetslagerberäkning, lagerstyrningsmetod. / Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding of how to control inventory when the demand varies. To achieve the purpose, the goal is to create a process that facilitates inventory management at varied demand. This is feasible by answering following questions: 1. Which methods of safety stock calculation and inventory control are appropriate and take varied demand in consideration? 2. How is the inventory carrying cost and ordering cost affected by different methods of controlling inventory when demand varies? Method - Information about controlling inventory at varied demand was gathered through literature studies. A case study was carried out to apply the theoretical framework on empirical data from the business case. The empirical data was collected through interviews and documentation studies, which provided a basis for calculation and further analysis. Findings - SERV2 is considered as an appropriate method for safety stock calculations since it takes the number of occasions for shortages into account and provides a good measurement of the stock availability over time. The dynamic inventory control methods Silver & Meal and Wagner-Whitin can handle variations in demand better than order point systems. Calculations show that Wagner-Whitin generates the lowest total costs in the majority of cases. A process is established to facilitate inventory management at varied demand. Implications - Within this study it is shown that using dynamic inventory control methods can reduce inventory control costs when demand varies. Nonetheless it is important to have persuasive input to generate reliable results. Limitations - The dynamic inventory control methods balance order cost with inventory carrying costs to find the most economic option from an inventory control perspective. It is not always the best solution from a holistic perspective since changed order quantities can affect other parts of the material flow. The established process charts are based on chosen solution, which limits its application to businesses with similar conditions as the case study. Keywords - Varied demand, inventory control, safety stock calculation, inventory management
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Insight into biomolecular structure, interaction and energetics from modeling and simulationZhang, Jiajing 08 July 2013 (has links)
A central goal of computational biophysics and biochemistry is to understand the behavior, interactions, and reactions of molecules, and to interpret and facilitate experimental design. The objective of this thesis research is to use the molecular modeling and simulation techniques to advance our understanding of principles in molecular structure properties, recognition and interaction at the atomic level. First, a physical molecular mechanics model is built to study the conformational properties of depsipeptide, which shows potential for engineered protein mimetics with controllable structure and function. We explore the possible kinase-substrate binding modes and the likelihood of an [alpha]-helix docking interaction within a kinase active site. Finally, efficient physical models based on a polarizable potential function are developed to describe the structural properties and calculate protein-ligand binding affinities accurately for both trypsin and matrix metalloproteinase. / text
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Weakened by strengths : drugs in solution, medication error and drug safetyWheeler, Daniel Wren January 2008 (has links)
The concentrations of some drug solutions are often expressed as ratios or percentages. This system simplified prescription and dispensing when Imperial measures such as grains and minims were used. Ampoules of powerful vasoactive drugs such as catecholamines and potentially toxic local anaesthetics are still labelled as ratios and percentages, seemingly through habit or tradition than for any useful clinical reason. This thesis argues that adherence to this outdated system is confusing, causes drug administration errors, and puts patients at risk. Internet-based questionnaires were used to quantify medical students’ and doctors’ understanding of ratios and percentages. A substantial minority of almost 3000 doctors could not convert between ratios, percentages and mass concentration correctly, made dosing errors of up to three orders of magnitude in written clinical scenarios, and struggled with conversions between metric units. These findings are strong arguments for expressing drug concentrations as mass concentration and providing better drug administration teaching. High fidelity patient simulation was used to examine the influence of clearer ampoule labelling and intensive drug administration teaching. This allowed critical incidents to be reproduced realistically, clinical performances to be assessed, and outcome measures to be accurately recorded. Randomised controlled trials were conducted that demonstrated positive influences of both interventions for doctors and students. The difficulties that nurses encounter when preparing infusions of these drugs on critical care units were also studied and are reported. The findings presented should be sufficient to persuade regulatory authorities to remove ratios and percentages from ampoule labels – a straightforward, cheap, commonsense intervention. The lack of effective clinical error reporting systems and the extreme practical difficulties of conducting clinical trials in this field mean that a firm link between this intervention and patient outcome is unlikely ever to be made, but this should not be an excuse for maintaining the status quo.
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Bi2O3およびその固溶体における酸化物イオン伝導 / Oxide ionic conduction in Bi2O3 and its solid solutions設樂, 一希 23 March 2015 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18983号 / 工博第4025号 / 新制||工||1620 / 31934 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 功, 教授 宇田 哲也, 教授 白井 泰治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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Vegetariska skolluncher : En undersökning av energi- och näringsinnehåll samt attityder / Vegetarian school meals : An investigation of the energy, nutrient and attitudesJonsson, Julia, Olsson, Tora January 2015 (has links)
Inledning – Enligt skollagen ska skollunch som serveras vara näringsriktig. En undersökning som gjorts visade att 60 % av skolluncherna inte lever upp till denna lag. Hur den vegetariska skollunchen förhåller sig till denna lag och NNR 2012 har därför undersökts, samt hur elever och köksansvariges attityd till den vegetariska skollunchen ser ut. Syfte – Syftet är att undersöka om vegetariska skollunchers energi- och näringsinnehåll lever upp till NNR 2012 i en kommun i södra Sverige. Ett andra syfte är att undersöka hur attityderna till den vegetariska skollunchen är bland elever och hos en köksansvarig på en skola i södra Sverige. Material och metod – För att besvara syftet har en kvantitativ- och en kvalitativ metod använts. Vegetariska skolluncher (N=20) har energi- och näringsvärdesberäknats med hjälp av Dietist Net, därefter har ett medelvärde av energi- och näringsvärdena från samtliga luncher jämförts med NNR 2012. En standardavvikelse har också beräknats. Skolelever från årskurs 9 samt skolans köksansvarige har intervjuats. Intervjuerna har följt en semi-strukturerad karaktär där ljudet från intervjuerna spelats in, därefter har materialet transkriberats ordagrant och analyserats. Resultat – De vegetariska skolluncherna har en fördelning av energigivande näringsämnen som följer NNR 2012, däremot finns brister av enskilda vitaminer och mineraler samt brister avseende energiintaget. De vitaminer och mineraler som undersökts är protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, järn, kalcium och selen. Utifrån de intervjuer som gjorts kan ett negativt attitydmönster kring den vegetariska skollunchen urskiljas bland pojkar och köksansvarige. Flickornas attityd upplevdes som mer positiv. Slutsats – Den berörda kommunens vegetariska skollunchers fördelning av energigivande näringsämnen i (E%) följer NNR 2012. Däremot finns brister avseende vitamin- och mineralintaget, samt brister avseende energiintaget. Utifrån den kvalitativa undersökningen kan ingen slutsats dras då undersökningen begränsats. Dock tyder vårt material på att eleverna från den undersökta skolan har en attityd till de vegetariska skolluncherna som skiljer sig åt mellan flickor och pojkar; pojkar är mer negativa. Skolans köksansvarige uppfattades också ha en negativ attityd till den vegetariska skollunchen. Då undersökningen begränsats till ett litet material är resultatet inte generaliserbart men väl hypotesgenererande för fortsatt forskning. / Introduction – According to the school law, the school lunches must be nutritious. However, survey carried out shows that 60 % of school lunches do not follow this law. Hence, it is important to study how the vegetarian school lunch relates to this law and NNR 2012, also the attitude among students and kitchen manager towards the vegetarian school meal. Aims – The aim is to investigate whether a municipality in southern Sweden vegetarian school lunches energy and nutrient lives up to NNR 2012. A second objective is to examine how attitudes to the vegetarian school lunch looks among students and in one kitchen manager of a school in southern Sweden. Materials and Methods – A quantitative and a qualitative method have been chosen. The energy and nutrient content of the school lunches were calculated using Dietist Net and then a means of nutritional values from the calculation from all lunches has been compared with NNR 2012. Students from year 9 and the kitchen manager were interviewed; the interviews were semi-structured. The audio from the interviews was recorded and then the material has been transcribed and analyzed. Results – The vegetarian lunches have a good composite distribution of energy from the macronutrients, flaws with regard to the individual vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals that have been investigated are protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium and selenium. Based on the interviews conducted, it is noted that the attitude to the vegetarian school lunches is negative among the boys who were interviewed, even the kitchen manager had a negative attitude towards the vegetarian school lunch. The girls attitude was perceived as positive. Conclusion – The vegetarian meals served in this school in a municipality in southern Sweden fulfills the requirements of NNR 2012 concerning the distribution of energizing nutrients (E%). There are deficiencies concerning vitamin and mineral intake, as well as deficiencies in energy intake. Based on the qualitative survey no conclusion can be drawn on which the investigation is limited. Our material indicates that the students from the examined school have an attitude to the vegetarian school lunches that differ between boys and girls; boys are more negative. The kitchen manager was also perceived to have a negative attitude to the vegetarian school lunch. The survey is limited which does not make the result generalizable but generate hypotheses for further research.
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A new relative permeability model for compositional simulation of two and three phase flowYuan, Chengwu 10 February 2011 (has links)
Chemical treatments using solvents and surfactants can be used to increase the productivity of gas-condensate wells with condensate banks. CMG’s compositional simulator GEM was used to simulate such treatments to gain a better understanding of design questions such as how much treatment solution to inject and to predict the benefits of such treatments. GEM was used to simulate treatments in vertical wells with and without hydraulic fractures and also horizontal wells. However, like other commercial compositional simulators, the flash calculations used to predict the phase behavior is limited to two phases whereas a three-phase flash is needed to accurately model the complex phase behavior that occurs during and after the injection of treatment solutions. UTCOMP is a compositional simulator with three-phase flash routine and attempts were made to use it to simulate such well treatments. However, this is a very difficult problem to simulate and all previous attempts failed because of numerical problems caused by inconsistent phase labeling (so called phase flipping) and the discontinuities this causes in the relative permeability values.
In this research, a new relative permeability model based on molar Gibbs free energy was developed, implemented in a compositional simulator and applied to several difficult three-phase flash problems. A new way of modeling the residual saturations was needed to ensure a continuous variation of the residual saturations from the three-phase region to the two-phase region or back and was included in the new model. The new relative permeability model was implemented in the compositional reservoir simulator UTCOMP. This new relative permeability model makes it is unnecessary to identify and track the phases. This method automatically avoids the previous phase flipping problems and thus is physically accurate as well as computationally faster due to the improved numerical performance. The new code was tested by running several difficult simulation problems including a CO2 flood with three-hydrocarbon phases and a water phase.
A new framework for doing flash calculations was also developed and implemented in UTCOMP to account for the multiple roots of the cubic equation-of-state to ensure a global minimum in the Gibbs free energy by doing an exhaustive search for the minimum value for one, two and three phases. The purpose was to determine if the standard method using a Gibbs stability test followed by a flash calculation was in fact resulting in the true minimum in the Gibbs free energy. Test problems were run and the results of the standard algorithm and the exhaustive search algorithm compared.
The updated UTCOMP simulator was used to understand the flow back of solvents injected in gas condensate wells as part of chemical treatments. The flow back of the solvents, a short-term process, affects how well the treatment works and has been an important design and performance question for years that could not be simulated correctly until now due to the limitations of both commercial simulators and UTCOMP. Different solvents and chase gases were simulated to gain insight into how to improve the design of the chemical treatments under different conditions. / text
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Schadstoffemissionen bei der Verbrennung von Stroh, Holz und Biogas / Emission of harmful substances from the combustion of wood, straw and biogasSeidel, Torben 27 June 2013 (has links)
In Deutschland ist das Verbrennen von Festbrennstoffen wie Kohle und Holz zur Wärmeerzeugung u.a. in Kleinfeuerungsanlagen in Häusern weit verbreitet. Etwa 14 Millionen von ~40 Millionen Haushalten besitzen solche Anlagen (Struschka M. et al. 2008).
Als ein alternativer Energielieferant kann Biomasse wegen der angestrebten Verminderung des Treibhauseffekts, der zunehmenden Verknappung von fossilen Energiequellen und der angestrebten Autonomie von fossilen Brennstoffen zukünftig eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. Allerdings kann ein wachsender Beitrag der Biomasse zur Wärmeerzeugung aufgrund erhöhter Emission von Elementen und organischen Substanzen im Gegensatz zu fossilen Brennstoffen wie Öl und Gas auch einen negativen Einfluss haben.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte mit modernen Feuerungsanlagen untersucht werden, inwieweit umweltbedeutsame Elemente durch das Verbrennen von Holz und Stroh in die Atmosphäre entweichen und demzufolge eine potentielle Gefährdung darstellen kann. Neben dem Brennstoff wurden die entstehenden Aschen - Rostasche, Rückstände in Wärmetauschern bzw. elektrostatischen Abscheidern und Flugasche - analysiert, um Elementbilanzen aufzustellen und energienormierte Emissionen zu berechnen. Die Bilanzberechnungen anhand des Inputs und des Outputs zeigen, dass einige umweltbedeutsame Elemente - wie Cadmium, Zink, Zinn, Thallium, Blei, Bismut und Antimon - viel zu geringe Wiederfindungen aufwiesen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich diese Elemente u.a. innerhalb der kühleren Zonen der Verbrennungsanlage, im Schornstein oder im Material der Feuerraumauskleidung abscheiden, wo keine Proben genommen werden konnten. Dementsprechend wurde unter diesem Aspekt der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit die Feuerraumauskleidung als Senke für Elemente fungieren kann. Mit Hinblick auf teilweise erhebliche Überbefunde bei einigen Elementen wurde auch untersucht, inwieweit das Auskleidungsmaterial zur Elementmenge in den Aschen beitragen kann.
Es konnte sichergestellt werden, dass diese Elemente nicht in die Atmosphäre entweichen, sondern dass der Rückstand auf dem Filter dem in die Umwelt abgegebenen Menge entspricht. Die Schadstoffe sind an bzw. in feine (<1 μm) Partikel gebunden oder liegen gasartig vor und können in die Alveolen der Lungen eindringen und dem Körper Schaden zufügen. Wirksame Emissionsverminderungsmaßnahmen sind dementsprechend absolut notwendig.
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Negotiating Responsibilization: Power at the Threshold of Capable Literate Conduct in OntarioAtkinson, Tannis 20 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis considers how statistics about adult literacy have produced a new transnational norm of what it means to “be literate” and asks what has been produced by demarcating a calculable threshold of capable literate conduct. Analyzing literacy as a form of conduct enables investigation of the political dimensions of governmental interest in literate conduct and consideration of what subjects, relationships and forms of power are produced by various problematizations. Genealogical analysis of the currently dominant governing rationality, what is termed the psychometrological regime, revealed that Level Three of the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) has been constructed as a threshold between people who can act as autonomous, entrepreneurial subjects and those who cannot. In the case of Ontario, this threshold becomes an indicator of “employability” and produces a singular and problematic population who are subjected to coercive educational interventions. Tactics and techniques in the province’s Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) policy construct literacy programs as sites responsible for transforming subjects below the threshold into human capital assets; this represents a significant departure from the original mission of community-based agencies. Data from interviews with educators in these programs indicate that adult literacy workers occupy an uneasy position between the demands of policy, their pastoral relationships with learners, and the complex realities faced by adults who struggle with print. While these educators may choose to disobey some policy imperatives they nonetheless act, at times unwittingly, as agents of governance. By highlighting the impossibilities produced by the neoliberal problematization of literacy, and the negotiations that literacy workers perform in the face of such dilemmas, this research contributes to thinking through how to transform coercive and authoritarian tendencies currently governing literate conduct.
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