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Analysis and Optimization for Testing Using IEEE P1687Ghani Zadegan, Farrokh January 2010 (has links)
The IEEE P1687 (IJTAG) standard proposal aims at providing a standardized interface between on-chip embedded test, debug and monitoring logic (instruments), such as scan-chains and temperature sensors, and the Test Access Port of IEEE Standard 1149.1 mainly used for board test. A key feature in P1687 is to include Segment Insertion Bits (SIBs) in the scan path. SIBs make it possible to construct a multitude of different P1687 networks for the same set of instruments, and provide flexibility in test scheduling. The work presented in this thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, analysis regarding test application time is given for P1687 networks while making use of two test schedule types, namely concurrent and sequential test scheduling. Furthermore, formulas and novel algorithms are presented to compute the test time for a given P1687 network and a given schedule type. The algorithms are implemented and employed in extensive experiments on realistic industrial designs. In the second part, design of IEEE P1687 networks is studied. Designing the P1687 network that results in the least test application time for a given set of instruments, is a time-consuming task in the absence of automatic design tools. In this thesis work, novel algorithms are presented for automated design of P1687 networks which are optimized with respect to test application time and the required number of SIBs. The algorithms are implemented and demonstrated in experiments on industrial SOCs.
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Automatisk identifiering av branter för orienteringskartorSundlöf, Martin, Persson, Hans January 2011 (has links)
Orientering är en sport som går ut på att besöka ett antal förutbestämda kontrollpunkter med hjälp av en karta. Orienteringskartan redovisar olika objekt som finns i verkligheten så som stenar, gropar, höjder och branter. Att tillverka en orienteringskarta är dyrt och tidskrävande. Omkring 120 000–150 000 kr och mellan 20–30 h/km2 fältarbete läggs ner på varje karta som skapas. Eftersom orienteringskartorna framställs av ideella föreningar är alla sätt som gör kartframställningen billigare välkomna. I detta examensarbete har en funktion skapats i ett befintligt program vid namn OL Laser. Funktionens syfte är att automatiskt identifiera branter i laserdata för användning som grundmaterial vid framställning av orienteringskartor. För att räknas som en orienteringsbrant krävs det att tre stycken kriterier uppfylls, nämligen minst 1 m höjdskillnad, minst 1 m utbredning och en lutning större än 85°. Dessa kriterier bestämdes genom att komplettera de befintliga avgränsningarna som anges i Internationella Orienteringsförbundets regleringar för orienteringskartor med egna mätningar i tre stycken olika referensområden kring Gävle. Därefter programmerades funktionen så att genom att klicka på en knapp startas en sökning i ett höjdraster. Steg för steg söks höjdrastret igenom efter pixlar som uppfyller de givna parametrarna för höjdskillnad, utbredning och lutning. Värdet på parametrarna för lutning, höjdskillnad och utbredning bestämdes genom att kalibrera funktionen mot referensområdena. Kalibrering gjordes för att det skulle vara möjligt att automatiskt identifiera branter. De inställningar på parametrarna som användes i funktionen efter kalibrering var 42,5° lutning, 0,6 m höjdskillnad och en utbredning över minst två sammanhängande pixlar. Resultatet utgörs av de pixlar som funktionen identifierar som en brant. Resultatet visar att funktionen klarar av att hitta branter automatiskt, även i områden som den inte kalibrerats mot. För att använda branterna till en orienteringskarta krävs det att en kartritare verifierar resultat av funktionen ute i fält. Med hjälp av funktionen sparas både tid och pengar i framställningen av orienteringskartor. / Orienteering is a sport where the purpose is to visit a number of predefined control points using a map. The orienteering map shows various objects such as rocks, pits, knolls and cliffs. It is expensive and time consuming to produce an orienteering map. Approximately 120.000-150.000 SEK and 20–30 h/km2 field work is invested in every map produced. Considering orienteering maps are financed by non-profit orienteering organizations every time and money saving process is welcome. In this degree project a function has been created in a software called OL Laser. The aim of the function is to automatically identify cliffs in laser data for the usage as base maps in the production of orienteering maps. First the definition for cliffs in orienteering was defined. To be classified as a cliff three requirements had to be fulfilled, namely at least 1 m in height difference, at least 1 meter wide and a gradient greater than 85°. These requirements were determined by supplementing the existing restrictions specified in the regulations for orienteering maps with own measurements in three different reference areas around Gävle. The function was programmed so that a search in a height raster was started. Step by step the raster was scanned for pixels that meet the given parameters of the height difference, the width and gradient. The values of the parameters were determined by calibrating the function in the reference areas. The calibration was made to make it possible to automatically identify cliffs. The settings of the parameters used in the function after the calibration were 42.5° gradient, 0.6 m height difference and a propagation of at least two consecutive pixels. The pixels that the function identified as a cliff is the result. The result shows that the function is able to automatically find the cliffs, even in areas which it is not calibrated against. To be able to use the cliffs on an orienteering map, the cartographer has to verify the result of the function in the field. Both time and money is saved by using the function when producing orienteering maps.
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Investeringskalkylering : en kartläggning och analys av kalkyleringsarbetet på Volvo Construction EquipmentClaesson, Anton, Isacsson, Victoria January 2011 (has links)
Problems: How does Volvos CE: s four Swedish plants work with investment appraisals? Does the work differ between the plants? If differences exist, what can be improved in order to make the work more uniform? Purpose: To map the work with investment appraisals at Volvo CE: s four Swedish plats, to analyze differences in work between the plants and give proposals to a more homogenous working. Method: A method of qualitative nature. The study mainly contains raw data from semi structured interviews. Secondary data, such as internal policy documents and documentation of completed investment projects, has supplemented the raw data. Analysis: The mapping shows significant differences in work with investments between Volvo CE: s Swedish plants. A big difference between the plants is the extent of which they use investment appraisals in the investment process. Common to all plants are the deficiencies in establishing post calculations. Conclusions: Study proposals for improvements that will lead to a more homogenous work include that project managers at each plant in the future should work for a common project model. Proposals also include that a Business Case containing a common calculation template with investment calculations shall be made in the investment projects. Post calculations are also recommended at projects which a Business Case has been made. The post calculations will allow a comparison between forecast and outcome. Finally, it is proposed that an investment council with representatives from each plant is formed. / Problemfrågor: Hur arbetar Volvos CE:s fyra fabriker i Sverige med investeringskalkyler? Skiljer sig arbetet åt mellan fabrikerna? Om skillnader finns, vad kan förbättras för att göra arbetet mer enhetligt? Syfte: Att kartlägga arbetet med investeringskalkyler på Volvo CE:s fyra svenska fabriker, analysera skillnader i arbetet mellan fabrikerna samt ge förslag till ett mer homogent arbetssätt. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts där huvuddelen data utgjorts av primärdata i form av intervjumaterial från semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sekundärdata, såsom interna styrdokument och dokumentation från avslutade investeringsprojekt, har sedan kompletterat studiens primärdata. Analys: Kartläggningen visar tydliga skillnader i arbetet med investeringar mellan Volvo CE:s svenska fabriker. En stor skillnad mellan fabrikerna är i vilken utsträckning investeringskalkyler används i investeringsprocessen. Gemensamt för samtliga fabriker är också bristerna i upprättandet av efterkalkyler. Slutsats: Studiens förslag till förbättringar som skall leda till ett mer homogent arbetssätt är bland annat att projektledare på respektive fabrik i framtiden bör arbeta efter en gemensam projektmodell. Det finns också förslag på att ett Business Case innehållande en gemensam kalkylmall med investeringskalkyler skall upprättas vid investeringsprojekt. Efterkalkyler rekommenderas också på de projekt där ett Business Case upprättats, då efterkalkylerna möjliggör en jämförelse mellan prognoser och utfall. Slutligen föreslås att ett investeringsråd med representanter från samtliga fabriker bildas.
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Test Scheduling with Power and Resource Constraints for IEEE P1687Asani, Golnaz January 2012 (has links)
IEEE P1687 (IJTAG) is proposed to add more exibility|compared with IEEE 1149.1 JTAG|for accessing on-chip embedded test features called instruments. This exibility makes it possible to include and exclude instruments from the scan path. To reach a minimal test time, all instruments should be accessed concurrently. However, constraints such as power and resource constraints might limit concurrency. There is a need to consider power and resource constraints while developing the test schedule. This thesis consists of two parts. In the rst part, three test time calculation approaches, namely session-based test schedule with a xed scan path, session-based test schedule with a recongurable scan path, and session-less test schedule with a recongurable scan path are proposed. In the second part, three test scheduling approaches, namely session-based test scheduling, optimized session-based test scheduling, and optimized session-less test scheduling are studied and three algorithms are presented for each of the test scheduling approaches. Experiments are carried out using the test scheduling approaches and the results show that optimized sessionless test scheduling can signicantly reduce the test time compared with session-based test scheduling.
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An analysis of arctic seabird trophic levels and foraging locations using stable isotopesMoody, Allison Theresa 14 May 2007 (has links)
Arctic ecosystems are vulnerable to human-induced changes such as increases in contaminant levels and climatic warming. To predict effects of these changes, it is important to understand trophic relationships among Arctic organisms and how they change in response to time and environmental perturbations. Seabird diet can reflect relative availability and abundance of planktivorous fish and zooplankton in remote areas. The measurement of naturally occurring stable isotopes presents an alternative approach to evaluating dietary patterns of seabirds at both an individual level and at a larger, ecosystem level. Relative changes in δ13C values provided an indication of changes in consumption of benthic vs. pelagic prey and changes in δ15N values provided an indication of changes in trophic level.<p>I investigated trophic positions of four seabirds (Thick-billed Murres (<i>Uria lomvia</i>); Northern Fulmars (<i>Fulmarus glacialis</i>); Black-legged Kittiwakes (<i>Rissa tridactyla</i>); and Glaucous Gulls (<i>Larus hyperboreus</i>)) at Prince Leopold Island, Nunavut, 1988 2003, using my own and previously measured stable isotope measurements in blood samples. Trophic level and space use among years differed within and among species and may be related to ice conditions and species-specific foraging strategies. The species with the most flexible foraging methods, Thick-billed Murres, varied their foraging location and trophic level the most. In 2002, fewer chicks than average for all species were fledged and Thick-billed Murre chicks were lighter than in other years; however, only murres showed a concurrent decrease in the proportion of fish in their diet. Adult body condition of murres in 2002 was positively correlated with trophic level.
Breeding season dietary patterns of Thick-billed Murre adults and chicks were examined on Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada, in 2004. Adult trophic level increased slightly through the breeding season and δ13C values indicated a switch from benthic to pelagic foraging locations. Chick and adult murres did not differ in either δ15N or δ13C values; however, within a family (two parents, one chick), chicks were fed at or slightly below adult trophic level. I found little variation in stable isotope values which suggests adult murres did not preferentially select prey for either themselves or their chicks. <p>Finally, stable isotope analysis was used to investigate winter foraging ecology of three species of alcids (Thick-billed Murres; Common Murres (<i>U. aalge</i>) and Razorbills (<i>Alca torda</i>)), off Newfoundland, Canada, 1996 2004. Thick-billed Murres fed at a higher trophic level than Common Murres. Razorbill δ15N values were highly variable and overlapped those of both murre species. I found no significant differences in δ13C values among the three species confirming a common spatial feeding pattern. Both murre species became depleted in 13C during winter suggesting foraging location or prey species shifted from nearshore to offshore. For Common Murres, hatching-year individuals fed at a higher trophic level and foraged farther offshore than after-hatch year birds. For Thick-billed Murres, I contrasted trophic level determined for the breeding colony at Prince Leopold Island with those determined for winter over four years and found considerable inter-annual variation in patterns of seasonal difference in trophic level. However, the proportion of lower trophic level (amphipod) vs. higher trophic level (fish) prey was generally greater in the winter than the summer.
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Byggnadsinvesteringsbedömning : En studie av 44 svenska kommuner 2011Hamrin, Sanna, Sipi, Carina January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och presentera vilka investeringskriterier som svenska kommuner använde år 2011 vid byggnadsinvesteringar, samt i vilken utsträckning extern hjälp vid investeringsbedömning och utförande av byggnadsinvesteringar användes. Frågeställning: Vilka samband fanns mellan investeringsandel per omsättning och i hur stor utsträckning beslutade byggnadsinvesteringar blev dyrare än beräknat? Vilka skillnader fanns mellan större och mindre kommuner med hänsyn till investeringsbedömningar i byggnader? I vilken utsträckning förekom samarbete mellan kommuner gällande byggnadsinvesteringar? I hur stor utsträckning anlitades extern hjälp med projektledning och kalkylering vid byggnadsprojekt? Metod: Studien är baserad på en webbenkätundersökning med 44 deltagande kommuner och en personlig intervju. Denna undersökning analyserades och jämfördes sedan med en referensram baserad på sekundära källor. Slutsats: Större kommuner behöver förbättra sina planeringar och kontrollera sina byggnadsinvesteringar i och med att investeringarna ofta är större och fler saker kan gå fel än för mindre kommuner. Fler kommuner borde samarbeta mer vid byggnadsinvesteringar för att på det viset kunna matcha byggföretagen vid upphandling. Kommunerna bör fortsätta kontrollera den externa hjälp de använder vid byggnadsinvesteringar och göra tydliga kontrakt. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and present what investment criteria’s Swedish municipals used in 2011 when investing in buildings, and in what extent consultants were used in investment appraisal and implementation of building investments. Research question: Is there a connection between the amount invested in buildings in proportion of net turnover and cost overrun? Is there a difference between large and small municipals with regards to investment appraisal of buildings? Did collaboration occur between municipals with regards to investment appraisal of buildings? To what extent was consultants used to calculate and appraise building projects? Method: This study is based on a Web survey with 44 answers from municipals and one personal interview. The survey was analyzed and compared with the frame of reference based on secondary sources. Conclusion: Larger municipals need to improve their planning and control their investments in buildings because the investments are usually large and more numerous things can go wrong than for smaller municipals. Municipals should collaborate more when investing in buildings and therefore better be able to match the construction companies when negotiating terms. The municipals should continue controlling the external help they use when they invest in buildings and make contracts with clear terms.
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Reactivity Study of Diarylamido-phosphino Zirconium, Hafnium and Nickel ComplexesHsiao, Yi-Chen 18 August 2010 (has links)
A series of tetravalent zirconium and hafnium complexes were developed in their
abundant chemistry and photophysical properties, where those complexes were supported by
diarylamido-phosphino [iPr-PNP]- (bis(o-diisopropylphosphinophenyl)amide) ligand.
[iPr-PNP]MCl3 (M = Zr, Hf) were prepared by sequentially reacting [iPr-PNP]H with
n-butyllithium and following MCl4(THF)2 in toluene solution under ambient temperature.
UV-Vis absorption, emission, excitation spectrum, cyclic voltammetry experiments, and
density functionalization theory (DFT) calculations are applied to approach their unique
photophysical phosphorescence properties. Alkyls which are lack of £]-hydrogen have been
used to achieve in synthesis of degenerate ([iPr-PNP]MR3, R = Me, CH2SiMe3) or
non-degenerate ([iPr-PNP]M(E)(R)2, R = CH2SiMe3, E = Cl, Me) derivatives since we could
control the desired product from steric effect. Strong fluxional exchange was found in those
complexes. By variable temperature NMR monitoring and X-ray diffraction, their
fluxionality seems interesting not only in mechanism, but it does affect our reaction. By
heating [iPr-PNP]Zr(Cl)(CH2SiMe3)2 in solution, we can afford new alkylidene complexes
[iPr-PNP]M(Cl)(=CHSiMe3) via self £\-abstraction. Through variable temperature analysis,
the activation energy of £\-abstraction have £GH‡ = 18.5 kcal/mol and £GS‡ = -19.8 cal/mol¡PK.
Here we also can identified multiple alkylidene derivatives of [iPr-PNP]Zr(Me)(=CHSiMe3)2.
The computational studies of [MeNPiPr]Ni(R)(L) ([MeNPiPr]- = o-diisopropylphosphinoII
phenyl-2,6-dimethylanilite, R = Me, CH2SiMe3; L = 2,4-Lutidine, Py, PMe3) in C-H
activation has been fully established. Start on dissociation mechanism, we considered three
major pathways to explain the activation mechanisms including isomerisation, direct
intermolecular benzene activation, and intramolecular sp3 C-H acitvaition. Here we also
account H-D exchange as experimental observation. Important intermediates and transition
states are found to locate the energy maps to assist our experiments.
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Energy Conservation Studies for Activated Sludge Processes of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants In TaiwanLiu, Chiung-Hsien 06 July 2012 (has links)
Most of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are operated under low loading both in water quality and water capacity (flow rate) in Taiwan. Because various treatment methods used in WWTP would cause different power consumptions. In general, the flow rate of wastewater treated is proportional to the power consumption.
The purpose of this study is simulating water quality and water capacity with a case of municipal wastewater treatment plant, using standard activated sludge method. In this work we will investigate the feasibility of save power using operation and parameters adjustment in wastewater system. A further step is to conduct the save energy in current WWTP under normal wastewater treatment capacity and national effluent standard.
Results showed the major save energy was at inflow pump and aeration system of biological treatment stage. Both power consumptions of two were about 60 ~70 % of total power consumption in the plant. Thus we should focus the operating conditions to plan the save energy project, and calculate the total power system and energy consumption of all unit facilities before we are going to improve the energy save in WWTP. Important note is firstly to select units and facilities having high energy consumption for evaluating the possibility of energy save. Secondly is develop and using a good management system to attain the goal of save energy.
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Ab-initio elastic and thermodynamic properties of high-temperature cubic intermetallics at finite temperaturesWilliams, Michael Eric 15 May 2009 (has links)
In thiswork we present the development of a method for the prediciton of finite temperature
elastic and thermodynamic properties of cubic, non-magnetic unary and binary metals
from first principles calculations. Vibrational, electronic and anharmonic contributions to
the free energy are accounted for while magnetic effects are neglected. The method involves
the construction of a free energy surface in volume/temperature space through the use of
quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics. Additional strain energy calculations are performed and
fit to the derived thermal expansion to present the temperature dependence of single crystal
elastic constants. The methods are developed within the framework of density functional
theory, lattice dynamics, and finite elasticity. The model is first developed for FCC aluminum
and BCC tungsten which demonstrate the validity of the model as well as some of
the limitations arising from the approximations made such as the effects of intrinsic anharmonicity.
The same procedure is then applied to the B2 systems NiAl, RuAl and IrAl which
are considred for high temperature applications. Overall there is excellent correlation between
the calculated properties and experimentally tabulated values. Dynamic methods for
the prediction of temperature dependent properties are also introduced and a groundwork
is laid for future development of a robust method.
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Study in the effects of introducing new highschool mathematics text books To Kaohsiung area studentsLee, Chiu-Ping 27 July 2000 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate, through the ¡§Series¡¨ unit in the first volume of high school mathematics, the impact of the updated-version textbooks on the learning effectiveness of students so as to provide references to be used by future revisers of teaching materials.
The research subjects were drawn from Kaohsiung City high schools. Three schools were selected (two public and one private). These three high schools, from the 1999 academic year, began to use mathematics textbooks of three different versions, one to each school. A first-year class and a second-year class were drawn from each school, and there were six classes in total. In total there were 237 students receiving the experimentation. The students from the same school, no matter they were first-year or second-year, had been taught by the same teacher in respect of the unit that was included in the study. Among the three schools, School ¥Ò®Õ admitted for the 1998 and 1999 school years new students with scores higher than 580 on the joint entrance examination, School ¤A®Õadmitted for the 1998 and 1999 school years new students with scores from 530 to 580 on the joint entrance examination, and School ¤þ®Õadmitted for the 1998 and 1999 school years new students with scores lower than 530 on the joint entrance examination. The three new versions used in the study were published by Nan-I Book Store, Ta Tung Information Enterprise, Co., Ltd., and Han Lin Publisher respectively. They are high school mathematics textbooks examined and approved by the Ministry of Education (excluding Teacher¡¦s Manual, supplementary materials, journals, reference books, etc). The outdated version was published by National Bureau of Editing and Translation.
Mathematics Test written by the researcher was used as the testing tool, and the t-test method was adopted. Moreover, because the variances of the file data collected from a school fluctuated tremendously and the sample space was unequal, a single-factor ANOVA analysis was conducted to indicate whether there existed a significant difference between classes in terms of their learning achievement. The ¡§Questionnaire on Mathematics Opinions¡¨ was administered and the results were represented by ¡¥5¡¦, ¡¥4¡¦, ¡¥3¡¦, ¡¥2¡¦, ¡¥1¡¦, which indicated their scores. An ANOVA analysis was conducted to investigate the differences in students¡¦ learning attitude. After synthesizing the analytical results of this study, the author has come up with the following conclusions:
¤@¡BIt is known from t-test and ANOVA analysis: in School ¥Ò®Õ, there existed a significant difference between the first-year and the second-year students in respect of their learning effectiveness; in School ¤A®Õ, there existed no significant difference between the first-year and the second-year students in respect of their learning effectiveness; in School ¤þ®Õ, there existed no significant difference between the first-year and the second-year students in respect of their learning effectiveness.
¤G¡BAccording to the correct percentage of each question made by students and the error pattern, the test questions were classified into three types: concept, calculation, and comprehensive application (including questions that integrated comprehension, analysis, and application abilities). It was found from the classification of questions that:
(1) Textbooks have no impact on both the well-established (School ¥Ò®Õ) and the weak (School ¤þ®Õ) students in respect of the effectiveness of learning concept questions. There is no difference between the outdated and the updated-version textbooks. However, as far as the students with ordinary achievement (School ¤A®Õ) are concerned, the updated-version textbooks have a significant impact on learning effectiveness.
(2) Textbooks have an impact on both the well-established (School ¥Ò®Õ) and the weak (School¤þ®Õ) students in respect of the effectiveness of learning calculation questions, and the first-year students have benefited more from the updated-version textbooks than have their second-year counterparts in terms of the effectiveness in learning calculation questions. However, as far as the students with ordinary achievement (School ¤A®Õ) are concerned, the updated-version textbooks have a significant impact on the effectiveness of their learning to reduce cycle fractions, but have no significant impact on their learning other calculation questions.
(3) Textbooks have an impact on the effectiveness of learning comprehensive application questions, as far as both the well-established (School¥Ò®Õ ) and the students with ordinary achievement (School¤A®Õ) are concerned. Moreover, the first-year students have benefited less from the updated-version textbooks than have their second-year counterparts in terms of the effectiveness in learning comprehensive application questions. However, as far as the weak students (School¤þ®Õ) are concerned, the updated-version textbooks have a significant impact on the effectiveness of their learning comprehensive application questions. In particular, the updated-version textbooks have an especially significant impact on the effectiveness in learning the comprehensive application questions of regression principle.
¤T¡BFrom investigating the difference between attitude toward and effectiveness in learning mathematics as far as different groups are concerned, it has been found:
There existed a significant difference between learning attitude and learning effectiveness as far as the first-year and the second-year students of School ¥Ò®Õ are concerned.
There existed no significant difference between learning attitude and learning effectiveness as far as the first-year students of School ¤A®Õare concerned.
There existed a significant difference between learning attitude and learning effectiveness as far as the second-year students of School ¤þ®Õ are concerned.
There existed no significant difference between learning attitude and learning effectiveness as far as the first-year and the second-year students of School ¤þ®Õ are concerned.
¥|¡BFrom the correlation between the learning attitude (consisting of five sub- categories: learning habit, learning process, learning desire, learning method, and test preparation) and the learning effectiveness of the first-year and second-year students of the three schools, it has been found:
¡]1¡^ As far as the correlations between their learning effectiveness and their learning desire and between their learning effectiveness and their learning method are concerned, there existed a significant difference between the first-year and the second-year students. Because both learning desire and learning method are related to textbooks, the updated-version textbooks had a significant impact on the learning effectiveness of the first-year students of School ¥Ò®Õ.
¡]2¡^ On the average, there existed a significant correlation between the learning effectiveness of the second-year students of School¥Ò®Õ , School ¤A®Õ, and School ¤þ®Õ and each of the five sub-categories of learning attitude (learning habit, learning process, learning desire, learning method, test preparation). Their performance on each sub-category of learning attitude is more or less related to textbooks. Therefore, there existed a significant correlation between the updated-version textbooks and each of the five sub-categories of learning attitude.
¡]1¡^ The correlation between learning effectiveness and learning method presented by the first-year students of School ¥Ò®Õ and School ¤þ®Õ (especially School ¥Ò®Õ) is more significant than that presented by their second-year counterparts.
¡]4¡^ The correlation between learning effectiveness and test preparation presented by the first-year students of School ¥Ò®Õ, School ¤A®Õand School ¤þ®Õ is more significant than that presented by their second-year counterparts.
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