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Estudo teórico de propriedades químicas de sistemas hetero-macrocíclos que complexam metais de transição divalentes da primeira e segunda filas / Theoretical study of chemistry proprieties of the hetero-macrocycle systems that complex bivalentes transition metals of the first and second-rowLima, Francisco das Chagas Alves 06 May 2008 (has links)
Um estudo teórico detalhado das estruturas e energias do ligante 1, 7, 11, 17-tetraoxa-2, 6, 12, 16-trazaocicloocsano ([20]aneN4O4) coordenado com íons metálicos de transição Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ru2+, Rh2+ e Pd2+ foi realizado em nível de teoria B3LYP/Lanl2DZ. As geometrias dos complexos foram totalmente otimizados em simetria Cs com os íons metálicos coordenados com quatro átomos de nitrogênio (complexos 1a e 1aq) ou quatro átomos de oxigênios (complexos 1b e 1bq) e duas moléculas de água. Os arranjos octaédricos (1a e 1b) e quadrado-planares (1aq e 1bq) foram consideremos neste trabalho. A estrutura teórica está em excelente acordo com a estrutura de difração de raio-x experimental determinada para o complexo octaédrico de Ni2+ de [20]AneN4O4. Os cátions M2+ ligam-se preferencialmente aos átomos de nitrogênios com energia de ligação que aumenta na ordem Fe2+ < Ru2+ < Co2+ < Ni2+ < Rh2+ < Pd2+. Para os metais de transição da primeira fila, os complexos de spin alto são mais estáveis que os complexos de spin baixo. Em contraste, para os metais de transição da segunda fila, os estados de spin baixo mostraram-se mais estáveis que os estados de spin alto. As ligações metal-ligante nos complexos foram analisadas em termo das interações covalentes e iônicas e ajudaram a entender porque os complexos (1a e 1aq) são mais estáveis que os complexos (1b e 1bq). Os complexos poliaminas [20]aneN4 e poliéteres [20]aneO4 foram obtidos substituindo os átomos de nitrogênio e oxigênio da posição alfa dos macrociclos [20]aneN4O4 e [20]aneO4N4, respectivamente. O macrociclo [20]aneO4 tem preferência em complexar íons metálicos da primeira fila, enquanto o macrociclo [20]aneN4 prefere complexar os íons metálicos da segunda fila. / A detailed theoretical study of structures and energies of the 1,7,1l,17-tetraoxa-2,6,12,16-tetraaza-cycloeicosane ligand ([20]AneN4O4) coordinated to Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ru2+, Rh2+ and Pd2+ transition metals ions was carried out with the B3LYP/Lanl2DZ method. The geometries of the complexes were fully optimized in Cs symmetry with the metal ions coordinated either to four atoms nitrogen (complexes 1a e 1b) or to the four atoms oxygen (complexes 1aq e 1bq). The octahedral and square planar arrangements were considered in this work. The theoretical structure is in excellent agreement with the experimental X-ray diffraction structure determination for the [20]AneN4O4 octahedral Ni2+ complex. The M2+ cations bind preferentially to the nitrogen atoms with binding energies that increase in the order Fe2+ < Ru2+ < Co2+ < Ni2+ < Rh2+ < Pd2+. For the first-row transition metals, the highspin complexes are more stable than the low-spin complexes. In contrast, for the second-row of transition metals, the low-spin states were found more stable than the high spin states. The metal-ligand bonds in the complexes were analyzed in terms of the covalent and ionic interactions and helped to understand why complexes (1a e 1aq) are more stable than complexes (1b e 1bq). The polyamines [20]aneN4 and polyethers [20]aneO4 complexes were obtained substituting the atoms N or O of the alfa position of the macrocycles [20]aneN4O4 and [20]aneO4N4, respectively. The macrocycle [20]aneO4 prefers to complex first-row transition metals; however, the macrocycle [20]aneN4 prefers to complex second-row transition metals.
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Känslighetsanalys vid energiberäkningar : Analys och tillämpning av metoder för känslighetsanalys av osäkra parametrar vid energiberäkningar i IDA ICE / Sensitivity analysis for energy calculations : Analysis and application of methods for sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters in energy calculations with IDA ICELindgren, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Det blir allt viktigare att bygga energieffektivt och EU:s direktiv om energiprestanda har gjort att hårdare krav har införts i Boverkets byggregler (BBR). Detta har gjort att högre krav ställs på noggrannheten vid energiberäkningar i projekteringsfasen av ett byggprojekt. Vid en energiberäkning görs en rad inställningar och antaganden kring parametrar kopplade till byggnadens olika system, klimatskalet, samt det mänskliga beteendet i byggnaden. Det är vanligt att osäkerheter förekommer kring dessa parameterinställningar och detta kan i sin tur orsaka osäkerheter i beräkningsresultatet. För att undersöka hur stor inverkan osäkra parametrar har på beräkningsresultatet kan olika metoder av känslighetsanalys tillämpas. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta fram och tillämpa en metod för att genomföra en omfattande känslighetsanalys av osäkra parametrar vid energiberäkningar med simuleringsverktyget IDA ICE. Vidare gjordes en utvärdering över känslighetsanalysens roll i samband med energiberäkningar och hur resultaten kan användas för att förklara skillnader i projekterad och verklig energianvändning för en fastighetsägare. De inledande förberedelserna resulterade i en metod för global känslighetsanalys vid energiberäkningar i IDA ICE som låg till grund för större delen av detta arbete. Metoden använder sig av standardiserade regressionskoefficienter som känslighetsindikatorer och dessa beräknades genom att tillämpa Monte Carlo-simuleringar och multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Även en enklare metod för lokal känslighetsanalys vid energiberäkningar i IDA ICE undersöktes. Ett antal olika fall studerades i detta arbete och för samtliga fall undersöktes parametrarnas inverkan på den totala energianvändningen och primärenergitalet. En byggnadsmodell skapades över en byggnad i Umeå med fjärrvärme som uppvärmningskälla. För denna byggnadsmodell gjordes Monte Carlo-simuleringar och känslighetsanalys för basfallet, ett fall med bergvärme som uppvärmningskälla och ett fall där verksamheten förändrades. Klimatförutsättningarnas betydelse undersöktes genom att använda samma byggnadsmodell vid alternativa geografiska placeringar och genomföra känslighetsanalyser med den framtagna metoden. Förändringar i verksamheten, uppvärmningskällan och klimatet, visade sig alla påverka parametrarnas inverkan på beräkningsresultaten. En slutsats som gick att dra från resultaten var att osäkerheter i parametrar kopplade till byggnadsmodellernas värme- och ventilationssystem hade stor inverkan på beräkningsresultaten jämfört med de andra parametrarna. Även köldbryggornas specifika värmeförlustfaktor visade sig ha stor inverkan. Parametrar kopplade till mänskligt beteende hade även de relativt stor inverkan medan parametrarna kopplade till klimatskalets U-värden i de flesta fall visade sig ha mindre inverkan än de andra parametrar som undersöktes. / To build energy efficient buildings are becoming more important and as a response to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive from the EU, harder requirements have been introduced into Boverket's building regulations (BBR). Higher demands are therefore placed on accuracy in energy calculations during the design phase of a building. When performing the energy calculations several parameter settings and assumptions are made that are linked to the building systems, envelope and the human behaviour inside the building. It is common that uncertainties occur around these parameter settings and this can often cause uncertainties in the calculation result. Different methods of sensitivity analysis can be applied to investigate which impact uncertain parameters have on the calculation results. The purpose of this master thesis was to develop and apply a method for computing a comprehensive sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters in energy calculations with the simulation tool IDA ICE. Furthermore, an evaluation was made of the role of sensitivity analysis in combination with energy calculations and how the results can be used to explain differences in predicted and actual energy use for a property owner. The initial preparations resulted in a method for global sensitivity analysis for energy calculations in IDA ICE, which was the basis for the most part of this thesis. This method uses the standardized regression coefficients as sensitivity indices, which was calculated by applying Monte Carlo simulations and multiple linear regression. A simpler method for local sensitivity analysis was also investigated. In this thesis, a number of different cases were studied and for all of them, the influence of the parameters on the total energy use and the primary energy number was investigated. A building model was created for a building located in Umeå with district heating as heating source. For this building model, Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis were executed for the base case, a case with geothermal energy as heating source, and a case where the building was used as office spaces. The importance of climate conditions was investigated by using the same building model in alternative geographical locations and conduct sensitivity analysis with the developed method. Changes in operations, the heating source and the climate, all affected the influence of the parameters on the calculation results. One conclusion that could be made from the results was that uncertainties in parameters linked to the building models' heating and ventilation systems had a great impact on the calculation results compared to the other parameters. Also, the specific heat transfer coefficient of the thermal bridges was among the parameters with the greatest influence. The parameters linked to human behaviour also had a relatively large influence while parameters linked to the building envelope in most cases were found to have less influence than the other parameters examined.
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-29 / The study of chloroacetamides has gained economic and technological importance;several researchers have been seeking to improve agricultural practices with the use
of herbicides. Thus, the inclusion of computational chemistry to the development of products for the agribusiness might promote great qualitative and quantitative advances in the scientific research. Therefore, interest was raised in studying the conformational analysis of certain chloroacetamides, both in isolated phase and in solution. The objective was to carry out conformational analysis of the chloroacetamides: allidochlor, dichlormid, CDEA, DCCMA, CDCA, pethoxamid,
propachlor, acetochlor and dimethenamid, using theoretical calculations and the NMR and IR spectroscopy. The SEP3D theoretical calculations were developed
using HF/6-311G. The most stable geometries were stabilized at the level of the theory B3LYP/cc-pVDZ with the program GAUSSIAN 03. PCM calculations were
carried out to evaluate the most stable conformations on the polarity of the medium. NBO calculations provided information about the interactions. Infrared and coupled
13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra were obtained with different solvents. The results revealed agreement when compared to the structures obtained through the
theoretical calculation, according to the PCM solvation model. The infrared spectra revealed that the econvoluted carbonyl band related to the conformer with the highest dipole moment value was better favored when the medium polarity increased. Through the 1JCH coupling constants obtained from the 13C coupled NMR spectra,
changes occurred in the conformational populations according to the solvent variation. With the aid of MPEs, it was possible to demonstrate, in the more stable
conformers, which regions presented higher and lower electronic density, possible action sites. / Estudos de cloroacetamidas vêm ganhando importância econômica e tecnológica, vários pesquisadores têm buscado aperfeiçoar os sistemas de cultivo com aplicação
de herbicidas, deste modo, a inserção da química computacional no desenvolvimento tecnológico de produtos voltados ao agronegócio poderá proporcionar um grande avanço qualitativo e quantitativo na pesquisa científica, com isso, surgiu o interesse no estudo conformacional de algumas cloroacetamidas em fase isolada e em solução e também avaliar os fatores que possam estar envolvidos na maior estabilidade dos mesmos. O objetivo foi realizar a análise conformacional
das cloroacetamidas alidocloro, diclormid, CDEA, DCCMA, CDCA, petoxamida, propacloro, acetocloro e dimetenamida, utilizando cálculos teóricos e as
espectroscopias de RMN e IV. Os cálculos teóricos da SEP3D foram realizados utilizando HF/6-311G. As geometrias mais estáveis foram otimizadas em nível de
teoria B3LYP/cc-pVDZ, com o programa GAUSSIAN 03. Foram realizados cálculos PCM para avaliar as conformações mais estáveis sobre a polaridade do meio. Foram realizados cálculos de NBO, que forneceram informações a respeito das interações. Os espectros no infravermelho e de ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C acoplado foram obtidos em diferentes solventes. Os resultados experimentais mostraram concordância quando comparados às estruturas obtidas por cálculos teóricos,
segundo o modelo de solvatação PCM. Para os espectros no infravermelho foi possível verificar que a banda da carbonila deconvoluída referente ao confôrmero
com maior valor de momento de dipolo apresentou maior favorecimento à medida que se elevava a polaridade do meio. Através das constantes de acoplamento 1JCH,
obtidas dos espectros de RMN de 13C acoplado, ocorreram mudanças nas populações conformacionais com a variação do solvente. Com auxílio dos MPEs, foi
possível demonstrar nos confôrmeros mais estáveis quais as regiões de maior e menor densidade eletrônica, possíveis sítios de ação.
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ribavirin is a similar compound to Guanosine, and it has wide application in antiviral activity against several DNA and RNA viruses. In human cells, the Ribavirin is phosphorylated forming a metabolite which inhibits an enzyme involved in synthesis of guanosine triphosphate. This enzyme is required for viral RNA replication, directly affecting their growth. In the solid state the Ribavirin crystallizes in two different ways. There NMR studies in the literature that deal with the Ribavirin in solution. Recently, tests were performed to treat hepatitis virus with a new drug, Viramidine. Its structure is similar to that of Ribavirin, but there is a change in group carboxyamide, since the carbonyl group is replaced by a C=NH. The Viramidine showed a less harmful and less widespread in the body when compared to Ribavirin. Based on this information, the general objective of the work was the conformational analysis of drug Ribavirin, as theoretical as experimental, and Viramidine just in theoretical calculation. Subsequent calculations were performed to natural nucleosides Adenosine and Guanosine, because they are structurally similar to both drugs. Using the package of programs GAUSSIAN 03 the analysis was performed of a series of scans in two dihedral angles of each structure. Then it was built four potential energy surfaces with HF/6-311G level of theory. The conformations present at the point of minimum energy were optimized in isolated phase. In calculations with solvation routines was performed the execution of single-point, according to the polarizable continuum model (PCM), with level of theory with B3LYP/cc-pVDZ. To explain the conformational preferences of global minimum of each nucleoside or drug analyzed have been used as tools maps of electrostatic potential and natural bonding orbital calculations. It was observed that for drugs there were a variation of stable conformation between the isolated phase and solvation. Only one conformation was the most stable in isolated phase for both drugs and having the same characteristic between them, the hydroxyl's hydrogen connected to carbon 5 of ribose is close to a nitrogen atom of the triazole ring, justifying an intramolecular interaction of the type hydrogen bond that stabilizes these conformations. In medium of polar solvating conformations with greater dipole moment were the most stable since the medium of polar solvating preferred these conformations. For nucleosides were found different results that don´t following the same relations of drugs. It was isolated from the drug capsules, employing simple filtration followed by liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl ether. The organic phase was evaporated with a rotary evaporator thus obtaining the pure Ribavirin. The product was characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy on KBr pellets and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1H and 13C NMR in D2O and DMSO-d6. The results obtained were compared with the theoretical results, including theoretical frequencies related to experimental wave numbers and coupling constants for two and three bonds found in the resonance spectra and the results of calculation of the theoretical couling constants. / A Ribavirina é um composto análogo a Guanosina e possui larga aplicação em atividades antivirais contra vários DNA ou RNA vírus. Na célula humana, a Ribavirina é fosforilada formando um metabólito que inibe uma enzima envolvida na síntese da Guanosina trifosfato. Essa enzima é necessária para a replicação do RNA viral, afetando diretamente seu crescimento. No estado sólido a Ribavirina cristaliza-se em duas diferentes formas. Existem estudos de RMN na literatura que tratam da Ribavirina em solução. Recentemente, foram efetuados testes para o tratamento do vírus da hepatite com uma nova droga, a Viramidina. Sua estrutura é semelhante a da Ribavirina, porém existe uma mudança no grupo carboxiamida, pois a carbonila é substituída por um grupo C=NH. A Viramidina mostrou um menor efeito colateral no organismo quando comparada a Ribavirina. Com base nestas informações, o objetivo geral do trabalho foi a análise conformacional dos fármacos Ribavirina, de forma teórica e experimental, e Viramidina, apenas de forma teórica. Posteriormente foram efetuados os cálculos dos nucleosídeos naturais Adenosina e Guanosina, visto que estes são semelhantes estruturalmente a ambos os fármacos. Utilizando o conjunto de programas GAUSSIAN 03, realizou-se uma sequência de scans analisando dois ângulos diedros de cada estrutura. Sendo assim foram construídas quatro superfícies de energia potencial com nível de teoria HF/6-311G. As conformações presentes nos pontos de mínimo de energia foram otimizadas em fase isolada. Em cálculos com rotinas de solvatação realizou-se a execução de single-point, segundo o modelo do contínuo polarizável (PCM), com nível de teoria B3LYP/cc-pVDZ. Para explicar as preferências conformacionais dos mínimos globais de cada fármaco ou de cada nucleosídeo analisado, foram utilizados como ferramentas os mapas de potencial eletrostático e os cálculos de orbitais naturais de ligação. Foi observado que para os fármacos existe uma variação entre a conformação estável em fase isolada e em solvatação. Uma conformação apenas foi a mais estável em fase isolada para ambos os fármacos e como mesma característica entre eles, o hidrogênio da hidroxila ligada ao carbono 5 da ribose está próximo de um átomo de nitrogênio do anel triazólico, justificando uma interação intramolecular do tipo ligação de hidrogênio que estabiliza essas conformações. Em solvatação as conformações com maior momento de dipolo foram as mais estáveis, visto que o meio de solvatação polar favorece essas conformações. Para os nucleosídeos foram encontrados resultados diferentes não seguindo as mesmas relações dos fármacos. Experimentalmente, para a Ribavirina foi elaborado uma rota de extração do fármaco. Ela foi isolada das cápsulas do medicamento, empregando filtração simples seguida de extração líquido-líquido com éter etílico. A fase orgânica foi rotaevaporada obtendo assim a Ribavirina pura. O produto foi caracterizado por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, em pastilha de KBr e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de 1H e 13C, em D2O e DMSO-d6. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os resultados teóricos, incluindo as frequências teóricas relacionadas aos números de onda experimentais e as constantes de acoplamento, a duas e três ligações encontradas nos espectros de ressonância e no resultado do cálculo das constantes de acoplamento teóricas.
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On the complexity of energy landscapes : algorithms and a direct test of the Edwards conjectureMartiniani, Stefano January 2017 (has links)
When the states of a system can be described by the extrema of a high-dimensional function, the characterisation of its complexity, i.e. the enumeration of the accessible stable states, can be reduced to a sampling problem. In this thesis a robust numerical protocol is established, capable of producing numerical estimates of the total number of stable states for a broad class of systems, and of computing the a-priori probability of observing any given state. The approach is demonstrated within the context of the computation of the configurational entropy of two and three-dimensional jammed packings. By means of numerical simulation we show the extensivity of the granular entropy as proposed by S.F. Edwards for three-dimensional jammed soft-sphere packings and produce a direct test of the Edwards conjecture for the equivalent two dimensional systems. We find that Edwards’ hypothesis of equiprobability of all jammed states holds only at the (un)jamming density, that is precisely the point of practical significance for many granular systems. Furthermore, two new recipes for the computation of high-dimensional volumes are presented, that improve on the established approach by either providing more statistically robust estimates of the volume or by exploiting the trajectories of the paths of steepest descent. Both methods also produce as a natural by-product unprecedented details on the structures of high-dimensional basins of attraction. Finally, we present a novel Monte Carlo algorithm to tackle problems with fluctuating weight functions. The method is shown to improve accuracy in the computation of the ‘volume’ of high dimensional ‘fluctuating’ basins of attraction and to be able to identify transition states along known reaction coordinates. We argue that the approach can be extended to the optimisation of the experimental conditions for observing certain phenomena, for which individual measurements are stochastic and provide little guidance.
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Fotoquímica de carbamatos aromáticos e derivados por métodos de estrutura eletrônica : do rearranjo foto-fries à fotodegradação de pesticidasToldo, Josene Maria January 2017 (has links)
A fotodegradação de pesticidas, como os derivados de carbamatos orgânicos, possui um papel importante do ponto de vista ambiental, pois estes são extensivamente utilizados e comumente encontrados como contaminantes da água e do solo. O Rearranjo Foto-Fries (PFR) - a conversão fotoquímica de aril ésteres para orto- e para-hidroxifenonas - desempenha um importante papel na fotodegradação de drogas e pesticidas carbamatos, além de ser um passo chave para a síntese de um grande número de compostos e polímeros funcionais. Embora exista um grande número de estudos experimentais a respeito desse rearranjo, alguns pontos dessa reação ainda estão sob debate. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o processo de fotodissociação em carbamatos aromáticos e derivados e, particularmente, fornecer uma visão geral do mecanismo do Rearranjo Foto-Fries, utilizando metodologias computacionais. Entre essas metodologias estão TDDFT, cálculos multiconfiguracionais e Surface Hopping. A superfície de energia potencial para o PFR foi estudada no vácuo gasosa e utilizando solvatação implícita e explícita. Nessa última, a distribuição do solvente foi obtida por simulações de Monte Carlo. Um modelo envolvendo três estados é proposto para o PFR, baseado em cálculos CASSCF(14,12)/CASPT2(14,12). Este modelo fornece uma visão global de todos os passos envolvidos na reação, da fotodissociação até a tautomerização final. O papel do solvente ainda não foi esclarecido, pois a sua adição (implícita ou explícita) não alterou significativamente o comportamento do caminho dissociativo. / The photodegradation of pesticides, such as carbamate derivatives, has an environmentally important role, since they are extensively used and commonly found as contaminants in water and soils. The Photo-Fries rearrangement (PFR) - a photochemical conversion of aryl esters to ortho- and para-hydroxyphenones - plays an important role in the photodegradation of drugs and carbamate pesticides, besides being a key step in the synthesis of a large number of compounds and functional polymers. Although there is a large number of experimental studies about the mechanism of PFR, some points of this reaction are still under debate. The goal of this work is to study the photodissociation process in aromatic carbamates and derivatives and, particularly, is to provide a comprehensive picture of PFR, based on computational methods. Several methodologies were used, such as TDDFT, multiconfigurational methods and Trajectory Surface Hopping simulations. Comprehensive explorations of the potential energy surfaces were done in the gas phase and with implicit and explicit solvent, whose distribution was obtained from sequential Monte Carlo sampling. A three-state model for the Photo-Fries Rearrangement is proposed based on CASSCF(14,12)/CASPT2(14,12) calculations. It provides a comprehensive mechanistic picture of all steps of the reaction, from the photoabsorption to the final tautomerization. The role of the solvent is still not understood since the addition of solvent (implicit or explicit) do not change the dissociative pathway significantly.
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Estabilidade isomérica e ligações de hidrogênio em agregados e líquidos moleculares / Isomeric stabibility and hydrogen bonds in clusters and molecular liquidsFileti, Thaciana Valentina Malaspina 09 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estamos interessados na descrição da estabilidade isomérica de moléculas isoladas e em agregados, assim como em propriedades eletrônicas de agregados moleculares em fase gasosa e estruturas com ligação de hidrogênio em fase líquida. Na primeira investigação, estabilidade isomérica, estudamos a estabilidade relativa dos isômeros "C IND.2v", "C IND.3v" e "C IND.s" da molécula de "AlP IND.3" isolada. Analisamos tanto a estrutura conformacional, quanto a energética dos três isômeros e depois de submetermos as estruturas mais estáveis a cálculos sofisticados de química quântica, extrapolamos os resultados obtidos para as energias dos isômeros ao limite de base completa. Chegamos µa conclusão que o isômero "C IND.3v" é o menos estável dos três investigados, e que os isômeros "C IND.2v" e "C IND.s" apresentam-se como estados quase-degenerados com uma diferença de energia de 'DA ORDEM DE' 1,6 kcal/mol. Ainda pensando na estabilidade isomérica,investigamos os agregados HCN...HOH e "H IND.2"O...HCN, também em fase gasosa. Através de cálculos ab initio obtivemos a estrutura e energética dos dois agregados. Comparamos a energia dos dois agregados depois de obtermos, através de métodos altamente acurados de correlação eletrônica no limite de base completa, e obtivemos que o agregado "H IND.2"O...HCN é o mais estável por 'DA ORDEM DE'1,5 kcal/mol. Na segunda parte de nosso trabalho, investigamos as modificações sofridas em agregados moleculares quando estes são formados em diferentes ambientes, o gasoso e o líquido. Primeiro, analisamos as diferenças nos agregados de pirazina ("N IND.2" "C IND.4" "H IND.4") e água (1:1 e 1:2), através de comparação da estrutura e propriedades eletrônicas obtidas em fase gasosa através de otimização de geometria e em fase líquida, obtidos da simulação computacional Monte Carlo Metropolis. Para as estruturas 1:1 comparamos os resultados nos dois ambientes através da estrutura, energia e momento de dipolo. Para os agregados 1:2 comparamos adicionalmente as contribuições energéticas de muitos corpos e a cooperatividade nos dois ambientes. Todos os resultados nos mostram que os agregados em fase gasosa são cerca de 30% mais estáveis que os agregados do líquido, tanto para os agregados 1:1 quanto para os agregados 1:2. Ao ¯final do trabalho, analisamos as modificações sofridas no espectro eletrônico do formaldeído ("H IND.2"CO) quando este se encontra em ambiente aquoso. Analisamos especificamente o deslocamento da banda de energia referente à transição n- > "'pi'POT.*" deste espectro quando consideramos 1, 2 e 3 moléculas de água solvatando o formaldeído e também quando incluímos toda a primeira camada de solvatação, 18 moléculas de água, todas inclusas explicitamente no cálculo quântico. Adicionalmente, fizemos estimativas para a contribuição da dispersão de London e da relaxação da ligação C=O no deslocamento da banda n- > "'pi'POT.*" do formaldeído solvatado / In this work, we study the isomeric stability of isolated molecules and molecular clusters. We study the change of some electronic properties of molecular clusters in gas and liquid phases. The first application is the relative isomeric stability of isolated AlP3 in C2v, C3v and Cs symmetries. We analyze the conformational structure and the total energy of the three isomers using sophisticated quantum chemistry calculations and using CCSD(T)/cc-pVXZ (X = 2, 3, 4 and 5) level and extrapole to the infinite basis set limit. The locations of the two states on the potential energy hyper-surface are obtained and show that they represent well-defined and stable isomers. We also investigate the HCN...HOH and H2O...HCN clusters in gas phase, using ab initio calculations to obtain the optimized structure of these two molecular clusters. We present a systematic study of the stability of the H2O...HCN and HCN...HOH complexes calculating the binding energy of both systems using the aug-cc-pVXZ basis sets with X=2,3,4 and extending the results to the infinite limit. At the best theoretical level, CCSD(T), the H2O...HCN cluster is more stable than HCN...HOH by ~ 1.5 kcal/mol. In the second part of our work, we investigate the electronic modifications in molecular clusters due to the different environments of these clusters, the gas and the liquid phases. We analyze the pyrazine-water clusters (1:1 and 1:2) obtained in gas and liquid phases and compare the structure and electronic clusters properties. For the 1:1 pyrazine-water clusters we compare the structures, total energy and dipole moments. For the 1:2 pyrazine-water clusters we analyze the many-body contributions to the interaction energy and cooperativity. All results show that the gas phase clusters have interaction energies that are around 30% of the liquid clusters. Finally, we analyze the absorption electronic spectrum of formaldehyde in liquid water. We specifically analyze the shift of the n-pi* electronic transition. We consider 1, 2, 3 and 18 water molecules solvating the formaldehyde, all explicitaly included in the TD-DFT calculations. Additionally, we make estimates of the London dispersion contribution and C=O stretching effects in the shift of the n-pi* electronic transition of formaldehyde in water.
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Broken symmetry density functional theory studies of multinuclear manganese metalloproteinsBeal, Nathan James January 2017 (has links)
The photosynthetic water splitting reaction performed in green plants, algae and cyanobacteria is perhaps one of the most important reactions on the planet. The reaction is catalysed by a tetranuclear manganese cluster that is driven by sunlight and as such has received a high degree of interest in the context of solar fuels research. Due to the intricacy of the bioinorganic systems, the molecular mechanisms of the reactions are unknown and structural elucidation of the active sites is complicated. Computational techniques can provide considerable support in the analysis and interpretation of the complex EPR spectra of such biological systems. In this work, the molecular and electronic structures of several multinuclear manganese containing bioinorganic systems are investigated using BS-DFT. A particular focus of this work is the provision of high quality calculated EPR parameters yielding structural and mechanistic insight. In the first results chapter, the MnIIIMnIV superoxidised state of manganese catalase as well as azide inhibited manganese catalase is studied. Several variants are proposed and analysed on the basis of their calculated EPR parameters. The results presented in this chapter offer a new interpretation of previous experimental assignments. Chapter 6 features investigations on the S2 state of the Oxygen Evolving Complex of Photosystem II. In this chapter both the native OEC as well as the strontium substituted OEC are studied, in order to investigate how replacement of the calcium ion affects the structure of the OEC. The final results chapter presents calculations on the split signal S2Yz dot radical formed on the transition from the S2 to S3 state, as well as studying the S3 state. The calculation of various EPR hyperfine couplings and their comparison with available experimental data has provided key insights into the electronic structure of the OEC.
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Controlling: Manažerský reporting v praxi / ControllingPodlipná, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Documentation of business processes and results of operations including storing the entries in data warehouses inherently belongs to the current requirements for corporate governance. But still more valuable is the ability to process the collected data into information that is used daily as a basis for management decisions at all levels of corporate management. This thesis deals just with form and methods of organizing information into standardized reports, whereas the object of analysis is a separate internal department within a selected company. The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of department reporting, assessment of its informative quality, utility and benefit for users. The theoretical part includes methodological bases and general principles for creating reports. Content of the practical part is an entire description of standard reports with a focus on application of controlling methods, usage of reported data and detection of weaknesses. In conclusion part there was evaluated overall level of analyzed reporting system, there were summarized circumstances that affect its present-day form, and proposed additional indicators, that could enrich the current concept.
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Quantum chromodynamics and the precision phenomenology of heavy quarksLim, Matthew Alexander January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis we consider the phenomenology of the theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), with particular reference to the ongoing experimental program at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. The current progress in precision measurement of Standard Model processes at the LHC experiments must be matched with corresponding precision in theoretical predictions, and to this end we present calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbation theory of observable quantities involving quarks and gluons, the strongly interacting particles of the SM. Such calculations form the most important class of corrections to observables and are vital if we are to untangle signals of New Physics from LHC data. We consider in particular the amplitudes for five parton interactions at 1- and 2-loop order and present full (in the 1-loop case) and partial (in the 2-loop case) analytic results in terms of rational functions of kinematic invariants multiplying a basis of master integrals. We address the problem of the solution of a system of integration-by-parts identities for Feynman integrals and demonstrate how some current difficulties may be overcome. We consider also the properties of the top quark, and present the NNLO, real-virtual contributions to the calculation of its decay rate. The results are presented as helicity amplitudes so that the full behaviour of the top spin is retained. These amplitudes constitute a necessary ingredient in the complete calculation of top quark pair production and decay at NNLO which will be an important theoretical input to many experimental analyses. Turning to a more phenomenological study, we consider the extraction of two important SM parameters, the top mass and the strong coupling constant, from measurements of top pair production at the ATLAS and CMS experiments. We compare with NNLO theory predictions and use a least-squares method to extract the values of the parameters simultaneously. We find best fit values of the parameters which are compatible with previous extractions performed using top data with the current world averages published by the Particle Data Group. We consider the issue of PDF choice and the circumstances in which a heavy quark can be considered a constituent of the proton. In particular, we look at the production of a Higgs boson in association with bottom quarks in four and five flavour schemes, in which the b may or may not be included in the initial state. We show that theoretical predictions in both schemes are well-motivated and appropriate in different scenarios, and moreover that results in the schemes are consistent provided a judicious choice of the renormalisation and factorisation scales is made. We suggest a typical scale choice motivated by considerations of consistency and find it to be somewhat lower than the typical hard scale of the process.
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