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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förmågodeprivation bland funktionsnedsatta människor : när lagen inte räcker till / Capability deprivation among people with disabilities : when the law is not enough

Arroyo Aita, Cecilia, Lind-Kärkkäinen, Kaisa January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa hur individer med funktionsnedsättning skapar sin förmågodeprivation, ”capability deprivation”, i relation till de möjligheter till utveckling som framkallas av strukturella och personliga faktorer. Förmågodeprivation innebär att människan upplever brist på friheter och rättigheter för att använda sina förmågor till att nå sina personliga mål. Dessa mål kan vara av ekonomisk, social och kulturell karaktär och kan betyda en utveckling hos individen som denne värderar högt. När förmågodeprivation uppstår likställs den med fattigdom. Denna uppsats är teoretiskt inriktad då den byggs på förmågoperspektiv, ”capability approach”, som är ett teoretiskt ramverk som används bland annat för att bedöma individens möjlighet till utveckling. Tidigare forskning som hänvisas här har som huvudfokus individens förmågor i förhållande till sin omgivning vilket anses som relevant till studieområdet. En egen analysmodell för att tolka empirin, det vill säga det insamlade materialet, har utvecklats med hjälp av den teoretiska ramen och tidigare forskningen. Analysmodellen tar hänsyn till strukturella, sociala och individuella faktorer vilka har delats in i mikro-, mellan- respektive makronivå. Dessa i sin tur utgör informationsbasen för att analysera det insamlade materialet och kan tala om huruvida människor med funktionsnedsättning upplever förmogodeprivation i de olika nivåerna. Empirin har samlats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning som bor i Stockholm. Resultaten tyder på att målgruppen kan uppleva förmågodeprivation huvudsakligen på grund av strukturella och sociala faktorer som utgör mellan- och makronivån, vilket i sin tur påverkar funktionsnedsatta även inom mikronivån. / The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how individuals with disabilities construct their capability deprivation in relation to the opportunities for development created by structural and personal factors. Capability deprivation means that people perceive a lack of freedoms and rights to use their talents to achieve their personal goals. These goals may be of economic, social and cultural nature and may involve the development of the individual that he or she values high. When capability deprivation occurs it is equated with poverty. This paper has a theoretically orientation since is based on the Capability approach which is a framework that is used, among other things, to assess the individual's opportunity for development. The previous researches cited in this paper have as their main focus the capabilities of the individual in relation to their environment, which is considered relevant to the study area. An analytical model to interpret the empirical data has been developed with the help of the theoretical framework and previous research. This analytical model takes into account the structural, social and individual factors which have been divided into micro, medium and macro level. These in its turn form the information base for analyzing the collected material and can tell us whether people with disabilities experience deprivation of their capabilities in the different levels. Empirical data were collected using qualitative methods like interviews with people with physical disabilities living in Stockholm. The results suggest that the target grupp can experience capability deprivation mainly due to structural and social factors that account for midel- and macro-level, which in its turn affects people with disabilitiesalso in the micro-level.

L’approche par les capabilités un nouveau cadre pour l’analyse de l’accessibilité universelle : application à la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes. / The capability approach a new framework for the analysis of universal accessibility : application to the mobility of older adults

Le Morellec, Fanny 17 December 2014 (has links)
Objectif : L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était de proposer une nouvelle approche pour appréhender l’accessibilité afin qu’elle offre des opportunités réelles aux personnes de se déplacer et de se développer. Cette orientation de recherche s’est appuyée sur l’approche par les capabilités qui fournit un cadre théorique pertinent et original pour atteindre une accessibilité capacitante, c'est-à-dire qui permette le développement des personnes. Dans cette thèse, le cadre applicatif de l’approche théorique est la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes.Méthodes : Après une présentation de l’approche par les capabilités, un état de l’art sur l’accessibilité et la présentation du contexte applicatif de cette thèse, nous présentons trois recherches, qui utilisent une combinaison de méthodes (i.e. atelier, observations, questionnaires, projection situationnelle, technique des incidents critiques).Résultats : Les résultats de ces recherches permettent de définir l’accessibilité capacitante et de concevoir un modèle pour l’appréhender en ergonomie. Ce modèle met en évidence des déterminants de l’accessibilité capacitante tels que les ressources et les facteurs d’usage (i.e. les facteurs de conversion et les facteurs de choix). De plus, il décrit le processus qui peut amener à des activités contraintes et/ou empêchées.Conclusion : En conclusion, une présentation du modèle développé dans ce travail est proposée ainsi qu’une définition de l’accessibilité capacitante. Ensuite, les perspectives de recherches portent d’une part sur les recherches en conception visant l’accessibilité capacitante, et d’autre part, sur les effets à long terme de l’accessibilité capacitante sur les activités méta-fonctionnelles. / Objective: The objective of this work was to propose a new approach for the understanding of accessibility. Through this approach, accessibility is considered as a number of qualities of environments or activities providing real opportunities for development to people. This line of research was based on the capability approach which provides a unique and relevant theoretical framework to achieve enabling accessibility (i.e. accessibility which offers real development opportunities to people). In this thesis, the application context of enabling accessibility is older adults’ mobility. Methods: After a presentation of the capability approach, a state of the art on accessibility and presentation of the application context of this research, we present three studies, which use a combination of methods (i.e. workshop, observations, survey, situational projection, critical incident technique). Results: The results of this research are used to define a model of enabling accessibility and to clarify its position in ergonomics. This model highlights a number of determinants of enabling accessibility (e.g. resources conversion factors, factors of choice). This model also describes a number of process which can constraint or hamper activity. Conclusion: In conclusion, a presentation of the model develops in this work is proposed as well as a definition of enabling accessibility. The prospects for research focuses firstly on the research design for enabling accessibility, and secondly, on the long-term effects of enabling accessibility on meta-functional activities.Keywords: enabling accessibility, capability approach, freedom of choice, older people, mobility

Minority Rights and Majority Interests: an Analysis of Development-Induced Displacement in the Narmada Valley, India

Buelles, Anni-Claudine 25 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the interests of minority and majority groups in state-led development practices can be bridged, with the Indian tribals affected by the Sardar Sarovar Dam Project (SSP) serving as a context for my analysis. The SSP threatens the livelihoods of approximately 100,000 people with displacement, who are primarily comprised of Indian tribal minorities. The construction of the SSP makes tribals more vulnerable to the risks associated with development-induced displacement, such as landlessness, joblessness, homelessness, marginalization, and food insecurity. When analyzing the SSP, a lack of adequate compensation, resettlement, and legal protection for the tribals becomes apparent. This has led to discussions of human rights violations among the national and international community, raising concerns regarding the protection of minority groups affected by state-led development. Attention is placed on what it means to be a citizen of a country in terms of legal representation and state protection, and how the under-representation of societal groups can lead to the creation of second-class citizens. The objective is to go beyond current discussions of human rights neglect in the context of the SSP by analyzing the position of minority rights in state-led development practices.

Indigenous Peoples' Right to Self-determination and Development Policy

Panzironi, Francesca January 2007 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This thesis analyses the concept of indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination within the international human rights system and explores viable avenues for the fulfilment of indigenous claims to self–determination through the design, implementation and evaluation of development policies. The thesis argues that development policy plays a crucial role in determining the level of enjoyment of self–determination for indigenous peoples. Development policy can offer an avenue to bypass nation states’ political unwillingness to recognize and promote indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination, when adequate principles and criteria are embedded in the whole policy process. The theoretical foundations of the thesis are drawn from two different areas of scholarship: indigenous human rights discourse and development economics. The indigenous human rights discourse provides the articulation of the debate concerning the concept of indigenous self–determination, whereas development economics is the field within which Amartya Sen’s capability approach is adopted as a theoretical framework of thought to explore the interface between indigenous rights and development policy. Foundational concepts of the capability approach will be adopted to construct a normative system and a practical methodological approach to interpret and implement indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination. In brief, the thesis brings together two bodies of knowledge and amalgamates foundational theoretical underpinnings of both to construct a normative and practical framework. At the normative level, the thesis offers a conceptual apparatus that allows us to identify an indigenous capability rights–based normative framework that encapsulates the essence of the principle of indigenous self–determination. At the practical level, the normative framework enables a methodological approach to indigenous development policies that serves as a vehicle for the fulfilment of indigenous aspirations for self–determination. This thesis analyses Australia’s health policy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as an example to explore the application of the proposed normative and practical framework. The assessment of Australia’s health policy for Indigenous Australians against the proposed normative framework and methodological approach to development policy, allows us to identify a significant vacuum: the omission of Aboriginal traditional medicine in national health policy frameworks and, as a result, the devaluing and relative demise of Aboriginal traditional healing practices and traditional healers.

Pobreza rural no Brasil : um enfoque comparativo entre a abordagem monetária e a abordagem das capacitações

Mattos, Ely José de January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz uma análise da pobreza rural no Brasil a partir de duas abordagens distintas. Uma delas, a mais tradicional, unidimensional, baseada exclusivamente na renda: a abordagem monetária. A outra, de natureza multidimensional, relativamente recente, baseada naquilo que as pessoas são capazes de ser e fazer: Abordagem das Capacitações, de Amartya Kumar Sen. A questão investigada neste trabalho é se as compreensões de pobreza rural fornecidas por cada uma destas abordagens diferem entre si. Para tal, foram utilizados dados secundários da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE), trazendo, além do Brasil de forma agregada, os estados do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) e Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Foram selecionados estes três estados, de regiões diferentes, para captar a heterogeneidade de realidades do país. Subliminar a esta problemática da comparação de abordagens estão duas contribuições específicas desta dissertação: o avanço na discussão sobre o entendimento da pobreza no meio rural e uma contribuição na consolidação da operacionalização da Abordagem das Capacitações a partir de dados secundários. Na parte teórica deste trabalho foram analisados os elementos centrais de cada uma destas abordagens, procurando dar embasamento para as métricas sob as quais se assentam as evidências empíricas de cada uma. A parte metodológica, que apresenta estas métricas, tem especial importância no caso da Abordagem das Capacitações, por se tratar de uma abordagem mais nova e ainda não consolidada. A abordagem monetária se baseia na renda domiciliar per capita, fazendo uso de ferramentas de análise que tratam da distribuição de renda, linhas monetárias de pobreza e de medidas de pobreza. Já a Abordagem das Capacitações analisa três funcionamentos (ser e fazer) específicos: estudo, saúde e mobilidade e condições de moradia. Isto é feito através de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas (Análise Fatorial e Análise de Cluster). Os resultados concernentes à abordagem monetária mostram uma combinação de renda média baixa e distribuição de renda consideravelmente assimétrica, o que desenha uma realidade de pobreza rural bastante específica. O RS é o estado que apresenta as melhores condições, e o RN o que apresenta as piores, entre eles estão MG e o Brasil como um todo. Já com relação às evidências empíricas da Abordagem das Capacitações, os resultados não permitem dizer que um estado está em melhores condições do que outro, de forma absoluta. Cada um tem características específicas, uma estrutura multidimensional particular em relação àqueles três funcionamentos. O RS tem melhores indicadores para o funcionamento moradia, por exemplo, enquanto MG tem melhores resultados para educação. Pode-se dizer que cada um tem estruturas de bem-estar diferenciadas, mas não que um seja mais “pobre” do que outro. Esta diferença de resultados entre as abordagens está associada a uma diferença de percepção do fenômeno pobreza. O próprio papel desempenhado pela renda, cabe salientar, é diferente no contexto da Abordagem das Capacitações: sua influência sobre as dimensões estudadas não apresenta um padrão claro. Os resultados empíricos, portanto, são diferentes porque a percepção que se tem do fenômeno é diversa. / This master thesis presents an analysis of the rural poverty in Brazil based on two different approaches. One of them, more traditional, unidimensional, exclusively based on income: the monetary approach. The other one, relatively recent, multidimensional, based on what people are able to do or to be: the Capability Approach, proposed by Amartya Kumar Sen. The question investigated throughout this study is if the comprehensions of rural poverty offered by these two approaches point out in different ways or not. To take it forward, it was used secondary data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE). And the study analyzes Brazil, as a whole, and three states: Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It was selected states from different regions of the country aiming to capture the heterogeneities of realities in Brazil. Underlying to the question of comparing the two approaches are a pair of specific topics in which the present study goes on: an advance on the debate about rural poverty and a contribution for the consolidation of the operationalization of the Capability Approach based on secondary data. The theoretical section of the master thesis analyzes the central elements of each approach, trying to establish the basis on which the empirical metrics are settled. The methodological section presents those metrics and it is especially important in the case of the Capability Approach, because of its peculiarity of being a new approach and not yet consolidated. The monetary approach is based on the household income per capita, and uses analysis tools that count on the income distribution, monetary poverty lines and poverty measures. The Capability Approach, in turn, analyses three different functionings (beings and doings): study, health and mobility, and housing conditions. That analysis is performed through multivariate statistical techniques (Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis). The results concerning the monetary approach point out a combination of low income average and asymmetric income distribution which draw a specific reality of rural poverty. The state of RS presents the best conditions in terms of those monetary indicators, and the state of RN the worse. Between RS and RN are Brazil as a whole and the state of MG. The empirical evidences from the Capability Approach, however, do not allow saying that one state is better off than another one in an absolute way. Each state has specific characteristics, has a particular multidimensional structure regarding those three functionings. The state of RS presents the best indicator in housing conditions, for instance, whereas MG offers the best result in education. It is possible to say that each state has different structures of well-being, but we cannot say that one state is “poorer” than another one. Those differences between the two approaches, in terms of empirical results, are related to a diverse perception of the phenomenon named poverty. Even the role played by income is different in the context of the Capability Approach: its influence over the dimensions investigated does not present any clear pattern. Summarizing, the empirical results are different because the perception of poverty is diverse.

L’approche par les capabilités un nouveau cadre pour l’analyse de l’accessibilité universelle : application à la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes. / The capability approach a new framework for the analysis of universal accessibility : application to the mobility of older adults

Le Morellec, Fanny 17 December 2014 (has links)
Objectif : L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était de proposer une nouvelle approche pour appréhender l’accessibilité afin qu’elle offre des opportunités réelles aux personnes de se déplacer et de se développer. Cette orientation de recherche s’est appuyée sur l’approche par les capabilités qui fournit un cadre théorique pertinent et original pour atteindre une accessibilité capacitante, c'est-à-dire qui permette le développement des personnes. Dans cette thèse, le cadre applicatif de l’approche théorique est la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes.Méthodes : Après une présentation de l’approche par les capabilités, un état de l’art sur l’accessibilité et la présentation du contexte applicatif de cette thèse, nous présentons trois recherches, qui utilisent une combinaison de méthodes (i.e. atelier, observations, questionnaires, projection situationnelle, technique des incidents critiques).Résultats : Les résultats de ces recherches permettent de définir l’accessibilité capacitante et de concevoir un modèle pour l’appréhender en ergonomie. Ce modèle met en évidence des déterminants de l’accessibilité capacitante tels que les ressources et les facteurs d’usage (i.e. les facteurs de conversion et les facteurs de choix). De plus, il décrit le processus qui peut amener à des activités contraintes et/ou empêchées.Conclusion : En conclusion, une présentation du modèle développé dans ce travail est proposée ainsi qu’une définition de l’accessibilité capacitante. Ensuite, les perspectives de recherches portent d’une part sur les recherches en conception visant l’accessibilité capacitante, et d’autre part, sur les effets à long terme de l’accessibilité capacitante sur les activités méta-fonctionnelles. / Objective: The objective of this work was to propose a new approach for the understanding of accessibility. Through this approach, accessibility is considered as a number of qualities of environments or activities providing real opportunities for development to people. This line of research was based on the capability approach which provides a unique and relevant theoretical framework to achieve enabling accessibility (i.e. accessibility which offers real development opportunities to people). In this thesis, the application context of enabling accessibility is older adults’ mobility. Methods: After a presentation of the capability approach, a state of the art on accessibility and presentation of the application context of this research, we present three studies, which use a combination of methods (i.e. workshop, observations, survey, situational projection, critical incident technique). Results: The results of this research are used to define a model of enabling accessibility and to clarify its position in ergonomics. This model highlights a number of determinants of enabling accessibility (e.g. resources conversion factors, factors of choice). This model also describes a number of process which can constraint or hamper activity. Conclusion: In conclusion, a presentation of the model develops in this work is proposed as well as a definition of enabling accessibility. The prospects for research focuses firstly on the research design for enabling accessibility, and secondly, on the long-term effects of enabling accessibility on meta-functional activities.Keywords: enabling accessibility, capability approach, freedom of choice, older people, mobility

Pobreza rural no Brasil : um enfoque comparativo entre a abordagem monetária e a abordagem das capacitações

Mattos, Ely José de January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz uma análise da pobreza rural no Brasil a partir de duas abordagens distintas. Uma delas, a mais tradicional, unidimensional, baseada exclusivamente na renda: a abordagem monetária. A outra, de natureza multidimensional, relativamente recente, baseada naquilo que as pessoas são capazes de ser e fazer: Abordagem das Capacitações, de Amartya Kumar Sen. A questão investigada neste trabalho é se as compreensões de pobreza rural fornecidas por cada uma destas abordagens diferem entre si. Para tal, foram utilizados dados secundários da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE), trazendo, além do Brasil de forma agregada, os estados do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) e Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Foram selecionados estes três estados, de regiões diferentes, para captar a heterogeneidade de realidades do país. Subliminar a esta problemática da comparação de abordagens estão duas contribuições específicas desta dissertação: o avanço na discussão sobre o entendimento da pobreza no meio rural e uma contribuição na consolidação da operacionalização da Abordagem das Capacitações a partir de dados secundários. Na parte teórica deste trabalho foram analisados os elementos centrais de cada uma destas abordagens, procurando dar embasamento para as métricas sob as quais se assentam as evidências empíricas de cada uma. A parte metodológica, que apresenta estas métricas, tem especial importância no caso da Abordagem das Capacitações, por se tratar de uma abordagem mais nova e ainda não consolidada. A abordagem monetária se baseia na renda domiciliar per capita, fazendo uso de ferramentas de análise que tratam da distribuição de renda, linhas monetárias de pobreza e de medidas de pobreza. Já a Abordagem das Capacitações analisa três funcionamentos (ser e fazer) específicos: estudo, saúde e mobilidade e condições de moradia. Isto é feito através de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas (Análise Fatorial e Análise de Cluster). Os resultados concernentes à abordagem monetária mostram uma combinação de renda média baixa e distribuição de renda consideravelmente assimétrica, o que desenha uma realidade de pobreza rural bastante específica. O RS é o estado que apresenta as melhores condições, e o RN o que apresenta as piores, entre eles estão MG e o Brasil como um todo. Já com relação às evidências empíricas da Abordagem das Capacitações, os resultados não permitem dizer que um estado está em melhores condições do que outro, de forma absoluta. Cada um tem características específicas, uma estrutura multidimensional particular em relação àqueles três funcionamentos. O RS tem melhores indicadores para o funcionamento moradia, por exemplo, enquanto MG tem melhores resultados para educação. Pode-se dizer que cada um tem estruturas de bem-estar diferenciadas, mas não que um seja mais “pobre” do que outro. Esta diferença de resultados entre as abordagens está associada a uma diferença de percepção do fenômeno pobreza. O próprio papel desempenhado pela renda, cabe salientar, é diferente no contexto da Abordagem das Capacitações: sua influência sobre as dimensões estudadas não apresenta um padrão claro. Os resultados empíricos, portanto, são diferentes porque a percepção que se tem do fenômeno é diversa. / This master thesis presents an analysis of the rural poverty in Brazil based on two different approaches. One of them, more traditional, unidimensional, exclusively based on income: the monetary approach. The other one, relatively recent, multidimensional, based on what people are able to do or to be: the Capability Approach, proposed by Amartya Kumar Sen. The question investigated throughout this study is if the comprehensions of rural poverty offered by these two approaches point out in different ways or not. To take it forward, it was used secondary data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE). And the study analyzes Brazil, as a whole, and three states: Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It was selected states from different regions of the country aiming to capture the heterogeneities of realities in Brazil. Underlying to the question of comparing the two approaches are a pair of specific topics in which the present study goes on: an advance on the debate about rural poverty and a contribution for the consolidation of the operationalization of the Capability Approach based on secondary data. The theoretical section of the master thesis analyzes the central elements of each approach, trying to establish the basis on which the empirical metrics are settled. The methodological section presents those metrics and it is especially important in the case of the Capability Approach, because of its peculiarity of being a new approach and not yet consolidated. The monetary approach is based on the household income per capita, and uses analysis tools that count on the income distribution, monetary poverty lines and poverty measures. The Capability Approach, in turn, analyses three different functionings (beings and doings): study, health and mobility, and housing conditions. That analysis is performed through multivariate statistical techniques (Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis). The results concerning the monetary approach point out a combination of low income average and asymmetric income distribution which draw a specific reality of rural poverty. The state of RS presents the best conditions in terms of those monetary indicators, and the state of RN the worse. Between RS and RN are Brazil as a whole and the state of MG. The empirical evidences from the Capability Approach, however, do not allow saying that one state is better off than another one in an absolute way. Each state has specific characteristics, has a particular multidimensional structure regarding those three functionings. The state of RS presents the best indicator in housing conditions, for instance, whereas MG offers the best result in education. It is possible to say that each state has different structures of well-being, but we cannot say that one state is “poorer” than another one. Those differences between the two approaches, in terms of empirical results, are related to a diverse perception of the phenomenon named poverty. Even the role played by income is different in the context of the Capability Approach: its influence over the dimensions investigated does not present any clear pattern. Summarizing, the empirical results are different because the perception of poverty is diverse.

Adult students in upper secondary education in Italy

Cortinovis, Elia January 2018 (has links)
Upper secondary education has been identified by different institutions as the minimum educational threshold in a knowledge society, a necessary requirement for citizens of all ages to respond to the social changes driven by global technological innovation. Figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) unfortunately show that a large share of adult population in OECD countries still lack upper secondary qualifications. Italy appears in these statistics as one among the lowest ranking countries and provisions currently in place to bring adult citizens back to school still yield quite low numbers. This research aims at exploring the challenges to adult students' participation in upper secondary education in Italy examining the actual experience of a group of grown-up learners attending a public vocational school. The results of the inquiry are based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews framed in a qualitative research design. The study is grounded in a theoretical frame derived both from participation theories and from the capability approach. The main conclusion of the research is that successful participation and persistence in adult education require students’ expectations to be appropriately met by an attentive customized institutional support. To this respect, the research suggests recommendations in order to improve public information about provisions for grown-up students, to separate adult education from second chance teenage schooling and to customize adult learning through appropriate learning management tools.

Pobreza multidimensional na regi?o nordeste: uma aplica??o da Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy (em 2010)

Ottonelli, Jana?na 03 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:34:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanainaO_DISSERT.pdf: 1740666 bytes, checksum: b7ce8fa758db532c2ba4cf361ed5d2a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-03 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Pobreza significa priva??o. A priva??o sofrida pelas pessoas pobres normalmente est? relacionada ao baixo n?vel de renda. Quando se trata da pobreza no Brasil, a Regi?o Nordeste se destaca, pois em 2010 o Plano Brasil Sem Mis?ria apontou a exist?ncia de 9,6 milh?es de extremamente pobres na regi?o, representando 59% do total no pa?s (BRASIL, 2011b). No entanto, a renda monet?ria n?o captura completamente as priva??es sofridas pelas pessoas. O conceito de pobreza tem passado por uma evolu??o no sentido de incluir dimens?es importantes sobre a vida das pessoas. Deixou de focar apenas a priva??o absoluta da abordagem unidimensional e passou a considerar a priva??o relativa, uma abordagem multidimensional. Este estudo fundamenta-se na Abordagem das Capacita??es de Sen (1981, 1985, 2000, 2001) que considera a pobreza como a priva??o sofrida pelas pessoas relacionada a diferentes aspectos tais como nutri??o, acesso aos servi?os b?sicos de educa??o, sa?de, saneamento b?sico e, tamb?m, de liberdade. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo ? investigar e mensurar a intensidade da pobreza multidimensional nos munic?pios da Regi?o Nordeste atrav?s do Censo Demogr?fico (IBGE, 2010). Para isso, utilizou-se da t?cnica da Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy que permite o c?lculo de ?ndice relativo. A mensura??o da pobreza por meio do ?ndice fuzzy de pobreza (IFP) envolveu a escolha de 19 indicadores distribu?dos em quatro dimens?es (ou capacita??es): educa??o, sa?de, condi??es habitacionais e renda. Os resultados mostraram que existe maior pobreza na dimens?o renda. Entretanto, as dimens?es educa??o e sa?de tamb?m tiveram import?ncia no indicador de pobreza multidimensional. Alguns indicadores que merecem aten??o dos formuladores de pol?ticas p?blicas s?o o acesso ao ensino fundamental e ensino m?dio e o acesso aos servi?os de saneamento b?sico, coleta de lixo e rede de ?gua. Apesar da priva??o na dimens?o renda ser maior do que nas demais dimens?es, a supera??o da pobreza envolve a promo??o dos diferentes aspectos relacionados ? vida das pessoas. A Abordagem da Capacita??o mostra que pol?ticas de assist?ncia aos pobres precisam considerar as particularidades do local e h?bitos, de forma a verificar quais s?o as reais priva??es sofridas pelas pessoas. As pessoas que se encontram em situa??o de pobreza precisam ser incentivadas a superar a situa??o de mis?ria e pen?ria de forma a n?o serem eternamente privadas de liberdade e privadas de expandirem suas capacita??es

Pobreza rural no Brasil : um enfoque comparativo entre a abordagem monetária e a abordagem das capacitações

Mattos, Ely José de January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz uma análise da pobreza rural no Brasil a partir de duas abordagens distintas. Uma delas, a mais tradicional, unidimensional, baseada exclusivamente na renda: a abordagem monetária. A outra, de natureza multidimensional, relativamente recente, baseada naquilo que as pessoas são capazes de ser e fazer: Abordagem das Capacitações, de Amartya Kumar Sen. A questão investigada neste trabalho é se as compreensões de pobreza rural fornecidas por cada uma destas abordagens diferem entre si. Para tal, foram utilizados dados secundários da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE), trazendo, além do Brasil de forma agregada, os estados do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) e Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Foram selecionados estes três estados, de regiões diferentes, para captar a heterogeneidade de realidades do país. Subliminar a esta problemática da comparação de abordagens estão duas contribuições específicas desta dissertação: o avanço na discussão sobre o entendimento da pobreza no meio rural e uma contribuição na consolidação da operacionalização da Abordagem das Capacitações a partir de dados secundários. Na parte teórica deste trabalho foram analisados os elementos centrais de cada uma destas abordagens, procurando dar embasamento para as métricas sob as quais se assentam as evidências empíricas de cada uma. A parte metodológica, que apresenta estas métricas, tem especial importância no caso da Abordagem das Capacitações, por se tratar de uma abordagem mais nova e ainda não consolidada. A abordagem monetária se baseia na renda domiciliar per capita, fazendo uso de ferramentas de análise que tratam da distribuição de renda, linhas monetárias de pobreza e de medidas de pobreza. Já a Abordagem das Capacitações analisa três funcionamentos (ser e fazer) específicos: estudo, saúde e mobilidade e condições de moradia. Isto é feito através de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas (Análise Fatorial e Análise de Cluster). Os resultados concernentes à abordagem monetária mostram uma combinação de renda média baixa e distribuição de renda consideravelmente assimétrica, o que desenha uma realidade de pobreza rural bastante específica. O RS é o estado que apresenta as melhores condições, e o RN o que apresenta as piores, entre eles estão MG e o Brasil como um todo. Já com relação às evidências empíricas da Abordagem das Capacitações, os resultados não permitem dizer que um estado está em melhores condições do que outro, de forma absoluta. Cada um tem características específicas, uma estrutura multidimensional particular em relação àqueles três funcionamentos. O RS tem melhores indicadores para o funcionamento moradia, por exemplo, enquanto MG tem melhores resultados para educação. Pode-se dizer que cada um tem estruturas de bem-estar diferenciadas, mas não que um seja mais “pobre” do que outro. Esta diferença de resultados entre as abordagens está associada a uma diferença de percepção do fenômeno pobreza. O próprio papel desempenhado pela renda, cabe salientar, é diferente no contexto da Abordagem das Capacitações: sua influência sobre as dimensões estudadas não apresenta um padrão claro. Os resultados empíricos, portanto, são diferentes porque a percepção que se tem do fenômeno é diversa. / This master thesis presents an analysis of the rural poverty in Brazil based on two different approaches. One of them, more traditional, unidimensional, exclusively based on income: the monetary approach. The other one, relatively recent, multidimensional, based on what people are able to do or to be: the Capability Approach, proposed by Amartya Kumar Sen. The question investigated throughout this study is if the comprehensions of rural poverty offered by these two approaches point out in different ways or not. To take it forward, it was used secondary data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE). And the study analyzes Brazil, as a whole, and three states: Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Minas Gerais (MG) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It was selected states from different regions of the country aiming to capture the heterogeneities of realities in Brazil. Underlying to the question of comparing the two approaches are a pair of specific topics in which the present study goes on: an advance on the debate about rural poverty and a contribution for the consolidation of the operationalization of the Capability Approach based on secondary data. The theoretical section of the master thesis analyzes the central elements of each approach, trying to establish the basis on which the empirical metrics are settled. The methodological section presents those metrics and it is especially important in the case of the Capability Approach, because of its peculiarity of being a new approach and not yet consolidated. The monetary approach is based on the household income per capita, and uses analysis tools that count on the income distribution, monetary poverty lines and poverty measures. The Capability Approach, in turn, analyses three different functionings (beings and doings): study, health and mobility, and housing conditions. That analysis is performed through multivariate statistical techniques (Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis). The results concerning the monetary approach point out a combination of low income average and asymmetric income distribution which draw a specific reality of rural poverty. The state of RS presents the best conditions in terms of those monetary indicators, and the state of RN the worse. Between RS and RN are Brazil as a whole and the state of MG. The empirical evidences from the Capability Approach, however, do not allow saying that one state is better off than another one in an absolute way. Each state has specific characteristics, has a particular multidimensional structure regarding those three functionings. The state of RS presents the best indicator in housing conditions, for instance, whereas MG offers the best result in education. It is possible to say that each state has different structures of well-being, but we cannot say that one state is “poorer” than another one. Those differences between the two approaches, in terms of empirical results, are related to a diverse perception of the phenomenon named poverty. Even the role played by income is different in the context of the Capability Approach: its influence over the dimensions investigated does not present any clear pattern. Summarizing, the empirical results are different because the perception of poverty is diverse.

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