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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PRONATEC: um estudo com egressos no litoral do Paraná / PRONATEC: a study with former students in the coast of Paraná

Cardoso, Maria do Amparo 07 July 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou investigar as relações entre a realização dos cursos do Pronatec de Formação Inicial Continuada (FIC) e a inserção dos egressos no mundo do trabalho, no período de março a dezembro de 2012, no Instituto Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Paranaguá. No que se refere à metodologia e aos objetivos a pesquisa foi descritiva, uma vez que buscou descrever as características dos egressos do Pronatec, além de ter sido também explicativa, contribuindo para a análise de possíveis causas ou consequências advindas da intervenção do Programa na vida de seus participantes, principalmente no que se refere aos aspectos do trabalho. Para tanto, esta pesquisa apresenta uma discussão sobre Estado e o campo das políticas públicas, tecendo uma síntese histórica sobre os programas de qualificação profissional que antecederam o Pronatec: o PIPMO, o PLANFOR e o PNQ. Apresenta-se, também, a conceituação das categorias trabalho, qualificação e empregabilidade, categorias estas que embasam a análise do Pronatec. A pesquisa com os egressos revelou que o perfil do aluno egresso do Pronatec no IFPR em 2012 é caracterizado por jovens com predominância do gênero feminino, na sua maioria entre 16 a 25 anos, estudantes do ensino médio de escolas públicas da cidade de Paranaguá, com renda familiar entre 2 a 4 salários mínimos e que não trabalhavam e não contribuíam para a renda familiar na época do curso. Em relação às contribuições do curso para a inserção no mundo do trabalho, 93% dos egressos declararam que sua ocupação atual nada tem a ver com a área do curso FIC realizado em 2012. Apenas dois, dos trinta egressos entrevistados, disseram trabalhar na área do curso. Quanto ao vínculo empregatício que se estabelece entre os egressos e sua ocupação atual aponta-se que, 23% dos que estão trabalhando possuem carteira assinada. No entanto, parcela significante se encontra ocupada na economia informal (os que declararam que trabalham sem carteira assinada, ou que trabalham como autônomos). Tem-se, nesse sentido, um cenário com empregos fora da área específica de qualificação proporcionada pelos cursos, somada a um elevado índice de informalidade. Por outro lado, mesmo que o emprego não tenha sido um ganho real ao final do curso, a influência do programa na vida estudantil dos egressos se mostrou positiva, já que muitos deram continuidade aos seus estudos, principalmente os jovens estudantes que na época do curso estavam na iminência da conclusão do ensino médio, além disso, muitos se motivaram a procurar novos cursos por influência direta do Programa. O Pronatec, portanto, a partir da análise dos dados levantados, caracterizou-se como um programa emergencial, voltado para a formação de mão de obra para o mercado, como uma resposta do governo federal a demanda empresarial e/ou interesses governamentais ou da estrutura administrativa/operacional dos ofertantes, mediante a oferta preponderante de cursos FIC, dando continuidade à tendência histórica de formação para o trabalho simples no Brasil, sem vínculo com a elevação da escolaridade de jovens estudantes e trabalhadores. / This research sought out to investigate the contributions from Pronatec (National Program for Technical Education and Employment Access) on initial and ongoing training courses for the insertion of graduated students into the working world, from March to December 2012, at the Federal Institute of Paraná in Paranaguá. In relation to the methodology and objectives the research was descriptive and explanatory, seeking to describe the characteristics of the former students and contributing to the analysis of possible causes or consequences arising from this Program to the participants‟ life, especially regarding to the aspects of the work. For this purpose, it is presented a discussion about the State and public policies, making a historical overview about the professional qualification programs before Pronatec: the PIPMO (Intensive Plan Preparation of Manpower), PLANFOR (National Plan for Workers‟ Qualification) and PNQ (National Qualification Plan). It also gives the conceptualization of the categories work, professional qualification and employability that support the analysis of Pronatec. The research revealed that these former students from Pronatec at IFPR in 2012 were characterized by young people with a female predominance, mostly between 16 to 25 years old, high school students from public schools in the city of Paranaguá, with family income between 2 to 4 minimum wages and who didn‟t work and didn‟t contribute to the family income during the course. In relation to the course contributions to their integration into the working world, 93% of them reported that their current jobs are not connected to the course held in 2012. Just two from the thirty interviewees reported working in the area of course. When it comes to the employment relationship established between these students and their current occupation it is noted that 23% from those who are working have a signed labor cart. However, a significant part of them work at informal economy (those who reported working without a signed labor cart or formal contract or working as self-employed). Therefore, it is noted a background where jobs are not related to the specific qualification area provided by the courses, added to a high informality rate. On the other hand, even if the job has not been a real gain at the end of the course, the influence of the program on these students‟ life was positive, since many of them have continued their studies, especially to the youngers that at that time were finishing the high school, moreover, many students were motivated to seek new courses by direct influence of the Program. The Pronatec, thus, from the analyzing data, was characterized as an emergency program, aimed to the skilled labour training, as a federal government's response to business demand and/or government interests or from administrative/operational structure from the offerers through the preponderant offer of initial and ongoing training courses, continuing the historical trend of training for simple work in Brazil, not linked to the increase in schooling levels of young students and workers.

Alternância como pedagogia na Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas-SE: possibilidades de construção de práticas sustentáveis

Melo, Juliana Franco de 25 February 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of a study on the Pedagogy of Alternation as a pedagogical method incorporated to the principles of Field Education, and its contribution to the spreading of ecological agriculture practices, through what was experienced at Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas (EFAL), located in the town of Japoatã, state of Sergipe, Brazil. EFAL is engaged in the education of young children of rural workers, in different times and places: in social-occupational aspects (family, community, and work) and in educational aspects (students go to boarding schools and have technical education for professional development in farming). By means of a qualitative approach, elements of ethnography grounded in hermeneutical phenomenology were used as a way to interpret the day-to-day experiences observed. This research was categorized as a case study. Data were collected by means of various instruments, such as the observation of classes and practical activities, document analysis, field journal entries, photographic record, and semi-structured interviews with students, school monitors, and the families involved. EFAL is part of regional and national networks which articulate the different Family Centers of Education by Alternation and aim at providing and enhancing the mastering of the required knowledge through alternation, and makes up an educational alternative in rural areas. While analyzing the use of the Pedagogy of Alternation in the dissemination of sustainable principles and practices, it became understood that such method, adapted to the various realities of rural areas, enables individuals to have an integral education. Immersed in territories of inequity intensified by the agribusiness, and affected by policies which encourage the use of unsustainable technology resulting from green revolution packages, EFAs make use of principles and instruments that attempt to reinforce the dialogue between the school world and the life world, between theory and practice. The articulation of the data collected and their analysis made way for critical reflections on the times of school, family, the working of the land, and daily routines, and showed that despite the difficulties in the preparation of monitors and administrators for this differentiated pedagogical method, as well as the necessity of self-financing, there is great potential for it to become a method of integral education, based on the restoring of traditional rural worker knowledge. The articulation between such knowledge and that acquired at EFAL makes it possible for rural citizens to think and act towards sustainable rural development. / Essa dissertação consiste no estudo da Pedagogia da Alternância enquanto método pedagógico incorporado nos princípios da Educação do Campo e sua contribuição na difusão de práticas agrícolas de base ecológica, por meio da experiência da Escola Família Agrícola de Ladeirinhas - EFAL, localizada no município de Japoatã, estado de Sergipe. A EFAL atua na formação de jovens, filhos de camponeses, em diferentes tempos e espaços: meio socioprofissional (família, comunidade e trabalho) e meio escolar em regime de internato, na modalidade de educação profissional técnica de nível médio em agropecuária. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizamos elementos da etnografia ancorados na fenomenologia hermenêutica como uma forma de interpretar as experiências cotidianas observadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de diversos instrumentos, como observações das aulas e experiências práticas, análise documental, anotações em diário de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os estudantes, monitores e famílias envolvidas e registro fotográfico. A EFAL faz parte de redes regionais e nacionais que articulam os diferentes Centros Familiares de Formação por Alternância e que buscam, através da alternância, proporcionar e valorizar o domínio de saberes e se constitui como uma alternativa educacional para o campo. Ao analisar o uso da Pedagogia da Alternância na difusão de princípios e práticas sustentáveis, compreendemos que o método, adaptado as diferentes realidades no campo, possibilita a formação integral do sujeito. Imersos em territórios marcados pela desigualdade, intensificada pelo agronegócio e atingidos pelas políticas de incentivo ao uso das tecnologias insustentáveis advindas de pacotes da revolução verde, as EFAs munem-se de princípios e instrumentos que buscam reforçar o diálogo entre o mundo da escola e o mundo da vida, entre a teoria e prática. A articulação dos dados coletados e suas análises nos permitiram levantar reflexões críticas sobre os tempos escolares, familiares, de trabalhos com a terra e cotidianos, e nos mostraram que apesar das dificuldades na formação de monitores e gestores para esse método pedagógico diferenciado e do financiamento autônomo, existe uma grande capacidade de se tornar um método educativo de formação integral, respaldado no resgate dos conhecimentos tradicionais camponeses. A articulação desses conhecimentos com os aprendidos na EFAL possibilitam proporcionar aos sujeitos do campo a capacidade de refletir e agir para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

Programa Mulheres Mil no Instituto Federal de Sergipe: interfaces com a educação e o trabalho

Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora Silva Moreira 11 October 2013 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the Thousand Women Program (PROMIL), developed at Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Campus Aracaju, and their interfaces with the policies of education and work, noting that the goals proposed by the Program, at the national are in Sergipe being achieved, specifically those that relate to the integration of recent grads in the labor market, increasing schooling and self-esteem. Backed up in the analysis of the categories work and education in the context of capitalism, assuming that the work is a fundamental element of human sociability and sought to understand how other complex social specific - like education - contribute to the reproduction the capitalist mode of production, with a focus on professional education. It is a qualitative study that is referenced in the method historicaldialectical- materialist and the bibliographical and documentary. The research consisted of sixty (60) women, students, alumni, the first and the third class PROMIL Campus Aracaju, and three (03) of the 1st program managers in Sergipe. The sample consisted of 12 (twelve) students discharged. For data collection forms were applied, with open and closed questions, managers and students discharged from that program. The results obtained in the study indicate that although there are no major difficulties in the operation of the Program, in the context of IFS / Aracaju, there is a gap between the objectives proposed by PROMIL nationwide and achievements in Sergipe, especially with regard to insertion and / or return of women to the labor market and the increase in schooling these. There is a greater range goal that are intended to improve the self-esteem of women participating in the program. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o Programa Mulheres Mil (PROMIL), desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Campus Aracaju, e suas interfaces com as políticas de Educação e Trabalho, observando se os objetivos propostos pelo referido Programa, na esfera nacional, estão, em Sergipe, sendo alcançados, especificamente aqueles que se referem à inserção das egressas no mercado de trabalho, elevação da escolaridade e da autoestima. Respaldou-se na análise das categorias Trabalho e Educação no contexto do capitalismo, partindo do princípio de que o Trabalho é elemento fundante da sociabilidade humana e procurou compreender a forma como outros complexos sociais específicos - a exemplo da Educação -, contribuem para a reprodução do modo de produção capitalista, com foco na Educação Profissional. É um estudo de caráter qualitativo que se referenciou no método materialista-histórico-dialético e nas pesquisas bibliográfica e documental. O universo da pesquisa foi constituído por 60 (sessenta) mulheres, estudantes egressas da primeira e terceira turma do PROMIL, Campus Aracaju; e os 03 (três) primeiros gestores do Programa em Sergipe. A amostra se constituiu de 12(doze) estudantes egressas. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados formulários, com perguntas abertas e fechadas, a gestores e estudantes egressas do referido Programa. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa indicam que apesar de não haver maiores dificuldades na operacionalização do Programa, no contexto do IFS/Aracaju, há um distanciamento entre os objetivos propostos pelo PROMIL em âmbito nacional e os resultados alcançados em Sergipe, principalmente no que diz respeito à inserção e/ou retorno das mulheres ao mercado de trabalho e a elevação da escolaridade destas. Há um maior alcance do objetivo que tem como propósito melhorar a autoestima das mulheres participantes do Programa.

Assessing the impact of work integrated learning and its practices on the education of engineering technicians and technologists in relation to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF) document in South Africa

Samadi, Fereshteh Rouhani 09 1900 (has links)
Work integrated learning (WIL) for the training of engineering technicians and technologists combines the theoretical learning of the fundamentals with their practical application in a real-world situation and environment. The activities in WIL are intended to provide students with specific learning outcomes in each engineering field of study, as well as with the general skills that are necessary for engineers in any field. The WIL learning outcomes are very specific and provide the student with the opportunity to practise and apply the fundamentals in an actual workplace. WIL includes various modalities such as problem-based learning, project-based learning and workplace learning. In this thesis, work integrated learning is referred to specifically as a period of work placement for engineering students. The other modalities of learning are usually included in all engineering qualifications. Thirty percent of the curriculum for the National Diploma engineering qualification in South Africa consists of work integrated learning, which translates into approximately 120 credits. WIL provides a valuable context for learning. However, there has been debate about the offering, placement, quality and supervision of it. This thesis investigates the various factors that may affect the offering of this component of learning in addition to ascertaining the importance of WIL in the training of technicians and technologists. This research comprises a survey conducted among engineering students as well as interviews with lecturers and supervisors directly involved in the implementation of the WIL component. The study investigates the format of WIL and its duration, the presence or absence of supervisors, mentors, a syllabus and clear guidance within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Frameworks. Quantitative data was collected from Engineering National Diploma and B-Tech students in two universities in Gauteng and then captured and processed. Statistical analysis such as factor analysis, analysis of variance, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, Pearson chi-squared, the Bartlet test and others were carried out, using various standard tests. The study reveals the extent to which both students and lecturers appreciate WIL. The study also offers recommendations for the unique and on-going collaboration between industry and academic institutions for the purpose of the training of future technicians. In addition, it provides reasons for the possibility of a shorter work placement period provided certain preparations are made by the universities prior to placement. It highlights the need for clarity on the responsibilities of the role players involved and on assessment methods, and for the provision of a more specific, yet flexible, curriculum, while also recommending regular reflection on this component of learning. All of these points are discussed within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Framework in South Africa. This framework recommends that higher education institutions accept responsibility for WIL placement and for ensuring that programmes are properly structured and supervised. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Technology Education))

Success in the protean career : a predictive study of professional artists and tertiary arts graduates

Bridgstock, Ruth Sarah January 2007 (has links)
In the shift to a globalised creative economy where innovation and creativity are increasingly prized, many studies have documented direct and indirect social and economic benefits of the arts. In addition, arts workers have been argued to possess capabilities which are of great benefit both within and outside the arts, including (in addition to creativity) problem solving abilities, emotional intelligence, and team working skills (ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, 2007). However, the labour force characteristics of professional artists in Australia and elsewhere belie their importance. The average earnings of workers in the arts sector are consistently less than other workers with similar educational backgrounds, and their rates of unemployment and underemployment are much higher (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2005; Caves, 2000; Throsby & Hollister, 2003). Graduating students in the arts appear to experience similar employment challenges and exhibit similar patterns of work to artists in general. Many eventually obtain work unrelated to the arts or go back to university to complete further tertiary study in fields unrelated to arts (Graduate Careers Council of Australia, 2005a). Recent developments in career development theory have involved discussion of the rise of boundaryless careers amongst knowledge workers. Boundaryless careers are characterised by non-linear career progression occurring outside the bounds of a single organisation or field (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996a, 1996b). The protean career is an extreme form of the boundaryless career, where the careerist also possesses strong internal career motivations and criteria for success (Baruch, 2004; Hall, 2004; Hall & Mirvis, 1996). It involves a psychological contract with one's self rather than an organisation or organisations. The boundaryless and protean career literature suggests competencies and dispositions for career self-management and career success, but to date there has been minimal empirical work investigating the predictive value of these competencies and dispositions to career success in the boundaryless or protean career. This program of research employed competencies and dispositions from boundaryless and protean career theory to predict career success in professional artists and tertiary arts graduates. These competencies and dispositions were placed into context using individual and contextual career development influences suggested by the Systems Theory Framework of career development (McMahon & Patton, 1995; Patton & McMahon, 1999, 2006a). Four substantive studies were conducted, using online surveys with professional artists and tertiary arts students / graduates, which were preceded by a pilot study for measure development. A largely quantitative approach to the program of research was preferred, in the interests of generalisability of findings. However, at the time of data collection, there were no quantitative measures available which addressed the constructs of interest. Brief scales of Career Management Competence based on the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (Haines, Scott, & Lincoln, 2003), Protean Career Success Orientation based on the underlying dispositions for career success suggested by protean career theory, and Career Development Influences based on the Systems Theory Framework of career development (McMahon & Patton, 1995; Patton & McMahon, 1999, 2006a) were constructed and validated via a process of pilot testing and exploratory factor analyses. This process was followed by confirmatory factor analyses with data collected from two samples: 310 professional artists, and 218 graduating arts students who participated at time 1 (i.e., at the point of undergraduate course completion in October, 2005). Confirmatory factor analyses via Structural Equation Modelling conducted in Study 1 revealed that the scales would benefit from some respecification, and so modifications were made to the measures to enhance their validity and reliability. The three scales modified and validated in Study 1 were then used in Studies 3 and 4 as potential predictors of career success for the two groups of artists under investigation, along with relevant sociodemographic variables. The aim of the Study 2 was to explore the construct of career success in the two groups of artists studied. Each participant responded to an open-ended question asking them to define career success. The responses for professional artists were content analysed using emergent coding with two coders. The codebook was later applied to the arts students' definitions. The majority of the themes could be grouped into four main categories: internal definitions; financial recognition definitions; contribution definitions; and non-financial recognition definitions. Only one third of the definition themes in the professional artists' and arts graduates' definitions of career success were categorised as relating to financial recognition. Responses within the financial recognition category also indicated that many of the artists aspired only to a regular subsistence level of arts income (although a small number of the arts graduates did aspire to fame and fortune). The second section of the study investigated the statistical relationships between the five different measures of career success for each career success definitional category and overall. The professional artists' and arts graduates' surveys contained several measures of career success, including total earnings over the previous 12 months, arts earnings over the previous 12 months, 1-6 self-rated total employability, 1-6 self-rated arts employability, and 1-6 self-rated self-defined career success. All of the measures were found to be statistically related to one another, but a very strong statistical relationship was identified between each employability measure and its corresponding earnings measure for both of the samples. Consequently, it was decided to include only the earnings measures (earnings from arts, and earnings overall) and the self-defined career success rating measure in the later studies. Study 3 used the career development constructs validated in Study 1, sociodemographic variables, and the career success measures explored in Study 2 via Classification and Regression Tree (CART - Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, & Stone, 1984) style decision trees with v-fold crossvalidation pruning using the 1 SE rule. CART decision trees are a nonparametric analysis technique which can be used as an alternative to OLS or hierarchical regression in the case of data which violates parametric statistical assumptions. The three optimal decision trees for total earnings, arts earnings and self defined career success ratings explained a large proportion of the variance in their respective target variables (R2 between 0.49 and 0.68). The Career building subscale of the Career Management Competence scale, pertaining to the ability to manage the external aspects of a career, was the most consistent predictor of all three career success measures (and was the strongest predictor for two of the three trees), indicating the importance of the artists' abilities to secure work and build the external aspects of a career. Other important predictors included the Self management subscale of the Career Management Competence scale, Protean Career Success Orientation, length of time working in the arts, and the positive role of interpersonal influences, skills and abilities, and interests and beliefs from the Career Development Influences scale. Slightly different patterns of predictors were found for the three different career success measures. Study 4 also involved the career development constructs validated in Study 1, sociodemographic variables, and the career success measures explored in Study 2 via CART style decision trees. This study used a prospective repeated measures design where the data for the attribute variables were gathered at the point of undergraduate course completion, and the target variables were measured one year later. Data from a total of 122 arts students were used, as 122 of the 218 students who responded to the survey at time 1 (October 2005) also responded at time 2 (October 2006). The resulting optimal decision trees had R2 values of between 0.33 and 0.46. The values were lower than those for the professional artists' decision trees, and the trees themselves were smaller, but the R2 values nonetheless indicated that the arts students' trees possessed satisfactory explanatory power. The arts graduates' Career building scores at time 1 were strongly predictive of all three career success measures at time 2, a similar finding to the professional artists' trees. A further similarity between the trees for the two samples was the strong statistical relationship between Career building, Self management, and Protean Career Success Orientation. However, the most important variable in the total earnings tree was arts discipline category. Technical / design arts graduates consistently earned more overall than arts graduates from other disciplines. Other key predictors in the arts graduates' trees were work experience in arts prior to course completion, positive interpersonal influences, and the positive influence of skills and abilities and interests and beliefs on career development. The research program findings represent significant contributions to existing knowledge about artists' career development and success, and also the transition from higher education to the world of work, with specific reference to arts and creative industries programs. It also has implications for theory relating to career success and protean / boundaryless careers.

A sample survey of the career maturity of disadvantaged learners in the Western Cape

Miller, Annette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Organisations have come to exist for a definite purpose, which is to combine and transform scarce factors of production into products and services with maximum economic utility. They strive to attain the highest possible output of need satisfying products and/or services with the lowest possible input of production factors. In order to achieve the level of growth and development required to enable it to compete in a climate of fierce international competition from other developed countries, post – apartheid South Africa needs a focused, motivated and skilled workforce. Yet, the current reality is often that of South African companies’ being handicapped by an under-skilled and, frequently, under-performing workforce. In addition, tertiary institutions experience low pass rates and high attrition rates among previously disadvantaged students, despite efforts to provide extra academic support and enrichment programmes. In this study, it is believed that one aspect of the difficult that many disadvantaged students have to achieve either in tertiary study or in the workplace, can be attributed to the lack of career maturity of such learners to make optimal career choices. The main objective of this study was to perform an audit of levels of career maturity of a sample of disadvantaged learners from the Western Cape. Another goal of the research was to attempt to investigate some envisaged determinants of career maturity in an effort to isolate those that presented as having the strongest influence on career maturity levels. A model was developed to illustrate these determinants and their envisaged effect which was tested among previously disadvantaged learners in the Western Cape.

A formação profissional: trajetórias e expectativas dos estudantes nos cursos técnicos subsequentes / Vocational training: trajectories and expectations of students in subsequent technical courses

Moraz, Caterine Pereira 25 August 2015 (has links)
Teve como objetivo analisar, através da percepção de alunos ingressantes e concluintes, as motivações e razões que justificam ou explicam as suas escolhas por cursos de educação profissional técnica de nível médio na forma subsequente, buscando entender o papel do ensino profissionalizante em suas vidas. Através da identificação do perfil dos discentes manifesto pelas suas vivências escolares e experiências profissionais, contextualizou a sua trajetória familiar e escolar e seus projetos de vida face às exigências do mundo do trabalho e a necessidade de atualização e formação continuada. Sustentando-se teoricamente na relação entre a escola, a educação, o trabalho e seus impactos junto à classe trabalhadora, assim como nas transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, tomou como referência autores como Antunes, Ciavatta, Cunha, Enguita, Frigotto, Ferretti, Friedmann, Naville, Kuenzer, Ramos, Hirata e Saviani. A pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se através de uma investigação de caráter qualitativo da qual participaram, respondendo questionários e concedendo entrevistas, alunos ingressantes e concluintes dos cursos técnicos de nível médio de Administração e de Eventos do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná, campus Curitiba. Os resultados foram norteados pelo estabelecimento de categorias que privilegiaram a compreensão da realidade vivenciada pelos participantes ao longo de suas trajetórias escolares e profissionais, das motivações e expectativas em relação ao futuro educacional e profissional principalmente de alunos que, teoricamente, já poderiam pleitear uma vaga em cursos de graduação mas optaram por esta modalidade de ensino. / The study aimed to analyze, through the perception of entering and graduating students, the motivations and reasons that justify or explain their choices for subsequent mid-level technical professional education courses, seeking to understand the role of vocational education in their lives. Through the identification of students’ profile, which is manifested by their academic experiences and professional experiences, the study contextualized their family and school life and their life projects in view of the demands of the working world and the need for updating and continuing education. The research is theoretically based on the relationship between school, education, work and their impact in the working class, as well as on changes in the working world, it took as reference authors as Antunes, Ciavatta, Cunha, Enguita, Frigotto, Ferretti, Friedmann, Naville, Kuenzer, Ramos, Hirata and Saviani. The field research was developed through a qualitative survey, entering and graduating students from middle-level technical courses in Management and Events of Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia in Paraná, Curitiba campus, had participated answering questionnaires and giving interviews. The results were guided by the establishment of categories that favored the understanding of the reality experienced by the participants throughout their academic and professional careers, motivations and expectations of the educational and professional future mainly of students who theoretically could have applied for a job in graduate courses but opted for this type of education.

Proposta de um método de sensibilização de empresários para o tema inovação / Proposal for businessmen awareness a method for innovation theme

Andrade, Elaine Cristina de 17 June 2016 (has links)
A inovação tem se tornado cada dia mais importante para mudar a realidade do posicionamento de mercado tanto de uma empresa, quanto de um país. Desse modo, gestores que estão à frente de organizações, independente do segmento ou porte, precisam manter o ritmo de competitividade da empresa, praticando e vivenciando a inovação como parte de sua rotina. Questões sobre metodologias de capacitação com empresários tem se tornado mais discutidas nas instituições que trabalham com esse público. Promover novos resultados e fazer com que mais pessoas estejam sensibilizadas para colocar a inovação em prática, é a intenção desta pesquisa. Com o objetivo de propor um método com elementos para sensibilização de empresários no tema Inovação, foi realizado o estudo de um referencial teórico para identificar os métodos e as técnicas diferenciadas de sensibilização. Foram examinadas formas inovadoras e conteúdos de cursos de capacitação em inovação para identificar os aspectos relevantes, com o intuito de compor um encontro presencial com empresários no tema inovação. Assim, utilizando a técnica de Grupo Focal, foi realizado um encontro presencial com empresários para vivenciar ações que levam ao tema inovação. Para chegar aos resultados da pesquisa foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados, um instrumento para observação durante o encontro e outro que foi encaminhado via on-line. Após as respostas serem colhidas e trabalhadas, foi possível refletir e comparar com o referencial proposto. A pesquisa qualitativa apresentou e analisou os resultados destas informações. Com base nos resultados atingidos, chegou-se a uma proposta de método com elementos para sensibilização no tema inovação com empresários. / Innovation has become increasingly important to change the reality of the market positioning of both a company, as a country. Thus, managers who are ahead of organizations, regardless of size or sector, need to keep pace with the company's competitiveness, practicing and experiencing innovation as part of their routine. Questions about training methodologies with business has become more discussed in the institutions that work with the public. In an attempt to promote new results and make more people are sensitized to put innovation into practice, it is the intention of this research. For this reason, the study of a theoretical framework was conducted to identify methods and different awareness techniques. Innovative forms and content of training courses in innovation were examined to identify the relevant aspects, in order to make an in-person meeting with entrepreneurs in the innovation theme. Thus, using the technique of focus group was held a face to face meeting with businessmen to experience actions that lead to innovation theme. To get the results of the research were used two data collection instruments, an instrument for observation during the meeting and another that was sent on-line. After the responses are collected and worked, it was possible to reflect and compare the proposed framework. Qualitative research presented and analyzed the results of this information. Based on the results achieved, we reached a proposed method with elements of awareness on the subject innovation with businessmen.

A ciência e a tecnologia entre projetos de sociedade em disputa: o caso do IFSC

Schwede, Marcos Aurelio 17 December 2014 (has links)
Esta investigação teve o objetivo de compreender como os projetos de sociedade em disputa influenciam na produção da ciência e da tecnologia e nas (im)possibilidades de acesso aos conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos pelos trabalhadores. Para alcançar esse objetivo, analisaram-se as políticas e a produção de ciência e tecnologia no país; as aproximações e os distanciamentos do conhecimento científico e tecnológico da educação do trabalhador, suas determinações e condicionamentos para as políticas de educação profissional e tecnológica no Brasil; e a influência dessas questões no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catariana – IFSC. Para a condução desta pesquisa, elegeu-se o materialismo histórico e dialético como referencial teórico e metodológico, trabalhando-se com revisão bibliográfica, análise documental, observação direta e entrevistas com professores e gestores do IFSC. Assim, a pesquisa partiu da realidade material, tomando sua historização como pressuposto de análise, em que, no movimento do real (em um processo dialético), buscou-se captar os aspectos intrínsecos a essa realidade. Como principais resultados, verificou-se que, no país, há um amplo processo de formação de consensos relacionando a produção da ciência e da tecnologia com o termo e o conceito de inovação. À inovação passa a ser tributado o crescimento econômico, a competitividade e, em especial, passa a ser ela mesma considerada uma condição para a transformação social e para a construção de um novo projeto de sociedade. Todavia, identifica-se que o sentido atribuído à inovação, que é compartilhado socialmente, relaciona-se com a política explícita de ciência e tecnologia, e esta é composta por construções ideológicas que legitimam a intervenção do Estado na infraestrutura produtiva e tecnológica, o que não é prática nova na realidade brasileira, pois trata-se de algo que há muito tempo é feito. Além disso, constata-se que a política implícita de ciência, tecnologia e também de inovação está comprometida com a lógica social posta e seus condicionantes. Os seguintes aspectos são reveladores para essa compreensão: os resultados das políticas de C,T&I (política explícita); os principais beneficiários das políticas em curso; o direcionamento dos recursos da política de C,T&I e da política industrial; os investimentos do setor empresarial em P&D e inovação; entre outros. Já ao analisar-se o acesso a uma educação que tenha em suas bases os conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos, verificou-se que apenas um seleto grupo da sociedade pode atingi-la. Aos demais é ofertada uma educação que acompanha a extensa arquitetura social, ou seja, uma educação diferenciada e desigual oferecida para diferentes grupos da sociedade. Neste contexto, portanto, um grande contingente populacional acessa apenas uma educação fragmentada, pontual e de caráter simples. Esse processo contraditório ocorre porque, em um percurso dialógico que envolve a constrição da reprodução do capital e a contrainvestida do sistema capitalista, passam a ser utilizadas a mais alta tecnologia e a inovação de forma combinada com a ampliação da extração da mais-valia absoluta e relativa. Assim, amplia-se o processo de precarização das condições de trabalho de ampla parcela dos trabalhadores, contexto em que a “desqualificação” passa a ser um elemento estruturante da reprodução e da acumulação do capital. Identificou-se também que esses movimentos da realidade social se desdobram no contexto do IFSC, em que se verifica a existência de uma ampla arquitetura educacional que reproduz a arquitetura social existente, isto é, permanece restrito o acesso a uma educação que tenha a ciência e a tecnologia em suas bases. Identifica-se ainda que há um processo de naturalização das classes sociais ou a compreensão de que uma educação que prepara o trabalhador para ocupar um “papel” no “sistema social” (na extensa arquitetura social, que é extremamente desigual) seja inclusiva e também afeita aos interesses dos trabalhadores. Nessa instituição, também se verifica que há em grande medida um consenso acerca da importância da inovação, perspectiva utilizada para direcionar a produção da ciência e a da tecnologia por meio da pesquisa. Portanto, a partir desses resultados, identificam-se as necessidades de ampliação das discussões sobre os projetos de sociedade em curso e sua relação com a produção da C&T e do acesso aos conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos por parte dos trabalhadores. / The objective of this research is to understand the influence of competing society projects on science and technology productions, and the (im)possibility for the workers to have access to science and technology knowledge. To achieve this goal the country policies and the production of science and technology were analyzed; we have also analyzed how close or how far workers education is to the scientific and technological knowledge, its resolution and constraints to Brazilian professional and technological education policies and the influence of these questions in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina - FIESTSC. The historical and dialectical materialism was elected as the theoretical and methodological framework to drive this research, working with literature review, document analysis, direct observation and interviews with professors and managers from FIESTSC. Thus, the research started with material reality, taking its history as analytical assumption: in the movement of this reality (under a dialectical process), it seeks to apprehend its intrinsic aspects. As a main result, it was identified, in the country, a broad process to shape consensus related to science and technology production with the innovation term and concept. Competitive edge and economic growth are attributed to the innovation capability. Innovation is then treated as a condition to achieve social transformation and to build a new society project. However, the meaning assigned to innovation, socially shared, relates to the explicit science policy and this is made by ideological constructions that legitimate the state intervention in technology and productive infrastructure, which is not new in Brazilian reality, since it is something that has been done since long ago. Besides, it is noted that the implicit science, technology and innovation policy is committed with the present social logic and its conditioners. The following aspects are revealing to this comprehension: the S,T&I policies results (explicit policy); the beneficiaries of the current policies; the resource usage of the S,T&I and industrial policies; the business sector investments in R&D and innovation, among others. When the access to scientific and technological knowledge based education is analyzed, it is verified that only a small selected portion of the society has access to it. To the others it is offered an education that follows the long social architecture, a distinct and unequal education to distinct social groups. In this context, a big contingent of the population has access only to a simple, punctual and fragmented education. This contradictory process happens because, under a dialogic process involving the constriction of the capital reproduction and the capitalist system counter attack, we see the use of the highest form of technology and innovation merged with the magnification of the absolute and relative value added extraction – therefore, magnifying the deterioration process of the work conditions from a broad portion of the workforce. In this context the worker "under qualification" begins to be a structural element to the reproduction and accumulation of capital. It was verified that these social reality movements also unfold inside the FIESTSC, where there is a broad educational architecture that reproduces the existing social architecture, which means that the access to a science and technology based education is still limited. Also it has been identified a naturalization process of the social classes or the comprehension that an education which prepares the worker to assume a "role" inside the "social system" (in the long social architecture, which is extremely unequal) is inclusive and in behalf of the workers. In this institution it is also verified a consensus about the importance of the innovation, which is then used to drive the production of science and technology through research. Therefore, these results indicate the need to magnify the debate about current society projects and its relations to S&T production and the workers access to scientific and technological knowledge.

A formação profissional: trajetórias e expectativas dos estudantes nos cursos técnicos subsequentes / Vocational training: trajectories and expectations of students in subsequent technical courses

Moraz, Caterine Pereira 25 August 2015 (has links)
Teve como objetivo analisar, através da percepção de alunos ingressantes e concluintes, as motivações e razões que justificam ou explicam as suas escolhas por cursos de educação profissional técnica de nível médio na forma subsequente, buscando entender o papel do ensino profissionalizante em suas vidas. Através da identificação do perfil dos discentes manifesto pelas suas vivências escolares e experiências profissionais, contextualizou a sua trajetória familiar e escolar e seus projetos de vida face às exigências do mundo do trabalho e a necessidade de atualização e formação continuada. Sustentando-se teoricamente na relação entre a escola, a educação, o trabalho e seus impactos junto à classe trabalhadora, assim como nas transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, tomou como referência autores como Antunes, Ciavatta, Cunha, Enguita, Frigotto, Ferretti, Friedmann, Naville, Kuenzer, Ramos, Hirata e Saviani. A pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se através de uma investigação de caráter qualitativo da qual participaram, respondendo questionários e concedendo entrevistas, alunos ingressantes e concluintes dos cursos técnicos de nível médio de Administração e de Eventos do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná, campus Curitiba. Os resultados foram norteados pelo estabelecimento de categorias que privilegiaram a compreensão da realidade vivenciada pelos participantes ao longo de suas trajetórias escolares e profissionais, das motivações e expectativas em relação ao futuro educacional e profissional principalmente de alunos que, teoricamente, já poderiam pleitear uma vaga em cursos de graduação mas optaram por esta modalidade de ensino. / The study aimed to analyze, through the perception of entering and graduating students, the motivations and reasons that justify or explain their choices for subsequent mid-level technical professional education courses, seeking to understand the role of vocational education in their lives. Through the identification of students’ profile, which is manifested by their academic experiences and professional experiences, the study contextualized their family and school life and their life projects in view of the demands of the working world and the need for updating and continuing education. The research is theoretically based on the relationship between school, education, work and their impact in the working class, as well as on changes in the working world, it took as reference authors as Antunes, Ciavatta, Cunha, Enguita, Frigotto, Ferretti, Friedmann, Naville, Kuenzer, Ramos, Hirata and Saviani. The field research was developed through a qualitative survey, entering and graduating students from middle-level technical courses in Management and Events of Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia in Paraná, Curitiba campus, had participated answering questionnaires and giving interviews. The results were guided by the establishment of categories that favored the understanding of the reality experienced by the participants throughout their academic and professional careers, motivations and expectations of the educational and professional future mainly of students who theoretically could have applied for a job in graduate courses but opted for this type of education.

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