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Commerce and community in a medieval town Santa Coloma de Queralt, 1293-1313 /Milton, Gregory Brian, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 2004. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 306-329).
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The reception of English fictional and non-fictional prose in Catalonia (1916-38), with particular reference to Edwardian literary culture and associated debates concerning the novel in England, France and CataloniaColl-Vinent, Sílvia January 1996 (has links)
The present study opens up the field of Catalan connections with English literature. The importance of Edwardian influences on the general transmission of English authors and works is demonstrated. Original data on the reception of G.K. Chesterton, the Edwardian figure with a most remarkable impact in Catalonia, is brought to light (Chapter 1, Appendix 1), followed by discussion of the presence of H.G. Wells and G.B. Shaw and an account of the reception of Well's early fiction (Chapter 2); their influence sheds new light on the aspiration of an élite to modernise Catalan culture. Catalan translations of English fictional works produced in the period 1918-38 (Chapter 3, Appendix II) are linked to the reception of the roman anglais in the context of the crisis of the roman à thèse, and the meditating influence of French criticism is revealed. The values of romance, adventure, and the common man (from Defoe to Stevenson, from Stevenson to Conrad) constitute the recurrent thread associated with the English tradition and with the Edwardian fictional canon, as these were mediated from France to Catalonia. This panorama of transmission enhances an understanding of Catalan views of the novel, in the light of Edwardian values (Chapter 4), as exemplified in Carles Riba's critical appraisal of two Catalan authors, in the appeal of Joseph Conrad's narrative technique and its influence on J.M. de Sagarra, as well as in the comparison of Frank Swinnerton's Nocturne (a best-seller of 1917) and its Catalan counterpart, M. Teresa Vernet's Les algues roges. This thesis also includes a chronology of the reception of Chesterton and a list of Catalan translations of English works of fiction.
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Essays on climate change, energy, and independenceComerford, David January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contains three separate papers. A balance of questions: what can we ask of climate change economics? is a critical analysis of the economics of climate change literature. It concludes that much more research effort needs to be put into studying the investment needed for a transition to a zero carbon energy infrastructure, rather than the focus on determining the social cost of carbon. The interaction of scale economies and energy quality is a theoretical study of the ability of economies to operate given different qualities of energy resources. Measuring costs and benefits of independence is an analysis of the welfare costs to Catalonia from reduced trade, which may arise on independence from Spain. These costs are set against the benefits to Catalonia of not paying fiscal transfers to the rest of Spain.
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Geografické a socioekonomické aspekty separatismu ve Španělsku - případová studie Katalánsko a Baskicko / Geographical and Socioeconomic Aspects of Separatism in Spain - a Case Study of Catalonia and the Basque CountryLepič, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of research of this presented diploma thesis is the evaluation of the factors that influence the genesis of nationalist aspirations and separatist tendencies on two scale levels: the level of Spanish Autonomous Communities, and between comarcas in the Basque Country and Catalonia. Emphasis is placed primarily on the differentiation between the influence of economic aspirations and ethno-national identity. On the theoretical level, the thesis discusses approaches to nationalism, its typology, resources and activation, as well as the development of social organization and the asymmetrical division of powers in Spain. For the purposes of analysis, two indicators of intensity of expressed nationalism are used - constitutional preference and voting behavior - and then each are tested in relation to socio-economic characteristics, ethno-cultural manifestations, or relevant demographic characteristics. The thesis also evaluates the system of set fiscal redistribution between regions and central government.
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Catalanité et « immigration » espagnole dans le discours politique et intellectuel catalan du XXe siècle : genèse et évolution / Catalanity and Spanish “immigration” on the political and intellectual Catalan discourse in the XXth century : genesis and evolutionJoutet, Karim 19 November 2018 (has links)
Le travail repose sur un constat selon lequel le terme « immigré » est présent dans le discours politique et intellectuel catalan depuis le début du XXe siècle pour désigner les Espagnols venus vivre en Catalogne. L’appellation choisie pour désigner les migrants venus d’autres régions d’Espagne est en contradiction avec sa définition qui sous-entend un dépassement de frontière étatique. La distinction du lieu d’origine permet d’en désigner une autre : celle de l’identité. Une différence est créée et entretenue entre deux groupes vivant sur un même territoire et partageant une même nationalité espagnole, mais dont le lieu de naissance est à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur de la Catalogne. En développant une image de l’« immigré », le discours catalan insiste sur le fait que ce flux de population provienne d’un extérieur. S’exprimer sur ce sujet permet d’affirmer sa propre vision de la société catalane, comprise comme multiculturelle, biculturelle ou comme une unique communauté. Le point commun entre ces différentes manières de concevoir la catalanité réside dans l’affirmation de la cohérence et l’autonomie du groupe récepteur capable d’accueillir les autres, malgré les craintes de certains. Réfléchir sur le phénomène migratoire permet finalement au discours d’affirmer sa propre identité et l’existence d’une nation catalane. L’« immigré » a également un rôle dans ce processus en participant à l’évolution de sa propre image discursive ou à travers les premières générations nées en Catalogne. Son image est bien au centre de luttes de classements et apparaît comme un instrument permettant d’imposer une idéologie nationale ou une manière de concevoir la société catalane. / This work builds up on the fact that the word « immigrant » is present on the political and intellectual Catalan discourse since the beginning of the XXth century to reference Spaniards coming to live in Catalonia. The appellation chosen by this discourse to name immigrants coming from other regions of Spain is openly contradictory with its definition that imply crossing a national frontier. The distinction regarding place of origin allows for another one: Identity. This difference is created and sustained by these two groups living under the same territory and sharing the Spanish nationality, but whose place of birth is inside or outside Catalonia. Developing an image of the « immigrant », the catalan discourse insists on the fact that this flow of people come from an outside. Expressing oneself over this subject allows for an original vision of the Catalan society, understood as multicultural, bicultural or as a unique community. The common point between these different ways of conceiving catalanity resides on the affirmation of the receptor group ´s coherence and autonomy and its capacity to host others. Thinking about the immigration phenomenon enables the discourse to affirm its own identity and the existence of a catalan nation. The « immigrant » also plays a role in this process participating in the evolution of its own discourse image or through the first generations born in catalonia. Their image is immerse in between the classification struggles and appears as an instrument that allows for an imposition of a national ideology or a way of conceiving the catalan.
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Work-family enrichment experiences among working fathers : evidence from CataloniaGrau Grau, Marc January 2017 (has links)
Although there is still a gender division of labour in post-industrial countries, evidence seems to suggest that there are some fathers more involved than others, and interestingly, a growing number of fathers that want to be more involved with their children. Using the Catalan Survey on the Use of Time, this thesis aims to understand how paternal time devoted to children under 10 years old differs across educational level, income, age, number of (paid) working hours, occupation and partner’s occupation among other independent variables. Understanding patterns of those fathers involved with their children will presumably give some clues on how to promote gender equality in parenting. Furthermore, it will contribute to the fatherhood literature by expanding the research to Catalonia. Furthermore, while we know that fatherhood involvement is positively related with child outcomes and gender equality, less is known about the benefits of having both work and family roles for working fathers themselves and their jobs. Using the conceptual framework of WFE elaborated by Greenhaus and Powell (2006), this thesis seeks to explore how resources developed at home are positively transferred and applied at work, and vice versa. For that aim, 20 interviews with Catalan working fathers have been conducted. Understanding and shedding light on these hidden sources of enrichment between work and family domains might be a positive way to challenge the disproportionate attention to the conflict perspective in the work-family literature and to counteract the benefits of the “ideal worker” and “organization man”. The methodological contribution of this thesis is that it is the first study to use the Catalan Survey on the Use of Time to look at fathers as well as offering one of the first qualitative studies to examine the work-family enrichment process for fathers. Regarding the empirical contribution, the analysis of the time use data reveals that father’s age, educational level and partner’s occupation is positively associated with paternal time devoted to children. On the other hand, working hours is negatively associated with time devoted to young children. The qualitative analysis suggests that enrichment occurs under certain conditions. Interestingly, the sources of enrichment reported from family to work (invisible rewards) were different from the sources of enrichment reported from work to family. This thesis also suggested that fathers employed in higher-levels occupation were more likely to experience high levels of enrichment, but at the same time high levels of conflict.
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Conflicting identities in Spain's peripheries: centralist Spanish nationalism in contemporary cultural production of Catalonia and the Basque countryMueller, Stephanie Ann 01 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes symbolic and political discourse in the works of three controversial intellectuals who participate in the contemporary debate on nationalisms in Spain. Basque poet and essayist Jon Juaristi (b. 1951), after brief involvement in ETA during the late 1960s and early 1970s, evolved into one of Spain's most outspoken critics of Basque nationalism, a position that led to death threats from ETA and eventually his permanent abandonment of the region. After founding his theater company Els Joglars in 1962, Catalan playwright Albert Boadella (b. 1943) used it as a vehicle to fight the Francoist dictatorship and promote a Catalan nationalist agenda. However, he eventually reversed his position on the issue of Catalan and Spanish nationalisms and became a political enemy to many in his home region. Finally, Basque filmmaker Julio Medem (b. 1958) caused outrage throughout much of Spain in 2003 with a documentary film exploring the clash between Spanish and Basque identities. In my examination of Boadella's and Juaristi's autobiographies and Medem's documentary I explore the ways each author portrays himself as subverting, transgressing, or transcending the sub-state nationalisms that are virtually hegemonic in their regions, and I reveal how each author's treatment of gender, especially his representations of masculinity, either undermines or substantiates the purportedly "non-nationalist" position he stakes. I argue that Juaristi's and Boadella's restrictive, traditionalist gender constructions reveal conservative Spanish nationalist discourses which prevent them from surpassing the rigid power structures that nourish the opposition between Spain's center and periphery, while Medem's cinematic work does present the possibility of breaking free from the boundaries of the conflict of national identities through the transcendence of patriarchal nationalist symbolism - both Basque and Spanish.
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L'acció antròpica sobre les matèries dures animals durant el Plistocè del Nord-Est de CatalunyaRueda i Torres, Josep Manuel 12 March 1993 (has links)
Estudi de diferents aprofitament antròpics de la fauna del Plistocè del Nord-Est de Catalunya des d’una perspectiva tafonòmica, de determinació faunística, de processos de formació dels dipòsits òssis (ja sigui per acció d’un carnívor, processos de desarticulació natural o per acció de l’home). L’acumulació antròpica s’estudia des de l’òptica de l’anàlisi de les modificacions òssies i es determinen els següents processos: esquarterament, desarticulació, descarnació, obtenció de medul•la i grasses i fabricació d’eines (indústria òssia). La metodologia de treball s’ha elaborat a partir de l’experimentació, la comparació bibliogràfica, tant de jaciments arqueològics com etnològics. La fitxa resultant de la metodologia aplicada és analítica i estructural. L’estudi es limita als jaciments de L’Arbreda, Mollet i Cova 120 que donen una completa visió evolutiva de les tècniques de carnisseria i fabricació d’eines òssies que van des del Paleolític mitjà a finals del superior. Com a contrapunt s’han estudiat també les modificacions òssies del jaciment vil•lafranquià. D’un antiguitat de 900.000 anys d’Incarcal V. D’aquesta manera es poden contrastar els resultats dels jaciments arqueològics. Evidentment aquest jaciment paleontològic no conserva cap vestigi d’acció humana. Tot això ha portat a poder determinar els diferents processos que han contribuït a la formació dels dipòsits òssis esmentats, els diferents mètodes de carnisseria aplicats i els processos de fabricació d’eines òssies. A partir d’aquesta informació s’han pogut establir diferents tècniques i de mètode que han pogut comparar-se amb diferents períodes culturals, establint-se una clar correlació entre canvi tècnic i canvi cultural. / Estudio de los distintos aprovechamientos antrópicos de la fauna pleistocénica de la Ccatalunya N.O., desde una perspectiva tafonómica, de determinación faunística, de procesos de formación de los depósitos óseos (ya sea por acción de carnívoro, procesos de desarticulación natural o por acción del hombre). La acumulación antrópica se estudia desde la óptica del análisis de las modificaciones óseas, determinándose los siguientes procesos: despellejamiento, descuatización primaria y secundaria, desarticulación, descarnación, obtención de médula y grasas y fabricación de útiles (industria ósea). La metodología de trabajo se ha elaborado a partir de la experimentación, la comparación bibliográfica, tanto de yacimientos arqueológicos, como etnológicos. El tipo de ficha resultante de la metodología aplicada es una exhaustiva ficha analítica y estructural. El estudio se limita a los yacimientos de L’Arbreda, Mollet i i Cova 120, que nos dan una completa visión evolutiva de las técnicas de carniceria y fabricación de utillaje óseo que abarcan desde el Paleolítico Medio a finales del Superior. Como contrapunto se han estudiado tambien las modificaciones óseas del yacimiento vilafranquiense, de una antiguedad de 900.000 años de Incarcal V. De esta manera se pueden contrastar los resultados de los yacimientos arqueológicos. Evidentemente este yacimiento paleontológico no conserva, ni por asomo, ningun vestigio de acción humana. Todo ello nos ha llevado a poder determinar los distintos procesos que han contribuido a la formación de los depósitos óseos mencionados, los distintos métodos de carnicería aplicados y los procesos de fabricación de utillaje óseo. A partir de esta información hemos podido establecer diferencias técnicas y de método que han podido ser comparadas con los distintos períodos culturales, estableciéndose una clara correlación entre cambio técnico y cambio cultural.
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La convivència escolar a primària: anàlisi de les dificultats de convivència i identificació de les iniciatives de millora als centres escolars de primària de CatalunyaFelip i Jacas, Núria 23 November 2012 (has links)
The thesis “The coexistence in primary schools” aims to analyse the difficulties encountered by primary schools in Catalonia in terms of coexistence. It also focuses on the various proposals for improvement that school centres carry out and the difficulties of implementing them. The current study concludes that although the conflicte in primary schools is low, we must work thoroughly to prevent possible conflicts and resolve the already existing ones both in the classroom and the school centre itself. It also presents a wide range of actions undertaken by the school centres, both in prevention and resolution, putting into evidence the high priority that schools give to improving relationships. It also highlights the need to ensure the involvement of the whole educational community in the various actions undertaken, as well as the fact of tracking the process. / La tesi La convivència escolar a primària pretén analitzar les dificultats de convivència que trobem a les escoles de primària de Catalunya, així com les diferents propostes de millora que els centres duen a terme i les dificultats de posar en marxa aquestes accions. El present estudi conclou que malgrat la conflictivitat a les escoles de primària és minsa, cal treballar a fons per tal de prevenir possibles conflictes i resoldre els existents tant a l’aula com en el propi centre. Així mateix presenta un gran ventall d’accions que realitzen els centres, tant a nivell de prevenció com de resolució, tot posant en evidència l’elevada prioritat que els centres atorguen a la millora de la convivència. També destaca la necessitat de vetllar per la implicació de tota la comunitat educativa en les diferents accions endegades, així com el fet de fer-ne un seguiment durant tot el procés.
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Spanjorer är vi allihopa? : En kvalitativ studie av hur spanska och katalanska tidningar identifierar Kataloniens självständighetsprocess.Dahlqvist, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The Catalan movement of Independence is a well debated subject in Spanish news for the last decade. This thesis aims to examine what kind of identityarguments that spanish versus catalan newspapers make about the independence movement, in relation to nationalism and national identity. This is to deeper the understanding about the current complex situation in the Iberian Peninsula. The research shows that identityarguments about the independence movement presented by catalonian newspapers clearly put focus on identifying the ethnic and cultural reasons for the growing nationalism in the region, as well as discussing the political possibilities and obstacles of a sovereign Catalonia. In comparison, the identityarguments presented by spanish newspapers has another view of the situation, where the political aspect of the nationalistic catalan movement, identify the process as defying the Spanish Constitution and challenging the traditional historic unity of Spain. Within the debate there is a red line pointing out the importance of achieving and maintaining ones own right to express the meaning of the ’nation’ and the ’national identity’. Spain conquer the political and juridical battles of national values, whereas Catalonia has power in its collective cultural values, which through the politic arena enhances its symbolic power for Catalonia.
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