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KATALANSK SEPARATISM -Med fokus på politiska organisationers förhållningsätt och argumentHatira, Hichem, Johansson, Kevin January 2020 (has links)
Separatism movements are widespread across the world; however, the European continentcontains several regions who wish to become independent sovereign states. The autonomousregion of Catalonia is one of Europe's many separatist regions, where a separatism movementis present. This study analyses the active separatism of Catalonia, with an emphasis onregional Catalan as well as national Spanish political organization’s attitude towards aCatalan independent state, and also which argument they have regarding an independentCatalonia. The purpose is to describe the regional Catalan as well as the national Spanishpolitical organization’s position within the debate regarding a Catalan separation from Spain.The utilized method for this study is a describing analysis of ideas, in order to analyze andunderstand the empirical material.This essay implements, based on the essay's theoretical framework, two analytical tools inorder to analyze the empirical material of the political organization’s which are two idealtypes of the phenomena nationalism and separatism.The study concludes that the regional Catalan political organizations, CiU and ERC, havemore tendencies of separatism in their pro-independence rhetoric’s, and they have movedaway from their former nationalistic political platforms because of failed dialogs with theSpanish national government. Regarding the national Spanish political organizations, on theother hand, the study concludes that both PSOE and PP have strong tendencies of nationalismin their rhetoric against Catalan independence, much in due to their alignment to the Spanishconstitution and their political goal of a more united Spain.
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Bluegrass and Old-Time in Catalonia: An Ethnographic Case Study of Aesthetic CommunitasLuchtan, Michael J 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This is an ethnographic case study of a musical community in Catalonia centered around the performance of bluegrass and old-time music. By using Victor and Edith Turners’ ideas of normative communitas, this paper identifies an aesthetic communitas model which describes a community centered around a performative genre. Through participant observation in the 16th Annual Al Ras Bluegrass and Old Time Music Festival and interviews with local musicians, fans, venue owners, and luthiers, the ethnographic narrative details the characteristics of the aesthetic communitas in Catalonia and searches for associations of Appalachia that accompany the cross-cultural manifestation of bluegrass and old-time music in Catalonia. The conclusion examines the significance of the aesthetic communitas model and suggests further lines of research for this model.
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Monzón (=Montsó, Komturei, Spanien)Napp, Anke 16 April 2024 (has links)
:Bauliche und territoriale Entwicklung
Beziehungen und Konflikte
Architektonische Überreste
Komture von Monzón
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Teaching Sustainable Development Goals in Catalonia : Experiences and Perceptions of Catalan Primary School TeachersMorey i Dealbert, Laia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how Catalan primary teachers perceive the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the Catalan curriculum, as well as their experiences into teaching about sustainability issues. The study uses a qualitative research design, characterized by semi-structured interviews with twelve Catalan teachers. The teachers were working in primary schools in Catalonia both in public and private schools and in urban and rural areas. Through this approach, the research aims to explore teachers' perceptions, experiences, and challenges related to the integration of the SDGs within the curriculum. The qualitative data revealed both challenges and opportunities when integrating the SDGs in the classroom. The challenges especially concerned the initial and permanent teacher training and the overload that most teachers experience, while the opportunities focused on the great outdoor and environmental tradition that Catalonia has and the small changes in the curriculum, opening the path for a quality education in sustainability. This study complements already conducted research as it focuses on active teachers with experience working in Catalonia. The participants have been working for more than a year and trained in Catalonia, with its very specific context. This thesis provides a significant overview of the current situation of SDGs in the Catalan system, offering valuable insights for educational practitioners, policymakers, and researchers alike.
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Secessionism on the Rise: Frames, Media Bias, and Strategies of Political Parties in Catalonia (2010-2014) and Scotland (2012-2016)Tarasov, Andrei 15 May 2023 (has links)
Increasing calls for regional independence are being made in several European countries, and such calls are accompanied by growing public support for secessionism. Over the last decade, Catalonia and Scotland have enjoyed the highest level of political mobilization for secession in the European Union. This research highlights the role of the media in changing attitudes toward independence and studies regionalist parties' strategic choices to understand their electoral success at the regional elections at a time of fast growth of independence sentiments among the population. This study employs different methods: process tracing to focus on the specificities of the independence process in a view to understand how the secessionist agenda transformed the cases; frame analysis of media links the theoretical arguments and their representation in the public discourse; content analysis of regional parties’ electoral programs via Regional Manifesto Project approach helps to define the strategic choices of regionalist parties which brought success to their secessionist agenda at the regional elections; most-similar cases comparative analysis allows to identify commonality and differences between the cases of Catalonia and Scotland. This dissertation uncovers how: the media communicate regionalist arguments to the audience; the media justify independence claims; regionalist parties strategize their secessionist programs. First, a strong pro-region bias is the main feature of media coverage. Secondly, saliency in influenced by the political process as a largely exogeneous factor, but the framing process may also influence reality by giving particular meaning to the major political events and by framing them as political opportunities or as having transformative power. Third, the political competition structure contributes to the strategic choices of political parties. My research contributes to the framing literature by considering the role of diagnosis, prognostic, and motivational framing in the independence discourse. It highlights the extent of pro-region message flows vis-à-vis pro-center and neutral messages in media communication. My analysis contributes to previous research on regionalist parties by making an in-depth case study to differentiate between subsuming and blurring strategies adopted by secessionist actors.
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Matar al “Chino”. Entre la revolución urbanística y el asedio urbano en el barrio del Raval de BarcelonaFernández González, Miquel 07 November 2012 (has links)
Esta tesis estudia las alteraciones de la vida urbana en la calle d'en Robador del barrio del Raval de Barcelona como consecuencia de las intervenciones urbanísticas que allí se han producido en los últimos veinte años. Las incisiones urbanísticas en el Raval han comportado destrucción de patrimonio arquitectónico, habitacional y cultural de gran valor. Asimismo, han generado expulsiones de población, y en cierta medida y en ciertas zonas, su substitución por otra de mayor capacidad de dispendio. Se ha realizado un rastreo histórico sobre el Raval poniendo énfasis en las sucesivas culturas de control aplicadas allí sobre una población caracterizada por un elevado componente obrero y descapitalizado. Esto es complementado por una etnografía crítica de la calle citada -llevada a cabo entre los años 2010 y 2012, que ofrece una actualización de la perspectiva con el fin de establecer las persistencias y recurrencias que los sucesivos gobernantes han ensayado en lo que han sido hasta hoy los “bajos fondos” de la ciudad, el mítico “Barrio Chino”. / This thesis explores changes of urban life on d'en Robador street on the Raval district of Barcelona as a result of urban interventions that have occurred there in the past twenty years. The urbanistic incisions in the Raval had destroyed urban heritage, architectural, residential and cultural valuable assets. Furthermore, they resulted in population expulsions, and -to some extent, and in certain areas- its replacement by people of greater income. Historical tracking on Raval neighbourhood has been made, emphasizing the observation on successive control cultures applied there over an impoverished population with a marked working class profile. This is complemented by a critical ethnography performed between 2010 and 2012 in the above-named street that brings that perspective up to date to establish the persistence and recurrence in the successive governments action on what has been up to today the "underworld" of the city, the mythical "Chinatown".
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Les répertoires d'actions politiques, économiques, et culturels de l'intégration européenne pour les régions: le cas de la CatalogneBeauregard Dionne, Maxim January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : L’intégration européenne a changé profondément les dynamiques politiques en Europe. Parallèlement, on a vu un essor du nombre de mouvements régionaux tant politiques qu’économiques. En suivant la logique du principe de subsidiarité, ils ont réclamé plus d’autonomie face à leur État central. Au même moment, les États centraux voyaient leur souveraineté s’éroder par le haut et par le bas. À l’aide du cas de la Catalogne, nous expliquons comment l’Union Européenne offre sans cesse de nouvelles opportunités aux régions qui veulent plus d’autonomie tout en permettant d’éviter les conflits entre ces régions et leur État central en créant une dynamique triangulaire qui permet de voir d’une manière nouvelle la relation État-région. // Abstract : European integration has profoundly changed political dynamics in Europe. Simultaneously, there’s been an increase in the number of regional movement, be they political or economic. Following the subsidiarity principle logic, they asked more autonomy from their central state. At the same time, central states were seeing their sovereignty eroding from the top and the bottom. With the Catalan case study, we explain how European Union offers more and more new opportunities to the regions that want more autonomy while permitting to avoid conflict between these regions and their central states in creating a triangular dynamics that helps to see the state - region relation in a new way.
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A ornamentalidade dos capitéis do claustro Sant Benet de Bages: as funções do decor na arte românica / The \"ornementalité\" of the capitals of the cloister of Sant Benet de Bages: the functions of decor in the Romanesque artSantos, Aline Benvegnú dos 27 January 2015 (has links)
O claustro do mosteiro beneditino de Sant Benet de Bages, na Catalunha espanhola, é caracterizado pela grande quantidade e diversidade de elementos ornamentais esculpidos em seus capitéis, o que é um importante indício de como a ornamentação se constituía em tanto que instância fundamental para a estética medieval. No entanto, até hoje poucas pesquisas foram realizadas sobre este claustro, o que é revelador da pouca atenção dada pela historiografia da arte tradicional ao tema da ornamentação. De modo geral, as imagens medievais mais valorizadas enquanto objeto de estudo são as historiadas. Isso em muito se deve à supervalorização da ideia de Bíblia dos iletrados, em detrimento de uma análise mais profunda sobre a presença estrutural e da complexidade dos diversos elementos que compõem as imagens, dentre os quais, os elementos ornamentais. Os trabalhos existentes sobre o tema da ornamentação e sua presença nas imagens medievais são, com poucas exceções, superficiais, procurando categorizações estilísticas e raízes filológicas. Uma das exceções é a obra do medievalista e teórico da arte francês Jean-Claude Bonne, principal marco teórico de nossa pesquisa, e que cunhou os conceitos de ornamental e ornamentalidade. A partir destas noções é que nos dedicamos ao estudo do claustro de Sant Benet de Bages, considerando os papéis estruturantes da ornamentação na economia imagética medieval e a diversidade de funções que ela pode adquirir, relacionando-a ao contexto sócio-histórico onde foi produzida. / The cloister of the Benedictine monastery of Sant Benet de Bages, in the Spanish Catalonia, has a large number and diversity of ornamental elements in its capitals, what sets us a fertile field of study. The few studies on this cloister indicate little attention by art historians to ornamentation, generally engaged in studying the historiated images. This is greatly due to the overemphasis of the idea of images as a \"Bible of the illiterate\", at the expense of a deeper analysis on the structural presence and complexity of the various elements that compose the images, among which, the ornamental elements. The existing papers on the subject of ornamentation and its presence in medieval images are generally superficial, limited to studies for stylistic categorizations, occupying a marginal place because they are supposed to be additional and unnecessary elements. At Sant Benet de Bages, like some other Romanesque cloisters, the amount of ornamental capitals exceeds that of historiated, which reveals the possibility of ornamentation to constitute a critical field to the aesthetic functioning of medieval art. This research aims to study such elements present in the cloister considering their structuring aspects in medieval imagetic economy, and the diversity of functions that can carry the concepts of \"ornemental\" and \"ornementalité\", proposed by the medievalist and French art theorist Jean-Claude Bonne, opening new possibilities for their study.
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Regionen in der Europäischen Union : Beiträge zur DebatteJanuary 1998 (has links)
Thema des ersten Potsdamer Textbuches sind Regionen als Subjekte der internationalen Politik, speziell innerhalb der EU. Die Bandbreite reicht von den österreichischen Bundesländern über Schottland und Katalonien bis zu den belgischen communautés. Der "Europäisierung" der deutschen Länder wird besonderes Augenmerk geschenkt. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren des In- und Auslandes beteiligen sich an der Diskussion. Theoretische Überlegungen zur Erklärung des Phänomens der transföderalen Beziehungen werden durch anschauliche und detaillierte Fallstudien ergänzt.
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Catalan Holy Week ceremonies, Catholic ideology, and culture change in the Spanish colonial empireAlvarado, Anita Louise, 1931- January 1974 (has links)
No description available.
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