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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Dimensões nasais e nasofaríngeas de indivíduos sem evidências de obstrução nasal avaliadas por rinometria acústica no repouso e na fala." / Nasal and nasopharyngeal dimensions of individuals without evidences of nasal obstruction assessed by acoustic rhinometry during rest and speech

Adriana de Oliveira Camargo Gomes 02 July 2004 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar as áreas seccionais e os volumes de segmentos específicos da cavidade nasal, incluindo a nasofaringe, de indivíduos sem evidências de obstrução nasal, e os mesmos volumes na produção da fala, com vistas ao estabelecimento de valores de referência. Modelo: Análise prospectiva. Local de Execução: Laboratório de Fisiologia, HRAC-USP. Participantes: 30 voluntários caucasianos, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, sendo 14 homens e 16 mulheres. Intervenções/Variáveis: Foram avaliadas, por rinometria acústica, áreas de secção transversa nos segmentos correspondentes à válvula nasal (AST1), região anterior da concha nasal inferior (AST2) e região posterior da concha nasal inferior (AST3) e volumes, nos segmentos correspondentes à região da válvula nasal (V1), dos cornetos (V2) e da nasofaringe (V3). As medidas foram feitas antes e após a descongestão nasal, no repouso (suspensão voluntária da respiração) e durante a atividade velofaríngea (produção contínua e silenciosa do fonema /f/). Resultados: Os valores médios (±DP) das áreas (em cm2) e volumes (em cm3) obtidos no repouso, foram: AST1=0,54±0,13, AST2=0,98±0,31, AST3=1,42±0,44, V1=1,68±0,32, V2=3,98±1,12 e V3=18,93±3,51. Após a DN os valores foram significantemente maiores (p<0,05). Na fala, os volumes foram os seguintes: V1=1,80±0,22; V2=4,22±1,20; V3=15,32±5,40. O valor de V3 na fala foi significantemente menor que o observado na ausência de atividade velofaríngea (p<0,05). Conclusão: A comparação das áreas seccionais e dos volumes obtidos com os relatados na literatura validam seu uso como valores de referência, assim como o emprego da rinometria acústica como método de avaliação objetiva da geometria nasal e da atividade velofaríngea na fala. / Objective: To determine cross-sectional areas and volumes of specific segments of the nasal cavity, including the nasopharyngeal region, of individuals without evidences of nasal obstruction, and the same volumes during speech, with the purpose of establishing reference values. Model: Prospective analysis. Setting: Laboratory of Physiology, HRAC-USP. Participants: 30 caucasians volunteers, aged between 18 and 30 years (14 males and 16 females). Intervention/Variables: Cross-sectional areas corresponding to the nasal valve (CSA1), anterior edge of the inferior turbinate (CSA2) and posterior edge of the inferior turbinate (CSA3), and volumes corresponding to the nasal valve (V1), turbinate (V2) and nasopharyngeal regions (V3) were evaluated. Measurements were performed by acoustic rhinometry before and after nasal decongestion, at rest (voluntary interruption of respiration) and during velopharyngeal activity (silent continuous production of the sound /f/). Results: Mean values (±SD) of areas (in cm2) and volumes (in cm3) were the following: CSA1=0,54±0,13, CSA2=0,98±0,31, CSA3=1,42±0,44, V1=1,68±0,32, V2=3,98±1,12 and V3=18,93±3,51. After decongestion, the values were significantly larger (p<0,05). During speech, volumes were the following: V1=1,80±0,22; V2=4,22±1,20; V3=15,32±5,40. Nasopharyngeal volume (V3) measured during speech was significantly smaller than at rest (p<0,05). Conclusion: The comparison of the nasal cross-sectional areas and volumes obtained with those reported in the literature validate their use as reference values and the use of acoustic rhinometry to assess nasal geometry and velopharyngeal activity during speech.

CVDentus® X micromotor na segunda infância: avaliação de aspectos técnicos, comportamentais e da agradabilidade / CVDentUS® x low speed handpiece in the 2nd childhood: evaluation of technical and behavioral aspects and pleasantness

Flávia Patto Carvalho 09 May 2011 (has links)
O tratamento odontológico geralmente envolve ansiedade nos pacientes decorrente da vibração e ruído provocado pelos instrumentos rotatórios. A instrumentação ultrassônica é uma alternativa ao instrumento rotatório convencional, pois proporciona segurança e conforto ao paciente, além de execução simples e fácil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o uso de brocas convencionais usadas em micromotor (MM) com, pontas diamantadas CVDentus® no equipamento CVDent1000 (CVD) para remoção de tecido cariado e preparo cavitário em crianças, avaliando os aspectos técnicos das pontas, o comportamento das crianças e a agradabilidade dos equipamentos. Participaram 30 crianças de 36 a 71 meses, apresentando pelo menos dois molares decíduos com lesão de cárie oclusal ativa incipiente, ou com lesão questionável, em fossas e fissuras. A amostra foi subdividida em duas fases. Na fase 1, o CVD foi comparado ao MM sem refrigeração e, na fase 2, com o MM sob refrigeração. Este estudo seguiu o modelo split mouth, e o critério de escolha do dente e do equipamento usado na primeira criança foi aleatório, através de sorteios inicialmente e depois, programado para o equipamento. O tratamento foi realizado em uma única sessão, sem anestesia local, sob isolamento relativo, e os dentes restaurados com cimento de ionômero de vidro convencional. Os aspectos técnicos dos sistemas nas fases 1 e 2, avaliados pelo operador, incluíram os parâmetros visualização da área de trabalho (VAT), acesso á cavidade (AC), remoção do tecido cariado (RTC) e ruído e vibração (RV). O comportamento da criança (Cpt) também foi avaliado. As crianças avaliaram a agradabilidade dos equipamentos pela Escala Analógica Visual de Faces de McGrath (1990) Modificada, somente na fase 2. Na fase 1 houve diferença significantemente superior para o CVD nos critérios Cpt (p=0,0431), AC (p=0,0009) e RV (p=0,0006), sendo estes dois últimos também significantes na fase 2, com o mesmo valor de p (Teste de Mann-Whitney). Nos demais critérios, o MM foi superior apenas no RTC, mas não significante. O sistema CVD parece ser uma alternativa promissora. No entanto, são necessários outros estudos para esclarecer aspectos ainda não totalmente entendidos, para que a sua indicação e aplicação em odontopediatria sejam apoiadas por uma evidência científica consistente. / The dental treatment usually involves anxiety in patients due to vibration and noise caused by the rotary instruments. The ultrasonic instrumentation is an alternative to the conventional rotatory instrument, device as it provides security and comfort to the patients, beyond simple and easy execution. The objective of this study was to compare the use of conventional handpiece and drills versus diamond burs CVDentus® system CVDent1000® equipment (CVD) for caries removal and cavity preparation in children, evaluating their clinical performance, behavior children and the pleasantness of the equipment. The sample was composed by 30 children from 36 to 71 months, with at least two primary molars with occlusal incipient active or questionable pits and fissures dental caries. The study was divided into two phases. In the phase one, the CVD was compared to HP without refrigeration, and in the phase two, with HP under refrigeration. This study followed a \"split mouth\" design, and the tooth and the equipment used for the first child were randomly selected by lottery at the beginning, then the selection was programmed for the equipment. The treatment was performed in a single session, without local anesthesia, under rubber dam isolation, and the teeth were restored with conventional glass ionomer cement. The clinical performance of the systems in the two phases was evaluated by the operator, and included the parameters working area view (WAV), access to the cavity (AC), removal of carious tissue (RCT) and noise and vibration (NV). The child\'s behavior (B) was also evaluated. Children rated the pleasantness of the equipment by the modified VAS Faces of McGrath (1990), only in phase 2. There was a higher and significant difference for CVD in the criteria B (p = 0.0431), AC (p = 0.0009) and NV (p = 0.0006). These last two criteria were also significant in phase 2, with the same p value (Mann-Whitney). For the other criteria, the MM was only superior in RCT, but not significant. The CVDentus® system seems to be a promising alternative. However, additional studies are necessary to clarify aspects that were not completely understood, so that its indication and application in pediatric dentistry being supported by consistent scientific evidence.

A influência da obstrução das vias aéreas superiores na determinação do tipo facial / The influence of the obstruction of the superior airway in the determination of the facial type

Belini Augusto Villalba Freire-Maia 16 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo neste trabalho foi de analisar a geometria nasal, a nasofaringe e a orofaringe, em crianças respiradoras orais com indicação de cirurgia desobstrutiva das vias aéreas superiores, e verificar a existência de uma possível influência direta da respiração na determinação do tipo facial. Foram avaliadas 657 crianças e, dentre elas, foram selecionadas 75, que se submeteram a avaliação otorrinolaringológica por meio de exames clínico, de radiografia cavum e/ou nasofibroscopia, e com as quais ficaram evidenciadas as obstruções das vias aéreas superiores com indicação cirúrgica. Ao final 41 crianças (21 do gênero masculino e 20 do feminino), entre 6,16 e 14,66 anos de idade, brasileiras, leucodermas, sem história de tratamento ortodôntico ou otorrinolaringológico cirúrgico (remoção de tonsilas faringeanas, palatinas, ou estruturas internas da cavidade nasal), aceitaram participar do estudo. Foram obtidas telerradiografias em norma lateral para a determinação do tipo facial e realizado o exame de rinometria acústica para a obtenção da área transversal mínima da cavidade nasal. A análise estatística dos dados (ANOVA, Razão de Verossimilhanças, análises de variâncias com medidas repetidas com dois fatores, comparações múltiplas de Bonferroni, teste Kruskal- Wallis; com nível de significância de 5%) e a interpretação dos resultados obtidos não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa na área total em MCA1 e MCA2 entre os tipos faciais (p > 0,05). Além disso, a obstrução das tonsilas faringeanas e palatinas avaliadas separadamente ou combinadas não variou estatisticamente segundo os tipos faciais (p = 0,582 para tonsila faringeana e p = 0,733 para tonsila palatina; e p = 0,925 quando combinadas). Conclui-se que, no presente estudo, não foi encontrada evidência de que a obstrução das vias aéreas superiores tenha influência determinante na definição do tipo facial. / The objective of this paper was to analyze the nasal geometry, the nasopharynx and the oropharynx in oral breathing children with indication for surgery clearence upper airway, in order to verify the existence of a possible direct influence of breathing in the determination of the facial type. A group of 657 children was evaluated and, among them, 75 were selected for otorhinolaryngologic evaluation through clinical exams, cavum radiography and/or nasal endoscopy , when the obstruction of the upper airway with surgical indication has been confirmed. From this subgroup, 41 children agreed to participate in the study (21 males: 20 females), with ages between 6,16 and 14,66 years, brazilians, whites, with no history of orthodontic treatment nor otorhinolaryngologic surgery (removal of the pharyngeal or palatine tonsils or internal structures of the nasal cavity). Radiographs were taken in lateral norm for the determination of the facial type and the acoustic rhinometry exam was performed for the determination of the nasal minimal transversal area. The statistical analyses of the data were made with the variance analysis (ANOVA), likelihood ratio test, analyses of variance with measures repeated with two factors, Bonferroni multiple comparisons, and Kruskal-Wallis test. The significance level was chosen as 0.05. No statistically significant difference was detected in the total area in MCA1 and MCA2 between the facial types. Besides that, the obstruction of the pharyngeal or palatine tonsils, taken separately or in combination, did not vary statistically according to the facial pattern (p = 0.582 for pharyngeal tonsil; p = 0.733 for palatine tonsil; and p = 0.925 when combined). Therefore, in the present study, no evidence has been found that the obstruction of the superior airway has determinant influence in the determination of the facial type.

Estudo morfométrico da coluna vertebral torácica: relação da transição cervicotorácica com o esterno / Morphometric study of the thoracic spine: Relationship of the cervicothoracic junction with the sternum

Rafael Lindi Sugino 09 February 2017 (has links)
A transição cervicotorácica compreende a região anatômica que envolve as vértebras cervicais distais e as torácicas proximais. Durante a realização de abordagens cirúrgicas anteriores para tratamento de afecções que acometem as vértebras desta região, o esterno pode representar uma barreira mecânica. Assim, diversos métodos de programação pré-operatório foram propostos para avaliar a necessidade de osteotomias do esterno. Até a presente data, não existem trabalhos correlacionando as medidas com as variáveis sexo e idade. Nosso estudo envolveu a avaliação retrospectiva de 300 exames de tomografia computadorizada. Os pacientes foram separados de acordo com o sexo em dois grupos e de acordo com a faixa etária em 3 subgrupos. Os parâmetros estudados foram: nível horizontal em relação ao esterno (NHE), angulação do corpo (AC), nível discal (ND) e angulação do nível discal (AND). O NHE variou de C7 a T4, sendo mais frequente o nível T2 (34,3%). Os NHE menos frequentes foram T4 (0,3%) e C7 (1%). A AC e AND evidenciaram uma média de 18,51o e 19,63o, respectivamente. O AC variou de 1,29o a 54,32o, enquanto o AND variou de 0o a 49o. O ND variou de C5-C6 a T2-T3, sendo C7-T1 o ND mais frequente com 46%. O ND menos frequente foi encontrado nos níveis T2-T3 (1,7%) e C5-C6 (3%). Comparado o AND entre os grupos masculino e feminino, encontramos diferença estatística (p=0,003), sendo maior no grupo masculino. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparado os valores da AND entre os grupos etários (p=0,01). Com relação a AC, encontramos diferença estatística entre os grupos dos sexos masculino e feminino (p=0,02), sendo maior no grupo masculino. A comparação do AC entre os grupos de diferentes faixas etárias demonstrou uma diferença estatística (p=0,001). Não houve diferença quando comparados os resultados do NHE entre os grupos masculino e feminino (p=0,3), nem comparando valores de NHE entre as diferentes faixas etárias (p=0,79). O ND e NHE de nossa amostra da população brasileira apresenta valores menores quando comparados à outras amostras populacionais. O ND apresentou diferenças entre os grupos etários, sendo que quanto mais velho o grupo, menor eram os valores. Os nossos resultados evidenciaram que o nível discal mais distal acessível com a realização de abordagem anterior à região cervicotorácica da coluna vertebral, sem a teórica necessidade de uma osteotomia do esterno, apresenta valores menores quando comparados aos dados previamente relatados atribuídos a outras populações. Em outras palavras, este achado pode ser traduzido como se os pacientes envolvidos no estudo apresentassem um menor número de vértebras passíveis de serem abordadas por meio de procedimento cirúrgico anterior sem a realização de osteotomia do esterno. Desta forma, o mesmo raciocínio pode ser aplicado para o nível horizontal em relação ao esterno, pois nossos resultados apresentaram valores mais craniais, comparados aos resultados de estudos prévios. Além disso, o nível discal apresentou diferença quando comparamos os pacientes de diferentes faixas etárias, sendo que, quanto maior a faixa etária, menor foram os valores encontrados. Este achado representa uma migração para cranial do nível discal mais distal, conforme aumentamos a faixa etária dos pacientes estudados / The cervicothoracic transition comprises the anatomical region including the distal cervical and proximal thoracic vertebrae. While conducting anterior surgical approaches for treatment of conditions that affect the vertebrae in this region, the sternum may represent a mechanical barrier. Thus, various methods of preoperative programming have been proposed to assess the need for osteotomies of the sternum. To date, there are no studies correlating the measures with gender and age. Our study involved a retrospective review of 300 CT examinations. Patients were separated according to gender into two groups and according to age into 3 subgroups. The studied parameters were: horizontal level in relation to the sternum (LHS), vertebral body angle (VA), disc level (DL) and angulation of the disc level (ADL). The LHS ranged from C7 to T4, and T2 was the most frequent (34.3%). The less frequent LHS were T4 (0.3%) and C7 (1%). The AC and ADL showed an average of 18,51o and 19,63o respectively. The VA varied 1,29o the 54,32o, while the ADL varied from 0o to 49o. DL ranged from C5-C6 to T2-T3, being C7-T1 the most frequent (46%). The less frequent DL found were T2-T3 (1.7%) and C5-C6 (3%). Compared the ADL between male and female groups, we found statistically significant difference (p = 0.003), being higher in the male group. There was a statistically significant difference when compared the values of ADL between the groups (p = 0.01). Regarding VA, we found statistically significant differences between male and female groups (p = 0.02), being higher in the male group. Comparison of VA between groups of different age showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001). There was no difference when comparing the results of the LHS between male and female groups (p = 0.3), or comparing LHS values between the different age groups (p = 0.79). The DL and LHS in our sample of the population has lower values compared to other population samples. DL differ between age groups, and the older the group, the lower were the figures. Our results show that the most distal disc level accessible from an anterior approach to the cervicothoracic region of the spine, with no theoretical need for a sternal osteotomy, present lower values when compared to previously reported data assigned to other populations. In other words, this finding can be translated as if the enrolled patients presented fewer vertebrae that can be addressed through anterior surgical procedure without performing sternal osteotomy. Thus, the same thought can be applied to the horizontal level in relation to the sternum, since our results showed more cranial values compared to results of previous studies. In addition, the disc level was different when comparing patients of different age groups, and the higher the age, the lower were the values found. This finding represents a migration to the more distal cranial disc level, as we increase the age of the patients

Estudo retrospectivo das afecções orais em 754 felinos domésticos (Felis catus) atendidos no Laboratório de Odontologia Comparada da Universidade de São Paulo / Retrospective study os oral diseases of 754 domestic felines (Felis catus) attended in the Laboratory of Comparative Dentistry from the University of São Paulo

Mariana Suemi Fugita 26 February 2016 (has links)
Objetivou-se fazer um estudo retrospectivo avaliando quais as afecções da cavidade oral foram mais frequentes nos gatos domésticos atendidos no Laboratório de Odontologia Comparada da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, relatando estatisticamente a prevalência das afecções da cavidade oral de gatos, enfatizando se há correlação entre elas e com características como raça, sexo, faixa etária e estado reprodutivo. Os dados analisados dos 754 prontuários foram raça, idade, sexo, estado reprodutivo, diagnóstico, tratamento e, no caso de neoplasia, sua localização e diagnóstico histopatológico. As principais doenças diagnosticadas foram doença periodontal, fratura dentária, gengivoestomatite crônica felina, lesão de reabsorção dentária felina, neoplasia oral e traumatismo do sistema estomatognático (luxação de articulação temporomandibular, fenda palatina, fratura de processo coronoide, fratura de zigomático, disjunção de sínfise, fratura de maxila e mandíbula). A idade dos animais variou de menos de um ano a 20 anos, sendo que, os animais tinham, em média 7,2 anos (desvio padrão &#61; 4,9) e a faixa etária mais frequente foi de um a cinco anos. Os gatos sem raça definida (66,5%), siameses (19,0%) e persas (10,2%) totalizaram 95,7% de todos os felinos atendidos no LOC. A doença periodontal foi a afecção mais frequente e esteve presente em 38,3% da população estudada. A fratura dentária, segunda mais frequente, esteve presente em 27,2% dos animais. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa (p&#61;0,026) entre fratura dentária e faixa etária, já que a proporção de animais entre um e cinco anos de idade com fratura foi maior do que a das outras faixas etárias. A lesão de reabsorção dentária felina (LRDF) esteve presente em 19,6% dos gatos estudados, sendo a terceira afecção mais prevalente dentre as pesquisadas. Esta lesão foi mais frequente em gatos com idade entre 11 e 15 anos e houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a LRDF e a doença periodontal e entre LRDF e gengivite. A prevalência de gengivoestomatite crônica felina foi de 15,7% entre os felinos pesquisados e a proporção de animais com idades entre seis e dez anos com esta doença foi maior do que em outras faixas etárias. As neoplasias estavam presentes em 9,8% dos gatos, sendo que em 46 dos 72 animais que apresentaram alguma neoplasia tinham mais de dez anos de idade. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o neoplasma mais comum, correspondendo a 63,2% das neoformações que foram submetidas ao exame histopatológico. As fraturas ósseas do sistema estomatognático corresponderam a 19,3% dos atendimentos, sendo a sínfise mentoniana e o corpo da mandíbula os locais mais comuns de fraturas. Concluiu-se que: existe grande variedade de afecções que acometem a cavidade oral de gatos, sendo a doença periodontal, fratura dentária, lesão de reabsorção dentária, gengivite, gengivoestomatite crônica, neoplasias orais e fraturas dos ossos do sistema estomatognático as mais prevalentes delas; é de extrema importância que as anotações nas fichas de atendimento sejam feitas da maneira mais completa possível, para que informações não sejam perdidas / This study aimed to make a retrospective study assessing which diseases of the oral cavity were more common in domestic cats attended at Comparative Dental Laboratory of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of the University of São Paulo, and to report statistically the prevalence of diseases in the oral cavity of cats, emphasizing the correlation between them and with characteristics such as breed, gender, age and reproductive status. The data analyzed from 754 records were breed, age, gender, reproductive status, diagnosis, treatment and in the case of neoplasia, its location and histological diagnosis. The main diagnosed diseases were periodontal disease, tooth fracture, feline chronic gingivostomatitis, tooth resorption lesions, oral cancer and trauma of the stomatognathic system (dislocation of temporomandibular joint, cleft palate, coronoid fracture, zygomatic fracture, symphyseal separation, maxilla and mandible fracture). The age of the animals ranged from less than one year to 20 years, and the animals had an average of 7.2 years (SD &#61; 4.9) and the most frequent age range was from one to five years. Three breeds totaled 95.7% of all cats attended at LOC, which were, Persian (10.2%), Siamese (19.0%) and SRD (66.5%). Periodontal disease was the most common condition and it was present in 38.3% of the studied population. Dental fracture was present in 27.2% of the animals. There was a statistically significant association (p &#61; 0.026) between dental fracture and age, since the proportion of animals between one and five years old with fracture was higher than that of other age groups. The tooth resorption lesions (LRD) were present in 19.6% of the studied cats, being the third most prevalent disease among the survey. This injury was more common in cats aged between 11 and 15 years and there was a statistically significant association between LRD and periodontal and between gum disease and LRD. The prevalence of feline chronic gingivostomatitis was 15.7% among those surveyed cats and the proportion of animals aged between six and ten years with this disease was higher than other age groups. Neoplasia was present in 9.8% of cats, and in 46 of 72 animals that showed some malformation had more than ten years old. The squamous cell carcinoma was the most common neoplasm, corresponding to 63.2% of neoformations that were submitted to histopathology. Bone fractures of the stomatognathic system accounted for 19.3% of cases, the mandibular symphysis and the body of the mandible were the most common sites of fractures. It was concluded that there is a wide range of diseases that affect the oral cavity of cats, and periodontal disease, tooth fracture, dental resorption lesions, gingivitis, gingivostomatitis, oral cancer and fractures of the bones of the stomatognathic system were the most prevalent of them; it is a matter of utmost importance that the notes in all pacient records are done as thoroughly as possible, so that information will not be lost

Avaliação dos sintomas de obstrução nasal com uso da escala NOSE após expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida / Assessment of nasal obstruction symptoms using the NOSE scale after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion

Menegat, Fabiano, 1975- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Valfrido Antonio Pereira Filho, Márcio de Moraes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T01:23:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Menegat_Fabiano_M.pdf: 1317919 bytes, checksum: 61ce561ad17c6220b258f90a146bda84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este estudo avaliou prospectivamente os sintomas de obstrução nasal em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida (ERMCA) usando a escala NOSE (Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation). Foram estudados dezesseis pacientes (idade média 31 ± 7,7 anos), dez mulheres e seis homens, que necessitaram de ERMCA. Os pacientes receberam no pré-operatório, aparelhos do tipo Hyrax e os procedimentos de ERMCA foram executados pela técnica de Kraut (1984), sob anestesia geral. O questionário (NOSE) foi aplicado no pré-operatório e aos seis meses de pós-operatório e os resultados foram comparados. Os resultados para cada indicador foram obtidos em uma escala que variou de 0 a 4 e multiplicados por 5, gerando uma escala de 0 a 100. Os dados foram estratificados de acordo com os índices NOSE e a obstrução nasal foi categorizada como LEVE (0 a 25), MODERADA (26 a 50) e GRAVE (> 50). Os dados foram submetidos ao tratamento estatístico utilizando-se o pacote estatístico SAS®, e o teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para comparação entre os grupos, com nível de significância de 5%. Todos os pacientes mantiveram ou melhoraram dos sintomas de obstrução nasal seis meses após a ERMCA, quando avaliados por meio da escala NOSE. Concluiu-se que a avaliação por meio da escala NOSE demonstrou que a ERMCA pode melhorar a sintomatologia de obstrução nasal / Abstract: This study prospectively assessed nasal obstruction symptoms in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) using the NOSE (Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation) scale. Sixteen patients were included (mean age 31 ± 7,7 years), ten women and six men, who needed SARME. All patients received Hyrax type devices in the preoperative period and SARME was performed by the Kraut¿s technique (1984). The NOSE scale was used to prospectively assess nasal obstruction symptoms. Results were recorded for each score in a scale ranging from 0 to 4 and multiplied by 5, generating a scale from 0 to 100. Data were stratified according NOSE scores and nasal obstruction was categorized as MILD (0 to 25), MODERATE (26 to 50) and SEVERE (> 50). The questionnaire was applied in preoperative period and after six months and results compared. Records were statistically analyzed using SAS¿ statistical pack. The Wilcoxon test was employed for comparison between groups with a significance level of 5%. All patients maintained or improved of nasal obstruction symptoms six months after SARME when evaluated with NOSE scale. In conclusion, maxillary expansion may improve nasal obstruction symptoms / Mestrado / Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Faciais / Mestre em Clínica Odontológica

Estudo anatômico do comportamento do nervo pudendo em fetos de bovinos azebuados / Anatomical study on the behavior of the pudendum nerve in fetuses of the crossbred zebu cattle

Rosa Helena dos Santos Ferraz 19 February 1997 (has links)
Para a execução deste trabalho, valemo-nos de trinta fetos de bovinos azebuados, fêmeas. Após o processo de conservação e de redução das peças, realizamos sua dissecção, com auxílio de instrumentos de cirurgia oftálmica e lupa circular de luz fria. Priorizamos a observação da origem do tronco do nervo pudendo registrando-a, maus freqüentem ente (76,7%) em relação ao segundo, terceiro e quarto nervos sacrais, destacando como contribuição mais conspícua, a que se refere ao terceiro nervo sacra (90%). Especificamos também as contribuições dos ramos ventrais dos nervos sacrais destinadas a cada um dos ramos, registrando participação mais freqüentemente do terceiro e quartos nervos, isto é: cutâneo proximal (56,7% à direita e 53,3% à esquerda), cutâneo distal (70% à direita e 56,7% à esquerda) e nervo pudendo (propriamente dito - 76,7% à direita e 73,3% à esquerda), considerandoo-os enquanto contidos na cavidade pélvica. Registramos o número de ramos representativos dos ramos cutâneos proximal e dista], sendo respectivamente encontrado em apresentação única à direita (63,3% - 96,7%) e à esquerda (66,7% - 83,3%); dupla à direita (23,3% - 3,3%) e à esquerda (23,3% - 16,7%) e tripla, exclusivamente para o ramo cutâneo proximal à esquerda (3,3%). Observamos também a emergência desses ramos da cavidade pélvica, representada para o ramo cutâneo proximal mais freqüentemente através do forame isquiático menor à direita (16,7%) e à esquerda (16,7%) oou perfurando o ligamento sacrotuberal largo à direita (46,7%) e à esquerda (50%) e, para o ramo cutâneo distal pela fossa ísquio-retal para ambos os antímeros (100%). 0 nervo pudendo (propriamente dito), no terço final da cavidade pélvica, origina sempre o ramo dorsal do clitóris e o ramo mamário (100%). Registramos ainda, ocorrência de ramo conectivo (\"anastomose\") entre um pequeno ramo que adentra a cavidade pélvica pela porção cranial do forame isquiático menor e o nervo pudendo (propriamente dito) ou um de seus ramos - o nervo perineal profundo (63,3%). Os resultados obtidos em relação ao comportamento do nervo pudendo em fetos de bovinos azebuados, fêmeas, de modo geral, não mostram discordância com os correspondentes dados obtidos na literatura consultada, referentes a bovinos de origem européia. / In order to perform this research, 30 female fetuses from crossbred zebus were used. After applying the process of conservation and reduction of the pieces, dissections were made by using ophthalmic surgical instruments and circular magnifying glass fitted with cold lamp. Priority was given to the observation of the origin of the pudendum nerve trunk registering it, more frequently, in relation to the second, third and fourth sacral nerves (76.7%), emphasizing it as the most remarkable contribution, the one that refers to the third sacral nerve (90%). While enclosed in the pelvic cavity, we considered contributions of the ventral branches of the sacral nerves, specifically destinated to each of the branches, registering more abundantly participation of the third and fourth nerves, that is: proximal cutaneous (56.7% to the right and 53.3% to the left), distal cutaneous (70% to the right and 56.7% to the left) and pudendum nerve (properly speaking - 76.7% to the right and 73.3% to the left). We registered the number of branches representative of the proximal cutaneous and of the distal cutaneous, being respectively found in the unique appearance to the right si de (63.3% and 96.7%) and to the left (66.7% and 83.3%); double to the right (23.3% and 3.3.%) and to the left (23.3% and 16.7%), and triple, exclusively to the proximal cutaneous branch to the left (3.3%). The emergence of these branches from the pelvic cavity was also observed, represented to the proximal cutaneous branch more often through the minor ischiatic foramen to the right (16.7%) and to the left (16.7%) or perforating the large sacrotuberal ligament to the right (46.7%) and to the left (50%) and, to the distal cutaneous branch through ischiorectal fossa to both antimeres (100%). The pudendum nerve (properly speaking), in the final one-third of the pelvic cavity, always originates the dorsal branch of the clitoris and the mammary branch (100%). The occurrence of the comiective branch (\"anastomosis\") between a small branch entering into the pelvic cavity through the cranial portion of the minor ischiatic foramen (properly speaking) and the pudendum nerve or one of its branches - the deep pudendum nerve was also observed (63.3%). The results of the behavior of the pudendum nerve found in female fetuses of the crossbred zebu cattle did not differ from those of the Europen cattle, as described in the literature.

Analyse de l'influence de rugosités organisées sur les écoulements cavitants instationnaires / Analysis of the influence of organized roughnesses on the unsteady flow cavitants

Mehal, Jean Elie 12 June 2014 (has links)
Il existe trop d'exemples autour de nous qui prouvent qu'en hydrodynamique une surface polie ne présente pas systématiquement les avantages hydrodynamiques escomptés sur une surface rugueuse. Les rugosités influent activement sur le développement des couches limites turbulentes et interagissent différemment en fonction de leurs caractéristiques physiques. Plongé dans un écoulement hydraulique à nombre de Reynolds élevé, les aubes ou pales d'hélices déclenchent localement un phénomène physique, appelé cavitation, qui correspond à l'apparition de bulles de gaz et de vapeur dans un liquide soumis à une dépression. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, les expérimentations sont menées dans un tunnel de cavitation, de plus des mesures par LDV ont été réalisées de sorte à définir le profil du vecteur vitesse de l'écoulement dans le sens longitudinal. Une caméra CCD à très grande vitesse permet la prise d'image sur la formation des poches et nuages de cavitation. Dans le cas de l'hydrofoil 2D, les expérimentations menées sur les différentes plaques partiellement rainurées ont mis en évidence le caractère hydrodynamique différent sur chacune d'entre elles, car la taille de poches cavitantes diffère en fonction des caractéristiques des indentations. Les résultats ont montré que la profondeur des indentations est un paramètre déterminant, alors que les plus petites profondeurs des rainures (plus petites que la hauteur de la sous-couche visqueuse) n'ont pas d'effet sur la longueur des poches cavitantes. Certaines plaques provoquent des variations sur les instabilités de cavitation pour lesquelles la longueur des poches cavitantes est réduite. L'étude de la fréquence d'expulsion des poches cavitantes, par le moyen de la caméra rapide a permis de mettre en évidence deux régimes de cavitation différents. Cette étude a démontré la faisabilité d'un contrôle passif de la cavitation sur un profil de venturi en modifiant l'état de surface par des indentations organisées dans le sens de l'écoulement. / There are too many examples around us which prove that in hydrodynamics a polite surface does not present systematically the hydrodynamics advantages were expected on a rough surface. The roughness influence actively the development of the turbulent boundary layers and interact differently according to their physical characteristics. Plunged into a hydraulic flow to high number of Reynolds, blades of propellers activate locally a physical phenomenon, called cavitation, which corresponds to the appearance of bubbles of gas and vapor in a liquid submitted to a depression. Within the framework of this thesis, the experiments are led in a tunnel of cavitation, and measures by LDV were realized so as to define the profile of the speed vector of the flow in the longitudinal direction. A very high-speed camera CCD allows the taking of image on the formation of pockets and clouds of cavitation. In the case of the 2D hydrofoil, the experiments led on the various partially grooved patches highlighted the character hydrodynamics different on each of them, because the size of cavitants pockets differs according to the characteristics of the indentations. The results showed that the depth of the indentations is a determining parameter, while the smallest depths of grooves (smaller than the height of the viscous sublayer) have no effect on the length of cavitants pockets. Certain patches provoke variations on the instabilities of cavitation for which the length of cavitants pockets is reduced. The study of the frequency of detachment of cavitants pockets, by means of the fast camera allowed to highlight two regimes of different cavitation. This study demonstrated the feasibility of a passive control of the cavitation over a profile of venturi by modifying the state of surface by indentations organized in the direction of the flow.

Méthodes Energétiques Simplifiées Inverses : formulations et applications

Chabchoub, Mohamed-Amine 29 November 2010 (has links)
Pour élargir le domaine fréquentiel d’analyse vibroacoustique des méthodes éléments finis et de la SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis), la Méthode Énergétique Simplifiée MES utilisant des variables quadratiques permet de considérer aussi bien les moyennes que les hautes fréquences. Cette méthode est basée sur une analyse des ondes propagatives vibratoires et acoustiques. Dans ce travail, la formulation inverse de la MES est proposée. A partir d’un vecteur de densité d’énergie et intensité vibroacoustique données, la formulation MES inverse permet de remonter aux sources. Elle permet d’identifier les sources de vibration dans des systèmes bidimensionnels (plaque excitée en flexion,...) et les sources acoustiques dans des systèmes tridimensionnels (cavité acoustique excitée,...). La formulation MES inverse est numériquement validée dans plusieurs cas de figures. Une analyse paramétrique est effectuée afin de tester la robustesse et l’efficacité de cette approche. Par exemple, la sensibilité avec les données d’entrée ou à la nature des sources envisagées est traitée.Une comparaison entre les résultats numériques obtenus par la MES et ceux obtenus par la SEA est abordée permettant de présenter les avantages de la MES au niveau de l’identification des sources. Une application industrielle de la MES inverse est réalisée dans le cadre de ce travail. Elle montre la fiabilité de la méthode pour le cas d’une cabine excitée par un bruit blanc. Finalement, la MES est utilisée pour réduire les nuisances sonores détectées dans les cabines. Un programme d’optimisation est développé permettant de trouver la meilleure répartition des absorbants et de définir leurs caractéristiques. / To widen the frequency domain of vibroacoustic analysis of finite elements methods and the SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis), Simplified Energy Method MES (french abbreviation) using quadratic variables can cover as well medium as high frequencies. This method is based on an analysis of the vibratory and acoustic propagative waves. In this work, Inverse MES formulation is proposed. From a vector of energy density and vibroacoustic intensity data, inverse MES formulation can raise sources. It makes it possible to identify vibration sources in two-dimensional systems (excited plate in inflection...) and acoustic sources in three-dimensional systems (excited acoustic cavity...). Inverse MES formulation is numerically validated in several cases. A parametric analysis is carried out in order to test the robustness and the effectiveness of this approach. For example, the sensitivity with the data input or with nature of considered sources is treated. A comparison between numerical results founded by MES and those founded by SEA are discussed to present MES advantages at identifying sources. An industrial application ofthe inverse formulation of the method is carried out within the framework of this work. It shows its reliability in the case of a cabin excited by a white noise. Finally, MES shows its utility to reduce harmful sound detected in cabins. An optimization program is developed making it possible to find the best distribution of the poroelastic layers and to define their characteristics.

Application of Metamaterials to RF Energy Harvesting and Infrared Photodetection

Fowler, Clayton M. 14 November 2017 (has links)
Techniques for adapting metamaterials for the improvement of RF energy harvesting and infrared photodetection are demonstrated using experimental and computer simulation methods. Two methods for RF energy harvesting are experimentally demonstrated and supported by computer simulation. In the first method, a metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) is made into a rectenna capable of harvesting RF energy and delivering power to a load by soldering Schottky diodes onto connected split ring resonator (SRR) structures composing the planar metasurface of the perfect absorber. The metamaterial rectenna is accompanied by a ground plane placed parallel to it, which forms a Fabry-Perot cavity between the metasurface and the ground plane. The Fabry-Perot cavity stores energy in the form of standing waves which is transferred to the SRR structures of the metasurface as AC currents that are rectified by the diodes to create DC power. This type of design enables highly efficient energy harvesting for low input power, creates a large antenna capture area, and uses elements with small electrical size, such that 100 uW of power (enough to operate simple devices) can be captured at ambient intensities ~ 1 - 2 uW/cm2. Two designs using this method are presented, one that operates for linear polarizations at 0.9 GHz and a smaller polarization-independent design that operates around 1.5 GHz. In the second method, the energy stored in the standing waves of an MPA Fabry-Perot cavity is instead harvested by placing a separate energy harvesting antenna within the cavity. The cavity shapes and enhances the incident electric field, and then the separate energy harvesting antenna is designed to be inserted into the cavity so that its shape and/or radiation pattern matches the electric field lines within the cavity and maximally extracts the stored energy. This method allows for great customization of antenna design parameters, such as operating frequency, polarization dependence, and directionality, by swapping out different metasurface and antenna designs. Using this method, the amount of power harvested by a simple dipole rectenna placed within a cavity is improved by a factor of 18 as compared to what it would harvest by itself at an ambient intensity of 35 nW/cm2. Lastly, the addition of plasmonic structures to DWELL (quantum dot-in-a-well) infrared photodetectors is investigated by computer simulation. DWELL photodetectors have the potential to one day replace standard mercury cadmium telluride detectors by being cheaper alternatives with a higher operating temperature. The inclusion of gold plasmonic structure arrays into DWELL detectors enables excitation of surface plasmon polariton modes that increase the responsivity of the detector to incident infrared radiation. The peak responsivity of a DWELL detector is demonstrated to improve by a factor of 8 for a 1 um thick layer of plasmonic structures and by a factor of 15 for a 2 um thick layer. These works are steps forward in making RF energy harvesting practically useful and for improving infrared photodetector performance.

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