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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and Optimization of Condenser and Centrifuge Units for Enhancement of a Batch Vacuum Frying System

Pandey, Akhilesh 2009 December 1900 (has links)
A batch vacuum frying system, which processes fruits and vegetables, includes a frying pan, a surface-condenser, and a vacuum pump. With health and safety issues in mind, this research focused on developing a modified surface-condenser to prevent cavitation of the vacuum pump. The final oil-content was reduced by centrifugal de- oiling of the product under vacuum, which make the product healthier than what is currently available. The de-oiling mechanism consists of a centrifuge with a motor attached to the basket shaft, rotating up to 750 rpm (63 g units). The condenser consists of a (counter- flow) spiral-coil heat exchanger (SHE) connected to a refrigeration system that uses R404a refrigerant. De-oiling for 40 s at 300 and 750 RPM removed up to 67% and 72% of the chip’s surface oil, respectively. At 750 RPM for 10 s, 40 s, and 60 s the oil-content was reduced by 38%, 44%, and 51%, respectively. The convective heat transfer coefficient (h) of the frying oil was determined at 120°C and 140°C using the lumped capacitance method. The h-values were 217±13 W/m2K (120°C) and 258±37 W/m2K (140°C) using a copper-ball thermocouple. The h- values increased to 3.6 times during the boiling period. COMSOLTM Multiphysics was used to model the heat transfer in the vacuum fryer pan. Based on the simulation results, a 1.5 cm thick insulation material was installed in the fryer to reduce the energy losses. The refrigeration system operates at Tevap = -26°C and Tcond = 50°C with 26°C sub-cooling. Sensitivity analysis showed that the system Coefficient of Performance (COP) was about 3.87 at these conditions and compressor power requirement (CPR) was 74 W (85% efficiency) when frying 30 g of potatoes slices. The best results were obtained at Tevap = -10°C and Tcond = 40°C with 26°C sub-cooling and superheat of 5°C. The predicted COP was 4 and the CPR 70 W. The ice-formation on coils reduced the condensation rate. Reducing the refrigerant temperature to -10°C (from -26°C) reduced the condensation rate by 30%. These results show a more effective vacuum frying system for high-quality fruits and vegetables than the system previously used.

The performance of lateral spread sites treated with prefabricated vertical drains : physical and numerical models

Howell, Rachelle Lee 25 October 2013 (has links)
Drainage methods for liquefaction remediation have been in use since the 1970's and have traditionally included stone columns, gravel drains, and more recently prefabricated vertical drains. The traditional drainage techniques such as stone columns and gravel drains rely upon a combination of drainage and densification to mitigate liquefaction and thus, the improvement observed as a result of these techniques cannot be ascribed solely to drainage. Therefore, uncertainty exists as to the effectiveness of pure drainage, and there is some hesitancy among engineers to use newer drainage methods such as prefabricated vertical drains, which rely primarily on drainage rather than the combination of drainage and densification. Additionally, the design methods for prefabricated vertical drains are based on the design methods developed for stone columns and gravel drains even though the primary mechanisms for remediation are not the same. The objectives of this research are to use physical and numerical models to assess the effectiveness of drainage as a liquefaction remediation technique and to identify the controlling behavioral mechanisms that most influence the performance of sites treated with prefabricated vertical drains. In the first part of this research, a suite of three large-scale dynamic centrifuge tests of untreated and drain-treated sloping soil profiles was performed. Acceleration, pore pressure, and deformation data was used to evaluate the effectiveness of drainage in reducing liquefaction-induced lateral deformations. The results showed that the drains reduced the generated peak excess pore pressures and expedited the dissipated of pore water pressures both during and after shaking. The influence of the drains on the excess pore pressure response was found to be sensitive to the characteristics of the input motion. The drainage resulted in a 30 to 60% reduction in the horizontal deformations and a 20 to 60% reduction in the vertical settlements. In the second part of this research, the data and insights gained from the centrifuge tests was used to develop numerical models that can be used to investigate the factors that most influence the performance of untreated and drain-treated lateral spread sites. Finite element modeling was performed using the OpenSees platform. Three types of numerical models were developed - 2D infinite slope unit cell models of the area of influence around a single drain, 3D infinite slope unit cell models of the area of influence around a single drain, and a full 2D plane strain model of the centrifuge tests that included both the untreated and drain-treated slopes as well as the centrifuge container. There was a fairly good match between the experimental and simulated excess pore pressures. The unit cell models predicted larger horizontal deformations than were observed in the centrifuge tests because of the infinite slope geometry. Issues were identified with the constitutive model used to represent the liquefiable sand. These issues included a coefficient of volumetric compressibility that was too low and a sensitivity to low level accelerations when the stress path is near the failure surface. In the final part of this research, the simulated and experimental data was used to examine the relationship between the generated excess pore water pressures and the resulting horizontal deformations. It was found that the deformations are directly influenced by both the excess pore pressures and the intensity of shaking. There is an excess pore pressure threshold above which deformations begin to become significant. The horizontal deformations correlate well to the integral of the average excess pore pressure ratio-time history above this threshold. They also correlate well to the Arias intensity and cumulative absolute velocity intensity measures. / text

Contrôle du décollement dans un diffuseur aubé de turbomachine centrifuge

CHERDIEU, Patrick 20 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'amélioration de la performance des turbomachines fonctionnant loin de leur point d'adaptation passe par la maîtrise des phénomènes instationnaires qui se produisent dans ces différents organes. L'étude présentée ici se concentre sur les interactions entre une roue de ventilateur centrifuge et son diffuseur. Elle vise, par des mesures de pression sur les différentes parois du diffuseur, ainsi que par des sondages dans les canaux inter-aubages à analyser finement ces phénomènes instationnaires et notamment les décollements fluctuants apparaissant sur les aubes à sur débit, et à mesurer leur influence sur la performance du diffuseur. Dans un second temps, un dispositif de contrôle passif de ces décollements utilisant des générateurs de vortex est proposé. Plusieurs configurations sont testés et leurs résultats sont comparés

Investigation of Softening Instability Phenomena Under Simulated Infinite Slope Conditions in Centrifuge Tilting Table Tests

Wolinsky, Eric 01 May 2014 (has links)
Element test results reported in the literature under both triaxial and plane strain conditions indicate that loose saturated granular specimens can experience softening instability at stress ratios lower than what might otherwise be expected given the critical state friction angle of the soil. The region of potential softening instability in stress-space is often explained using the framework of the instability line. This phenomenon is particularly relevant to shallow slopes of 1 to 2 m depth. However, the practical realities of sample preparation for triaxial testing make performing tests below 20 to 30 kPa of confining stress exceptionally difficult. In this thesis, the development of a centrifuge tilt-table test device is described which aims to test the behaviour of loose granular slopes under stress paths of increasing slope inclination or increasing pore water pressure. A system of instrumentation including pore pressure transducers, inclinometers, displacement transducers, and high-resolution cameras was designed to monitor the behaviour of the slope model. The development of a system to provide a controlled groundwater level within the slope model proved to be particularly challenging. The results of two competing design concepts are presented for the water boundary condition and discussed. The centrifuge tilt-table is used to compare the physical response of a slope to the behaviour predicted by the infinite slope and softening instability models using scale model centrifuge testing. If softening instability is a rigorous concept, it should be the primary observed failure mechanism as it will occur at a stress state below the failure line. Tests were performed on loose Ottawa F110 sand at 1g, 20g and 40g and 60g. Deviatoric strain-softening was observed in loose dry sand. The softening instability event resulted in a rapid increase in shear strain at constant shear stress while the soil was at a stress state below the failure envelope. Any soil that can experience softening instability (i.e. granular, loose, saturated, and behaves undrained) will undergo two failures: one caused by deviatoric strain-softening (softening instability) and a second caused by shear failure at a larger slope angle. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2014-04-29 22:01:36.786

Analyse et contrôle des écoulements en compresseur centrifuge avec diffuseur aspiré

Marsan, Aurélien 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude effectuée au cours de cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte du contrôle des écoulements en turbomachines. Suite à l'intérêt avéré de l'aspiration de la couche limite en compresseurs axiaux pour en améliorer les performances, elle vise à évaluer si cette méthodologie de contrôle est pertinente en géométrie radiale. Elle s'appuie pour cela sur un compresseur centrifuge transsonique Turbomeca. Le fonctionnement du compresseur est d'abord analysé sur la base de simulations numériques stationnaires et instationnaires chorochroniques, réalisées grâce au code de calcul elsA développé par l'Onera et en utilisant le modèle de turbulence k-l de Smith. La validité des résultats numériques est vérifiée par comparaison avec les données expérimentales disponibles : performances mono-dimensionnelles et signaux de pressions instationnaires. Ces données sont issues à la fois de la caractérisation expérimentale du compresseur effectuée par Turbomeca et de campagnes de mesures menées a l'ISAE, ou le compresseur est monté sur un banc de recherche dédié à l'étude des interactions entre le rouet et le diffuseur radial. L'analyse détaillée des résultats numériques révèle le développement d'un décollement de coin dans le diffuseur, entre la paroi moyeu et la face en dépression des aubages, lorsque le point de fonctionnement se rapproche du pompage. L'étude topologique du spectre du frottement pariétal permet d'en préciser le lieu et la structure, et de localiser les points singuliers ainsi que la ligne de séparation principale. En stationnaire, la croissance du décollement aboutit au décrochage du diffuseur, et compromet les performances de l'étage de compression et finalement la stabilité numérique. L'exploitation des résultats instationnaires permet de préciser le comportement temporel de l'écoulement : l'étendue du décollement fluctue sous l'effet du défilement des ondes de pression générées par l'interaction rouet-diffuseur, mais les trajectoires des particules fluides impliquées dans le décollement sont en accord avec les lignes de courant du champ de l'écoulement moyenné temporellement. Le décollement instationnaire est fixe, et sa topologie correspond à celle prévue par les simulations stationnaires. En particulier, le lieu du décollement est prévu de façon similaire par les modèles stationnaires et instationnaires. Une stratégie d'aspiration est ensuite développée sur la base de ces observations : une fente de prélèvement est positionnée au voisinage du col de séparation principal, dont le lieu correspond à celui du maximum du gradient de pression adverse stationnaire. Cette stratégie est implémentée au sein des modèles numériques stationnaires et instationnaires. En stationnaire, un prélèvement de 1 % de la valeur totale du débit traversant le rouet permet un contrôle total du décollement dans le diffuseur, et conduit à une augmentation significative de la plage de stabilité numérique. La réduction du débit de prélèvement à 0,3 % du débit total permet un contrôle partiel du décollement, et conduit également à une augmentation de la plage de stabilité numérique. En instationnaire, le décollement de coin initial est contrôlé. Mais les résultats mettent en évidence le rôle majeur joue par le défilement des ondes de pression le long des aubages du diffuseur. Celles-ci se renforcent au passage du col du diffuseur, et engendrent l'existence d'un important gradient de pression adverse instantané. Ce maximum du gradient de pression instantané conduit au développement d'un nouveau décollement de coin, en aval de la fente de prélèvement, et la plage de stabilité des calculs instationnaires n'est pas augmentée. Ces résultats mettent en évidence la possibilité d'agir sur les décollements se produisant dans les diffuseurs radiaux à l'aide de la technique d'aspiration de la couche limite. [...]

Experiments in tunnel-soil-structure interaction

Ritter, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Urbanisation will require significant expansion of underground infrastructure, which results in unavoidable ground displacements that affect the built environment. Predicting the interaction between a tunnel, the soil and existing structures remains an engineering challenge due to the highly non-linear behaviour of both the soil and the building. This thesis investigates the interaction between a surface structure and tunnelling-induced ground displacements. Specifically, novel three-dimensionally printed building models with brittle material behaviour, similar to masonry, were developed and tested in a geotechnical centrifuge. This enabled replication of building models with representative global stiffness values and realistic building features including strip footings, intermediate walls, a rough soil-structure interface, building layouts and façade openings. By varying building characteristics, the impact of structural features on both the soil and building response to tunnelling in dense sand was investigated. Results illustrate that the presence of surface structures considerably altered the tunnelling-induced soil response. The building-to-tunnel position notably influences the magnitude of soil displacements and causes localised phenomena such as embedment of building corners. An increase of the façade opening area and building length reduces the alteration of the theoretical greenfield settlements, in particular the trough width. Moreover, the impact of varying the building layout is discussed in detail. For several building-tunnel scenarios, building distortions are quantified and the crucial role of building features is demonstrated. Structures spanning the greenfield inflection point experienced more deformation than identical structures positioned in either sagging or hogging, and partitioning a structure either side of the greenfield inflection point is shown to lead to unconservative damage assessments. Results also quantify the significant extent to which structural distortions increase as façade openings and building length increases. Observed building damage and cracking patterns confirm the reported trends. The experimental results are used to evaluate the performance of available methods to assess the behaviour of buildings to tunnelling. Predictions ignoring soil-structure interaction are usually overly conservative, while approaches based on the relative stiffness of a structure and the soil result in inconsistent predictions, though some methods performed better than others. Practical improvements to consider structural details when assessing this tunnel-soil-structure system are finally proposed.

Validation of a Numerical Model for Design of Geomembranes Subject to Extreme Loads

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: A numerical model for design of the geomembrane elements of waste containment systems has been validated by laboratory testing. Due to the absence of any instrumented case histories of seismic performance of geomembrane liner systems, a large scale centrifuge test of a model geomembrane-lined landfill subject to seismic loading was conducted at the University of California at Davis Centrifuge Test facility as part of National Science Foundation Network for Earthquake the Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) program. Data collected in the large scale centrifuge test included waste settlement, liner strains and earthquake accelerations at various locations throughout the model. This data on landfill and liner seismic performance has been supplemented with additional laboratory and small scale centrifuge tests to determine the parameters required for the numerical model, including strength and stiffness of the model materials, interface shear strengths, and interface stiffness. The numerical model explicitly assesses the forces and strains in the geomembrane elements of a containment system to subject to both static and seismic loads the computer code FLACTM, a finite difference program for non-linear analysis of continua. The model employs a beam element with zero moment of inertia and with interface elements on both sides to model to represent the geomembrane elements in the liner system. The model also includes non-linear constitutive models for the stress-strain behavior of geomembrane beam elements and an elastic-perfectly plastic model for the load-displacement behavior of the beam interfaces. Parametric studies are conducted with the validated numerical model to develop recommendations for landfill design, construction, and construction quality assurance. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 2017

Uso da centrifuga para determinação da retenção de água para substratos à base de casca de arroz / Use of Centrifuge for Determination of Water Retention for Substrates constituted of rice husks

Diaz, Bárbara da Cunha 20 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:33:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Barbara_Cunha_Diaz.pdf: 9107131 bytes, checksum: c5f5e680e9b3857970621c3877339f43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-20 / The performance of a substrate is closely related to their physical and chemical properties, and the prior knowledge and study of these characteristics, permit evaluation of its quality and adjust to different use conditions. The agricultural problem in the production of plants in containers is to ensure optimal conditions for biomass production with a development of roots restricted to a small volume of substrate. Physical characterization aims to study the distribution volume of solid material, water and air, which is crucial for plant development. Currently the methodology applied in determining the physical properties of substrates is the same used for soil, presenting some limitations due to some peculiar attributes of the materials used as substrates. The objectives of this study were to develop a methodology for using the centrifuge for determining the water retention in substrates and compare two methods for determining the water retention curve applied to substrates, the tension table method combined with the Richards pressure chamber with the method of centrifuge. The study was conducted at Embrapa Temperate Climate in two steps. The first stage of the study was conducted to determine the centrifugation time necessary to extract all the water available to a given tension. In the second step the two methods were compared using the volume of water retained at different tensions. The study worked on five different substrates: 100% carbonized rice husks; 75% carbonized rice husks + 25% burnt rice husks, 50% carbonized rice husks + 50% burnt rice husks, 25% carbonized rice husks +75% burnt rice husks and 100% burnt rice husk, and three different tensions, 1KPa, 5 KPa and 10 KPa. As a result of the first step the time of two hours of centrifugation was adopted, period considered sufficient for obtaining the equilibrium of retained water in the sample at different tensions. The results showed that the determination of water retention curve of substrates through the centrifuge method, is a potentially viable alternative to the method of the tension table and pressure chamber Richards. / O desempenho de um substrato encontra-se intimamente relacionado com suas propriedades físicas e químicas, sendo que o conhecimento e estudo prévio destas características, além de possibilitar a avaliação de sua qualidade, permite o ajuste às diferentes condições de uso. O problema agronômico da produção de plantas em recipientes é o de assegurar condições ótimas à produção de biomassa com um desenvolvimento de raízes restrito a um pequeno volume de substrato. A caracterização física tem por objetivo o estudo da distribuição volumétrica do material sólido, da água e do ar, fatores fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das plantas. Atualmente, a metodologia aplicada na determinação das propriedades físicas dos substratos é a mesma utilizada para solos, encontrando limitações em função de alguns atributos peculiares dos materiais empregados como substratos. Os objetivos do trabalho foram desenvolver metodologia para utilização da centrifuga para a determinação da retenção de água em substratos e comparar dois métodos de determinação da curva de retenção de água, em sua aplicação a substratos, o método da mesa de tensão combinado à câmara de pressão de Richards e o método da centrifuga. O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Clima Temperado, em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi realizado o estudo de tempo de centrifugação necessário para a extração de toda a água disponível a uma determinada tensão. Na segunda etapa compararam-se efetivamente os dois métodos através do volume de água retida nas diferentes tensões. No estudo foram trabalhados cinco diferentes substratos: 100% casca de arroz carbonizada; 75% casca de arroz carbonizada + 25% casca de arroz queimada; 50% casca de arroz carbonizada + 50% casca de arroz queimada; 25% casca de arroz carbonizada +75% casca de arroz queimada e 100% casca de arroz queimada, e três diferentes tensões, 1KPa, 5 KPa e 10 KPa. Como resultado da primeira etapa adotou-se o tempo de duas horas de centrifugação, período considerado suficiente para a obtenção do equilíbrio da água retida na amostra nas diferentes tensões. A determinação da curva de retenção de água de substratos através do método da centrífuga apresenta-se como uma alternativa potencialmente viável ao método da mesa de tensão e da câmara de pressão de Richards. .

Approche du comportement dynamique d'un oxyde liquide dans un matériau composite autocicatrisant « MAC »

Benazzouk, Louiza 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les matériaux composites à matrice céramique CMC, sont généralement formés d’au moins deux matériaux ayant une forte capacité d’adhésion. Ces matériaux sont principalement composés de renforts fibreux assurant la tenue mécanique de la structure et d’une matrice qui permet sa cohésion. Utilisées principalement dans le domaine de l’aéronautique, elles sont reconnues pour leur bonne tenue mécanique, leur réfractarité élevée tout en conservant une densité faible. Par contre, l’inconvénient majeur associé à ces matériaux est l’apparition de fissures qui sont dues soit au procédé de fabrication soit aux sollicitations mécaniques externes.Dans ce travail, une attention toute particulière est consacrée aux composites à matrice auto-cicatrisante dont la principale propriété est l'aptitude à "réparer" les effets de la fissure par formation d'un verre visqueux.Ces verres visqueux se forment au sein de la fissure grâce à l’oxydation des éléments qui constituent la matrice. Selon la température, différents verres peuvent être formés.Leur fonction est de reboucher les fissures de taille micrométrique de façon à ralentir la diffusion de l'oxygène en direction des fibres et éviter leur rupture par oxydation.Cependant, pour des systèmes en rotation rapide tels que les turbines basse pression des moteurs d’avion (pièce étudiée actuellement), on peut s'interroger quant à la mobilisation du verre visqueux cicatrisant dans un système complexe géométriquement et inhomogène du point de vue de la nature des surfaces. Pour approcher le comportement du verre cicatrisant dans un système modèle mais néanmoins réaliste, une approche de modélisation numérique a été entreprise. L'outil numérique utilisé pour cette étude est le code de calcul Thétis développé à l’I2M. Celui-ci est adapté à ce type de simulation puisqu'il permet la modélisation d'écoulements diphasiques incluant des phénomènes physiques complexes tels que le mouillage. Ainsi, l'objectif de ce travail est-il de déterminer les limites d'utilisation de ce type de matériau en fonction des conditions auxquels il est soumis en évaluant la mobilité du verre cicatrisant dans la fissure. / The Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) are generally formed of at least two materials having strong adhesion ability. These materials are mainly composed of fibrous reinforcement which ensures the mechanical resistance of the structure and a matrix which allows its cohesion.Used mainly in aerospace, the CMCs are highly valued for their good mechanical strength, their good refractory properties associated with a low density.However, the major drawback of these materials is cracks formation due to manufacturing process or to external mechanical stresses.In this study, we focus on composite materials having self-healing properties. These materials have the ability to produce healing viscous glasses in presence of oxygen.These viscous glasses are formed in the crack under the influence of oxidation of matrix compounds. Depending on the temperature level, glasses of different natures are formed.Their main role is to reseal the micrometric cracks, to limit oxygen access to the fibers in order to prevent their rupture by oxidation.However, for fast rotating systems such as the low pressure turbine of aircraft engines, we may question about mobilization of such a viscous glass in a system characterized by a complex geometry and chemically inhomogeneous surfaces.Therefore, a numerical approach was undertaken, using "Thetis" software. Developed at I2M, this software allows us modelling two-phase flow in model simplified geometry (reflecting however reality) including complex phenomena such as wetting. Numerical results yield to the determination of operating limitations of CMCs in terms of healing efficiency as a function of external mechanical stresses (rotation) and crack geometry.

Analyse expérimentale et numérique de l'effet de jeu augmenté sur les instabilités aérodynamiques en compresseur centrifuge à fort taux de pression

Buffaz, Nicolas 16 November 2012 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet de l’augmentation du jeu fonctionnel en tête d’aube de la roue mobile sur les performances globales et les instabilités aérodynamiques en compresseur centrifuge à fort taux de pression. Pour ce faire, le compresseur TM-Pi9, développé et produit par Turbomeca, installé sur le banc d’essai 1 MW du Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’acoustique, a servi de support de recherche. Les mesures de performances globales, associées à des sondages par anémométrie LASER à effet Doppler ainsi que des enregistrements de pression instationnaire au carter, sur l’ensemble de l’étage de compression, ont permis d’acquérir une base de données expérimentales dans deux configurations de jeu, de la vitesse nominale (Nn) à la vitesse de ralenti (0.6 Nn). Ces résultats sont confrontés et complétés par des simulations numériques stationnaires, instationnaires chorochroniques et 360°, convergées avec le code elsA développé par l’ONERA et le CERFACS.À la vitesse de croisière, l’élargissement du jeu en tête d’aubage de 6% à 10% (taille du jeu au niveau du bord de fuite des aubes rapportée à la hauteur de veine en sortie de rouet) génère une hausse des débits de jeu, sensiblement proportionnelle à l’augmentation de l’espace fonctionnel. L’accroissement des débits de jeu ne modifie pas la position du sillage de la structure jet-sillage qui reste localisé autour de l’aube intercalaire. Le sillage devient néanmoins plus large. La modification de géométrie engendre principalement une dégradation du taux de pression de l’étage (~3%), imputable aux pertes non-visqueuses dans le rouet, c’est-à-dire une sous-déviation de l’écoulement imposée par le jet issu du jeu. L’élargissement de la hauteur de l’espace fonctionnel provoque une baisse du débit de blocage, conséquence de la réduction de la pression statique au niveau du col du diffuseur. Le rendement de l’étage subit expérimentalement une dégradation de 1%, au point de fonctionnement rendement maximum et aucune évolution proche pompage. La modification du rendement est soumise à deux effets opposés. D’une part, l’augmentation des débits de jeu provoque plus de pertes visqueuses au sein de l’ensemble des écoulements de jeu. Mais d’autre part, le sillage étant plus large, les structures tourbillonnaires sont moins confinées ; en résulte une diminution de la vorticité. L’accumulation d’entropie dans le sillage est ainsi plus faible. Quelles que soient la vitesse de rotation et la configuration de jeu, le pompage est initié de manière brutale dans le diffuseur aubé par un décollement de couches limites sur la face en dépression des aubages, proche du moyeu. Cette séparation résulte de l’interaction entre la couche limite de coin et l’onde de choc détachée du bord d’attaque des aubes du diffuseur. À faible vitesse de rotation et petit débit, une instabilité aérodynamique affecte l’inducteur du rouet (zone située entre le bord d’attaque des aubes principales et le bord d’attaque des aubes intercalaires). Elle peut être associée à une « instabilité tournante du tourbillon de jeu » qui est induite par une surincidence de l’écoulement sur les aubes principales du rouet. Il s’agit d’un phénomène de mild-stall précurseur d’un décollement tournant progressif dans le rouet. Ce dernier n’est cependant pas enregistré car le diffuseur induit le pompage à débit plus important. Des systèmes de contrôle d’écoulement dans le diffuseur et dans le rouet sont alors proposés, afin d’élargir la plage de fonctionnement du compresseur. / This present study is focused on the effect of the impeller blades tip clearance increase on the overall performance and aerodynamic instabilities in high-pressure centrifugal compressor. The test case is a centrifugal compressor stage (TM-Pi9) designed and built by Turbomeca which is used in a helicopter engine. The compressor stage is mounted on the 1 MW test rig of the Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in France. Experimental investigations consist in the overall performance acquisitions, LASER Doppler Anemometry measurements and unsteady pressure measurements up to 150 KHz for two tip clearance configurations from the nominal rotation speed to 60% of the nominal rotation speed. Steady and unsteady (phase-lagged and full simulations) simulations are also performed using the elsA code developed by the ONERA and CERFACS. Two tip clearances are tested. In the first case used as reference, the tip gap represents 6% of the section height at the impeller exit. In the second case, the impeller is moved axially, which results in an increased tip gap essentially in the radial part of the impeller. Thus in the second case, the tip clearance at the impeller exit corresponds to 10% of the section height. At the cruise rotation speed, from the reference to the increased tip clearance configurations, the tip leakage mass flows are increased. The tip leakage mass flow increase is quasi-proportional to the tip clearance height enlargement. But the position of the wake of the jet-wake flow pattern is not affected by the modification of the tip leakage mass flows. However the wake becomes wider. The tip clearance modification mainly deteriorates the total-to-static pressure ratio (~3%),which is due to inviscid losses in the impeller (under-deviation of the flow near the blades tip). A lower choking mass flow is reached in the increased tip clearance case compared with the reference configuration, due to the static pressure drop at the diffuser throat. The isentropic stage efficiency is experimentally decreased by 1% at the peak efficiency operating point. Near surge, no change in the stage efficiency is measured. From the reference to the increased tip clearance configurations, the stage efficiency is, in fact, subject to two opposite effects. On the one hand, higher tip leakage mass flows cause more viscous losses in the tip leakages and vortices. On the other hand, the wake of the jet-wake flow pattern being wider, the vortices are less confined, resulting in a decrease of the vorticity. The accumulation of entropy in the wake is thus weaker. Whatever the tip clearance configuration and the rotation speed, the surge is triggered by a boundary layer separation near the hub on the suction side of the diffuser vanes. This separation is due to the interaction between the corner boundary layer and the shock wave detached from the leading edge of diffuser vanes. At low rotation speed, disturbances in the inducer (between the leading edge of the main blade and the leading edge of the splitter blade) were recorded. These disturbances can be associated to “rotating tip clearance disturbances” which are generated by the over-flow-incidence on the impeller main blades. This phenomenon is a mild-stall precursor of a rotating stall in the impeller. The rotating stall in the impeller is not recorded because the surge occurs in the diffuser at higher mass flow. Active and passive flow control systems in the diffuser and the impeller are proposed in order to increase the operating range of the TM-Pi9 compressor.

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