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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Framework for Call Graph Construction

Honar, Elnaz, Mortazavi Jahromi, Seyed AmirHossein January 2010 (has links)
In object oriented programming, a Call Graph represents the calling relationships between the program’s methods. To be more precise, a Call Graph is a rooted directed graph where each node of the graph represents a method and each edge (u, v) represents a method call from method u to method v. Focus of this thesis is on building a framework for Call Graph construction algorithms which can be used in program analysis. Our framework is able to be initialized by different front-ends and constructs various Call Graph algorithms. Here, we instantiate framework with two bytecode readers (ASM and Soot) as front-ends and implement three Call Graph construction algorithms (CHA, RTA and CTA). At first, we used two above mentioned bytecode readers to read the bytecode of a specific Java program, then we found reachable methods for each invoked method; meanwhile we kept obtained details on our own data structures.  Creating data structures for storing required information about Classes, Methods, Fields and Statements, gives us a great opportunity to implement an independent framework for applying well known Call Graph algorithms. As a result of these data structures, Call Graph construction will not depend on bytecode readers; since, whenever we read the bytecode of a program, we accumulate all necessary points in pre-defined data structures and implement our Call Graphs based on this accumulated data. Finally, the result is a framework for different Call Graph construction algorithms which is the goal of this thesis. We tested and evaluated the algorithms with a variety of programs as the benchmark and compared the bytecode readers besides the three Call Graph algorithms in different aspects.

Reconnaissance détaillée de la partie nord-est du Bassin de Saïss (Maroc) : interprétation de sondages électriques verticaux par combinaison des méthodes statistique, géostatistique et d'inversion / Detailed recognition of the north-eastern part of the Saïss Basin (Morocco) : interpretation of vertical electric soundings by combining methods statistical, geostatistical and inversion

Harmouzi, Ouassima 26 May 2010 (has links)
La prospection géoélectrique est largement utilisée au Maroc pour des reconnaissances hydrogéologique. Le but de ce travail et de proposer de nouvelles techniques d’interprétation des sondages électriques verticaux en un temps réduit, et aussi de bien exploiter une base de données de sondages électriques, par l’établissement entre autre des images 2D horizontales et verticales de l’estimation de la distribution des résistivités électriques apparentes (modélisation géostatistique, inversion, etc.). Dans le but de caractériser électriquement le secteur d’étude (nord-est du Bassin de Saïss), une analyse statistique des résistivités apparentes de sondages électriques verticaux a été réalisée. Cette simple analyse descriptive est suivie par une étude statistique multidirectionnelle : analyse en composantes principales (ACP) et par une classification hiérarchique ascendante (CHA). (...) Les résultats des analyses statistiques et géostatistiques complétés par les inversions des sondages moyens pas classe, ont mis en évidence la fiabilité de ces techniques pour l’interprétation d’un nombre important de sondages électriques au lieu de la méthode ordinaire qui se base sur l’inversion des sondages un par un et les corréler ultérieurement pour construire la structure globale du domaine étudié. Avec les techniques utilisées, dans le cadre de ce travail, des résultats très satisfaisants en un temps plus réduit sont obtenus. Les profils étudiés et inversés à l’aide du logiciel RES2Dinv montrent tous les trois grandes structures définies auparavant (Résistant-Conductrice-Résistant), par contre on note des variations intra formations. De plus, l’organisation spatiale des formations permet de confirmer l’existence de failles cohérentes avec la structure en horst et graben du bassin. / The Geoelectric prospection is usually used in Morocco for hydrogeological recognition. The purpose of this work is to propose new techniques for interpreting vertical electric soundings in a reduced time, and also to fully exploit a database of stored electrical soundings by the establishment, amongst other things, of the horizontal and vertical 2D images, estimating the distribution of apparent electrical resistivity (geostatistic modeling, inversion, etc.). In order to characterize electrically the study area (north-east of the Saïss Basin), a statistical analysis of apparent resistivity of vertical electric soundings was performed. This simple descriptive analysis is followed by a statistical analysis (principal component analysis PCA and ascending hierarchical classification HAC.) (...)The results of statistical analysis and geostatistical supplemented by inversion of the average electric sounding per class, highlighted the reliability of these techniques to the interpretation of a large number of electrical soundings instead of the usual method which is based on the inversion of the electrical sounding one by one and correlate them later, to build the global structure of the area studied. With the techniques used in this work, very satisfactory results in a more reduced time, for interpreting vertical electric soundings, are obtained. VIThe studied profiles and inverted using the software RES2Dinv show all three structures defined previously (Resistant – Conductive - resistant), on the other hand, there are variations within the same formation. In addition, the spatial organization of the formation makes it possible to confirm the existence of faults coherent with the structure in horst and graben basin.

Kumbukizi ya Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria (1963-2018)

Mutembei, Aldin 14 September 2020 (has links)
Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria, Mhadhiri wa Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili ya Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam aliyezaliwa mnamo Disemba 9, 1963, ameaga dunia mnamo Januari 17, 2018. Aldin K. Mutembei aliye msomi mweledi na mwanaharakati mashuhuri wa lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili anamwenzi Marehemu Steven Mrikaria akielezea mchango wake katika utafiti na ufundishaji wa lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili na kumkumbuka kama msomi mwenzake na rafiki yake wa siku nyingi. / Steven I. Y. E. Mrikaria, Lecturer at the Institute of Kiswahili Studies, University of Dar es Salaam who was born on December 9, 1963, passed away on January 17, 2018. Aldin K. Mutembei, accomplished scholar and most eminent activist of Swahili language and literature honours the late Steven Mrikaria by elucidating his contribution to the research and teaching of Swahili language and literature, and remembering him as a fellow scholar and a long-time friend.

Effects of Natural Antioxidants on Lipid Oxidation of Menhaden Oil

Baek, Naerin 25 January 2013 (has links)
Preventing oxidative deterioration of fish oil is a significant challenge for the food industry. Natural antioxidants are widely incorporated into foods and oils to prevent oxidation and extend shelf life. The goal of the study is to investigate the activity of novel antioxidants in menhaden oil and to develop optimum formulations containing mixed tocopherols to control oxidation of menhaden oil. Alpha tocopherol, gamma tocopherol, and delta tocopherol in menhaden oil were found at 0.18mg/g, 0.37mg/g, and 0.14mg/g, respectively, using HPLC analysis. Teng Cha extract effectively delayed oxidation of menhaden oil (MO) when stored at 40°C for eight days by measuring primary oxidation products and secondary oxidation products. The combinations of Teng Cha extract and rosemary extract and combinations of ascorbyl palmitate, citric acid, Teng Cha extract and rosemary extract more effectively improved stability of MO containing mixed tocopherols than Teng Cha extract alone at 40°C storage for eight days by measuring primary oxidation products and secondary oxidation products. From this study, Teng Cha extract can be used as a potential natural antioxidant in food industry, especially in combinations with rosemary extract and tocopherols, extending shelf life of menhaden oil. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

Antioxidant Activity of Ampelopsis Grossedentata Crude Extract and its Major Component Dihydromyricetin

Ye, Liyun 25 August 2011 (has links)
Oxidation limits the shelf life of many food products. Adding antioxidants to foods is the most common way to solve this problem. Reports on safety issues of synthetic food additives have raised consumer interest in "all natural" foods, without added antioxidants or with synthetic replaced with natural antioxidants. The natural antioxidants now in use are much more expensive and less potent than the synthetic antioxidants. Thus, effective and economical natural antioxidants are of great interest to researchers. Teng Cha is a type of herbal tea found in China that has reported high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidant activity of Teng Cha extract and its major component dihydromyricetin has been reported, but no studies have provided clear evidence for the antioxidant effectiveness of Tech Cha extracts. The goal of this study was to measure the antioxidant activity of Teng Cha extract and dihydromyricetin (DHM), a major component of Tech Cha extract. The DPPH assay was conducted and antioxidant activities of the crude extract and dihydromyricetin were evaluated in soybean oil based on the peroxide value, anisidine value, Totox value, headspace volatiles and headspace oxygen. Antioxidant effectiveness was also evaluated in a cooked beef model system. DHM was more potent than BHA in preventing soybean oil oxidation. The crude extract was not as effective as BHA and DHM, possibly because it contained transition metals. In cooked beef, DHM and the crude extract showed lower activity than BHA, possibly due to their low solubility. Overall, Teng Cha extract and DHM are potential natural food antioxidants for future applications. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

Poetry as a Pedagogy of Touch

Tan, Czander LOPEZ 17 May 2017 (has links)
With evidence ranging from visual representations by scanning tunneling microscopes to the fluid and dynamic language of poetry, my research shows that we are shifting from a culture primarily based on ‘sight’ to one that is involved with ‘touch,’ metaphorically and literally speaking. Recent developments in theory and technology, especially quantum physics and post-structuralism, have redefined representation to encompass the necessary reflex of the representer. To be sure, my research has also found feminist and postcolonial criticisms to echo this theory: both have sought to challenge representations due to the objectivity normally attributed to the representer, the Cartesian logic of which quantum theory has destabilized. Thus, by reading poetry with a quantum theoretical lens, specifically the works of Gertrude Stein, Marianne Moore, Anne Carson, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, I show how ‘touch’ plays into our language, consequently affecting how we think through language. / Master of Arts / This is an essay on language – how we read language, where we go with language, and how language affects the way we think. Because poetry is an activity that first realizes the limits of language and then attempts to go beyond those limits, reading and writing poetically teaches us to use language to think in a different manner, what I propose to be by <i>touch</i>: a quantum manner. With respect to the field of Linguistics, I want to clarify that I am not saying our thoughts are wholly limited and determined by our language – the space of our minds are quite far-reaching, and it is quite possible to think whatever we want. What I am saying, however, is that language <i>habituates</i> how we think, and poetry reveals these habits in an attempt to break from them. Marilynne Robinson calls these habits our “little island of the articulable, which we tend to mistake for reality itself” (21). Thus I explore attempts at breaking linguistic, hence cognitive, habits with poetry through the writings of Anne Carson and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. I use feminist, post-colonial, and post-structural theories to formulate a methodology that shows how we <i>touch</i> language and understanding through poetry, at the same time enacting this poetic through my own writing

L'université et le développement : analyse de deux institutions universitaires d'Afrique noire à la lumière du concept de développement : l'Université nationale du Rwanda et l'Université de Dar-es-Salaam en Tanzanie

Bugingo, Emmanuel. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Les universités du monde entier vivent un malaise profond. Dans les pays du Tiers-Monde, les problèmes à son égard, s'accumulent et les solutions restent fragiles. En Afrique, l'institution universitaire ne parvient pas à surmonter les traumatismes de la colonisation. Dans l'ère du développement, la réalité éducationnelle et la fonction universitaire paraissent engluées dans des mécanismes très complexes. Comment cela est-il possible? Existe-t-il une corrélation entre tous ces éléments? Afin d'apporter des éléments de discussion à ces interrogations, il est fait ici une étude, non exhaustive certes, des traits fondamentaux qui exerceraient une influence considérable sur la fonction universitaire. En effet, nous pensons que l'institution universitaire est étroitement liée à l'idée que l'on se fait du développement de la société en général. Corollairement, nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'une théorie de développement, qu'une société choisit de privilégier, influe nécessairement sur les finalités, les objectifs de l'université et les attitudes que l'on développe à son endroit. En guise d'illustration de cette assertion, nous tentons dans ce travail, une analyse de deux universités d'Afrique Noire, au Rwanda et en Tanzanie, au niveau des programmes, de la recherche et des principes qui guident l'accessibilité à ce niveau d'enseignement. Pour ce faire, nous nous proposons d'adopter une démarche à double volet. D'une part, nous allons analyser une intense documentation: ouvrages généraux, documents officiels et inédits au sujet des deux universités. Dans un deuxième temps, nous allons compléter cette approche par des interviews auprès de cinq personnalités qui ont eu à s'impliquer dans le développement des deux universités en question. Notre but final est d'essayer de dégager une explication cohérente des relations entre l'Université et les conceptions de développement en Afrique, au Rwanda et en Tanzanie. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014

Kumbukizi ya marehemu mwalimu Edwin Semzaba

Godwin Mahenge, Elizabeth, Mbogo, Emmanuel 10 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Pumzika kwa amani, Mwalimu. Raha ya milele umpe, Ee Bwana, na mwanga wa milele umwangazie. Amina.

Kumbukizi ya marehemu mwalimu Edwin Semzaba

Godwin Mahenge, Elizabeth, Mbogo, Emmanuel 10 March 2017 (has links)
Pumzika kwa amani, Mwalimu. Raha ya milele umpe, Ee Bwana, na mwanga wa milele umwangazie. Amina.

Dualité de Schur-Weyl, mouvement brownien sur les groupes de Lie compacts classiques et étude asymptotique de la mesure de Yang-Mills

Dahlqvist, Antoine 12 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
On s'intéresse dans cette thèse à l'étude de variables aléatoires sur les groupes de Lie compacts classiques. On donne une déformation du calcul de Weingarten tel qu'il a été introduit par B. Collins et P. Sniady. On fait une étude asymptotique du mouvement brownien sur les groupes de Lie compacts de grande dimension en obtenant des nouveaux résultats de fluctuations. Deux nouveaux objets, que l'on appelle champ maître gaussien planaire et champ maître orienté planaire, sont introduits pour décrire le comportement asymptotique des mesures de Yang-Mills pour des groupes de structure de grande dimension.

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