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Complex Patterns in Extended Oscillatory SystemsBrusch, Lutz 14 August 2001 (has links)
Ausgedehnte dissipative Systeme können fernab vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht instabil gegenüber Oszillationen bzw. Wellen oder raumzeitlichem Chaos werden. Die komplexe Ginzburg-Landau Gleichung (CGLE) stellt ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung dieser raumzeitlichen Strukturen dar. Diese Arbeit ist der theoretischen Analyse komplexer Muster gewidmet. Mittels numerischer Bifurkations- und Stabilitätsanalyse werden Instabilitäten einfacher Muster identifiziert und neuartige Lösungen der CGLE bestimmt. Modulierte Amplitudenwellen (MAW) und Super-Spiralwellen sind Beispiele solcher komplexer Muster. MAWs können in hydrodynamischen Experimenten und Super-Spiralwellen in der Belousov-Zhabotinsky-Reaktion beobachtet werden. Der Grenzübergang von Phasen- zu Defektchaos wird durch den Existenzbereich der MAWs erklärt. Mittels der selben numerischen Methoden wird Bursting vom Fold-Hopf-Typ in einem Modell der Kalziumsignalübertragung in Zellen identifiziert.
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Pattern Formation With Locally Active S-Type NbOₓ MemristorsWeiher, Martin, Herzig, Melanie, Tetzlaff, Ronald, Ascoli, Alon, Mikolajick, Thomas, Slesazeck, Stefan 26 November 2021 (has links)
The main focus of this paper is the evolution of complex behavior in a system of coupled nonlinear memristor circuits depending on the applied coupling conditions. Thereby, the parameter space for the local activity and the edge-of-chaos domain will be determined to enable the emergence of the pattern formation in locally coupled cells according to Chua's principle. Each cell includes a Niobium oxide-based memristor, which may feature a locally active behavior once it is suitably biased on the negative differential resistance region of its DC current-voltage characteristic. It will be shown that there exists a domain of parameters under which each uncoupled cell may become locally active around a stable bias state. More specifically, under these conditions, the coupled cells are on the edge-of-chaos, and can support the static and dynamic pattern formation. The emergence of such complex spatio-temporal behavior in homogeneous structures is a prerequisite for information processing. The theoretical results are confirmed by
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Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equationsAroza Benlloch, Javier 09 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] The purpose of the Ph.D. Thesis "Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equations'' is to analyse, from the point of view of functional analysis, the dynamics of solutions of linear evolution equations. These solutions can be represented by a strongly continuous semigroup on an infinite-dimensional Banach space. The aim of our research is to provide global conditions for chaos, in the sense of Devaney, and stability properties of strongly continuous semigroups which are solutions of linear evolution equations.
This work is composed of three principal chapters. Chapter 0 is introductory and defines basic terminology and notation used, besides presenting the basic results that we will use throughout this thesis. Chapters 1 and 2 describe, in general way, a strongly continuous semigroup induced by a semiflow in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces which is a solution of a linear first order partial differential equation. Moreover, some characterizations of the main dynamical properties, including hypercyclicity, mixing, weakly mixing, chaos and stability are given along these chapters. Chapter 3 describes the dynamical properties of a difference equation based on the so-called birth-and-death model and analyses the conditions previously proven for this model improving them by employing a different strategy.
The goal of this thesis is to characterize dynamical properties of these kind of strongly continuous semigroups in a general way, whenever possible, and to extend these results to another spaces. Along this memory, these findings are compared with the previous ones given by many authors in recent years. / [ES] La presente memoria "Dinámica de semigrupos fuertemente continuos asociadas a ciertas ecuaciones diferenciales'' es analizar, desde el punto de vista del análisis funcional, la dinámica de las soluciones de ecuaciones de evolución lineales. Estas soluciones pueden ser representadas por semigrupos fuertemente continuos en espacios de Banach de dimensión infinita. El objetivo de nuestra investigación es proporcionar condiciones globales para obtener caos, en el sentido de Devaney, y propiedades de estabilidad de semigrupos fuertemente continuos, los cuales son soluciones de ecuaciones de evolución lineales.
Este trabajo está compuesto de tres capítulos principales. El Capítulo 0 es introductorio y define la terminología básica y notación usada, además de presentar los resultados básicos que usaremos a lo largo de esta tesis. Los Capítulos 1 y 2 describen, de forma general, un semigrupo fuertemente continuo inducido por un semiflujo en espacios de Lebesgue y en espacios de Sobolev, los cuales son solución de una ecuación diferencial lineal en derivadas parciales de primer orden. Además, algunas caracterizaciones de las principales propiedades dinámicas, incluyendo hiperciclicidad, mezclante, débil mezclante, caos y estabilidad, se obtienen a lo largo de estos capítulos. El Capítulo 3 describe las propiedades dinámicas de una ecuación en diferencias basada en el llamado modelo de nacimiento-muerte y analiza las condiciones previamente probadas para este modelo, mejorándolas empleando una estrategia diferente.
La finalidad de esta tesis es caracterizar propiedades dinámicas para este tipo de semigrupos fuertemente continuos de forma general, cuando sea posible, y extender estos resultados a otros espacios. A lo largo de esta memoria, estos resultados son comparados con los resultados previos dados por varios autores en años recientes. / [CA] La present memòria "Dinàmica de semigrups fortament continus associats a certes equacions diferencials'' és analitzar, des del punt de vista de l'anàlisi funcional, la dinàmica de les solucions d'equacions d'evolució lineals. Aquestes solucions poden ser representades per semigrups fortament continus en espais de Banach de dimensió infinita. L'objectiu de la nostra investigació es proporcionar condicions globals per obtenir caos, en el sentit de Devaney, i propietats d'estabilitat de semigrups fortament continus, els quals són solucions d'equacions d'evolució lineals.
Aquest treball està compost de tres capítols principals. El Capítol 0 és introductori i defineix la terminologia bàsica i notació utilitzada, a més de presentar els resultats bàsics que utilitzarem al llarg d'aquesta tesi. Els Capítols 1 i 2 descriuen, de forma general, un semigrup fortament continu induït per un semiflux en espais de Lebesgue i en espais de Sobolev, els quals són solució d'una equació diferencial lineal en derivades parcials de primer ordre. A més, algunes caracteritzacions de les principals propietats dinàmiques, incloent-hi hiperciclicitat, mesclant, dèbil mesclant, caos i estabilitat, s'obtenen al llarg d'aquests capítols. El Capítol 3 descrivís les propietats dinàmiques d'una equació en diferències basada en el model de naixement-mort i analitza les condicions prèviament provades per aquest model, millorant-les utilitzant una estratègia diferent.
La finalitat d'aquesta tesi és caracteritzar propietats dinàmiques d'aquest tipus de semigrups fortament continus de forma general, quan siga possible, i estendre aquests resultats a altres espais. Al llarg d'aquesta memòria, aquests resultats són comparats amb els resultats previs obtinguts per diversos autors en anys recents. / Aroza Benlloch, J. (2015). Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57186
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Geodesics and resonances of the Manko-Novikov spacetimeGeyer, Marisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I study compact objects described by the Manko-Novikov spacetime. The Manko-
Novikov spacetime is an exact solution to the Einstein Field Equations that allows objects to be
black hole-like, but with a multipole structure di erent from Kerr black holes. The aim of the
research is to investigate whether we will observationally be able to tell these bumpy black holes,
if they exist, apart from traditional Kerr black holes. I explore the geodesic motion of a test
probe in the Manko-Novikov spacetime. I quantify the motion using Poincar e maps and rotation
curves. The Manko-Novikov spacetime admits regions with regular motion as well as regions with
chaotic motion. The occurrence of chaos is correlated with orbits for which the characteristic
frequencies are resonant. The new result presented in this thesis is a global characterisation
of where resonances and thus chaos are likely to occur for all orbits. These calculations are
performed in the Kerr spacetime, from which I obtain that low order resonances occur within
20 Schwarzschild radii (or 40M) of the compact object with mass M. By the KAM theorem,
the occurrence of chaos is therefore limited to this region for all small perturbations from Kerr.
These resonant events will be measurable in the Galactic Centre using eLISA. This con nement
of low order resonances indicates that the frequency values of orbits of radii well outside of
20 Schwarzschild radii can be approximated using canonical perturbation theory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word kompakte voorwerpe bestudeer soos omskryf deur die Manko-Novikov
ruimtetyd. Die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd is 'n eksakte oplossing van die Einstein Veldvergelykings.
Die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd formuleer gravitasiekolk-tipe voorwerpe waarvan die
veelpool-struktuur afwyk van die tradisionele Kerr gravitasiekolk-struktuur. Die oogmerk van die
navorsing is om vas te stel of ons met behulp van waarnemings hierdie bonkige gravitasiekolke van
die tradisionele Kerr gravitasiekolke kan onderskei. Ek ondersoek die geodetiese beweging van 'n
toetsmassa in die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd. Die beweging word gekwanti seer met behulp van
Poincar e afbeeldings en rotasiekrommes. In die Manko-Novikov ruimtetyd identi seer ek gebiede
waarbinne re elmatige beweging voorkom asook gebiede waarbinne chaotiese bane voorkom. Die
ontstaan van chaos word geassosieer met bane waarvan die fundamentele frekwensies resonant is.
'n Nuwe resultaat wat in hierdie tesis voorgehou word behels 'n globale karakterisering wat aandui
waar resonansies en dus chaos na alle waarskynlikheid voorkom. Laasgenoemde berekeninge
word vir die Kerr ruimtetyd uitgevoer. Hierdeur toon ek alle lae orde resonansies kom voor binne
20 Schwarzschild radii (of 40M) vanaf die kompakte voorwerp met mass M. Die KAM Stelling
bepaal dan dat vir alle klein steurings toegepas op die Kerr ruimtetyd die voorkoms van chaos
beperk sal wees tot bogenoemde gebied. Die resonansies binne hierdie gebied sal deur eLISA in
die sentrum van die melkwegstelsel gemeet kan word. Hierdie beperking van lae orde resonansies
tot 'n sekere afstand vanaf die kompakte voorwerp verseker dat die frekwensies van bane wat
buite hierdie gebied val, akkuraat deur kanoniese steuringsteorie bepaal kan word.
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Intern kontroll: En fallstudie på TrafikverketAlmqvist, Johanna, Hammerin, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Internal control is something that’s grown more important for enterprises to keep in mind. The community is increasingly affected by the IT-development which demands a bigger degree of security. Enterprises needs to make sure that their systems are up to date and secure enough to keep it safe from unauthorized to take part of sensitive information. Internal control can exist in a major part of the work. If an enterprise have a goal for no harm or serious injury at work, internal control is necessary to reach that goal. The purpose for this essay is to examine how five different departments of Trafikverket practices internal control. How internal control is described. How the guidance from the managements is described and how it reaches the rest of the enterprise. This will lead to a proposal of improvement of the internal control at Trafikverket. We focus our frame of reference on the COSO-model and its five components. The components included in the COSO-model are control environment, risk valuation, control activities, information and communication and monitoring. The essay is a case-study of Trafikverket. We have chosen a qualitative method and interviewed five respondents from the different departments on Trafikverket. The respondents we interviewed works with internal control in their everyday work or have a god insight in the subject. We used a semi structured interview guide with questions based on the COSO framework. The results from our study shows that it exist big variations between how the departments work with internal control. It emerged that there are new guidelines for how the work should be done. This makes it necessary with education to implement the new ways to work. How the departments use the COSO-model varies. Some of them have incorporated the model in their new ways to work others have never heard of it. The conclusion of our study shows that the COSO-model and it´s components contribute to a functioning internal control. Implementing the components is important and the most important feature to good internal control is the corporate management. Education within the enterprise is the most effective way to inform the staff about the model and to implement it. / Intern kontroll är något som blir allt viktigare för organisationer att ha koll på. Samhället påverkas allt mer av IT-utvecklingen vilken ställer krav på en viss grad av säkerhet. Organisationer måste försäkra sig om att deras system är tillräckligt säkra för att inte obehöriga ska komma åt känslig information. Intern kontroll kan finnas i en stor del av arbetet. Om en organisation har ett mål för att ingen ska skadas allvarligt eller avlida på arbetsplatsen, krävs det interna kontroller för att uppnå målet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur de olika verksamhetsområdena inom Trafikverket tillämpar intern kontroll. Hur intern kontroll beskrivs i ledningssystemet och hur det når ut i verksamheten. Det ska leda till ett förbättringsförslag av den interna kontrollen hos Trafikverket. Vår teoretiska referensram fokuserar på COSO-modellen och de fem komponenter som ingår i modellen. De komponenter som ingår i COSO-modellen är kontrollmiljö, riskvärdering, kontrollaktiviteter, information och kommunikation samt övervakning. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie på Trafikverket. Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod där vi genomfört fem intervjuer på de olika verksamhetsområdena på Trafikverket. Vi har intervjuat personer som har positioner där de arbetar med intern kontroll eller har god insyn i området. Vi har använt en semistrukturerad intervjuguide där frågorna baserats på COSO:s ramverk. Resultatet av vår studie visar att det finns stora variationer i hur verksamhetsområdena arbetar med intern kontroll. Det framkom att det har kommit nya riktlinjer för hur arbetet ska utföras. Det i sin tur kräver en utbildningsinsats för att implementera arbetssätt. Hur verksamhetsområdena använder COSO-modellen i arbetet varierar. Vissa har det inarbetat i arbetssätten och känner till modellen medan andra aldrig har hört talats om den. Slutsatser av vår studie visar att COSO-modellen och dess komponenter bidrar till en fungerande intern kontroll. Att implementering av komponenterna är viktig och att det viktigaste för bra intern kontroll är företagsledningen. Utbildning inom organisationen är det effektivaste sättet att informera de anställda och implementera modellen.
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Mélange par convection et survivance des hétérogénéités géochimiques dans le manteauFerrachat, Sylvaine 02 February 2000 (has links) (PDF)
La signature géochimique des basaltes de rides ou de points chauds nous renseigne sur la dynamique du manteau terrestre. Le manteau superficiel, échantillonné dans les basaltes de rides, nous apparaît essentiellement homogène. A l'opposè, le manteau profond, échantillonné dans les basaltes de points chauds, se révèle trés hètérogène. Ceci semble contredire la plupart des observations et contraintes issues de la géophysique : la convection du manteau est très efficace, et elle génère vraisemblablement des flux de matière importants entre parties supérieure et inférieure. Comment, dans ces conditions, préserver des zones géochimiquement très différentes ? Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés de mélange d'écoulements simples simulant la convection du manteau pour tenter de donner un sens à la signature géochimique des basaltes. Nous montrons tout d'abord que la géométrie et la vitesse des plaques lithosphériques sont cruciales pour l'efficacité du mélange de l'écoulement mantellique. Avec des conditions aux limites tridimensionnelles relativement réalistes, on peut préserver des zones hétérogènes dans un système globalement homogène. Ensuite, nous mettons en évidence le fait que la stratification visqueuse du manteau ne peut être invoquée pour expliquer les différences géochimiques entre parties superficielle et profonde. Nous montrons par contre qu'envisager l'existence d'un réservoir de croûte océanique ancienne dans la couche D" peut permettre d'expliquer la signature des basaltes. Enfin, nous présentons une étude comparative des résultats de simulations de convection et de modèles de boîtes géochimiques concernant la dynamique du manteau. Il apparaît que les seconds devraient utiliser environ 15 boîtes pour que le taux dispersion implicite des éléments reste réaliste. Ce chiffre est très supérieur à ceux des modèles de boîtes publiés dans la littérature.
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Vers une maîtrise des incertitudes en calculs des structures compositesRollet, Yannis 26 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les exigences de sécurité dans le domaine aéronautique imposent de tenir compte des diverses incertitudes affectant les structures, notamment la variabilité matériau. Malgré son essor la simulation numérique considère actuellement cette problématique de façon simplifiée, par exemple en usant d'abattements sur les valeurs de propriétés utilisées dans les calculs. Mais l'emploi accru des matériaux composites, par nature plus sensibles aux incertitudes, demande l'introduction de méthodes plus précises afin d'assurer une meilleure robustesse du dimensionnement. Pour cela, il a été développé une nouvelle démarche dite d'Analyse de Variabilité respectant certaines contraintes de la simulation numérique telle l'indépendance vis-à-vis du code de calcul (non-intrusivité) et la parcimonie des calculs. Face à la grande diversité des techniques de transport d'incertitudes, le choix a été fait de construire une démarche en s'appuyant sur les techniques de surfaces de réponses. Afin d'exploiter au mieux les diverses formes retenues (polynômes en les paramètres incertains, chaos polynomial, krigeage) pour construire l'approximation, la démarche a été rendue progressive. Des méthodes de validation croisée (leave-k-out, bootstrap) ont été utilisées pour évaluer la qualité de l'approximation. Ainsi, il est possible d'afficher une estimation des effets des incertitudes (par exemple sous la forme de barres d'erreur) mais également de quantifier la confiance dans cette estimation. La validation de la démarche s'est tout d'abord appuyée sur des exemples mathématiques, puis sur des situations mécaniques simples et analytiques. Les résultats obtenus montrent notamment une bonne cohérence vis-à-vis des simulations de Monte-Carlo pour un coût de calcul nettement inférieur. Les incertitudes considérées portent aussi bien sur des paramètres géométriques que matériau, avec notamment des caractéristiques propres aux composites (angles d'empilement, épaisseur des plis). L'application de la démarche à divers exemples (plaque multiperforée, assemblage boulonné,...) de calcul de structures par la méthode des éléments finis a souligné son applicabilité pour un surcoût de calcul raisonnable. Pour finir, le problème de la réduction des effets des incertitudes a été abordé sous des angles classiques comme la réduction des incertitudes d'entrée ou l'amélioration de la qualité des modèles utilisés. Enfin, une méthode plus originale, dite de consolidation de bases de données, utilisant les corrélations entre paramètres mesurés aux diverses échelles des composites a été proposée.
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Development and application of phase reduction and averaging methods to nonlinear oscillators / Fazinės redukcijos ir vidurkinimo metodų plėtojimas ir taikymas netiesiniams osciliatoriamsNovičenko, Viktor 09 June 2014 (has links)
Nonlinear limit cycle oscillators are common in nature and man-made equipments, for example, they occur in electronics, robotics, lasers, chemical reactions, biological systems and economical models. Such oscillators demonstrate periodic behavior with fixed frequency and amplitude independently of the system’s initial conditions. The goal of the doctoral thesis is the development and application of phase reduction and averaging methods to analyze particular nonlinear problems in self-oscillatory systems. The phase reduction method allows us to reduce the dynamic of a weakly perturbed limit cycle oscillator to a single scalar equation that defines the dynamics of the phase. This method is usually applied to the systems described by ordinary differential equations. Here this method is extended for the systems with time delay. The phase reduction method is applied to analyze the delayed feedback control (DFC) algorithm. Such an approach allows us to obtain analytical results for slightly mismatched DFC scheme and to stabilize unstable periodic orbits with topological restriction. The averaging method is applied to self-oscillatory systems driven by high-frequency periodic force. The method allows to derive the equations for the slow motion, averaged over high-frequency oscillations. Using this method the mechanism of suppression of sustained neuronal spiking under high frequency electrical stimulation is investigated. / Netiesiniai ribinio ciklo osciliatoriai dažnai sutinkami gamtoje bei žmogaus sukonstruotose sistemose, pavyzdžiui elektronikoje, robototechnikoje, lazeriuose, cheminėse reakcijose, biologinėse sistemose bei ekonominiuose modeliuose. Tokie osciliatoriai vaizduoja periodinį elgesį su fiksuotu dažniu ir amplitude nepriklausomai nuo sistemos pradinių sąlygų. Šios disertacijos tikslas yra išplėtoti ir pritaikyti fazinės redukcijos ir vidurkinimo metodus konkretiems uždaviniams spręsti. Fazinės redukcijos metodas leidžia silpnai perturbuoto ribinio ciklo osciliatoriaus dinamiką redukuoti iki vieno skaliarinio kintamojo dinamikos. Darbe fazinės redukcijos metodas išplėtotas ribinio ciklo osciliatoriams su delsa. Plačiai išnagrinėtas fazinės redukcijos taikymas chaotinėms sistemoms, kurių nestabili periodinė orbita (NPO) yra stabilizuojama uždelstuoju grįžtamuoju ryšiu (UGR). Toks priėjimas leidžia gauti analizinius rezultatus silpnai išderintai URG valdomai sistemai bei stabilizuoti NPO su topologiniu ribojimu. Vidurkinimo metodas leidžia gauti sistemos dinamiką, suvidurkintą per aukšto dažnio periodą, kai sistema yra veikiama aukšto dažnio periodine jėga. Darbe yra išnagrinėtas neuronų savųjų osciliacijų nuslopinimo mechanizmas, stimuliuojant juos aukšto dažnio elektriniu signalu.
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Fazinės redukcijos ir vidurkinimo metodų plėtojimas ir taikymas netiesiniams osciliatoriams / Development and application of phase reduction and averaging methods to nonlinear oscillatorsNovičenko, Viktor 09 June 2014 (has links)
Netiesiniai ribinio ciklo osciliatoriai dažnai sutinkami gamtoje bei žmogaus sukonstruotose sistemose, pavyzdžiui elektronikoje, robototechnikoje, lazeriuose, cheminėse reakcijose, biologinėse sistemose bei ekonominiuose modeliuose. Tokie osciliatoriai vaizduoja periodinį elgesį su fiksuotu dažniu ir amplitude nepriklausomai nuo sistemos pradinių sąlygų. Šios disertacijos tikslas yra išplėtoti ir pritaikyti fazinės redukcijos ir vidurkinimo metodus konkretiems uždaviniams spręsti. Fazinės redukcijos metodas leidžia silpnai perturbuoto ribinio ciklo osciliatoriaus dinamiką redukuoti iki vieno skaliarinio kintamojo dinamikos. Darbe fazinės redukcijos metodas išplėtotas ribinio ciklo osciliatoriams su delsa. Plačiai išnagrinėtas fazinės redukcijos taikymas chaotinėms sistemoms, kurių nestabili periodinė orbita (NPO) yra stabilizuojama uždelstuoju grįžtamuoju ryšiu (UGR). Toks priėjimas leidžia gauti analizinius rezultatus silpnai išderintai URG valdomai sistemai bei stabilizuoti NPO su topologiniu ribojimu. Vidurkinimo metodas leidžia gauti sistemos dinamiką, suvidurkintą per aukšto dažnio periodą, kai sistema yra veikiama aukšto dažnio periodine jėga. Darbe yra išnagrinėtas neuronų savųjų osciliacijų nuslopinimo mechanizmas, stimuliuojant juos aukšto dažnio elektriniu signalu. / Nonlinear limit cycle oscillators are common in nature and man-made equipments, for example, they occur in electronics, robotics, lasers, chemical reactions, biological systems and economical models. Such oscillators demonstrate periodic behavior with fixed frequency and amplitude independently of the system’s initial conditions. The goal of the doctoral thesis is the development and application of phase reduction and averaging methods to analyze particular nonlinear problems in self-oscillatory systems. The phase reduction method allows us to reduce the dynamic of a weakly perturbed limit cycle oscillator to a single scalar equation that defines the dynamics of the phase. This method is usually applied to the systems described by ordinary differential equations. Here this method is extended for the systems with time delay. The phase reduction method is applied to analyze the delayed feedback control (DFC) algorithm. Such an approach allows us to obtain analytical results for slightly mismatched DFC scheme and to stabilize unstable periodic orbits with topological restriction. The averaging method is applied to self-oscillatory systems driven by high-frequency periodic force. The method allows to derive the equations for the slow motion, averaged over high-frequency oscillations. Using this method the mechanism of suppression of sustained neuronal spiking under high frequency electrical stimulation is investigated.
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Analysis, simulation and control of chaotic behaviour and power electronic convertersNatsheh, Ammar Nimer January 2008 (has links)
The thesis describes theoretical and experimental studies on the chaotic behaviour of a peak current-mode controlled boost converter, a parallel two-module peak current-mode controlled DC-DC boost converter, and a peak current-mode controlled power factor correction (PFC) boost converter. The research concentrates on converters which do not have voltage control loops, since the main interest is in the intrinsic mechanism of chaotic behaviour. These converters produce sub-harmonics of the clock frequency at certain values of the reference current I[ref] and input voltage V[in], and may behave in a chaotic manner, whereby the frequency spectrum of the inductor becomes continuous. Non-linear maps for each of the converters are derived using discrete time modelling and numerical iteration of the maps produce bifurcation diagrams which indicate the presence of subharmonics and chaotic operation. In order to check the validity of the analysis, MATLAB/SIMULINK models for the converters are developed. A comparison is made between waveforms obtained from experimental converters, with those produced by the MATLAB/SIMULINK models of the converters. The experimental and theoretical results are also compared with the bifurcation points predicted by the bifurcation diagrams. The simulated waveforms show excellent agreement, with both the experimental waveforms and the transitions predicted by the bifurcation diagrams. The thesis presents the first application of a delayed feedback control scheme for eliminating chaotic behaviour in both the DC-DC boost converter and the PFC boost converter. Experimental results and FORTRAN simulations show the effectiveness and robustness of the scheme. FORTRAN simulations are found to be in close agreement with experimental results and the bifurcation diagrams. A theoretical comparison is made between the above converters controlled using delayed feedback control and the popular slope compensation method. It is shown that delayed feedback control is a simpler scheme and has a better performance than that for slope compensation.
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