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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Scaled Examination of the Relationship between a Nonprofit’s National Mission, Regional Structure, and Local Fundraising Efforts

McClelland, Paul S. 20 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays on the Economics of Philanthropy

Teirlinck, Maria 05 July 2022 (has links)
In der ersten Abhandlung untersuche ich die Auswirkungen von Informationsfriktionen und Aufwandskosten auf die Effektivität von Steuervergünstigungen bei der Förderung von Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke. Mittels eines groß angelegten Umfrageexperiments und einem Feldexperiment prüfe ich empirisch, ob die Verringerung von Informationsfriktionen durch Hervorhebung von Steuervergünstigungen und Bereitstellung von Informationen über die Höhe von Steuervergünstigungen Spendenentscheidungen verändert. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Spenden steigen, wenn Steuervergünstigungen hervorgehoben und Informationen bereitgestellt werden. Ich lege dar, dass der Hauptverhaltensmechanismus, der Informationsfriktionen zugrunde liegt, Unaufmerksamkeit ist. Die zweite Abhandlung ist eine gemeinsame Arbeit mit Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Paul Heidhues und Rajshri Jayaraman. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen von voreingestellten Beträgen auf Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke in einem groß angelegten Feldversuch auf einer Online-Spendenplattform. Wir beobachten eine starke Auswirkung von voreingestellten Beträgen auf das individuelle Verhalten, stellen jedoch fest, dass die Gesamtspende nicht von voreingestellten Beträgen beeinflusst wird. Mit einem Strukturmodell wird untersucht ob die Personalisierung von voreingestellten Beträgen die Spendeneinnahmen erhöhen kann. In der dritten Abhandlung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Rajshri Jayaraman und Michael Kaiser verfasst wurde, untersuchen wir gemeinnützige Spenden für Naturkatastrophen auf einer großen Online-Plattform. Wir beobachten, dass der Großteil der Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke an einen winzigen Teil der Naturkatastrophen geht, bei denen es sich in der Regel um besonders schwere Katastrophen handelt, über die in den Medien berichtet wird. Unter Verwendung eines Ereignisstudiendesigns finden wir Hinweise, die mit zwei Erscheinungsformen der Spenderermüdung übereinstimmen, jedoch nicht mit einer dritten. / In the first essay, I study the implications of information frictions and hassle costs for the effectiveness of tax incentives in encouraging charitable giving. Empirically, I test whether mitigating information frictions by making tax incentives more salient and by providing information on the magnitude of tax incentives alters donation decisions by conducting a large-scale survey experiment, representative of the German adult population and I complement this with a large-scale field experiment on an online donation platform. My findings indicate that when tax incentives are made salient, and when information is provided, donations increase. I find that the main behavioral mechanism underlying information frictions is inattention. Analyzing who responds more to salience and information provision shows that it is predominantly individuals that face lower hassle costs and have high incomes. The second essay is joint work with Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Paul Heidhues, and Rajshri Jayaraman. In this paper, we study the effects of defaults on charitable giving in a large-scale field experiment on an online fundraising platform. We document a strong effect of defaults on individual behavior but nevertheless find that aggregate donation levels are unaffected by defaults. In contrast, co-donations increase in the default amount. We complement our experimental results with a structural model that investigates whether personalizing defaults based on individuals’ donation histories can increase donation revenues. In the third essay, which is joint work with Rajshri Jayaraman and Michael Kaiser, we investigate charitable donations to natural disasters on a large online platform. We document that the bulk of charitable donations go to a tiny fraction of natural disasters, which tend to be severe disasters that receive media coverage. Using an event study design, we find evidence consistent with temporal fatigue and donor fatigue, but not with crowding out.

Individual and Contextual Correlates of Charitable Giving to Refugees in Germany

Gricevic, Zbignev 05 July 2022 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht das Ausmaß der Spendenbereitschaft für Flüchtlinge und dessen individuelle sowie kontextuelle Korrelate unter einheimischen Deutschen zwischen Jahren 2015 und 2018. Die Dissertation enthält drei originäre empirische Beiträge. Im ersten empirischen Beitrag wird das Ausmaß des Spendenverhaltens für Flüchtlinge, seine regionale Variation und Veränderung im Zeitverlauf beschrieben. Das Kapitel beschreibt, wie Einstellungen und soziodemografische Merkmale mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge zusammenhängen. Ich stelle fest, dass die Spenden für Flüchtlinge besonders hoch waren bei Frauen, Menschen mit einer höheren sozioökonomischen Position und Personen mit einer positiven Einstellung zur Einwanderung. Im zweiten und dritten empirischen Beitrag werden mögliche kontextuelle korrelate für solche Spenden betrachtet. Dies wird erreicht durch die Kombination von individuellen Panelerhebungsdaten mit Sozialindikatoren auf Stadtteilebene. Die zweite empirische Studie prüft, ob das Geben an mit der Anwesenheit von Ausländern im Wohnumfeld korreliert ist. Umgebung korreliert. Es gibt keine robusten Beweise dafür, dass die Anwesenheit von verschiedenen Gruppen von Ausländern negativ mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge verbunden ist. Im letzten empirischen Kapitel wird untersucht, ob die ethnische Segregation auf Stadtebene und der Wohnsitz in den Clustern der Einheimischen negativ mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge verbunden ist. Einerseits wird manchmal eine negative Korrelation zwischen der Segregation auf Stadtebene und Spenden für Flüchtlinge festgestellt. Es gibt jedoch keine Hinweise darauf, dass Einheimische die in den Clustern der Einheimischen leben, weniger wahrscheinlich Flüchtlinge unterstützen. / This doctoral thesis analyzes extent of charitable giving to refugees and its individual as well as contextual correlates among native Germans between years 2015 and 2018. Dissertation contains three original empirical contributions. In the first empirical contribution the extent of charitable giving to refugees, its regional variation and change over time is described. Chapter describes how attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics are correlated with giving to refugees. I find that giving to refugees was especially high among females, people of higher socio-economic position and those holding positive attitude towards immigration. In the second and third empirical contributions possible environmental correlates of such giving are considered. This is achieved by combining panel survey data with fine-grained neighborhood level social indicators. Second empirical study tests if giving to refugees is correlated with presence of foreigners in the residential environment. There is lack of robust evidence that presence of various foreigner groups is negatively associated with giving to refugees. Final empirical chapter investigates if city-level ethnic segregation and residing in the clusters of natives is negatively associated with donating to refugees. On the one hand, negative correlation between city-level segregation and giving to refugees is sometimes found. There is, however, no evidence that natives living in the clusters of natives are less likely to support refugees with their donations.

Trends in Deferred Giving at Small Private Universities

Falder, Michael Thurlo 05 November 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Poverty alleviation through community development : the case of PRO PRIDE-Ethiopia

Atfaye, Haile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Misunderstanding of poverty and lack of sound poverty alleviating strategy, among others, are problems of some of the few NGOs existing in Ethiopia. There is a problem of understanding their roles in relation to the State and other stakeholders. The principles they apply in their intervention are other problems. These are the issues that were researched in the PRO PRIDE case study. The legitimacy of PRO PRIDE as a poverty-alleviating programme in view of global and Ethiopian poverty and the consequent policy focuses is justified. The principles of PRO PRIDE - community participation, gender equity, intersectoral collaboration, appropriate technology, focus on prevention, participatory management, cost effectiveness and sustainability of programmes - are sound principles. Reviewing the practices of PRO PRIDE as guided by the aforementioned principles it is understood that the community development principles - human orientation, public participation, empowerment, ownership, release, social learning, adaptiveness and simplicity - are commendably achieved. PRO PRIDE well dealt with understanding poverty and its interwoven nature. Issues such as the deprivation trap that the poor are entangled in; the general explanation of poverty that are given by different authors; vicious cycles of poverty and social, economic and political causes of poverty which are operating at local, national and international levels; and the rural-urban dynamics that work in exacerbating the urban poverty are covered in its socio-economic study. The study of the programme areas shows that they depict a dismal picture as a result of the operation of these poverty dynamics. Regarding the integrated rural-urban poverty alleviation strategy, the State has made favourable policies and itself dwelled on rural poverty due to lack of financial capacity to cover both rural and urban areas. The State's rural focus is accepted to impact on the urban poverty through changing the migration pattern. PRO PRIDE is operating in the urban setting to connect the nexus - the rural-urban strategy. PRO PRIDE is operating with an integrated urban development strategy encompassing income generation, basic education, primary health care, HIV IAIDS prevention and control and environmental sanitation. Through integrating these areas of intervention PRO PRIDE is improving the quality of life, promoting sustainable urban economic growth, creating income and employment generating opportunities, giving people access to resources and opportunities, improving the distribution of income and welfare, and applying sound developmental principles. The functioning of PRO PRIDE is proven to be in a well compliance with the requirement for organisations alike. It is functioning in collaboration and participation with the popular sector - the people themselves and their community leaders. It operates with the agreement of the State bodies such as FRDCB and with other line bureaus such as Health, Education, Environmental Development, and Labour and Social Affairs. It collaborates with donors the major being ActionAid - Ethiopia (AAE). Internal components of PRO PRIDE such as the Board and the staff as well as its organisational development influence its operation. All the programmes and the projects are managed through PRO PRIDE's interaction with its internal and external stakeho lders. PRO PRIDE as an agent of development has played as a catalyst to initiate development, focused on empowerment and using the people's latent potential, materialised capacity building and facilitation. These are basically the requirements that the current NGOs should fulfill, which PRO PRIDE commendably did. The study has indicated that although PRO PRIDE is an organisation of overall success, there are some areas of future focus both by the State and PRO PRIDE. Recommendations are made as to what both parties should do in their future focuses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanopvattings oor armoede en die gebrek aan gesonde strategieë vir die verligting van armoede, onder andere, is swakhede van sommige van die paar bestaande NGO's in Ethiopië. Verder ondervind hulle ook probleme om hulle rol met betrekking tot die Staat en ander deelhouers te verstaan; ook die beginsels wat hulle by intervensie beoefen, is problematies. Hierdie is die kwessies wat deur die PRO PRIDE gevallestudie ondersoek word. Die legitimiteit van PRO PRIDE as 'n armoede-verligtende program, gesien in die lig van die globale en Ethiopiese armoede en die voortspruitende beleidsfokusse, word geregverdig. Die beginsels van PRO PRIDE - gemeenskapsdeelname, geslagsgelykheid, intersektorale samewerking, geskikte tegnologie, fokus op voorkoming, deelnemende bestuur, koste-effektiwiteit en die volhoubaarheid van programme - is gesonde beginsels. Oorweging van die praktyke van PRO PRIDE aan die hand van voorgenoemde beginsels toon dat die beginsels van gemeenskapsontwikkeling - menslike oriëntasie, openbare deelname, bemagtiging, eienaarskap, bevryding, sosiale leer, aanpasbaarheid en eenvoudigheid - noemenswaardig verwesenlik is. PRO PRIDE het goed daarin geslaag om armoede en die verweefde aard daarvan te verstaan. Kwessies soos die ontberingsvalstrik waarin die armes vasgevang is; die algemene verklarings vir armoede deur verskillende skrywers; die bose kringloop van armoede en die sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke oorsake van armoede, aangetref op plaaslike, nasionale en internasionale vlakke; asook die landelik-stedelike dinamika wat meewerk tot die verergering van stedelike armoede word gedek in die sosio-ekonomiese studie. Die bestudering van die programareas verbeeld 'n droewige prentjie te wyte aan die operering van hierdie armoede- dinamiek. Betreffende die geïntegreerde landelik-stedelike armoede-verligtingstrategie, het die Staat gunstige beleide gemaak en oorheersend gefokus op landelike armoede vanweë 'n gebrek aan finansiële kapasiteit vir die aanspreking van die probleem in beide landelike en stedelike gebiede. Die Staat se landelike fokus is aanneemlik gevind vir die impak wat dit op stedelike armoede kon hê deur verandering van die migrasiepatroon. PRO PRIDE opereer vanuit 'n stedelike omgewing om die verbinding, landelik-stedelike strategie, te bewerkstellig. Dit opereer binne 'n geïntegreerde stedelike ontwikkelingstrategie behelsende inkomstegenerering, basiese opvoeding, primêre gesondheidsorg, VIGS-voorkoming en -beheer, asook omgewingsanitasie. Deur integrering van hierdie tussenkomsgebiede verbeter PRO PRIDE lewenskwaliteit, bevorder dit volhoubare stedelike ekonomiese groei, genereer dit inkomste- en indiensnemingsgeleenthede, maak dit hulpbronne en geleenthede toeganklik vir mense, verbeter dit die distribusie van inkomste en welvaart en pas dit gesonde ontwikkelingsbeginsels toe. Die funksionering van PRO PRIDE is bewys te voldoen aan die vereistes gestel vir ooreenstemmende organisasies. Dit funksioneer met die samewerking en deelname van die volksektor - die mense en hulle gemeenskapsleiers. Dit opereer met die instemming van Staatsorgane soos FRDCB en ander lynstaatsinstansies soos dié van Gesondheid, Opvoeding, Omgewingsontwikkeling en Arbeid en Sosiale Aangeleenthede. PRO PRIDE werk ook saam met donateurs van wie die vernaamste ActionAid-Ethiopië (AAE) is. Interne komponente soos die Raad en personeel, asook die organisatoriese ontwikkeling van PRO PRIDE beïnvloed die operering daarvan. Alle programme en projekte word bestuur deur PRO PRIDE se interaksie met sy interne en eksterne deelhouers. PRO PRIDE as 'n ontwikkelingsagent het as 'n katalisator opgetree om ontwikkeling te inisieer, het gefokus op bemagtiging en gebruik van die mense se latente potensiaal en het kapasiteitsbou en fasilitering bewerkstellig. Hierdie basiese vereistes waaraan NGO's behoort te voldoen is noemenswaardig deur PRO PRIDE gerealiseer. Die studie het getoon dat hoewel PRO PRIDE in die geheel geslaag het as organisasie, daar tog sommige gebiede is wat toekomstige aandag van beide die Staat en PRO PRIDE verdien. Aanbevelings word gemaak oor wat beide partye in hul toekomstige fokus behoort te onderneem.

Srovnávací ekonomická analýza různých typů péče o seniory v ČR / Comparative economic analysis of different types of care for the elderly in the Czech Republic

Sabaková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problems of seniors. Currently in the Czech Republic, but everywhere in the developed countries, a trend of aging and extending the retirement age is taking a shape. For these reasons the problems of the elderly is very actual. Older people sre becoming endangered and can get into a difficult social and financial situation. The aim of this study is to determine what the current possibilities are for senior accommodation service providers, than to analyze current homes for the elderly and to compare the homes for the elderly according to different lenders. The theoretical part presents the contemporary social policy, the current trends, providing of the social services and financing of the homes for the elderly as a social service. It also examines the origins of social policy and the need for social assistance. Practical chapters analyze and compare different homes for the elderly. It focuses on contributory organizations, charitable organizations and limited liability companies, comparing them and trying to figure out which form of the provision is most effective and what are the conditions of homes for the elderly. In conclusion, the work seeks to introduce alternative financing of social services in the form of homes for the elderly.

Venturing into public good : from venture capital to the creation of state-supported venture philanthropy and its implications for third sector financing

Isserman, Noah Jacobsen January 2018 (has links)
Over the last three decades, scholars in management, policy, and geography have examined the growing economic, social, and spatial impact of the financial sector. Venture capital firms have been a focus, generating a contested but deep literature around the roles of such "value-adding" capital providers in supporting the growth of firms, industries, and various territorial innovation models. In parallel, there has been substantial government support-financial, regulatory, and otherwise-of these private sector financial intermediaries, despite scepticism. The past twenty years have seen the emergence and rapid growth of analogous funders in the third sector, itself the realm of substantial experimentation and growth. These new intermediaries, "venture philanthropists", have become important players in shaping, structuring, and channelling funding to the third sector. The activities and effects of venture philanthropists are underexplored, as are their growing interactions with governments-despite intentional and striking similarities between the evolution of venture capital and that of venture philanthropy. This dissertation addresses these gaps by systematically examining the emergence, evolution, and operational practices of two influential British venture philanthropy funds: the first such fund in Europe (Impetus Trust) and the first fund in the world co-created with the state (Inspiring Scotland). The two venture philanthropy organisations (VPOs)-one with roots in venture capital, the other with roots in the voluntary and government sectors-both conducted the venture capital-inspired operational model of venture philanthropy in similar ways. That said, the VPOs reflected the logics and practices of their founders and funders. Impetus Trust more closely resembled early-stage venture capital, with a reliance on London-based networks, funders, and service providers-and a heavily London-focused portfolio. Inspiring Scotland evidenced the logics of government rather than charity in several instances, with substantial original research into social issues, heavily structured portfolios on set timelines, and regionally-distributed staff. This approach broadened access, allowing support of SPOs and their clients across various (and underserved) geographies, but limited options for opportunity-driven or expressive functions of philanthropy. I surveyed the CEOs of most organisations supported by the two venture philanthropy funds (82 of 98 charities and social businesses), supplemented by interviews of selected CEOs and the founders and staff of the two funds. I find that, overall, the two VPOs each engaged in seven core activities of venture capital, intentionally adapting them to the third sector: sourcing and selection, due diligence, an engaged relationship, provision of funding, provision of non-financial support, creation of network linkages, and intentional exiting of relationships. As in venture capital, this process had broader effects: providing signals of investee quality, preparing investees for subsequent funding, and expanding networks. The combination of long-term relationships and high formal reporting requirements imposed significant costs for SPOs-and also created a virtuous cycle of trust and collaboration between VPOs and SPOs. The venture philanthropy model also had broader societal effects, creating data regarding individual organisations and the efficacy of responses to social issues, which in both cases informed policy. As intermediaries, venture philanthropists decreased power differentials and improved the flow of (oft-anonymized) information amongst funders, statutory bodies, and funded organisations, facilitating several types of collaboration. SPO managers indicated that they received, on average, approximately ten different types of non-financial support-like strategy consulting, human resources support, or legal counsel. These managers reported in interviews and surveys that the non-financial services provided by venture philanthropists were highly valued, on average. Further, managers believed these services provided more value than it cost the VPOs to provide them. Likewise, managers highly valued most forms of new networking connections (though not all services or linkages were found to be valuable). Smaller SPOs valued services and network links more highly than larger SPOs, although all sizes of SPOs indicated both were valuable, on average. Importantly, this data was provided by SPO managers and focused on the SPO-VPO dyad-rather than provided by VPOs and focused at the portfolio or trust level. This filled an important gap in the literature: academics and practitioners often lament that the voices of charities supported by foundations are not often enough heard, which limits our understanding of many aspects of organizational philanthropy and its effects-in particular the burdens and benefits for recipient organisations. I documented the co-creation of the first government-supported venture philanthropy fund through eleven interviews with founding managers and government officials. This model, in which state, private, and civil society actors collectively founded and funded a value-adding capital provider, militates against neoliberal assumptions of an ever-diminishing state, as does the leveraging of private resources in alignment with state aims-though it raises concerns around democratic processes, accountability, and local control. This work helps inform the changing nature of the voluntary sector and its relationship with the state. I focus on the increasing interaction of actors between and across systems-sometimes in new roles and coordinated by new intermediaries-in the allocation of resources and delivery of services in the public interest. These new interactions inform broad bodies of work that seek to understand changing sectoral roles, most notably discourses surrounding neoliberalism(s), financialisation, and public management. Overall, I find privately- and publicly-funded venture philanthropy playing a role in the third sector analogous to the role of venture capital in the private sector, with similar practices and concomitant effects in data generation, network formation and strengthening, facilitating partnerships, and signalling the quality of supported organisations. By examining two such emerging models of capital provision, I contribute grounded understanding of the way such systems are created and function across the private, public, and third sectors.

Three necessary things the Indianapolis Free Kindergarten and Children's Aid Society, 1880-1920 /

Gobel, Erin J. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2010. / Title from screen (viewed on July 29, 2010). Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Anita Morgan, Robert G. Barrows, Daniella J. Kostroun. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-113).

Diakonie v byzantské tradici / Diaconate in the Byzantine tradition

SLYVOTSKA, Nataliya January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of diaconate and the diacon's service in the Byzantine tradition. The first part deals with the diaconate in the New Testament. The second part focuses on the historical development of the Byzantine rite as well as of the diaconate from the charitable, administrative and liturgical perspektive where the liturgical aspekt begins to dominate. The third part introduces the Liturgies (Masses)in the Byzantine tradition with consideration for the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and stresses his irreplaceable role.

Tasse e donazioni: due facce della stessa medaglia? Una ricerca sul contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune dal punto di vista della psicologia economica / ARE TAXES AND DONATIONS TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN? AN ECONOMIC-PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR THE COMMON GOOD

CASTIGLIONI, CINZIA 23 February 2018 (has links)
Per comprendere in che modo promuovere il contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune tramite tasse e donazioni monetarie, è stato adottato l’approccio della psicologia economica e un disegno di ricerca misto, utilizzando strumenti di ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa. Un primo studio di carattere qualitativo ha evidenziato come tasse e donazioni siano riconosciute come due forme alternative e complementari per contribuire al bene comune solo da punto di vista cognitivo, non affettivo. Successivamente, uno studio sperimentale basato sull’utilizzo dell’effetto framing ha mostrato che un ‘gain frame’ (ritorno di tipo materiale) è efficace nell’aumentare la propensione alla correttezza fiscale, mentre un ‘hedonic frame’ (ritorno di tipo emozionale) è efficace nell’aumentare la propensione a effettuare donazioni monetarie. Questi frame risultano particolarmente rivelanti quando prevale una motivazione di carattere estrinseco. Inoltre, la distanza a livello affettivo tra tasse e donazioni sembra emergere soprattutto con l’acquisizione di reale esperienza fiscale, come suggerito dalla differenza riscontrata tra studenti e lavoratori. Infine si suggerisce che, nonostante le differenze individuate, versare correttamente le tasse ed effettuare donazioni monetarie presentano alcuni elementi di somiglianza in quanto condividono antecedenti comuni, ovvero la motivazione a contribuire legata all’accessibilità (rendere il bene comune accessibile a chiunque) e la motivazione legata al guadagno personale (ottenere un ritorno personale in cambio del proprio contributo). In conclusione, i risultati offrono spunti teorici e pratici (per esempio, ‘nudge’) per lo sviluppo di interventi atti a favorire il contributo economico-finanziario al bene comune. / To understand how to promote the financial provision for the common good through paying taxes and making charitable donations, an economic-psychological perspective and a mixed-method approach – combining both qualitative and quantitative research tools – are adopted. First, a qualitative study shows that the acknowledgment of taxes and donations as two alternative and complementary ways to provide for the common good seems to stand merely on a formal and cognitive level, whilst at an affective level they appear to be very distant. Next, an experimental study using framing effect shows that a gain frame (i.e., material return) is effective in increasing intended tax compliance, whereas a hedonic frame (i.e. emotional return) is effective in increasing donation intention. Such frames are especially relevant when extrinsic motivation prevails. Moreover, the distance at affective level between taxes and donations seems to mostly arise with the acquisition of real tax experience, as suggested by the difference that is found between students and taxpayers. A final study suggests that, despite the above-mentioned differences, paying taxes and making donations are similar in that they share some common antecedents, which are the motives to provide for the common good. Such motives are ‘Accessibility’ (i.e., making the common good accessible to anyone and fulfilling people’s basic needs) and ‘Personal Gain’ (i.e., getting a return and personal advantage in exchange for one’s contribution). In conclusion, insights are offered to scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to support the development of policies, interventions, and nudges aimed at promoting the financial provision for the common good.

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