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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Roger Eduardo Ona Ona (11837192) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<div>In this thesis, we propose a model to predict the interfacial delamination in a flexible solar cell. The interface in a multilayer Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) flexible solar cell was studied applying the principles of fracture mechanics to a fixed-arm-peel test. </div><div>The principles of fracture mechanics ( J-integral and cohesive model) were implemented in a finite element software to compare the experimental with the numerical peeling force. A fixed-arm-peel test was used to obtain the peeling force for different peeling angles. This peel force and material properties from the CIGS solar cell were processed in several non-linear equations, so the energy required to start the delamination was obtained.The accuracy of the model was compared by fitting the experimental and numerical peeling force, which had a difference of 0.08 %. It is demonstrated that the peeling process for 90-degree could be replicated in COMSOL® software for a CIGS solar cell.</div>

Study and Characterization of Hybrid Perovskites and Copper-Indium-Gallium Selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells

Bouich, Amal 01 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo principal de esta tesis es contribuir al avance de nuevas técnicas de elaboración con bajo coste, utilizando materiales tipo de cobre, indio, galio y selenio CIGS y Perovskita para aplicaciones en energía solar fotovoltaica. CIGS parecen ser adecuadas ya que son de bajo costo de producción y se han reportado eficiencias de conversión del 23,35%. Por otro lado, las perovskitas híbridas de haluros de plomo orgánicos-inorgánicos han aparecido como nuevos materiales excepcionales para celdas solares, especialmente porque la eficiencia de las celdas solares basadas en perovskita ha aumentado del 3.8% al 22.7% en menos de un lustro. Este trabajo se ha dedicado a experimentar sobre la elaboración y caracterización de CIGS y los perovskitas de metilamonio de yoduro de plomo de (MAPbI3) y formamidinio de yoduro de plomo (FAPbI3), que se utilizo tanto en la aplicación a las células solares de perovskitas y en las células Tándem CIGS-perovskita. Las películas se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X, espectroscopía Raman, microscopía electrónica de barrido, análisis de espectroscopía de energía dispersiva, microscopía de fuerza atómica, transmisión electrónica microscopía, fotoluminiscencia y espectroscopia UV-Vis. En las capas de CIGS depositadas por electrodeposición se investigó el efecto de diferentes parámetros, También investigamos en detalle el efecto del contacto posterior en las propiedades estructurales y ópticas de CIGS. Constatamos que el tipo de contacto posterior tiene un efecto significativo en el rendimiento posterior de las películas delgadas CIGS. Además, estudiamos la técnica de espray pirólisis para producir películas CIGS. Se estudió el proceso de recocido, que es el factor clave para mejorar el rendimiento de las células solares. Se elaboraron diferentes películas delgadas constituidas de nuestro dispositivo CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo eso utilizó una capa conductora transparente de CdZnS para minimizar la alineación de la interfaz. Por otro lado, se analizó el proceso de cristalización y la estabilidad de las capas MAPbI3. Las capas de MAPbI3 se trataron añadiendo antisolvente a diferentes velocidades. Durante el tratamiento se producen intercambios complejos que influencian muchas propiedades fisicoquímicas. Se investigaron las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de las películas de MAPbI3. Para mejorar la estabilidad de MAPbI3, se incorporó tetrabutilamonio (TBA), observando una mejora en la formación de la estructura perovskita que crece en la dirección preferente (110). La fase cristalina de MAPbI3 dopada con TBA presenta mejor cristalinidad, gran tamaño de grano, morfología superficial sin poros lo que es adecuado para la fabricación de dispositivos optoelectrónicas con mayor rendimiento. Además, hemos identificado el impacto de TBA en las propiedades foto físicas de MAPbI3. En las muestras de TBA:MAPbI3 aumenta la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia al reducir la densidad de los estados de trampa y la absorción óptica muestra un cambio significativo hacia longitudes de onda más largas y la banda prohibida óptica varió de 1.8 a 1.52 eV. Finalmente, las muestras dopadas con 5% TBA mejoraron su estabilidad y se encontró que después de 15 días la estabilidad permanecía excelente en una humedad de ~ 60%. Por otra parte, investigamos el efecto de guanidinio (GA) sobre las propiedades estructurales y ópticas de FAPbI3. La relación entre la fase a de perovskita deseable y la fase indeseable y se ha estudiado en función del contenido de GA. Se comprobó que el dopaje con GA es eficaz en el control de la relación de fases a/y y luego en la estabilización de la fase a. Los resultados muestran que añadiendo una cantidad adecuada del 10% GA conduce a una mejora de película de perovskita que se evidencia en la homogeneidad de la fase a estable, granos de mayor tamaño y capas libres de poros. Además, 10% GA:FaPbI3 demostraron una excelente estabilidad después de ser envejecidas durante 15 días en un ambiente con humedad relativa del 60%. / [EN] The thesis work presented is part of the work in the Laboratory of New Materials for Photovoltaic Energy in the main target to use low cost techniques for elaboration of Perovskite and Copper, indium, gallium, and selenium CIGS materials for photovoltaic application. Organic-inorganic lead halides perovskites have currently and exceptionally appeared as new materials for low cost thin film solar cells specially that the efficiency of perovskite based solar cell have jumped from 3.8% to 22.7% in short time.in other hand, CIGS solar cells record 23.35% efficiency and still can be boosted. Here, we report the elaboration and characterization of CIGS as well as methylammonium lead iodide perovskites MAPbI3 and formamidinuim iodide lead iodide perovskites FAPbI3 absorbers for perovskite-based solar cells and Tandem Perovskites/ CIGS. The thin films prepared were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy (RS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Photoluminescence analysis (PL) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The first stage was devoted for the effect of different parameters on the growth of CIGS by electrodeposition and we investigate the impact of different back contact in structural and optical proprieties. In a second stage, we report the growth of CIGS films by spray pyrolysis, we studied the effect of experimental parameter also the annealing process which is the key factor for improving the performance of solar cells,subsequently we elaborated different films constituted CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo solar cells, the approach is to change the toxic ZnO by using a transparent, conductive CdZnS layer. In other hand, MAPbI3 film was investigated in order to optimize the chemical composition and to study the crystallization process also to get sight about the stability of perovskite materials to meet the requirement of their application as an active layer in perovskite solar cell. For this purpose. the MAPbI3 film surface was treated by adding diethyl ether antisolvent with different rates. during the treatment complex exchanges are appearing at the same time under the influence of quite a lot of physicochemical properties. A whole understanding of this topic is critically important for improving solar cell performance. MAPbI3 doped by the tetrabutylammonium TBA is boosting the formation of perovskite structure, leading to a higher orientation along the (110) and shows better crystallinity, large grain size, pinhole-free, which is suitable for the manufacturing of the optoelectronic devices with higher performance. Also, we have identified the impact of TBA in the photo-physical properties, we have noticed that the TBA improve the photoluminescence emission by reducing the density of trap states and the optical absorption indicates a significant shift to the lower wavelength and optical bandgap varied from 1.8 to 1.52 eV. Finally, the stability was explored for 5% TBA, it found that after 15 days the stability remained excellent in relative humidity of ~60%. These results would be helpful for realizing stable and high performance MAPbI3-based devices. Furthermore, we inspect the effect of monovalent cation substitution of Guanidinium (GA) on the structural and optical properties of FAPbI3 thin films perovskites. The ratio between the desirable a-phase and the undesirable y yellow phase is studied as a function of GA content. GA doping is shown to be efficient in the control of a/y phases ratio and then in the stabilization of the a-FaPbI3 phase. We qualitatively evaluate the impact of 10% of guanidinium on the phase composition and microstructure of films. The results show that an adequate amount of 10% GA:FaPbI3 leads to a homogeneous perovskite film with stable a phase, large grains, and free pinholes. 10% GA: FaPbI3 films demonstrate excellent stability after aging for 15 days in relative humidity of~60%. / [CA] L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'avanç de noves tècniques d'elaboració de baix cost, fent servir materials d'aliatges del tipus de coure, indi, gal·li i seleni (CIGS) i perovskites, per a aplicacions en energia solar fotovoltaica. El CIGS sembla ser adequat ja que són de baix cost de producció i s'han reportat eficiències de conversió del 23,35%. D'altra banda, les perovskites híbrides d'halurs de plom orgànics-inorgànics han aparegut com a nous materials excepcionals per cel·les solars, especialment perquè l'eficiència de les cel·les solars basades en perovskites ha augmentat del 3.8% al 22.7% en menys d'un lustre. En el present treball, reportem l'elaboració i caracterització de CIGS y de perovskitas de iodur de plom de metilamoni (MAPbI3) i de iodur de plom de formamidini (FaPbI3) per a les cèl·lules solars de CIGS i tàndem Perovskites/CIGS. En les capes de CIGS dipositades per electrodeposició es va investigar l'efecte dels diferents paràmetres sobre el procés d'electrodeposició, així com l'efecte del contacte posterior sobre les propietats estructurals i òptiques del CIGS. Ens trobem que el tipus de contacte posterior té un efecte significatiu en la posterior interpretació de pel·lícules primes CIGS. A més, vam estudiar la tècnica de polvorització de la piròlisi per produir pel·lícules de CIGS. Es va estudiar el procés de recuit, que és el factor clau per millorar el rendiment de les cèl·lules solars. Es van produir diferents pel·lícules fines formades pel nostre dispositiu CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo que utilitzaven una capa conductiva CdZnS transparent per minimitzar l'alineació de la interfície. D'altra banda, es van investigar perovskites MAPbI3, amb la finalitat d'optimitzar la composició química i estudiar el procés de cristal·lització també per a conèixer l'estabilitat dels materials de perovskita. la cristal·lització s'aconsegueix alentint la solubilitat en una solució saturada mitjançant l'addició d'una quantitat diferent de l'antisolvent d'èter dietílic. Durant el tractament apareixen al mateix temps intercanvis complexos sota la influència de moltes propietats fisicoquímiques. Una comprensió completa d'aquest tema és de vital importància per a millorar el rendiment. Amb l'objectiu principal d'augmentar l'estabilitat de MAPbI3, el tetrabutilamoni (TBA) es pot incorporar a MAPbI3, impulsant la formació de l'estructura de perovskita, la qual cosa porta a una major orientació al llarg de (110). MAPbI3 dopades amb TBA presenten una millora de la cristalinitat, major grandària, la qual cosa és adequada per a la fabricació de dispositius optoelectròniques de major rendiment. A més, hem identificat l'impacte de TBA en les propietats foto físiques de MAPbI3. Hem notat que el dopatge amb TBA millora tant l'emissió de la fotoluminiscència en reduir la densitat dels estats de trampes com l'absorció òptica on apareix un canvi significatiu de la banda òptica prohibida cap a longituds d'ona més llargues que significa disminuir l'energia del gap, que va variar de 1.8 a 1.52 eV. Finalment, es va explorar l'estabilitat per les perovsquites dopades amb 5%TBA. Es va trobar que després de 15 dies l'estabilitat romania excel·lent en un humitat de 60%. A més, hem estudiat FAPbI3 com un dels materials de perovskita més atractius. Hem investigat l'efecte de la substitució de guanidini (GA) sobre les propietats estructurals i òptiques de FAPbI3. La relació entre la fase a de perovskita desitjable i la fase indesitjable y es va estudiar en funció del contingut de GA. Es mostra que el dopatge amb GA és eficaç en el control de la relació de fases a /y i després en l'estabilització de la fase a-FaPbI3. Els resultats mostren que una quantitat adequada de 10% GA condueix a una pel·lícula homogènia amb fase a estable, grans grans lliures de porus i forats. Les pel·lícules de 10% GA:FaPbI3 demostraren una excel·lent estabilitat després de l'envelliment durant 15 dies en un ambient humit (humitat relativa de 60%). / Bouich, A. (2020). Study and Characterization of Hybrid Perovskites and Copper-Indium-Gallium Selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160621 / TESIS

Sustainable Manufacturing of CIGS Solar Cells for Implementation on Electric Vehicles

Samett, Amelia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Robust TCO’s for CIGS solar cells based on indium tin oxide

Nilsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The increasing energy demand, combined with the use of harmful non-renewable energy sources calls for the search of alternative methods to cover our energy need.Renewable energy can be harvested in different ways, through the movement of wind and water, biomass, or directly from the rays of the sun, as in the case of photovoltaic (PV) devices. Whilst crystalline silicon (c-Si) is the most common absorber used for solar cells, other technologies are emerging. Solar cells with copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) as an absorber have the possibility of being flexible, which is an advantage due to the many more application possibilities that appear compared to the rigid and heavy c-Si solar cells. CIGS solar cells have some long-term stability issues, especially regarding ingression of atmospheric species through the front contact layer. This calls for further research in the front contact of the CIGS solar cell, exploring alternative materials to prevent degradation. The front contact of a solar cell must be both optically transparent and conduct electricity. Transparent conductive oxides (TCO) are materials characterized by the ability to conduct electricity, while also possessing a certain degree of optical transparency. The combination of conductivity and transparency makes TCOs ideal as front contacts in solar cells. A very common TCO for front contacts in CIGS solar cells is aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) due to its low cost, good electrical conductivity and optical transparency. Because of its low resistance to degradation in humid environments more robust TCO alternatives, such as indium-doped tin oxide (ITO), are being investigated. Indium-doped tin oxide possesses similar electrical and optical properties as AZO, but better stability in humid environments.The ITO was deposited through RF magnetron sputtering, on a glass substrate to be able to measure optical properties. Initially, experiments focusing on oxygen content in the deposition atmosphere were done, together with a reproducibility experiment. This gave useful information about sputtering parameters and stability of the deposition. Thereon, an experiment was done varying three parameters: oxygen content in deposition atmosphere, sputtering power and temperature of substrate. A statistical software was used to analyze the data, identifying the effects of the changing parameters. The best performing samples were made with an oxygen content of 0,4-0,6 vol%. A high sensibility for oxygen in the system was also observed, as a result of the initial reproducibility experiments. This led to the introduction of a sacrificial deposition step after the machine had been shut down. Optimal substrate temperature was around 150°Cand it was not possible to go higher due to sensibility of the underlying solar cell layers.A lower threshold for the film thickness, located somewhere between 125 and 175 nm, was observed. Films with thickness below this threshold experienced a large resistivityincrease. Further depositions with higher oxygen content are advised to see if the properties of the films further improve.


Pan, Jie 27 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Fabrication and analysis of CIGS nanoparticle-based thin film solar cells

Ghane, Parvin 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Fabrication and analysis of Copper Indium Gallium di-Selenide (CIGS) nanoparticles-based thin film solar cells are presented and discussed. This work explores non-traditional fabrication processes, such as spray-coating for the low-cost and highly-scalable production of CIGS-based solar cells. CIGS nanoparticles were synthesized and analyzed, thin CIGS films were spray-deposited using nanoparticle inks, and resulting films were used in low-cost fabrication of a set of CIGS solar cell devices. This synthesis method utilizes a chemical colloidal process resulting in the formation of nanoparticles with tunable band gap and size. Based on theoretical and experimental studies, 100 nm nanoparticles with an associated band gap of 1.33 eV were selected to achieve the desired film characteristics and device performances. Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) and size measurement instruments (Zetasizer) were used to study the size and shape of the nanoparticles. Electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) results confirmed the presence of the four elements, Copper (Cu), Indium (In), Gallium (Ga), and Selenium (Se) in the synthesized nanoparticles, while X-ray diffraction (XRD) results confirmed the tetragonal chalcopyrite crystal structure. The ultraviolet-visible-near infra-red (UV-Vis-NIR) spectrophotometry results of the nanoparticles depicted light absorbance characteristics with good overlap against the solar irradiance spectrum. The depositions of the nanoparticles were performed using spray-coating techniques. Nanoparticle ink dispersed in ethanol was sprayed using a simple airbrush tool. The thicknesses of the deposited films were controlled through variations in the deposition steps, substrate to spray-nozzle distance, size of the nozzle, and air pressure. Surface features and topology of the spray-deposited films were analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The deposited films were observed to be relatively uniform with a minimum thickness of 400 nm. Post-annealing of the films at various temperatures was studied for the photoelectric performance of the deposited films. Current density and voltage (J/V) characteristics were measured under light illumination after annealing at different temperatures. It was observed that the highest photoelectric effect resulted in annealing temperatures of 150-250 degree centigrade under air atmosphere. The developed CIGS films were implemented in solar cell devices that included Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) and Zinc Oxide (ZnO) layers. The CdS film served as the n-type layer to form a pn junction with the p-type CIGS layer. In a typical device, a 300 nm CdS layer was deposited through chemical bath deposition on a 1 $mu$m thick CIGS film. A thin layer of intrinsic ZnO was spray coated on the CdS film to prevent shorting with the top conductor layer, 1.5 μm spray-deposited aluminum doped ZnO layer. A set of fabricated devices were tested using a Keithley semiconductor characterization instrument and micromanipulator probe station. The highest measured device efficiency was 1.49%. The considered solar cell devices were simulated in ADEPT 2.0 solar cell simulator based on the given fabrication and experimental parameters. The simulation module developed was successfully calibrated with the experimental results. This module can be used for future development of the given work.

Developing a Combinatorial Synthesis Database Tool

Quaglia Casal, Luciano January 2018 (has links)
Thin-film solar cell research is central to the electricity production of the near future. Photovoltaic technologies based on silicon have a significant portion of the global market and installed capacity. Thin-film solar cells are port of the emerging photovoltaic technologies that are challenging silicon for a part of the electricity production based on solar power. These thin-film technologies, such as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe), are lower cost and require less energy to produce, but also require rare materials. An alternative to these technologies are thin-film solar cells based on more abundant materials. To develop these new materials at Uppsala University, combinatorial synthesis is used. This method produces a significant amount of data across different measurement methods. The data needs to be analysed and combined to gather information about the characteristics of the materials being developed. To facilitate the analysis and combination of data, a database tool was created in MATLAB. The result is a program that allows its User to combine energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements done on solar cell absorber layers. Absorber layers are the section of solar cells where sun lighet is absorbed, and electron-hole pairs are created. The program provides multiple figures and graphs combining the different data collected, enabling the User to draw conclusions about the characteristics of the sample and its suitability as an absorber layer. The combinatorial synthesis database tool created could be user for combinatorial synthesis analysis of other material samples that are not necessarily absorber layers for thin-film solar cells. This report describes both the development of the tool and the code itself.


Arturo Garcia (8848484) 15 May 2020 (has links)
<div>In this paper various applications of axial tensile load, bending load, and rolling loading has been applied to a Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) Solar Cell to lean how it would affect the solar cell parameters of: Open circuit voltage (Voc), Short circuit current, (Isc), Maximum power (Pmax), and Efficiency (EFF), and Fill Factor (FF). These Relationships were found for with three different experiments. The first experiment the applies axial tensile stress is to a CIGS solar cell ranging from 0 to 200 psi with various strain rates: 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 in/sec as well as various relaxation time: 1min, 5min, and 10 min while the performance of solar cell is measured. The results of this gave several trends couple pertaining the Voc . The first is that open circuit voltage increases slightly with increasing stress. The second is the rate of increase (the slope) increases with longer relaxation times. The second set of trend pertains to the Isc. The first is that short circuit current generally is larger with larger stress. The second is there seems to be a general increase in the Isc up to a given threshold of stress. After that threshold the Isc seems to decrease. The threshold stress varies depending on strain rate and relaxation time. The second set of experiments consisted of holding a CIGS solar cell in a fixed curved position while it was in operational use. The radii of the curved cells were: 0.41, 0.20, 0.16, 0.13, 0.11, 0.094, and 0.082 m. The radii were performed for both concave and convex cell curvature. The trends for this show a slight decrease in all cell parameters with decreasing radii, the exception being Voc which is not effecting, the convex curvature causing a slightly faster decrease than the concave. This set of experiments were also processed to find the trends of the single diode model parameters of series resistance (Rs), shunt resistance (Rsh), dark current (I0), and saturation current (IL), which agreed with the experimental results. The second experiment consisted of rolling a CIGS solar cell in tensile (cells towards dowel.) and compression (cells away from dowel) around a dowel to create internal damage. The diameter of the dowels decreased. The dowel diameters were: 2. 1.75, 1.25, 1, 0.75, 0.5, and 0.25 inches. This experiment showed similar trends as the bending one but also had a critical diameter of 1.75 in where beyond that damage much greater. Finally a parametric study was done in COMSOL Multiphysics® to examine how changes in the CIGS material properties of electron mobility (EM), electron life time, (EL), hole mobility 15 (HM), and Hole life time (HL) effect the cell parameters. The trends are of an exponential manner that converges to a given value as the material properties increase. When EL, EM, HL are very small, on the order of 10-4 times smaller than their accepted values, a transient like responses occurs.<br></div>


Hemati, Azadeh 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In this research thesis, copper indium gallium selenium (CIGS) nanoparticles were synthesized from metal chlorides, functionalized to disperse in water, and further used in layer by layer (LbL) nanoassembly of CIGS films. CIGS nanoparticles were synthesized through the colloidal precipitation in an organic solvent. The peak and average sizes of the synthesized particles were measured to be 68 nm and 75 nm in chloroform, and 30 nm and 115 nm in water, respectively. Two methods were used to disperse the particle in water. In the first method the stabilizing agent oleylamine (OLA) was removed through multiple cleaning processes, and in the second method ligand exchange was performed with polystyrene sulfonate (PSS). Zeta potential of CIGS nanoparticles dispersed in water was measured to be +61 mV. The surface charge of the nanoparticles was reversed by raising the pH of the solution, which was measured to be −43.3 mV at 10.5 pH. In a separate process, the CIGS nanoparticles dispersed in water were coated with PSS. The resulting dispersion was observed to be stable and the surface charge was measured to be −56.9 mV. The LbL deposition process of CIGS nanoparticles was characterized by depositing thin films on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). LbL depositions was conducted using (i) oppositely charged CIGS nanoparticles, (ii) positively charged CIGS nanoparticles and PSS, and (iii) PSS-coated CIGS (CIGS-PSS) and polyethyleneimine (PEI). The average thickness of each bi-layer of the above mentioned depositions were measured to be 2.2 nm, 1.37 nm, and 10.12 nm, respectively. The results from the QCM have been observed to be consistent with the film thickness results obtained from atomic force microscopy (AFM). Various immersion times versus thickness of the film were also studied. For electrical characterization, the CIGS films were deposited on indium tindioxide (ITO)-coated glass substrates. Current versus voltage (I/V) measurements were carried out for each of the films using the Keithley semiconductor characterization instruments and micromanipulator probing station. It was observed that the conductivity of the films was increased with the deposition of each additional layer. The I/V characteristics were also measured under the light illumination and after annealing to study the photovoltaic and annealing effects. It was observed that under light illumination, the resistivity of a 12-layer CIGS film decreased by 93% to 0.54 MΩ.m, and that of the same number of layers of PSS-coated CIGS and PEI film decreased by 60% to 0.97 MΩ.m under illumination. The resistivity of an 8-layer CIGS and PSS film decreased by 76.4% to 0.1 MΩ.m, and that of the same layers of PSS-coated CIGS and PEI decreased by 87% to 0.07 MΩ.m after annealing. The functionalized nanoparticles and the LbL CIGS films were implemented in the solar cell devices. Several configurations of CIGS films (p-type), and ZnO and CdS films (n-type) were considered. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), molybdenum (Mo), and ITO were used as back contacts and ITO was used as front contact for all the devices. The devices were characterized the Keithley semiconductor characterization instruments and micromanipulator probing station. For a CIGS and n-ZnO films device with PEDOT as back contact and ITO as front contact, the current density at 0 V and under light illumination was measured to be 60 nA/cm2 and the power density was measured to be 0.018 nW/cm2. For a CIGS and CdS films device with ITO as both back and front contact, the current density at 0 V and under light illumination was measured to be 50 nA/cm2 and the power density was measured to be 0.01 nW/cm2. For a drop-casted CIGS and CdS films device with Mo as back contact and ITO as front contact, the current density of 50 nA/cm2 at 0 V and power density of 0.5 nW/cm2 under light illumination was measured. For the LbL CIGS and chemical bath deposited CdS films device with ITO as both back and front contact, the current density of 0.04 mA/cm2 at 0 V and power density of 1.6 μW/cm2 under light illumination was measured. Comparing to Device-III, an increase by 99% in the power density was observed by using the CIGS LbL film in the device structure. The novel aspects of this research include, (i) functionalization of the CIGS nanoparticles to disperse in water including coating with PSS, (ii) electrostatic LbL deposition of CIGS films using oppositely charged nanoparticles and polymers, and (iii) the utilization of the fabricated LbL CIGS films to develop solar cells. In addition, the n-type cadmium sulfide film (CdS) and zinc oxide (ZnO) buffer layer were also deposited through LbL process after the respective particles were functionalized with PSS coating in separate experiments.

Solution Processed High Efficiency Thin Film Solar Cells: from Copper Indium Chalcogenides to Methylammonium Lead Halides

Song, Zhaoning January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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