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Merchant and clansman in a local setting in medieval China a case study of the Fan Clan of Hsiu-ning Hsien, Hui-chou, 800-1600 /Zurndorfer, Harriet Thelma. January 1977 (has links)
Thesis--University of California, Berkeley. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 260-289).
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The Interaction between Local Faction and Clan Association in Taiwan¡XThe Case Analysis of Tao-yuan CountyChen, Jia-hui 02 September 2009 (has links)
In Taiwan, the clan associations have some leverage over local affairs, including elections of legislator, county mayor, county congressman, township heads, town heads and town councilman, and so on. Some critics observe that the clan associations have far more significant influence than political party in some counties such as Tao-yuan, Hsin-chu, etc.
This thesis aims to explore the interaction between local faction and clan association in Taiwan through analysis on several cases about Tao-yuan county. The author will focus on the social network and bring forward the following assumptions: (1) politicians influence the result of an election by involving themselves in local faction; (2) politicians influence the result of an election by involving themselves in clan association; (3) local faction forms an alliance with clan association to influence the result of an election. In sum, the interactive patterns between local faction and clan association can be divided into four categories: (1) clan faction, i.e. local faction comprised primarily of members of clan association; (2) clan faction with some other clan ; (3) non-clan faction, i.e. local faction comprised primarily not of members of clan association; (4) local faction unrelated to any clan association.
The author attempts to explain the following aspects: first of all, how local faction develops cooperation relationship with clan association in various elections in Tao-yuan county; secondly, the alliance between local faction and clan association will be a short-term or long-term relationship; furthermore, if clan association will be in the cooperative process dwindled into factious clubs. Finally, what kind of interest exchanges will exist between local faction and clan association?
The major findings of this study were as the following: (1) local faction develops a long-term cooperation relationship with clan association in various elections in order to win; (2) local factions win over clan associations by providing service and fellowship; (3) clan association has tendency to dwindle into factious clubs.
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Contemporary trends in marriage and its preliminaries among the AbakwaMkhwanaziSibiya, Isaac January 1981 (has links)
Submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Anthropology and Development Studies at the University of Zululand, 1981 / The purpose of this research is to probe into and describe in
detail the various changes which have occurred in the courtship
and marriage practices of members of the Mkhwanazi tribe of
the oNgoye district, in KwaZulu, ever since they came into
•contact with western culture towards the end of the nineteenth
century. The point of departure in this study is the premise
that as the entire cultural fabric of the tribe has been inter=
acting with western culture for several decades, courtship and
marriage have not been left unaffected. / University of Zululand
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Ucwaningo olunzulu ngombono wenkosi uMuntongenakudla Mkhwanazi ngokuhlatshwa kwesoyi lakwaNgqondonkulu "Ungoye" KwaDlangezwaMbuli, Thulani John January 2004 (has links)
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Isizulu naMagugu at the Univeristy of Zululand, 2004. / Lolu cwaningo lwethula inqikithi yomlando ngombono weNkosi
uMuntongenakudla Mkhwanazi ngokuhlatshwa kwesoyi lakwaNgqondonkulu
"uNgoye" kwaDlangezwa.
Uhlaka lwezahluko zalolu cwaningo zimi kanje:
Isahluko sokuqala siqukethe isethulo socwaningo.
Isahluko sesibili siqukethe umlando ngobukhosi bakwaZulu kanye
nobukhosi bakwaMkhwanazi.
Isahluko sesithathu siqukethe umlando , imvelaphi kanye nokudlondlobala
kwalesi Sikhungo. Kubhekwa eminyakeni engamashumi amane nantathu
Isahluko sesine siqukethe umlando ngokudlondlobala negalelo eselibekwe
yilesi Sikhungo emikhakheni ehlukene yempilo :
• Inani labafundi abafunde kulesi Sikhungo kubhekwa unyaka nonyaka
• Inani labafundi abafunde oPhikweni IwaseMlazi kusuka eminyakeni
elishumi uPhiko luqale ukusebenza .
• Inani labafundi abagogode oPhikweni.
Isahluko sesihlanu siqukethe umlando ngalaba abalandelayo :
• Uhla loSokhaya kanye noMgwamanda WeSikhungo ,
• Uhla IwabaPhathi kanye namaPhini ,
• IziNhloko Zemikhakha ehlukehlukene esezike zaphatha
• Uhla IweziNhloko ZemiNyango ehlukehlukene I
Isahluko sesithupha uhlaziyo locwaningo I izincomo nesiphetho.
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L’alternance de codes entre L1-fulfulde et L2-français dans l’enseignement bilingue du Burkina Faso : des technologies d’analyse linguistique de corpus oraux aux problématiques didactiques / The code switching between L1-Fulani and L2-French in the bilingual education in Burkina Faso : from oral linguistic corpus analysis technologies to educational issuesGuiré, Inoussa 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif la description outillée de la pratique actuelle de l’alternance codique dans l’interaction orale en classe bilingue au Burkina Faso et de la problématique didactique liée à cette pratique dans une perspective d’amélioration. Dans une démarche de la linguistique de corpus, les outils linguistiques CLAN et Praat sont réadaptés aux investigations en contexte bilingue sur la base des théories formelle et fonctionnelle de la linguistique. Sur trois ans, 20h 36mn de films constitués de séquences de classes et d’entretiens ont été collectées. Le corpus a pris en compte des séquences des cours de disciplines linguistiques et de disciplines non linguistiques dans toutes les classes des écoles visitées. Après une transcription standardisée avec le logiciel CLAN, des codages spécifiques à notre orientation théorique ont été ajoutés à ce logiciel. Le logiciel Praat d’analyse phonétique et acoustique a été associé pour cerner les difficultés phoniques des élèves. De façon générale, au niveau quantitatif, l’emploi de L1 et de L2 tend à suivre les orientations globales officielles du pourcentage d’utilisation du français et des langues locales. Au niveau qualitatif, les résultats font ressortir, de l’analyse de l’alternance codique en interphrastique, en intraphrastique et en extraphrastique, les fonctions linguistiques, discursives, didactiques (chez les enseignants) et acquisitionnelles (chez les élèves). Des propositions d’amélioration des pratiques de classe ont été apportées. Toutes les hypothèses, sur le discours des élèves, des enseignants et sur les logiciels, ont été mises à l’épreuve. / This research aims at describing the current practice of code-switching in oral interaction in bilingual classes of Burkina Faso and didactical problems linked to this practice in a perspective of improvement. By a process of corpus linguistics, language tools, CLAN and Praat, are adapted to our bilingual context investigations on the basis of formal and functional theories of linguistics. For three years, 20h 36mn of movies of classroom activities and interviews were collected. The corpus has considered sequences of language arts classes and non-language subjects in all school classes we visited. After a standardized transcription with the CLAN software, specific codings suited to our theoretical orientation have been added to the software. Praat, a phonetic and acoustic analysis software, was associated to analyse pupils phonic difficulties. Quantitatively, the use of L1 and L2 tends to adhere to the official guidelines of the overall percentages of use of French and local languages. Qualitatively, the results of the analysis of inter-sentential, intra-sentential and extra-sentential code-switching highlight the linguistic, discursive, and didactic (for teachers) and acquisitional (for pupils) functions. Proposals for improvements were made. All hypotheses on pupils and teachers discourse, and on the software, have been tested.
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Les usages contemporains des totems au Gabon (population nzèbi) / The contemporary uses of the totems in the Gabon (nzèbi population)Mbamba Mitamba, Oswald 28 March 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la relation de l’homme avec la nature n’est pas un fait nouveau, surtout en ce qui concerne le triptyque homme/animaux/plantes. En effet, un bon nombre de travaux réalisés en sciences sociales a permis de mettre à jour différents niveaux de compréhension dans lequel l’humain met en évidence la faune et la flore dans ses activités quotidiennes. C’est le cas de notre sujet qui porte sur les usages et les représentations des totems chez les Nzèbi du Gabon. Toutefois, ce qui fait la richesse d’une recherche c’est avant tout sa spécificité et sa capacité à enrichir la science. Ainsi, notre recherche repose sur les discours et les légendes de la société nzèbi sur ses totems. Cette société qui se trouve repartie dans trois provinces sur les neuf que compte le Gabon, les nzèbi ont gardé une partie importante de leur héritage ancien, notamment celui qui les lie à leurs totems. Basée sur le principe de l’oralité, cette société véhicule l’essentiel des connaissances sur les totems par un enseignement qui se fait en des lieux et des circonstances souvent déterminé dans un cadre traditionnel. Si le totem a toujours fait partie de la cosmogonie nzèbi ; c’est-à-dire depuis la création de l’univers comme le présentent certains récits comme le mythe Koto, qui retrace l’histoire des Nzèbi, mais aujourd’hui, cette société ne vit pas en marge des évolutions contemporaines. C’est dans cette logique que cette étude tente aussi d’apprécier à partir des influences que connaissent les Nzèbi, de faire l’état actuel des usages et des représentations des totems dans la société contemporaine nzèbi. / The study of the relation between man and nature is not a new fact, particularly regarding the triptych man / animals / plants. Indeed, many works in social sciences allowed to update various levels of understanding in how the human being highlights the flora and fauna in his daily activities. It is the case of our subject which concerns the uses and the representations of the totems among Nzèbi population, in Gabon. However, what makes the value of a research is the specificity and its capacity to enrich the science. Therefore, our research focuses on the speeches and the legends about totems in the nzèbi society. Nzèbi people which lives in three provinces on nine that count the Gabon, have guarded an important part of their old inheritance, in particular the one who binds them to its totems. Enriched by its oral tradition, this society conveys the main part of their knowledge on the totems by an education which takes place in a traditional frame that is in particular places and circumstances. Totems have always been a key element of the nzèbi cosmogony that is since the creation of the universe to today, as presented in the myth Koto which redraws the history of Nzèbi, but today, this society does not live outside the contemporary evolutions. It is in this perspective that our study also tries to analyse the present issues in nzèbi society, to understand the current state of the uses and the representations of the totems in the nzèbi contempory society.
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Gouvernance et contrat psychologique en contexte clanique : cas de la Société Béninoise d'Energie Electrique (SBEE) et du Conseil National des Chargeurs du Bénin (CNCB), deux entreprises publiques / Governance and psychological contract in clanic context : the case of SBEE and CNCB, two public companiesDossou-Yovo, Koffi 13 December 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse est un essai de compréhension de la transgression récurrente du cadre de « bonne gouvernance », imposé par la Banque Mondiale, face au constat des mauvais résultats des entreprises publiques béninoises (ancien Dahomey). Elle tente donc de répondre à une question : pourquoi les mécanismes, procédures et règles établis sont-ils en permanence transgressés dans le secteur public ? Répondre à cette question permet de saisir les causes de l’éloignement des entreprises de la performance mobilisée, dans ce contexte, sous le prisme de l’efficacité socio-économique, de la satisfaction des clients-usagers et de la rationalisation des ressources. Cette recherche se fonde sur l’idée que les méthodes de gestion doivent s’inscrire dans le cadre socioculturel et mobilise la notion de clan comme servant de base à la formation du contrat psychologique des fournisseurs et des employés des entreprises publiques dans les commandes publiques d’une part et les relations d’emploi d’autre part. Ce contrat psychologique favorise les transgressions du cadre de « bonne gouvernance ». Il a été question d’explorer, à la SBEE et au CNCB, si les logiques claniques fondent ou non les contrats psychologiques, propices aux transgressions, ce qui éloigne ces entreprises de la performance. Des interviews conduites auprès des parties prenantes des achats publics (fournisseurs, organes de passation internes à l’entreprise) et de l’emploi (personnels, dirigeants), de l’exploitation des documents collectés et de la narration des faits observés, il ressort que l’entreprise publique est perçue comme un clan. Aussi, cohabitent les clans politique, ethnique et familial de même que le « paternalisme adoptif » dont les logiques d’action comportent les transgressions entraînant la mauvaise utilisation des ressources publiques et l’insatisfaction des clients-usagers. Toutefois, le phénomène du clan n’est pas exclusif. La perception des entreprises publiques par les différents acteurs de même que la bonne foi de gens, désireux d’apporter leur expertise en vue de sortir du chômage, sont aussi parfois la base des contrats psychologiques. Il arrive, en général, que le contrat psychologique fasse l’objet de rupture, ce qui est à l’origine de grandes déceptions. Cette situation peut ne pas être définitive. A force de lutte, d’espoir ou à l’avènement d’un nouveau directeur, leurs anciennes attentes/promesses peuvent être restaurées, ce qui correspond à une reprise du contrat psychologique. La performance des entreprises publiques est, en premier lieu, clanique en sus de la recherche de la satisfaction de besoins physiologiques par du travail honnête, ce que l’environnement peut corrompre. L’éloignement des entreprises publiques de la performance est donc favorisé par un ensemble de facteurs convergents dont le clan, la représentation de l’entreprise comme « une manne à se distribuer » puis la recherche de la sécurité d’emploi dans un contexte marqué par le chômage. Quelles sont les solutions aux transgressions ? - En premier lieu, le recul effectif du pouvoir politique des entreprises publiques par l’intégration des administrateurs extérieurs, bien que ne participant pas au capital est une solution. - Permettre au conseil d’administration de jouer son plein rôle. - Il est impossible d’exclure les clans et leurs logiques. Toutefois, ils ne devraient pas exister au détriment des intérêts de la collectivité nationale. Ainsi, est-il utile de remettre le travail, l’équité la contribution individuelle et collective au cœur de l’éducation nationale. - Les règles d’organisation existantes pourraient être évaluées, de nouvelles règles élaborées suivant le principe de l’« inclusiveness » puis mises en œuvre. - Assurer leur bonne diffusion/internalisation et la surveillance collective de leur mise en œuvre. - Les objectifs communs de performance devront être définis et atteints ensembles. / This thesis is an understanding of the recurring transgression of testing the framework of "good governance" imposed by the World Bank, opposite the finding of bad results Beninese public enterprises (former Dahomey). So it tries to answer a question: why are the mechanisms established, procedures and rules constantly violated in the public sector? Answering this question captures the causes of the remoteness of used performance businesses, in this context, from the perspective of socio-economic efficiency, user-customers satisfaction and good use of resources. This research is based on the idea that management practices must be part of the socio-cultural context and mobilizes the notion of clan as providing the basis for the formation of the suppliers and employees psychological contract of public companies in public procurement on the one hand, and employment relationships on the other. This promotes the context of transgressions of "good governance". There has been talk of exploring, SBEE and CNCB, if the clan logic based or not psychological contracts, prone transgressions, what separates these companies from performance.From Interviews conducted with stakeholders in public procurement (suppliers, internal organs award to the company) and employment relations (personal, leaders), operation of the documents collected within companies and narration of observed facts, it appears that the public company is represented as a clan. Also coexist political, ethnic and family clans as the "adoptive paternalism" whose action logics include transgressions involving the misuse of public resources and the dissatisfaction of the users-customers. However, the clan is not exclusive. The perception of public enterprises by the various stakeholders as well as the good faith of people, eager to bring their expertise to get out of unemployment, determine the psychological contracts. It happens, in general, that the psychological contract is subject to rupture, which is the source of great disappointment. This may not be definitive. With a fight of strength, hope or the advent of a new director, their former expectations / promises can be restored, corresponding to a recovery of the psychological contract. The performance of public enterprises is first of all, clanic. But, looking for the satisfaction of physiological needs by honest work is poorly exploited. The remoteness of public enterprises performance is enhanced by a set of converging factors including the clan, company representation as "a godsend to distribute" then search for job security in an unemployment context and particularly the fear of unemployment. On the factors listed above, what are the solutions to the transgressions? - First, the decline of the state of governance of public enterprises through the integration of outside directors, although not participating in their capital. - It is impossible to exclude the clan logic. However, the organizational rules must be implemented and the common goals of performance must be set and achieved together. - Develop the new rules on the principle of inclusiveness, ensure their proper dissemination / internalization and collective monitoring of their implementation. - Focus on work values and contribution to the nation. As perspective, research on the performance of public enterprises is based on the reality of the clan and representations help to better define the objectives to make them feasible.
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Cultural Identity and Transnational Networks in a Chinese Diaspora Society in Sibu, Sarawak, MalaysiaHsu, Yu-tsuen Unknown Date
No description available.
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Online Communities of Female Gamers: A Resistance Analysis of the PMSclanJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: This research is focused on competitive female video gamers. This study focuses on a specific group of competitive female gamers who participate in an all female online community group or clan known as the PMSclan. The purpose of the study is to analyze the highly competitive female video gaming clan members of the PMSclan in order to understand how resistance is displayed in a female centered video gaming community and how that affects the identity of the individual gamers through Shaw's (2001) theory of resistance. This study employs qualitative research design and uses content analysis of publicly available clan doctrines and member blogs through the PMSclan website. Findings indicate that collective acts of resistance lead to individual acts of resistance which can be seen through self-expression, self-determination, and empowerment. These acts of resistance have a positive impact on female gamers with outcomes of strength and power which can be displayed in a typically masculine society. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Recreation and Tourism Studies 2013
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Ancient blood, modern vengeance: the impact of traditional culture and blood feud on violence in ChechnyaCozort, Kathryn January 2011 (has links)
This paper examines the impact of traditional Chechen culture, especially the continued practice of blood feuds, on violence in the republic. First, an in depth discussion of clannish society is used to show how and why such traditional characteristics and ancient customs have been allowed to thrive among the Chechen people, especially those living in the highlands. The focus then turns to the strong concept of honor that flourishes in Chechen society as the main motivator of blood feuds. The more detailed discussion of blood feud itself and its ancient and modern practice show the potential for and realization of widespread violence in Chechnya. The Chechens are a people with deep historical roots and a strong collective memory. The events of the past, especially conflict with Russia, greatly influence the events of the present and future. The modern Chechen identity is a unique mentality, which combines role of teip and its strong influence on society with the rise of nationalism, and later Islamic nationalism. The recent wars in Chechnya have also had a defining characteristic on the Chechen people and their psyche. When this kind of crisis is combined with the traditional Chechen culture and a propensity for violence, the outcome can be devastating, especially when violence is radicalized and...
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