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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La capitalisation des connaissances inter-organisationnelle au sein des clusters : capacités dynamiques et rôle des acteurs-frontières pour soutenir la transition inter-organisations temporaires / Inter-organizational knowledge capitalization within clusters : dynamic capabilities and boundary-actors role to support the transition in-between temporary organizations

Benedittis, Julien de 18 November 2016 (has links)
Dans une économie de la connaissance mondialisée, les organisations sont invitées à ne plus se reposer essentiellement sur leurs connaissances internes pour innover, mais à en puiser en externe. Le projet collaboratif labellisé par un pôle de compétitivité est un levier permettant une innovation ouverte sur lequel les acteurs doivent être en mesure de capitaliser. De nombreux modèles mettent en évidence les manières de procéder pour capitaliser sur les connaissances dans des dynamiques intra-organisationnelles. Toutefois, à l’échelle inter-organisationnelle, les méthodes de capitalisation au sein des projets collaboratifs ou des clusters restent inexplorées. Les enjeux de réutilisation des connaissances créées dans un projet collaboratif sont pourtant clés afin d’assurer une continuité dans le développement des activités des entreprises et leurs innovations, et pour créer une valeur partagée entre les partenaires. Il s’agit ainsi de se questionner sur l’opérationnalisation de la capitalisation des connaissances inter-organisationnelle au sein des clusters. Pour analyser ce phénomène, une investigation empirique de nature qualitative, sur le modèle d’une étude de cas multi-sites, a été menée sur 4 pôles de compétitivité. À l’issue de 67 entretiens semi-directifs avec des acteurs directement impliqués dans le processus de capitalisation, et l’observation de 5 évènements-clés de la vie des pôles de compétitivité, deux capacités dynamiques inter-organisationnelles complémentaires sont identifiées. La première relève des cellules d’animation des pôles de compétitivité qui, à travers leur rôle de boundary-spanner, accompagnent les projets collaboratifs jusqu’à leur valorisation. La seconde se réfère à la capacité des membres d’un projet collaboratif à s’appuyer collectivement sur les résultats d’un partenariat pour développer un nouveau projet. / In a globalized knowledge economy, in order to innovate, organizations are invited to no longer rely mainly on their internal knowledge, but also to draw on new knowledge from external sources. Collaborative projects, labeled by French Competitiveness Clusters, can act as a lever for open innovation on which actors must be able to capitalize. Many models identify how to capitalize on knowledge in intra-organizational dynamics. However, at the inter-organizational level, such knowledge capitalization methods within collaborative projects or clusters have yet to be explored. Nevertheless, the knowledge reuse issues created within collaborative projects are key to ensure a form of continuity in the development of business activities and innovations, and to create a shared value between partners. It is therefore essential to question how inter-organizational knowledge capitalization can be operationalized within clusters. To analyze this phenome-non, a qualitative empirical investigation, on the basis of a multi-case study, was conducted over 4 French clusters. The results stem from 67 semi-structured interviews among different actors directly involved in the capitalization process, and by observing 5 key events in the life of clusters. Two complementary dynamic capabilities are identified. The first is the responsibility of the cluster coordination unit that acts as a boundary-spanner by accompanying collaborative projects from their initiation until their valorization. The second refers to the ability of collaborative project members to collectively build a new project based on the results of their partnership.

Formation of stars and stellar clusters in galactic environment

Smilgys, Romas January 2018 (has links)
Star and stellar cluster formation in spiral galaxies is one of the biggest questions of astrophysics. In this thesis, I study how star formation, and the formation of stellar clusters, proceeds using SPH simulations. These simulations model a region of 400 pc and 107 solar masses. Star formation is modelled through the use of sink particles which represent small groups of stars. Star formation occurs in high density regions, created by galactic spiral arm passage. The spiral shock compresses the gas and generates high density regions. Once these regions attain sufficiently high density, self-gravity becomes dominant and drives collapse and star formation. The regions fragment hierarchically, forming local small groups of stars. These fall together to form clusters, which grow through subsequent mergers and large scale gas infall. As the individual star formation occurs over large distances before forming a stellar cluster, this process can result in significant age spreads of 1-2 Myrs. One protocluster is found to fail to merge due to the large scale tidal forces from the nearby regions, and instead expands forming a dispersed population of young stars such as an OB association.

Théorèmes limites pour des fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrêmes et applications / Limit theorems for functionals of clusters of extremes and applications

Gomez Garcia, José Gregorio 13 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse traite principalement des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrêmes de séquences et champs aléatoires faiblement dépendants. Des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d'extrême de séries temporelles stationnaires sont donnés par Drees & Rootzén [2010] sous des conditions de régularité absolue (ou "ß-mélange"). Cependant, ces conditions de dépendance de type mélange sont très restrictives : elles sont particulièrement adaptées aux modèles dans la finance et dans l'histoire, et elles sont de plus compliquées à vérifier. Généralement, pour d'autres modèles fréquemment rencontré dans les domaines applicatifs, les conditions de mélange ne sont pas satisfaites. En revanche, les conditions de dépendance faible, selon Doukhan and Louhichi [1999] et Dedecker & Prieur [2004a], sont des conditions qui généralisent les notions de mélange et d'association. Elles sont plus simple à vérifier et peuvent être satisfaites pour de nombreux modèles. Plus précisément, sous des conditions faibles, tous les processus causals ou non causals sont faiblement dépendants: les processus Gaussien, associés, linéaires, ARCH(∞), bilinéaires et notamment Volterra entrent dans cette liste. À partir de ces conditions favorables, nous étendons certains des théorèmes limites de Drees & Rootzén [2010] à processus faiblement dépendants. En outre, comme application des théorèmes précédents, nous montrons la convergence en loi de l'estimateur de l'extremogramme de Davis & Mikosch [2009] et l'estimateur fonctionnel de l'indice extrémal de Drees [2011] sous dépendance faible. Nous démontrons un théorème de la valeur extrême pour les champs aléatoires stationnaires faiblement dépendants et nous proposons, sous les mêmes conditions, un critère du domaine d'attraction d'une loi d'extrêmes. Le document se conclue sur des théorèmes limites pour les processus empiriques de fonctionnelles de clusters d’extrêmes de champs aléatoires stationnaires faiblement dépendants, et met en évidence la convergence en loi de l'estimateur d'un extremogramme de processus spatio-temporels stationnaires faiblement dépendants en tant qu'application. / This thesis deals mainly with limit theorems for empirical processes of extreme cluster functionals of weakly dependent random fields and sequences. Limit theorems for empirical processes of extreme cluster functionals of stationnary time series are given by Drees & Rootzén [2010] under absolute regularity (or "ß-mixing") conditions. However, these dependence conditions of mixing type are very restrictive: on the one hand, they are best suited for models in finance and history, and on the other hand, they are difficult to verify. Generally, for other models common in applications, the mixing conditions are not satisfied. In contrast, weak dependence conditions, as defined by Doukhan & Louhichi [1999] and Dedecker & Prieur [2004a], are dependence conditions which generalises the notions of mixing and association. These are easier to verify and applicable to a wide list of models. More precisely, under weak conditions, all the causal or non-causal processes are weakly dependent: Gaussian, associated, linear, ARCH(∞), bilinear and Volterra processes are some included in this list. Under these conveniences, we expand some of the limit theorems of Drees & Rootzén [2010] to weakly dependent processes. These latter results are used in order to show the convergence in distribution of the extremogram estimator of Davis & Mikosch [2009] and the functional estimator of the extremal index introduced by Drees [2011] under weak dependence. We prove an extreme value theorem for weakly dependent stationary random fields and we propose, under the same conditions, a domain of attraction criteria of a law of extremes. The document ends with limit theorems for the empirical process of extreme cluster functionals of stationary weakly dependent random fields, deriving also the convergence in distribution of the estimator of an extremogram for stationary weakly dependent space-time processes.


Koslovski, Guilherme Piêgas 22 August 2008 (has links)
Grid computing has been defined as an infrastructure integrator of distributed resources. Although it is already used on a large scale in many areas, this type of computational infrastructure is still an area of active research, with many open questions. Today, new research works investigate the application of resources virtualization techniques to perform the composition of virtual grids. These grids can be defined as a high level abstraction of resources (computing and network), through which users have a view of a wide range of interconnected computers, that can be selected and virtually organized. In a virtual grid, as well in a real grid, users and middleware must have tools that allow the composition and management of the infrastructure. Among these tools, there are languages for resource description that allow the specification of components that will be used in the infrastructure. In a virtualized environment, the resources descriptions languages should offer attributes that interact with some peculiarities, such as the possibility of allocate multiple virtual resources (computing and network) on the same physical resource. In this context, this work presents VXDL, a language developed for the interconnections and resources description in virtual grids. The innovations proposed in VXDL allow the description, classification and parameter specification of all desirable components, including network topology and virtual routers. VXDL also allow the specification of a execution timeline, which can assist grid middleware in the tasks of resources sharing and scheduling. To evaluate the proposed language, this work presentes I) a comparative study between VXDL and other resources description languages and II) an analysis of results obtained with the benchmarks execution in virtual infrastructures composed using different VXDL descriptions. / Grades de computadores vêm se afirmando como uma infra-estrutura integradora de recursos distribuídos. Embora já seja utilizado em grande escala, este tipo de infraestrutura computacional ainda constitui um campo de pesquisa ativo, com muitas questões em aberto. Pesquisas atuais investigam as chamadas grades virtuais, que tiram proveito de tecnologias de virtualização de recursos em sua composição. Essas grades podem ser definidas como uma abstração de alto nível dos recursos (computacionais e de comunicação), através da qual usuários têm uma visão de um amplo conjunto de computadores interligados, que podem ser selecionados e organizados virtualmente. Em grades virtuais, assim como em grades reais, usuários e middlewares devem dispor de ferramentas que permitam a composição e o gerenciamento das infra-estruturas. Dentre essas ferramentas, encontram-se as linguagens para descrição de recursos, que permitem a definição dos componentes que deverão ser utilizados na infra-estrutura. Em ambientes virtualizados, as linguagens descritivas devem oferecer atributos que interajam com peculiaridades, como a possibilidade de alocação de múltiplos recursos virtuais (computacionais e de rede) sobre um mesmo recurso físico. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta VXDL, uma linguagem projetada para a descrição de interconexões e recursos computacionais em grades virtuais. As inovações propostas em VXDL permitem a descrição, classificação e parametrização de todos os componentes desejáveis, bem como a definição de uma topologia de rede, inclusive informando a localização de roteadores virtuais. Permite-se também a definição de um cronograma de execução, que pode auxiliar middlewares nas tarefas de compartilhamento e escalonamento dos recursos. Para avaliar a linguagem proposta, apresenta-se I) um estudo comparativo entre VXDL e outras linguagens de descrição existentes, e II) uma análise de resultados obtidos com a execução de benchmarks sobre infra-estruturas compostas com diferentes descrições VXDL.

A numerical study of the influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials : application : load transfer above underground conduits / Etude numérique de l'influence de la forme des particules sur la comportement mécanique des matériaux granulaires : application aux transferts de charge autour des conduits enterrés

Szarf, Krzysztof 18 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l'influence de la forme des particules sur le comportementmécanique des matériaux granulaires, et les mécanismes de transfert de charge quis'y développent, notamment dans les cas des conduits enterrés. La géométrie desparticules (polygones de forme convexe ou assemblage de particules de forme concaveconstitués de plusieurs disques superposés et indissociables) a été caractérisée par uncoefficient de forme α. Cette étude est basée sur une approche numérique par élémentsdiscrets. Des simulations numériques de l'essai de compression biaxiale montrent queles caractéristiques macroscopiques ou géométriques de l'échantillon granulaire, telque l'angle de frottement macroscopique, la compacité, ou la nature des bandes decisaillement, dépendent fortement du coefficient de forme α et de la convexité ou nonconvexité des grains.Les mécanismes de transfert de charge au dessus d'un conduit souple ont été étudiésexpérimentalement (rouleaux bidimensionnels en condition de déformation plane) etnumériquement (MED). Les expérimentations réalisées montrent que la présence duconduit à peu d'in_uence sur le comportement macroscopique de l'assemblée granulairelors d'une sollicitation biaxiale. Les résultats du modèle numèrique convergentavec les rèsultats expérimentaux et mettent en évidence la présence des mécanismes detransfert de charge au dessus du conduit dont les intensités dépendent du coefficientde forme α. / This study was devoted to the in_uence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviourof granular materials and its e_ect on load transfer over underground pipes. Shapeof convex polygons and concave clumps of discs was generalised with a geometricalparameter α. In the study a Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) approach was used.Biaxial compression of granular assemblies revealed that mechanical and geometricalproperties like porosity, macroscopic friction or shear localisation depends both on αand on grain (non-)convexity.The intergranular load transfer over a _exible pipe was studied both experimentally(2D rods in a plain strain apparatus) and numerically (DEM). The experimentsshowed that the pipe has no signi_cant impact on the macroscopic behaviour of theassembly. The numerical model complied with the experiments and revealed that thearching e_ect in a sheared granular medium exists above the pipe and is magni_edwith the increase of α of the grains.

Caracterização e classificação do cluster de calçados femininos do município de Jaú/SP.

Lorenzon, Emilena Josimari 22 December 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:52:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissEJL.pdf: 2125073 bytes, checksum: 5547b81aa81eda30e301d83a46072cc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-12-22 / The research aimed to assist the local leaderships with informational subsidies for the working out of actions in the conduction of the development s process in cluster of footwear from Jaú based on the methods to characterize and to classify the urbano city companies. For this, was used the method of the study of case with an application of questionnaire structuralized in a sampling with 20 companies of this cluster. Many of the information on the footwear sector from Jaú had been extracted of formal sources of information, as RAIS, SECEX and statistical data of the IBGE. The used method of analysis applied 17 indicators distributed in 5 sets of indicators for affinities, that among others, they had measured the degree of frequency of the relations and integrations in the cluster of footwear from Jaú, classifying it. The arithmetic average of these sets of indicators had attributed conceptual gradations with note attributes to indicate the degree of evolution from the cluster in question. The reached results show the period of training of evolution from this cluster in the cycle of life of the urbano city companies offering subsidies for its development. The research is predominantly descriptive. / O trabalho pretendeu auxiliar as lideranças locais com subsídios informacionais para a elaboração de ações na condução do processo de desenvolvimento do cluster de calçados de Jaú baseado nos métodos para caracterizar e classificar os aglomerados de empresas. Para isso, foi utilizado o método do estudo de caso com aplicação de questionário estruturado em uma amostragem com 20 empresas desse cluster. Muitas das informações sobre o setor de calçados de Jaú foram extraídas de fontes formais de informação, como RAIS, SECEX e dados estatísticos do IBGE. O método de análise utilizado aplicou 17 indicadores distribuídos em 5 conjuntos de indicadores por afinidades, que mensuraram o grau de freqüência das relações e integrações do cluster de calçados de Jaú entre outros fatores, classificando-o. As médias aritméticas desses conjuntos de indicadores atribuíram gradações conceituais com atributo de notas para indicar o grau de evolução do cluster em questão. Os resultados alcançados mostram o estágio de evolução desse cluster no ciclo de vida dos aglomerados de empresas oferecendo subsídios para o seu desenvolvimento. A pesquisa é predominantemente descritiva.

Gest?o ambiental em cadeias produtivas agroindustriais: um estudo em um aglomerado produtivo da caprinovinocultura no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte / Environmental management in agribusiness productive chain: a study in a cluster of goat and sheep breeding in Rio Grande do Norte State

Nunes, Breno Torres Santiago 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrenoTSN .pdf: 891243 bytes, checksum: 6be5130ccdeffdf2570900b19539d5b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This thesis aims to investigate the perception and behavior of goat and sheep rural producers from Central Cabugi Region of Rio Grande do Norte state, in terms of the sector competitiveness, the cooperation mechanisms, information and environmental practices integration in the supply chain, including their customers, and also among the local producers and other institutions that support this agribusiness cluster. The research problem is related to the environmental impacts from goat and sheep breeding. This problem can also be intensified by the organization of producers in a cluster. Then, it is important to examine how the environmental issues are considered by the rural producers and their perception of their suppliers, customers and the institutions that support this activity. The methodology used in this work involved literature review of the topics of supply chain management, green supply chain, clusters development and sustainable livestock. An exploratory survey research was also conducted by personal interviews using questionnaires. Three statistic techniques were used to compile the gathered data: descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and Chi-square tests. Two clusters were found in this study, however, the entire sample believes the sector of goat and sheep breeding is a medium competitive activity. On the other hand, for the variables of the importance of environmental practices for competitiveness , perception of environmental impacts and environmental benefits from farm vegetation management , the research found 2 distinct groups of individuals when those variables were analyzed together the green supply chain management group of variables in the cluster analysis. Beyond competitiveness perception, no degree of difference was found for the use of insecticides too. The chi-square tests present that producers having at least elementary education, lands bigger 100 hectares and located in the cities of Angicos or Lajes tend to have a higher perception to supply chain management and environmental awareness issues than those with no or incomplete first-level education, producing in lands smaller than 100 hectares and located in the cities of Afonso Bezerra or Pedro Avelino. The chi-square tests also show the amount of milk produced, family s income and associational condition are not related with the variables used in the clusters composition. In this context, this work contributes to planning clusters development strategies and enhancing the production chain sustainability. This Master of Science Thesis can also help to introduce the environmental variable in the project, assessment and monitoring of development policies as well / O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a percep??o e o comportamento dos produtores rurais de caprinos e ovinos do arranjo produtivo local da regi?o Central Cabugi do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, quanto ? competitividade do setor, exist?ncia de mecanismos de coopera??o, integra??o de informa??es e pr?ticas ambientais na cadeia de fornecedores. Tamb?m s?o envolvidas na pesquisa as rela??es com os clientes, entre os produtores da regi?o e os outros atores do aglomerado agroindustrial da caprinovinocultura. Os impactos ambientais da caprinovinocultura podem ser intensificados pela concentra??o de empresas em um ambiente geogr?fico. Dessa forma, ? necess?rio observar como a vari?vel ambiental ? tratada pelo elo de produ??o prim?ria, e a percep??o dos produtores quanto aos fornecedores, clientes e institui??o que ap?iam a atividade. A metodologia utilizada nesse trabalho consistiu em pesquisa bibliogr?fica sobre os temas de gest?o da cadeira de fornecedores, green supply chain, clusters e pecu?ria sustent?vel. Tamb?m foi realizada uma pesquisa tipo survey por meio de entrevistas pessoais atrav?s de question?rio. Tr?s t?cnicas de an?lise estat?stica foram usadas no tratamento dos dados da pesquisa: an?lise descritiva, an?lise de agrupamentos, e por fim, an?lise de depend?ncia de vari?veis. Principais resultados apontam para uma homogeneidade da amostra quanto ? percep??o da competitividade na atividade. Os dois agrupamentos encontrados na an?lise de cluster n?o apresentaram diferencia??o de m?dias para vari?vel que avaliava a percep??o de competitividade dos produtores, com ambos os grupos, entendendo que a atividade nem ? pac?fica, nem agressiva do ponto de vista qualitativo. Contudo, para as vari?veis que envolveram a import?ncia das pr?ticas ambientais para a competitividade, percep??o dos impactos ambientais da atividade e as melhorias ambientais provenientes do manejo da vegeta??o realizado na propriedade mostraram grupos diferenciados quando analisadas juntamente com as vari?veis do modelo de gerenciamento de cadeia verde de fornecedores. A an?lise de depend?ncia de vari?veis apresentou que os indiv?duos mais escolarizados, com propriedades acima de 100 hectares e localizados nos munic?pios de Angicos e Lajes tendem a possuir maior percep??o quanto ao gerenciamento da cadeia e conscientiza??o ambiental do que aqueles que n?o possuem o primeiro grau completo, propriet?rios de terras menores que 100 hectares e localizados nos munic?pios de Afonso Bezerra e Pedro Avelino. As vari?veis de produ??o de leite, renda e associativismo n?o apresentaram depend?ncia com as vari?veis utilizadas na an?lise de agrupamentos. No contexto atual, este trabalho contribui para a elabora??o de estrat?gias de desenvolvimento dos aglomerados e de pol?ticas de estrutura??o da cadeia produtiva de forma sustent?vel, como tamb?m, para a introdu??o da vari?vel ambiental na concep??o, avalia??o e acompanhamento de projetos

A ParticipaÃÃo da mulher na microeconomia rural: estudo multicaso em TauÃ-Cearà / The Participation of women in rural microeconomics : multicase study in Tauà - CearÃ

Marciana de Lima Soares 24 July 2014 (has links)
A efetiva participaÃÃo feminina na economia rural mesmo considerada junto aos inÃmeros avanÃos apontados pelas estatÃsticas rurais oficiais, nÃo foi ainda suficiente para seu reconhecimento como protagonista do desenvolvimento econÃmico nacional, regional e local. Essa pesquisa procura evidenciar por meio de estudo in loco, a forÃa da mÃo de obra da mulher no setor da microeconomia rural. Para tal foram estudadas 96 Unidades de ProduÃÃo AgrÃria Familiares (UPAFs) distribuÃdas entre 6 comunidades do Distrito do Baixo Trici (MunicÃpio de TauÃ), CE, a saber: Junco (n=22), Tapera (n=22), Lustal I (n=19), Lustal II (n=8), Tiassol (n=15) e Queimadas (n=10). O total de UPAFs existentes nessas comunidades ascende a 305, portanto, o presente estudo abrangeu 31,47% das UPAFs do distrito. Hipotetizaram-se as mulheres rurais como atuantes e relevantes para o desenvolvimento econÃmico do estado do CearÃ, e em particular, para o municÃpio de TauÃ. Assim, o principal objetivo foi caracterizar o trabalho das mulheres rurais no perfil microeconÃmico dessas UPAFs atravÃs de tipificaÃÃo estatÃstica associada Ãs implicaÃÃes micrologÃsticas. Foram utilizados dados originais de campo que geraram variÃveis econÃmicas sobre as quais se aplicou estudo estatÃstico por meio das AnÃlises de Componentes Principais e Cluster. Com os resultados obtidos, uma detalhada interpretaÃÃo foi apresentada concatenando-se o perfil econÃmico da mulher à sua fundamentaÃÃo histÃrica e perfazendo a gestÃo logÃstica interna da real participaÃÃo feminina na microeconomia rural. O agrupamento das UPAFs resultou em quatro grupos tipificados e qualificados de modo que o G1 foi considerado o grupo com maior Ãndice de Unidade de Trabalho Familiar e Feminino com destaque da mÃo de obra da mulher na ProduÃÃo de Pequenos Ruminantes e comercializaÃÃo de seus derivados. O G2 caracterizou-se como o de maior nÃmero de UPAFs com produÃÃo inversa à produtividade total alÃm da multifuncionalidade da mulher em aspectos produtivos. A maior Ãrea em distribuiÃÃo de superfÃcie Ãtil foi a caracterÃstica mais relevante apontada no G3 e consequentemente maior produÃÃo vegetal e trabalho feminino pouco evidenciado em grandes dimensÃes territoriais. Por fim, o G4 mostrou maior variedade produtiva e participaÃÃo acentuada da mulher, representando mÃltiplas funÃÃes em parceria com a Unidade de Trabalho assalariada e destaque feminino nas atividades administrativas. Existem fortes indÃcios sobre a falta de reconhecimento e desvalorizaÃÃo dessa mÃo de obra em nÃvel de CearÃ, Brasil e de Mundo. Recomenda-se que sejam priorizadas aÃÃes pontuais em relaÃÃo à mulher, bem como a estrutura logÃstica operacional em prol da otimizaÃÃo e qualificaÃÃo do trabalho desempenhado por ela. Desse modo se faz necessÃria a intensificaÃÃo das pesquisas mostrando a realidade feminina no Ãmbito rural e acentuando as inÃmeras lutas e movimentos em prol da valorizaÃÃo da mulher e consequentemente melhoramentos agregados à Agricultura Familiar. / The effective participation of women in the rural economy even considered in conjunction with the numerous advances made by official rural statistics was not yet sufficient to its recognition as the protagonist of the national, regional and local economic development. This study seeks to highlight through study in loco, the strength of the labor of women in rural microeconomics. 96 Rural Households (UPAFs) distributed between 6 communities in the District of the Baixo Trici (Municipality of Taua), CE, namely: Junco (n= 22), Tapera (n= 22), Lustal I (n= 19), Lustal II (n= 8), Tiassol (n= 15) and Queimadas (n= 10) were studied. The total of UPAFs existing in these communities amounts to 305, therefore, the present study covered 31,47% of districts\'UPAFs. The initial hypothesis was that rural women as active and relevant to the economic development of the state of CearÃ, and in particular, to the municipality of Taua. Thus, the main purpose was to characterize the work profile of rural women of these UPAFs through the statistical typification associated to micrologistics implications. Original data field that generated economic variables were used on which applied statistical study by means of the Principal Components Analysis (ACP) and Cluster was made. With the obtained results, a detailed interpretation was presented attaching the economic profile of the woman in her historical reasoning and totaling the logistical management of internal real female participation in rural microeconomics. The grouping of UPAFs resulted in four groups as typified and qualified so that the G1 was considered to be the group with the highest rate of Familiar Work Unit and female with emphasis on the labor of the woman in the Production of Small Ruminants and marketing of its derivatives. The G2 was characterized as the largest number of UPAFs with reverse production in relation to total productivity. In addition, in this group the multifunctionality of the woman in productive aspects is relevant. The largest useful area was the strong characteristic pointed to the G3 and consequently greater plant production and female work little evidenced in large territorial dimensions. Finally the G4 with a greater variety and productive participation of the woman representing multiple functions: in partnership with the Work Unit employed and highlight in administrative activities. There are strong indications about the lack of recognition and devaluation of woman labor at the level of CearÃ, Brazil and the World. It is recommended that punctual actions were prioritized in relation to the rural woman, as well as the logistic operational structure in favor of optimizing and qualification of the work performed by her. In this way it is necessary to intensify the research showing the female reality within rural environment and accentuating the many struggles and movements in favor of the womanâs appreciation and consequently improvements aggregated to Family Farming.

Investigação de parâmetros de síntese e de potencialidades dos sistemas de nanopartículas de ouro empregando Pluronic F127 e Pluronic F127 tiolado como redutor/estabilizador / Investigation of some parameters of synthesis and potentialities of gold nanoparticles prepared by Pluronic F127 and thiolated Pluronic F127

Santos, Douglas Costa 03 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In this work, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and nanoclusters (AuNCLs) were prepared by the reduction in diluted solution method, using the amphiphilic copolymer Pluronic F127(PF127) and thiolated Pluronic F127 (PF127-thiol), respectively. The copolymer was functionalized by sterification reaction using thioglycolic acid (TGA). The investigated parameters of synthesis were concentration of the PF127 solution, temperature, as well as, the UV irradiation. The nanosystems were characterized by UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Further, the system potentialities were investigated by a catalized reaction and incorporation of a model molecule (baicalein). Morphologies, sizes, polydispersity, amount of reduced ion as welll as kinetics parameters were depedent on the parameters of synthesis. The yeld of the functionalization reaction was 90%, calculated by 1H NMR. Using the PF127-thiol, the surface plasmonic ressonance band (SPR) was undetected and a strong absorption in the UV region observed, which indicated that nanoparticles smaller than 3 nm were obtained (AuNCLs). Catalitic property of the AuNPs were investigated by reduction of p-nitrophenol, in which the AuNPs synthesised by PF127 were more efficent than the systems obtained by citrate reduction. The encapsulation efficiency of the baicalein were around 90%. In conclusion, the synthesis of AuNPs by PF127 is not only adequate to modulate sizes and morphology but also to provide environmental advantage in comparison to some tradicional methods. In addition, these are promissing systems to biologic applications because of the biocompatibility of PF127. / Neste trabalho, nanopartículas e nanoclusters de ouro (AuNPs e AuNCLs, respectivamente) foram obtidos pelo método de redução em solução diluída, empregando o polímero anfifílico Pluronic F 127 não funcionalizado (PF127) e funcionalizado (PF 127-Tiol) como agente redutor/estabilizador, respectivamente. A funcionalização do polímero foi realizada por reação de esterificação com ácido tioglicólico (TGA), inserindo-se grupos tióis terminais. A concentração de PF127 e temperatura de obtenção foram parâmetros variados nos processos, além da incidência ou não de radiação UV. A caracterização dos nanosistemas foi realizada por espectroscopia de absorção no UV-Vis e por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Os sistemas foram testados quanto à atividade catalítica, na redução do p-nitrofenol em borohidreto de sódio e na incorporação de uma molécula modelo, a baicaleína. As diferentes condições de síntese influíram sobre a morfologia, tamanho, quantidade, polidispersão e cinética de formação das nanopartículas. O rendimento da reação de funcionalização, estimado por 1H RMN, foi de 90%. O produto obtido (PF127-Tiol) foi empregado na redução do Au3+ e, nanopartículas menores que 3 nm foram obtidas, nesse caso, AuNCLs, evidenciados pelo desaparecimento da banda SPR e surgimento de uma forte absorção no UV, além da observação por MET. Os sistemas a partir do PF127 foram investigados quanto a aplicação em catálise, na qual as AuNPs preparados utilizando Pluronic foi mais eficiente do que as obtidas por redução por citrato. Na investigação da incorporação de uma molécula modelo, as eficiências de encapsulamento foram superiores a 90%. Dessa forma, esses sistemas mostraram-se promissores para uma diversa gama de aplicações de nanopartículas ou clusters de ouro, tais como na catálise de reações químicas e encapsulamamento de bioativos. A síntese por PF127 mostrou-se uma rota ambientalmente amigável e capaz de modulação nos tamanhos e formas das AuNPs,.Os sistemas ainda são promissores para uso em sistemas biológicos, tendo em vista a biocompatibilidade do PF127.

Desenvolvimento sistêmico de pólos regionais de tecnologia da informação: análise comparativa entre modelos de clusters nacionais e internacionais sob a perspectiva da Teoria dos Sistemas / Systemic development of information technology regional poles: comparative analysis of national and international models of clusters by the perspective of the Systems Theory

Christian Carvalho Ganzert 23 February 2010 (has links)
Tendo como justificativa a relevância econômica dos arranjos produtivos regionais no capitalismo informacional, a pesquisa se propôs a analisar os modelos de desenvolvimento de quatro pólos regionais de tecnologia da informação, dois internacionais e dois nacionais, sob a perspectiva do conceito de desenvolvimento sistêmico. Os pólos abordados foram do Vale do Silício (Califórnia), Bangalore (Índia), Campinas e São Carlos (Brasil). Foi utilizada a metodologia de análise qualitativa cross-case de múltiplos casos. Os resultados foram comparados com o modelo ideal de desenvolvimento sistêmico. Como conclusão, foi possível verificar que os clusters nacionais funcionam sob poucos valores voltados para o empreendedorismo, o que culminou no estabelecimento de modelos mononucleados de relações entre agentes, diferente dos modelos multinucleados observados nos clusters internacionais, mais próximos das premissas do desenvolvimento sistêmico. / This research is justified by the economic relevance of the regional productive arrangements for the informational capital, and analyses the developments model of four regional information technology poles, Silicon Valley (California), Bangalore (India), São Carlos and Campinas (Brazil). The research was developed using the qualitative multiple cross-case analysis methodology and the results were compared with the ideal model of systemic development. The conclusion signalizes the low incidence of entrepreneurship elements in the Brazilian organizational culture, which corroborates to the formation of mono-nucleated models of relations among the national clusters agents, contrasting to the international clusters, which have multi-nucleated models of relations among their agents, closer to the systemic development premises.

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