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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da resposta vasomotora e parâmetros metabólicos em idosos \"saudáveis\"ao uso de estatina / Analysis of the vasomotor response and metabolic parameters in healthy elders to the use of statin

Luciola Maria Lopes Crisóstomo 31 May 2007 (has links)
O Brasil, que conta hoje com 7% de idosos, será a sexta maior população de idosos do Planeta em 2020. A doença cardiovascular aumenta significativamente com a idade e evidências indicam a importância do endotélio e da hipercolesterolemia na aterosclerose. Contudo, não está bem estabelecido, que o tratamento da dislipidemia em idosos melhora a função vasomotora. Objetivos: Analisar a resposta vasomotora e parâmetros metabólicos em idosos com hipercolesterolemia ao tratamento com estatina. Delineamento: Ensaio Clínico Randomizado Duplo Cego. Casuística e Métodos: 72 idosos com idade 65 anos [75 ± 7,7 (65 a 92)], 64% mulheres, excluídos diabéticos, hipertensos graves, obesos, corticoterapia, reposição hormonal, doença em estágio terminal; todos realizaram avaliação clínica, laboratorial (glicose, lípides, TGO, TGP, CPK, Proteina C reativa ultra-sensível (PCR)) e função vasomotora por ultra-sonografia de alta resolução da artéria braquial, com equipamento ATL HDI 5000 e transdutor multifreqüencial de 7 a 10 MHz, segundo Diretrizes. Utilizou-se hiperemia reativa para resposta vasomotora dependente do endotélio (DMF) e nitrato sub-lingual para a independente do endotélio (DNT). Destes, 47 pacientes apresentaram LDL 130 mg/dL e foram randomicamente designados para grupo placebo (GP) e grupo tratamento (GT); todos realizaram avaliação antes e depois da intervenção (placebo ou atorvastatina 20mg oral por 30 dias). Para a análise estatística, utilizaram-se testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos, valores de p 0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significantes. Resultados: Os grupos foram semelhantes em suas características basais; a DMF não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre o GP e GT após intervenção [6,2 ± 6,2 (-4,8 23,7) e mediana = 6,4 vs. 5,0±5,6 (-5,1 18,9) e mediana= 3,5 p = 0,551], o mesmo ocorrendo para a DNT [7,1 ± 4,7 (-1,3 21,2) e mediana = 6,8 vs. 8,6±5,0 (1,4 21,6) e mediana = 6,8 p = 0,373). A análise estratificada sugere potencial modificador de efeito das co-variáveis estratificadas sexos, estratos etários (<80 e 80 anos) e níveis de LDL (< 160mg/dL e 160mg/dL) em relação à associação atorvastatina e função vasomotora. A PCR diminuiu 64% no grupo estatina (mediana no GP = 0,3 mg/dL vs. GT = 0,1 mg/dL p = 0,014). A redução do colesterol total foi de 27%, LDL = 41%, VLDL = 20% e triglicérides = 34%; o HDL elevou 12% no GT. A maior elevação enzimática não ultrapassou 3 vezes o limite e não ocorreram mialgias. Conclusões: Apesar da diminuição dos lípides, não houve modificações significativas da função vasomotora, o que sugere alterações intrínsecas do vaso associado ao envelhecimento. Os níveis de PCR reduziram significativamente, sugerindo um provável efeito antiinflamatório / The Brazil, where old people make up 7% of the population, will have the sixth greatest population of elderly people in the world. Cardiovascular disease increases significantly as a person grows older and evidences show the importance of the endothelium and hypercholesterolemia in arteriosclerosis. However, it has not been established yet if treating dyslipidemia in the elderly will improve this function. Objectives: To evaluate vasomotor response in elders suffering from hypercholesterolemia to the treatment with statin and to evaluate their lipids, c-Reactive Protein (CRP). Design: Double-blind randomized clinical trial. Methods: Seventy-two elderly people aged >65 years old [75 ± 7.7 (65 to 92)], 65% of women, excluding those suffering from diabetes, serious hypertension, obesity, steroid use, hormone replacement, end-stage disease; all of them underwent clinical evaluation, laboratorial evaluation (glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, CPK, high sensitivity CRP (CRP). Vasomotor response was evaluated by means of ATL HDI 5000 high resolution ultrasound scan of the brachial artery and multifrequency transduction of 7 to 10 MHz. Reactive hyperemia was used for endothelium-dependent flow response (DMF) and sublingual nitrate for the endothelium-independent dilation (DNT). Out of those patients, 47 presented LDL 130 mg/dl and were ramdonly divided into placebo (n = 23) and treatment group (n = 24); all of them had underwent evaluation before and after intervention (placebo or atorvastatin 20 mg, orally, during 30 days); for statistic analysis parametric and non-parametric tests were used and p 0.05 values were considered statistically significant. Results: The groups were similar in their basal characteristics; DMF did not present any statistically significant difference between placebo and treatment group after intervention [6.2 ± 6.2 (-4,8 - 23.7) and median = 6.4 vs. 5.0 ± 5.6 (-5.1 - 18.9) and median = 3.5 p = 0.551], the same occurred to DNT [7.1 ± 4,7 (-1.3 - 21.2) and median = 6.8 vs. 8.6 ± 5.0 (1.4 - 21.6) and median = 6.8 p = 0.373). Stratified analysis suggests effect modifying factor of the gender, age strata (< 80 and 80 years of age) and LDL (< 160 mg/dL e 160 mg/dL). CRP diminished 64% in the treatment group (median in the placebo group = 0.3 mg/dL vs. treatment group = 0.1 mg/dL p = 0.014). The reduction of total cholesterol was 27%, LDL = 41%, VLDL = 20% and triglycerides = 34%; HDL raised 12% in the treatmente group in relation to the placebo group. The highest enzymatic elevation did not surpass 3 times the limit and there were no myalgia. Conclusions: In spite of a significant decrease in lipids, there were no significant changes in vasomotion response with statin therapy, suggesting intrinsic alterations of the vessel associated with ageing. However, CRP reduction suggested an anti-inflammatory effect

Die Beeinflussung der Succinatproduktion durch die veränderte Aktivität der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase und der Pyruvat-Carboxylase in Yarrowia lipolytica

Kretzschmar, Anne 16 September 2010 (has links)
Succinat und ihre Derivate werden in vielfältiger Weise in den Bereichen Tenside, Lebensmittel, Pharmazeutika und Polymere angewendet. Aufgrund der derzeit kostenintensiven petrochemischen Synthese ist die aerobe nicht-konventionelle Hefe Yarrowia (Y.) lipolytica für die biotechnologische Succinatsynthese von großem Interesse. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Potential dieser Hefe für eine industrielle Succinatproduktion unter Betrachtung des Einflusses der enzymatischen Aktivitäten von Succinyl-CoA Synthetase und Pyruvat-Carboxylase auf die Succinatsynthese untersucht. Es wurde eine Steigerung der Succinatausbeute um 40 % durch die Erhöhung der Pyruvat-Carboxylase Aktivität um den Faktor 7-8 gemeinsam mit der Deletion des Gens der β Untereinheit der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase im genetisch veränderten Y. lipolytica Stamm H222-AK10 (mcPYC Δscs2) erzielt. Unter Verwendung von Glycerol als C-Quelle wurde eine Erhöhung der Succinatbildung der Transformande H222 AK10 im Vergleich zum Wildtyp von 5,1 ± 0,7 g/l auf 8,7 ± 1,6 g/l nachgewiesen. Die Raum-Zeit-Ausbeute dieses Hefestammes verdoppelte sich von 11,9 ± 1,3 mg/l*h auf 21,9 ± 2,5 mg/l*h. Eine Erhöhung der Sekretion organischer Säuren gelang hingegen nicht durch den alleinigen Verlust der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase Aktivität in den Stämmen H222-AK4 (scs1::URA3), H222-AK8 (scs2:.URA3) und H222-AK9 (scs1::URA3 Δscs2) oder durch die alleinige Aktivitätserhöhung der Pyruvat-Carboxylase in H222-AK1 (mcPYC). Des Weiteren wurde ein Y. lipolytica Stamm erzeugt, der durch die Überexpression der für die Succinyl-CoA Synthetase kodierenden Gene SCS1 und SCS2 charakterisiert ist. Die Transformande H222 AK2 (mcSCS1 mcSCS2) bildete unter den gleichen Kultivierungsbedingungen durchschnittlich 2 g/l weniger Succinat als der Wildtyp (5,1 ± 0,7 g/l). Auch die zusätzliche Erhöhung der Pyruvat-Carboxylase Aktivität um den Faktor 4 in der Transformande H222 AK3 (mcPYC mcSCS1 mcSCS2) konnte den negativen Effekt der erhöhten Gen-Dosen von SCS1 und SCS2 auf die Succinatsynthese nicht aufheben. Dementsprechend wurden für H222-AK3 eine Succinatausbeute von 3,1 ± 0,3 g/l bestimmt.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis VI Tabellenverzeichnis IX Abkürzungsverzeichnis XI 1. Einleitung 1 1.1. Bernsteinsäure, Succinat 1 1.2. Succinat als Zwischenprodukt des Tricarbonsäurezyklus 3 1.2.1. Die Enzyme des TCC in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5 1.2.2. Succinatbildung im TCC durch die Succinyl-CoA Synthetase 6 1.2.3. Pyruvat-Carboxylase 7 1.3. Succinat als Endprodukt des Glyoxylatzyklus 9 1.4. Biotechnologische Herstellung von Succinat 10 1.4.1. Succinatproduktion mit Actinobacillus succinogenes und Anaerobiospirillum succiniproducens 11 1.4.2. Succinatproduktion mit Corynebacterium glutamicum 12 1.4.3. Succinatproduktion mit Escherichia coli 12 1.4.4. Yarrowia lipolytica als potentieller Succinatproduzent 15 1.5. Yarrowia lipolytica 15 1.6. Zielstellung 18 2. Material und Methoden 20 2.1. Geräte 20 2.2. Chemikalien, Biochemikalien und Nukleinsäuren 21 2.2.1. Feinchemikalien 21 2.2.2. Enzyme 22 2.2.3. Verbrauchsmaterialien und Kitsysteme 23 2.3. Verwendete Plasmide 23 2.4. Konstruierte Plasmide 24 2.5. Oligonukleotide 25 2.6. Mikroorganismen 26 2.6.1. Escherichia coli 26 2.6.2. Yarrowia lipolytica 27 2.7. Kultivierung 27 2.7.1. Kultivierung von Escherichia coli 27 2.7.2. Kultivierung von Yarrowia lipolytica 28 2.8. Gentechnische Methoden 29 2.8.1. Genomische DNA-Isolierung 29 2.8.2. Agarose-Gelelektrophorese 29 2.8.3. Polymerase Kettenreaktion 30 2.8.4. Verdau der DNA mit Restriktionsendonukleasen 31 2.8.5. DNA-Aufreinigung 31 2.8.6. Plasmidisolierung aus Escherichia coli 31 2.8.7. Dephosphorylierung 31 2.8.8. Ligation 32 2.8.9. Transformation elektrokompetenter Escherichia coli Zellen 32 2.9. Plasmidkonstruktion 33 2.9.1. Konstruktion der Expressionskassette für die Überexpression des Pyruvat-Carboxylase kodierenden Gens 33 2.9.2. Konstruktion der Expressionskassetten für die Überexpression der Gene der α- und β-Untereinheit der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase 34 2.9.3. Konstruktion der Deletionskassette des für die α-Untereinheit der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase kodierenden Gens 35 2.9.4. Konstruktion der Deletionskassette des für die β-Untereinheit der Succinyl CoA Synthetase kodierenden Gens 36 2.9.5. Sequenzierung konstruierter Plasmide 36 2.10. Transformation von Yarrowia lipolytica Zellen 37 2.10.1. Transformation von Yarrowia lipolytica mittels der LiAc-Methode 37 Herstellung chemisch kompetenter Yarrowia lipolytica Zellen 37 Transformation chemisch kompetenter Hefezellen 37 2.10.2. Herstellung elektrokompetenter Yarrowia lipolytica Zellen 38 2.10.3. Elektrotransformation von Yarrowia lipolytica 38 2.11. Southern Blot 39 2.11.1. Transfer der DNA auf eine Nylonmembran 39 2.11.2. Sondenherstellung 39 2.11.3. Immunologische Detektion 40 2.11.4. Strippen der Southern Blot Membran 40 2.12. Biochemische Methoden 41 2.12.1. Ernte und Aufschluss der Hefezellen 41 2.12.2. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Citrat-Synthase 41 2.12.3. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Aconitase 41 2.12.4. Aktivitätsbestimmung der NADP-abhängige Isocitrat-Dehydrogenase 42 2.12.5. Aktivitätsbestimmung der NAD-abhängige Isocitrat-Dehydrogenase 42 2.12.6. Aktivitätsbestimmung der α-Ketoglutarat-Dehydrogenase 43 2.12.7. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase 43 2.12.8. Enzymatische Mitochondrienpräparation 46 2.12.9. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Succinat-Dehydrogenase 47 2.12.10. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Fumarase 47 2.12.11. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Malat-Dehydrogenase 48 2.12.12. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Isocitrat-Lyase 48 2.12.13. Aktivitätsbestimmung der Pyruvat-Carboxylase 48 2.12.14. Proteinbestimmung 49 2.13. Mikroskopische Bestimmung der Zellmorphologie 49 2.14. Kultivierung 49 2.14.1. Bestimmung der optischen Dichte 50 2.14.2. Animpfen der Hauptkultur 50 2.14.3. Succinatproduktionsmedium 50 2.14.4. Kultivierung unter Thiaminlimitation 51 2.14.5. Kultivierung unter Stickstofflimitation 52 2.14.6. Bestimmung organischer Säuren mittels Ionenchromatographie 52 2.15. Bioinformatik 53 3. Ergebnisse 54 3.1. Überexpression des Pyruvat-Carboxylase kodierenden Gens 54 3.2. Überexpression der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase kodierenden Gene 58 3.2.1. Bestimmung der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase Enzymaktivität 61 3.2.2. Bestimmung der spezifischen Aktivität weiterer Enzyme 61 3.3. Überexpression der für die Pyruvat-Carboxylase und Succinyl-CoA Synthetase kodierenden Gene 63 3.3.1. Bestimmung der spezifischen Aktivitäten der Enzyme des TCC und der PYC sowie der ICL 66 3.4. Deletion der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase Gene 68 3.4.1. Bestimmung der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase Enzymaktivität 72 3.4.2. Bestimmung weiterer spezifischer Enzymaktivitäten 73 3.5. Überexpression des Gens der Pyruvat-Carboxylase gemeinsam mit der Deletion des Gens für die β Untereinheit der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase 74 3.5.1. Bestimmung der spezifischen Aktivitäten von Enzymen des TCC, sowie der PYC und ICL 76 3.6. Morphologische Veränderungen der Transformanden 78 3.7. Produktion organischer Säuren im Succinatproduktionsmedium 80 3.9.1 Bestimmung der PYC-, ICL- und SDH-Aktivitäten während der Kultivierung im Succinatproduktionsmedium 87 3.8. α-Ketoglutarat-, Pyruvat- und Fumaratproduktion unter Thiaminlimitation 90 3.9. Citrat- und Isocitratproduktion unter Stickstofflimitation 96 4. Diskussion 100 4.1. Auswahl einer geeigneten C-Quelle für die Succinatproduktion 101 4.2. Reduktion der Succinatproduktion von Yarrowia lipolytica 102 4.3. Genetische Veränderungen, für die kein Einfluss auf die Succinatproduktion von Yarrowia lipolytica nachgewiesen wurde 106 4.3.1. Überexpression des Pyruvat-Carboxylase kodierenden Gens 107 4.3.2. Deletion der Succinyl-CoA Synthetase Gene 108 4.4. Erhöhung der Succinatproduktion von Yarrowia lipolytica 112 4.5. Auswirkungen auf die Produktion anderer organischer Säuren 119 4.5.1. α-Ketoglutarat-, Pyruvat- und Fumaratproduktion unter Thiaminlimitation 119 4.5.2. Citrat- und Isocitratproduktion unter Stickstofflimitation 121 4.6. Morphologische Veränderungen 122 4.6.1. Koloniemorphologie 122 4.6.2. Zellmorphologie 124 Literaturverzeichnis 126

Links between abnormal lipid metabolism and inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

Mangahas, Chenicka Lyn 12 1900 (has links)
La recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) est concentrée, en grande partie, sur l’étude de ses principales caractéristiques histologiques, les plaques β-amyloïdes (Aβ) et les enchevêtrements neurofibrillaires. Cependant, les thérapies ciblant directement ces caractéristiques n’empêchent pas la progression de la MA. En plus de ces caractéristiques, la génétique a mis en évidence l’implication du métabolisme des lipides et de la réponse immunitaire dans la MA. Les perturbations du métabolisme lipidique est le prédicteur génétique le plus puissant du développement de la MA, mais ses mécanismes restent un mystère. Des travaux récents dans notre laboratoire ont montré que les triglycérides s’accumulent dans le cerveau des patients atteints de MA et des souris 3xTg, un modèle murin de la MA. Chez les souris 3xTg, ces triglycérides sont enrichis en acide oléique (AO), un acide gras monoinsaturé, et l’inhibition de l’enzyme de synthèse de l’AO, le stéaryle-CoA désaturase (SCD), réduit leur accumulation et contrecarre la perte précoce de la neurogenèse hippocampique et les troubles de mémoire. Nous avons donc testé si l’inhibition de la SCD peut inverser les changements dans le transcriptome et rétablir la fonction de l’hippocampe chez les souris 3xTg symptomatiques. En comparant aux souris contrôles, l’hippocampe de souris 3xTg possède des altérations transcriptomiques impliquées dans les processus reconnus pour être perturbés dans la MA. Leur hippocampe a également montré une baisse significative des épines dendritiques. De manière remarquable, les données de séquençage de l’ARN montrent que le traitement des souris 3xTg pendant un mois avec un inhibiteur de la SCD a sauvé des gènes liés à l’immunité et aux synapses. Les analyses tissulaires ont révélé que ce traitement a conduit à des améliorations de la densité des épines dendritiques. Nous avons également établi un modèle de microglie en culture et nos données préliminaires suggèrent que les oligomères Aβ pourrait être responsable de perturbations du métabolisme des lipides chez les microglies. En somme, ces études soulignent le potentiel d’un nouveau médicament ciblant SCD pour le traitement de la MA. / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research has mainly focused on studying its main histological hallmarks, β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles. However, therapies directly targeting these hallmarks do not prevent AD progression. In addition to these hallmarks, genetics have highlighted the implication of lipid metabolism and immunity in AD. Disturbances in lipid metabolism are the single strongest genetic predictor of developing AD, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent work in our laboratory showed that triglycerides accumulate in the brains of both AD patients and 3xTg mice, a mouse model of AD. In 3xTg mice, these triglycerides are enriched with monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (OA), and the inhibition of the OAsynthesizing enzyme stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) reduced their accumulation and counteracts the early loss of hippocampal neurogenesis and memory deficits. Here, we tested whether SCD inhibition can reverse changes in the transcriptome and rescue hippocampal function in symptomatic 3xTg mice. Compared to their strain controls, the hippocampus of middle-aged, preplaque 3xTg mice showed transcriptomic alterations involved in processes recognized to be disrupted in AD. Their hippocampus also displayed significant reduction in dendritic spines. Remarkably, RNA sequencing data show that treatment of middle-aged 3xTg mice for one month with an SCD inhibitor rescued genes related to immunity and synapses. Tissue analyses revealed that this treatment led to improvements in dendritic spine density. We also established a model of microglia in culture and our preliminary data suggest that Aβ oligomers may be responsible for disruptions in microglial lipid metabolism. Together, these studies shed light on the potential of a novel drug target SCD for the treatment of AD.

Characterization of proteins of the Asp23 protein family in Bacillus subtilis

Tödter, Dominik 24 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Glucolipotoxicity and the control of pancreatic ℓ-cell apoptosis

El-Assaad, Wisal January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

The Regulation of HMG-CoA Reductase by Enzyme-Lipid Interactions

Smith, Vana L. 05 1900 (has links)
The temperature-dependent catalytic activity of rat liver 3-hydroxy-3 -methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) displays the nonlinear Arrhenius behavior characteristic of many membrane-bound enzymes. A two-conformer equilibrium model has been developed to characterize this behavior. In the model, HMG-CoA reductase undergoes a conformational change from a low specific activity to a high specific activity form. This conformation change is apparently driven by a temperature-dependent phase transition of the membrane lipids. It has been found that this model accurately describes the data from diets including rat chow, low-fat, high-carbohydrate, and diets supplemented with fat, cholesterol or cholestyramine. The effects characterized by the model are consistent with the regulation of HMG-CoA reductase by enzyme-lipid interactions.

Impact of Statin Therapy on Outcomes in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients

Alsalman, Abdulkhaliq 28 October 2009 (has links)
There is conflicting data on the effects of statins on cerebral vasospasm and clinical outcomes in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients. In this retrospective cohort study, patients were divided into those who received pravastatin (PRAV group) 40mg/d and those who did not (NP group). Data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Eighty-one patients met inclusion criteria. There was a statistically significant decreased in the incidence of vasospasm in the PRAV group; however, this association did not retain significance after adjusting for WFNS, race, elevated WBC, and clipping (59% PRAV vs. 88% NP, p=0.08). There was no statistically significant difference in proportion of severe radiological vasospasm or mortality between groups. However, there was a trend towards a decreased mean length of stay (P=0.06) and a significantly higher proportion of survivors discharged to home in the PRAV group (P<0.0001). In conclusion, there was a trend towards a decrease in the incidence of vasospasm in the aSAH receiving pravastatin, but this trend did not achieve statistical significance after adjusting for potential confounders. Pravastatin was associated with other favorable clinical outcomes.

Etude des sources de carbone et d'énergie pour la synthèse des lipides de stockage chez la microalgue verte modèle Chlamydomonas reinhardtii / Study of carbon and energy sources for storage lipid synthesis in model green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Liang, Yuanxue 17 January 2019 (has links)
Les triacylglycérols d'algues (TAG) représentent une source prometteuse de biocarburants. Les principales étapes de la synthèse des acides gras et du métabolisme du TAG des algues ont été déduites de celles des plantes terrestres, mais on en sait peu sur les sources de carbones et d’énergie intervenant dans la synthèse de lipides de réserve. Nous avons donc étudié la synthèse des acides gras chez l’algue modèle Chlamydomonas reinhardtii en utilisant une combinaison d'approches génétiques, biochimiques et microscopiques. Plus précisément, j'ai d'abord examiné la localisation subcellulaire de gouttelettes de lipides dans des cellules d'algues exposées à une forte lumière, conditions où une plus grande quantité de pouvoir réducteur est produite. J'ai ensuite contribué à mettre en évidence que la bêta-oxydation des acides gras est un processus peroxysomal, et que pendant une carence en azote réalisée en conditions photoautotrophe, des mutants dépourvus de la malate déshydrogénase 2 peroxysomale (mdh2) accumulent 50% plus TAG que les souches parentales. Ces résultats nous ont permis de mettre en évidence l'importance du contexte redox cellulaire sur la synthèse lipidique. Cette étude a également permis de révéler l’existence d'un échange d’énergie entre le peroxysome et le chloroplaste. Enfin, en caractérisant des mutants déficients dans la dégradation des acides aminés à chaîne ramifiée (BCAA), j'ai montré que le catabolisme des BCAAs joue un double rôle dans la synthèse de TAG en fournissant des précurseurs carbonés et de l'ATP. L'ensemble de ces travaux ouvert de nouvelles pistes pour l'amélioration génétique future de souches d'algues pour la production de biocarburants. / Algal triacylglycerols (TAG) represent a promising source for biofuel. The major steps for fatty acid synthesis and TAG metabolism have been deduced based on that of land plants, but little is known about carbon and energy sources. To address this question, we investigated fatty acid synthesis in algal cells using a combination of genetic, biochemical and microscopic approaches in the model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Specifically, I first examined subcellular localization of lipid droplets in algal cells exposed to high light, a condition favoring production of reducing power. Secondly, I contributed to put on evidence that the beta-oxidation of fatty acids is a peroxisomal process, and that during photoautotrophic nitrogen starvation, knock-out mutants of the peroxisomal malate dehydrogenase 2 (mdh2) made 50% more TAG than parental strains, highlighting the importance of cellular redox context on lipid synthesis. This study also revealed for the first time the occurrence of an energy trafficking pathway from peroxisome to chloroplast. And finally, by characterizing mutants defected in degradation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), I showed that BCAA catabolism plays a dual role in TAG synthesis via providing carbon precursors and ATP. Taken together, this work highlighted the complex interplay between carbon and energy metabolism in green photosynthetic cells, and pointed future directions for genetic improvement of algal strains for biofuel productions.

Characterising a role for acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2 in the regulation of autophagy

Azad, Arsalan Afzal January 2018 (has links)
The important role of the central intermediary metabolite acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA)for several anabolic and catabolic pathways is well characterised. However, the role of AcCoA as the only known donor of acetyl groups for protein acetylation in regulation of enzyme activities, protein complex stability as well as epigenetic status off chromatin, is only recently emerging. Among multiple other pathways, the autophagy pathway has now been shown to be directly regulated by protein acetylation and deacetylation. Therefore, it was reasoned that the availability of AcCoA, via the modulation of AcCoA generating enzymes, may regulate autophagy. This study has focussed on the role of the acetate-mediated route to nuclear-cytosolic AcCoA synthesis, catalysed by AcCoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2), in the regulation of autophagy.

Avaliação de estresse oxidativo em pacientes portadores de acidemia 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutárica : o efeito da carnitina

Mello, Mariana dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A acidemia 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutárica é causada pela deficiência da 3-hidroxi-3-metil-glutaril-CoA-liase, uma enzima do metabolismo da leucina, levando ao acúmulo, especialmente, do ácido 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutárico nos tecidos. Estudos sugerem que o estresse oxidativo pode contribuir para os danos neurológicos observados em algumas acidúrias orgânicas. Objetivo: Avaliar parâmetros de estresse oxidativo em pacientes com acidúria 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutárica antes e após o tratamento. Materiais e Métodos: Amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas de pacientes no momento do diagnóstico e após tratamento com dieta com restrição de proteínas e suplementação de L-carnitina (100mg/kg/dia) e de controles. O TBA, um subproduto final da peroxidação lipídica, foi medido no plasma. A determinação do teor de carbonilas e de grupos sulfidrila, marcadores de dano oxidativo a proteínas, foi realizada no plasma. Para avaliar na urina a oxidação de proteínas, os níveis de di-tirosina foram medidos por autofluorescência. O ensaio da capacidade antioxidante urinária foi realizado utilizando um kit comercial. Os níveis de carnitina livre e isovalerilcarnitina foram analisados em amostras de sangue por espectrometria de massas em tandem usando o método de monitorização de reação múltipla (MRM). A concentração de proteínas foi determinada pelo método de biureto em amostras de plasma usando um kit comercial. Resultados e Discussão: Os resultados demonstraram um aumento significativo nos níveis de isovalerilcarnitina em sangue total, das concentrações plasmáticas de malondialdeído e urinárias de di-tirosina, além de uma redução significativa da capacidade antioxidante urinária e dos níveis sanguíneos de carnitina livre nos pacientes no momento do diagnóstico em relação aos controles. Verificou-se uma diminuição nas concentrações do malondialdeído plasmático e da di-tirosina na urina dos pacientes tratados, o que sugere um efeito de proteção do tratamento sobre a peroxidação de lípidos e do dano oxidativo a proteínas, bem como uma normalização dos níveis de L-carnitina durante o tratamento. Conclusões: Esses resultados permitem sugerir que o estresse oxidativo ocorre em pacientes com acidemia 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutárica e que o tratamento com a dieta restrita de proteína e suplementada com L-carnitina pode oferecer proteção contra o dano oxidativo a biomoléculas. / Introduction: The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acidemia is caused by the deficiency of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA lyase, an enzyme of leucine metabolism, leading to accumulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid in tissues. Studies have suggested that oxidative stress may contribute to the neurological damage observed in some organic acidurias. Objective: Evaluate oxidative stress parameters in patients with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria patiets before and after treatment. Materials and Methods: Blood and urine samples were collected from patients at diagnosis and after treatment with restricted protein diet and supplemented with L-carnitine (100mg/kg/dia) and from controls. TBA , an end subproduct of lipid peroxidation, was measured in plasma. Determination of carbonyl and sulphydryl content, biomarkers of oxidative damage to proteins, was done in plasma. To assess urine protein oxidation, levels of di-tyrosine were measured by autofluorescence. The assay of antioxidant urinary capacity was performed using a commercial kit. The levels of free carnitine and isovalerylcarnitine were analyzed in blood samples by tandem mass spectrometry using the method of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Protein content was determined by the biuret method for plasma samples using a commercial kit. Results and Discussion: The results demonstrated a significant increase of total blood isovalerylcarnitine, malondialdehyde plasma concentrations and di-tyrosine urinary levels and a significant reduction of the urinary antioxidant capacity and free-carnitine blood levels in pacients at diagnosis compared to controls. It was verified a decrease in plasma malondialdehyde concentrations and urinary di-tyrosine levels in treated patients, suggesting a protective effect of the treatment on lipid peroxidation and protein oxidative damage, as well as a normalization of L-carnitine levels during treatment. Conclusions: These results allow to suggest that oxidative stress occurs in 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA lyase deficient patients and treatment with restricted protein diet and L-carnitine may offer protection against oxidative damage.

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