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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of intestinal cholesterol transport and metabolism by high glucose levels = Régulation intestinale du transport et du métabolisme du cholestérol par le glucose

Ravid Leibovici, Rosa Zaava January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Avaliação econômica do uso de ômega-3 na redução dos fatores de risco cardiovascular: análise de custo-efetividade / Economic evaluation of omega-3 use in cardiovascular risk reduction factors: cost-effectiveness analysis

Giaimo, Cinthia Roman Monteiro di 15 May 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) aparecem em primeiro lugar entre as principais causas de mortalidade no mundo, representando 46,2% do total de mortes, número muito próximo aos encontrados no Brasil, impactando os gastos com saúde. A prevenção baseia-se em estilo de vida saudável, contudo, uma vez instaladas, é consenso o tratamento medicamentoso com estatinas. Alguns tratamentos alternativos vêm sendo estudados como o ômega-3 (w-3) na prevenção das DCV. Apesar das evidências clínicas favoráveis, não existem muitos estudos acerca da viabilidade econômica de tais tratamentos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o custo-efetividade das intervenções com w-3 isolado ou associado às estatinas na redução dos fatores de risco cardiovascular sob a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Para avaliar a efetividade do w-3 isolado e combinado com estatina foram utilizados os dados secundários do ensaio clínico CARDIONUTRI no momento basal e após 8 semanas. A amostra foi composta por 186 indivíduos com idade entre 30 e 74 anos divididos entre aqueles que não tomavam medicação e os que tomavam estatinas. Aleatoriamente, uma parcela deles recebeu cápsulas de 1 g de w-3 (37% de ácido eicosapentaenoico e 23% de docosaexaenoico) ou cápsulas de placebo. A recomendação era de que todos deveriam tomar 3 cápsulas ao dia, totalizando 3g/dia (de w-3 ou placebo) durante 8 semanas. Ao final, obteve-se quatro grupos: a) w-3; b) placebo; c) w-3 + estatina; e d) estatina. Para a avaliação do impacto foi usado o método Diferenças em Diferenças com a adição de variáveis de controle: densidade calórica do consumo alimentar, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), prática de atividade física, idade, sexo, raça, hábito tabagista, escolaridade e grau de adesão. Os custos dos tratamentos foram estimados com base no custo médio ponderado pelas probabilidades das eventuais intercorrências relacionadas a efeitos adversos e de sucesso e fracasso por meio do método da árvore de decisão. Foi considerado para fins do cômputo dos custos o período de 2 meses de tratamento. RESULTADOS: Nos quatro grupos, a maioria eram mulheres, obesas e com escore de risco muito alto para DCV. Os grupos w-3 e placebo possuíam maior escolaridade e renda comparadas a aqueles que tomavam estatinas. Todas as variáveis de controle foram estatisticamente significantes em pelo menos um dos modelos, exceto raça. A suplementação com w-3 associada às estatinas mostrou efetividade sobre HDLPEQUENA, com diminuição de 2,211 mg/dL e custo-efetividade de R$ 109,31 por redução em mg/dl da lipoproteína em 2 meses de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com 1,8g de óleo de peixe isolado ou associado às estatinas em intervenção primária não evidenciou efeitos significativos nas mudanças dos parâmetros lipídicos, exceto no caso da HDLPEQUENA com o tratamento associado, mostrando não ser custo-efetivo na redução dos fatores de risco cardiovascular em geral. Em virtude da existência de controvérsias acerca de seus potenciais efeitos, sugere-se que os ensaios clínicos utilizem métodos estatísticos mais robustos para avaliar o impacto líquido da suplementação. / INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are among the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for 46.2% of all cases, very close to those found in Brazil, impacting health expenses. Current prevention is based on a healthy lifestyle, and once a CVD diagnosis is made, the current consensus is drug treatments with statins. Some alternative treatments such as omega-3 (w-3) have been studied in the prevention of these diseases. However, despite favorable clinical evidence, there are not many studies of economic viability of this treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions with w-3 alone or associated with statins in reducing cardiovascular risk factors from the perspective of the Unified Health System (SUS). METHODS: To assess the effectiveness of w-3 alone and its combination with statin, the secondary data of the classic lipid profile and lipoprotein size of the CARDIONUTRI clinical trial were used at baseline and after 8 weeks. The sample consisted of 186 subjects aged 30 to 74 years randomly received capsules containing 3g of w-3 per day (37% of eicosapentaenoic acid and 23% of docosahexaenoic acid) or 3g of mineral oil (placebo). Capsules were randomly assigned to individuals who were not taking medication or were already taking statins, separated into four groups: a) w-3; b) placebo; c) w-3 associated with statins; d) statins. Data analysis was conducted using the Difference in Differences statistical method with the addition of control variables: caloric density of food consumption, Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity practice, age, sex, race, smoking, educational level and adherence to the treatment. The treatment costs were estimated based on the weighted average cost by the probabilities of the eventual intercurrences related to adverse effects and of success and failure by means of the decision tree method elapsed in 2 months of treatment. RESULTS: In all four groups, the majority were women, obese and with a very high-risk score for CVD. W-3 and placebo groups had higher educational level and income compared to those who were already taking statins. All control variables were statistically significant in at least one of the models except race. W-3 supplementation showed efficacy on HDLSMALL among those who consumed w-3 + statins with a reduction of 2,211 mg /dL and cost-effectiveness R$ 109.31 per mg/dL for 2 months of treatment. CONCLUSION: The treatment with 1.8g of fish oil isolated or associated with statins in primary intervention did not show significant effects on changes in lipid parameters except HDLSMALL of interventions associated with statins. Therefore it was not cost-effective in reducing cardiovascular risk factors. Due to the existence of controversies about its potential effects, it is suggested that clinical trials use more robust statistical methods to assess the net impact of supplementation.

Biochemical and structural characterization of the ATP-dependent maturation factor of acetyl-CoA synthase

Gregg, Christina Maria 21 March 2018 (has links)
Acetyl-CoA Synthase (ACS) katalysiert die Reaktion eines Methylkations, Kohlenstoffmonoxid und CoA zu Acetyl-CoA. Das aktive Zentrum von ACS ist ein Ni,Ni-[4Fe4S]-Cluster (A-cluster), in dem zwei Nickel-Ionen mit einem kubanen [4Fe4S]-Cluster verbrückt sind. An der Biosynthese von komplexen Metallclustern sind in der Regel mehrere akzessorische Proteine, auch Maturationsfaktoren genannt, beteiligt. Die Biosynthese des A-Clusters wurde bisher noch nicht genauer untersucht und es war nicht bekannt welche Proteine die Biosynthese des A-Clusters katalysieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Protein AcsF als Maturationsfaktor der ACS identifiziert und seine biochemischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften wurden charakterisiert. AcsF und apoACS aus Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans bilden einen stabilen Komplex, der zwei Nickel-Ionen binden kann. ApoACS hingegen kann unter den gleichen Bedingungen im Durchschnitt nur weniger als ein Nickel-Ion binden. Der Ni-ACS-AcsF Komplex, an dem zwei Nickel-Ionen gebunden sind, ist katalytisch jedoch nicht aktiv. Erst durch Zugabe von Mg-ATP kann die inaktive Spezies in eine aktive Form überführt werden. AcsF-Proteine gehören zur gleichen Protein-Familie wie CooC-Proteine, die Maturationsfaktoren der Kohlenstoffmonoxid Dehydrogenase. Ein Sequenzähnlichkeitsnetzwerk konnte zeigen, dass AcsF- und CooC-Proteine jeweils eine eigene Untergruppe in dieser Familie bilden. Die AcsF-Proteine von C. hydrogenoformans und Archaeoglobus fulgidus wurden kristallisiert und deren Kristallstrukturen gelöst. Durch einen Vergleich der Strukturen von AcsF mit den Strukturen von zwei CooC-Proteinen konnte aufgedeckt werden, dass die größten strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen AcsF- und CooC-Proteinen zwischem dem Switch I Motif und dem CXC Motif zu finden sind. / Acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS) catalyzes the reaction of a methyl cation, carbon monoxide and CoA to acetyl-CoA. The active site of ACS is a Ni,Ni-[4Fe4S] cluster (A-cluster), in which two nickel ions are bridged to a cubane-type [4Fe4S] cluster. Usually, several accessory proteins are involved in the biosynthesis of such complex metal clusters. However, the biosynthesis of the A-cluster had not yet been investigated and it was not known which accessory proteins take part in its assembly. In this work, the protein AcsF was identified as a maturation factor of ACS, and its biochemical and structural properties were characterized. AcsF and apoACS from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans form a stabile complex, that can bind two nickel ions. ApoACS alone, on the other hand, binds on average only less than one nickel ion under the same conditions. The Ni-ACS-AcsF complex, that contains two nickel ions, is not active, but the addition of Mg-ATP converts the inactive species into an active form. AcsF proteins belong to the same protein family as CooC proteins, the maturation factors of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. A sequence similarity network showed that AcsF and CooC proteins each form their own subgroup within this family. The AcsF proteins from C. hydrogenoformans and Archaeobglobus fulgidus were crystallized and their crystal structures were solved. A comparison of the crystal structures of AcsF proteins with the structures of two CooC proteins revealed that the main structural differences between AcsF and CooC proteins can be found between the switch I motif and the CXC motif.

Estudo dos fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios na urticária crônica idiopática e efeito imunomodulatório in vitro das estatinas / Study of regulatory and proinflammatory factors in chronic idiopathic urticaria and in vitro immunomodulatory effect of statins

Azor, Mayce Helena 12 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A urticária crônica igmaidiopática (UCI) é uma doença desencadeada pela desgranulação de basófilos e mastócitos com consequente liberação de histamina, sendo que o perfil imunológico nesta doença não é bem estabelecido. As estatinas, inibidores da 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A redutase, apresentam efeitos antiinflamatórios e imunomodulatórios. O efeito desta droga tem sido estudado em muitas doenças inflamatórias crônicas, incluindo doenças autoimunes, mas não existem evidências na UCI. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito das estatinas na resposta imune e sua a influência na expressão de genes regulatórios e relacionados com a resposta inflamatória. MÉTODOS: A resposta limfoproliferativa a mitógenos e antígeno-específica de 22 pacientes com UCI e 41 controles na presença de estatinas (0,25-25 µM) foi analisada pela incorporação de timidina após 3 ou 6 dias de cultura. A progressão do ciclo celular e apoptose foi realizada pela incorporação de bromodeoxiuridina (Brdu) ao DNA após estímulo por PHA ou PWM e analisada por citometria de fluxo. A secreção de citocinas foi quantificada por ELISA e a expressão de mRNA de fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios quantificados por real-time PCR. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que as estatinas em elevadas concentrações são capazes de inibir a capacidade mitogênica das células T e B seja dos indivíduos saudáveis ou de pacientes com UCI. A inibição da proliferação celular mediada pelas estatinas foi decorrente ao bloqueio na etapa inicial do ciclo celular (Fase G0/1), o que impediu o prosseguimento para outras fases do ciclo (S e G2/M). A diminuição da resposta proliferativa em resposta a um mitógeno como a PHA resultou na inibição da ativação celular pela estatina e a significante redução na produção de citocinas como IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A e IL-5. Em contraste, o efeito modulatório das estatinas ao estímulo com LPS inibiu a produção de TNF-? e MIP-1? pelas células dos controles, mas não influenciou na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias pelas CMN dos pacientes com UCI. Somente a incubação prévia das células com as drogas, em alta concentração (25µM), foi possível verificar a modulação negativa na produção de IL-6 e MIP1-? para ambos os grupos, mas não para o TNF-? para os pacientes. A sinvastatina foi capaz exercer efeito modulatório mais pronunciado que a lovastatina na produção de citocinas induzidas por LPS. Os resultados evidenciaram que os pacientes com UCI possuem uma diminuição da expressão da enzima IDO e aumento de SOCS3 nas CMN. A sinvastina não altera esse perfil e previne a expressão de fatores inflamatórios como RORC?t e NALP3 inflamassomas. CONCLUSÕES: Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem um desequilíbrio dos mecanismos regulatórios que poderiam contribuir com a cronicidade e o perfil inflamatório na UCI. As estatinas apresentam maior efeito antiinflamatório que pró-inflamatório, sugerindo ter potencial clínico para o tratamento de doenças crônicas como a UCI. / INTRODUCTION: Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU) is a disease triggered by degranulation of basophils and mast cells with consequent histamine release and the CIU immunological profile is not well established. Statins, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, also display a broad immunomodulatory property. Statins have been studied in several chronic inflammatory diseases, including autoimmune disorders, but there are no evidences in CIU disease. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of statins the immune response, and the expression of genes related to regulatory and inflammatory response focusing in CIU patients and healthy controls (HC). METHODS: Lymphoproliferative response to mitogens or recall antigens of 22 patients with CIU and 41 HC with statins (0,25-25µM) was analyzed by timidine incorporation after 3 or 6 days of cell cultures. Cell cycle progression and apoptosis were assessed by bromodeoxyiridine (BrDU) incorporation to DNA upon PHA or PWM stimulus by flow cytometry. Cytokines secretion was measured by ELISA and mRNA of regulatory and proinflammatory genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. RESULTS: The results showed that high concentrations of statins can inhibit the mitogenic capacity of T and B cells of HC or CIU patients. The inhibition of cell proliferation mediated by statins was due to blockage in the initial phase of the cell cycle (G0/1), which prevented progress to cycle phases (S and G2/M). The decreased proliferative response in response to PHA mediated by statin resulted in a significant inhibition of IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A and IL-5 secretion levels. Statin effect in response to LPS showed inhibition of TNF-? and MIP-1? secretion by cells from HC, but did not influence the production by PBMC of CIU. It was necessary the pre-incubation of cells with drugs at high concentration (25µM) to verify the negative modulation of IL-6 and MIP1-? secretion in both groups, except for TNF-? in CIU. Simvastatin was able to exert more pronounced modulatory effect than lovastatin in cytokine production induced by LPS. Furthermore, CIU patients have a decreased expression of the enzyme IDO and increased of SOCS3 in PBMC, which were not modified by simvastatin, whereas prevented the upregulation of proinflammatory factor as RORC?t and NALP3 inflammasomes. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, the results evidenced an imbalance of regulatory mechanisms that could contribute to chronic evolution and inflammatory profile in CIU. Statins exhibited more anti-inflammatory effects than proinflammatory, suggesting a potential clinical role for treatment in chronic diseases as CIU.

Identifier des gènes nucléaires liés au maintien de l’ADN mitochondrial chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina / Identify nuclear genes related to mitochondrial DNA maintenance in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina

Nguyen, Tan-Trung 27 January 2014 (has links)
Les mitochondries jouent un rôle majeur dans le métabolisme de l'ATP des cellules eucaryotes. Le maintien de l'ADN mitochondrial (ADNmt) est fondamental pour la production d'énergie chez les organismes aérobie stricte. De grandes délétions de ADNmt sont à l'origine d'anomalies mitochondriales entrainant des maladies chez l'homme. Plusieurs gènes nucléaires impliqués dans le métabolisme de l’ADNmt ont été identifiés et caractérisés chez l'homme. Cependant, l’ensemble des facteurs et leurs activités requis pour le maintien de l'ADNmt reste largement inconnu. L'identification de ces facteurs et la détermination de leurs activités dans des systèmes modèles simples peuvent contribuer à l’étude du maintien de l'ADNmt et à la compréhension des mécanismes induisant des délétions de l’ADNmt chez l'homme. Le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina est un modèle d'étude du maintien de l’ADNmt. Chez P. anserina, l’accumulation de délétions région-spécifiques de l’ADNmt (Δmt) est corrélée à la présence de la mutation AS1-4 dans le gène nucléaire codant la protéine cytosolique ribosomale S15. L'altération de la protéine S15 pourrait modifier la traduction de transcrits codant des protéines impliquées dans le maintien de l'ADNmt et indirectement causer l'accumulation des Δmt. Par une approche globale (translatome), nous avons analysé l’ensemble des transcrits associés aux ribosomes AS1-4 en cours de traduction. A partir des données obtenues, deux gènes candidats, PaIML2 et PaYHM2 potentiellement impliqués dans le maintien de l'ADNmt, ont été identifiés et étudiés. L'analyse fonctionnelle a été principalement développée pour PaYHM2. La protéine PaYHM2 partage 68% d’identité avec la protéine mitochondriale bi-fonctionnelle Yhm2 de levure, impliquée dans le transport de métabolites dans la mitochondrie et possèdant un domaine de liaison à l'ADN. J'ai démontré que le gène PaYHM2 est essentiel pour P. anserina, un organisme aérobie stricte et que la protéine PaYHM2 est mitochondriale. Par mutagénèse, j'ai montré que c'est la fonction de transport qui est essentielle à la survie du champignon et non pas la putative capacité à se lier à l'ADN. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent également que PaYHM2 participe au métabolisme de l'acétyl-CoA chez P. anserina. / Mitochondria play main role as adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-energy factories of the eukaryotic cells. To ensure energy production, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance is essential for all obligate-aerobe eukaryotic organisms. Large-scale mtDNA deletions are major causes of mitochondrial dysfunction in human diseases. Several nuclear genes implicated in mtDNA metabolism were identified and characterized in human. Nuclear-encoded factors and their activities required for mtDNA maintenance are, however largely unknown. Identification of these factors and discovery of their activities in simple model systems can contribute to the comprehension of mtDNA maintenance and of the mechanisms leading to mtDNA deletions in human. The filamentous fungus Podospora anserina is a useful model system for studying mtDNA maintenance. An S15 cytosolic ribosomal protein mutant in P. anserina, named AS1-4 mutant, shows a positive correlation with the accumulation of specific large mtDNA deletion (Δmt) at the time of death. Alteration of S15 protein might modify translation of transcripts encoding proteins related to mtDNA maintenance and indirectly cause Δmt accumulation. Polysome profiling (called translatome), a global approach giving genome-wide informations about modified transcripts on translation, was performed on AS1-4 mutant. From the data of this translatome, two candidate genes potentially related to mitochondrial DNA maintenance, the PaIML2 gene and PaYHM2 gene has been identified and functionally analyzed. The function of the PaYHM2 gene has been especially characterized in this project. This gene encodes a protein sharing 68% of identity with yeast Yhm2, a bi-functional protein as a mitochondrial carrier and as a protein with DNA-binding activity. I demonstrated that the PaYHM2 gene is essential for P. anserina, an obligate-aerobe organism and that the PaYHM2 protein localizes to mitochondria. Through mutagenesis approach, I showed that the transport function decides the essentiality of mitochondrial carrier PaYHM2 while the putative DNA binding activity of PaYHM2 protein is important for P. anserina. Furthermore, I found that the function of PaYHM2 probably participates in the cytosolic acetyl-CoA metabolism.

Clorocatecol 1,2-dioxigenase e Proteína Ligante de Acil-CoA: caracterização estrutural e interações com ligantes / Clorocatecol 1,2-dioxigenase e Proteína Ligante de Acil-CoA: caracterização estrutural e interações com ligantes

Micheletto, Mariana Chaves 30 September 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi utilizado um esquema multi-técnicas para estudar a base de interações moleculares protagonizadas por duas proteínas que possuem funções biológicas completamente distintas. A primeira delas, clorocatecol 1,2-dioxigenase (Pp 1,2-CCD), tem um apelo biotecnológico para área ambiental devido a sua capacidade de catalisar a degradação do composto clorocatecol, um intermediário comum no final da decomposição de diversos hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos. Essa característica pode promover a descontaminação de solos e águas poluídos revelando um grande potencial para aplicações em mecanismos de biorremediação. Além disso, a presença de moléculas anfipáticas junto à interface de ligação dos monômeros da CCD levantou a questão em relação à capacidade dessa família de enzimas de se ligar a membranas biológicas. Esse tipo de informação amplia o conhecimento acerca de mecanismos básicos de ação da enzima, aumentando a possibilidade de parceiros de interação, podendo levar a outras formas de controle da atividade biológica para uso em aplicações biotecnológicas como desenvolvimento de biossensores. O estudo dessa enzima está, portanto, voltado para a compreensão de suas interações com miméticos de membrana e a tentativas de imobilização da proteína nestas estruturas. Para isto, fazemos uso de técnicas biofísicas como dicroísmo circular, caloria diferencial de varredura e espectroscopias ópticas, e biomoleculares como desenvolvimento de oligonucleotídeos, reações de cadeia polimerase e análise de restrição. A outra vertente desta dissertação, tem como foco de estudo a proteína ligante de acil-CoA de Cryptococcus neoformans (CnACBP) clonada pela primeira vez em nosso laboratório. Homólogos de ACBP foram encontrados em todos os organismos distribuídos nos quatro reinos eucariotos, com alta similaridade sequencial (~48%). A sua presença ao longo dos reinos e seu envolvimento em diversos mecanismos metabólicos essenciais relacionados ao éster acil-CoA levaram à conclusão de que se trata de uma housekeeping protein, e não uma proteína específica, confinada a um tipo especializado de célula. Este trabalho traz uma caracterização inicial da CnACBP que busca esclarecer questões ainda em aberto e também aprofundar o conhecimento ainda muito vago de como cargas e a presença do ligante podem influenciar estrutura, estabilidade e função através de técnicas termodinâmicas e espectroscópicas antes de um aprofundamento de seu papel no interior da célula e interações com outras proteínas. / In this study, we used a multi technique approach to understand the basic molecular interactions of two proteins that have quite different biological functions. The first, chlorocatechol 1,2- dioxygenase (Pp 1,2-CCD), has an environmental appeal due to it ability to catalyze the degradation of chlorocatechol, a common intermediate in the end of the decomposition of many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This characteristic of decontaminating polluted soils and waters suggest a great potential for applications in bioremediation mechanisms. Moreover, the presence of amphipathic molecules at the interface of the CCD monomers raised issues related to the ability of this enzyme family of binding to biological membranes. Such information broadens the knowledge of the basic mechanisms of enzyme action, increasing the possibility of interaction partners and may lead to other forms of control of the biological activity for use in biotechnological applications, such as biosensors development. The study of this enzyme is therefore, aimed at understanding their interactions with mimetic membrane and immobilization attempts of the protein in these structures. For this purpose, we make use of biophysical techniques such as circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry and optical spectroscopies and biomolecular techniques, such as development of primers, polymerase chain reaction and restriction analysis. The other aspect of this dissertation is focused on the study of acyl-CoA binding protein of Cryptococcus neoformans (CnACBP) cloned for first time in our laboratory. Homologues of ACBP were found in all organisms distributed in the four kingdoms of eukaryotes, with high sequence similarity (~ 48%). Its widespread presence and their involvement in several key metabolic pathways related to the acyl-CoA ester led to the conclusion that ACBP is a housekeeping protein and not a specific protein contained a specialized cell type. Here we present an initial characterization of CnACBP that seeks to relevant issues regarding the proteins function. Our goal was to increase the still vague knowledge on how electrical charges and the presence of the binding partner may influence the structure, stability and function through thermodynamic and spectroscopic techniques. This is an initial step toward the full understanding of the role of protein in the cell.

Análise da resposta vasomotora e parâmetros metabólicos em idosos \"saudáveis\"ao uso de estatina / Analysis of the vasomotor response and metabolic parameters in healthy elders to the use of statin

Crisóstomo, Luciola Maria Lopes 31 May 2007 (has links)
O Brasil, que conta hoje com 7% de idosos, será a sexta maior população de idosos do Planeta em 2020. A doença cardiovascular aumenta significativamente com a idade e evidências indicam a importância do endotélio e da hipercolesterolemia na aterosclerose. Contudo, não está bem estabelecido, que o tratamento da dislipidemia em idosos melhora a função vasomotora. Objetivos: Analisar a resposta vasomotora e parâmetros metabólicos em idosos com hipercolesterolemia ao tratamento com estatina. Delineamento: Ensaio Clínico Randomizado Duplo Cego. Casuística e Métodos: 72 idosos com idade 65 anos [75 ± 7,7 (65 a 92)], 64% mulheres, excluídos diabéticos, hipertensos graves, obesos, corticoterapia, reposição hormonal, doença em estágio terminal; todos realizaram avaliação clínica, laboratorial (glicose, lípides, TGO, TGP, CPK, Proteina C reativa ultra-sensível (PCR)) e função vasomotora por ultra-sonografia de alta resolução da artéria braquial, com equipamento ATL HDI 5000 e transdutor multifreqüencial de 7 a 10 MHz, segundo Diretrizes. Utilizou-se hiperemia reativa para resposta vasomotora dependente do endotélio (DMF) e nitrato sub-lingual para a independente do endotélio (DNT). Destes, 47 pacientes apresentaram LDL 130 mg/dL e foram randomicamente designados para grupo placebo (GP) e grupo tratamento (GT); todos realizaram avaliação antes e depois da intervenção (placebo ou atorvastatina 20mg oral por 30 dias). Para a análise estatística, utilizaram-se testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos, valores de p 0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significantes. Resultados: Os grupos foram semelhantes em suas características basais; a DMF não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre o GP e GT após intervenção [6,2 ± 6,2 (-4,8 23,7) e mediana = 6,4 vs. 5,0±5,6 (-5,1 18,9) e mediana= 3,5 p = 0,551], o mesmo ocorrendo para a DNT [7,1 ± 4,7 (-1,3 21,2) e mediana = 6,8 vs. 8,6±5,0 (1,4 21,6) e mediana = 6,8 p = 0,373). A análise estratificada sugere potencial modificador de efeito das co-variáveis estratificadas sexos, estratos etários (<80 e 80 anos) e níveis de LDL (< 160mg/dL e 160mg/dL) em relação à associação atorvastatina e função vasomotora. A PCR diminuiu 64% no grupo estatina (mediana no GP = 0,3 mg/dL vs. GT = 0,1 mg/dL p = 0,014). A redução do colesterol total foi de 27%, LDL = 41%, VLDL = 20% e triglicérides = 34%; o HDL elevou 12% no GT. A maior elevação enzimática não ultrapassou 3 vezes o limite e não ocorreram mialgias. Conclusões: Apesar da diminuição dos lípides, não houve modificações significativas da função vasomotora, o que sugere alterações intrínsecas do vaso associado ao envelhecimento. Os níveis de PCR reduziram significativamente, sugerindo um provável efeito antiinflamatório / The Brazil, where old people make up 7% of the population, will have the sixth greatest population of elderly people in the world. Cardiovascular disease increases significantly as a person grows older and evidences show the importance of the endothelium and hypercholesterolemia in arteriosclerosis. However, it has not been established yet if treating dyslipidemia in the elderly will improve this function. Objectives: To evaluate vasomotor response in elders suffering from hypercholesterolemia to the treatment with statin and to evaluate their lipids, c-Reactive Protein (CRP). Design: Double-blind randomized clinical trial. Methods: Seventy-two elderly people aged >65 years old [75 ± 7.7 (65 to 92)], 65% of women, excluding those suffering from diabetes, serious hypertension, obesity, steroid use, hormone replacement, end-stage disease; all of them underwent clinical evaluation, laboratorial evaluation (glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, CPK, high sensitivity CRP (CRP). Vasomotor response was evaluated by means of ATL HDI 5000 high resolution ultrasound scan of the brachial artery and multifrequency transduction of 7 to 10 MHz. Reactive hyperemia was used for endothelium-dependent flow response (DMF) and sublingual nitrate for the endothelium-independent dilation (DNT). Out of those patients, 47 presented LDL 130 mg/dl and were ramdonly divided into placebo (n = 23) and treatment group (n = 24); all of them had underwent evaluation before and after intervention (placebo or atorvastatin 20 mg, orally, during 30 days); for statistic analysis parametric and non-parametric tests were used and p 0.05 values were considered statistically significant. Results: The groups were similar in their basal characteristics; DMF did not present any statistically significant difference between placebo and treatment group after intervention [6.2 ± 6.2 (-4,8 - 23.7) and median = 6.4 vs. 5.0 ± 5.6 (-5.1 - 18.9) and median = 3.5 p = 0.551], the same occurred to DNT [7.1 ± 4,7 (-1.3 - 21.2) and median = 6.8 vs. 8.6 ± 5.0 (1.4 - 21.6) and median = 6.8 p = 0.373). Stratified analysis suggests effect modifying factor of the gender, age strata (< 80 and 80 years of age) and LDL (< 160 mg/dL e 160 mg/dL). CRP diminished 64% in the treatment group (median in the placebo group = 0.3 mg/dL vs. treatment group = 0.1 mg/dL p = 0.014). The reduction of total cholesterol was 27%, LDL = 41%, VLDL = 20% and triglycerides = 34%; HDL raised 12% in the treatmente group in relation to the placebo group. The highest enzymatic elevation did not surpass 3 times the limit and there were no myalgia. Conclusions: In spite of a significant decrease in lipids, there were no significant changes in vasomotion response with statin therapy, suggesting intrinsic alterations of the vessel associated with ageing. However, CRP reduction suggested an anti-inflammatory effect

Obtenção de mutantes deficientes no acúmulo de PHA e construção de linhagens recombinantes para o controle da composição monomérica / Mutants deficient on polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) accumulation and construction of recombinants to control monomer composition on PHA

Gomes, Rogério de Sousa 03 February 2010 (has links)
Pseudomonas putida produz PHA de cadeia média (PHAMCL) a partir de carboidratos e óleos vegetais. Genes de biossíntese de P3HB (poli-3-hidroxibutirato) de Ralstonia eutropha foram inseridos em P. putida IPT046 selvagem e mutantes PHA-. A expressão de phaC, codificador da PHA sintase, permitiu o acumulo de PHA com alto teor de 3HB, indicando que P. putida possui enzimas geradoras de 3HB. A expressão de phaB mostrou que seu produto canaliza 3HB e 3-hidroxihexanoato (3HHx) da <font face=\"Symbol\">&#946-oxidação para a PHA sintase. Ao expressar phaC em IPT461, afetado na PHA sintase, 30% de P3HB-co-3HHx-co-3HO foram produzidos a partir de carboidratos, mostrando que há vias metabólicas eficientes para suprir 3HAMCL, que são incorporados pela PHA sintase de R. eutropha. Usando transposon mini-Tn5, obtiveram-se mutantes deficientes na biossíntese de PHA a partir de glicose ou glicose e octanoato. Não se detectaram mutantes exclusivamente deficientes no acúmulo de PHA a partir de octanoato, indicando que diferentes produtos gênicos canalizam intermediários da <font face=\"Symbol\">&#946-oxidação para a síntese de PHA. / Pseudomonas putida produces medium-chain-length PHA (PHAMCL) from carbohydrates and plant oils. Recombinants harboring the P3HB (polyhydroxybutyrate) biosynthesis genes from Ralstonia eutropha were constructed on P. putida IPT046 wild type and PHA- mutants. Expression of phaC, encoding, PHA synthase, allowed the synthesis of PHA with high 3HB content, indicating that P. putida has enzymes to generate 3HB. Expression of phaB showed that its product channels 3HB and 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HHx) from <font face=\"Symbol\">&#946-oxidation to the PHA synthase. When phaC was expressed on IPT461, affected in the PHA synthase, 30% P3HB-co-3HHx-co-3HO were accumulated from carbohydrates, showing that there are metabolic pathways efficient to supply 3HAMCL, which are incorporated by the R. eutropha PHA synthase. Using mini-Tn5 transposon, mutants deficient on PHA biosynthesis from glucose or glucose and octanoate were produced. No mutant deficient exclusively on PHA biosynthesis from octanoate was detected. Thus different gene products may channel intermediates from <font face=\"Symbol\">&#946-oxidation to PHA biosynthesis.

Isolation and molecular characterization of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene affecting fat deposition in pigs / Isolation and molecular characterization of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene affecting fat deposition in pigs

Ren, Jun 05 February 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Regulation of HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT expression and activity in testicular cholesterol metabolism in mink and in mouse following experimental genetic deletion

Chen, Li 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction: L'homéostasie du cholestérol est indispensable à la synthèse de la testostérone dans le tissu interstitiel et la production de gamètes mâles fertiles dans les tubules séminifères. Les facteurs enzymatiques contribuent au maintien de cet équilibre intracellulaire du cholestérol. L'absence d'un ou de plusieurs enzymes telles que la HMG-CoA réductase, la HSL et l'ACAT-1 a été associée à l'infertilité masculine. Toutefois, les facteurs enzymatiques qui contribuent au maintien de l'équilibre intra-tissulaire du cholestérol n'ont pas été étudiés. Cette étude a pour but de tester l'hypothèse que le maintien des taux de cholestérol compatibles avec la spermatogenèse nécessite une coordination de la fonction intracellulaire des enzymes HMG-CoA réductase, ACAT1 et ACAT2 et la HSL. Méthodes: Nous avons analysé l'expression de l’ARNm et de la protéine de ces enzymes dans les fractions enrichies en tubules séminifères (STf) de vison durant le développement postnatal et le cycle reproductif annuel et dans les fractions enrichies en tissu interstitiel (ITf) et de STf durant le développement postnatal chez la souris. Nous avons développé deux nouvelles techniques pour la mesure de l'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase et de celle de l'ACAT1 et ACAT2. En outre, l'immunohistochimie a été utilisée pour localiser les enzymes dans le testicule. Enfin, les souris génétiquement déficientes en HSL, en SR-BI et en CD36 ont été utilisées pour élucider la contribution de la HMG-CoA réductase, l'ACAT1 et l'ACAT2 et la HSL à l'homéostasie du cholestérol. Résultats: 1) HMG-CoA réductase: (Vison) La variation du taux d’expression de l’ARNm de la HMG-CoA réductase était corrélée à celle de l'isoforme de 90 kDa de la protéine HMG-CoA réductase durant le développement postnatal et chez l'adulte durant le cycle reproductif saisonnier. L'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase augmentait de façon concomitante avec le taux protéinique pour atteindre son niveau le plus élevé à 240 jours (3.6411e-7 mol/min/μg de protéines) au cours du développement et en Février (1.2132e-6 mol/min/μg de protéines) durant le cycle reproductif chez l’adulte. (Souris), Les niveaux d'expression de l'ARNm et l'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase étaient maximales à 42 jours. A l'opposé, le taux protéinique diminuait au cours du développement. 2) HSL: (Vison), l'expression de la protéine de 90 kDa de la HSL était élevée à 180- et 240 jours après la naissance, ainsi qu'en Janvier durant le cycle saisonnier chez l'adulte. L'activité enzymatique de la HSL augmentait durant le développement pour atteindre un pic à 270 jours (36,45 nM/min/μg). Chez l'adulte, l'activité enzymatique de la HSL était maximale en Février. (Souris) Le niveau d’expression de l'ARNm de la HSL augmentait significativement à 21-, 28- et 35 jours après la naissance concomitamment avec le taux d'expression protéinique. L'activité enzymatique de la HSL était maximale à 42 jours suivie d'une baisse significative chez l'adulte. 3) ACAT-1 et ACAT-2: Le présent rapport est le premier à identifier l’expression de l'ACAT-1 et de l'ACAT-2 dans les STf de visons et de souris. (Vison) L'activité enzymatique de l'ACAT-2 était maximale à la complétion du développement à 270 jour (1190.00 CPMB/200 μg de protéines) et en janvier (2643 CPMB/200 μg de protéines) chez l'adulte. En revanche, l'activité enzymatique de l'ACAT-1 piquait à 90 jours et en août respectivement durant le développement et chez l'adulte. (Souris) Les niveaux d'expression de l'ARNm et la protéine de l'ACAT-1 diminuait au cours du développement. Le taux de l'ARNm de l'ACAT-2, à l’opposé du taux protéinique, augmentait au cours du développement. L'activité enzymatique de l'ACAT-1 diminuait au cours du développement tandis que celle de l'ACAT-2 augmentait pour atteindre son niveau maximal à 42 jours. 4) Souris HSL-/ -: Le taux d’expression de l'ARNm et l'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase diminuaient significativement dans les STf de souris HSL-/- comparés aux souris HSL+/+. Par contre, les taux de l'ARNm et les niveaux des activités enzymatiques de l'ACAT-1 et de l'ACAT-2 étaient significativement plus élevés dans les STf de souris HSL-/- comparés aux souris HSL+/+ 5) Souris SR-BI-/-: L'expression de l'ARNm et l'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase et de l'ACAT-1 étaient plus basses dans les STf de souris SR-BI-/- comparées aux souris SR-BI+/+. A l'opposé, le taux d'expression de l'ARNm et l'activité enzymatique de la HSL étaient augmentées chez les souris SR-BI-/- comparées aux souris SR-BI+/+. 6) Souris CD36-/-: L'expression de l'ARNm et l'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase et de l'ACAT-2 étaient significativement plus faibles tandis que celles de la HSL et de l'ACAT-1 étaient inchangées dans les STf de souris CD36-/- comparées aux souris CD36+/+. Conclusion: Nos résultats suggèrent que: 1) L'activité enzymatique de la HMG-CoA réductase et de la HSL sont associées à l'activité spermatogénétique et que ces activités ne seraient pas régulées au niveau transcriptionnel. 2) L'ACAT-1 et de l'ACAT-2 sont exprimées dans des cellules différentes au sein des tubules séminifères, suggérant des fonctions distinctes pour ces deux isoformes: l'estérification du cholestérol libre dans les cellules germinales pour l'ACAT-1 et l'efflux du cholestérol en excès dans les cellules de Sertoli au cours de la spermatogenèse pour l'ACAT-2. 3) La suppression génétique de la HSL diminuait la HMG-CoA réductase et augmentait les deux isoformes de l'ACAT, suggérant que ces enzymes jouent un rôle critique dans le métabolisme du cholestérol intratubulaire. 4) La suppression génétique des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI et CD36 affecte l'expression (ARNm et protéine) et l'activité des enzymes HMG-CoA réductase, HSL, ACAT-1 et ACAT-2, suggérant l'existence d’un effet compensatoire entre facteurs enzymatiques et non-enzymatiques du métabolisme du cholestérol dans les fractions tubulaires. Ensemble, les résultats de notre étude suggèrent que les enzymes impliquées dans la régulation du cholestérol intratubulaire agissent de concert avec les transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol dans le but de maintenir l'homéostasie du cholestérol intra-tissulaire du testicule. / Introduction: Cholesterol homeostasis is essential for the synthesis of testosterone in interstitial tissue and the production of fertile gametes in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Intracelluar cholesterol equilibrium in the testis is delicately maintained and regulated by enzymatic factors. The absence of one or more enzymes (HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT) has been implicated in the development of male infertility. However, the enzymatic factors that contribute to the maintenance of cholesterol equilibrium have not been investigated. This study is to test the hypothesis that the coordinated function of intracellular enzymes, HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT isoforms, are the basis of a system that helps to maintain cholesterol equilibrium during spermatogenesis. Methods: We characterized mRNA and protein expression levels of these enzymes in mink seminiferous tubules-enriched fraction (STf) during development and the annual reproductive cycle; or in mouse interstitial tissue-enriched fraction (ITf) and STf during postnatal development. Two novel techniques were developed to measure the HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT activities in mink and mouse STf. Additionally, immunohistochemistry was used to localize the enzymes in the testis. Finally, HSL knockout (KO) infertile male mice and selective cholesterol transporter (SR-BI, CD36) KO mice were used to elucidate the contribution of HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT isoforms in testicular cholesterol homeostasis when the enzyme or cholesterol transport system was genetically impeded. Results: 1) HMG-CoA reductase: (In mink STf), HMG-CoA reductase mRNA levels were relatively independent of 90kDa protein expression during development and the seasonal cycle. HMG-CoA reductase activity increased independently of its protein expression and reached maximal values by day 240 (3.6411e-7 mol/min/μg protein) during development and peaked in February (1.2132e-6 mol/min/μg protein) during the seasonal cycle. (In mouse STf), HMG-CoA reductase mRNA levels and enzymatic activity peaked by 42 days before decreasing while the protein levels tended to decrease steadily. 2) HSL: (In mink STf), an increase of 90kDa HSL protein expression by day 180- and 240 after birth as well as in January in seasonal cycle, was not related to the enzyme mRNA expression. HSL activity increased progressively through development and peaked by 270 days (36.45 nM/min/μg); another high HSL activity was shown in February. (In mouse STf), three significant elevations in HSL mRNA levels by day 21, 28, and 35 corresponded to a steady elevation of HSL protein expression throughout development. HSL activity peaked by day 42 but decreased remarkably in the adult. 3) ACAT-1 and ACAT-2: This is the first report to establish the presence of both ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 in the mink and mouse testis. (In mink STf), ACAT-2 activity reached its maximal value at 1190.00 CPMB/200μg protein by day 270 and 2643 CPMB/200μg protein in January. In contrast, ACAT-1 activity peaked by day 90 or in August during the seasonal cycle. (In mouse STf), ACAT-1 mRNA and protein levels were both decreased throughout development; ACAT-2 mRNA levels changes in the opposite direction of the protein levels, increasing throughout development. ACAT-1 activity in STf decreased throughout the development; while ACAT-2 activity increased significantly during development and peaked by day 42. 4) HSL-/- mice: KO HSL gene caused a decrease of HMG-CoA redutase mRNA expression and enzymatic activity in STf. However, ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 mRNA levels and enzymatic activities significantly increased in STf. 5) SR-BI-/- mice: The mRNA expression and activity of HMG-CoA reductase as well as ACAT-1 were statistically decreased in STf; whereas HSL mRNA level and activity were increased. 6) CD36-/- mice: The mRNA expression and activity of HMG-CoA reductase as well as ACAT-2 were significantly decreased in STf; while HSL and ACAT-1 mRNA levels and activities remained constant. Conclusion: These results suggest that 1) Activation of HMG-CoA reductase and HSL is associated with spermatogenetic activity, while the enzymatic activities may not only be regulated transcriptionally. 2) ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 are expressed in different cells of the tubules, suggesting distinct functions for these two closely related enzyme isoforms, with ACAT-1 being related to cholesterol esterification in germ cells and with ACAT-2 being associated with the removal of excessive cholesterol by Sertoli cells during spermatogenesis. 3) Genetically blocking HSL reduced the activity of HMG-CoA reductase while increasing activity of ACAT isoforms, suggesting the turn-off the enzyme in the cholesterol ester cycle may be essential for the accumulation of cholesterol esters in the tubules. 4) The dysfunction of intracellular cholesterol transporters affects regulation of the enzymes (HMG-CoA reductase, HSL and ACAT-1 and ACAT-2), which is presumably in response to compensatory extracellular cholesterol uptake. This study suggests that the enzymes implicated in the regulation of intracellular cholesterol may act cooperatively to maintain cholesterol homeostasis in testis.

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