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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of microalgae on nutrient removal from mariculture wastewater in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Anh, Le Hung, Khuyen, Vo Thi Kim, Nam, Trinh Ngoc, Khoa, Vo Duy 12 December 2018 (has links)
Mariculture has currently brought greatly valuable products in many fields simultaneously released a large amount of wastewater contributing to water pollutions on account of its organic and inorganic constituents. Nowadays, with the development of environmental engineering, more and more approaches, especially friendly-environmental and highly effective wastewater biological methods, are being applied to tackle pollutions and minimize adverse effects of treatments to reach the sustainable development. This report focuses on the study of proliferation combined with elimination of polluting substances of marine algae species Tetraselmis suiscica, Tetraselmis sp., Platymonas sp. in aquaculture wastewater sampled from Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with levels of concentration during 14 days under normal marine algae culture conditions, and compared to that in Daigo’s IMK media. The results shown that, the algae species all grew rapidly simultaneously gave high nutrients removal yields (COD, N, P) and created a considerable amount of biomass within a short period of culture. Particularly, Platomonas sp. and Tetraselmis suiscica could proliferate aswell as give high treatment yields of organic substances (COD), PO43-, NO3-, NH4+ and Total Nitrogen in concentrated wastewater. To sum up, this study showed the potential of using microalgae to reduce COD, nitrogen and phosphorus in mariculture wastewater. / Ngành nuôi trồng thủy hải sản trong những nằm gần đây đã mang lại nhiều sản phẩm có giá trị trong nhiều lĩnh vực đồng thời thải ra một lượng lớn nước thải gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước bởi các thành phần vô cơ và hữu cơ có trong nước thải. Ngày nay, với sự phát triển của kỹ thuật môi trường, ngày càng nhiều cách tiếp cận, đặc biệt là các phương pháp sinh học hiệu quả cao và thân thiện với môi trường đang được ứng dụng để xử lý ô nhiễm và giảm thiểu hậu quả bất lợi sau xử lý, nhằm hướng tới sự phát triển bền vững. Bài báo cáo tập trung nghiên cứu khả năng sinh trưởng và phát triển của ba loài vi tảo biển Tetraselmis suiscica, Tetraselmis sp., Platymonas sp. kết hợp với việc loại bỏ các hợp chất gây ô nhiễm có trong nước thải từ ao nuôi tôm của huyện Cần Giờ, Việt Nam và so sánh đối chiếu với môi trường dinh dưỡng Daigo’s IMK trong 14 ngày nuôi trồng. Kết quả cho thấy những vi tảo sinh trưởng rất nhanh nhờ vào việc sử dụng các chất ô nhiễm trong nước thải, đặc biệt hiệu suất xử lý COD, PO43-, NO3-, NH4+ và nitơ tổng của Platomonas sp. và Tetraselmis suiscica rất cao thậm chí trong môi trường nước thải đậm đặc. Do đó, chúng tôi kết luận, vi tảo có tiềm năng rất lớn trong việc giảm nồng độ chất hữu cơ, phốt pho và nitơ trong nước thải nuôi trồng thủy hải sản.

Study on treatment of domestic wastewater of an area in Tu Liem district, Hanoi, by water hyacinth: Research article

Pham, Khanh Huy, Nguyen, Pham Hong Lien 09 December 2015 (has links)
Domestic wastewater is one of the most interested environmental issues in Vietnam, especially in big cities and suburban residential areas. Most of the wastewater was not treated in the right way before discharging to environment. In this research, the author used water hyacinth as a main aquatic plant in aquatic pond model to treat wastewater. The experiment was operated continuously in 1 year with hydraulic retention time (HRT) is 11 and 18 days. Hydraulic loading rate (HRL) is 300 and 500 m3/ha/day, respectively. Treatment efficiency of the model for TSS is 90% (remaining 6 -12mg/l); COD, BOD5 is 63 - 81% (remaining 10 - 48mg/l); TP is 48 – 50% (remaining 3.5 - 9.8mg/l); TKN is 63 - 75% (remaining 8 - 17mg/l). Polluted parameters in effluent were lower than A and B levels of Vietnam standard QCVN 14: 2008/BTNMT and QCVN 40: 2011/BTNMT. The doubling time of water hyacinth in summer is 18days, and in autumn and winter is 28.5 days. Experiment results showed that we can use water hyacinth in aquatic pond to treat domestic wastewater with medium scale. We can apply this natural treatment method for residential areas by utilizing existing natural ponds and abandoned agricultural land with capacity up to 500m3/ha day. However, to get better efficiency we should combine with other aquatic plant species to treat wastewater and improve environmental landscape. / Nước thải – xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt hiện đang là một trong những vấn đề môi trường được quan tâm tại Việt Nam nhất là tại các thành phố lớn và các khu dân cư. Hầu hết lượng nước thải chưa được xử lý đúng cách trước khi thải ra môi trường. Trong nghiên cứu này, tác giả sử dụng mô hình hồ thủy sinh và sử dụng cây Bèo lục bình để xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt của một khu dân thuộc huyện Từ Liêm, tại khu vực này nước thải bị thải trực tiếp vào sông Nhuệ. Thực nghiệm đã được tiến hành trong khoảng thời gian một năm, trải qua các mùa của khu vực miền Bắc với hai chế độ vận hành HRT là 18 và 11 ngày, tương ứng với tải trọng thủy lực HRL là 300 và 500 m3/ha/ngày. Kết quả cho thấy mô hình thủy sinh sử dụng cây bèo lục bình cho kết quả tốt, hiệu suất xử lý với các chất ô nhiễm đạt được như sau: chất rắn lơ lửng đạt 90%, COD, BOD5 đạt 63 - 81%, Phốt pho tổng giảm tới 48 -50%, Nitơ tổng giảm tới 63 - 75%. Hàm lượng các chất ô nhiễm trong nước thải đầu ra của mô hình đều thấp hơn ngưỡng A và B của các tiêu chuẩn QCVN 14: 2008/BTNMT và QCVN 40: 2011/BTNMT. Bên cạnh đó tác giả cũng đã xác định định được tốc độ sinh trưởng của cây bèo tại khu vực miền Bắc là 18 ngày vào mùa hè và 28.5 ngày vào mùa thu đông. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy có thể sử dụng bèo lục bình để xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt, với qui mô vừa và nhỏ và nên áp dụng cho các khu vực ven đô, nông thôn nơi có diện tích đất rộng hoặc tại các hồ sinh thái của các khu đô thị. Tuy nhiên, để hiệu quả tốt hơn ta cần kết hợp với nhiều loại thực vật thủy sinh khác để ngoài tác dụng xử lý nước thải mà còn tạo cảnh quan môi trường xung quanh.

Defect mechanisms in diode lasers at high optical output power / the catastrophic optical damage

Hempel, Martin 24 October 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Catastrophic Optical Damage (COD) zeitaufgelöst untersucht um die beteiligten physikalischen Mechanismen zu identifizieren. Der COD Prozess konnte zeitlich in drei Phasen unterteilt werden, die Alterung, der thermische Runaway (selbst verstärkende Rückkopplung) und das Sekundärschadenswachstum. Die erste Phase konnte durch eine neu eingeführte Art der beschleunigten Bauteilalterung auf den Nanosekunden-Bereich reduziert werden. Die Rolle des Laser-Lichtfelds als Energiequelle des COD-Prozesses wurde experimentell bestätigt. Die genutzten thermographischen Techniken erlaubten eine in-situ Verfolgung des Defektwachstums. Diese direkte Messung der Ausbreitung, die Modellierung des Wärmeflusses und eine kristallographische Materialanalyse zeigen, dass das Material, welches von der Defekt-Front passiert wurde, innerhalb von Nanosekunden zu substanziell tieferen Temperaturen zurückkehrt. Verschiedene experimentelle Ansätze bestätigen das Vorhandensein einer Temperatur im Bereich von 1200°C-1500°C an der Schadensfront während des gesamten Degradationsprozesses. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass selbst wenn keine Laseremission mehr vorliegt, die verstärkte spontane Emission ausreicht, um den fortschreitenden Degradationsprozessmit Energie zu versorgen. Für den Start des thermischen Runaway muss ein bestimmter Temperaturunterschied zwischen der späteren COD-Position und dem übrigen aktiven Lasermaterial erreicht werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt verschiedene Mechanismen auf, die zu einer solchen Situation führen können. Dabei spielen auch physikalische Eigenschaften der verwendeten Materialsysteme und Schichtstrukturen eine entscheidende Rolle. Ein neu im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickeltes Modell zur Beschreibung der räumlichen Schadensausbreitung nutzt diesen Umstand, um die Defektkinetik ex-post zu rekonstruieren. Dies ermöglicht das Aufzeigen von Schwachstellen im Bauelement. / The scope of this thesis is the time-resolved investigation of the catastrophic optical damage (COD) and the identification of the underlying physical mechanisms. The COD has been separated in three temporal phases: the aging, the thermal runaway (self-amplifying feedback mechanism), and the secondary defect growth. It was possible to reduce the first phase to a couple of nano-seconds by applying a new accelerated life test scheme. It was experimentally verified that the laser light is the primary energy source of COD. The applied thermographic technologies allowed an in-situ tracing of the defect growth. A fast thermo cycle during the passage of the defect front was confirmed by this direct measurement, a modeling of the heat flow, and a crystallographic material analysis. Different experimental setups indicate the presence of a temperature in the range of 1200°C-1500°C at the defect front, during the entire COD-degradation. Even if no lasing action is present anymore, the amplified spontaneous emission is sufficient to provide enough energy for further defect growth. In order to initiate the thermal runaway, a specific temperature difference is necessary between the COD-starting location and the remaining active laser material. This thesis provides an analysis of the mechanisms leading to such a situation. This kind of analysis was used to develop a new model of the geometrical defect growth. The ability to re-construct the defect dynamics based on ex-post analysis of the defect pattern allows for the identification of bottlenecks in the investigated device design leading to COD.

Anaerob psykrofil behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten i UASB : Utvärdering av kapaciteten hos en två-stegs UASB-reaktor för behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten / Anaerobic psychrophilic treatment of household waste water in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor

Hesselgren, Frida January 2004 (has links)
<p>Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district in southern Stockholm. A main objective with the Sjöstad project was to halve the environmental impact compared to other construction work. The environmental goals involve a halved water consumption rate, a local treatment of storm water and trials aiming to extract nutrients from the waste water. Sjöstadsverket is an experimental treatment plant used for testing new treatment processes for domestic waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The results are to be compared with the conventional process used at Henrikdals treatment plant today. Two aerobic and two anaerobic main treatment processes are to be tested before decision of full scale is taken in 2005.</p><p>Anaerobic treatment without heating, as a way to reduce the content of organic material in the waste water, consumes less energy than conventional methods. Anaerobic reactors are usually operated at 37°C. It is possible to attain a high COD-reduction at lower temperatures, assumed a longer contact time between biomass and waste water. In an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) - reactor the microorganisms form granules with excellent sedimentation properties. The granules are floating with the waste water flowing upwards through the reactor. This makes it possible to reduce the COD-content despite a short hydraulic retention time in the reactor.</p><p>The two UASB-reactors examined in this thesis is a part of the pilot plant. The thesis shows how the startup of the reactors has functioned and evaluates the possibility to reduce the contence of different COD-fractions with this technique.The domestic waste water temperature has during the experiment period dropped from 23°C to 18°C. The total COD-content of the untreated waste water is 567 mg/l. Before the anaerobic step the water is pre-treated by adding of flocculation chemicals and sedimentation. The total amount of suspended material is reduced by 50 % in the pre-treatment and the load on the UASB-reactors is 100 mg/l. With a hydrologic retention time of 2,4 h the pre-treatment and the two-step anaerobic reactor has reduced 64 % of the total COD-content. Over the anaerobic treatment step the COD-reduction was 49 %. The reduction of dissolved COD (<0, 45 μm) was 59 %. When operated in series the main part of the soluble CODreduction has taken place in the first reactor. After more than six months operation there is still a granulated sludge in the reactors and tests show a high metanogenic activity. Gas production from the reactors has been observed but not measured quantitatively.</p><p>The results from this thesis show that anaerobic treatment with a UASB-process functions without heating for the household waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The anaerobic process should be combined with pre-treatment and supplementary treatment to reduce the remaining COD and the nitrogen and phosphorus content.</p> / <p>Hammarby Sjöstad i södra Stockholm är en stadsdel under framväxt. Tanken bakom Sjöstadsprojektet var att halvera miljöpåverkan jämfört med annan nybyggnation. Bland annat anges i miljömålen halverad vattenförbrukning, lokal hantering av dagvatten och försök med utvinning av växtnäringsämnen ur avloppsvattnet. Sjöstadsverket är en del av detta projekt; en försöksanläggning för reningen av avloppsvattnet från hushållen i Hammarby Sjöstad. Två aeroba och två anaeroba linjer ska utvärderas innan beslut om full skala tas år 2005.</p><p>Anaerob rening utan uppvärmning är ett resurssnålt sätt att minska innehållet av organiskt material i avloppsvattnet. Anaeroba reaktorer drivs vanligen vid ca 37°C. Det är möjligt att nå en hög reduktion av organiskt material även vid lägre temperaturer, förutsatt en längre kontakttid mellan biomassa och avloppsvatten. I en Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)-reaktor utnyttjas mikroorganismernas förmåga att bilda granuler, vilka svävar med avloppsvattnet som flödar uppåt genom reaktorn. Det gör det möjligt att reducera vattnets innehåll av organiskt material trots en kort hydraulisk uppehållstid i reaktorn. I detta examensarbete studeras de två UASB-reaktorer som ingår som en del i pilotanläggningen vid Sjöstadsverket. Examensarbetet visar hur uppstarten av reaktorerna fungerat och utvärderar möjligheten att reducera avloppsvattnets olika fraktioner av COD med denna teknik.</p><p>Temperaturen på vattnet från hushållen har under försöksperioden sjunkit från 23°C till 18°C. Det obehandlade avloppsvattnet har en total COD-halt kring 567 mg/l. Innan det anaeroba reningssteget förbehandlas vattnet genom sedimentering och inblandning av flockningskemikalier. Den totala mängden suspenderat material halveras i förbehandlingen och belastningen på UASB-reaktorerna är kring 100 mg /l. Efter förbehandling är vattnets COD-koncentration ca 400 mg/l. Med en hydraulisk uppehållstid på 2,4 timmar har en COD-reduktion på 64 % uppnåtts i hela systemet, dvs. försedimentering och två-stegs UASB-reaktor. Över det anaeroba reningssteget var reduktionen av COD 49 %. Reduktionen av löst COD (<0, 45 μm) i UASB-reaktorerna var 59 %. Vid seriell drift har merparten av lösligt COD reducerats i den första reaktorn. Efter nio månaders drift finns fortfarande ett granulärt slam i båda reaktorerna. Tester visar på en hög metanogen aktivitet. Gasproduktion har observerats i reaktorerna men inte kunnat mätas kvantitativt.</p><p>Resultaten från detta examensarbete indikerar att anaerob rening med en UASB-process fungerar utan uppvärmning för avloppsvattnet från hushållen i Hammarby Sjöstad. Den anaeroba behandlingen bör kompletteras med förbehandling samt en kompletterande behandling för att minska kvarvarande COD och reducera kväve och fosfor.</p>

Simulering av COD-fraktioner i en aktivslamanläggning vid en sulfatmassafabrik / Simulation of COD-reduction in an activated sludge process at a chemical pulp kraft mill

Moraeus, Peter January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis work was made for Södra Cell Mörrums bruk in Blekinge. The purpose of the work was to develop a computer model in the simulation program Extend for the removal and balance of organic oxygen consuming substances, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), in the new biological treatment plant in the mill. The plant produces two different pulp products, TCF- (Totally Chlorine Free) pulp and ECF- (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp, for sale. The different bleaching procedures affect the characteristic of the wastewater and thus the effectiveness of the biological treatment plant.</p><p>In the model that was developed the COD in the wastewater was divided into five different COD-fractions: soluble easily degradable (SS), soluble hardly degradable (SR), soluble inert (SI), particulate inert (XI) and particulate biomass (XB). To create the model FlowMac™ was used as a base. FlowMac™ is a library module in Extend adapted for pulp and paper mills. Some of the blocks only needed a slight modification while others, for example the sedimentation basin and the bioblocks, had to be done from scratch. The calibration of the model was made from data from a period of eleven weeks and a validation was made from data that differed as much as possible from the calibration data. Then the model was used to find out in what way an increase in production to 480 000 annual tons should affect the discharge of organic oxygen consumption substances.</p><p>Results from the model indicates that the goals for the total COD-discharge will be hard to achieve with an increase in production to 480 000 annual tons. Despite the fact that production of TCF-pulp generates more COD than ECF-production the total discharge of COD is lower at TCF-production. The reason is that easier degradable COD is generated in TCF-bleaching. One of the major problems is that the torrent of water that is bypassed the biological treatment plant contains a large amount of COD and the efficiency of the treatment plant must be very high if the goals for the total COD-discharge shouldn’t be exceeded.</p> / <p>Det här examensarbetet gjordes för Södra Cell på Mörrums Bruk i Blekinge. Arbetet bestod i att göra en modell i simuleringsprogrammet Extend över nedbrytningen och massbalansen av organiska syreförbrukande ämnen, mätt som COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), i den nybyggda biologiska reningsanläggningen på bruket. Mörrums bruk är en sulfatmassafabrik som producerar både TCF- (Totally Chlorine Free) och ECF- (Elementary Chlorine Free) massa för avsalu. De olika blekningsmetoderna påverkar sammansättningen på avloppsvattnet och därmed också den biologiska reningsanläggningens reduktion av COD.</p><p>I modellen som utvecklades delades inkommande COD i obehandlat vatten upp i fem olika COD-fraktioner: löst lättnedbrytbart (SS), löst svårnedbrytbart (SR), löst inert (SI), partikulärt inert (XI) och partikulärt nedbrytbart COD i form av biomassa (XB). För att bygga modellen användes FlowMac™ som utgångspunkt. FlowMac™ är en biblioteksmodul i Extend avpassad för pappersbruk. En del block behövde bara modifieras medan andra block, t.ex. sedimenteringen och bioblocken, fick byggas till. Modellen kalibrerades med medelvärden från en elvaveckorsperiod och en validering gjordes med data från några veckor med mer extrema värden på inkommande vatten. Med modellen gjordes en simulering för att undersöka vad en produktionsökning till 480 000 årston skulle innebära med avseende på utsläppen av organiska syreförbrukande ämnen.</p><p>Resultat från modellen tyder på att det vid en ökning av produktionen till 480 000 årston blir svårt att nå de uppställda totala utsläppsmålen för COD. Vid produktion av TCF-massa bildas mer COD men utsläppsmängderna är lägre än vid ECF-produktion. Anledningen är att den COD som bildas ut vid TCF-blekning innehåller en större mängd lättnedbrytbart COD. En bidragande orsak till att det blir svårt att hålla utsläppsmålen för COD är att de flöden som leds förbi reningsanläggningen innehåller mycket COD vilket gör att verkningsgraden över reningsanläggningen måste vara hög för att klara målen för totala COD-utsläppet.</p>

The Abundance and Behavioral Ecology of Cape Cod Gray Seals Under Predation Risk From White Sharks

Moxley, Jerry Hall January 2016 (has links)
<p>The ultimate goal of wildlife recovery is abundance growth of a species, though it must also involve the reestablishment of the species’ ecological role within ecosystems frequently modified by humans. Reestablishment and subsequent recovery may depend on the species’ degree of adaptive behavior as well as the duration of their functional absence and the extent of ecosystem alteration. In cases of long extirpations or extensive alteration, successful reestablishment may entail adjusting foraging behavior, targeting new prey species, and encountering unfamiliar predatory or competitive regimes. Recovering species must also increasingly tolerate heightened anthropogenic presence, particularly within densely inhabited coastal zones. In recent decades, gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) recovered from exploitation, depletion, and partial extirpation in the Northwest Atlantic. On Cape Cod, MA, USA, gray seals have reestablished growing breeding colonies and seasonally interact with migratory white sharks (Carcarodon carcharias). Though well-studied in portions of their range due to concerns over piscivorous impacts on valuable groundfish, there are broad knowledge gaps regarding their ecological role to US marine ecosystems. Furthermore, there are few studies that explicitly analyze gray seal behavior under direct risk of documented shark predation. </p><p> In this dissertation, I apply a behavioral and movement ecology approach to telemetry data to understand gray seal abundance and activity patterns along the coast of Cape Cod. This coastal focus complements extensive research documenting and describing offshore movement and foraging behavior and allows me to address questions about movement decisions and risk allocation. Using beach counts of seals visible in satellite imagery, I estimate the total regional abundance of gray seals using correction factors from haul out behavior and demonstrate a sizeable prey base of gray seals locally. Analyzing intra-annual space use patterns, I document small, concentrated home ranges utilizing nearshore habitats that rapidly expand with shifting activity budgets to target disperse offshore habitats following seasonal declines in white sharks. During the season of dense shark presence, seals conducted abbreviated nocturnal foraging trips structured temporally around divergent use of crepuscular periods. The timing of coastal behavior with different levels of twilight indicate risk allocation patterns with diel cycles of empirical white shark activity. The emergence of risk allocation to explain unique behavioral and spatial patterns observed in these gray seals points to the importance of the restored predator-prey dynamic in gray seal behavior along Cape Cod.</p> / Dissertation

Waste activated sludge pre-treatment with chlorine dioxide: its impact on pre-existing sludge bulking and its effect on solubilization and anaerobic digester performance

Olubodun, Abisola 16 September 2016 (has links)
A number of advanced pre-treatment techniques and methods have been evaluated for the sole purpose of improving digestibility of waste activated sludge. The pre-treatment of waste activated sludge (WAS) offers the benefit of releasing solubilized substrates, making them readily available to be utilized in the anaerobic digestion process. Other potential benefits include: reducing shock loading to the digester, improving overall digestibility and potentially providing filament / foaming control. Chlorine dioxide, a well-known disinfectant and oxidizing agent has been utilized in many drinking water processes around the world. Its use in wastewater treatment processes however is limited; especially in Canada where legislation has prevented its use for final effluent disinfection. As an oxidizing agent, chlorine dioxide induces cell rupture resulting in the release of soluble material, which when fed into the digester, may serve as readily available substrate for active microorganisms. This mode of action creates the potential for chlorine dioxide to be used as a sludge pre-treatment agent to improve digester performance and in alleviating pre-existing filamentous sludge bulking. This study was conducted using waste activated sludge obtained from the City of Winnipeg’s South End Water Pollution Control Centre (SEWPCC), with the following objectives: 1. Determine the efficacy of chlorine dioxide in alleviating pre-existing filamentous sludge bulking; 2. Determine chlorine dioxide ability to increase WAS solubilization; and 3. Define impact of chlorine dioxide on anaerobic digester performance. WAS pre-treatment using chlorine dioxide was found to be effective in alleviating filamentous bulking. This is significant as filamentous bulking in the activated sludge may lead several problems downstream. Following pre-treatment, sludge bulking was determined to be alleviated as observed by photomicrographic evidence and as measured by a 57% decrease in the stirred sludge volume index (sSVI). Particulate COD solubilization increased by 60%, 76%, and 74% over the untreated sludge for WAS pre-treated with 25, 50, and 100 mg ClO2/L (v/v), respectively. The pre-treatment of sludge using chlorine dioxide did not have any negative impact on digester performance although it also did not lead to improved performance. The volatile solids destruction and COD removal remained unchanged for both untreated and pre-treated sludge. Chlorine dioxide pre-treatment did not affect anaerobic digestion even at the lowest SRT evaluated; it is possible to decrease the digester SRT to as low as 6 days while maintaining the solids destruction and COD removal capability. Biogas production did not improve with increasing chlorine dioxide dosage during pre-treatment but also was not hindered by the pre-treatment agent. Chlorine dioxide was shown to alleviate filamentous bulking and improve solubility and has the potential to improve digester performance without negative impacts to the digester. However, the full benefit of the pre-treatment method may only be realized for complex “difficult to disintegrate” sludge types. / October 2016

Regression Analysis of Dissolved Heavy Metals in Storm Water Runoff from Elevated Roadways

Erlacher, Ruben 21 May 2005 (has links)
This proposed research focused on the prediction and identification of dissolved heavy metals in storm water runoff from elevated roadways. Storm water runoff from highways transports a significant load of contaminants, especially heavy metals and particulate matter, to receiving waters. Heavy metals, either in dissolved or particulatebound phases, are unique in the fact that unlike organic compounds, they are not degraded in the environment. The objective of this research was to develop a mathematical model to relate dissolved heavy metal concentration to different measurable parameters which are easily available and routinely measurable for elevated roadways. The reliability of the developed models was then evaluated by comparing the raw data versus data predicted by the models. The test site for this research was selected at the intersection of the Interstate-10 and Interstate-610, Orleans Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana. Subsequently a research test site was developed and highway storm water runoff was collected. Volumetric flow rates were measured with every collected sample by measuring the amount of collected water and the collection time. Storm water runoff from the examined elevated roadway section was sampled for 10 storm events throughout the course of the study from which hydrologic and water quality data were collected. The measurement of different parameters made it possible to determine the percentage of dissolved heavy metal mass loading and the characterization of high runoff flow intensity and low runoff flow intensity storm events. Another very important achievement in this research was the construction of a predictive model for dissolved heavy metal concentrations based on field measurements. Data analysis proceeded by applying different variable selection statistical methods as well as multiple regression analyses in order to evaluate the simultaneous effects of all variables on the concentration of dissolved heavy metals in storm water runoff. The developed model enables the user to predict dissolved heavy metal concentrations with known field measurements within a prediction interval of 95 % confidence. The reliability of the models was verified by carrying out significant-difference tests for both sets of data, observed and predicted, for a 5% of significance level.

Qualidade do bacalhau salgado seco comercializado em temperatura ambiente e refrigerado / Quality of dried salt cod commercialized at ambient temperature and refrigerated

Baltazar, Camila 06 July 2012 (has links)
O comércio varejista brasileiro expõe o bacalhau salgado seco inteiro ou porcionado sem refrigeração. Esta condição, tradicionalmente aceita pelos consumidores, contraria as especificações do fabricante de manter o produto sob refrigeração, o que frequentemente gera conflitos entre as autoridades sanitárias e o comércio. Perante este fato, o presente estudo avaliou parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos de 56 amostras de bacalhau obtidas no município de São Paulo, armazenadas sob refrigeração (0 a 5ºC) e em temperatura ambiente (20ºC a 25ºC), nos tempos zero, sete e 14 dias de armazenamento. As amostras foram agrupadas em 4 categorias: A-amostras refrigeradas não manipuladas e B, C e D manipuladas, respectivamente, com zero, 7 e 14 dias de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. A temperatura ambiente variou de 20,5 a 23,5ºC e a umidade relativa do ar de 52,5 a 67%. Pesquisaram-se: Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, Clostridium sulfito redutores, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, Salmonella spp, bolores, leveduras e bactérias halofílicas. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram: umidade, pH, atividade de água (Aa) e resíduo mineral fixo. Não houve diferenças nos resultados obtidos entre as 4 categorias e estes apresentaram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Com relação às análises físico-químicas também não houve diferença estatística entre as 4 categorias. Os valores médios obtidos, por categoria, foram: A: 54,9% de umidade; Aa=0,748; pH=6.0; B: 54,0% de umidade; Aa=0,749; pH=6.0; C: 49,1% de umidade; Aa=0,749; pH=6.0 e para a categoria D: 50,7% de umidade; Aa=0,748; pH=6.0 e 21,6% de resíduo mineral fixo. Todos os valores de umidade encontrados estavam acima do padrão (45%); os valores de pH obtidos estavam de acordo com o padrão (6 a 7) e os valores de resíduo mineral fixo contemplaram a legislação vigente (mín. 10%). Com relação à Aa, os valores sugerem que esta é uma importante barreira para o desenvolvimento microbiano e, embora não haja padrão para este parâmetro, julga-se necessário determinar um valor referência como limite máximo. Conclui-se que, nas condições do presente estudo, o comércio do bacalhau salgado seco mantido sob refrigeração ou em temperatura ambiente por 14 dias oferece as mesmas condições de segurança sanitária para o consumidor. / The Brazilian retail exposes the dried salt cod, whole or portioned without refrigeration. This condition is traditionally accepted by consumers, contrary to the manufacturer specifications to keep the product refrigerated, which often create conflicts between health authorities and traders. Given this fact, this study evaluated microbiological parameters and physico-chemical properties of 56 samples of cod collected in São Paulo, stored refrigerated (0-5 ° C) and ambient temperature (20 ° C to 25 ° C), for zero, seven and 14 storage days. The samples were grouped into four categories: A-refrigerated samples unmanipulated and B, C and D manipulated, respectively, zero, 7 and 14 days of storage at ambient temperature. The temperature ranged from 20.5 to 23.5 ° C and relative humidity from 52.5 to 67%. The following investigations were conducted: coagulase positive Staphylococcus, Clostridium sulfite reducer, total and fecal coliforms, Salmonella spp, molds, yeasts and bacteria halophilic. The following physic chemical analyzes were carried out: moisture, pH, water activity (Aw) and ash. The results presented no differences between the four categories and respected the limits established by Brazilian legislation. With respect to physical and chemical analyzes, they also showed no statistical differences among the four categories. The average results for each category were: A: 54.9% moisture, Aa = 0.748, pH = 6.0, B: 54.0% moisture, Aa = 0.749, pH = 6.0, C: 49.1% moisture, Aa = 0.749, pH = 6.0 and for D: 50.7% moisture, Aa = 0.748, pH = 6.0 and 21.6% of ash. All results had higher humidity values compared to the standard threshold (45%), pH results were obtained in accordance with the pattern limits (6-7) and the ash results contemplated the legislation limit (min. 10%). With respect to Aa, the figures suggest that this is an important barrier to microbial growth and, although there is no standard limits for this parameter, it is necessary to determine a reference threshold for this parameter. We conclude that, under the conditions of the present study, the trade of dried salt cod kept refrigerated or at ambient temperature for 14 days offer the same health and safety conditions for the consumer.

Estudo da influência do cloreto de sódio na remoção de matéria orgânica, na determinação da DQO e na microbiota em um sistema de tratamento aeróbio por lodos ativados / Study of influence of sodium chloride on the removal of organic matter, the determination of COD and microbiota in an aerobic treatment system by activated sludge

Santos, Jorge Augusto de Carvalho 08 October 2010 (has links)
Existem muitos tipos de substâncias orgânicas e inorgânicas que podem apresentar efeito tóxico ou inibidor aos organismos dos sistemas aeróbios de tratamento de efluentes, e entre essas substâncias está o cloreto. Nos efluentes, os cloretos se apresentam na forma de algum tipo de sal, e o mais comum é o cloreto de sódio. O cloreto de sódio pode ser encontrado em vários tipos de efluentes como, por exemplo, efluentes de indústrias alimentícias, petrolíferas, de processamento de couro e no lixiviado de aterros sanitários. Os cloretos podem além de prejudicar a microbiota, interferir no método de determinação da Demanda Química de Oxigênio - DQO e da Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio - DBO, que são parâmetros comumente utilizados para controle operacional de estações de tratamento. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência da adição de cloretos em um sistema de tratamento aeróbio por lodos ativados de bancada, que foi avaliado com base na remoção de matéria orgânica e no desenvolvimento e interação da microbiota envolvida. Foi avaliado o efeito tóxico da adição de concentrações de cloreto variando de 0 a 16 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. Os resultados confirmaram que há uma perda significativa de eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica, principalmente quando a concentração de cloretos é superior a 4 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. Observou-se também que determinadas concentrações de cloretos são tóxicas aos organismos e prejudicam a estrutura dos flocos biológicos. Além disso, concluiu-se que a determinação da DQO pelo método 5220D do Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater sofre, em alguns casos, a interferência do cloreto e portanto pode não ser o melhor parâmetro para avaliação de eficiência dos sistemas de tratamento que operam sob essa condição. / There are many types of organic and inorganic substances that may have toxic effect on microorganisms of aerobic systems for wastewater treatment, and among these substances is the chloride. In the effluents, the chlorides are in the form of some type of salt, and most common is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride can be found in various types of effluents, for example, effluents from food industries, oil, leather processing and leachate from landfills. The chlorides can also affect the microbiota, interfering with the method of determining the Chemical Oxygen Demand - COD and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD, which are commonly used parameters for operational control of treatment plants. This work aimed to study the influence of the addition of chlorides in a system of aerobic activated sludge bench, which was evaluated based on the removal of organic matter and the development and interaction of microorganisms involved. We evaluated the toxic effect of adding chloride concentrations ranging 0-16 g\'CL POT. -\' /L. The results confirmed that there is a significant loss of removal efficiency of organic matter, especially when the chloride concentration is more than 4 g\'CL POT. -\'/L. It was also noted that certain concentrations of chloride are toxic to microorganisms and affect the structure of biological flocs. Furthemore, it was concluded that the determination of COD by 5220D method of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater suffers, in some cases, interference of chloride and maybe not the better parameter for evaluating efficiency of treatment systems that operate under this condition.

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