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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identidade na pluralidade: avaliação, produção e percepção linguística na cidade de São Paulo / Identity and diversity: linguistic evaluation, production, and perception in the city of Sao Paulo

Lívia Oushiro 20 February 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta análises sobre avaliação, produção e percepção linguística no português paulistano, por meio do exame de quatro variáveis sociolinguísticas: a realização de /e/ nasal como monotongo [e] ou ditongo [ej] (como em fazenda); a pronúncia de /r/ em coda silábica como tepe [R] ou retroflexo [õ] (como em porta); a concordância nominal de número (como em as casas/as casa); e a concordância verbal de primeira e de terceira pessoa do plural (como em nós fomos/nós foi, eles foram/eles foi). O objetivo central é analisar, em uma comunidade amplamente heterogênea de um ponto de vista sociodemográfico, as inter-relações entre a expressão de identidades sociais através de usos linguísticos e a possível influência dos significados sociais desses usos em processos de variação e mudança linguística. Para tanto, analisou-se qualitativa e quantitativamente uma amostra contemporânea do português paulistano, composta de 118 entrevistas sociolinguísticas com falantes nativos, à luz dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística Variacionista (Labov, 2006 [1966], 2008 [1972]). Tais análises compreendem o encaixamento linguístico e social de cada variável, bem como seu encaixamento simultâneo na fala de cada indivíduo. Além disso, examinaram-se percepções sobre as variantes de (-r), com base na técnica de estímulos pareados (Lambert et al., 1960), a fim de melhor compreender os mecanismos subjacentes à associação de certos significados sociais ao emprego de diferentes formas linguísticas. Os resultados mostram que, embora as correlações entre as quatro variáveis sociolinguísticas e variáveis sociais sejam bastante semelhantes entre si (todas se correlacionam com o Sexo/Gênero, a Classe Social e o Nível de Escolaridade dos falantes), há diferentes tendências dentro da comunidade por exemplo, mudança em direção à variante ditongada [ej]; padrões divergentes quanto ao emprego de (-r) por parte de jovens de diferentes classes sociais; variação estável das concordâncias nominal e verbal em regiões periféricas e mudança em direção à variante padrão em regiões centrais. Para compreendê-los, o exame de seus significados sociais é fundamental. Argumenta-se que [ej] tem se difundido rápida e unidirecionalmente pelo fato de se constituir um marcador (Labov, 2008 [1972]) para paulistanos, que não revelam ter consciência da variável, tampouco apresentam um discurso metalinguístico sobre suas variantes. O forte favorecimento do retroflexo entre jovens de classes baixas foi desencadeado por uma reinterpretação de seu significado social como uma variante local e de prestígio, devido à presença maciça de migrantes do Norte/Nordeste, cuja variante fricativa é relativamente mais estigmatizada na comunidade. Ao mesmo tempo, ainda que o encaixamento social das concordâncias nominal e verbal seja bastante semelhante, a marca zero de concordância nominal (as casa) goza de maior vitalidade por indexicalizar significados como masculinidade, paulistanidade e morador da Mooca. Não obstante as diferentes tendências que se verificam na comunidade, os padrões de encaixamento das variáveis linguísticas se reproduzem sistematicamente na fala de cada indivíduo, o que permite caracterizar os paulistanos como uma única comunidade de fala (Labov, 2006 [1966]), que compartilha normas de produção e de avaliação linguística. De acordo com o teste de percepções, os moradores da cidade também são consistentes em suas reações subjetivas a variantes de (-r). Demonstra-se adicionalmente que a coesão dialetal é promovida não por amplas categorias sociais como Sexo/Gênero ou Faixas Etárias, mas pelo princípio mais fundamental de densidade de comunicação (Gumperz, 1971b,a). / This study examines linguistic evaluation, production, and perception in São Paulo Portuguese, through analyses of four sociolinguistic variables: the realization of nasal /e/ as a monophthong [e] or as a diphthong [ej] (as in fazenda farm); the realization of coda /r/ as a tap [R] or as a retroflex [õ] (as in porta door); nominal number agreement (as in as casas/as casa the houses); and first person plural and third person plural verb agreement (as in nós fomos/nós foi we went, eles foram/eles foi they went). The main goal is to investigate the inter-relation between the expression of social identities through language uses and the possible impact of social meanings on processes of language variation and change, in a highly diverse and heterogeneous community. Based on the theory and methods of Variationist Sociolinguistics (Labov, 2006 [1966], 2008 [1972]), each variables linguistic and social embedding, as well as their simultaneous embedding in individual speakers speech, were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively in 118 sociolinguistic interviews with native Paulistano speakers. In addition, perceptions on the variants of (-r) were examined through an experiment using the Matched Guise Technique (Lambert et al., 1960), aimed at describing the mechanisms underlying the association of certain social meanings with different language forms. The results show that, in spite of the similarity between the social embedding of the four variables (all of them are correlated with speakers sex/gender, social class, and level of education), there are different trends within the community for instance, change towards (e) diphthongization; divergent patterns regarding (-r) in the speech of younger speakers of different social classes; stable variation in nominal and verbal agreement in peripheral areas but change towards the prestige variant in central areas. The explanation for these patterns is related to the variants social meanings. It is argued that [ej] has spread rapidly and unidirectionally because it is a marker (Labov, 2008 [1972]) for Paulistanos, who are not aware of the variable and do not present an elaborate metalinguistic discourse on its variants. The fact that retroflex /r/ is strongly favored by working class youth may be attributed to a reinterpretation of its social meaning, due to the extensive presence of migrants from the Northern and Northeastern regions of the country, whose /r/ realization as a fricative is relatively more stigmatized in the community. At the same time, although nominal and verbal agreement are very similarly stratified, the nonstandard variant of the former (as casa the houses) exhibits greater vitality as it indexes masculinities and local identities with the city and with Mooca, one of its most traditional neighborhoods. Despite different trends by different social groups in the community, the embedding of the linguistic variables is systematically reproduced in each speakers speech, which allows for the characterization of São Paulo as a single speech community (Labov, 2006 [1966]) in that its native speakers share norms of use and evaluation of the variants. According to the perception test, the city inhabitants are also consistent in their subjective reactions to the variants of (-r). It is shown that such social cohesion is promoted not by census social categories such as sex/gender or age, but by the more fundamental principle of density of communication (Gumperz, 1971b,a).

La fissuration thermique dans les roches / Thermal microcracking in rock

Griffiths, Luke 23 February 2018 (has links)
Lorsqu'elle est chauffée, la roche peut subir une microfissuration thermique, qui influence ses propriétés physiques, mécaniques, thermiques, et de transport. La surveillance de la microfissuration thermique en laboratoire a été principalement réalisée pendant le chauffage, et rarement lors du refroidissement ou du chauffage cyclique que la roche subit dans les volcans et les réservoirs géothermiques. Un nouvel appareil a été élaboré pour surveiller les émissions acoustiques et mesurer les vitesses des ondes élastiques à haute température. L'état de fissuration a été évalué grâce à un nouvel algorithme d'analyse microstructurale, et l'influence des microfissures sur les propriétés des roches a été mesurée et modélisée. Selon la microstructure, la microfissuration peut avoir lieu pendant le chauffage ou le refroidissement, et les microfissures existantes peuvent s’ouvrir et se fermer de façon réversible avec des changements de température, et influencer les propriétés de la roche. / Rock may undergo thermal microcracking when heated, affecting its physical, mechanical, thermal, and transport properties. Thermal microcrack monitoring in the laboratory has mainly been performed during heating, and rarely during the cyclic heating and cooling relevant for volcanoes and geothermal reservoirs. For this, a new dedicated apparatus for the acoustic emission monitoring and wave velocity measurement at high temperatures was elaborated, building on previous designs. Microcrack damage was assessed with a new algorithm for quantitative microstructural analysis, and the influence of thermal microcracks on rock properties was measured and modelled. Depending on the rock type and initial microcrack content, microcracking occurred during either heating, cooling, or neither, and existing microcracks reversibly opened or closed with increasing temperature. In Earth's crust, the evolution of rock properties with temperature may be significant and is determined by the microstructure.

Imagerie de chargements locaux en régime de diffusion multiple

Planes, Thomas 19 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les milieux fortement hétérogènes, les ondes ne se propagent pas de façon balistique. Elles peuvent interagir de nombreuses fois avec les hétérogénéités du milieu et entrer ainsi dans le régime de diffusion multiple. Dans ce régime, les méthodes classiques d'imagerie basées sur les trajets des ondes directes ou simplement diffusées sont inefficaces. Les formes d'ondes multiplement diffusées (coda) sont trop complexes pour être modélisées exactement mais elles sont parfaitement reproductibles et très sensibles aux variations du milieu de propagation. Des travaux récents ont démontré la possibilité de mesurer de faibles changements de vitesse d'un milieu grâce aux ondes diffuses, à l'échelle de la croûte terrestre (coda sismique) comme à l'échelle des matériaux (coda ultrasonore). Ces travaux s'intéressent majoritairement à des changements globaux ou régionaux des différents milieux. La problématique de cette thèse concerne la possibilité d'utiliser la coda pour étudier des changements locaux du milieu. Deux études complémentaires sont développées : Le problème direct consiste à modéliser les variations de la coda engendrées par un changement local. Nous distinguons le cas d'un changement local de structure (fort contraste d'impédance) du cas d'un changement local de vitesse (faible contraste d'impédance). Le problème inverse consiste à utiliser les mesures de variations de la coda pour tenter de localiser et de caractériser les changements survenus. Les applications potentielles de ces travaux concernent entre autres le suivi temporel de structures géologiques ainsi que le contrôle non destructif de matériaux hétérogènes. Avec cet objectif, les différentes méthodes développées sont illustrées par des simulations numériques d'ondes acoustiques et sismiques ainsi que par des expériences en ultrasons dans des éléments en béton.

Avaliação dos efeitos da danificação e da acustoelasticidade sobre a velocidade de pulso ultrassônico em corpos de prova de concreto submetidos a compressão uniaxial / Evaluation of damaging and acoustoelastic effect over ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete elements

Resende, Rafaella Moreira Lima Gondim 23 April 2018 (has links)
A teoria da acustoelasticidade relaciona a variação de velocidade de propagação de ondas mecânicas à variação de tensão em um meio sólido. Em materiais frágeis como concreto, a danificação altera a velocidade de propagação paralelamente ao efeito acustoelástico. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e quantificar como a danificação e o efeito acustoelástico agem sobre a Velocidade de Pulso Ultrassônico (VPU) em corpos de prova de concreto submetidos a compressão uniaxial. Para tanto, foram realizadas três fases de ensaio. A primeira fase objetivou gerar dados para a análise da aplicação da interferometria de cauda de onda (Coda Wave Interferometry – CWI). Duas variações deste método foram estudadas e comparadas, com o propósito de determinar-se qual gera melhores resultados e quais parâmetros devem ser adotados para as análises. Para tal, um código computacional foi desenvolvido utilizando a linguagem Python 3.6.0. Foi constatado que a técnica do alongamento apresenta resultados melhores que a técnica tradicional da interferometria de cauda de onda. A segunda etapa foi dedicada ao estudo da variação de velocidade de propagação devido à recuperação de dano do corpo de prova. A terceira fase abordou a influência da geometria da amostra e da composição do concreto sobre a resposta do material à acustoelasticidade. Além disso, definiu-se um Índice de Dano (D) baseado na redução do módulo de elasticidade devido ao carregamento, a fim de isolar a variação de velocidade causada pelo efeito acustoelástico. Quanto ao estudo da recuperação de dano ao longo do tempo, a variação relativa de velocidade nas primeiras 24 horas após a retirada do carregamento se mostrou muito pequena em relação às variações geradas pelas condições de temperatura e umidade. Concluiu-se também que as amostras cilíndricas apresentaram respostas mais uniformes ao efeito acustoelástico que as amostras prismáticas. Por fim, o Índice de Dano se mostrou eficaz para isolar os efeitos da danificação e da acustoelasticidade sobre a VPU. / The acoustoelasticity theory relates the variation in propagation velocity of mechanical waves to the stress variation in a solid medium. In brittle materials such as concrete, damage affects the propagation velocity parallel to the acoustoelastic effect. This research aims to identify and quantify how damage and acoustoelastic effect act on Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) in concrete samples subjected to uniaxial compression. In order to do so, three phases of testing were performed. The first one focused on generating data to analyze the application of the Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI). Two variations of this method were studied and compared, to the purpose of determining which variation shows better results and which parameters should be adopted in the analysis. To enable the analysis, a computational code using Python 3.6.0 language was developed. It was verified that the stretching technique shows better results than the traditional coda wave interferometry technique. The second phase was dedicated to study the variation in propagation velocity due to damage recovery in the sample. The third phase addressed the influence of the sample geometry and the concrete composition over the response from the material to the acoustoelasticity. Furthermore, a Damage Index (D) was defined based on the elastic modulus reduction due to loading, in order to isolate the variation of velocity due solely to the acoustoelastic effect. Regarding the study of damage recovery over time, the relative velocity variation in the first 24 hours following the withdrawal of the loading showed to be too little when compared to the variations caused by temperature and humidity conditions. It was also concluded that the cylindrical samples showed more uniform responses to the acoustoelastic effect than the prismatic samples. Finally, the Damage Index proved itself to be a reliable tool to isolate the effects of damage and acoustoelasticity over the UPV.

Percepções sociofonéticas do (-R) em São Paulo / Sociophonetic perceptions about post-vocalic (-r) in São Paulo

Soriano, Larissa Grasiela Mendes 23 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de mestrado investiga como as características sociais dos ouvintes, bem como o significado social das variantes linguísticas, afetam o modo como são atribuídas diferenças acústicas a pares formados entre cinco variantes de (-r) em coda: (i) vibrante com três batidas, (ii) vibrante com duas batidas, (iii) tepe (vibrante simples), (iv) aproximante alveolar, (v) aproximante retroflexa. Em entrevistas sociolinguísticas (MENDES; OUSHIRO, 2012), informantes paulistanos comentam acerca de dois graus de retroflexão do (-r): um mais forte (que corresponderia ao retroflexo), típico de um falar caipira e um mais fraco (a aproximante alveolar) que seria falado na cidade de São Paulo. Essas duas variantes ainda se oporiam ao tepe, tipicamente paulistano. Tais discursos revelam que os falantes parecem perceber diferenças fonéticas bastante sutis e, ao mesmo tempo, associar significados sociais a elas. No intuito de avaliar quão salientes são essas sutilezas acústicas, desenvolveu-se um experimento de percepção sociofonética (CAMPBELL-KIBLER, 2006, 2007, 2009; HAY; DRAGER, 2007) no qual diferentes grupos de moradores da cidade de São Paulo deveriam atribuir diferenças a pares formados pelo mesmo item lexical mas com pronúncias de /-r/ diferentes: p.e, a palavra artéria primeiro pronunciada com o tepe e depois com a aproximante alveolar. Os resultados indicam que as respostas dos ouvintes variam de acordo com seu Sexo/Gênero, Região de Nascimento, Local de Residência na Cidade e Variante que Reconhece na Própria Fala. Isto confirma que fatores extralinguísticos de fato influenciam até mesmo a percepção fonética um fenômeno que, a priori, variaria de forma menos sistemática do que a produção linguística. / This study investigates how listeners social characteristics and the social meanings of linguistic variants impact how acoustic differences are assigned to pairs formed between five variants of post-vocalic (-r): (i) trill with three tongue hits, (ii) trill with two tongue hits, (iii) tap, (iv) alveolar approximant and (v) retroflex. In sociolinguistic interviews (MENDES; OUSHIRO, 2012), Paulistanos (people born and raised in the city of São Paulo) comment on two \"degrees of retroflexion\" of post-vocalic (-r) in Paulistano speech: one that is perceived as \"stronger\" (which corresponds to the retroflex), typical of the states countryside, and one that is perceived as \"weaker\" (the alveolar approximant). These two variants, on their turn, are opposed to the tap, the prototypical Paulistano variant. These evaluations reveal that speakers seem to perceive quite subtle phonetic differences and, at the same time, to associate social meanings to them. In order to measure how salient these acoustic subtleties are to different groups of speakers, a sociophonetic experiment was developed (CAMPBELL-KIBLER, 2006, 2007, 2009; HAY; DRAGER, 2007) in which residents of São Paulo were asked to assign differences to pairs formed by the same lexical item but with different pronunciations of /-r/. The results show that the listeners perceptions vary according to their gender, region of birth, region of residence in the city and the variants they recognize in their own speech. This reveals how extra-linguistic factors influence even the phonetic perception, a phenomenon that, a priori, would be more \"objective\" than linguistic production.

Percepções sociofonéticas do (-R) em São Paulo / Sociophonetic perceptions about post-vocalic (-r) in São Paulo

Larissa Grasiela Mendes Soriano 23 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de mestrado investiga como as características sociais dos ouvintes, bem como o significado social das variantes linguísticas, afetam o modo como são atribuídas diferenças acústicas a pares formados entre cinco variantes de (-r) em coda: (i) vibrante com três batidas, (ii) vibrante com duas batidas, (iii) tepe (vibrante simples), (iv) aproximante alveolar, (v) aproximante retroflexa. Em entrevistas sociolinguísticas (MENDES; OUSHIRO, 2012), informantes paulistanos comentam acerca de dois graus de retroflexão do (-r): um mais forte (que corresponderia ao retroflexo), típico de um falar caipira e um mais fraco (a aproximante alveolar) que seria falado na cidade de São Paulo. Essas duas variantes ainda se oporiam ao tepe, tipicamente paulistano. Tais discursos revelam que os falantes parecem perceber diferenças fonéticas bastante sutis e, ao mesmo tempo, associar significados sociais a elas. No intuito de avaliar quão salientes são essas sutilezas acústicas, desenvolveu-se um experimento de percepção sociofonética (CAMPBELL-KIBLER, 2006, 2007, 2009; HAY; DRAGER, 2007) no qual diferentes grupos de moradores da cidade de São Paulo deveriam atribuir diferenças a pares formados pelo mesmo item lexical mas com pronúncias de /-r/ diferentes: p.e, a palavra artéria primeiro pronunciada com o tepe e depois com a aproximante alveolar. Os resultados indicam que as respostas dos ouvintes variam de acordo com seu Sexo/Gênero, Região de Nascimento, Local de Residência na Cidade e Variante que Reconhece na Própria Fala. Isto confirma que fatores extralinguísticos de fato influenciam até mesmo a percepção fonética um fenômeno que, a priori, variaria de forma menos sistemática do que a produção linguística. / This study investigates how listeners social characteristics and the social meanings of linguistic variants impact how acoustic differences are assigned to pairs formed between five variants of post-vocalic (-r): (i) trill with three tongue hits, (ii) trill with two tongue hits, (iii) tap, (iv) alveolar approximant and (v) retroflex. In sociolinguistic interviews (MENDES; OUSHIRO, 2012), Paulistanos (people born and raised in the city of São Paulo) comment on two \"degrees of retroflexion\" of post-vocalic (-r) in Paulistano speech: one that is perceived as \"stronger\" (which corresponds to the retroflex), typical of the states countryside, and one that is perceived as \"weaker\" (the alveolar approximant). These two variants, on their turn, are opposed to the tap, the prototypical Paulistano variant. These evaluations reveal that speakers seem to perceive quite subtle phonetic differences and, at the same time, to associate social meanings to them. In order to measure how salient these acoustic subtleties are to different groups of speakers, a sociophonetic experiment was developed (CAMPBELL-KIBLER, 2006, 2007, 2009; HAY; DRAGER, 2007) in which residents of São Paulo were asked to assign differences to pairs formed by the same lexical item but with different pronunciations of /-r/. The results show that the listeners perceptions vary according to their gender, region of birth, region of residence in the city and the variants they recognize in their own speech. This reveals how extra-linguistic factors influence even the phonetic perception, a phenomenon that, a priori, would be more \"objective\" than linguistic production.

Three-dimensional spatial distribution of scatterers in the crust by inversion analysis of s-wave coda envelopes. A case study of Gauribidanur seismic array site (Southern india) and Galeras volcano (South-western Colombia)

Carcolé Carrubé, Eduard 28 June 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, coda waves recorded by local seismographic networks will be analyzed to estimate the three-dimensional spatial distribution of scatterers (SDS). This will be done by using the single scattering approximation. This approach leads to a huge system of equations that can not be solved by traditional methods. For the first time, we will use the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstructive Technique (SIRT) to solve this kind of system in seismological applications. SIRT is slow but provides a means to carry out the inversion with greater accuracy. There is also a very fast non-iterative method that allows to carry out the inversion 102 times faster, with a higher resolution and reasonable accuracy: the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP). If one wishes to use this technique it is necessary to adapt it to the geometry of our problem. This will be done for the first time in this thesis. The theory necessary to carry out the adaptation will be developed and a simple expression will be derived to carry out the inversion.FBP and SIRT are then used to determine the SDS in southern India. Results are almost independent of the inversion method used and they are frequency dependent. They show a remarkably uniform distribution of the scattering strength in the crust around GBA. However, a shallow (0-24 km) strong scattering structure, which is only visible at low frequencies, seems to coincide with de Closepet granitic batholith which is the boundary between the eastern and western parts of the Dharwar craton.Also, the SDS is estimated for the Galeras volcano, Colombia. Results reveal a highly non-uniform SDS. Strong scatterers show frequency dependence, which is interpreted in terms if the scale of the heterogeneities producing scattering. Two zones of strong scattering are detected: the shallower one is located at a depth from 4 km to 8 km under the summit whereas the deeper one is imaged at a depth of ~37 km from the Earth's surface. Both zones may be correlated with the magmatic plumbing system beneath Galeras volcano. The second strong scattering zone may be probably related to the deeper magma reservoir that feeds the system.

The influence of crustal heterogeneity on translational and rotational motions in the seismic coda

Gaebler, Peter Jost 23 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this study Monte Carlo solutions to the radiative transfer equations are used to model translational and rotational motion seismogram envelopes in random elastic media with deterministic background structure assuming multiple anisotropic scattering. The results of the Monte Carlo radiative transfer theory simulations are verified by comparisons with 3D full wave field finite difference simulations. The observation and modeling of the three additional components of rotational ground motions can provide independent information about seismic wave propagation in the Earth’s structure. Rotational motions around the vertical axis observed in the P-wave coda are of particular interest as they can only be excited by horizontally polarized shear waves and therefore indicate the conversion from P- to SH-energy by multiple scattering at 3D-heterogeneities. Scattering and attenuation parameters in south-east Germany beneath the Gräfenberg array and in the Vogtland region are estimated by comparisons of synthesized multi-component seismogram envelopes to seismic data from local and regional swarm earthquakes and to teleseismic events. In a first step, frequency dependent scattering and attenuation parameters from a local data set are estimated for the Vogtland region using nearby swarm earthquakes. The results from the elastic simulations are compared to outcomes from acoustic radiative transfer simulations. Both methods yield similar results and suggest that intrinsic attenuation dominates scattering attenuation. From the elastic simulations it is observable, that forward scattering is required to explain the data. However, the amount of forward scattering strength remains unresolvable. In a second step scattering and attenuation parameters beneath the Gräfenberg array are estimated using a nonlinear genetic inversion of seismogram envelopes from regional events at high frequencies (4–8 Hz). The preferred model of crustal heterogeneity consists of a random medium described by an exponential auto correlation function with a transport mean free path length of ∼ 420 km. The quality factor for elastic S-wave attenuation Q iS is around 700. In a final step simulations of teleseismic P-wave arrivals, using this estimated set of scattering and attenuation parameters, are compared to observed seismogram envelopes from deep events. Simulations of teleseismic events with the parameters found from the regional inversion show good agreement with the measured seismogram envelopes. This includes ringlaser observations of vertical rotations in the teleseismic P-wave coda that naturally result from the proposed model of wave scattering. The model also predicts, that the elastic energy recorded in the teleseismic P-coda is not equipartitioned, unlike the coda of regional events, but contains an excess of shear energy. The combined results from the three different data sets suggest that scattering generating the seismic coda mainly occurs in the crustal part of the lithosphere beneath the receivers. The observations do not require scattering of high frequency waves in the mantle, but weak scattering in the lithospheric mantle cannot be ruled out. / In dieser Studie werden Monte Carlo Lösungen für die Energietransfergleichungen genutzt, um Seismogrammeinhüllende von Translations- und Rotationsbewegungen zu modellieren. Die Ergebnisse der Monte Carlo Simulationen werden durch einen Vergleich mit 3D finiten Differenzen Simulationen verifiziert. Diese Modellierung findet in einem elastischen Zufallsmedium mit deterministischer Hintergrundstruktur unter Annahme multipler anisotroper Streuung statt. Die Beobachtung und Modellierung der drei zusätzlichen Komponenten der Rotationsbodenbewegungen kann unabhängige Informationen über die Ausbreitung seismischer Wellen im Erdkörper liefern. Rotationsbewegungen um die vertikale Achse in der P-Wellen Koda sind in diesem Zusammenhang von speziellem Interesse, da sie nur von horizontal polarisierten Scheerwellen angeregt werden können. Die gemessenen Rotationsbewegungen deuten folglich auf Konversionen von P- zu SH-Energie durch multiple Streuung an 3D-Heterogenitäten hin. Für die Bestimmung von Streu- und Dämpfungsparametern im Südosten Deutschlands (Gräfenberg Array, Vogtland) werden synthetisch erzeugte, mehrspurige Seismogrammeinhüllende mit Daten lokaler und regionaler Schwarmbeben und teleseismicher Ereignisse verglichen. In einem ersten Schritt werden frequenzabhängige Krustenparameter für die Vogtlandregion mittels eines lokalen Datensatzes von nahen Schwarmbeben bestimmt. Die Resultate mittels elastischer Energietransfertheorie werden mit Ergebnissen aus Simulationen mittels akustischer Energietransfertheorie verglichen. Beide Methoden liefern ähnliche Parameter und sagen einen größeren Einfluss der intrinsichen Dämpfung im Vergleich zur Streudämpfung voraus. Aus den elastischen Simulationen geht hervor, dass für die Beschreibung der Daten Vorwärtsstreung angenommen werden muss, die Stärke dieser lässt sich jedoch nicht auflösen. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Streu- und Dämpfungseigenschaften der Erdkruste im Untergrund des Gräfenberg Arrays untersucht. Hierzu wird eine nicht-lineare genetische Inversion von Seismogrammeinhüllenden regionaler Ereignisse bei hohen Frequenzen (4–8 Hz) verwendet. Das bevorzugte Modell der Krustenheterogenität wird durch ein exponentielles Zufallsmedium, einer mittleren freien Transportweglänge von ca. 420 km und einem Qualitätsfaktor für S-Wellen Q iS von ca. 700 beschrieben. Ein letzter Schritt vergleicht Simulationen von teleseismischen P-Welleneinsätzen mit beobachteten Seismogrammeinüllenden von tiefen Erdbeben unter der Nutzung der Parameter aus der regionalen Inversion. Die Simulationen der teleseismischen Ereignisse mit den Parametern der regionalen Inversion zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den gemessenen Seismogrammeinhüllenden. Dieser Vergleich beinhaltet Ringlaserbeobachtungen der Rotationsbewegungen um die vertikale Achse, welche aus dem angenommenen Streumodell resultieren. Das Modell sagt voraus, dass die elastische Energie in der teleseismischen P-Wellen Koda im Gegensatz zur Koda lokaler oder regionaler Ereignisse nicht gleichverteilt ist, sondern einen Überschuss an Scheerenergie beinhaltet. Die Resultate aus den Untersuchungen der lokalen, regionalen und teleseismischen Datensätze zeigen, dass die Streuereignisse, welche die seismische Koda erklären, hauptsächlich in der Kruste unterhalb der seismischen Empfänger stattfinden. Streuung des Wellenfeldes im Mantel wird für die Erklärung der Daten nicht benötigt, schwache Streuung im lithosphärischen Mantel kann jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Etude des propriétés élastiques de la croûte : analyse numérique et applications au bruit de fond sismique

Obermann, Anne Christine 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Durant mes trois années de thèse, j'ai été amenée à travailler sur différents aspects de la surveillance des propriétés élastiques de la croûte, à la fois par analyses numériques, mais aussi par des applications d'utilisation du bruit ambiant. Ma thèse s'articule autour de deux parties principales: Les propriétés des ondes de la coda Le libre parcours moyen est un paramètre crucial rencontré continuellement dans les différentes parties de mon travail. Dans cette partie, je présente une nouvelle façon de déterminer ce libre parcours moyen à partir des statistiques de phase. Cette méthode a été testée avec succès dans l'étude d'un volcan situé en Auvergne (France). Je présente ensuite une analyse numérique de la sensibilité que les ondes de la coda manifestent en fonction de la profondeur. Ce travail nous a permis de relier cette sensibilité à la profondeur observée dans les ondes de la coda, à une combinaison de la sensibilité des ondes de volume et de celle des ondes de surface. En effet, cette sensibilité des ondes de volume et de surface dépend directement du temps considéré dans la coda et du libre parcours moyen du milieu étudié. Nous avons été capable de montrer que le changement de vitesse relatif dans la coda était lié à une dépendance en temps. Cette importante observation nous permet de pouvoir établir une distinction entre un changement qui se produit en surface et un changement ayant lieu en profondeur. Localisation des changements dans un milieu diffusif Nous avons développé une méthode d'inversion basée sur des approches probabilistes de la propagation des ondes, afin de pouvoir localiser les changements dans le milieu. Nous avons également étudié la décohérence de la forme d'onde, ce qui constitue un aspect additionnel des techniques de surveillance du bruit sismique, qui traditionnellement sont basés sur l'évaluation du temps de retard dans la coda. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons affiné notre méthode d'inversion en l'appliquant à trois cas d'études. Dans un premier cas, nous avons étudié les changements ayant eu lieu avant et pendant l'éruption du volcan du Piton de la Fournaise situé sur l'Ile de la Réunion. Le challenge ici est de parvenir à localiser correctement la prochaine éruption. La seconde application a concerné le séisme de Mw7,9 de Wenchuan (Chine), sur lequel nous avons obtenu de nombreuses données. Dans ce cas, nous avons pris en compte l'évolution de la coda au cours du temps et nous avons conjointement inversé les données à différents temps dans la coda pour étudier les changements induits dans la croûte, avant et pendant le séisme. A partir de ces résultats, nous avons pu clairement voir que la décohérence de la forme d'onde et les variations de vitesse n'étaient pas sensibles aux mêmes propriétés physiques. Dans le troisième cas d'étude, nous avons testé la procédure d'inversion avec un noyau 3D pour étudier la fracturation dans un bloc de béton soumis à une contrainte croissante.

Tratamento didático do apagamento e inserção da rótica em coda final de verbos / Didactic treatment of the deletion and insertion of rhotics in final coda of verbs

Almeida, Daniele Cristina de January 2016 (has links)
ALMEIDA, Daniele Cristina de. Tratamento didático do apagamento e inserção da rótica em coda final de verbos. 2016. 120f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-23T15:17:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_dcalmeida.pdf: 3116344 bytes, checksum: 45111f1f08b718d872d0b39cdec0a655 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-03T13:27:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_dcalmeida.pdf: 3116344 bytes, checksum: 45111f1f08b718d872d0b39cdec0a655 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T13:27:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_dcalmeida.pdf: 3116344 bytes, checksum: 45111f1f08b718d872d0b39cdec0a655 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Orthographic norms are social conventions designed to facilitate written communication. The school has the role of developing activities that promote the appropriation of the rules by the students, and the Portuguese teacher is responsible for including in their teaching practices the study of the correct notation the written language, since knowledge of spelling has social relevance and are necessary for the competent use of the language. However, learners show difficulties in spelling, even in the final grades of middle school. Many of these difficulties are related to oral language, often their texts present several words written as they are pronounded. It is clear that the students do not have the mastery of the orthographic system and they do not know the differences between written language and oral language. It is necessary, therefore, that a pedagogical work be developed by the teacher so that the students overcome these difficulties. Thus, this work has as objective the treatment of two specific and interrelated orthographic problems: deletion of -r in the final codas of verbs in the infinitive, orthographic error of phonological source and the insertion of this rhotic at the end of words forming, unduly, the verbal infinitive, which constitutes an overgeneralization of the rule. Such spelling problems were the most frequent - in the texts of students from two classes of the 8th grade of middle school - analyzed in this study, hence the need for an intervention. For the theoretical basis of this study, some phonological processes presented by Seara, Nunes and Lazzarotto-Volcão (2015), the reflections and researches of Cagliari (2001, 2002b), as well as the studies of Morais (2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004a, 2004b), Bortoni-Ricardo and Oliveira (2013), Callou, Serra and Cunha (2015) were considered. This study is a quantitative-qualitative action research. Firstly, a diagnosis was conducted with the use of essays to identify the most recurrent errors in the texts of the students in the first class; and a dictation of sentences to verify only the errors in focus in the second group, since such problems had already been selected from the initial diagnosis in class 1. For the treatment, periodic pedagogical interventions were carried out within the pedagogical time allotted to the Portuguese lessons. The activities were based on the reflection of writing with the support of texts in the different genres. The results pointed out considerable improvement in the correct writing of verbs in the infinitive. It was concluded that regularly scheduled orthographic activities generate positive results. / As normas ortográficas são convenções sociais criadas para facilitar a comunicação escrita. A escola tem o papel de desenvolver atividades que promovam a apropriação das regras pelos alunos, e ao professor de língua portuguesa cabe a tarefa de incluir em suas práticas de ensino o estudo da correta notação da língua escrita, visto que os conhecimentos ortográficos têm relevância social e são necessários para o competente uso da língua. No entanto, os aprendizes demonstram dificuldades na ortografia, mesmo nas séries finais do ensino fundamental. Muitas dessas dificuldades estão relacionadas à oralidade, não raro, seus textos apresentam diversas palavras grafadas conforme são produzidas na oralidade. Observa-se que os alunos não têm o domínio do sistema ortográfico e desconhecem as diferenças entre língua escrita e língua oral. É necessário, portanto, que um trabalho pedagógico seja desenvolvido pelo professor para que os estudantes superem tais dificuldades. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo o tratamento de dois problemas ortográficos específicos e inter-relacionados: o apagamento do -r em coda final de verbos no infinitivo, erro ortográfico de fonte fonológica e a inserção desse rótico ao final de palavras formando, indevidamente, o infinitivo verbal, o que configura uma hipercorreção. Tais problemas ortográficos foram os mais frequentes – nos textos de alunos de duas turmas do 8º ano do ensino fundamental II – analisados neste estudo, daí a necessidade de uma intervenção. Para a fundamentação teórica deste estudo, foram considerados, principalmente, alguns processos fonológicos apresentados por Seara, Nunes e Lazzarotto-Volcão (2015), as reflexões e pesquisas de Cagliari (2001, 2002b), bem como, os estudos de Morais (2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004a, 2004b), Bortoni-Ricardo e Oliveira (2013), Callou, Serra e Cunha (2015). Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação de caráter quanti-qualitativo. Primeiramente, foi realizado um diagnóstico com aplicação de redações para a identificação dos erros mais recorrentes nos textos dos alunos da primeira turma; e um ditado de frases para verificação, apenas, dos erros em foco, na segunda turma, visto que tais problemas já haviam sido selecionados a partir do diagnóstico inicial na turma 1. Para o tratamento, foram realizadas intervenções pedagógicas periódicas, dentro do tempo pedagógico destinado às aulas de língua portuguesa. As atividades aplicadas foram baseadas na reflexão da escrita com o apoio de textos nos diversos gêneros. Os resultados apontaram melhoria considerável na escrita correta dos verbos no infinito. Chegou-se à conclusão de que atividades ortográficas planejadas e aplicadas com regularidade geram resultados positivos.

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