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Dynamics of hard and soft colloids at aqueous interfaces / Dynamiques de colloïdes aux interfaces fluidesKeal, Louis 17 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette these nous avons étudié la dynamique de colloides aux interfaces fluides. Dans une première partie nous avons étudié la dynamique de drainage de films minces liquides contenant des particules de microgels de PNiPAM. Ces systèmes sont de plus en plus utilisés pour stabiliser et déstabiliser des émulsions sur demande en jouant sur la température. Nous avons montré que la dynamique de drainage et l'épaisseur des films dépend de la concentration et du degré de réticulation des particules. Nous avons pu à partir des épaisseurs des films remonter à la conformation des particules. Les microgels moins réticulés s'étalent davantage aux interfaces à basse concentration que les particules ayant un taux de réticulation plus élevé. En revanche à haute concentration, les particules moins réticulées forment des couches plus compactes, ce qui induit des films moins stables. Dans la deuxième partie nous avons étudié la dynamique d'adsorption de particules colloidales dans des systèmes eau dans eau, obtenus par la séparation de phase de deux solutions de polymères. A temps courts, la position de la particule varie exponentiellement avec le temps alors qu'aux temps plus longs l'évolution est logarithmique. De façon surprenante, nous trouvons que dans le régime exponentiel, le temps caractéristique, qui résulte théoriquement d'un équilibre entre les forces de tension interfaciale et la friction visqueuse est trop lent par rapport à la théorie. De plus l'existence d'un régime logarithmique (habituellement attribué à un piégeage/dépiégeage de la ligne de contact) est également surprenante puisque notre système présente des tensions interfaciales très faibles, de l'ordre de 100 µN/m. / This thesis examines interfacial colloidal dynamics in two separate aqueous systems. The first part aims to improve understanding of thermoresponsive microgel-stabilised emulsions. Many emulsion properties are determined by the behaviour and drainage dynamics of the thin films that form between droplets. This study reveals these drainage dynamics, achieved through observing a model thin film of PNiPAM microgel solution in air. We explore why, as other studies have shown, less cross-linked microgels stabilise emulsions more effectively than more cross-linked microgels, concluding that both adsorption dynamics and particle rearrangement under pressure play a role. Through a simple calculation, we are able to estimate the conformation of microgels at the interface, showing that microgel concentration in bulk determines the concentration at interface due to differences in adsorption kinetics, and microgel excess does not play a role. The second part of the thesis investigates behaviour of spherical colloidal particles within an Aqueous Two-Phase System (ATPS) composed of non-mixing polymer solutions of fish gelatin and dextran, with applications in low-fat foods. Additionally, the very low surface tension of these systems allows studing fast interfacial processes at experimentally accessible timescales. In this work, we examine adsorption dynamics of spherical particles, observing for the first time the theoretically-predicted exponential ‘snap-in’ stage of particle adsorption. Surprisingly, even at this low surface tension, a slower logarithmic relaxation is subsequently observed which at the oil/water interface is ascribed to pinning of the contact line on surface defects.
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Nanoparticules et colloïdes multifonctionnels à base de clusters d’éléments de transition et complexes de lanthanides / Multifunctional nanoparticles and colloids based on clusters of transition elements and lanthanide complexesNeaime, Chrystelle 08 October 2015 (has links)
La première partie de ce travail porte sur l’élaboration et la caractérisation de nouvelles nanoparticules (NPs) multifonctionnelles de silice à architectures complexes. L’enjeu est de répondre à la demande croissante d’élaboration de nouveaux systèmes colloïdaux non toxiques, magnétiques et/ou luminescents dans la région NIR pour des applications potentielles en biotechnologie. Cet objectif a été atteint en associant intimement des composés à clusters de molybdène avec des nanocristaux de maghémite et/ou d’or dans une NPs de silice de 50 nm. Une évaluation de la cytotoxicité des NPs contenant des clusters d’éléments de transition Cs2Mo6Br14 ainsi qu’un suivi par microscopie de fluorescence en temps retardé des NPs Cs2Mo6I8(C2F5COO)6@SiO2 incorporées dans des cellules cancéreuses sont présentés. Dans la deuxième partie, des poudres microcristallines de composés hétéronucléaires de polymères de coordination à base de terres rares de formule chimique générale [Ln2-2xLn’2x(bdc)3,4H2O]∞ avec 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 ont été nanométrisées dans du glycérol. Ces NPs présentent des propriétés luminescentes identiques à celles du matériau massif. Une étude détaillée de cette nouvelle voie de synthèse répondant aux principes de la chimie verte ainsi qu’une étude de la stabilité en fonction du temps et de la dilution des colloïdes obtenus ont été réalisées. / The first part of this work involves the development and characterization ofnovel nanoparticles (NPs) of multifunctional silica with complex architectures.The challenge is to meet the increasing demand for development of newnon-toxic colloidal systems, magnetic and/or luminescent in the NIR regionfor potential applications in biotechnology. This objective was achievedby closely associating molybdenum clusters compounds with maghemitenanocrystals and/or gold in 50 nm silica NPs. An evaluation of thecytotoxicity of NPs containing clusters of transition elements of Cs2Mo6Br14and a time-gated fluorescence microscopy of Cs2Mo6I8(C2F5COO)6@SiO2NPs incorporated in cancer cells are presented.In the second part, microcrystalline powders of heteronuclear lanthanidebasedcoordination polymers with general chemical formula [Ln2-2xLn’2x(bdc)3,4H2O] ∞ 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 were dissolved in glycerol . These NPsexhibit luminescent properties identical to that of the bulk material.A detailed study of this new green synthetic route and a study of thestability over time and a dilution of the obtained colloids were performed.
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Caractérisation rhéologique et structurale de gels colloïdaux utilisés pour la décontamination nucléaire / Rheological and structural characterization of colloidal gels used for nuclear decontaminationCastellani, Romain 01 October 2013 (has links)
Au cours de la vie d'une installation dans laquelle est utilisée de la matière radioactive, des étapes de maintenance, ou bien à terme de démantèlement, sont nécessaires afin d'assurer une protection convenable des travailleurs et de l'environnement. Parmi les procédés existants, des gels de décontamination ont été développés au CEA afin de pallier aux inconvénients des méthodes classiquement utilisées. Ces gels colloïdaux, formulés à l'origine de façon plutôt empirique, ont une structure qu'il convient de connaitre, celle-ci étant la clef de voute du comportement rhéologique du matériau. La façon dont ils s'écoulent est en effet un paramètre important du procédé, et les mesures en laboratoire qui sont effectuées sur ces systèmes permettent d'en améliorer l'implémentation. En outre, de nombreux raffinements du procédé, par le biais notamment d'additifs, en étendent le champ d'utilisation, et l'efficacité / During the exploitation of a nuclear plant, or all other installation which uses radioactive materials, maintenance tasks or decommissioning operations are mandatory in order to preserve people health and environment. Among existing processes, decontaminating gels have been development by CEA in order to overcome the drawbacks of the traditionally used methods. These colloidal gels were originally formulated in an empirical way; however, the knowledge of their structures is important as it rules all the rheological behaviors of the material. The way these gels flow is an important parameter to the process and our laboratory measurements can be transposed to the industrial world. Moreover, other composition refinements have been developed in order to extend their field of use and efficiency
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Interactions effectives de courte portée dans les dispersions colloïdales : rôle des spécificités du potentiel sur le ralentissement de la dynamique / Short-range effective interactions in colloidal dispersions : role of specificities in the potentials on the slowing down of the dynamicsNdong Mintsa, Enguerran 27 February 2015 (has links)
Des simulations de dynamique moléculaire sont utilisées pour étudier le rôle sur le ralentissement de la dynamique dans certaines dispersions colloïdales des caractéristiques des potentiels d’interaction à courte portée entre solutés. La variation avec les paramètres physiques du coefficient de diffusion utilisé comme indicateur du ralentissement de la dynamique est comparée avec celle du temps de vie des paires afin de tester l’interprétation généralement avancée de la gélification par la formation de liaisons à longue durée de vie entre les colloïdes. Deux modèles simples ont d’abord été considérés : un potentiel standard constitué d’une répulsion et d’une attraction à courte portée et un potentiel avec une barrière répulsive après le premier puits. Pour les modèles standard, sans barrière, un comportement universel de la dynamique, déterminé par le second coefficient du viriel a été montré. Ceci est observé aussi bien sur la diffusivité que sur la durée de vie des paires de particules, à condition qu’une définition commune de la distance de liaison soit prise lors de la comparaison des différents potentiels. En présence de barrière, la diffusivité dépend également d’autres caractéristiques de l’interaction comme le rapport des amplitudes du puits et de la barrière. L’effet de celle-ci renforce à la fois le piégeage dans le puits et l’effet stérique à une distance supérieure au diamètre du coeur. En doublant sa hauteur, la durée de vie augmente presque par un ordre de grandeur. Dans tous les cas, la durée de vie des liaisons dépend peu de la densité, contrairement au coefficient de diffusion. Ce comportement différent du temps de vie des liaisons et de la diffusivité montre les limites d’une interprétation littérale du ralentissement de la dynamique à faible ou moyenne densité, en terme de liaison de paires à longue durée de vie entre les particules. Les prédictions tirées de ces potentiels génériques ont ensuite été testées sur des potentiels effectifs calculés à partir des équations intégrales pour des mélanges binaires dissymétriques. La complexité du comportement dynamique résultant du caractère oscillatoire du potentiel est alors illustrée notamment par le comportement du nombre de paires en fonction de l’intervalle de "liaison" considéré. Le rôle au niveau de la dynamique d’interactions résiduelles a ensuite été étudié à partir du potentiel de Yukawa attractif, souvent utilisé pour modéliser une force attractive de courte portée résultant des recouvrements des couches superficielles des solutés, et du potentiel de Yukawa répulsif, pouvant correspondre à des interactions coulombiennes à très courte longueur d’écran. Nous avons alors montré l’impact important de ces interactions sur les lignes de transitions de non-ergodicité. L’analyse des situations où le ralentissement de la dynamique concerne les deux composants du mélange, avec les développements méthodologiques requis, est finalement soulignée comme une voie possible de poursuite de ce travail. / Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the role on the slowing down of the dynamics in certain colloidal dispersions of some characteristics of the short-range interaction potentials between the solutes. The variation with the physical parameters of the diffusion coefficient used as an indicator of the slowing down of the dynamics is compared with that of the bond lifetime of particle pairs in order to test the usual interpretation of gelation by par the formation of long-lived bonds between the colloidal particles. Two simple models were first considered: a standard potential with a repulsive part and a short-range attraction, and a model with a repulsive barrier after the well. For standard models, without barrier, a universal behaviour of the dynamics, governed by the second virial coefficient has been shown. This has been observed both for the diffusivity and the bond lifetime of particle pairs, provided that a common definition of the bonding length is used when comparing different potentials. In the presence of barriers, the diffusivity depends also on other characteristics of the interaction, such as the ratio of the well and barrier amplitudes. The effect of the barrier reinforces both the bonding in the well and the steric effect at a separation larger than the core diameter. Doubling its height increases the lifetime almost by an order of magnitude. In all cases the bond lifetime depends weakly on density in contrast with the diffusion coefficient. This different behaviours of diffusivity and bond lifetime shows the limits of a literal interpretation of the slowing down of the dynamics by the formation of long-lived bonds between particle pairs. The predictions relative to these generic potentials were next tested on the effective potentials computed from the integral equations for asymmetric binary mixtures. The complexity of the dynamics arising from the oscillatory nature of the potential is then illustrated by the behaviour of the number of pairs, depending on the bonding range being considered. The influence on the dynamics of residual interactions was next investigated from the attractive Yukawa potential, often used to model an attractive interaction arising from the overlap of the surface layers of the solutes potential and the repulsive Yukawa one, possibly modelling Coulomb interactions with very short screening length. We so showed the importance of such residual interactions on the non-ergodicity transition lines. The analysis of the situations in which the slowing down of the dynamics involves both components of the mixture, with the required methodological developments, is finally pointed out as a possible continuation of this work.
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FTIR-ATR Characterization of Hydrogel, Polymer Films, Protein Immobilization and Benzotriazole Adsorption on Copper SurfacePillai, Karthikeyan 12 1900 (has links)
Plasma polymerization techniques were used to synthesize and deposit hydrogel on silicon (Si) substrate. Hydrogel is a network of polymer chains that are water-insoluble and has a high degree of flexibility. The various fields of applications of hydrogel include drug release, biosensors and tissue engineering etc. Hydrogel synthesized from different monomers possess a common property of moisture absorption. In this work two monomers were used namely 1-amino-2-propanol (1A2P) and 2(ethylamino)ethanol (2EAE) to produce polymer films deposited on Si ATR crystal. Their moisture uptake property was tested using FTIR-ATR technique. This was evident by the decrease in -OH band in increasing N2 purging time of the films. Secondly, two monomer compounds namely vinyl acetic acid and glycidyl methacrylate which have both amine and carboxylic groups are used as solid surface for the immobilization of bovine serum albumin (BSA). Pulsed plasma polymerization was used to polymerize these monomers with different duty cycles. Initial works in this field were all about protein surface adsorption. But more recently, the emphasis is on covalent bonding of protein on to the surface. This immobilization of protein on solid surface has a lot of applications in the field of biochemical studies. The polymerization of vinyl acetic acid and glycidyl methacrylate were shown as successful method to attach protein on them. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of Cu is one of the processes in the integrated chips manufacturing industry. Benzotriazole is one of the constituents of this CMP slurry used as corrosion inhibitor for Cu. Benzotriazole (C6H5N3) is a nitrogen heterocyclic derivative having three nitrogen atoms, each with an unshared pair of electrons, forming five-membered ring structure. This molecule coordinates with Cu atoms by loosing a proton from one of its nitrogen atom and thereby forming a film which is polymeric in nature that prevents further oxidation of Cu. In this work, aqueous solution of BTA was used to study the adsorption characteristics on Cu when a Cu electrodeposited Si was immersed in to it. This study was performed using ATR-FTIR technique. The adsorption of BTA on Cu surface was evident by the presence of aryl C-H stretching band at 3061 cm-1.
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The synthesis and study of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/poly(acrylic acid) interpenetrating polymer network nanoparticle hydrogels.Crouch, Stephen Wallace 08 1900 (has links)
Homogeneous hydrogels made of an interpenetrating network of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAAc) are synthesized by a two-step process; first making PNIPAm hydrogels and then interpenetrating acrylic acid throughout the hydrogel through polymerization. The kinetic growth of the IPN is plotted and an equation is fitted to the data. When diluted to certain concentrations in water, the hydrogels show reversible, inverse thermal gelation at about 34°C. This shows unique application to the medical field, as the transition is just below body temperature. A drug release experiment is performed using high molecular weight dyes, and a phase diagram is created through observation of the purified, concentrated gel at varying concentrations and temperatures.
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A Study of the Synthesis and Surface Modification of UV Emitting Zinc Oxide for Bio-Medical ApplicationsJohn, Sween 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel ZnO-hydrogel based fluorescent colloidal semiconductor nanomaterial system for potential bio-medical applications such as bio-imaging, cancer detection and therapy. The preparation of ZnO nanoparticles and their surface modification to make a biocompatible material with enhanced optical properties is discussed. High quality ZnO nanoparticles with UV band edge emission are prepared using gas evaporation method. Semiconductor materials including ZnO are insoluble in water. Since biological applications require water soluble nanomaterials, ZnO nanoparticles are first dispersed in water by ball milling method, and their aqueous stability and fluorescence properties are enhanced by incorporating them in bio-compatible poly N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) based hydrogel polymer matrix. The optical properties of ZnO-hydrogel colloidal dispersion versus ZnO-Water dispersion were analyzed. The optical characterization using photoluminescence spectroscopy indicates approximately 10 times enhancement of fluorescence in ZnO-hydrogel colloidal system compared to ZnO-water system. Ultrafast time resolved measurement demonstrates dominant exciton recombination process in ZnO-hydrogel system compared to ZnO-water system, confirming the surface modification of ZnO nanoparticles by hydrogel polymer matrix. The surface modification of ZnO nanoparticles by hydrogel induce more scattering centers per unit area of cross-section, and hence increase the luminescence from the ZnO-gel samples due to multiple path excitations. Furthermore, surface modification of ZnO by hydrogel increases the radiative efficiency of this hybrid colloidal material system thereby contributing to enhanced emission.
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Stimuli-responsive microgels for self-assembled crystalline structures and controlled drug release.Zhou, Jun 08 1900 (has links)
Tissue response to PNIPAM and HPC nanoparticles has been studied by implantation method. The results suggest that both PNIAPM and HPC nanoparticles possess good biocompatibility and they may serve as a good carrier for the applications of controlled delivery. Rheological properties of dispersions of IPN microgels composed of PNIPAM and PAAc have been studied. It is found that the IPN microgel dispersion can undergo a sol-gel transition at temperature above 33°C. In vivo drug release experiments suggest that the gelation procedure creates a diffusion barrier and thus leads to slow release. An emulsion method has been used to grow columnar crystals by mixing PNIPAM microgel dispersions with organic solvents. Effect of both temperature and microgel concentration on formation of columnar crystals has been studied. PNIPAM-co-NMA microgels have been used for the fabrication of crystalline hydrogel films by self-crosslinking microgels. The hydrogel film exhibits an iridescent. The thermally responsive properties and mechanical properties of this film have been studied. Melting temperature (Tm) of colloidal crystals self-assembled with PNIPAM-co-AAc microgels has been investigated as a function of pH, salt concentration and microgel concentration. It is revealed that Tm increases as pH value increases; Tm decreases with increase of salt concentration; Tm increases as microgel concentration increases. Phase behavior of PNIPAM-co-HEAc microgel dispersions has been investigated. It is observed that these microgel dispersions exhibit liquid, crystal, and glass phase. As microgel size increases, crystal phase shifts to low concentration range. As temperature increases, crystal phase shifts to high concentration ranges. These colloidal crystals can be stabilized by NaOH-induced gelation. Effect of NaOH concentration on formation of physical gelation has been investigated.
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Estruturas de cristais líquidos lamelares obtidos pela associação de brometos de dialquildimetilamônio em solução / Structures of lamellar liquid crystals formed by the self-assembly of dialkyldimethylammonium bromides in solutionFerreira, Guilherme Augusto, 1991- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Watson Loh / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T11:59:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Surfactantes são moléculas anfifílicas que, em solução, se organizam dando origem a uma série de estruturas de associação, dentre as quais destacam-se os cristais líquidos. Especialmente os brometos de dialquildimetilamônio se associam formando principalmente estruturas líquido-cristalinas lamelares. Nesse trabalho, foram estudadas as propriedades estruturais de fases lamelares formadas pela auto-organização, em solução aquosa, de dois surfactantes dessa classe: o DDAB (brometo de didodecildimetilamônio) e o DODAB (brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio). Através das técnicas de caracterização utilizadas, foi verificado que, nas condições de concentração e temperatura estudadas, ambos os surfactantes, DDAB e DODAB, se associam em duas fases lamelares, La e Lß, fases essas que diferem pela organização das cadeias carbônicas nas bicamadas e intumescimento. Além de formarem diferentes fases lamelares, essas também apresentaram distintas propriedades estruturais, dependendo do surfactante utilizado. Estudos de calorimetria diferencial de varredura também permitiram acompanhar as transições entre as fases lamelares obtidas causadas por variação da temperatura. As bicamadas formadas pela auto-associação do surfactante DDAB apresentaram um intumescimento menor do que as formadas pelo análogo DODAB, porém, com esse último, houve a formação de bicamadas menos espessas. Misturas preparadas com ambos os surfactantes em diferentes proporções também indicaram a variação das propriedades investigadas, intumescimento e espessura das bicamadas, aumentando o teor de DODAB. A hipótese levantada é que as propriedades estruturais investigadas são fortemente influenciadas pelas forças eletrostáticas atuantes no sistema. A caracterização de amostras formuladas com os tensoativos acima da temperatura de transição para fase fluída e na presença de sal confirmou esta ideia. O maior intumescimento e a pequena espessura das bicamadas formadas pelo DODAB se devem, provavelmente, à interdigitação das cadeias carbônicas e ao efeito de correlação iônica, respectivamente, descritos em mais detalhes nessa dissertação / Abstract: Surfactants are amphiphilic molecules that self-assemble, in solution, giving rise to a number of association structures, among which the liquid crystals stand out. Particularly the dialkyldimethylammonium bromides associate to form mosty lamellar liquid crystalline structures. In this work, we studied the structural properties of lamellar phases formed by self-organization, in aqueous solution, of two surfactants from this class: DDAB (didodecyldimethylammonium bromide) and DODAB (dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide). Through the used characterization techniques, we found that under the conditions of concentration and temperature studied, both surfactants, DDAB and DODAB are associated in two lamellar phases, La and Lß, phases that differ by the organization of the carbonic chains in bilayers and swelling degree. In addition to forming different lamellar phases, these also showed distinct structural properties, depending on the surfactant used. Studies with differential scanning calorimetry also allowed us to follow the transitions between the lamellar phases caused by temperature variation. The bilayers formed by self-association of DDAB showed a lower swelling degree than those formed by DODAB, however, with the later, there was the formation of thinner bilayers. Mixtures prepared with both surfactants in different proportions also indicated the variation of the investigated properties, swelling degree and bilayer thickness, upon increasing the DODAB content. We propose that the structural properties investigated are strongly influenced by electrostatic forces acting on the system. The characterization of samples formulated with surfactants above the transition temperature to the fluid phase and in the presence of salt confirmed this hypothesis / Mestrado / Físico-Química / Mestre em Química
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Élaboration, caractérisation et étude des propriétés de particules cœur-coquilles de diamant / Elaboration, Characterization and Study of Diamond Core-shells PropertiesVenerosy, Amélie 04 December 2018 (has links)
Le diamant de synthèse présente un intérêt croissant pour des applications diverses dans les domaines de l’optique, la catalyse, la biologie ou encore l’électronique. Par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) ou par haute pression et haute température (HPHT), il peut être synthétisé sous forme de films. Les particules de diamant sont généralement produites par détonation ou par broyage de diamant massif. Cependant, il n’existe pas actuellement de particules de diamant combinant à la fois sphéricité, monodispersité et qualité cristalline contrôlée. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’élaborer un matériau diamant répondant à ces critères. Pour cela, des cœur-coquilles de diamant nanocristallin sphériques et monodisperses de taille micrométrique ont été synthétisés à partir de billes de silice ensemencées par des nanodiamants. Le revêtement de diamant nanocristallin a été obtenu dans un réacteur CVD spécifique dédié au traitement de poudres. En faisant varier la composition du mélange gazeux, la nature du revêtement a pu être modifiée, du diamant nanocristallin à un matériau hybride composé de nanodiamants enrobés d’une matrice graphitique. Des méthodes de caractérisations complémentaires comme la spectroscopie Raman et le HR-TEM ont permis de déterminer la structure cristalline de ces différents revêtements. Un traitement d’oxydation des cœur-coquilles a permis de les disperser en suspension colloïdale dans l’eau. En utilisant un traitement basique, des sphères creuses ont pu être obtenues et mises en suspension. Des études préliminaires des performances de ces différents matériaux ont ensuite été menées : les propriétés photo-électrocatalytiques pour la réduction du CO2 et la cytotoxicité in vitro pour des applications en biologie. La méthode d’élaboration des cœur-coquilles de diamant mise au point a été enfin étendue à des cœurs magnétiques de maghémite. / Synthetic diamond is now considered in various fields of applications like optics, catalysis, biology or even electronic. Thin films can be synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) or by High Pressure/ High Temperature (HPHT), while particles are produced by detonation synthesis or milling of bulk diamond. Nevertheless, among all these diamond materials, there is no material available combining sphericity, monodispersity and crystalline quality. This is the purpose of this thesis work. Core-shell systems made of nanocrystalline diamond shell surrounding a silica core have been synthesized, starting from nanodiamond-seeded silica particles. These particles have been grown in a dedicated home-made CVD reactor, specifically developed to treat powders. Varying the gas composition, the nature of the coating has been tuned, from nanocrystalline diamond to a hybrid material made of nanodiamond particles surrounded by organized graphite. Complementary techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and High Resolution Transmission Electronic Microscopy (HR-TEM) have been used to characterize the crystalline structures. Colloidal suspensions were also obtained with these new diamond core-shells, by oxidation of their surface. Dissolving the silica core, diamond shells were also synthesized, exhibiting stable colloidal properties. Preliminary studies on diamond core-shells performances are also presented in this manuscript: their photocatalytic properties toward CO2 reduction and their in-vitro cytotoxicity considering further biological applications. Finally, the manuscript also reports on the extension of the process to magnetic silica cores for the synthesis of magnetic diamond core-shells.
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