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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traumatic histories : representations of (post-)Communist Czechoslovakia in Sylvie Germain, Daniela Hodrová, and Jean-Gaspard Páleníček

Horackova, Clare Frances January 2014 (has links)
Through a study of the work of three important writers, this thesis engages with the traumatic memories of the second half of the twentieth century in Czechoslovakia in order to highlight the value of literature in widening critical understandings of the continuing legacy of this complex era, which was dominated by totalitarian regimes under the Communist governments which gained control after the upheaval of the Second World War. Whilst these years were not unilaterally traumatic, many lives were dramatically affected by border closures and by the experience of living under a regime that maintained control through methods including confiscation of property, surveillance, arbitrary imprisonment, show trials, and executions. Many of the stories of this era could not be published openly because of censorship, and the persecution of intellectuals led to a wave of emigration, during which a number of writers moved to France. Using theories of trauma, exile, illness, and of self and other, this thesis opens up a dialogue between the work of three writers who engage, albeit from very different perspectives, with this little-explored intersection between Czech and French. The first chapter explores Daniela Hodrová's translated Prague trilogy as a first-hand witness to her nation's dispossession and as a form of resistance to the deletion of memory. The second chapter considers the painful transgenerational legacy of the era as it plays out in the work of bilingual writer Jean-Gaspard Páleníček. Chapter Three considers the ways in which the Prague novels of established French author Sylvie Germain negotiate the fine line between an appropriation of the stories of the other and a moral responsibility to bear witness. By bringing these authors together for the first time and locating their work within French Studies, my work foregrounds the need for Western criticism to pay attention to other valuable voices who can contribute to our understandings of the traumatic experience that has shaped modern history.

Kritická diskurzivní analýza televizního seriálu Okres na severu / Critical discursive analysis television series Okres na severu

Szabó, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This work is dedicated to exploring television series Okres na severu written by Jaroslav Dietl and directed by Evžen Sokolovský. The series was filmed in 1980 in the Czechoslovak television and falls into the normalization period (1968-1989) in Czechoslovakia. The aim of this study was to conduct a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of series Okres na severu, with special emphasis on the political power of Communism (Marxist-Leninist ideology) and its use of propaganda through the mass media (television). The text analyzed the discourse of the concept of a propaganda series and tried to answer the question of to what extent and whether the strip Okres na severu is a part of the propaganda. The main concept of this text was a discourse that we can define as a set of codes and rules used in producing the meanings related to any topic. Fairclough concept of critical discourse was chosen for its clear division of the so-called three-dimensional discourse (the text, discursive practice and social practice), which focuses on the interconnection of all three relationships (communication events) and the rules of discourse to explore the relationship to society and social conditions. We address the exploration of the concept of normalization, which is used for the second half (1968-1989) of the existence of the...

Mediální obraz osobnosti a tvorby Ivana M. Jirouse / Media reflection of Ivan M. Jirous's personality and creation

Hovorková, Johana January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Miloš Josef Pulec a Starokatolická církev / Miloš Josef Pulec and Old Catholic Church

Wagner, David January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Dr. Miloš Josef Pulec as a personality, and particularly on his relationship to the Old Catholic Church. We will see Pulec first as a newly ordained priest, then suspended, then as a priest of the Prague parish, an influential man behind the Old Catholic Church synod meetings, and finally in the eighties also an episcopal administrator. He played out an important role in the crisis of 1969-72, which in effect led to break-up of the church into an official and an underground one and to several problems which caused the church significant losses in property as well as number of members. Pulec was accused of being closely in contact with the authorities and misusing these contacts to solve conflicts in the church administration. Pulec was not only a clergyman, his works focused on many other fields: he was interested in history, anthropology, pragensia and mycology. His life's legacy is for now mostly seen in a very negative light - the goal of the thesis is not to intentionally change this view, but rather to describe the influence of an individual on an organization, and his reflection in the history.

Les juifs algériens anticolonialistes : étude biographique (entre-deux-guerres - 1965) / The anticolonialist Algerian Jews : a bibliographic study (interwar years - 1965)

Le Foll-Luciani, Pierre-Jean 24 June 2013 (has links)
Au croisement de l’histoire des juifs d’Algérie et de celle du mouvement anticolonialiste algérien, cette thèse analyse les trajectoires de la minorité de juifs algériens qui ont participé à la lutte anticolonialiste, de l’entre-deux-guerres à leur départ d’Algérie indépendante (survenu le plus souvent à la fin des années 1960).Avant l’étude biographique à proprement parler, la première partie interroge quand et pourquoi « les juifs » forment, dans les discours et pratiques de l’administration et des mouvements politiques, une catégorie politique en Algérie coloniale, et confronte ces discours et ces pratiques à la diversité des subjectivités politiques qui s’affirment parmi les juifs d’Algérie des années 1930 à 1962.Premier moment de l’étude biographique, la seconde partie s’intéresse au processus de « devenir-Algérien » qui touche les hommes et femmes étudiés, qui grandissent dans l’ordre du monde de l’Algérie coloniale et développent un rapport dissident à ce monde autour d’un moment de rupture structurant dans la plupart des trajectoires : Vichy. Dans ce cadre, lesmouvements de jeunesse et d’étudiants communistes sont analysés comme un des lieux d’incubation, entre 1946 et 1954, d’une algérianité fondée sur une radicalité politique et des sociabilités transgressives au regard de l’ordre social colonialEnfin, la troisième partie, consacrée aux parcours de ces militants pendant la guerre d’indépendance et en Algérie indépendante, met en lumière la confrontation entre les algérianités qui s’inventent dans les épreuves de la guerre et l’algérianité officielle que les élites du nouvel État imposent dans les premiers mois de l’indépendance / This dissertation, at the crossroads of the history of the Algerian Jews and the Algerian anticolonial movement, studies the trajectories of the minority of Algerian Jews who shared in the struggle against colonialism, during the period spanning the end of the First World War to their departure from an independent Algeria mostly at the end of the 1960s.The first part, coming before the actual biographical study, looks at the timeframe and reasons "the Jews" of colonial Algeria are considered to be a political entity by the administration and the political movements, and confronts this political discourse and these practices with the many political subjectivities that emerged among the Algerian Jewish population from 1930 to 1962.The second part introduces the actual biographical study and looks at the process of Algerian identification that the male and female study population is engaged in, men and women who grew up under a colonial world order definition and who developed a dissident attitude to that order, with the Vichy era appearing to be, in most cases, the clenching factor for this break. In this context, the Youth and Student Communist movements, from 1946 to 1954, are approached as hotbeds for a politically radical Algerianness and transgressive sociabilities in view of the colonial social order.Lastly, the third part focuses on the journeys of those militants during the Algerian War of independence and after, and highlights the conflict between the Algerian identities that emerged during the trials of the War for independence and the official version of a national identity the governing elite of the new State decided to impose in the first months followingindependence

Le mariage dans la migration : cheminements migratoires des Polonaises en France

Giabiconi, Dominique 11 October 2012 (has links)
A la chute du mur de Berlin (novembre 1989) des mouvements de population inédits depuis la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale se développent en Europe. La mobilité d'Est en Ouest, contrainte depuis près d'un demi siècle, est de nouveau possible. Parmi les nombreux courants migratoires qui prennent leur essor dans cette période, les migrations polonaises constituent le flux le plus important.Les migrants polonais qui aboutissent en France présentent des caractéristiques originales. Ces flux, majoritairement féminin, impliquent des migrants individuels, provenant d'un large spectre de milieux sociaux et mettant en œuvre des mobilités temporaires. Les migrants polonais n'envisagent pas d'installation durable en France, mais construisent leur mobilité entre la France et la Pologne de façon fluide. Ces nouveaux flux contrastent avec l'immigration de travail ou de regroupement familial que la France a connu durant la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle. Depuis 1990, le nombre de mariages franco-polonais est en hausse constante, il atteint durant la période 1990-2004 sont plus haut niveau en France depuis les années 1950. Ces unions binationales impliquent ultra majoritairement des femmes polonaises et des hommes français. Compte tenu de la composition sexuelle du flux migratoire polonais, les femmes polonaises sont surreprésentées dans ces mariages mixtes. Nous examinons dans notre thèse les mécanismes qui conduisent des femmes arrivées sans intention d'établissement durable en France à se marier avec un Français. Le cheminement des Polonaises en France est abordé dans notre travail à travers le prisme de l'interaction des dynamiques migratoire et conjugale. De plus, le départ pour la France se fait pour notre population au moment de la jeunesse. Etudier les trajectoires migratoires à ce moment de la trajectoire biographique des migrantes, nous a également conduit à intégrer dans nos analyses les processus biographiques de passage à l'âge adulte. Ces trois dimensions (passage à l'âge adulte, dynamique migratoire et conjugale) seront mobilisées de façon articulée pour rendre compte de la place du mariage dans les trajectoires migratoires des Polonaises.La nature de l'objet sociologique et la posture théorique que nous avons choisies nous permettent ainsi de développer une réflexion à la confluence des sociologies conjugale, migratoire et de la jeunesse. / After the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 1989) the most important population movements since the end of World War II in Europe grow. The East West mobility, stress for nearly half a century, is again possible. Among the many migration streams that take their rise in this period, the Polish migration is the most important flows.Polish migrants who end up in France with original features. These flows, mostly women, involving individual migrants from a wide range of social backgrounds and implementing temporary mobility. Polish migrants do not consider permanent settlement in France, but build their mobility between France and Poland smoothly. These new flows contrast with labor migration or family reunification France experienced during the second half of the twentieth century.Migrants of this flow are also characterized by original marriage practices. Since 1990, the number of French-Polish marriages is steadily rising, it reached during the period 1990-2004 are the highest level in France since the 1950s. These binational marriages involving Polish women and French men mostly ultra. Given the gender composition of the Polish migration flows, Polish women are overrepresented in these mixed marriages.This analysis allows us to observe migratory trajectories strongly gendered. We examine our thesis the mechanisms that lead women arrived with no intention of sustainable business in France to marry a French. The path of Polish in France is discussed in our work through the prism of the interaction of dynamic migration and marriage. In addition, the departure for France is for our people at youth. Studying migration paths at the time of the life history of migrants, we also conducted to incorporate into our analysis the biographical process of transition to adulthood. These three dimensions (transition to adulthood, marriage and migration dynamics) will be mobilized in an articulated manner to account for the place of marriage in the migratory paths of Polish.The nature of the object and the sociological theoretical position that we have chosen and allow us to develop a reflection at the confluence of domestic sociology, migration and youth.

L’exil comme patrie : les réfugiés communistes espagnols en RDA (1950-1989). Trajectoires individuelles, histoire collective / The political refugees in the Eastern Bloc : The cas of Spanish communists in the GDR

Denoyer, Aurélie 22 May 2012 (has links)
Les réfugiés communistes espagnols accueillis en RDA sont au centre de ce travail de recherche. Cependant, l'exil politique des Espagnols en Allemagne de l’Est n'est pas ici traité comme un objet, mais comme un terrain qui nous permet d'appréhender différentes thématiques : la politique française à l'égard des communistes étrangers réfugiés sur son territoire à l'aune de la guerre froide, la politique d'intégration est-allemande, les relations entretenues entre la SED et le PCE (Partido Comunista de España, Parti communiste d'Espagne) ainsi que l'impact de l'exil sur la construction identitaire. Cette étude poursuit par ailleurs multiple objectifs : ce travail souhaite non seulement enrichir l'histoire de l'exil espagnol en particulier et les études migratoires en général, mais également contribuer au renouvellement de la recherche sur le communisme, et plus précisément, sur l'État est-allemand. Pour ce faire, nous avons travaillé à partir des archives de multiples pays, aussi bien en France, en Allemagne, qu'en Espagne. Nous avons également conduits quelques entretiens à Berlin, Paris et Barcelone auprès des enfants de la première vague de réfugiés politiques espagnols accueillis en RDA. Suite à cela, nous avons procédé à la reconstruction des trajectoires biographiques de ces individus en nous efforçant de ne pas perdre de vue la diversité des trajectoires individuelles et des situations collectives. / The Spanish communist refugees welcomed to GDR are in the center of this study. However, the Spanish political exile in East Germany is not being treated as an object but as a field that allows to capture various themes : the French policy towards foreign Communist refugees on its territory during the Cold War, the integration policy in East Germany, the relationships between the SED and the PCE (Partido Comunista de España, the Spanish Communist Party) and the impact of exile on identity construction. The purpose of this study is diverse : this work not only wants to enrich the history of the Spanish exile as a special topic but also examines migration studies as a whole. It aims to contribute to the renewal of research on communism in general and the studies of the East German state in particular. In order to do this, we worked from the archives of many countries, in France, Germany, and Spain. We also conducted some interviews in Berlin, Paris and Barcelona with children of the first wave of Spanish political refugees hosted in the GDR. Following the work on archives and interviews, we tried to reconstruct the biographical trajectories of individuals pursuing the following objective: do not lose sight of the diversity of individual trajectories and collective situations / Die spanischen kommunistischen Flüchtlinge in der DDR stehen im Zentrum dieser Forschungsarbeit. Dennoch wird das politische Exil der Spanier in Ostdeutschland nicht als Objekt betrachtet, sondern als Feld, welches Zugang zu zahlreichen Thematiken bietet : der französischen Politik gegenüber den ausländischen Kommunisten zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges, der Integrationspolitik der DDR, den Beziehungen zwischen der SED und der PCE (Partido Comunista de España, Kommunistische Partei Spaniens), so wie der Wirkung des Exils auf die Identitätskonstruktion. Die Ziele dieser Studie sind vielfältig : auf der einen Seite soll diese Arbeit die Geschichte des spanischen Exils im besonderen und der Migrationsforschung im allgemeinen bereichern, auf der anderen Seite soll zur Erneuerung der Kommunismusforschung und insbesondere der DDR-Forschung beigetragen werden. Um dies zu tun, wurde in Archiven in Frankreich, Deutschland sowie Spanien gearbeitet. Weiterhin wurden in Berlin, Paris und Barcelona Gespräche geführt, mit den Kindern der ersten Welle politischer Flüchtlinge aus Spanien, die in der DDR aufgenommen wurden. Im Anschluss an die Recherchen in Archiven und den geführten Gesprächen, wurden, soweit dies möglich war, die individuellen Lebensläufe jedes Einzelnen rekonstruiert. Dabei blieb folgendes Ziel ständig vor Augen: nicht die Vielfältigkeit individueller Lebensläufe und die allgemeine Situation der Gruppe aus dem Sichtfeld zu verlieren / El foco de esta investigación son los refugiados comunistas españoles en la RDA. Sin embargo, el exilio político español en Alemania del Este no es tratado aquí como objetivo sino como un campo que nos permite capturar varios temas: la política francesa contra los extranjeros comunistas refugiados en su territorio durante la Guerra Fría, la política de integración de Alemania del Este, las relaciones entre la SED y el PCE (Partido Comunista de España) y el impacto del exilio sobre la construcción de la identidad. El propósito de este estudio es múltiple: este trabajo no sólo quiere enriquecer la historia del exilio español y los estudios sobre la migración en general, sino también contribuir a la renovación de la investigación sobre el comunismo y en concreto, sobre el Estado de Alemania Oriental. Para lograr esto, se trabajó en los archivos de muchos países como Francia, Alemania y España. También se hicieron algunas entrevistas en Berlín, París y Barcelona a los individuos de la segunda generación de refugiados políticos españoles alojados en la RDA. Siguiendo el trabajo en archivos y entrevistas, tratamos de reconstruir las trayectorias biográficas de estas personas; con el objetivo de no perder de vista la diversidad de las trayectorias individuales y situaciones colectivas

Postavy emigrantů ve dvou německých románech (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit od Alice Rühle-Gerstel a Die Straße des Verrats od Hanse Natonka) / Characters of the Emigrants in two German Novels (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit written by Alice Rühle-Gerstel and Die Straße des Verrats written by Hans Natonek)

Chalupníčková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: The characters of the emigrants in two German novels (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit by Alice Rühle-Gerstel and Die Straße des Verrats written by Hans Natonek) AUTHOR: Lucie Chalupníčková DEPARTMENT: of Germanic Studies SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Viera Glosíková, CSc. ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis focuses on the main characters in two novels: Die Straße des Verrats and Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit. The protagonists are anti-fascist emigrants living during the 1930s. The theme is examined in the context of german literature since 1933. The attention is focused on Prague as an exile centre (a shelter for german emigrants). The theoretical part of this diploma thesis is dedicated to the outline of the exile of the antifascists after 1933. Subsequently, the main part analyses the emigrant characters (mainly the protagonists of these novels). Moreover, their destiny, which is connected to Prague, is described. KEYWORDS: emigration, Nazism, Communism, Jews, the exile centre Prague

Politické procesy v 50. letech / Political Trials in 1950s

Cihla, Václav January 2013 (has links)
1 Resumé Title of thesis: Political Trials in 1950s The purpose of my thesis is to describe the political trials in continuities. It means the evolution of political situation, evolution of legal order, political trials themselves, rehabilitation and the present view of the phenomenon of political trials. The thesis comprises of six chapters. Chapter One deals with comprehensive view of the political trials, but not only on the political trials themselves. It mainly focuses on legal order, evolution of the judiciary, the background of the political trials, methods used in creating political trials, types of political trials and influence on society. The chapter is subdivided into seven subchapters. These subchapters describe legal order, persecution, political trials (in general), types of political trials, activity of Soviet advisors, methods and the judiciary. Chapter Two deals with the concept of punishment, its application and execution. The chapter consists of three subchapters. Subchapter One focuses on criminal offenses and the types of punishments. Subchapter Two focuses on the capital punishment and Subchapter Three explains execution of punishment (capital punishment and custodial sentence). Chapter Three deals with the trial with Karel Kutlvašr. I would like to present the mechanism of the trial...

Společné prvky vatikánské a americké zahraniční politiky po druhé světové válce / The mutual elements of the vatican and american foreign policy after the second world war

Fuchsová, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The victory of Christian democrats in the parliamentary election of 1948 in Italy was made possible by a cooperation between the Holy See and United States during the pre-election campaign. The thesis presents the outcome of research done on American, but especially on Vatican foreign policy. The foreign policy of Pius XII between 1945 and 1950 had three main features. They were support for European integration, relations with certain European states and fight against communism. A stand of the Holy See on these issues is compared to the American one. The outcome of the analysis is that their foreign policies had some aims in common but that it hardly ever led to cooperation. There were some minor examples of cooperation, but there was none as significant as the one in Italy in 1948. Key words: Holy See, Pius XII, foreign policy, USA, communism, integration

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